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Solution 204 Area, ; Length, Strain = Elongation/Length; Stress = Load/Area

From stress-strain diagram:

a. b.

Proportional Limit = 57,914.24 psi Modulus of Elasticity:

E = 10,529.86 ksi

c. d.

Yield Point = 69,896.49 psi Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset: Strain of Elastic Limit = at PL + 0.002 Strain of Elastic Limit = 0.0055 + 0.002 Strain of Elastic Limit = 0.0075 in/in The offset line will pass through Q(See figure):

Slope of 0.2% offset = E = 10,529,861.82 psi Test for location: slope = rise / run

run = 0.00113793 < 0.0025, therefore, the required point is just before YP. Slope of EL to YP

For the required point:

Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset = EL+ 1

= 62906.85 + 1804.84 = 64,711.69 psi

e. f.

Ultimate Strength = 73,890.58 psi Rupture Strength = 67,899.45 psi

Solution 205

From the figure: = d P = Wy = (Ay)g L = dy

ok! Given the total mass M

ok! Another Solution:

Where: P = W = (AL)g L = L/2

ok! Solution 207 Based on maximum allowable stress:

Based on maximum allowable deformation:

Use the bigger diameter, d = 0.1988 inch Solution 208

Where: = (1500.5 - 1500) = 0.5 mm P=T L = 1500 mm A = 10(80) = 800 mm2 E = 200 000 MPa

internal pressure Total normal force, N: N = p contact area between tire and wheel N = 0.8889 (1500.5)(80) N = 335 214.92 N Friction resistance, f: f = N = 0.30(335 214.92) f = 100 564.48 N = 100.56 kN Torque = f (diameter of wheel) Torque = 100.56 0.75025 Torque = 75.44 kN m Solution 210 P1 = 4000 lb compression P2 = 11000 lb compression P3 = 6000 lb compression

Solution 214 Member AB:


By ratio and proportion:

movement of B

Member CD:

Movement of D:

By ratio and proportion:

answer Solution 215

answer Solution 216

tension compression



displacement of final position of after elongation

Triangle BDB':

Triangle BEB':

Triangle BFB':

horizontal displacement of B

vertical displacement of B Solution 217

By Sine Law





displacement of = final position of after deformation

Triangle BDB':

Triangle BEB':

Triangle BFB':

horizontal displacement of

vertical displacement of Solution 218

from the frigure:

Where: dP = centrifugal force of differential mass dP = dM 2 x = (A dx)2 x dP = A2 x dx

ok! Solution 219

For the differential strip shown: = d P = weight carried by the strip = weight of segment y L = dy A = area of the strip For weight of segment (Frustum of a cone): From section along the axis:

Volume for frustum of cone

Area of the strip:




The quantity

is the expansion of

Note that we let


answer For a cone: and

answer Solution 234

When (not ok!) When (ok!)

Use co = 6 MPa and st = 85.71 MPa

answer Solution 235

When timber = 1200 psi (not ok!)

When steel = 20 ksi (ok!) Use steel = 20 ksi and timber = 1.03 ksi

answer Solution 237 Use co = 70 MPa and st = 140 MPa

answer Solution 238 (a) Condition: Pst = 2Pbr

answer (b) Condition: st = 2br

answer Solution 239

answer Solution 240 Middle bar is 0.045 inch shorter between holes than outer bars.

(For steel: E = 29 106 psi)

Use shear force Shearing stress of drip pins (double shear):

answer Solution 241 Let L1 = 74.98 ft; L2 = 74.99 ft; and L3 = 75.00 ft Part (a) Bring L1 and L2 into L3 = 75 ft length: (For steel: E = 29 106 psi)

For L1:

For L2:

Let P = P3 (Load carried by L3) P + P2 (Total load carried by L2) P + P1 (Total load carried by L1)

answer Part (b) From the above solution: P1 + P2 = 580.13 lb > 500 lb (L3 carries no load) Bring L1 into L2 = 74.99 ft

Let P = P2 (Load carried by L2) P + P1 (Total load carried by L1)

answer Solution 242

By ratio and proportion:

answer Solution 243


ok! Solution 244 From the results of Solution to Problem 243:

For segment BC

answer Solution 245


answer Solution 246

When al = 10 ksi (not ok!) When st = 18 ksi (ok!) Use al = 4.14 ksi and st = 18 ksi

answer Solution 247 From the FBD of each material shown: is shortening and are lengthening


answer answer Solution 248

answer answer answer Solution 249

Internal pressure of aluminum tube to cause contact with the steel:

pressure that causes aluminum to contact with the steel, further increase of pressure will expand both aluminum and steel tubes.
Let pc = contact pressure between steel and aluminum tubes

Equation (1)
The relationship of deformations is (from the figure):

Equation (2)
From Equation (1)

Contact Force

answer Solution 250

For one turn of the nut:

Initial stresses:

Final stresses: answer answer Required number of turns to reduce br to zero:

The nut must be turned back by 1.78 turns Solution 253

Equation (1)

From equation (1)

answer Check by st:

ok! Solution 256

Equation (1)

Equation (2) From Equation (1) answer From Equation (2) answer Solution 257

Equation (1)

Equation (2)

Equation (3) Substitute PAB of Equation (2) and PAD of Equation (3) to Equation (1)

From Equation (2)

From Equation (3)

Stresses: answer answer answer


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