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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 84 ( 1991): 369-423 369

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Sedimentary facies and depositional

environments of early Mesozoic Newark
Supergroup basins, eastern North America

J o s e p h P. S m o o t
u.s. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 22092, USA
(Received September 12, 1988; revised and accepted June 19, 1990)


Smoot, J.P., 1991. Sedimentary facies and depositional environments of early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup basins, eastern
North America. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 84: 369-423.

The early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup consists of continental sedimentary rocks and basalt flows that occupy a NE-
trending belt of elongate basins exposed in eastern North America. The basins were filled over a period of 30-40 m.y. spanning
the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, prior to the opening of the north Atlantic Ocean. The sedimentary rocks are here divided
into four principal lithofacies. The alluvial-fan facies includes deposits dominated by: (I) debris flows; (2) shallow braided
streams; (3) deeper braided streams (with trough crossbeds); or (4) intense bioturbation or hyperconcentrated flows (tabular,
unstratified muddy sandstone). The fluvial facies include deposits of: (1) shallow, ephemeral braided streams; (2) deeper, flash-
flooding, braided streams (with poor sorting and crossbeds); (3) perennial braided rivers; (4) meandering riversi (5) meandering
streams (with high suspended loads); (6) overbank areas or local flood-plain lakes; or (7) local streams and/or colluvium. The
lacustrine facies includes deposits of: (1) deep perennial lakes; (2) shallow perennial lakes; (3) shallow ephemeral lakes; (4)
playa dry mudflats; (5) salt-encrusted saline mudflats; or (6) vegetated mudflats. The lake margin clastic facies includes deposits
of: (I) birdfoot deltas; (2) stacked Gilbert-type deltas; (3) sheet deltas; (4) wave-reworked alluvial fans; or (5) wave-sorted sand
Coal deposits are present in the lake margin clastic and the lacustrine facies of Carnian age (Late Triassic) only in basins
of south-central Virginia and North and South Carolina. Eolian deposits are known only from the basins in Nova Scotia and
Connecticut. Evaporites (and their pseudomorphs) occur mainly in the northern basins as deposits of saline soils and less
commonly of saline lakes, and some evaporite and alkaline minerals present in the Mesozoic rocks may be a result of later
diagenesis. These relationships suggest climatic variations across paleolatitudes, more humid to the south where coal beds are
preserved, and more arid in the north where evaporites and eolian deposits are common. Fluctuations in paleoclimate that
caused lake levels to rise and fall in hydrologically closed basins ale preserved as lacustrine cycles of various scales, including
major shifts in the Late Triassic from a wet Carnian to an arid Norian. In contrast, fluvial deposits were mainly formed in
response to the tectonic evolution of the basins, but to some extent also reflect climatic changes.
The Newark Supergroup illustrates the complexity of rift-basin sedimentation and the problems that may arise from using
a single modern analog for sedimentary deposition spanning millions of years. It also shows that a tremendous wealth of
depositional, climatic, and tectonic information is preserved in ancient rift-basin deposits which can be recovered if the
depositional processes of modern rift-basin deposits are understood.

Introduction tO the A p p a l a c h i a n o r o g e n . T h e b a s i n s f o r m e d
d u r i n g the c o n t i n e n t a l r i f t i n g e v e n t t h a t e v e n t u a l l y
The Newark Supergroup of eastern North led to the o p e n i n g o f the A t l a n t i c O c e a n . T h e
A m e r i c a c o n s i s t s o f n o n - m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rocks n o r m a l faults t h a t f o r m o n e m a r g i n o f each b a s i n
a n d tholeiitic b a s a l t flows filling m o r e t h a n t w e n t y are a p p a r e n t l y r e a c t i v a t e d P a l e o z o i c faults ( R a t -
exposed half-graben basins (Froelich and Olsen, cliffe a n d B u r t o n , 1985; Ratcliffe et al., 1986;
1983) ( F i g . l ) . T h e b a s i n s r a n g e f r o m a few k m 2 S w a n s o n , 1986; M a n s p e i z e r , 1988) t h a t c o n t r o l l e d
to o v e r 7500 k m 2 in a r e a a n d are e l o n g a t e d p a r a l l e l the l o c a t i o n , shape, a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n o f the basins.

0031-0182/91/$03.50 © 1991 - - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

370 J.P. SMOOT

80 ° 75 ° 70 ° 65 ° 60 °

( ii NB
/ 45 °

. . . . sT


i ! ,3

1, Wadesboro (NC~SC)
k 2, Sanford (NC)

.1 3, Durham (NC)
4, Davie County(NC)
40 °
5, Dan River-Danville (NC-VA)
6, Scotmburg (VA)
+ 7. Basins north of Scottsburg (VA)
8. Fsrmville (VA)
,,t'-" 9. Richmond (VA)
;'V 10. Taylorlville (VA)

/v' 11.
Scottsville (VA)
Bsrboursville (VA)
Culpeper (VA-MD)
14. Gettysburg (MD-PA)
VA 15. Newark (PA-NJ-NY)
16. Pomperaug (CT}
17. Hartford (CT)
18, Deerfield (MA)
19. Fundy or Minas (NB-NS)
20. Chedsbucto (NS)
-t- ACP--Inner margin of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, dashed offshore

Fig.l. Distribution of Newark Supergroup basins in eastern North America. Wadesboro, Sanford, and Durham sub-basins (1-3)
comprise the Deep River basin. Dot pattern designates major buried portions of exposed basins. Smallest basins are not shown.
(Modifiedfrom Olsenet al., in press). SC = South Carolina;NC = North Carolina;VA= Virginia;MD = Maryland;PA---Pennsylvania;
NJ=New Jersey; NY=New York; CT=Connecticut; MA=Massaehusetts; NS--Nova Scotia; NB=New Brunswick; A CP=
Atlantic Coastal Plain.

Sedimentary rocks filling the basins are mostly Richmond, and Taylorsville basins, and Pliens-
fluvial and lacustrine deposits. Table 1 summarizes bachian (Early Jurassic) or younger strata have
the names of the major stratigraphic units of the been reported from the Culpeper, Newark, Hart-
Newark Supergroup by basin, state and province, ford, and Deerfield basins (Cornet, 1977). Tholei-
and geologic age. It may be used with Fig.1 as a itic basalt flows in the Culpeper, Gettysburg,
geographic reference to the location of basins Newark, Hartford, Pomperaug, Deerfield, and
described in the text. Based primarily on palyno- Fundy basins are Early Jurassic as determined by
logical data (Cornet, 1977; Cornet and Olsen, radiometric dating (Seidemann et al., 1984; Sutter,
1985; Ediger, 1986; Traverse, 1987), most of the 1985) and indirectly by paleontological evidence
Newark Supergroup rocks are Carnian (Late Tri- from intercalated sedimentary rocks (Cornet, 1977;
assic) to Hettangian (Early Jurassic) in age Cornet and Olsen, 1985). Tholeiitic diabase dikes
(Table 1). However, Anisian rocks (Middle Trias- and sills have intruded the upper Triassic and
sic) are reported from the Fundy basin, Ladinian lower Jurassic sedimentary rocks and in places
(Middle Triassic) rocks from the Deep River, some are feeders to the extrusive basalts. Using

Major stratigraphic units in the Newark Supergroup based on the compilation o f Luttrell (1989). Correlation of Sander Basalt and Waterfall Formation are modified based
on data presented in Olsen et a]., 1989. See Figure I for explanation of state and province names >-

Deep River Dan River- Richmond Taylorsville Culpeper Gettysburg Newark Newark Hartford Deerfield Fundy
Series Stage basin Danville basin basin basin basin basin basin basin basin basin basin

Sinemudan Boon'ton Formation MountToby
Formation Formation
Formation Z
Hook Mountain Hampden / / /
Basalt Basalt
LJ Towaco East Berlin TurnersFalls ©
Basalt :7
Formation Formation Sandstone
Turkey Run
Hettangion Formation
Hickory Grove Prcaknesa Holyoke Deertield
Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt

Midland Feltvilta Shuttle Meadow McCoy Brook

Formation upper part Formation Formation & Scots k y
Brunswick Grou~ .<
Mount Zion Basalt I Jacksonwatd :)rangeMountlh Taioott North Mountain
Church Basalt at Aapers | Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt ©
Cstharpirl Crtmk I N
Formation Sugarioaf
Formation Z
I~ loWerpart
Gettysburg Blomldon
"" 3runawiokGroup Passaic ~o
Balls Bluff Foe,nation New Haven Formation
Norlan . Formation
Slltstone ArkoN

jl ~o
•~'o'.;;sr,'" '1 ¢d
UTr • Formation 1
BaJ~ord EE Lockatong Lockatong
Cow Branch ; Z
Form~ion {E Formation Formation
Formation o Onordale Manasaas New Oxford WolfvltM
Cumnock ~ Sandstorm Sandstone Formation Slockton Stockton Formation
Formation Pkta Itch DoaWell Formation Formation
Carnlan Formation I: Formation

Vinlta bade
Pekin Pro¢lt~uve COil
Formation Msalume
La~nlan . . . . . ~.d,
MTr Ankden
372 J.P. SMOOT

4°Ar/39Ar spectra, these intrusive rocks yield a much as 8 km in a deep basin, but the maximum
mean Early Jurassic age of about 201 m.y. (Sutter, thickness of lower Mesozoic strata preserved in a
1988). The emplacement of igneous rocks appa- deep basin is probably less than 6 km. Outcrops
rently occurred over a short period of time (Ray- in the basins are generally small and widely scat-
mond et al., 1982; Sutter, 1985, 1988; Olsen et al., tered due to deep weathering and partial cover by
1989). Cretaceous to Tertiary marine and fluvial deposits
Figure 2 is a schematic plan of a typical Newark of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Holocene depos-
Supergroup basin showing many of the common its. Major portions of the Fundy, Chedabucto,
traits. Strata in these elongate basins generally dip and Taylorsville basins are known to extend be-
toward a faulted margin, away from an uncon- neath Coastal Plain deposits. Early Mesozoic ba-
formable margin. The oldest strata commonly sins completely buried by Atlantic Coastal Plain
consist of poorly sorted cobble conglomerates with and continental shelf sediments are also present
clasts representative of the immediately adjacent east of the Newark Supergroup basins (Hutchinson
basement rocks which they unconformably overlie. and Klitgord, 1988).
These thin conglomerates are overlain by a thick The Newark Supergroup rocks have been
succession of fluvial sandstones that form a belt studied for more than a hundred years resulting
along the unconformable flank of the basin. A in an extensive literature (Margolis et al., 1986;
central suite of lacustrine mudstone and siltstone Lorenz, 1988). Many of the papers on the sedi-
overlies the sandstone and commonly intertongues mentary rocks have discussed the effects of the
with fluvial strata near the ends of the basin. The tectonic setting and/or the paleoclimate. Early
youngest rocks are found along the faulted margin papers discussed the possibility that the half-gra-
typified by lobate bodies of poorly sorted boulder bens are erosional remnants of larger basins (Broad
conglomerates and sandstones, and includes inter- Terrane theory of Russell, 1892; Wheeler, 1937;
calated basalt flows and fluvial and lacustrine Sanders, 1963; Faill, 1973), but most recent investi-
strata in the northern basins that contain Jurassic gations postulate that the faults forming the basin
rocks. Arcuate outcrop patterns of basalt flows boundaries were active during sedimentation and
and diabase sheets near the faulted margin reflect that the present basin boundaries are roughly those
broad synclines and narrow anticlines. Diabase during deposition of the basin fill (for instance,
sheets also commonly form ring structures that Hubert et al., 1978; Olsen, 1984; Lorenz, 1988).
uplift the enclosed stratigraphic sections. Compos- Evidence for synsedimentary activity of the border
ite stratigraphic thicknesses measured across basins faults include: (1) thick sequences of coarse con-
are typically a few kilometers thick and may be as glomerates restricted to the vicinity of the border

a b c d e 1


Fig.2. Schematicplan of a typical Newark Supergroup basin showingcommonrelationshipsof principal lithologiesto structure.
Heavylinedepicts the normalborder faultand the other basin marginis unconformable.(a) Poorlysorted conglomerate,(b) Pebbly
sandstone, (c) Sandstone,(d) Mudstoneand siltstone,(e) Basalt flow,(f) Diabase intrusiverock.

fault and reflecting local sources across the fault, time (wet Carnian and arid Norian) and/or changes
interpreted as alluvial fan deposits (for example, along paleolatitudes (more humid to the south)
Arguden and Rodolfo, 1986); (2) thickening of (Hubert and Mertz, 1980, 1984). Cyclic fluctua-
stratigraphic units toward the border fault (for tions in climate have been cited as cause for vertical
instance, McDonald and Letourneau, 1988; Olsen variations in lacustrine deposits on the scale of
et al., 1989) and (3) syndepositional deformation meters to hundreds of meters (Van Houten, 1962,
features consistent with fault activity (Schlische 1964; Olsen, 1986).
and Olsen, 1988; Olsen et al., 1989). The East The purpose of this paper is to present a sum-
African rift valleys and the Basin and Range of mary of the sedimentary facies in the Newark
the western United States are often cited as Holo- Supergroup and to discuss the degree of variability
cene climatic, tectonic, and depositional analogs and similarity of the sedimentary deposits in the
to Newark Supergroup basins. Reconstructions of basins. The recognition of similar sedimentary
Newark Supergroup basins commonly show steep features or lithologic associations in basins pro-
alluvial fans along the faulted margin, a central vides a means to extrapolate depositional data
lake or playa facies, and low-angle alluvial fan or from areas of good exposure to areas with poor
braided stream deposits along the unconformity outcrop and places constraints on depositional
side (for instance, Turner-Peterson, 1980; Hubert models in different basins. The regional compari-
and Mertz, 1984; McDonald and LeTourneau, son of sedimentary facies also provides a means
1988). The paleohydrology of the basins, specifi- to extract the tectonic and climatic factors affecting
cally whether or not they had persistent open or the basins from the local depositional controls.
closed drainages or alternating open and closed
drainages (Van Houten, 1962, 1964; Smoot, 1985; Newark Supergroup sedimentary facies
Gore, 1989), has been cited as a cause for mineral-
Table 2 is a summary of the major sedimentary
ogic variations and for the style and distribution
facies in the Newark Supergroup. Facies, as used
of lacustrine and fluvial facies.
here, denotes regionally extensive lithologic units
Paleoclimatic reconstructions of the Newark Su-
reflecting depositional environments. The subdivi-
pergroup basins commonly invoke arid to semi-
sions of these facies denote significant depositional
arid conditions. These models are based on: (1)
variations that also have regional extent. This
occurrences of carbonate nodules interpreted as
definition differs from another common usage
caliche (for instance, Hubert, 1978); (2) molds or
wherein facies represent local variability within an
pseudomorphs of crystals interpreted as former
environment (i.e. Miall, 1978). The Newark Super-
evaporites, such as gypsum, glauberite, and halite group facies are: (1) Alluvial fan; (2) Fluvial; (3)
(for instance, Van Houten, 1965; Parnell, 1983, Lacustrine; and (4) Lake margin clastic. These
Gore, 1988); (3) authigenic minerals such as dolo- facies are not mappable in every basin due to poor
mite, analcime, and chert reflecting alkaline condi- outcrop and fine-scale intercalations, but they re-
tions (Van Houten, 1962, 1964; Hubert et al., 1978; present most of the major depositional environ-
Wheeler and Textoris, 1978); and (4) sedimentary ments (as in Reading, 1978). The geographic and
features indicative of desiccation, ephemeral stratigraphic distribution of these units and their
stream transport, or eolian conditions (see Lorenz, subdivisions within each basin provide the building
1988). Coal beds in the Deep River, Richmond, blocks for comparison of depositionai environ-
Taylorsville, Briery Creek, Farmville, and Dan ments between basins. Some of these facies are
River-Danville basins (Robbins et al., 1988) have roughly coincident with formal stratigraphic units
been interpreted as indicators of more humid (Table 1), but most are not (Table 3).
conditions. Coal deposits are mostly restricted to
the Carnian (or possibly also the Ladinian) and Alluvial fan deposits
are also restricted to the southernmost basins of
the Newark Supergroup. These relationships sug- Alluvial fan deposits include poorly-sorted con-
gest the possibility of climatic changes through glomerates and sandstones that: (1) are restricted
374 J.P. SMOOT


Summary of characteristics of types of deposits in each sedimentary facies and their inferred depositional environment

Facies Description Interpretation of

depositional environment

AF1 • Matrix-supported, pebble-boulder conglomerates, commonly Alluvial fan dominated by debris flow
convex-upward, lenses 5-40 cm thick and less than 4 m long, deposits and deposits of shallow flash-
and poorly sorted, grain-supported, imbricate conglomerate flooding streams.
or pebbly sandstone as irregular lenses, less than 20 cm thick.
Largest clasts scattered at tops of matrix-supported lenses or
concentrated at edges (Fig.3). Isolated pods of tightly packed
boulders or cobbles occur within pebble conglomerates and
sandstones, particularly where matrix-supported conglomerate
lenses are thinner and sandstone lenses are thicker and more
abundant. Sandstones commonly have horizontal lamination.
AF2 • Clast-supported, imbricate cobble and pebble conglomerates Alluvial fan dominated by deposits of
forming lenses 0.1-2.0 m thick, typically less than 10 m long, flash-flooding shallow braided streams.
surrounded by more continuous layers of pebbly sandstone,
typically less than 2 m thick (Fig.4). Conglomerate lenses may
be convex-upward with downflow fining or may be local
filling of scours capped by sandstone. Sandstones have
horizontal lamination and locally irregular low-angle inclined
sets. Interbeds of sandy mudstone as much as 1.5 m thick
where sandstones are more abundant than conglomerate.
Thicker mudstone beds have abundant root structures.
AF3 • Imbricate cobble and pebble conglomerates overlain by cross- Alluvial fan dominated by deposits of
bedded pebbly sandstone forming crude fining-upward braided streams that were 2-3 m deep
sequences 1.5-3.0 m thick. Trough cross-beds (20-30 cm and that had prolonged periods of flow.
thick) are randomly interbedded with tabular foresets (as
much as 1.0 m thick).
AF4 • Pebbly, muddy sandstones forming tabular beds 20-50 cm Alluvial fan dominated by deposits of
thick. Pebbles and cobbles randomly scattered in poorly hyperconcentrated sheetfloods or by
sorted sandstone matrix. Horizontal lamination is locally sandy braided stream deposits that have
present in coarser beds and bioturbation (root and burrow been bioturbated by plant growth.
structures) is abundant. Isolated channel-form lenses (0.2-
3.0 m thick and variable width), composed of imbricate
cobble conglomerate and cross-bedded pebbly sandstone, are

F1 • Imbricate boulder and cobble conglomerates and poorly Deposits of shallow, ephemeral braided
sorted sandstones and pebbly sandstones. Crude upward- streams.
fining sequences (0.3-2.0 m thick) of conglomerate lenses that
overlie channel-form scours and are overlain by tabular
sandstone units. Sandstones dominated by planar horizontal
or low-angle inclined lamination, may have ripple cross-
lamination immediately below mudstone partings. Tabular
foresets in sandstone and conglomerate (up to I m thick) fine
in the down flow direction. Cm-scale mudstone partings are
mudcracked and mudstone intraclasts are common in
sandstones. Root casts are common throughout and locally
abundant in mudstone partings.
F2 • Poorly sorted, cross-bedded pebbly sandstones overlying Deposits of flash-flooding braided
imbricate boulder and cobble conglomerates (Fig.5),. Upward- streams 2-6 m deep. Bedforms produced
fining sequences 2-6 m thick overlie scour surfaces and are by prolonged periods of flow. Some
commonly abruptly overlain by 2-6 m of heavily bioturbated braided channels were anastomosing on
mudstone and siltstone (see F6). Trough crossbeds 20-40 cm vegetated muddy plains.

TABLE 2 (continued)

Facies Description Interpretation of

depositional environment

thick are randomly interbedded with tabular foresets as much

as 1 m thick in pebbly sandstone. Tabular sets may have
different crossbed orientation than the adjacent trough
F3 • Moderately sorted cobble conglomerates to medium-grained Deposits of perennial braided streams.
sandstones with abundant decimeter-scale trough Some braided channels were
crossbedding that decreases in size and width within crude anastomosing on vegetated muddy
upward-fining sequences (typically 3-7 m thick) (Fig.6). plains.
Thickness and width of trough cross-beds depends upon
grain size and thickness of upward fining sequence (largest
troughs are 6 m wide and 1.5 m thick in cobble conglomerate
of 10 m thick sequence). Tabular sets (up to 1.5 m thick) near
tops of sequences. Thick beds (3-10 m) of heavily
bioturbated mudstone and siltstone (see F6) commonly
abruptly overlie sequences.
F4 • Sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone forming rhythmically Deposits of deep meandering perennial
stacked, upward-fining sequences 2-7 m thick (Fig.7). streams. Vertical sequences reflect point-
Thickest sandstones have decimeter-scale trough crossbeds at bar aggradation and lateral accretion.
the base grading upward to ripple cross-laminated fine In~lined lenses are interpreted as epsilon
sandstone and siltstone capped by heavily bioturbated bedding.
siltstone and mudstone (see F6). Progressively thinner
sequences overlie the thicker sequences (as many as 5), each
finer grained and more bioturbated than the underlying
sequence. In large outcrops each upward-fining sequence
occurs as a depositionally inclined lens that is thicker and
coarser at downdip end and that is imbricated with other
F5 • Sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone as graded beds (0.1-2.0 m Deposits of highly sinuous meandering
thick) that form depositionally inclined sets 2-5 m thick perennial streams with high suspended
(Fig.8). Each inclined bed is coarser on the downdip end and sediment loads. Inclined beds are
more bioturbated on the updip end. Coarsest sandstones interpreted as epsilon bedding formed by
composed of mudstone and carbonate intraclasts overlie point-bar aggradation and lateral
scours into interbedded bioturbated siltstone and mudstone accretion.
(see F6) and have decimeter-scale trough cross-bedding
(10-30 cm thick) commonly with internal mudstone lenses;
finer sandstones have ripple cross-lamination and disruption
by root structures and burrows. Inclined sets define broad
lenses (about 10 times wider than high) that are graded from
coarse sandstone to silty mudstone.
F6 • Mudstone, siltstone, and fine-grained sandstone with Deposits of heavily vegetated fluvial
abundant root structures and burrows (particularly Scoyenia). flood plains or shallow lakes. Soil
Generally massive although remnant patches of layering are processes produce carbonate nodules and
common. Carbonate nodules (sand-sized spheres to irregular bowl-shaped slickensides.
spherical to tube-shaped s~ruetures over 1 cm in diameter)
and bowl-shaped slickenside structures are locally abundant.
Soft-sediment deformation structures such as load casts,
oversteepened layers, and psuedonodules are locally
F7 • Poorly sorted conglomerates and pebbly sandstones that may Colluvium formed on exposed bedrock
be grain- or matrix-supported. Matrix-supported or deposits of small streams within a
conglomerates, composed of angular clasts of underlying bedrock topography.
bedrock, lack layering or imbrication. Grain-supported
conglomerates may have imbrication or cross-bedding and
mixtures of rounded grains reflecting different provenance.
376 J.P. SMOOT

TABLE 2 (continued)

Facies Description Interpretation of

depositional environment

L1 • Laminated, organic-rich shale and limestone (Fig.10). Deposits of relatively deep perennial
Lamination ranges from sub-millimeter continuous fiat layers lakes. Finer laminae probably formed in
to centimeter-scale pinch-and-swell siltstone beds alternating stratified lake, whereas thicker laminae
with mudstone; bedding plane burrows are locally abundant, indicate shallower lake with bottom
well-preserved fossils of fish, aquatic reptiles, and currents.
conchostracans are abundant in some fine laminae; fish
fragments and ostracodes are common in thicker laminae.
L2 • Thin-bedded to massive mudstone (commonly organic-rich) Deposits of relatively shallow perennial
with abundant burrow structures. Pinch-and-swell layers or lakes or the margins of deeper lakes.
graded layers of sandstone, soft-sediment deformation Mudcracks indicate intermittent
structures, and irregular patches of layered sediment are subaerial exposure.
common. Fossil ostracodes, conchostrachans, and wood
fragments are common. Polygonal cracks (30-120 cm in
diameter) from two or three bedding planes are 30-60 cm
deep. Root structures are locally abundant.
L3 • Thin-bedded mudstone and siltstone with abundant Deposits of shallow ephemeral lakes or
polygonal cracks (10-30 cm in diameter and 10-30 cm deep) the fluctuating margins of larger lakes.
extending from most bedding planes (Fig.11). Irregular
siltstone and sandstone beds have abundant scours and
mudstone intraclasts, and less common pinch-and-swell
L4 • Massive mudstone with abundant narrow, jagged to sinuous Deposits of playa dry mudflats. Breccia
polygonal cracks (1-20 cm in diameter and 1-10 cm deep) fabric represents lake bottom deposits
(Fig. 12). Breccia-like fabric, angular clumps of laminated to disrupted by repeated wetting and drying
massive mudstone separated by silt-rich polygonal crack during floods. Vug-rich fabric
fillings, gradationally overlies L2 and L3 deposits. Mudstones characterizes aggrading dry mudflat
with sand- and silt-sized angular clumps have abundant deposits. Siltstone layers represent larger
spherical to flattened ovate, cement-filled vugs (less than sheetflood deposits.
1 mm long). Siltstone layers with cement-filled vugs and
broken by polygonal mudstone-filled cracks are common.
L5 • Poorly sorted, sandy mudstone with irregular pods Deposits of salt-encrusted saline
(0.5-10 cm long) of siltstone and sandstone (Fig.13). Pods mudflats. Sand and silt pods are formed
typically have angular margins, jagged internal mud-filled by sediment trapped in irregularities of
cracks, internal zones of different grain sizes, and cuspate etflorescent halite crusts. Irregular ripples
contacts with the surrounding mudstone. Subhedral to were deformed by salt crust growth on
anhedral vugs (less than 1 cm in diameter) after evaporite their crestlines. Efflorescent crusts
minerals are common. Sandstone layers with irregular hump- forming polygonal patterns may also
shaped ripples that have deformed boundaries may be deform several layers.
abundant. Layering may be distorted into polygonal patterns
with upturned edges.
L6 • Massive mudstone and siltstone with abundant cement-filled Deposits of vegetated mudflats or soils
and sediment-filled root structures (bifurcating and tapering developed on older deposits.
tubes, 0.1-10.0 mm in diameter) (Fig. 14). Granule-sized
carbonate nodules are common near the tops of beds.
Remnant patches of rippled sandstone, narrow polygonal
cracks (less than a millimeter wide, 30-40 cm in diameter,
20-50 cm deep), bowl-shaped slickenside surfaces (30-150 cm
in diameter), and burrows (Scoyenia) are locally abundant.

Lake margin clastic

LMI • Channel-form sandstone or conglomerate lenses (10 m to at Deposits of birdfoot deltas, braided
least several lO's of meters wide and 2-10 m thick) overlying deltas, or fan deltas. Thicker sequences
or intercalated with L1 or L2 deposits. Sandstone lenses have represent progadation of delta topset by
decimeter-scale trough crossbedding grading upward to ripple aggradation. Thinner deposits represent
cross-lamination. Conglomerate lenses may be massive or delta progradation as lake level drops.

TABLE 2 (continued)

Facies Description Interpretation of

depositional environment

have graded thin beds and have abundant fluidization

structures. Soft-sediment deformation structures are also
common in sandstones. Thinner portions of sandstone lenses
may overlie upward-coarsening sequence (typically 3-10 m
thick) in lacustrine mudstone by increase in thickness and
frequency of ripple cross-laminated sandstone beds.
Bioturbation (root structures and burrows) may disrupt the
tops of sequences or all layering.
LM2 • Depositionally inclined sandstone sets (2-4 m thick) that are Deposits of Gilbert-type deltas that are
stacked to form upward coarsening sequences (at least 10 m stacked due to rise and fall of closed-
thick and probably as much as 40 m thick) (Fig.15). Low- basin lakes. Proximal deltas are steep
angle, inclined sets (2-10 ° dips) in the lower portion of a and coarser grained than distal deltas.
stack are dominated by climbing ripple cross-lamination Plants grow on inactive topset and
forming deceleration-of-flow sequences that fine in the foreset deposits during lake lowstands.
downflow direction (down depositional dip) to flat-laminated Topset channel deposits are only locally
siltstone. Steep inclined sets (10-20 ° dips) in the upper preserved since lake level rises during
portion of a stack are dominated by planar lamination. stream flooding resulting in foreset
Boundaries between sandstone sets are broad, trough-shaped deposition on previously exposed topset.
scours commonly with root structures and burrows. Soft
sediment deformation structures, fossil wood and plant
fragments, and stromatolitic tufa coatings are common.
LM3 • Wedge-shaped sandstone sheets (as much as 3 m thick, Sheetlike deltaic plain deposits produced
hundreds of meters to a few km long and wide) comprised of by the intersection of a very shallow
sandstone thin beds (10-30 cm thick) with climbing ripple expanding ephemeral lake with
cross-lamination in deceleration-of-flow sequences (Fig. 16). flashflooding shallow streams or sheet
Ripple cross-laminae are oriented in similar directions over floods. The surface is subaerially exposed
the length and width of each sheet. Each sandstone thin bed following deposition.
is separated by a mudstone parting with polygonal cracks.
Soft-sediment deformation structures are common in
sandstone beds. Reptile tracks may be abundant in mudstone
partings. Each wedge coarsens upward and fines in the
downflow direction.
LM4 • Conglomerates and conglomeratic sandstones forming 3-10 m Deposits of wave-sorted shorelines by
thick upward-coarsening sequences from L1 or L2 deposits. reworking of alluvial fan deposits.
Lower portions of sequences dominated by thin sandstone Upward-coarsening sequences produced
beds with oscillatory ripple cross-lamination, grading up to as lake level fell and/or fan prograded.
pebbly sandstone with decimeter-scale tabular foresets or flat Poorly sorted deposits with well-sorted
bedding with alternations of grain size and grain shape. matrix reflect waves inability to rework
Upper portion of sequences are poorly sorted boulder and coarser grain sizes.
cobble conglomerate with patchily distributed well sorted
sandstone or granule matrix (Fig.17), locally oscillatory ripple
LM5 • Sheet-like wedges of sandstone, dominated by oscillatory Deposits of wave-sorted shoreline
ripple cross-lamination, forming upward coarsening sequences reworking alluvial fan or stream deposits
(1-3 m thick) overlying L1 and L2 deposits. Lower portions into sheets or bar complexes. May be
are thin sandstone beds whereas upper portions are sandstone distal portions of LM4 deposits.
dominated by decimeter-scale tabular foresets or wavy
concavo-convex bedding. The foresets grade laterally into
oscillatory ripple cross-lamination in troughs. Reptile tracks
and mudcracks may be abundant in mudstone partings of
thin-bedded portions of sequences.
Stratigraphic distribution of dominant lacustrine facies in the major Newark Supergroup basins. Where lake deposits are absent, the dominant fluvial deposits are shown.
The typical lake deposit type for trangressive stages is given in parentheses. Where fluvial and shoreline deposits are an important component of most regressive stages, they
are also shown in parentheses. Common occurrences of coal (c); saline minerals (s); and eolian deposits (e) are also shown. See Figure 1 for explanation of state and province

Deep River Dan River- Richmond Taylorsvllle Culpeper Gettysburg Newark Newark Hartford Deerfleld Fundy
Serlu Stage basin )anvllle baslr basin basin basin basin basin basin basin basin basin
Pllen-kxhlan F1

L6 - LS? L6
Slnen~dan L6 (L1 - L2) L6 - L4
(L1 - L2) (LM - F) • (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2)
(LM - F) •
(LM - F) (LM - F) •

ba, ,... / / /
basalt L6 L6 - L4 L6
LJ (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2)
L6 (L1 - L2) (LM • F) (LM - F) • (LM • F) s ?
HeUanglan (LM - F)

basalt basalt basalt basalt

L6 L6 L6 L6 L6
(L1 • L2) ? L6 (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2) (L1 - L2)
(LM - F) (LM - F) (LM - F) (LM - F) (LM - F) (LM - F) •

ba•al! basalt I basalt basalt basalt basalt

L6 - L4 L6 - L4 L6 - L4 L6 - L4
(L2) • (L2) • (L2) • (L2) • F4 •

L5 e,s
L4 - L6 L4 - L6 L4 - L6 L4 • L6
(L3 - L2) • (L3 - L2) • (L3 - L2) • (L3 - L2) • F1 - F2 F2

F5 • FS • L4 L4

L4 - 1:37 (L3 • L2) • ( L 3 - L2) •

UTr (L3 - 1.2) F3 F1 •
L2 L2
F5 F5 F4 F4 (L1) (L1)
(L1) c
1:2 - F3 F4 F4
1.2 F3
I..2 F3 F3
(L1) c F37
Carnlan (L1) c F7 F7 F2 F2

/:3 F3
1:7 c F7
MTr Aa~,. F1 •

to an area within a few kilometers of the border lags of debris-flow deposits whose finer matrix was
fault, (2) have provenance reflecting the lithology removed by streams (Smoot, 1982). Thin debris-
of the adjacent faulted rocks, and (3) show a sense flow deposits and common debris-flow lag deposits
of fining away from the fault. These criteria exclude are generally representative of relatively low fan
some conglomerates that previously have been slopes (Wasson, 1982; Smoot, 1982). Debris-flow
interpreted as alluvial fan deposits (for instance, deposits are surrounded by beds and lenses of
McLaughlin, 1957; Turner-Peterson, 1980; Tex- imbricated pebbles or by granule sandstones, inter-
toris et al., 1986) which are assigned to fluvial preted as deposits of very shallow, flash-flooding
deposits. The criteria are intended to delineate streams. Poorly sorted imbricate pebble conglom-
deposits that formed directly in response to fault erates and planar laminated sandstones indicate
uplift. Other conglomerates and sandstones may deposition by shallow ( 2 - ~ 5 0 c m deep), short-
ultimately fill the criteria for alluvial fans as defined lived floods.
in Nilsen (1982), but their distribution and sedi-
mentary features suggest that they are river or AF2 type
stream deposits that are controlled by discharge, Irregular scours filled with conglomerate grading
basin slope, and/or intersection with lakes. vertically and laterally to sandstone indicates depo-
Alluvial fan deposits are present in almost all sition in small braided channels (Fig.4). Convex
formations in each basin. They are rarely separated lenses of imbricated pebbles that fine downflow
as formal stratigraphic units (see Lee and Froelich, are similar to gravel braid bars (see Bluck, 1982)
1989). The composite thickness of alluvial fan as are low-angle tabular foresets. Their association
deposits commonly reaches thousands of meters, with planar laminated gravel conglomerate and
although they are usually intercalated with finer sandstone and the absence of regular dune-scale
grained lacustrine or fluvial sedimentary rocks on crossbedding is consistent with shallow braid chan-
a scale of tens or hundreds of meters, particularly nel deposits on alluvial fans (Hardie et al., 1978;
where the fan deposits thin and become finer Nilsen, 1982). Thick sandstone and mudstone in-
grained before pinching out. terbeds with abundant root structures suggest "ov-
erbank" conditions on surfaces with low slopes (as
AF1 type in a fan toe or a very low angle fan such as those
Matrix-supported conglomerates with concen- from the Flinders Range into Lake Frome in
trations of large clasts along the tops and outer Australia).
margins (Fig.3) are interpreted as debris-flow lobe
deposits (Sharp, 1942; Beatty, 1963; Johnson, 1970; AF3 type
Nilsen, 1982). The matrix-rich character of the Irregular scour contacts and variability of fining-
debris-flow deposits is best preserved in conglomer- upward sequences in conglomerates and pebbly
ates composed of limestone and dolomite clasts sandstones suggest deposition in braid channels.
(as i n the Leesburg Member of the Balls Bluff The presence of regular trough crossbedding indi-
~Siftstone, Culpeper basin, Lee and Froelich, 1989). cates lower flow regime bedforms (dunes). Tabular
In conglomerates composed of siliciclastic clasts crossbed sets are consistent with transverse and
(as in the Milford section of the Passaic Formation, side-channel bars (see Cant, 1982). The lower flow
Newark basin, in Arguden and Rodolfo, 1986) the regime bedforms suggest more sustained flow,
geometry and sorting of the flow lobes are still deeper water, and possibly lower slopes than for
visible, but the clasts appear to be primarily grain stream deposits in AF1 or AF2. The relatively
supported. Early cementation of limestone con- poor sorting in trough crossbeds and tabular sets
glomerates may result in less compaction of muddy suggests relatively short-lived depositonal events.
matrix. Large cobbles or boulders or imbricated
groups of these clasts within finer-grained, flat- AF4 type
bedded or imbricated conglomerates or in pebbly Tabular beds of muddy sandstone with scattered
sandstones are interpreted as the coarse-grained pebbles have two possible origins: (l) The presence
380 J,P. SMOOT

Fig.3. Comparison of (A) alluvial fan conglomerate (AF1) in the Passaic Formation, Newark basin, near Gladstone, New Jersey,
and (B) modern conglomerate of an alluvial fan in Saline Valley, California. Tightly packed and imbricated boulders and cobbles
(arrows) represent the outer margins of debris flow lobes. Surrounding pebble-cobble conglomerates have muddy matrix except for
thin layers of imbricated pebbles immediately overlying and adjacent to the outer margins of debris flows. Scale bars are I0 cm

~m'. ., . .. • . . . , . - . . . . . ~ , . - O ? : o o,.e~-d~'~.,,~,-.°~z.~.,°...
i ............ , . " . .. , o ~ ' , , o o • Oo°O?o, ~ U . , , % " ~ ' o ' ~ . ~ , ,

rv.o .,~ , , ° o ~ " ~." o , 7 , . ~ - 6 " , ~ k"

. , . - ' " ' ~ ' ~ o - ~ ' ° ~ , , 2 . , a % ~ . . t ,k" z,

/" •. ,-; ° ".
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', c,..,, .,.o. .~ ;~ ,'' , ,, _ .. . ~~ . :. ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ . -- . " ~ .~" . " • : .

.,~,:.., ,k. . ,.....'~,;..~

. . .'. .
• • , o • ~ " "
. • • , . . . ~ ~ '• "o. °' o.o e ' ~ -i~
~" , . ° ,

• * " • " ~ ~ $ ' 0 4 ~bO U • . ". , . . •

• • • /'~', .o,.o0 ~ " • _ ,.,~,." ,.-,';."_~:~

_ ...,:2:1 l ' . " ~ ~ ' , " - ~ -
"a,...,. o.:.,I )[.qZ-q-"~f~%.'k'.'.~:'- ~ :
~.-',~"-% o , , ' ~ ~ " . .'. ' . . "
..o,/.~"'..,n-- ....... ". ,, ,- .... .= ~ ° . °~- u.~.-: -. ./ -.. • ..

Fig.4. Photograph (A) and sketch (B) of alluvial fan conglomerate (AF2) in the Passaic Formation, Newark basin, near Milford,
New Jersey. Conglomerate layer to the right of man (1) fills a channel scour, whereas upper conglomerate layer (2) is a convex
lens that fines to the left, overlain by another conglomerate filling a channel scour (3). Muddy sandstone (stippled) between the
conglomeratic beds has horizontal lamination and abundant root structures. Vertical features indicate tubes (roots) filled with
nodular carbonate (caliche). Man to left for scale.

of abundant root structures and burrows in some distinction cannot be made and some mix of the
beds suggest that layering was destroyed by biotur- two processes is possible.
bation. (2) Discontinuous lenses of pebbles and Alluvial fan types AF1 and AF2 are the most
granules in a muddy matrix is consistent with common varieties, occurring in the conglomerates
deposition by hyperconcentrated flow (as in Bever- and sandstones near the border faults of every
age and Culbertson, 1964). In many outcrops this basin. The two types are typically interbedded, but

in some localities (for instance the Portland Forma- Fluvial deposit~: .

tion, Hartford basin, LeTourneau, 1985) the AF2
appears to be a distal equivalent of AF1. AF2 The variety of fluvial styles exhibited in the
appears to be more abundant than AF1 in the Newark Supergroup include a wide range of depos-
Deep River, Danville-Dan River, Richmond, and its by braided, meandering, and possibly anasto-
Taylorsville basins. LeTourneau (1985) noted that mosing streams and rivers. Fluvial deposits are
the AF3 type of deposits occurred as discrete distinguished from alluvial fan deposits by their
stratigraphic units within thick sequences of AF1 primary structures, areal extent, the thickness of
and AF2 types in the Portland Formation. A their channel-fill sequences, and/or the intimate as-
similar association may also be present in border sociation of channel deposits with thick mudstone
conglomerates of the Passaic Formation of the deposits. Some of these deposits may actually re-
Newark basin. AF4 type deposits are abundant in present very large, low-angle fans (terminal fans of
the Deep River basin (Facies Association III, Friend, 1978), but they are of a considerably larger
TrCS2 of Hoffman and Gallagher, 1989), but are scale than those associated with the border faults.
relatively uncommon in the northern basins, except Some formal stratigraphic units are defined by
as local thin beds. their fluvial (as opposed to lacustrine) origin, such
Most of the alluvial fans were probably low- as the Pekin Formation in the Deep River basin
angle deposits that extended well outside the pre- and the Stockton Formation in the Newark basin.
sent basin margin as pediments. The preserved The maximum thicknesses of the Pekin Formation
deposits are mostly distal fan deposits that accu- is greater than 1200 m (Gore, 1986) and the
mulated along a series of stepped faults. Support Stockton exceeds 1800 m (Olsen, 1980a). Fluvial
for this model includes: (1) AF1 debris flow depos- strata also occur within some primarily lacustrine
deposits, such as the northeasternmost portion of
its are typically of the type consistent with low-
the Passaic Formation in the Newark basin (Parker
angle fans or fan toe deposits (Smoot, 1982; Was-
et al., 1988), or the upper 1000 m of the Portland
son, 1982); (2) AF3 deposits require fans with very
Formation in the Hartford basin (Olsen et al.,
low slopes; (3) the coarsest alluvial fan deposits
1989). Fluvial deposits are also intimately interbed-
commonly rest unconformably on basement and
ded with lacustrine deposits at the scale of tens of
have very local provenance, but are surrounded
by finer-grained deposits with more mixed prove-
nance, conditions similar to locally exposed horst
F1 type
blocks in pediment plains; (4) small patches of The typical poor-sorting in pebbly sandstone
alluvial fan deposits commonly occur outside the associated with abundant horizontal lamination,
basins often unconformably overlying basement; low-angle inclined lamination, and thin
and (5) thick fine-grained sedimentary beds, includ- mudcracked mudstone partings are indicative of
ing laminated shales, are intercalated with alluvial shallow, flash-flooding, and probably ephemeral
fan deposits on a relatively small scale, suggesting streams (Picard and High, 1973). Imbricated cob-
low initial slopes. ble-pebble conglomerates and tabular sandstone
Alluvial fan deposits do not occur continuously foresets that fine in the down-flow direction are
along the border faults of each basin. The alluvial similar to braid channel bars (see Rust, 1972).
fan deposits may be absent due to folds exposing Sandstone and siltstone layers with ripple cross-
fine-grained sediment layers that extended up to lamination and thin mudcracked mudstone part-
the present fault boundary. This condition is easily ings and abundant root casts are probably over-
met if the present alluvial fan deposits represent bank deposits of channel complexes.
distal deposits of low-angle fans. In a few basins,
the folding of strata displays relationships suggest- F2 type
ing that fans were not present during deposition The presence of regular decimeter-scale, trough
of the initial sedimentary fill. This possibility will crossbedding (Fig.5) indicates the development of
be discussed later in this paper. lower flow-regime bedforms (dunes). Poorly de-


Fig.5. Photograph (A) and sketch (B) of poorly sorted fluvial pebbly sandstone (F2) in the Otterdale Sandstone, Richmond basin,
near Winterpock, Virginia. Trough cross-beds at level of hammer head are overlain by large-scale tabular foresets (left of hammer).
Smaller trough cross-beds overlie and occur to the right of the tabular sets. Area below the large trough cross-beds consists of
larger, poorly defined, trough crossbeds (poor sorting makes layers difficult to see). These overlie an imbricated cobble-boulder
conglomerate (not visible in the photo). Paleoflow was to the right and toward observer. Hammer is 30 cm long.

fined f i n i n g - u p w a r d sequences o f c o n g l o m e r a t e rivers. P o o r sorting (including the i m b r i c a t e d boul-

a n d s a n d s t o n e with r a n d o m l y i n t e r m i x e d t a b u l a r ders a n d cobbles) a n d thin f i n i n g - u p w a r d se-
c r o s s b e d sets o f different thicknesses a n d o r i e n t a - quences are consistent with flash-flooding streams
tions are consistent with d e p o s i t i o n b y b r a i d e d with relatively shallow d e p t h s ( 2 - 3 m).
384 J.P. SMOOT

F3 type that made F2-type deposits. The irregular, thick,

These sandstones and conglomerates are consid- tabular foresets are similar to those of transverse
ered to be braided stream deposits like those of bars and sandsheets in sandy braided rivers (see
F2, but differ by their greater thickness, better Cant and Walker, 1978).
sorting, and better development o f vertical se-
quences that consist o f decreasing grain size and F4 type
of decreasing thickness and width of trough Well-defined fining-upward sequences of sand-
crossbedding (Fig.6) (for instance, the Wolfville stone to silty mudstone, that systematically thin
Formation, Fundy basin, Hubert and Florenza, upward (Fig.7), are interpreted as lateral accretion
1988). These traits suggest that F3 deposits were sequences of point bars in meandering rivers. The
formed by braided streams that were deeper and vertical succession of large trough crossbeds to
that had more sustained periods of flow than those ripple cross-lamination and the upward increase



Fig.6. Sketch from photograph of outcrop of crossbedded fluvial conglomerate (F3) in the Wolfville Formation, Fundy basin, near
Tennycape, Nova Scotia. Basal trough crossbeds consist of well-rounded and well-sorted cobbles and pebbles. Trough crossbeds
are smaller and finer grained upwards and are capped by sandstone and mudstone with abundant root structures and burrows.
Paleoflow was toward observer.

Fig.7. Photograph (A) and sketch (B) of fluvial sandstone and siltstone (F4) in the Stockton Formation, Newark basin, near
Stockton, New Jersey. Photo (A) shows upward fining from basal sandstone (light and blocky) to mudstone (dark), and basal
contact of next sequence (light). Note fining of sequence to the right. Paleoflow is to the right and toward viewer. Dashed lines
show relationships concealed beneath talus.

A Root structures

Ripple cross-lamination

Small-scale (10-20 cm thick) trough crossbed

Large-scale (>30 cm thick) trough crossbed

0 0 • • • °

Pebbles Coarse Fine Mudstone -

Sand Sand Siltstone
386 J.P. SMOOT

in bioturbation are consistent with this model. In in some cases reflect accumulation profiles (see
some cases, bioturbation by root structures extends Gile et al., 1966). In many cases, however, there
throughout the entire thickness of these sequences. are no obvious vertical successions (see Mermut
This may be due to water levels dropping low and Dasog, 1986). Coarsening-upward sequences
enough to allow plants to colonize the entire of mudstone to sandstone with climbing ripple
channel bottom. The sorting of sand and gravel cross-lamination and tabular foresets are interpre-
in F4 type deposits is consistent with sustained ted as crevasse splays (as in Coleman, 1969 or
flow with high suspended sediment loads. The Smith, 1983). Thin layers of clay or calcareous
intercalation of rippled fine sandstone and lami- clay that contain lacustrine fossils may be deposits
nated siltstone and mudstone with the coarser of local floodplain lakes (see Gore, 1986), or parts
trough crossbeds is attributed to settling of of larger lakes that have been dissected by rivers
suspended sediment during slack flow periods. during low stands (see Olsen et al., 1989).
The absence of desiccation cracks in thick mud-
stone partings suggests that these streams were F7 type
perennial. These poorly sorted conglomerates are difficult
to distinguish from AF1 deposits. They are distin-
F5 type guished by: (1) restriction to thin blankets of
Inclined beds of sandstone grading up into conglomerate unconformably over pre-Mesozoic
mudstone (Fig.8) are interpreted as lateral accre- bedrock; (2) conglomerate clasts that reflect only
tion sets, similar to those illustrated by Stewart the immediately underlying and adjacent bedrock;
(1983) or Stear (1983). Examples of these fluvial and (3) matrix-supported conglomerates that lack
deposits are provided by Smoot (1985) in the Deep the grain distributions described for AF1 deposits.
River basin and Smoot and Robinson (1988) in These characteristics are consistent with deposits
the Culpeper basin. Mudstone partings are attrib- of small local streams, or locally derived deposits
uted to slack period settling of suspended sediment (like residual lag or colluvium) that move by creep.
in a perennial stream similar to the highly sinuous Carbonate-clast conglomerates (like the Tuscorora
Barwon River, New South Wales in Australia Member of the Manassas Sandstone, Culpeper
(Taylor and Woodyer, 1978; Woodyer et al., 1979). basin, Lee and Froelich, 1989) have irregular,
Draping of trough crossbeds with ripple cross- embayed contacts that are consistent with local
laminated fine sand and silt and with mud are also weathering and with short transport.
consistent with high suspended loads. The abun- It is commonly difficult to distinguish between
dance of carbonate granules apparently derived FI and AF2 type deposits, and the F1 deposits
from nodules in the surrounding mudstone and may represent parts of large, low-angle alluvial
mudstone intraclasts suggests that the flood-stage fans. The best examples of this type of deposit are
streams were capable of moving coarser material in the New Haven Arkose (Hubert et al., 1978,
where available. Stop 2) and in the upper Portland Formation
(Olsen et al., 1989, Stop 7.5) of the Hartford basin.
F6 type F2 deposits in several basins have been interpreted
Thick intervals of mudstone and sandstone with as parts of alluvial fans (for instance, in the
abundant root casts and burrows are swampy Hammer Creek Formation, Newark and Gettys-
floodplain or shallow lake deposits with soils devel- burg basins, McLaughlin, 1939, 1957; and in the
oped on them. Besides clay-lined root casts, soil Stockton Formation, Newark basin, Turner-Pe-
features include carbonate concretions, interpreted terson, 1980), but their great lateral extent suggest
as caliche nodules, and bowl-shaped, slickensided deposition by through-flowing braided streams (as
surfaces with clay coatings, interpreted as compres- in the Stockton Formation) or by axial streams
sion structures from expanding and contracting terminating in lake deposits (as in the Hammer
soils (see Gray and Nickelsen, 1989). Variations in Creek Formation). In the Durham subbasin of the
the size, shape, and density of carbonate nodules Deep River basin, F2 deposits grade downflow


U . . . . _ .

~ • ! " - " "- " m " "" : " "- : - "o" "--'" " "-
o o Qo o •
o ° • q P ~

Fig.8. Photograph (A) and sketch (B) of fluvial sandstone and siltstone (F5) in the Feltville Formation, Newark basin, near
Bernardsville, New Jersey. Inclined beds are lateral accretion sets that define three upward-fining sequences (numbered). Coarse-
grained beds are lighter colored than fine-grained beds. Beds in sequence 3 dip toward the observer. Trough crossbedding and
ripple cross-lamination in coarse beds indicate flow toward viewer for sequences 1 and 2, and to the right for sequence 3. Fine-
grained beds are always updip from coarse-grained deposits along each inclined set. Scale bar is 1 m long.

into F3 deposits (Lithofacies Association I o f F3, F4, and F5 deposits appear to represent
H o f f m a n and Gallagher, 1989). In the H a m m e r lateral (on the scale o f tens o f kilometers) or
Creek F o r m a t i o n and the Passaic F o r m a t i o n vertical (at the scale o f hundreds to thousands o f
(Units JTrp 1-4 o f Parker et al., 1988) in the meters) gradations in the Stockton F o r m a t i o n
N e w a r k basin, F2 deposits a p p e a r to grade later- (Newark basin), the New Oxford F o r m a t i o n (Get-
ally into F5 deposits. tysburg basin), and the Manassas Sandstone and
388 J.P. SMOOT

Balls Bluff Siltstone (Culpeper basin), In the Dur- F7 deposits occur as the basal unit of the
ham subbasin of the Deep River basin, conglomer- Gettysburg basin, the Culpeper basin, and the
atic F4 deposits grade to finer F4 deposits then to Deep River basin. These conglomeratic deposits
F5 deposits from north to south (Lithofacies Asso- are characteristically discontinuous in distribution
ciation II of Hoffman and Gallagher, 1989). In and highly variable in thickness. Limestone con-
these cases, the trends suggest a change in stream glomerate sequences at the base of the Culpeper
gradient with distance from a highland source area and Gettysburg basins are abruptly (possibly un-
and/or with aggrading of the basin floor. conformably) overlain by F3 pebbly sandstones
Thick units (greater than 10 m) of F6 type dominated by rounded quartz pebbles, suggesting
deposits are associated with all of the fluvial depos- a radical change in the source area and in the scale
its except F1 and F7. This association is expected of drainage.
in the meandering stream deposits (F4 and F5),
but is not typical of braided streams (F2 and F3)
(see Cant, 1982). The contacts between braided Lacustrine deposits
stream conglomerates and sandstones are typically
abrupt, not only at the basal scour, but also at Lacustrine deposits, as used in this paper, are
the upper contact. Typically, there is no transition restricted to predominately siltstone and mudstone
unit of ripple cross-laminated fine-grained sand- beds that are not intimately associated with fluvial
stone or siltstone between cross-bedded sandstone sandstone and conglomerate. Possible lacustrine
or conglomerate and bioturbated muddy siltstone. mudstone and siltstones associated with fluvial
Two hypotheses, which are not mutually exclusive, sandstones are included in F6 deposits, and coal
are proposed for this relationship. The first is that deposits are discussed separatelylSiltstones and
the braided streams avulsed and were abandoned mudstones with sedimentary features indicating
on a muddy floodplain in a manner similar to prolonged subaerial exposure and, in some cases,
anastomosing streams (see Smith, 1983). This is the effects of soil-like processes, are included in
suggested in the lower fluvial units of the Deep this facies because they are commonly interbedded
River basin (Pekin Formation, see Olsen et al., at the meter scale with demonstrably subaqueous
1989, stop 1.1; and Lithofacies Association ! of lake deposits and because their depositional setting
Hoffman and GaUagher, 1989) where individual was either superimposed on subaqueous deposits
F3 channel-fill sandstone sequences alternate irreg- or reflects intermittent lake conditions.
ularly with F6 mudstone and sandstone. Another Lacustrine deposits are the dominant sedi-
possibility is that the braided fluvial systems were mentary rocks in several basins, such as major
intermittently inundated by shallow lakes that portions of the Lockatong and Passaic Formations
covered the braid plains with mud which was cut in the Newark basin which are over 4 km thick
by stream channels when the lake level fell. This with an areal extent of more than 70,000 km 2
relationship is suggested by the alternations of 3-5 (Olsen, 1980b). A characteristic of the lacustrine
m thick, sheetlike F2 conglomerates alternating deposits in many basins is a pervasive cyclieity
with similar thickness of F6 mudstone and sand- (Fig.9) reflecting change from subaqueous to sub-
stone in the Stockton Formation (Solebury Mem- aerial conditions (Van Houten, 1962, 1964; Olsen,
ber of McLaughlin, 1945) and in the Hammer 1986; Smoot and Olsen, 1988), attributed to the
Creek Formation of the Newark basin. Al- rise and fall of lake levels in response to changes
ternations at the scale of hundreds of meters in climate. These cycles are called Van Houten
between coarser grained F2 and F4 deposits and cycles by Olsen (1985). Van Houten (1962, 1964)
finer grained, bioturbated F5 and F6 deposits in and Olsen (1986) documented several levels of
the Stockton Formation (informal members of cyclicity that they correlated to periodicities in the
McLaughlin, 1945) also suggest an external influ- Earth's orbital mechanics (Milankovitch cycles).
ence, such as lake level changes, on the fluvial Lake margin elastic and fluvial deposits may also
deposits. form parts of these cycles.


V V 1_2



Fig.9. Van Houten cycle in lacustrine mudstone and siltstone in the Balls Bluff Siltstone, Culpeper basin, near Stevensburg, Virginia.
Base of cycle at hammer head. Sedimentary Sequence with facies types is shown schematically in sketch. H a m m e r is 30 cm long.

L1 type 1988; Olsen et al., 1989), and the distribution of

Flat, continuous lamination (Fig. 10) characteris- other units suggest they have similar great lateral
tic of this type of deposit reflects deposition of silt, extents, indicating lakes of considerable area. L1
clay, or carbonate by settling within standing deposits accumulated under continuous subaque-
water. Coarse graded layers were deposited as ous conditions, but probably represent a variety
turbidites (see Hentz, 1985), and pinch-and-swell of water depths. Olsen (1980b) argued from the
laminae were formed by gentle wave reworking distribution of microlaminites (layering less than
(rolling grain ripples, Harms et al., 1982, pp. 2-27). 0.1 mm thick) in the Newark basin that they
Carbonate units represent precipitation at the represent depths exceeding 100 m, although he
water-air interface or biogenic material. High or- neglected the possible effect of sediment binding
ganic contents indicate high biogenic productivity by organic mats (Olsen, 1985). The presence of
preserved under reducing conditions, and the pres- pelletal material within carbonate concretions in
ervation of articulated fish and reptile skeletons in some organic-rich laminated units suggests that
microlaminated units suggests deep, stratified lake the fine lamination is in part compactional and
conditions (Olsen et al., 1989). Thicker laminated may represent shallower water conditions (Porter
deposits commonly show evidence of bioturbation and Robbins, 1981; Gore, 1986). L1 deposits may
(Olsen, 1984) which may have destroyed previous be very fossiliferous or may be devoid of fossils.
finer layering. Some organic-rich units have been Elevated lake salinities have been postulated for
traced laterally over the length of basins (Olsen, the absence of fossils in some cases, supported by

Fig.10. Laminated,organic-rich,calcareousmudstone(L1) in the Towaco Formation, Newark basin, from a core taken near Wayne,
New Jersey. Note small-scalescours and load structures at the base of the two thickestsilt layers(light); these are probably deposits
of turbidity currents. Scale bar is 0.5 cm long.

an abundance of sulfide minerals (interpreted as and frequency of sandy beds with wave-formed
indicating elevated dissolved sulfate, Olsen, 1984) sedimentary features, (2) the common association
and the presence of crystal pseudomorphs interpre- with polygonal cracks indicating intermittent sub-
ted as former evaporites (for instance, Hubert et aerial exposure, (3) the common association with
al., 1978; Parnell, 1983; Gore, 1989). root structures, also indicating subaerial exposure,
and (4) in vertical sequences, these deposits are
L2 type commonly situated between L1 deposits and de-
The characteristic bioturbation of these deposits posits indicating constant subaerial exposure (L4,
may consist only of burrows or of a mixture of L5, L6).
burrows and root structures. Pinch-and-swell and
lenticular bedding reflect oscillatory wave trans- L3 type
port separated by heavily bioturbated clay-rich The layering in these deposits (Fig.11) indicates
beds. Remnant patches of layering in some massive tractive currents operating on firm or dry surfaces.
units suggests that the unit was originally lami- Some wave reworking of sandy beds is indicated
nated to thin-bedded and was subsequently biotur- by pinch-and-swell layering, but the scours and
bated. The common soft-sediment deformation mud intraclasts are more consistent with sheet
features, lacustrine fossils, and preserved organic floods. The frequency and complexity of polygonal
matter indicate a subaqueous deposit. Although cracks in these deposits are also consistent with
these deposits probably represent a variety of water subaerial conditions alternating with subaqueous
depths, a generally shallower water condition than conditions. Other than occasional reptile tracks,
for L1 deposits is suggested by: (1) the thickness fossils are generally absent.

Fig.1 I. Comparison of (A) lacustrine mudstone with irregular thin beds and polygonal cracks (L3) in the Gettysburg Formation,
Gettysburg basin, near Heidlersburg, Pennsylvania, and (B) trench through a modern ephemeral lake deposit in Mud Lake, Nevada.
Vertical disruptions in both pictures are mud- and silt-filled polygonal cracks. Note convex-upward humps in thick layers (arrows)
resulting from erosion of mudcrack polygons by lake water partially filling cracks. Scale bars are 5 cm long.

L4 type 1988). The angular blocks in breccia-like fabrics

Abundant, small, angular, polygonal cracks consisting of L2 or L3 deposits indicate old lake
characteristic of these mudstones (Fig.12) indicate bottoms that have been disrupted by repeated
desiccation under primarily subaerial conditions, wetting and drying. The curved slickensided planes
similar to those found in modern playa dry mud- also support an interpretation of these types of
flats (Smoot and Katz, 1982; Smoot and Olsen, conditions. The abundant cement-filled ovate to
392 J.P. SMOOT

Fig.12. Comparison of (A) lacustrine mudstone with small, jagged, polygonal cracks and cement-filled vugs (light o~;oid features)
(L4) in the Lockatong Formation, Newark basin, near Byram, New Jersey, and (B) modern dry mudflat deposit in North Panamint
Valley, California. Black and gray ovoid features in the modern playa sample are open vesicles which are equivalent to the cement
filled vugs. Vertical structures in both pictures are polygonal cracks filled with vesicular silt and mud. Prominent layer in both
samples is comprised of poorly sorted silt, deposited by sheetflood, and disrupted by polygonal cracks. The Lockatong siltstone
layer is cemented by and partially replaced by ferroan dolomite. Note that angular clumps of clay are dark in (A) and light colored
in (B). Scale bar is 0.5 cm long.

linear vugs are similar to vesicles formed in slowly the abundance of carbonate nodules in deposits
aggrading dry mudflats. This type of mudstone gradationally overlying L2, L3, and L4 deposits.
fabric was called crumb fabric in Smoot and Olsen In some cases, vertical aggradation is suggested by
(1988), but the term is now abandoned due to the presence of well preserved sandy interbeds,
confusion with its use in the literature for deposits penetrated by root structures. The L6 type deposits
of different origin. The preservation of silt layers may be similar to modern vegetated playas in West
disrupted by polygonal cracks and surrounded by Texas (Allen et al., 1972). Some articulated reptile
this fabric supports the interpretation of these skeletons have been found in these deposits (Smoot
deposits as aggradational rather than as a soil and Olsen, 1988). Burrows, particularly the ichno-
formed on an older lake deposit. No fossils have genus Scoyenia, are locally abundant.
been found in L4 deposits. A variety of vertical successions of the different
types of lacustrine deposits have been illustrated
L5 type by Smoot and Olsen (1988). These neither repre-
These poorly sorted sandy mudstones (Fig.13) sent the only variations nor include the variety of
resemble deposits formed by sediment accumulat- sequences containing lake margin clastic and flu-
ing on efflorescent salt crusts (Smoot and Castens- vial deposits. The repeated theme of cycles is the
Seidell, 1982; Smoot and Olsen, 1988). These also transgression of lakes then a regression leading to
include features indicating deformation by the subaerial exposure. L1 deposits grading upward
growth and dissolution of efllorescent salt crusts. to L2 and L6 deposits dominate the lacustrine
Ripple lenses with arched crests and distorted cycles of the Jurassic formations in the Culpeper
boundaries are similar to modern examples of basin, the Newark basin (except for parts of the
ripples deformed by salt crusts, and polygonal Boonton Formation), the Hartford basin (except
patterns of upturned sandy beds are consistent for parts of the East Berlin and Portland Forma-
with deformation by polygonal crust patterns (at- tions), and the Fundy basin. Alternations of these
tributed to intrasedimentary growth of gypsum by types of lacustrine deposits are also common in
Mertz and Hubert, 1990). Irregular thickening of the late Carnian Cumnock Formation (Deep River
bedding associated with small faults is typical of basin), the middle to late Carnian Cow Branch
syndepositional dissolution of efflorescent salt Formation (Danville-Dan River basin), the early
crusts. The inferred depositional environment is in to middle Carnian Vinita beds (Richmond basin),
saline mudflats. No fossils have been found in L5 and the middle Carnian Falling Creek Member of
deposits. the Doswell Formation (Taylorsville basin). LI
and L2 deposits also dominate the lower part of
L6 type the Lockatong Formation (late Carnian, Newark
The abundant tube shapes characteristic of this basin). L3 and L4 deposits are common in the late
type of deposit (Fig.14) are interpreted as traces Carnian to Norian deposits of the upper Locka-
of former roots. The plants responsible for these tong Formation and the Passaic Formation (New-
structures are not known, although two cases of ark basin), the Heidlersburg Member of the
upright carbonized remains of small trees or shrubs Gettysburg Formation (Gettysburg basin), the
have been found overlying these deposits. In addi- Balls Bluff Siltstone (Culpeper basin), and the
tion to root structures, other features consistent Stoneville Formation (Danville-Dan River basin),
with soil formation include carbonate nodules, and are present in the Jurassic East Berlin and
curved slickensided surfaces, remnant patches of Portland Formations (Hartford basin). L5 deposits
original layering, and oriented clays lining tubes, dominate the Norian to lower Hettangian Blomi-
cracks, and coating grains. Deep, narrow, polygo- don Formation (Fundy basin) and are present in
nal cracks resemble some of the polygonal fractures the Jurassic Boonton Formation (Newark basin).
also common in soils (i.e. the prismatic peds of L6 deposits are more abundant in the late Norian
Retallack, 1988). Soil profiles are suggested by of the Newark, Gettysburg, and Culpeper basins
upward increase in the diameter of tubes and in than in the early Norian. These deposits suggest

Fig.14, Massive silty mudstone with abundant cement-filled tubes (L6) in the Balls Bluff Siltstone, Culpeper basin, near Gainesville,
Virginia. Prominent white vertical feature is a tube that tapers downward and has several small lateral bifurcations (root structure).
Other white dots are also tubes or small carbonate nodules. Dark polygonal cracks are due to surface weathering of the rock. Scale
bar is 2 cm long.

changes in climate from wetter (L1, L2, L6) to fan and fluvial deposits as well as to lacustrine
dryer (L3, L4, L5) conditions during sedimentation deposits and in many cases the distinction is diffi-
in the basins (see also Cornet, 1977, pp. 61-71). cult to make. This is particularly true where lake
A possible paleolatitude change from wetter condi- margin clastic deposits are associated with the
tions to the south and dryer to the north is also cyclic lake sequences. Lake margin clastic deposits
suggested Hubert et al., 1978; Smoot and Olsen, have sedimentary features indicating deposition by
1988). unidirectional flow into standing water or deposi-
tion by wave action, and they are intercalated with
Lake margm clastic deposits lacustrine units at a scale of tens of meters to a
few meters. Deltaic sequences commonly consist
Lake margin clastic deposits include sandstones of graded beds of ripple cross-laminated sandstone
and conglomerates associated with fine-grained and siltstone exhibiting an upward increase in the
lacustrine units that are interpreted as having been angle of ripple climb, upward increase in the
deposited in deltas or by wave action (Smoot et preservation of the ripple stoss side, and a change
al., 1985). These deposits are transitional to alluvial from trough-shaped scours to elongate planar rip-

Fig. 13. Comparison of (A) cross-section of poorly sorted sandy mudstone (L5) in the Blomidon Formation, Fundy basin, in
Blomidon Provincial Park, Nova Scotia, to (B) and (C) cross-sections of modern etttorescent salt-encrusted saline mudflat deposits
of Saline Valley, California. Irregular patches of coarser sand (light colored in all photos) were formed by sand trapped in surface
irregularities of the salt crust. Small, bright white areas in (B) are aggregates of microcrystalline gypsum and halite; dark circles in
(A) are cavities formed by dissolution of gypsum. Note the cuspate contact of sand against mud in (C) and compare to bottom
contact of sandstone patch in (A) marked by arrows. Scale bars are 1 cm long.

pie sets (reflecting the change from three-dimen- occurs when rising lake level, in response to
sional crestlines to two-dimensional crestlines; see increased river discharge, covers the former delta
Harms et al., 1982, figs. 3-7). This succession is topsets so that the delta front deposits build on
consistent with ripple formation under conditions those surfaces. When river discharge decreases,
of decelerating flow in standing water, such as on lake level falls and the river erodes the proximal
delta fronts (Jopling and Walker, 1968). The climb- delta deposits, and foreset deposition occurs over
ing ripples are also commonly associated with soft- more distal deposits. Topset channel deposits are
sediment deformation structures. Wave deposits typically thin and restricted to local channel scours,
are recognized by their sorting and their associa- since lake level rises and drowns the topset each
tion with oscillatory ripple structures. time the river floods.

LM1 type LM3 type

These deposits are the most similar to fluvial Graded sheets of sandstone dominated by climb-
sandstones and siltstones, and are distinguished ing .ripple cross-lamination that characterize these
primarily by their direct association with lacustrine deposits (Fig. 16) differ from crevasse splay deposits
deposits. Important sedimentary features for iden- in rivers (F6) and delta topsets (LM 1) in that the
tifying these deposits are: (1) abundance of climb- ripple cross-lamination shows little variation in
ing ripple cross-lamination showing deceleration- orientation over many square kilometers and tens
of-flow sequences, (2) abundance of soft-sediment of meters of vertical section, reflecting the sheet-
deformation features, and (3) their occurrence as like geometry. Polygonal cracks separating succes-
parts of sequences coarsening-upward from lacus- sive sheets indicate periods of subaerial exposure
trine deposits (L1 and L2). The sedimentary struc- between deposition of each thin bed. LM3 deposits
ture~ and vertical succession are consistent with are commonly intercalated with or laterally equiva-
delto fronts, distributary mouth bars, crevasse lent to L3, L4, and L5 deposits and also comprise
splays, and distributary channels in river-domi- the tops of Van Houten cycles. LM3 deposits are
nated deltas (Coleman and Prior, 1982). similar to sheet deltas formed in modern playa
mudflats. Sheetdeltas form at the intersection of
LM2 type rapidly rising shallow lakes in response to flash
The stacks of depositionally inclined sandstone floods in streams or to sheetfloods (Smoot, 1985;
sets characteristic of these deposits (Fig. 15) define Smoot and Lowenstein, in press).
coarsening-upward sequences as much as 40 m
thick. Low-angle inclined sets (2-10 ° primary LM4 type
dips), dominated by siltstone and fine sandstone, These deposits typically occur where lacustrine
and steeper foresets (10-20" primary dips), domi- deposits (L1 and L2) are intercalated with alluvial
nated by medium to coarse sandstone and pebble fan conglomerates (AF1, AF2, and AF3). The
conglomerate, are similar to Gilbert-type delta characteristic coarsening-upward sequences of
front deposits (Gilbert, 1890; Jopling and Walker, well-sorted sandstone and pebble conglomerates
1968). Coarsening-upward sequences consist of with abundant oscillatory ripple structures, deci-
lacustrine siltstones (L1 and L2) overlain by fine- meter-scale tabular foresets, and conglomerates
grained sandstone exhibiting low-angle foresets, in with patchy, well-sorted matrix (Fig. 17) are similar
turn overlain by medium- to coarse-grained sand- to modern wave-built bars and beach fiats on
stone with high-angle foresets; each foreset is sepa- alluvial fans in the Walker Lake and Pyramid Lake
rated by a scour surface showing concentrations basins of Nevada (Smoot and LeTourneau, 1989).
of root structures. This type of sequence is similar
to Holocene delta deposits in the closed basins of LM5 type
Walker Lake and Pyramid Lake, Nevada, and These deposits form coarsening-upward se-
Mono Lake, California (Smoot and Lowenstein, quences similar to LM4, but the coarsest portions
in press). The stacking of delta front foresets are medium to coarse sandstone. Abundant thin

\ .<


,.,.,,O. Z

I 1 Meter B


D II 70


Fig.15.Sketch from photos (A) of stacked inclined sets of sandstone (LM2) in the Passaic Formation, Newark basin, near Secaucus, New Jersey. Steep, coarse sandstone
forescts to the left are dominated by planar lamination; low-angle, fine sandstone and siltstone foresets are dominated by climbing ripple cross-lamination. Laminated silty
mudstone occurs at the toes of somc siltstonc foresets. Notc coarsening upward sequence formed by stacks of foresets. (B) Photo of area shown in box. Drawing has a 10%
vertical exaggeration.
398 J.P. SMOOT

Fig.16 (A). Van Houten cycles in which the upper parts consist of sheets of thin-bedded sandstone with mudstone partings (LM3)
in the East Berlin Formation, Hartford basin, near East Berlin, Connecticut. Each sandstone bed contains climbing ripple cross-
lamination and is capped by a mudcracked mudstone parting. Two complete cycles with L1 shales at the base are numbered. People
to right for scale. (B). Trench cross-section of Holocene sheet delta in Coyote Valley, California. Sand with climbing ripple cross-
lamination overlies soft-sediment deformation structures into underlying mudcracked mud. The sand layer is overlain by a
mudcracked mud drape that was disturbed by digging. Coin is about 2.5 cm in diameter.

beds o f s a n d s t o n e with oscillatory ripple cross- strata ( H a r m s et al., 1975, pp. 87-89). L M 5 depos-
l a m i n a t i o n indicate the p r e d o m i n a n c e of wave its are p r o b a b l y wave-formed sandsheets or b a r
processes. Decimeter-scale t a b u l a r sets a n d convex- complexes formed in relatively shallow lakes.
u p w a r d p l a n a r sets resemble wave-formed s i n u o u s S a n d s t o n e beds within the C u m n o c k F o r m a t i o n
crested b a r f o r m s or possibly h u m m o c k y cross- in the Deep River basin ( R e i n e m u n d , 1955) a n d

Fig.17. Comparison of (A) shoreline conglomerate (LM4) in the Portland Formation, Hartford basin, near Meriden, Connecticut,
and (B) modern shoreline conglomerate from Pyramid Lake, Nevada. In both cases, unsorted coarse-grained clasts (pebble- to
boulder-sized) are too large for wave transport. They are surrounded by sand and granules segregated by waves into well-sorted
patches. Scale bars are 1 cm long.

the Vinita beds in the R i c h m o n d basin (Cornet, represent delta aggradation reflecting the local lake
in Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 4 7 - 5 2 ) suggest L M I depth. Within the cyclic lacustrine deposits o f the
deposits that form coarsening-upward sequences Culpeper, Gettysburg, Newark~ Hartford, and
on the scale o f tens o f meters. These p r o b a b l y Deerfield basins, the L M I coarsening-upward se-
400 J.P. SMOOT

quences are generally thin (less than 10 m), appa- cross-lamination. It also resembles the LM3 depos-
rently reflecting the outbuilding of bird-foot deltas its, as each layer contains root structures and
as lake levels fell (see Midland Formation in the desiccation cracks at the top.
Culpeper basin, Smoot, in Lee and Froelich, 1989, LM3 deposits have been recognized in the Pas-
pp. 47-52). Many sandstones and conglomerates saic Formation of the Newark basin (Smoot, in
interpreted as fluvial channel deposits (F3, F4, F5) press). Several other localities have deposits that
may be deposits of distributary channels if the were probably formed in the same manner, includ-
surrounding mudstones (F6) are actually shallow ing sandstone sheets in the Blomidon Formation
lake deposits. For example, in the Durham sub- (Fundy basin) interpreted as sheet flood deposits
basin of the Deep River basin, Olsen et al. (1989, by Hubert and Hyde (1982), and ripple cross-
pp. 29-31) describe intercalated Carnian mud- laminated sandstones in the regressive portions of
stones and fluvial sandstones that may represent the East Berlin Formation (Hartford basin) at
a swampy floodplain with local small lakes (see Stops 7.2 and 8.1 of Olsen et al. (1989). Thick
Gore, 1986) or fluvial and deltaic sedimentation sequences of climbing ripple cross-laminated sand-
as basin-filling lakes rose and fell. Another example stone and siltstone are common in the regressive
is in the Triassic Dry Fork Formation of the Dan portions of lake cycles in many of the basins (for
River-Danville basin (Stop 2.1 of Olsen et al., instance, Smoot and Olsen, 1988, figs. 10-20; or
1989). It contains poorly sorted, trough Fedosh and Smoot, 1988). These deposits may be
crossbedded, conglomeratic sandstones with in- LM3 deltaic deposits, low-angle LM2 deposits, or
terbeds of red sandy mudstone with root struc- fluvial overbank deposits (F6).
tures, but at least one conglomeratic sandstone Wave-formed deposits (LM4 and LM5) have
lens has meter-scale flame structures from the been recognized only in a few localities. LM4
underlying red mudstone and abundant sandstone deposits are recognized in the Portland Formation
fluidization dikes into the underlying mudstone, of the Hartford basin (LeTourneau and Smoot,
suggesting subaqueous deposition, perhaps in a 1985), the Passaic Formation (Stop 5.6 of Olsen
braid delta or fan delta distributary channel (as in et al., 1989) and the Towaco Formation (Stop 6.1
McPherson et al., 1987). This portion of the Dry of Olsen et al., 1989) of the Newark basin, and
Fork Formation appears to be laterally equivalent the Stoneville Formation of the Dan River-Dan-
to cyclic lacustrine strata of the Carnian Cow ville basin (Smoot and LeTourneau, 1989). LM5
Branch Formation, and one thin black shale bed deposits occur in the regressive portions of lake
was found underlying the red mudstone. Hentz cycles in the Passaic Formation (Newark basin)
(1985) has described similar conglomeratic beds and the Portland Formation (Hartford basin)
with fluidization structures in the Jurassic Waterfall where they crop out near the border faults. Similar
Formation of the Culpeper basin. deposits in the Turners Falls Sandstone of the
LM2 type deposits have been identified at several Deerfield basin (Stop 8.4 in Olsen et al., 1989) are
localities in the Passaic Formation of the Newark interbedded with lacustrine deposits (L1, L2,
basin, including deposits laterally equivalent to the and L6) and possible deltaic deposits (LM2 or
Lockatong Formation (Smoot, in press). McDon- LM3). Many sandstone beds that intertongue with
ald and LeTourneau (1988) described an example lacustrine cycles in the Lockatong Formation
of this type of deposit in the Jurassic Portland near the northeastern end of the Newark basin
Formation of the Hartford basin. Turner-Peterson (fig. 33 of Olsen, 1980b) also appear to be LM5
and Smoot (1985) described a deposit in the upper deposits.
Stockton Formation (Newark basin) that is similar
to the LM2 deposits, but it may be a large crevasse Other significant sedimentary features
splay deposit. In the Jurassic Feltville Formation
(Newark basin) at one locality, a variation on the A number of sedimentary features that represent
LM2 deposit is composed only of stacks of low- significant variations in the depositional record do
angle inclined sandstone beds with climbing ripple not fit easily into this scheme of mappable sedi-

mentary facies. Coal deposits, eolian deposits, and are typically intercalated with root-disrupted mud-
evaporites are discussed separately in the context stone and ripple cross-laminated sandstone (F6).
of the facies described above. The role of diagenesis These may represent swampy floodplains (see
in the sedimentary record of the Newark Super- Ressetar and Taylor, 1988) or lake margin deposits.
group is also discussed in this section.
Eolian deposits
Coal deposits
Eolian deposits are mostly restricted to the
Coal beds have been reported from C.arnian Fundy basin (Hubert and Mertz, 1980, 1984),
strata in the Deep River, Dan River-Danville, where well-sorted sandstones have crossbed sets as
Richmond, Taylorsville, Farmville and Briery much as 4 m thick (Fig.18). These large-scale
Creek basins (Robbins et al., 1988). Coal beds are crossbeds are interpreted by Hubert and Mertz
typically less than 1 m thick, but coal with bed (1980, 1984) as eolian dune deposits. These depos-
thicknesses of several meters in the Richmond and its contain a number of features indicative of their
Deep River basins was mined commercially (Rob- eolian origin including: (1) layering styles suggest-
bins et al., 1988). Individual coal beds appear to ing grain flows, settle out, and climbing translatent
be discontinuous, although the Coal Measures of ripples (Hunter, 1977); (2) well-rounded, well-
the Richmond basin are correlative throughout the sorted grains with an absence of mica, even though
basin (see Cornet, in Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 47-52) adjacent fluvial beds are commonly very mica-
and coal-bearing units in the Deep River basin ceous; (3) reverse-graded ripple lenses with long
have been correlated over an area of about 190 wavelengths and low amplitudes (Sharp, 1963;
km 2 (Reinemund, 1955). Variations in the thick- Fryberger et al., 1979); and (4) rapid alternations
ness of coal beds have been attributed to local of grain size in lamination (Fryberger and Schenk,
basin development by syndepositional faulting in 1988). Hubert and Mertz (1980, 1984) interpret
the Richmond basin (Goodwin et al., 1985, layers of polished and faceted pebbles associated
pp. 45-49; Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 52-53) and the with these eolian sandstones as wind deflation lags
Deep River basin (Robbins et al., 1988). Some of of fluvial deposits consisting of ventifacts. Most
the variations in thickness may also be related to of the Fundy basin eolian sandstones are interca-
filling of channels and other topographic features lated with fluvial deposits of the Late Carnian,
(see Lorenz, 1988, p. 172). uppermost Wolfville Formation (mostly with F1
Summaries of the sedimentary associations of and F3 deposits), but they also occur with lacus-
coal beds are provided by Robbins et al. (1988) trine deposits in the mostly Norian Blomidon
and Lorenz (1988). The coal-bearing units either Formation (L5 deposits), and overlie regressive
overlie or underlie sedimentary units that contain lacustrine sequences near the base of the Hettan-
lacustrine shales (L1 and L2). In the Deep River gian Scots Bay and McCoy Brook Formations
basin, the coal beds are intercalated with organic- (Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 152-161). A 3-m thick
rich lacustrine black shales (L2 and some L1) and sandstone bed near the top of the Upper Triassic
commonly contain or are bounded by layers rich New Haven Arkose in the Hartford basin has the
in siderite, ammonium sulphate, and phosphate same sedimentary features described above as indi-
called blackband (Reinemund, 1955). Robbins et cating an eolian origin. This sandstone is overlain
al. (1988) interpreted these coal deposits as having and underlain by fluvial deposits (F5). It is sheet-
formed in lake margin swamps that prograded like, consisting of low-angle foresets that change
across a shallow anoxic lake during periods of laterally to steep foresets (3 m thick). This resem-
tectonic stability. Sandstones associated with the bles a sandsheet deposit (see Fryberger et al., 1979;
coal beds appear to be deltaic (LMI) suggesting Kocurek and Nielsen, 1986). Associated with this
that some of the coals may be related to delta sandstone deposit and with similar types in the
topsets. The lacustrine association with coal is not Fundy basin are layers of mudstone broken into
as pronounced in the other basins, and the coals polygonal curls, similar to flood deposits in inter-

i ii!iiiii!i;ii!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiii?i
i +¸¸ : iii!il ¸¸ i ...................
Fig.18. Eolian sandstone with large foresets in the WolfvilleFormation, Fundybasin, near Red Head, Nova Scotia. Sbme of the
bounding surfaceshave polishedpebbles interpretedas ventifacts.

dune areas (Glennie, 1970, pp. 52-55). Similar clay in press) and in trace amounts in surface deposits
curl beds surrounded by coarse sandstone have (see Gore, 1989). Anhydrite, thenardite, and halite
been found in the Jurassic East Berlin and Portland have been reported in trace quantities in rocks of
Formations in the Hartford basin, the Upper the Fundy basin (Hubert and Hyde, 1982; Mertz
Triassic strata of the .Passaic Formation in the and Hubert, 1990) and euhedral to subhedral
Newark basin, and possibly in the Upper Triassic crystals of gypsum (as much as 1 cm long) are
strata of the Gettysburg and Culpeper basins. common in surface exposures of the Blomidon
These may also reflect limited eolian activity. Formation. Demicco and Gierlowski-Kordesch
(1986) mention molds of radiating crystals in the
Evaporites and other indicators of salinity East Berlin Formation of the Hartford basin that
resemble trona crystals.
Evaporites have been reported from almost all The Fundy basin contains the most extensive
of the Newark Supergroup basins. The most fre- occurrences of evaporite deposits. These deposits
quently cited occurrences are casts or molds of are mostly restricted to the Norian-Hettangian
euhedral crystals in mudstone or shale, that are Blomidon Formation. The evaporite deposits in-
pseudomorphic after gypsum, glauberite, or hal- clude sedimentary structures indicative of efflo-
ite (Wherry, 1916; Stose, 1919; Hawkins, 1928; rescent salt crusts (L5), numerous gypsum crystals
Schaller, 1932; Van Houten, 1965; Thayer, 1970; and crystal molds, and lenticular breccia bodies
Handy, 1976; Hubert et al., 1976, 1978; Hubert that may represent collapse of strata following
and Hyde, 1982; Parnell, 1983; Demicco and Gierl- dissolution of buried evaporite beds (Olsen et al.,
owski-Kordesch, 1986; Gore, 1988, 1989; Smoot 1989, pp. 143-144). Evaporite crystals and crystal
and Olsen, 1988). Gypsum has also been reported molds have three major modes of occurrence. In
from cores in several basins (Culpeper basin, Lee the first instance, subhedral to anhedral discoidal
and Froelich, 1989; Deep River basin, Oisen et al., crystals are randomly distributed in sandy mud-

stone transitional between lake (L3 and L2) or and shales are common in the Deerfield, Hartford,
possible sheet delta (LM3) deposits and overlying Newark, Gettysburg, and Culpeper basins. These
L5 deposits. The crystals are commonly smaller crystal shapes are commonly filled with cements
and more anhedral upwards in these sequences. that include calcite, dolomite, analcime, and albite,
This occurrence is similar to gypsum crystal distri- or combinations of these minerals. Crystal-rich
butions in modern saline mudflats (Smoot and deposits are characteristically poorly exposed, so
Lowenstein, in press). In the second case, euhedral that detailed studies of their distribution have not
crystals are densely packed in a sandy mudstone been made. The crystal shapes may be bent or
matrix underlying the brecciated mudstone lenses flattened, suggesting compaction before the crys-
that are interpreted as solution collapse features. tals were replaced.
The euhedral crystal concentrations locally define Irregular zones of euhedral tabular to prolate
cylindrical areas, and the crystals may have precipi- crystals, commonly forming radial sprays (Fig.19),
tated from the brines produced by dissolution of are common in the mainly Norian Balls Bluff
overlying evaporite beds. This would suggest that Siltstone, Culpeper basin (Gore, 1988, 1989), Get-
dissolution occurred while the sediments were still tysburg Formation, Gettysburg basin (Stose,
soft. In the third situation, euhedral crystals and 1919), and Passaic Formation, Newark basin
fibrous crystal masses follow fractures or faults. (Wherry, 1916; Hawkins, 1928; Schaller, 1932; Van
These evaporites probably represent remobiliza- Houten, 1965). The crystals in these zones are
tion of the minerals during deformation and may typically about the same size and apparently the
have been precipitated long after deposition and same mineralogy, usually interpreted as gypsum
burial. These are the only types of evaporites that or glauberite. Evaporite crystal molds in the Juras-
also occur in other formations of the Fundy basin. sic Turners Falls Sandstone, Deerfield basin
Euhedral crystal casts and molds in mudstones (Handy, 1976) and East Berlin Formation, Hart-

Fig.19. Silty mudstone with a b u n d a n t root structures (L6) and scattered pseudomorphs after evaporites (white) in the Passaic
Formation, Newark basin, near Flemington, New Jersey. Ovate pale gray areas are tubes (root structures) filled with carbonate
cement and silt. Note radial pattern of some crystals. Scale is 1 cm long.
404 J.P. SMOOT

ford basin (Hubert et al., 1976, 1978), and the early diagenetic fluids. Another possibility is that
Triassic Stoneville Formation, Dan River-Danville the crystals represent soil evaporites where solutes
basin (Thayer, 1970) may also be examples of are introduced as dust or aerosols then redistrib-
similar occurrences. The crystal zones most com- uted downward by infrequent rainfall. Similar
monly occur in root-disrupted massive mudstone distributions and morphologies are reported from
(L6), but also occur in other lacustrine deposits modern arid soils (Dan, 1973; Stoops, 1978; Callen
(L2, L3, L5), shoreline deposits (LM2, LM3, et al., 1986; Smoot and Lowenstein, in press) and
LM5), and even fluvial deposits (F6). The crystal some ancient deposits (Goldbery, 1982a, b; Smith,
zones are separated by similar sedimentary rocks 1990). Other crystal features found in these forma-
with no crystals. Successive zones may consist of tions that are consistent with the arid soil model
crystals of different size or shape, but no vertical are concentrations of crystals along vertical joint-
or lateral changes in character within a zone have like planes, concentrations of crystals in tubular
been observed. The crystals show no preferential areas (roots? or burrows?), and vertical elongation
associations with layering or porosity, although of crystals downward from sedimentary contacts.
they are best developed in silty mudstones. The Smoot and Olsen (1988, fig.10-6) illustrate a
apparent lack of facies dependence and the absence mudstone from the Triassic Perkasie Member of
of vertical changes in character suggest that these the Passaic Formation in the Newark basin which
crystals were not formed at the depositional surface shows the vertical transition from L3 to brecciated
by evaporation of a groundwater table as in saline L4 type deposits and a vertical change in evaporite
mudflats (Hardie et al., 1978; Smoot and Lo- shapes and distributions (Fig.20). This sequence is
wenstein, in press). They may represent crystal consistent with the evaporation of a shallow saline
growth after burial, but before lithification, from lake until it was supersaturated with respect to

4 4

^ ~ / " 1 ^ " ^ ^ ^

Fig.20. Sketch from photograph of the vertical succession of evaporite crystal pseudomorphs (patterned) in lacustrine mudstone in
the Passaic Formation, Newark basin, near Rutgers, New Jersey. 1 = Thin-bedded mudstone (L3) with crystal sprays extending
from bedding planes; 2 = Mass of vertically oriented crystals forming crust; 3 = Thin-bedded to brecciated mudstone (L3 and L4)
with radial crystal masses restricted to mudcracks; 4 = Massive, vesicular mudstone (L4) with no obvious crystals.

gypsum, forming crusts on the lake floor, followed are similar to features described by Spencer (1982)
by saline mudflat conditions where gypsum grew from cores in Great Salt Lake that he attributed
in the desiccated muds. Three successive lake cycles to dissolution of crystals that settled to the lake
in the Perkasie Member contain similar crystal bottom after precipitation at the air-water in-
sequences. Each evaporite sequence overlies org- terface (cumulate crystals). The crystals dissolve
anic-rich lacustrine shales (L1 and L2) that are either because the lake bottom waters were under-
devoid of fossils, and is overlain by dry mudflat saturated during accumulation or became less sa-
mudstone (L4) then root-disrupted mudstone (L6), line after deposition. Irregular beds with angular
both devoid of evaporite crystals. The same three deflections in some Portland shales also resemble
lake cycles about 48 km W do not have the vertical what results from intrastratal dissolution of evapo-
succession of evaporites, but scattered euhedral rites in the Great Salt Lake (Smoot and Lo-
crystals occur within the upper L3 deposits. This wenstein, in press). The radial crystals illustrated
distribution is consistent with local ponding of by Demicco and Gierlowski-Kordesch (1986) also
supersaturated brines as lakes dried. A similar resemble casts of cumulate crystals in lacustrine
model of a drying saline lake overlain by a saline shale.
mudflat can be applied to a vertical succession of Gypsum is commonly reported from cores in
evaporite crystals observed in the Jurassic Portland the Newark Supergroup, usually from depths ex-
Formation, Hartford basin (locality 7.6 of Olsen ceeding several tens of meters. Most of this gypsum
et al., 1989). At least two cycles at this locality appears to be fracture fillings, vein fillings, or
have euhedral skeletal cubic crystals in the basal cements that are independent of the sedimentary
L1 deposit (see below), overlain by L2 deposits facies. Although the gypsum may have been de-
with randomly distributed large (2-5 cm long) rived from synsedimentary sulfates (Textoris and
tabular crystals (gypsum?), then L2 deposits with
Gore, in press), it may also be a result of oxidation
smaller euhedral crystals (less than l cm long)
of sulfides during diagenesis. The latter origin may
restricted to the fillings of polygonal cracks, over-
also apply to minute inclusions of gypsum in
lain by L6 deposits with no evaporite crystals. The
cements (Gore and Talbot, 1989). Weems (in
lateral changes in this succession are not known,
Goodwin et al., 1985, p. 16) argued that crumbly
but similar vertical sequences showing decrease in
Carnian shales in the Taylorsville basin may have
crystal size associated with increase of desiccation
originally had gypsum cements, as groundwaters
features in lake cycles occur in a few other Portland
below 60 m depth there are typically saline, and
lacustrine shale sequences.
because thin gypsum coatings were found on shale
In the Jurassic East Berlin and Portland Forma-
tions of the Hartford basin, cubic crystals that chips in a less weathered outcrop. No crystal
may be hopper-shaped or skeletal are reported cavities or molds have been observed in these
from organic-rich shales (L1 and L2 deposits). In deposits.
many cases, these are the only evaporite minerals The presence of dolomite, analcime, albite, or
found in the cyclic lake deposits. Skeletal cubic chert has been argued as an indicator of elevated
crystals cross layering in laminated mudstone, salinity or alkalinity in the depositional environ-
whereas hopper crystals are visible as sediment- ment for several basins (Van Houten, 1962, 1964;
filled casts on shale parting planes. These crystals Wheeler and Textoris, 1978; Hubert et al., 1978;
have been interpreted as former halite (Hubert et Stevens and Hubert, 1980). Although these miner-
al., 1978; Parnell, 1983). The skeletal crystals prob- als may be syndepositional, there is evidence in
ably represent intrasediment growth in brine-satu- many cases of their being diagenetic replacements
rated muds, comparable to those described by or cements (for instance, Hubert et al., 1978;
Gornitz and Schreiber (1981) or Southgate (1982). Wheeler and Textoris, 1978; Oshchudlak and Hu-
Some of these cubic crystals are now composed of bert, 1988; Smoot and Horowitz, 1988). The timing
pyrite and may have formed as skeletal pyrite of these diagenetic events is not well constrained,
(Carsten, 1986). The bedding plane hopper crystals and there is no evidence that the fluids were
406 J.P. SMOOT

synsedimentary or even that they originated in the

[] AF

Distribution of depositional environments [] F1 & F2

[] F3

As mentioned earlier, the distribution of sedi- [] F4 & - "

mentary subenvironments is not well known due [] L
to poor exposure and lack of detailed mapping.
The stratigraphic and geographic associations of
[] LM

depositional units can be roughly inferred in some Base

basins, however, from the general lithologic pat- [] DIaL
terns. Figures 21-23 illustrate subenvironment dis-
tributions in the Deerfield, Hartford, Newark, and
Deep River basins. These basins contain most of
the sedimentary associations found in other major
Newark Supergroup basins. Small basins, such as
Northfield or Barboursville, typically contain se-
quences similar to the basal portions of adjacent
large basins, and are thought to be erosional MA
remnants of larger basins. The sedimentary depos-
its in the Richmond basin are the only ones not C'r
similar to the examples (see Goodwin et al., 1985;
Cornet, in Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 47-52). The
Richmond basin deposits are exceptionally poorly
exposed, and environmental interpretations are
mostly based on geophysical surveys, and logs and
rock chips from wells.
The oldest deposits in the Deerfield, Hartford,
Newark, and Deep River basins are fluvial, and
are overlain, in at least parts of the basin, by
lacustrine deposits. Alluvial fan deposits are pre-
sent near the faulted margins of the basins, and
they intertongue with the lacustrine facies. In the
Hartford and Deep River basins, the lacustrine
deposits are overlain by fluvial deposits that also
appear to intertongue with the alluvial fan de- 14

Deerfield and Hartford basins ii
The Deerfield and Hartford basins (Fig.21) of
Massachusetts and Connecticut occupy an elon-
gate, northerly aligned, fault-bounded trough, but
are nearly separated from one another by a Fig.21. Schematic map view of depositional facies in the
transverse basement uplift. Both basins contain a Deerfield and Hartford basins in Massachusetts (MA) and
Connecticut (CT). Fault contacts are shown by heavy lines.
thick and varied sequence of Upper Triassic to Basalt flows are black and diabase intrusions are gray. Modified
Lower Jurassic continental sedimentary rocks in- from Olsen et al. (1989). AF= Alluvial fan; F=Fluvial; L =
tercalated with basalt flows that dips regionally Lacustrine; LM = Lake margin elastic deposits.

eastward towards a major normal border fault that intertongue with the lake margin clastic depos-
system. The strata are warped into broad, E-plung- its and finer grained lacustrine deposits may actu-
ing synclinal folds generally separated by tight, ally be AF3 deposits, and some of the AF2 deposits
narrow, faulted anticlines. Thick Jurassic diabase in the Deerfield basin may be F2 and F3 deposits.
sheets have intruded the Triassic strata of the The upper fluvial deposits in the Hartford basin
Hartford basin, and through-going, but discontin- consist of a lower unit dominated by F4 and F6
uous, diabase dike systems cut across both basins sandstone and siltstone that intertongues with lake
extending into crystalline rocks on both flanks. margin clastic deposits (LM2) and some lacustrine
The lower deposits in the Hartford basin are shales (L1 and L2), and an upper unit dominated
divided into two fluvial units of Late Triasic age by FI and F2 conglomeratic sandstones. All of
with the upper unit pinching out northward. The these deposits are coarser grained near the border
lower unit is dominated by braided stream con- fault. The F4 deposits grade into F3 deposits near
glomerates and sandstones (F1 and F2). In the the eastern border fault in the north, whereas the
southern part of the Hartford basin, the lowermost other deposits grade into AF2 deposits. The prove-
few hundred meters of the lower unit consists of nance and sparse paleocurrent indicators in the
F3 conglomeratic sandstone forming fining-up- upper fluvial deposits indicate flow from the east
ward sequences as much as 3 m thick. These F3 (Hubert et al., 1978). These associations suggest
deposits are absent at the base of the northern that the border fault was active during sedimenta-
part of the Hartford basin and in the Deerfield tion, but that the basin may have been hydrologi-
basin where the lower fluvial deposits are thinner. cally open.
The upper unit is dominated by F4 and F6 depos-
its. It apparently intertongues with F2 deposits to Newark basin
the north, but the upper contact also may be
unconformable (Cornet, 1977, p. 194). These rela- The Newark basin (Fig.22) in New York, New
tionships suggest that the northern part of the Jersey, and Pennsylvania, is a broad half-graben
basins were higher than the southern part of the filled by upper Triassic to lower Jurassic continen-
Hartford basin, so that erosion and deposition in tal strata and basalts that dip toward the northwest
the north was more intermittent. The lower fluvial normal border fault system. The deposits are cut
deposits also occur immediately adjacent to the by a series of normal faults creating three large
faulted eastern margin of the Hartford basin at blocks in which portions of the stratigraphic se-
several localities (Fig.21). These deposits are no quence are repeated (labeled A-C). Large Jurassic
thicker or coarser than those on the western side diabase sheets have uplifted and intruded the Trias-
of the basin, suggesting that the eastern border sic strata and caused offsets of sedimentary con-
fault was not controlling sedimentation at the time tacts. Three series of Jurassic basalt flows in a
of their deposition (contra Hubert et al., 1978). large plunging syncline (Watchung Syncline) have
Lacustrine, lake margin clastic, and alluvial fan been correlated to the three basalt series in the
deposits overlie the lower fluvial deposits and are Hartford basin, based on their sequence and chem-
interbedded with the early Jurassic basalt flows. istry (see Olsen et al., 1989). The lowest basalt
The Jurassic lacustrine cycles consist of L1 and flow unit also occurs in other minor synclines.
L2 deposits grading up into L6 or L4 deposits, or Detailed mapping by McLaughlin (1945) and
into sheetlike deltaic (LM3) or wave-formed (LM5) Olsen (1984, 1988) indicates that individual lake
lake margin sandstones. Where the lacustrine de- cycles in both Triassic and Jurassic rocks are
posits strike towards the faulted eastern margins traceable over broad areas of the basin. These
of the basins, they are intercalated with coarser correlations are substantiated by paleontological
grained lake margin clastic deposits (LM4 and and paleomagnetic data (see Olsen et al., 1989).
LM5) and alluvial fan deposits (AF1, AF2, and The lower fluvial sandstone in most of the
AF3) (LeTourneau, 1985; Smoot and LeTourneau, Newark basin consists of conglomeratic sandstone
1989). F3 deposits in the northern Hartford basin F2 deposits overlain by F4 and F5 sandstones and
0 15 N J ~

O ,.-" D ,,.~,. mm ,,-°,,

Fig.22. Schematic map view of depositional facies in the Newark basin in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Fault contacts are shown by heavy lines. Basalt flows
are black and diabase intrusions are gray. Zones dominated by different types of lake deposits are numbered I - 1 H and major fault blocks are labeled A - C . Modified from
Olsen (1984) and Smoot (in press). A F = Alluvial fan; F = Fluvial; L = Lacustrine; L M = Lake margin clastic deposits.

siltstones. In the southeast fault block (A), F2 cycles are commonly root disrupted (L6) while L4
deposits grade up into pebbly F3 deposits before deposits are uncommon. The upper portions of
grading up into the sandy F4 and F5 type deposits. cycles are commonly sandy with deltaic (LM1 and
These fluvial deposits are intercalated with thick LM3) and possibly fluvial (F5 and F6) deposits.
sequences of F6 deposits. Provenance and paleo- A fourth unit, dominated by lake margin clastic
currents suggest flow was from the southeast deposits (LMi and LM2), is interbedded with the
(roughly across the basin towards the border fault). basalt flows. It contains common fossiliferous
In the three fault blocks, the lower fluvial deposits black laminites (LI) and shallow lake (L2) or root
become finer grained and thicker towards the disrupted mudstone (L6) at the tops of cycles, but
border fault. This occurs by thinning of the lower the uppermost parts of most cycles are coarse
coarse-grained portion and thickening of the upper grained reflecting their proximity to the border
sandy part. The lower fluvial deposits also appear fault.
to thin and coarsen toward the ends of the basin. Fluvial deposits at the two ends of the Newark
Sandstones and conglomerates in the northeastern basin are laterally equivalent to the lacustrine
corner of fault block C have been correlated to deposits. These fluvial units consist of F3 deposits
the lower fluvial deposits suggesting an intercala- grading to F5 and F6 deposits basinward. Their
tion of the fluvial deposits with alluvial fans near provenance indicates source areas north of the
the border fault (Olsen et al., 1989, fig. 5.1A). basin. These fluvial deposits intertongue with lake
These deposits may also be, at least in part, alluvial margin clastic deposits (LM2 and LM3) basinward
fan and lake margin clastic deposits equivalent to that in turn intertongue with lacustrine deposits.
the lowermost part of the lacustrine deposits. The These relationships suggest axial drainages into
thickening of the fluvial deposits towards the bor- the basin. The southwestern fluvial and shoreline
der fault indicates that it was active during deposi- wedge intertongues with the first and second lacus-
tion, but the persistence of paleocurrent indicators trine units. The upper part of the second lacustrine
toward the fault in the successive blocks suggest unit and all of the third unit show no evidence of
that it did not block flow out of the basin. coarsening towards this end of the basin, except
The Newark basin cyclic lacustrine deposits near the border fault where they are interbedded
comprise the thickest succession in the Newark with LM3 and LM5 deposits. The northeastern
Supergroup (more than 7 km in the thickest area, fluvial and shoreline wedge appears to prograde
Olsen et al., 1989, fig. 5.4). Most of these deposits basinward starting near the middle or end of the
are coarser near the border fault and grade into second lacustrine unit (Parker et al., 1988). Where
lake margin clastic deposits (LMI-5) and alluvial the first lacustrine unit nears this end of the basin,
fan deposits (AFI-3). The lacustrine deposits are it is intercalated with lake margin clastic deposits
here divided into three units that reflect the relative (LM 1 and LM5) reflecting the southeastern prove-
abundances of the different types. The boundaries nance. The same may be true for lake margin
of these units are very approximate, as the contacts clastic deposits equivalent to the lower part of the
are completely gradational. The lowest unit is second lacustrine unit (dominated by LM2 depos-
characterized by abundant fossiliferous black lami- its) (see Parker et al., 1988). The lake margin
nites (L l) and cycles with thick portions of shallow clastic deposits that are intercalated with the basalt
lake deposits (L2); desiccation features are largely flows may also be related to an axial fluvial system
restricted to the upper contact of each cycle. The from the northeast (Manspeizer and Olsen, 1981;
second unit has fewer L1 deposits and more com- McGowan, 1981).
mon intermittent lake deposits (L3) and dry mud-
flat deposits (L4). Within individual cycles, the L4 Deep River basin
deposits are gradationally overlain by root-dis-
rupted mudstones (L6), especially towards the top The Deep River basin (Fig.23) in North Carolina
of the unit. The third unit contains abundant and South Carolina is divided into three sub-
shallow lake deposits (L2) and the upper parts of basins that are bounded by a common southeastern
410 J.P. SMOOT

] AFI-2 [] F4
[] ~, [] ~-~

[] ~.~ [] O,sh~se

J 0 2O

SC /
Fig.23. Schematic map view of depositional facies in the Deep River basin of North Carolina and South Carolina. Fault contacts
are shown by heavy lines. Diabase intrusions are gray. Unpatterned areas with dashed lines show inferred boundaries where the
basin is covered by Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits. Modified from Olsen et al. (in press). AF=Alluvial fan; F=Fluvial; L=
Lacustrine; L M = Lake margin elastic deposits.

normal border fault system. The outcrop patterns basin are divided into two units. The basal con-
shown have been synthesized from a number of glomeratic unit (F7) contains subangular clasts
sources, including Reinemund (1955), Bain and derived from the immediately adjacent and un-
Harvey (1977), Hoffman and Gallagher (1989), derlying bedrock, intermixed with well-rounded
and Olsen et al. (in press). Upper Triassic strata quartz pebbles and quartz sand. These deposits
dip gently eastward toward the border fault zone. have been interpreted as alluvial fans (Randazzo
An anticlinal fold separates the Durham subbasin et al., 1970; Textoris et al., 1986) based on their
from the Sanford subbasin, and younger deposits restriction to the western margin of the basin, their
of the Atlantic Coastal Plain overlap most of the poor sorting, and the presence of faults along this
basin between the Sanford and Wadesboro subbas- margin. These conglomerates are for the most part
ins. Exploration drilling for coal in the Sanford less than 50 m thick and appear to extend as a
subbasin has demonstrated a complex pattern of sheet below the other strata, based on the outcrop
faulting causing repetition of parts of the section. pattern and on drill data (Textoris and Gore, in
The lower fluvial deposits in the Deep River press). The conglomerates directly overlie base-

ment, but faults cut the basal section out in places induced inflow fluctuations. Olsen et al. (1989,
(see Reinemund, 1955). The large percentage of pp. 29-31) report an apparent cyclicity in occur-
rounded quartz or quartzite pebbles and decimeter- rences of claystone and calcareous shale in the
scale crossbedding in the basal conglomerate sug- Durham subbasin, and Olsen et al. (in press) report
gests prolonged fluvial transport in sustained flow. similar sequences in the Wadesboro subbasin. The
Textoris et al. (1986) attribute these characteristics Durham deposits, and similar deposits in the San-
to an alluvial fan deposit formed under humid ford subbasin in the zone of transition upward
conditions. The second unit of the lower fluvial from the lacustrine deposits, are intercalated with
deposits consists of braided stream sandstone fluvial deposits (F5) and sandstones deposited as
lenses (F3) ranging from 2 to 5 m thick separated crevasse splays (F6). The claystones and shales
by thicker (tens of meters) siltstone and mudstone may represent the shallow margins of large lakes
beds (F6). The sandstone lenses are generally finer (Olsen et al., 1989) with deltaic and fluvial deposi-
grained and more widely scattered towards the top tion during low-lake stands, or they may represent
of this unit. In the northern part of the Durham local shallow lakes or ponds on a fluvial floodplain
subbasin, the F3 deposits appear to be replaced (Gore, 1986). Outcrop patterns in the Sanford
by F2 deposits and F6 deposits are less common. subbasin suggest that LI deposits may be time
Paleocurrent data in the Durham and Sanford equivalent to alluvial fan conglomerates along the
subbasins (Reinemund, 1955; Patterson, 1969; eastern border faults.
Dittmar, 1979; Hoffman and Gallagher, 1989) The upper fluvial deposits in the Durham sub-
indicate flow southward, parallel to the basin axis, basin are mainly meandering stream deposits that
and provenance suggests source areas from the are coarser to the north (F4) and finer grained to
west or northwest. A gypsiferous unit 50-80 m the south (F5). Paleocurrent data in these rocks
thick, near the base of the lower fluvial deposits are scattered (Dittmar, 1979; Hoffman and Gal-
in a drill hole in the Sanford subbasin (Olsen et lagher, 1989), but the feldspathic provenance sug-
al., in press; Textoris and Gore, in press), consists gests a source area in granitic rocks to the northeast
of gypsum-cemented sandstone and gypsiferous or east. The change in grain size suggests a general
shale. Textoris and Gore (in press) interpret this axial drainage to the south and, at least in part,
occurrence as playa deposits in the lowest part of into the lacustrine deposits of the Sanford sub-
the basin. The descriptions from the well cuttings basin. The lower part of the upper fluvial deposits
are not detailed enough to determine if this occur- in the Sanford subbasin have a similar provenance
rence is a later diagenetic feature. and are generally very fine grained in transition
Lacustrine deposits are best developed in the from the lacustrine deposits. The upper fluvial
Sanford subbasin where they consist primarily of deposits are coarser toward alluvial fan deposits
fossiliferous organic-rich shales and siltstones (L1) adjacent to the eastern border fault. The lower
interbedded with deltaic sandstones (LM1). Other and upper fluvial units have not yet been separated
than the sedimentary sequences related to delta in the Wadesboro subbasin.
progradation, there is no evidence of cyclic changes The areas adjacent to the eastern border faults
of lake level in the lacustrine deposits. In the lower in both the Durham and Sanford subbasins are
part of the lacustrine interval, two continuous dominated by conglomeratic deposits (AFI and
coal-bearing units are intercalated with black AF2) reflecting provenance from the rocks east of
shales with siderite nodules and black band (Rein- the border fault. These conglomerates grade ba-
emund, 1955), The coal beds are interbedded with sinward into poorly bedded, muddy, conglomeratic
shales or are separated from the shales by black sandstones with local lenses of cross-bedded con-
band layers. Root-disrupted underclay has been glomerates (Lithology TrCS2 of Hoffman and
reported in places (Hope, 1975). Robbins et al. Gallagher, 1989) that are also believed to represent
(1988) interpret the coal-bearing units as lake alluvial fan deposits (AF3). These deposits have
margin swamps that shifted laterally as a shallow gradational lower contacts with the upper fluvial
anoxic lake rose and fell in response to climatically deposits and the lacustrine deposits. In the narrow
412 J.P. SMOOT

area between the Durham and Sanford subbasins, also Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 5-6) suggested that the
alluvial fan deposits apparently unconformably sedimentary successions of the Newark Super-
overlie the folded lower fluvial sandstone unit. group basins were controlled by the progressive
Small patches of alluvial fan deposits crop out widening of the basins over time in response to
through the Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits east extensional faulting. That the fluvial to lacustrine
of the Wadesboro subbasin. These may represent transition occurred in all basins suggests that it is
erosional remnants of alluvial fan conglomerates not a local drainage phenomenon. Also, since the
where the basin has been eroded nearly to base- transition was not synchronous in the various
ment (Randazzo et al., 1970). basins, it probably does not represent a major
tectonic or climatic shift.
Tectonic and climatic controls on depositional The basal fluvial deposits of the Newark Super-
facies group basins are not facies equivalent to lacustrine
strata downdip, as indicated by outcrop patterns,
Depositional models for the Newark Supergroup drillhole data, and seismic data, wherever they are
basins must consider the large amounts of time available. These data, and the palynological age-
involved in the basin filling process, typically on dating constraints, suggest that fluvial deposits
the scale of 10-20 m.y. or more. It is unreasonable cropping out along the unconformable margins of
to assume that depositional facies remained con- basins predate most, if not all, lacustrine deposits.
stant over those periods of time, in tectonically The fluvial deposits are an initial stage of basin
active basins, during a period of continental filling and the apparent fining of the fluvial deposits
breakup, at paleolatitudes transitional between away from the hanging wall unconformity is, at
tropical and arid. The drainage patterns must have least in part, a vertical transition. Olsen and
changed as the basins opened and subsidence Schlische (1988) proposed that the basal fluvial
continued, and climate probably changed as the deposits progressively onlap the hanging wall un-
local relief increased and the rift widened. The conformity, reflecting an increase in basin width
stratigraphic and geographic distributions of the with time. Their evidence for onlap includes the
diverse sedimentary facies in the basins suggest thinning of the Stockton Formation towards the
certain components that reflect regional tectonic unconformable margin and ends of the Newark
and climatic controls. The regional pattern of basin; outcrop-scale onlap of the WolfviUe Forma-
sedimentary facies also provides insight into the tion onto basement in the Fundy basin; and a
relationship of the present-day basin boundaries suggestion of onlap in limited seismic data from
to the original depositional basins. several basins (Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 5-6, 70-72,
139). The basal fluvial deposits in the Deerfield
Tectonic controls and Hartford basins appear to onlap northward
onto basement, and the basal fluvial deposits of
As mentioned in the introduction, evidence is both the Gettysburg and Culpeper basins thin
convincing that border faults of the Newark Super- towards the ends. The onlap hypothesis requires
group basins were active during sedimentation and that the ages of deposits overlying the unconfor-
that they exerted controls on the facies distribu- mity differ in different parts of the basins.
tions. The nature of the fault boundary must have Olsen and Schlische (1988) also stated that the
changed as the basin filled, which should be re- sequence of fluvial sedimentation followed by la-
flected in the sedimentary record. Fluctuations in custrine sedimentation in the Newark Supergroup
the rate of fault movement along the basin borders basins was a function of the apparent decrease in
is commonly cited as the cause of vertical varia- the rate of sediment aggradation as the basins
tions in alluvial fan or fluvial grain sizes or the widened during constant subsidence. If the amount
transition from fluvial to lacustrine conditions (see of fluvial sediment entering a basin were constant,
discussions in Lorenz, 1988, pp. 115-164, and it would be spread over a continuously larger area
Olsen et al., 1989). Olsen and Schlische (1988, see as progressively thinner sheets. Therefore, the river

could not remain at the level of the outlet, resulting basins, clearly reflects downflow fining in some
in basin closure and the formation of lakes. The cases, the occurrence of the lower conglomeratic
lakes would initially be shallow, but since they fluvial deposits in successive fault blocks across
would further decrease the rate of sediment aggra- the Newark basin indicates that an additional
dation at the outlet, they would become pro- stratigraphic factor may be involved. Similar strati-
gressively deeper as the basin subsided. However, graphic successions are suggested by outcrop pat-
since the basin would continue to widen, the water terns in the Hartford, Gettysburg, Culpeper, and
entering the basin would be spread over a pro- Deep River basins. (3) Provenance, paleocurrent
gressively broader area resulting in shallower lakes. data, and lateral grain size changes in basal fluvial
The lacustrine succession, then, would be shallow deposits, although commonly poorly constrained
lakes capped by deep freshwater lakes grading to due lack of outcrop data and lack of stratigraphic
shallow saline lakes. Olsen et al. (1989) cite the control, indicate that they enter the basin from the
Triassic deposits of the Newark basin and the Dan hanging wall side (the Stockton Formation,
River-Danville basin as examples of this succes- Glaeser, 1966; Turner-Peterson, 1980; and the New
sion. They suggest that increased tectonism, associ- Oxford Formation, McLaughlin and Gerhard,
ated with extrusion of the basalts during the 1953), the foot wall side (the Manassas Sandstone,
Jurassic in the Hartford and Newark basins, Lindholm, 1979; and the New Haven Arkose,
stopped the basin widening and steepened the Hubert et al., 1978) or along the basin axis (Lithol-
basin floor resulting in a return of deep, freshwater ogy TrCSI, Hoffman and Gallagher, 1989).
lakes. Overlying deposits reflect the slow return to Furthermore, paleocurrent data, grain size, and
shallow saline lakes in the final stages of sedimenta- sedimentary characteristics do not change in some
tion. Olsen et al. (1989) attribute the return to localities where the basal fluvial deposits are near
fluvial deposition in the upper parts of the Hart- the basin boundaries. In the northern Culpeper
ford, Taylorsville, and Deep River basins to a basin and southern Gettysburg basin, coarse-
decrease in subsidence and infilling of the lakes. grained fluvial deposits (FD3) near the base of the
A number of relationships in the lower fluvial Manassas Sandstone and New Oxford Formation
units are not addressed by the Olsen and Schlische show no change in grain size or fluvial style where
(1988) model. (1) Fluvial (F7) deposits in the they crop out within a hundred meters of the
Gettysburg, Culpeper, and Deep River basins indi- border fault and outcrops on the eastern margins
cate deposition as reworked residuum and collu- of the basins, they are apparently just thinner.
vium and by small streams on an irregular bedrock These relationships suggest that the present basin
topography. These deposits, obviously derived boundaries may not have influenced deposition.
from adjacent bedrock, are radically different from The following scenario is proposed for the initial
the overlying mature fluvial deposits. It seems fluvial development of the Newark Supergroup
unlikely that the F7 deposits are part of an onlap basins. The future basin floors were originally
sedimentary package. They may represent the ini- rocky depressions covered with residual gravel and
tial phase of basin deposition, or deposition that colluvium, and locally incised by small streams.
predates formation of the basin that was subse- Activation of faults in response to regional rifting
quently buried by the onlapping deposits. Similar formed large elongate depressions and caused
deposits may be present in the other basins as drainages to flow into them. Rivers flowing into
suggested by some seismic data, but have not been the depressions maintained outlets by cutting bed-
recognized or are not exposed at the surface. (2) rock as the basins subsided while sediment slowly
Although the characteristic vertical transition of accumulated filling and smoothing the basin floor.
coarse-grained braided stream deposits (F2 and The lower relief created by infilling the basin
F3) grading to finer grained meandering river topography decreased local stream gradients, so
deposits (F4 and F5) or braided stream deposits that rivers deposited finer grained sediment. This
with thick muddy interbeds (F3 and F6), that further decreased the cutting power of the streams,
overlies the unconformity or F7 deposits of most so they were less capable of downcutting the outlet
414 J.P. SMOOT

resulting in a backup of stream flow and intermit- depositing the delta (Smoot and Lowenstein, in
tent flooding of the basin floor by shallow lakes. press).
The shallow lake deposits produced even lower It is unlikely that different cycles represent al-
relief on the basin floor and lower stream gradients, ternations of closed and open drainage systems as
so that the streams could no longer cut outlets as suggested by Gore (1989). The deepest lakes within
the basin subsided. At this point, the streams may the cyclic sequences may have spilled out of the
have found new outlets where the confining high- basins creating open drainages, but the complete
lands were low enough, such as along the basin predominance of rhythmic cyclic rise and fall of
axis, or the drainage system became closed. This lake levels (Olsen, 1986) suggests that lake depths
is similar to the model of Olsen and Schlische were rarely controlled by the height of the spillover.
(1989) in that it does not require any change in The features used to support closed basin condi-
subsidence and is a direct result of the tectonic tions are ubiquitous in the cyclic sequences. Al-
setting. ternations of freshwater conditions and saline
The basins with cyclic lacustrine deposits are conditions may indicate changes from open to
believed to have been hydrologically closed during closed drainage, as suggested by Van Houten
most of lacustrine sedimentation. There are several (1962, 1964) and Gore (1989), but they probably
pieces of evidence indicating basin closure. (1) The represent deeper lakes and shallower lakes. The
cyclic lake deposits consist of repeated, rhythmic chemical and detrital cycles of Van Houten (1962,
alternations of standing water deposits and subaer- 1964), often cited as evidence of salinity fluctua-
ial deposits including features suggesting deep tions, may represent the diagenetic overprint of
lakes (around 100 m deep) overlain in a few meters alkaline groundwater (see Smoot and Horowitz,
by subaerial deposits. Such radical changes in 1988). The absence of evaporites in the regressive
water depth are inconsistent with lateral facies portion of lake cycles may indicate the lack of
shifts (as in Walther's Law, see Middleton, 1973), accumulated solutes because of an open drainage
but are consistent with observed depositional pat- system (Gore, 1989), groundwater leakage out of
terns in Holocene closed basins where lake depth the basin (see Snyder, 1962), or short periods of
and area are controlled by the balance of inflow standing lake conditions in a closed basin (Smoot
and evaporation (Langbein, 1961; Richardson, and Lowenstein, in press).
1969). (2) Major fluvial deposits are absent in the Tectonic effects on closed-basin lakes include
central parts of the basins even where lake deposits shifting of the basin base levels and changing the
reflect subaerial exposure. River deposits along the inflow drainage systems. Lowering of the basin
margins of the basins abruptly thin and intertongue floor should not affect lake depth, because it is
with lacustrine deposits towards the basin center. controlled by inflow and evaporation rather than
This relationship is consistent with conditions by spillover height. Broadening of the basin would
where fluvial inflow into a basin resulted in pond- allow small-scale fluvial systems to migrate over
ing of water and lake transgression, as is common larger portions of the basin floor because of the
in modern closed basins (Smoot, 1985). (3) Deltaic greater area over which the ponded water must
deposits associated with the cyclic lake deposits expand (Smoot, 1985). The upward transition to
characteristically consist of stacked Gilbert-type sandier regressive sequences in the Triassic lake
delta foresets (LM2) and sheet delta fronts (LM3). cycles of the Newark and Culpeper basins (Olsen
Vertical sequences consistent with birdfoot delta et al., 1989) may be due to this phenomenon.
development (LM1) are thinner than expected for Tectonically induced changes in the drainage sys-
the apparent depth of the lake inferred from tems may result in a decrease or increase of the
interbedded lake deposits. These features are char- inflow by diverting or capturing drainages. The
acteristic of deltas formed on the margins of apparent shifts of the axial drainage systems in
modern closed-basin lakes, where lake depth and the Newark basin are apparently the result of
area change rapidly and frequently, commonly in tectonism.
response to the episodes of flooding that are Lacustrine deposits in the Deep River, Rich-

mond, and Taylorsville basins do not show the highlands at the basin boundary at that time.
pronounced cyclicity characteristic of the deposits Similarly, the consistent paleocurrents towards the
in the other large basins. The Cumnock Formation northwestern border fault in the Stockton Forma-
(Deep River basin), Vinita beds (Richmond basin), tion of the Newark basin in the three different
and the middle lacustrine member of the Doswell fault blocks suggest that these deposits predate
Formation (Taylorsville basin) do not show the alluvial fan development, as an opposing paleocur-
cyclic alternations of subaqueous and subaerial rent pattern of alluvial fans away from the faulted
deposits, but fluctuations in depth are suggested highlands would have caused the Stockton drain-
by alternations from L1 to L2 deposits and in the age to shift to axial. The formation boundaries in
abundance and distribution of sandstone interbeds. the Newark basin as depicted by Olsen et al. (1989,
These fluctuations are not rhythmic or hierarchical p. 70) suggest that at least part of the Stockton
and appear to be related in part to aggradation of Formation intertongues with conglomerates near
deltas. These deposits may either reflect open the border fault, although the stratigraphic control
drainage systems or, if the lakes were very deep there is poor. This may indicate alluvial fan devel-
and/or in narrow basins, closed-basin conditions opment in the latest stages of fluvial sedimentation.
(Smoot, 1985). The alternations of claystones and New Haven Arkose in the northern Hartford basin
sandstones noted by Olsen et al. (1989, pp. 29-31) is boulder-rich where near the border fault, but
in the Durham subbasin may represent the rise away from the border fault has the same grain
and fall of a deep, narrow, closed-basin lake size across the width of the basin. There are no
reflected only by the shallow lake deposits. Alterna- data on the nature of the basal fluvial deposits in
tively, the lakes may only behave as closed-basin relation to the border faults in the other basins.
lakes during dry periods of sedimentation, so that The development of large-scale (tens of meters
insufficient water is present to bring flow over the to about 100 m thick) coarsening- or fining-upward
spillover. Fluvial deposits appear to extend across sequences in alluvial fan conglomerates is com-
the Deep River, Richmond, and Taylorsville ba- monly cited as evidence of tectonic activity and
sins, suggesting that blockage of the outlet pro- quiescence (see Heward, 1978). Wessel (1969), LeT-
duced the lakes, and lake infilling or downcutting ourneau (1985), and Arguden and Rodolfo (1986)
of the outlet allowed fluvial drainage to resume. describe coarsening-upward sequences in alluvial
Olsen et al. (1989, p. 108) suggested that fluvial fan conglomerates at the scale of 10-30 m that
deposits in the upper part of the Hartford basin they attribute to tectonic activity. Alternations of
(F1) represent a return to open drainage conditions AF1 and AF2 type alluvial fan deposits, such as
as basin subsidence slowed, or that they represent those seen in the Newark basin, may also represent
deposits lateral to cyclic lake deposits now eroded changes in alluvial fan slope or in drainage area
away in a very broad basin. Similar explanations size in response to tectonic activity. They may also
may apply to the fluvial deposits in the Deep represent shifts in the loci of deep channels due to
River, Richmond, and Taylorsville basins. avulsion. Schlische and Olsen (1988) suggest that
Alluvial fan deposits intertongue with most of fault movement caused syndepositional folding of
the other sedimentary units in each basin indicating strata near the border faults of the Newark basin
fan deposition over extended periods. The presence in Pennsylvania based on the nature of deforma-
of alluvial fans along the border faults suggests tion of mudcracks and fossils (see also Olsen et
highlands adjacent to the basins, analogous to al., 1989), which they interpret as soft-sediment
modern rift basins. At the northern end of the deformation, and on the relationship of diabase
Culpeper basin, however, at least part of the basal intrusions, that they interpret as phacoliths, to
Manassas Sandstone is truncated by the border folds. There is no direct evidence of thickening of
fault with no evidence of change of character or strata or of local angular unconformities associated
intercalation with fan deposits. This suggests that with this postulated folding. More direct evidence
some fluvial deposits predate alluvial fan formation of synsedimentary deformation related to border
and that the present border fault does not mark fault movement is present in the Fundy basin,
416 J.p.SMOOT

Nova Scotia (Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 152-159), and L5) indicate a period of aridity spanning the
where talus breccias fill local graben in the North latest Carnian into the early Norian. The middle
Mountain Basalt. The graben are draped by Juras- to late Norian was an interval of gradual return
sic fluvial and lacustrine rocks. to wetter conditions, as indicated by increased
bioturbation (L6) reaching a maximum in the
Climatic controls Early Jurassic, Hettangian age. The period of
Hettangian to Pliensbachian marked a gradual
Climatic variability during deposition in the return to arid conditions reflected by an increase
basins is indicated at several levels. The individual in abundance of playa fabrics (L4, L5). Part of
lake cycles a few meters thick have been interpreted the zonation may be an artifact of the expanding
as indicators of Milankovitch cyclicity at the scale basin model of Olsen and Schlische (1988) because
of 21,000 years (Olsen, 1986). More than a thou- the steeper, narrow basins would have deeper,
sand of these cycles are present in the Newark more stable lakes; conversely, the broader basins
basin and hundreds of cycles are present in the may have shallower, less stable lakes. This does
Dan River-Danville, Culpeper, Gettysburg, and not explain why the interval of driest deposits is
Fundy basins. Using Fourier analysis of cyclic not at the top of the Triassic (before the Jurassic
sequences, Olsen (1986) has also determined larger reactivation). The paleolatitude control on climate,
scale groupings of cycles that he attributes to as indicated by the distribution of coal deposits
periodicities of about 95,000, 125,000 and 400,000 and eolian deposits, is another important factor
years, also consistent with Milankovitch cyclicity that must be considered in comparing climatic
(see discussion in Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 3-5). indicators in the different basins.
Although the actual timing of these cycles may be Fluvial systems were probably not as sensitive
challenged, their regularity and rhythmicity is evi- to climate as the closed basin lakes, but climatic
dence for climatic rather than tectonic control. changes at the scale of the stages, as suggested by
Olsen (in Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 9-12) has corre- the lacustrine deposits, should be apparent. If
lated individual cycles from the Jurassic sections fluvial deposits are divided into dry types (Fl and
in the Culpeper, Newark, Hartford, and Deerfield F2) and wet types (F3, F4, F5), they also roughly
basins based on larger cycle patterns and on the follow the pattern of the lacustrine deposits
intercalated basalt sequences. Differences in the (Table 3). There are a few examples of fluvial
fish-fossil assemblages (Olsen et al., 1982; Olsen, deposits that may reflect climatic fluctuations at
1983) indicate that they were not common to a the scale of lake cycles in the Newark Supergroup.
single large lake, but developed in individual lakes In the Deep River basin, Textoris and Holden
in different basins, all reacting synchronously to a (1986) suggested that the alternation of cross-
common climatic overprint. bedded, channel-fill sandstones with thick mud-
Table 3 is a correlation of sedimentary deposits stone beds containing abundant carbonate nodules
in the major Newark Supergroup basins, based reflects fluctuations from humid to arid conditions.
primarily on palynological data. The dominant However, this alternation may be accounted for
types of lacustrine deposits at the top and base of by lateral facies variability (channel and overbank
cycles are noted, or the character of non-cyclic areas) and the association of abundant root struc-
lake deposits is given. Considerable variability is tures and burrows with the carbonate nodules in
present within the zones and the boundaries are the mudstones suggest that conditions were proba-
not well constrained. Based on the nature of bly not very dry (see Olsen et al., 1989, pp. 31-32).
massive mudstones in lacustrine sequences, Smoot LeTourneau (1985) observed that alluvial fan de-
and Olsen (1988) postulated that the Carnian stage posits in the Portland Formation in the southern
of the Late Triassic was primarily a period of wet part of the Hartford basin are dominated by AF1
conditions, as indicated by the abundance of bio- and AF2 deposits of different grain sizes, but just
turbated lacustrine (L2, L6) deposits. In contrast, below lacustrine sequences (Ll and LM4 deposits)
lacustrine intervals dominated by playa fabrics (L4 they are dominated by AF3 deposits. He interpre-

ted this relationship as indicating a climatic change similar elevations as in the three fault blocks of
influencing alluvial fan depositional style as well the Newark basin, suggests post-depositional ero-
as causing the lake transgression. Blair (1987, sion of a tremendous thickness of section. There
pp. 856.-857) rejected this hypothesis, and attrib- is no evidence of the local relief of the scale
uted the change in alluvial fan character to rapid necessary to produce the present outcrop pattern
tectonic subsidence in the basin floor allowing that would result from syndepositional faulting,
axial lake and fluvial deposits (the AF3) to shift and thermal maturity indicators consistently point
over the alluvial fan deposits, then the alluvial fan to deep burial of the older deposits in the basins
rebuilding over them during a period of quiescence. with thick stratigraphic sequences (Pratt et al.,
Several important facts support the model of LeT- 1985). This erosion must have stripped away any
ourneau (1985): (1) the lacustrine shales in question of the thinner portions of the basin and exposed
are laterally equivalent to cyclic shales and mud- the underlying bedrock. Another indicator of deep
stones with the characteristic regular hierarchy erosion is that many of the smaller basins (for
suggestive of climatic fluctuations in a closed basin, instance, the Northfield, Pomperaug, and Bar-
(2) there is no evidence of the axial fluvial system boursville basins) have stratigraphy and prove-
in the cyclic lacustrine deposits immediately west nance similar to the adjacent larger basins,
of the area dominated by alluvial fan deposits (the suggesting that they are erosional outliers.
regressive lake sequences are commonly capped by Outcrops of the basin-filling rocks also commonly
LM5 sandstones), (3) the AF3 deposits are only occur as much as several kilometers outside the
found below the transgressive lacustrine shales and basin boundaries, including the border fault
not on top, (4) the AF3 deposits have the exact boundary.
same provenance as the underlying and overlying The deep erosion of the Newark Supergroup
AF1 and AF2 deposits, and (5) the paleocurrents basins dictates that too much emphasis should not
indicated by crossbedding in the AF3 deposits are be placed on the relationship of depositional facies
the same as those for the overlying and underlying to the present basin boundaries. As discussed in
AF1 and AF2 deposits (LeTourneau, 1985). The the fluvial deposits, paleocurrent data and prove-
concept of changes in alluvial fan deposition as a nance of the lower fluvial sandstones and conglom-
function of climate needs consideration. The size erates in several basins show little change due to
of the fan drainage areas may dictate the extent their proximity to the unconformable or faulted
to which the alluvial fans reflect climate change basin boundary, and stratigraphic sequences of
and the differences may be subtle or may occur decreasing grain size are maintained regardless of
within limited areas. AF3 deposits with provenance their geographic location. These relationships sug-
and paleocurrent directions similar to overlying gest that the present unconformable boundary of
and underlying AFI and AF3 deposits are present the basins is an erosional exposure of the basin
in the Passaic Formation of Newark, but they floor. Even the alluvial fan deposits on the faulted
have not been correlated to lake cycles. basin margin appear to reflect the distal portions
of low-angle pediment fans whose apex and midfan
Relationship of present basin boundaries to the deposits are eroded away.
depositional boundaries
Implications to other rift-basin studies
Although paleontological, mineralogical, and
stratigraphic features indicate that most of the The Newark Supergroup basins contain thou-
major Newark Supergroup basins were separate sands of meters of continental strata reflecting a
centers of sedimentation and not structural rem- wide variety of depositional environments. Despite
nants of much larger basins, evidence suggests that the poor exposure of these deposits, a variety of
the present basin boundaries are not the original stratigraphic and geographic trends suggest both
depositional basin boundaries. Apparent fault dis- tectonic and paleoclimatic controls on sedimenta-
placement of kilometers of strata, now exposed at tion. The variety of depositional environments
418 J.P. SMOOT

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