The Alchemical Medicine Wheel: by Richard Craven

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R_Craven_ Final Essay The Alchemical Medicine Wheel 1

The Alchemical Medicine Wheel

By Richard Craven

GLA 617 OL2: Mythology for the Modern World Summer 2017
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To talk of the Medicine Wheel is to put it into terms of 'Walking the Wheel,' the 'Journey of

the Medicine Wheel.' It is a dynamic mandala that is just as relevant in our lives today as it

was eons ago in the lives of the Native American indigenous people. This concept of a

journey around the Medicine Wheel bears a striking resemblance to Joseph Campbell's

Hero's Journey. The concepts that are traditionally applied to the Medicine Wheel find their

counterparts in Jung's archetypes and the Totems are archetypal images. It is virtually

impossible to embark on a journey of self-discovery without encountering the alchemical

processes of change and transformation in your life.

One of the things you will notice is that I will always capitalize Medicine Wheel. This is to

set it apart from the ordinary meanings. When 'medicine' is used in its lowercase form, it is

referring to the realm of our medical medicine such as taking aspirin or going to see the

doctor. When it is capitalized 'Medicine' it now relates to the energy of the item, usually in

healing or therapeutic way. This convention of capitalizing a word to indicate it's spiritual or

energy will be used throughout this paper.

Another term that may not be familiar is 'Totem.' The Oxford dictionary defines it as “A

natural object or animal that is believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance,

and that is adopted by it as an emblem ("Totem - Definition Of Totem In English | Oxford

Dictionaries"). The same convention of capitalization is used when the item is used as the

totem as opposed to it just being itself. In Jungian terms totem is the same as the archetype

images. So Coyote would still look like the animal but is working on the energetic, spiritual

levels associated with the animal as opposed to coyote which is referring to a canine

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The most basic form of a Medicine Wheel

has five stones positioned with one in the

center and the remaining four at each of the

four cardinal directions. All Medicine

Wheels will have this arrangement. Each of

the directions is associated with an

element, a season, a time of day, and an

age of human development. The center

stone will always represent Great Spirit. We

also stand at the center of our own

Illustration 1: The basic Medicine Wheel
Medicine Wheel with Great Spirit in us and

around us. This is the Medicine Wheel I was taught by Grandmother Pathweaver. She was

with Sun Bear when he presented it to Bear Tribe and was on the team that put it into its

current form. This Medicine Wheel has thirty-six stones. These stones cover the twelve

moons of the year, the four elements, and pathway stones from the directional stones to the

center (Sun Bear et al.).

Nigredo: The Journey Begins

Our alchemical journey starts in the North. This is the realm of winter, the long winter

nights. North is the only direction that covers two ages of human development, Birth, and the

Elders those known as Grandmother and Grandfather. This is the direction of Earth, the

physical world that we reside in. The Totem for this direction is the Great White Buffalo known

as Waboose. At some point in our lives, we find ourselves at odds with the world. There is the

call for change, to do something different because they way it is no longer working. It is most
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appropriate that the Medicine Wheel starts this process in the North. It is the place of birth

and death. The Alchemical Nigredo phase requires us to die to our old selves. In the New

age/Pagan traditions, we have a phrase that also sums this up. “Release that which no longer

serves you.” Nigel Hamilton in his paper 'The Alchemical Process of Transformation' states

that “...the encounter with the earth nature necessitates a freeing of the sense of self from its

identification with the elements earth and water...The identification of the self with the earth

element is experienced in terms of our attachment to worldly objects we remain separated

and divided inside (Hamilton, Nigel).”

Each of the directions has three pathway stones that help us to return to our center. From

the North, these three stones are

Cleansing, Renewal, and Purity(Sun

Bear et al.). Each of the stones has a

particular set of concepts associated

with them. That can help guide the

person to the desired outcome. For

Cleansing the concept is to detox your

self and to mentally clear out old ideas

to detach yourself from old thought

forms. Once you have done that, then

you can move to the stone of Renewal.

Illustration 2: Stones of the Northern Quadrant
Now that you have removed the old

stuff that has been blocking you, you can look at the world from a new perspective. There are

also three moons of the year associated with each direction. The Totems of those moons can
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also be used to help with the process. For the North, those three Totems are Snow Goose,

Otter, and Cougar. The totem of Snow Goose is about fidelity, patterns, and team work. Using

this totem in this process would be pushing us to look at the attachments we have made. And

to seriously ask ourselves do we need that item (or person) in our life. Are the patterns we

follow actually working? And who are the individuals and organizations we associate with?

The Totem of the Otter is about playing and having fun. This totem is asking “Are you having

fun with what you're doing?”. And the last is Cougar. Of the three Cougar is the most spiritual.

The concepts of the Cougar totem can blend in and be seen only when you want to be seen.

Because of this Cougar is able to observe, and get to the heart of any matter and situation. To

bring this totem in with the work we are doing is to bring that power of observation to

ourselves instead of those around us. To step outside of ourselves to be as objective and

honest as possible in that unblinking gaze this phase requires.

You can have a healthier attitude towards the world viewpoint. Renew your faith in yourself

and Great Spirit. Which means that you are now ready for Purity. With your new attitude, and

perspective you also can look at the world as a child in that innocent way we had as children.

We can laugh once again and play and enjoy life as we once did.

Albedo: Who Am I?

A light begins to grow on the horizon. It is the Sun rising in the east showing us the way to

the next part of our transformation. We have now entered into the quadrant of the East. The

totem here is Wabun a Great Golden Eagle. It is morning, Spring and childhood. The element

here is air, and this is the realm of thoughts and ideas. Children start to learn who they are

through play and social interaction. The process of the Albedo as described by Nigel Hamilton

requires us to take a hard look at ourselves and ask “Who am I (Hamilton, Nigel)?” As we
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honestly answer that question, we become aware of ourselves in the greater scheme of

things. Like the eagle's ability to focus on the detail from a great distance or to survey the

larger picture we will be able to look at ourselves in the same way.

Both our module, and Nigel talk about the joining of the Anima and Animus in this process.

In the crucible of our minds, and bodies the 'coniuncitio oppositorum' takes place and we

become the “philosopher's child” ("The Three Phases And Modern Connections, Part 2").

On the Medicine Wheel, this process is accomplished through the pathway stones of

Clarity, Wisdom, and

Illumination(Sun Bear et

al.). Clarity is that 'Aha'

moment when all the

pieces fall together. At that

moment thoughts flow

smoothly, the world opens

up, and we feel more

connected. We then move

to Wisdom. Wisdom is a
Illustration 3: Stones of the Eastern Quadrant product of asking the

question of “Who am I” through the knowledge of yourself you know what your boundaries are

and what you are capable of doing. Wisdom is also born of experience. Knowing who you are

is also knowing where you've been. Not just your experiences, but also your history, your

heritage through your lineage, and culture. With that knowledge, and clarity of self, Wisdom

brings Illumination which is the third stone on the path to the center from the East.
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The totems of the three moons of this quadrant are Red Hawk, Beaver, and Deer. Red

Hawk can see the big picture like the Eagle and brings a detachment to the process. Often to

have the clarity needed you have to detach from the situation. For this process like with

Cougar in the North, you have to be able to separate from yourself to look at yourself in the

way that this Alchemical process requires. The totem of the Beaver is all about the work.

Beaver is asking “How dedicated are you to this process? Are you going to put the effort

needed to do this?” This neither a fast nor is it an easy thing to do. To dedicate yourself to

doing this is to reinvent yourself and that is precisely that the Albedo Phase and this quadrant

is talking about.

Once this illumination of awareness is a light in your life, you can see the truth of yourself,

and the world around you as an innocent child does. This is the direction of thought. So, we

learn that our self-image is nothing more than a construct of thoughts. How we see ourselves

is more often than not molded by the culture around us, by family, the commercials, and

movies we watch. The personas we present to the world as we move through our day, and

our lives are determined by how we think we should act, and how we have been conditioned

to act in certain situations and places.

When we actively decide to do this, and we have the clarity of self-awareness then we can be

aware of the thoughts and personas we are adopting and presenting. In the vernacular of

'The Matrix' “We are awake.”

Citrinitas: Entering into the Light

To maintain the journey through the four quadrants of the Medicine Wheel I had to restore

the Alchemical phases back to the original four stages instead of the current three phases.

Nigel Hamilton's paper explains this third phase 'Citrinitas- The Yellowing' as “the stage of the
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Sun, or the dawning of the 'solar light” inherent in our Being. Now the light is no longer

reflective as in the lunar or soul light. Its nature is direct, and it is all pervading (we do not

experience it as having a source). This light is “great and strong, as of a calcining fire” it is

sometimes referred to as the original Light or the Light that is pure, creative Intelligence.

Some alchemical texts describe it as the Divine Intellect (as distinct from the human, mental

intellect). It is said that the only true knowledge is revealed to us when this Light becomes

conscious in us (Hamilton, Nigel).”

Nigel explains that it is in this phase that we face ourselves and that this is done with a light

so bright that it strips away everything. It is a dying to ourselves. This seems to be an undoing

of what we just achieved in the East, in the Albedo phase. We have just figured out who we

are, and now we are stripping that sense of self away in the glaring light of the Noon day Sun.

But, what is happening is “The "yellow death" signals the end of the influence of the "lunar

light," as the consciousness is transformed into "solar light." This "solar light" awakens the

sense of revelation and revelatory knowledge. Inner knowing is not arrived at by study,

reflection or deep thought; it is to be experienced as a direct revelation (Hamilton, Nigel).”

What is happening here is that we realize that we are not alone and separate we are a part of

a cosmos, we are active members of a community. There is individuation of course, but we

must also have a sense of belonging to a community, to something other than us. Nigel also

states that it is in this phase that the marriage of the Animus and Anima takes place. Through

this joining, we have our rebirth as enlightened beings.

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Our journey now

takes us to the

Southern part of the

Medicine Wheel. The

quadrant associated

with the element of

fire, Summer, young

adult hood, passion,

and emotion. The

totem watching over

this is Shawnodese,

the Coyote the three

Illustration 4: Stones of the Southern Quadrant
pathway stones are Relationship/Growth, Trust, and Love. And the totems of the Moons are

Flicker, Sturgeon, and Brown Bear (Sun Bear et al.), The long summer days, and the heat of

the fire and the season are home here. It is these very elements that are talked about in the

Citrinitas Phase. Shawnodese is the trickster. However, he only resorts to the tricks to bring

about the lessons needed. Some myths place him in the same role as Prometheus stealing

fire to save the human race. Other attributes of Shawnodese are trust, growth, mystery,

endurance, adaptability, and love.

It is during the summer months that the most rapid growth happens. The bright 'Solar Light'

and heat of summer will burn away all pretense of the self that we had coming into this

quadrant. Without burning away the chaff, we would have only the sense of self-awareness

that we received from our work in the East. However, we also have to put that in the context
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of the world we live in. The first of the pathway stones is of Relationship (also know as

Growth) is about that growth and maturing. This stone pushes you to expand your horizons

beyond yourself by facing your fears. However, this also demands that you take responsibility

for your actions and decisions. There is a great deal of Trust involved when you open the

blast furnace doors and step inside. Trusting that only the falsehoods and shadows will be

burned away from ourselves, we surrender ourselves to the Divine Solar Light of Great Spirit.

In that moment of trust and surrender, we die to ourselves, and we experience the oneness of

Divine Love. The next stone on the pathway the position of Love.

Here is the joining of our Animus and Anima within ourselves. We experience true, no

strings attached, Love. This is the love we have to give ourselves before we can love others.

We are the divine child of the coupling of the Animus with the Anima. In our rebirth we know

who we are, we can love ourselves and others unconditionally, and we are the divine spark of

light in the world.

Flicker is the totem of the first moon and teaches us about the importance of emotions and

to have a strong home base and to be brave. Sturgeon asks you to dive deep into your self to

face your Shadows and to face your sexuality. And Brown Bear teaches us about our

boundaries and the need to heal and nurture ourselves before we can heal and nurture the


Rubedo: The Return

The fourth and final phase of the Alchemical Processes is Rubedo the Reddening phase.

There is another purification of the hottest fire yet. The newly formed Self in its Spiritual

pureness must be joined with the physical body, and that is the coniunctio oppositorum of this

phase. The physical self needs to be prepared to receive the rarefied Spirit, which has now
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undergone three levels of purification before integration can occur. At first one would think that

this means going through a physical regimen of diet and exercise. While this isn't an entirely

bad idea what is indicated from our class module and Nigel's paper is a purification of our

psyche. However this is accomplished, the final result of the merging of the soul into the

mind/body is shown by a complete change in the person from what they once were into a new


From the fiery south, our trip around the medicine wheel brings us to the West. This is the

quadrant of Mudjekeewis,

the great Grizzly Bear. We

are in the realm of

Autumn, dreams, and

nightfall, the time of the

mature adult. The

pathway stones here are

Experience, Introspection,

and Strength. The three

totems of the moons are

Illustration 5: Stones of the Western Quadrant Raven, Snake, and Elk

(Sun Bear et al.). This is the quadrant of the Spiritual it is here that we enter into the world of

dreams and the Vision Quest. From the powerful lessons of Shawnodese and tricks, we find

solace in the arms of Mudjekeewis. There is work to be done but after a deep healing sleep.

In our sleep, we dream. We dream of our past experiences, and we find ourselves falling

deep with-in-ourselves.
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We find ourselves at the first of the pathway stones 'Experience'. As we learned from the

pathway stone of Wisdom, it is the experience that leads to Wisdom. Now we are being asked

to take an even closer and critical look at our experiences. Looking at the events and choices

that have lead to this moment in time. Doing this work requires us to use the second pathway

stone almost simultaneously with the Experience pathway stone. It takes Introspection to do

this work. And it is a very solitary work. You are the only one that can do this, the only thing

anyone else can do is support you and facilitate the work you're doing. It is only after you

have undergone this hard critical look at yourself that you find yourself at the third pathway

stone and the final stone of this Medicine Wheel. The stone of Strength. With all of the work

that has been done, you are a stronger and better person now. With the deep introspection

into your experiences, you are stronger for knowing what you are capable of and for what you

have survived along your life.

We do not want to forget there are the three totems that also help with the work being done

in this quadrant. Raven is the messenger. Odin has two of them that fly out into the world and

brings back news of the mortals to him. Raven is a communicator and needs to belong to a

community. Raven can symbolically fly into your past to bring back and communicate those

deeply held memories and experiences that need to be dwelt with at this time for your

healing. Raven can show you where your life is in need of balance. The totem of Snake will

work with your transformation into a new person. Elk is another communicator and a leader.

With Raven and Elk, you will be able to communicate with your past and reconcile it with a

strong present. When you wake up, you are a new and complete person. Strong,

compassionate, and confident with themselves.

The Alchemical Phases end here and the work, at least for a time, is done. However, the
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Medicine Wheel is a circle, and even though we have gone through all four quadrants, we

have not yet closed that circle. To close it and complete the cycle we need to step back into

North. As I said at the start of this journey North is the quadrant of death and birth. To

completely return we have to step into our birth as a new person and bear witness to the

death of our old self. Once we have done that, then we will have closure of the old, and a

fresh start into our new lives. We have now completed the journey around the Medicine


With the completion of that cycle we have seen how the Alchemical Phases of

Nigredo, Albedo, Cintrinitis, and Rubedo find their equivalents in an even older system that is

still in use, and transforming lives today. We have touched on how the concept of Jungs

archetypal images are found in the totems of the stones. While I didn't name all of them, it is

worth noting that all of the stones of the Medicine Wheel have an animal, plant, and stone

totem associated with them. And they all work with-in Jung's theory of archetypes.

In this very brief study of the Alchemical process and the Medicine Wheel we now have

a better understanding of how the Medicine Wheel does it transformational work, and can

easily see how it works on so many levels in our lives simultaneously.

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"Addiction | Addiction Recovery | Addiction Treatment | Codependency | Shamanic Healing."

Addictionalchemy.Com, 2017,

Hamilton, Nigel. The Alchemical Process Of Transformation. 2017,

Sun Bear et al. Dancing With The Wheel. New York, Prentice Hall Press, 1991,.

"The Three Phases And Modern Connections, Part 2." GLA 617 - OL2: Mythology For The
Modern World, 2017,

"Totem - Definition Of Totem In English | Oxford Dictionaries." Oxford Dictionaries | English,


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