Matthews Family's Notice of Action

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Goan Administration HRNoG 44971 alan, NS. SUPREME COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA Batween: NORRIE MATTHEWS as the Representative of THE ESTATE OF KAL MATTHEWS, NORRIE MATTHEWS, and KARI MATTHEWS Plain and NICHOLAS SOWERS, RVAN HENNEBERRY, and the NOVA SCOTIA HEALTH AUTHORITY, a body corporate carrying on busines asthe (QUEEN ELIZABETH I! HEALTH SCIENCES CENTRE Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION “To: Nicholas Sowers yan Henneberry Nova Scotia Health Authority Action has been started against you The plain takes action against you, “The pais started the aston by filing this noice with the court on the dat cert by the prothonotary “The plain claims the relief described in the attached statement of claim. The claim is based on the pounds stated inthe statement of elim, Deautine for defending the netion “To defend the action, you or your counsel must ile a notice of defence withthe court no more than the {bllowing numberof days afer the day this noice of ation is delivered 1 you: 115 days if delivery is made in Nova Scotia +30 days if deliver ic rade clowhere in Canada 45 days if every is made anywhere es, Judgment against you f you do not defend The court may grant an onder for the rele claimed without Further noice, unless you file the notice of| cefence before the deadline, ‘You may demand notice of steps in the action Ifyou do not have a defence tothe claim or you donot choose to defend it you may, if you wish to have Furer nate, file a demand for notice. you flea demand for notice the plait mus otty you before obtaining an order forthe rele claimed and, unless the court orders others, you will be ented to notice ofeach other step in the action. Role 57 Action for Damages Under 150,000 Civil Procedure Rule $7 limits pretrial and wal procedures in a defended action so it will be more ‘economical. The Role applies if the plait states the ation is within the Rule. Otherwise, the Rule does not apply, except as a possible basis fr cost agains the plaintiff This ction is mot within Rule $7 Filing and delivering documents ‘Any documents you file withthe court must be filed atthe office ofthe Prothonotary, 1815, Upper Water Sweet, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Lelephone # 424-4900), ‘When you flea document you must immediately deliver a copy ot to eachother party entitled to notice, unless the document is part of an ex parte motion, the panies agree delivery isnot required, ora judge orders iis not requiced, ‘Contact informati “The plain desigates he following adres: WAGNERS, P.O, Box 756 Central RPO Halifax, NS. 83) 2V2 Phone: (02) 425 7330 axe (902) 422 1233) Documents delivered to this address are considered received by the plhitifFon delivery. Further contact information is availble fom the prothonctay. Proposed place of tial The plaintiff proposes that, ifyou defend this ation, te tial wil be held in Haifa, Nova Scotia Signature siowt Moay 19" ann Solicitor forthe Pini? Prothonotary’s certificate ‘Leet that this noise oF aston, including the attached statement of claim, was filed withthe cour on ie Raa) Prothonotary JEAN GOSLING Deputy Fon 1.028 THE STATEMENT OF CLAIM PARTIES Kai Matthews was atall material times hereto patient ofthe Defendants ‘The Plain, Norie Matthews, bom June 28, 1970, of “Three Brooks Drive, inthe town of Hubley, Province of Nova Scotia isthe Father and Representative ofthe Estate of the deceased, Kai Matthews. The Plain, Kari Mathews, bom February 3, 1974, of 23 Three Brooks Drive, Hubley, Nova {isthe mother f the deceased, Kai Matthews. “The Defendant, Dr. Nicholas Sowers, is an emergency medicine specialist practising i the Cental Zone, in Nove Scott and was atthe material time a physician responsible forthe care of the deceased, Kai Mathes ‘The Defendant Dr. Ryan Hennebery, isan emergency medicine specials, practicing medicine at the QEM, Half lntemary Sie, 1796 Summer Steet, Hliex, Nova Scotia, and was tthe material time a physician responsible fr the care of the deceased, Kai Mathews, The Defendant, Novi Scotia Health Authority, i body corporate incorporated under the Heit Authorities ct, SNS. 2014, ¢, 32, The Nova Scotia Health Authority will be refered to a the “Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre hersinaRer “QEM Health Sciences Centre and it willbe intended to inclde all servants, agents, employees, and contactors associated with the Nova Seotia Hesth Asthority FATAL INJURIES ACT 1 ‘The Paint, NocrieMatthows, brings this action as Representative ofthe Estate of Kai Mathes,

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