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Rubric: Final Portfolio: Spring Semester, 2022 Name _Maria Barraza_____________________Period __4__

Due Date: Monday, May 30, 2022 Final Score _____/100

Your Weebly Website Link Goes Here: ↘e.g.

An artist's portfolio is an edited collection of artwork intended to showcase an artist's style or method of work. Many people can use
portfolios including freelance writers, photographers, models, and graphic designers. Typically, the work reflects an artist’s best work.
A key component is the editing of work. The editing process allows for a clean, concise presentation to the intended audience.

1. Quantity: Portfolio has 20 original photos including

the 10 required elements (images) listed below. Please
label (caption) each image. 5 4 3 2 1

2. Quality: all exhibit good image quality: focus, lighting, & composition. 5 4 3 2 1

3. Editing: a clear attempt has been made to edit/enhance each photo. Describe
what you did to edit the first 10 images on the lines of the chart below. 5 4 3 2 1

4. Presentation: Bright full-sized images (make them so I can “click”

and see the full-size image. Images are arranged in a gallery or slideshow
on a separate “Semester B Portfolio” tab of your Weebly website. 5 4 3 2 1

5. Website: MUST include 8 pages: Home; Gallery; Lessons;

PPP-A, PPP-B, Semester A Portfolio, Specialty, Semester B Portfolio 5 4 3 2 1

Self-evaluated totals: /25 x4 100 /100

Grade: A Comments:

Element Editing: steps/processes (log) Done

1. Creative Portrait Low exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, a little bit of high contrast, yes
low brightness and saturation, a little bit of vibrance, sharpness, definition,
vignette and less warmth and tint.

2. Fashion (1) Low exposure, high brilliance, low highlights, shadows, low contrast, yes
brightness, high saturation, black point, less vibrance,high sharpness, vignette
and warmth.

3. Studio Portrait (1) A little bit of vibrance, saturation, and sharpness. yes

4. Street Photo Low exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, brightness, saturation, yes
vibrance and high vignette,sharpness, black point and contrast.

5. Magazine Cover Exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, contrast, brightness, saturation, yes
vibrance, sharpness, and vignette.
6. My Hometown (1) Exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, contrast, brightness, saturation, yes
vibrance, sharpness, vignette and black point.
7. Around the World (1) Exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, vibrance and saturation. yes
8. Bookface Exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, contrast, brightness,saturation, yes
vibrance, sharpness, vignette and warmth.
9. Six-Word Memoir Exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, contrast, brightness, saturation, yes
vibrance, sharpness, definition, vignette.
10. Humans of Pico (1) Exposure, brilliance, highlights, shadows, contrast, brightness, saturation, yes
vibrance, sharpness, black point, vignette.

***Plus 10 more Specialty images: Portfolio must be exactly 20 images so select and edit wisely.
Tips: Your portfolio should represent YOUR best work. All 20 images must be shots you took throughout the semester. Any images
from websites or from other students are considered plagiarized. Please carefully edit and re-edit each of the 20 images so that I can
see the best of your work. You may reshoot any assignment for this portfolio if you do not like your prior images or if you feel you
now know how to do it better. I will only grade you on your Semester B Portfolio page and Home pages of your website. Please be
sure you have a completely separate portfolio page with all 20 images. Remember that the final portfolio is 20% of your final
grade and thus will have a huge impact on your grade this semester.

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