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1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I live in a flat in a 25-storey apartment building with my family. I enjoy my life

there, because all facilities and services are available within walking distance,
which means I can easily grab anything I need in just a few minutes.

2. What is your favorite room in your home? Why?

Definitely my own bedroom. It’s the personal space where I can do whatever I
want without getting scolded by my mom. Besides, my bedroom is an ideal place
for me to avoid noise, so I tend to lock myself up in my bedroom whenever I
need to concentrate on my study.

3. Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?

Well, perhaps I would expand the dining area. It is the common space for family
members to gather, so I think it would be nice if my house’s dining room could be
a little more spacious.

4. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

Although my current accommodation is perfectly fine, I would love to experience

living in a villa once. Since it was my childhood dream to have a swimming pool
and a garden of my own, a villa seems like an ideal house for me.

5. How is your apartment decorated?

My home is styled in a minimal way. Almost everything is painted in plain white,

and a few landscape paintings act as a delicate touch. The interior design is
simple, but very pleasant to look at.

6. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Answer 1: My answer would be yes. I have nothing to complain about with my

current accommodation. Everything is up to par, from the neighbours to the
vicinity to amenities. That’s why my family has no intention of leaving this
wonderful neighbourhood.
Answer 2: That was never my plan. Two years ago I decided to rent a room here
because my house was too far and it took me forever to get to my office. But I
only stay here for maybe 1 or 2 years more before I can afford a house of my

6. Do you have a garden?

Unfortunately, no. There is not enough space for a garden in our flat, but I would
love to have one in the future. I think every household needs a green space, not
only because it is aesthetically pleasing, but also because it is a good way to get
in touch with the natural world.

7. Who do you live with?

I live with one of my coworkers, who was also my college friend. We share the
rent and other expenses like electricity and water, so it’s not really expensive.

8. How long have you lived there?

I’ve been living here since 2016, so it’s 2 years more or less although I did spend
6 months living in HCM city. I thought about moving somewhere else, but living
here is pretty great and fun. Besides it’s really close to my office.

9. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

Probably the kitchen where we eat together. Unlike other families in town, we
don’t watch TV very often, at least I don’t watch TV so we never sit together in
the living room. Dinner is the only time of day that we all sit together and enjoy
our meals.
Describe your dream home.

You should say:

• Where you are living now

• Where you want to live
• What kind of home is your dream home
=> And explain why you think it is your dream home.

Bài mẫu Speaking: Describe your house

For now, I’m living in an apartment with my two other friends. It is right in the
heart of the city with a lot of hustle and bustle. At night the streets are crowded
with people from all over the city. It’s not very spacious but there is enough room
for me to study. However, this is not my dream house.

To be honest, the location and the surroundings of my dream house is very

important. I’ve always been fascinated by mountains and the clean cool air. I’d
feel positive and lively to wake up looking outside at the windows and there are
magnificent range of mountains and they chilling atmosphere. In this respect, I
imagine my dream house to be located somewhere high, far away from the city
crowd and pollutions.

To describe my house regarding the design, I want it to be as simple as possible.

I’m not into fancy and modern type of architecture, something simple and
functional should just be perfect. It would be a Cottage with one bedroom, a
living room and a bathroom. The living room should be the biggest one, it’s
where all of my entertainment activities alone or with my friend take place.
There will also be trees and plant decorated around the house.
Từ vựng cho Describe your house

Từ vựng về vị trí nhà

• Be located in: Tọa lạc ở…;

• The suburbs: Khu vực ngoại ô;
• Inner …: Nội thành…;

• Seaboard: Bùng ven biển;

• Alley: Hẻm;
• City centre: Trung tâm thành phố;
• Village: Làng;
• Residential area: Khu dân cư;
• Amenities: Khu tiện nghi;

Từ vựng về các loại nhà

• Apartment: Căn hộ
• Flat: Dãy phòng (ở 1 tầng trong 1 nhà khối)
• Penthouse: Một căn hộ đắt tiền, hoặc các phòng cao cấp ở phía trên cùng
của một khách sạn hoặc nhà cao tầng;
• Apartment building/ block of flats: Tòa nhà chia thành các căn hộ. Các
căn hộ thường được cho thuê để ở, người thuê không có quyền sở hữu với
căn hộ cũng như những không gian chung.
• Condominium: Căn hộ ở chung cư
• Bedsit: Căn phòng nhỏ cho thuê (bao gồm giường, bàn ghế, nơi để nấu ăn
nhưng không có phòng vệ sinh riêng biệt.);
• Duplex: Căn nhà ngăn cách bằng bức tường ở giữa thành 2 căn hộ riêng
biệt hoặc căn hộ 2 tầng với mỗi tầng là 1 căn hộ hoàn chỉnh;
• Studio apartment: Căn hộ nằm dưới cùng của tòa nhà;
• Bungalow: Nhà đơn giản thường chỉ có một tầng;
• Villa: Biệt thự;
• Palace: Cung điện;

Từ vựng về các phần của ngôi nhà

• Front door: Cửa trước;

• Garage: Nhà để ô tô;
• Hallway: Hành lang;
• Kitchen: Nhà bếp;
• Living room: Phòng khách;
• Dining-room: Phòng ăn;
• Bathroom: Phòng tắm, nhà vệ sinh;
• Bedroom: Phòng ngủ;
• Roof: Mái nhà;
• Driveway: Đường lái xe vào nhà;
• Elevator: Thang máy;
• Ceiling: Trần nhà;
• Fireplace: Lò sưởi bằng lửa;

• Floor: Sàn nhà;

• Balcony: Ban công;

• Staircase/ stairs: Cầu thang;

• Upstairs: Tầng trên, gác, lầu;
• Wall: Tường;
• Window: Cửa sổ;
• Yard: Sân (có bờ rào quanh);
• Carport: Chỗ để xe (có mái);
• Attic: Gác thượng;
• Back door: Cửa sau;
• Dining-room: Phòng ăn;
• Door: Cánh cửa;
• Doorbell: Chuông cửa;
• Double glazing: Kính hai lớp cách âm;
• Downstairs: Tầng dưới, tầng trệt;

Từ vựng về đồ đạc trong nhà

• Furnished: Có nội thất đầy đủ;

• Armchair: Ghế có tay vịn;
• Bed: Giường;
• Chest of drawers: Tủ ngăn kéo;
• Cupboard: Tủ chén;
• Desk: Bàn;
• Double bed: Giường đôi;
• Dressing table: Bàn trang điểm;
• Drinks cabinet: Tủ rượu;
• Piano: Đàn piano;
• Sideboard: Tủ ly;

• Single bed: Giường đơn;

• Sofa: Ghế sofa;

• Sofa-bed: Giường sofa;

• Stool: Ghế đẩu;
• Table: Bàn;
• Mirror: Gương;
• Clock: Đồng hồ;
• Coat stand: Cây treo quần áo;
• Coffee table: Bàn uống nước;
• Bedside table: Bàn để cạnh giường ngủ;
• Bookcase/ bookshelf: Giá sách;
• Chair: Ghế;
• Alarm clock: Đồng hồ báo thức;
• Television: Tivi;
• Spin dryer: Máy sấy quần áo;
• Lamp: Đèn bàn;
• Radiator: Lò sưởi;
• Wardrobe: Tủ quần áo;

• Filing cabinet: Tủ đựng giấy tờ;

Từ vựng hữu ích khác

• Appointed: Có mọi thứ bạn cần và được trang trí rất tốt;
• Baronial: Lớn, ấn tượng, và được xây dựng hoặc trang trí theo phong cách
cổ điển;
• Beachfront: Nhà có view nhìn ra bãi biển;
• Brick-built: Được xây bằng gạch;
• Carpeted: Được trải thảm;
• Comfortable: Thoải mái;

• Condemned: Trong tình trạng rất tồi tệ;

• High-rise: Rất cao;

• A low-rise: Rất thấp;

• Not enough room to swing a cat phrase: Quá nhỏ;
• Ideal home: Căn nhà lý tưởng;
• Commute: Đi lại hằng ngày;
• Prestigious university: Trường đại học uy tín;
• Cozy: Ấm cúng;
• Spacious: Rộng rãi;
• From my perspective: Theo cách nhìn nhận của tôi;
• Give off pleasant smell: Tỏa mùi hương dễ chịu;
• In bloom: Nở rộ;
• Leisure time: Thời gian rảnh rỗi;
• Fully furnished: Trang bị đầy đủ;
• Household appliances: Thiết bị điện gia dụng;
• Cutting-edge: Hiện đại;
• Manual labor: Lao động chân tay;
• Decorate my house beautifully: Trang trí nhà thật đẹp;

• Make a dream become a reality: Biến ước mơ thành sự thật.

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