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Granger Middle School

Choir Handbook

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the Granger Middle School music program. I am excited about the adventure we
will be taking this year as we transition back to the classroom. I am looking forward to my first
year here in this community working with all of you. My aim this year is to build a strong sense
of community and pride in this program, as well as a strong level of musicianship. I hope to also
build a strong connection between the program and the community as well. My main objective
is to ensure that all students have a meaningful and positive experience in this program.

This handbook will give you an overview of the program and how the year will be structured. If
you have any questions or concerns feel free to call my room or send me an email any time!

I look forward to an amazing year working with you all and I can’t wait to see the progress we
all make!

Gavin Knowles

Director of Bands and Choir

Granger High School

Covid-19 Protocols
All students will be required to wear a mask that completely covers their nose and mouth
during the entirety of class time each day. Appropriate masks include disposable surgical masks
and cloth masks that have multiple layers of protection. Masks should fit snugly against the
sides of your face and have a nose wire so no air particles leak out the sides of your mask. While
playing instruments the masks can come off, but once finished playing they must go back on.

All chairs will be spaced 3 feet apart in the room to allow for physical distancing. The room
setup will be closely monitored so the spacing remains constant and will be strictly enforced.

The program runs on the idea of teamwork. All members of the team are expected to work
together to achieve all goals of the group. This means that all team members must follow the
same rules and expectations. The rules and expectations of the program are:

-No food or drink (other than water) in the room

-No gum in the room

-Arrive on time to all events. Remember the platinum rule-“To be on time is late, to be early is
to be on time”

-No one has the right to interfere with the learning and safety of others

-Treat the facilities and equipment with respect.

The carpet in this room is brand new. We want to keep it this way so please avoid any and all
spills involving any food or liquids. Facilities also include any and all places where we will be
performing. For example, make sure to clean any and all garbage from the stands in the football
stadium when we are done performing.

This schedule will be subject to change. Students and families will be notified of any change
well in advance through email. I ask that you please reserve these dates on your calendar to
avoid any conflicts. These are the key dates for the semester.
Holiday Concert- Dec. 15

Regional Festival- TBD

Festival Concert- TBD

Spring Concert- May 18

Performances are required events for all ensemble members. Performances are defined as any
and all times the ensemble is playing in public. Should there be an event you will miss, I must be
made aware AT LEAST 2 weeks before, unless it is an absolute emergency. Performance attire
will depend on the event.

Grading is based on 4 categories based on the standards for music education. These categories
are: Rehearsal citizenship, Performances, Written assignments, Playing assessments. The
grading layout will be as follows:

Performances: 30%

Playing Assessments: 30%

Rehearsal Citizenship: 20%

Written Assignments: 20%

Rehearsal citizenship is daily points. 5 points will be assigned every day and are earned by
following the rehearsal standard: “Understanding and applying the rehearsal process”.
All Students are expected to have the following every day for class:


I, __________________________________ (student name) have read and understand the
handbook and what is expected of me as a member of the program.

I, __________________________________ (parent/guardian name) have read and understand

the handbook and what is expected of my student as a member of the program.

____________________________________________ ________________________

(Parent/Guardian signature) (Date)

____________________________________________ ________________________

(Student signature) (Date)

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