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Overhead Allocation Issues

Issues related to WP Overhead Charges Doc Created by –Neetal Jain-Version 1.0

List of Overhead Allocation Issues
1. Over Head Allocation generation failure due to Project status in closed or pending closed on Hold Status
2. Overhead Allocation generation failure due to Task is end dated before Expenditure Item Date
3. Overhead Allocation generation failure due to incorrect transaction control at task level
4. Overhead Allocation generation failure due to Incorrect transaction control at project level
5. Overhead Allocation are stuck in Transaction interface table with rejection reason #
6. Overhead Allocation are stuck in Transaction interface table with rejection reason #
7. Overhead Allocation are stuck in Transaction interface table with rejection reason #
8. Overhead Allocation are stuck in Transaction interface table with rejection reason # PA_EXP_TASK_EFF
9. Overhead Allocation are stuck in Transaction interface table with rejection reason #
INVALID_RECVR_LE_ID – Root cause analysis is in progress and document will be modified after finding
the solution

Applies to WP Overhead Allocations

Issue Overhead Allocation generation failure due to issues listed i.e. Project status may be pending
close or closed or on hold status, or task number is having an end date before expenditure item
date, Project may have an end date before expenditure item date, transaction controls may not
be in place to generate Overhead allocations on Allocation task( For issues mentioned 1 to 8)

Cause As Overhead Allocation are generated on the timecard submitted by the user and picking up the
rates from Overhead rate setups, there is no manual intervention in generation of Overhead
Allocation in Worley Parsons. It fails to generate Overhead Allocation when program # XXPA:
Project Overhead Allocation (1 Generate) is run during GWP and there is issue with Project or
task as mentioned above.

SQL Query Run Below SQL Query to check the Expenditure Item ID which failed to generate Overhead
Allocation during last GWP by entering PA Period in the below SQL Query

 Check the number of OU for which exceptions have come up in SQL query and log ticket
on behalf of user , One ticket for One OU
 Solution for each error

Issues related to WP Overhead Charges Doc Created by –Neetal Jain-Version 1.0

1. PA_TASK_NOT_VALID - Extend the Allocation task date as error is due to Task
having end date before expenditure Item Date
2. PA_PROJECT_NOT_VALID – Change the Project status to Approved if the
project status is Pending Close, Closed or on hold
3. PA_EX_PROJECT_DATE – Extend the Project Date so that end date is on or
after Expenditure Item date
4. PA_EXP_TASK_EFF – Update the Transaction control for Allocation task i.e.
enable Limit to Transaction Controls and Update the Expenditure Category to
9880 - Overhd Re-charges/Alloc
 Rerun the program as mentioned in the attached doc for each OU for which issue is

Root Cause
It’s a Process issue that user changes the status of the project or end date task before
expenditure item date
Data fix Not Applicable

Patch Not Applicable

References Not Applicable

Issues related to WP Overhead Charges Doc Created by –Neetal Jain-Version 1.0

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