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Name ______________________________________________
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Lesson: Different types of soil
MELCS: Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil.
Week 1
The Earth is composed of three parts namely: soil, water and air with the interaction of the
sun as the main source of energy on earth. Soil is a very important natural resource on earth
made up of tiny particles of rocks and decayed plants and animals. It also contains water and
some gases found at the uppermost layer.
Soil covers most of the land part of the earth. You find plants, animals, houses, and other
organisms on the soil. We live on the soil, and it helps us in many ways. Different types of soil
have different physical characteristics.
Each soil types differs in color, texture, odor, and its ability to hold water. Some soils are
good for planting while others not. The presence of different kinds of vegetative plants in a place is
evidence of a good quality of the soil in the area or locality. Sometimes a combination of the
different types of soil is observed in some areas of the country.
Soil is a system in which energy and matter from the sun, the atmosphere, and living
organisms penetrate and interact. It is a system because it is composed of many different parts.
Each of the layers has a special function to perform.

Types of Soil Common Characteristics

1. Clay Particles are tightly packed together. It is sticky when wet and has the finest
2. Loam It is a mixture of sand and clay. It contains large amounts of decaying
plants and animals. It has a fine texture. It can hold enough water and
3. Sand Particles are coarse and loose. It cannot hold water well.

Learning Task 1: Identify the type of soil described. Select from the choices provided in the box.

______ 1. It is a type of soil that is very fertile and is ideal for planting.
______ 2. A type of soil that cannot hold water well.
______ 3. It is a type of soil that becomes sticky when wet and hard when dry.
______ 4. This type of soil is used in making hollow blocks.
______ 5. A type of soil that is best for plants planted in pots.

Learning Task 2: Read each item carefully. Choose and circle the letter of your answer.

1. Which type of soil is characterized as having the finest particles holding greater amount of water?
A. Loam B. Clay C. Sand
2. Which type of soil is best for planting?
A. Loam B. Clay C. Sand
3. How does each soil types differ?
A. Texture B. Color C. Both A & B
4. Which type of soil do you usually expect if the community is along the seashore?
A. Loam B. Clay C. Sand
5. Why is soil important to living things?
A. Forms part of the earth where animals live
B. Provides the necessary nutrients needed by plants
C. Serves as a place where people live
D. All of the above

Learning Task 1: Directions: Classify the sources of water. Write them in the proper column.
ocean water falls rivers stream
deep well lake pond sea


Learning Task 2: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer.
______ 1. Which of the following is not a kind of water?
A. Freshwater B. seawater C. groundwater D. water vapor
______ 2. Which kind of water is found beneath the earth’s surface?
A. Freshwater B. seawater C. groundwater D. water vapor
______ 3. Which of the following sources of water contains a large amount of dissolved salt?
A. lake B. sea C. river D. falls
______ 4. What should you do to conserve water when brushing your teeth?
A. Let the water flow from the faucet while brushing.
B. Use a glass of water for rinsing your mouth.
C. Use plenty of toothpaste.
D. All of the above.
______ 5. Which of the following helps conserve water when taking a bath?
A. Take a shower for a long time to enjoy water.
B. Take a shower using much water in the storage drum.
C. Take a shower and leave the faucet running to clean the bathroom.
D. Take a shower for at least 5 minutes to cool down and clean your body.
Prepare the materials listed below. You may Colored paper
ask the help of your parents/guardians of any Procedure:
adult members of the family if needed. 1. Use the old magazines and cut out pictures
Materials: that show how we use water every day.
Pictures of different uses of water every day 2. Paste them on the illustration board to
from old magazines/Print out pictures make a collage.
1/8 sized illustration board/ Old folder 3. Tell something about your output and write
Marker it on a sheet of paper



Learning Task 1: Arrange the jumbled words below to form the processes in the Water Cycle. Using
the descriptive phrases as your clue. Write your answers on the blank.

____________________1. (R A T S P I N T A R I O N) - is the process by which plants release water from

their leaves.
____________________2. (T A T P O I N R E C I P I) – is the process by which the condensed water
vapor falls back on the Earth’s surface in the forms of rain, hail, snow, and sleet.
____________________3. (A S O N T E N D I C O N) - is the process of changing water vapor (gas) into
liquid water.
____________________4. (T I N O P O V A E R A) - is the process of changing liquid water into gas.
____________________5. (N S U) - causes the water to become warm and evaporate.
Construct (draw/cut/print/poster) a model of a water cycle. Write the things that you need and the
steps that you have to do. You may use indigenous or recyclable materials in your project.
(Learner’s output will be evaluated using the rubrics below.)

MELCS: Use weather instruments and describe the different weather components in a
weather chart

Learning Task 1. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank.
______ 1. It is the instrument that measures air temperature.
A. anemometer B. wind sock C. thermometer D. wind vane
______ 2. At what time does air temperature changes?
A. from time to time C. in the evening only
B. in the afternoon only D. in the morning only
______ 3. Which of these instruments is used to measure wind speed?
A. anemometer B. wind sock C. thermometer D. wind vane
______ 4. The wind vane tells about the _____________ of the wind.
A. direction B. speed C. direction and speed D. temperature
______ 5. It is an instrument that can show both the wind speed and the direction.
A. anemometer B. wind sock C. thermometer D. wind vane
Learning Task 2: Identify the weather instrument. Write your answer on the blank.

PERFORMANCE TASK 3: Cut/Print/Draw pictures of 5 weather instruments. Write the name

and uses of the weather instruments. Do it on bond paper.

Rain Gauge
It is an instrument used by meteorologists and
hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of
liquid precipitation over an area in a predefined period of
Week 5
Learning Task 1: List down things or activities that you are going to do to keep you safe during
each of the weathers given in the table. Choose your answer from the box then write it in the table

Stay away under the sun for a long time Eat warm soup and food
Avoid burning light materials Take refreshing drinks and foods
Avoid playing in the rain Drink plenty of water
Wear thick clothes Avoid sea travel
Use raincoat or umbrella Avoid strolling during strong winds
Wear sando and cotton shirts Apply sun’s screen protection
Stay indoors Tune in to radio for the weather update


Learning Task No 1: Read each item carefully. Circle the letter of your answer.
1. At which time of the day can you have the shortest shadow?
A. 9:00am B. 10:00am C. 12:00noon D. 2:00pm B.
2. At which time of the day can you have the longest shadow?
A. 9:00am B. 10:00am C. 12:00noon D. 2:00pm

3. Why do opaque objects form shadows?

A. Because they absorb the light that hit them.
B. Because they reflect the light.
C. Because they bend the light that hits them.
D. Because they cover the light that hits them.
4. When does an object cast a longer shadow?
A. When light rays are slanted. B. When light rays are on top.
C. When the light rays are sideways. D. When the light rays are trapped.
5. When are shadows formed?
A. When light rays hit opaque objects. B. When light rays hit transparent objects.
C. When light rays hit translucent objects. D. When light rays hit hot objects.
Week 7-8


In your previous lesson you have learned how Farmers and fishermen use the sun’s heat
the length or size of the shadow is affected by the and light in their farming and fishing activities.
position of the sun. The light rays coming from The farmers harvest and dry crops by exposing it
the sun when blocked by objects in the directly under the heat of the sun to prevent
surroundings forms shadows. The appearance of spoilage. The fishermen preserve their catch by
shadows depends on the angle at which the drying and carefully laying and exposing directly
sunlight strikes the object to the ground. In this under the heat of the sun.
lesson you will learn more about the sun and For human beings’ excessive exposure to
how it affects human activities. sunlight can burn or harm the skin. This is
We all know that the sun is the main called sunburn. Exposure to intense heat can
source of heat, warmth, and light for almost cause dehydration and looking directly to the sun
all organisms on earth. Anything that gives off may damage the eyes. There are other health
heat is a heat source, and the sun is the main concerns that is related to sun exposure.
heat source of the earth. It is also the main For plants, too much heat from the sun can
source of light as it reflects or absorbed by cause withering. Also, the soil becomes very dry,
objects on earth. Absorbed light usually cracks and loses its moisture needed by the
increases the energy in an object, causing the plants to survive. Farming will not be possible
object to heat up. when drought happens.
Humans need the sun’s heat and light There are some ways of protecting ourselves
energy to survive. With the presence of sun’s from the excessive sun’s heat and light.
heat and light, humans can do a lot of activities 1. Wear a cap or wide-brimmed hat during sunny
from daily household chores to doing recreational days.
activities like outings and picnics. Most 2. Carry along an umbrella to protect you from
important of all, human beings create Vitamin intense heat of the sun.
D from direct exposure to sunlight specifically 3. Wear sunglasses when playing on beaches when
from 6 to 9 o’clock in the morning. However, we the sun is too hot.
need to use sunscreen for protection from UV 4. Apply sunscreen or lotion which protects your
rays emitted by the sun. skin from sunburn when you go for swimming.
One of the greatest effects of the sun that 5. Wear clothes which protect the skin of your hand
benefits humans and the earth is solar energy. and feet while working under the heat of the sun
The sun radiates light and heat or solar energy. (like gardening, plowing, planting, harvesting etc.)
Solar energy is essential to agriculture— 6. Seek out the shade and avoid exposure during
cultivating land, producing crops, and raising hours of peak sunlight.
livestock. Solar techniques, such as crop 7. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
rotation, increase harvests.
Learning Task 1: People can avoid and protect themselves from the harmful effect of the sun. In
each statement below, put a check mark (/) on the blank if it shows GOOD PRACTICE and cross (x)
if not.
_____1. Playing under the sun at noon time.
_____2. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat on sunny days.
_____3. Looking directly at the sun.
_____4. Using an umbrella on sunny days.
_____5. Lying on beaches all day.
_____6. Wearing sunglasses in beaches while the sun is too hot.
_____7. Applying sun block lotion all over the skin when swimming in beaches and pools.
_____8. Staying under the sun the whole day.
_____9. Wearing long sleeves and trousers when working on the farm.
_____10. Exposing eyes to the bright/ glaring light of the sun.

Learning Task No 2: Read each item carefully. Circle the letter of your answer.
1. What is the effect of sun’s heat and light to the environment?
A. It causes the changes in temperature.
B. It helps the plants in making their food.
C. It sustains the life of animals, plant and humans
D. All of the above.
2. Which of the following is not a beneficial effect of sun’s light and heat on human activities? A.
Farmers can dry rice.
B. Fishermen and vendors can dry fish.
C. People can dry their clothes.
D. Children in beaches caught sunburn due to prolong exposure to the sun.
3. What could be the harmful effect of intense heat and light of the sun to farmer’s activities? A.
They will need less amount of water for their plants.
B. They can plant more during sunny day.
C. The soil becomes more suitable for planting.
D. Their plants will wither and die.
4. Jake will be joining her friends in swimming on Sunday. What must she do to avoid sunburn?
A. Apply coconut oil.
B. Apply lemon jelly.
C. Apply sunblock lotion.
D. Apply whitening cream.
5. In what way is the sun’s heat beneficial to humans?
A. Farmers can harvest and dry their crops.
B. Mother can dry her laundry.
C. Fishermen can dry and preserve their fish.
D. All of the above

Learning Task 3: List down at least 5 beneficial and 5 harmful effects of the sun to the human
body. Write your answer in the table below.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Draw/cut/print picture of one human activity showing the harmful effects of the sun.
Explain your illustration in 2-3 sentences. Do it on a bond paper.

Too much exposure to sun’s heat can cause

heat stroke to person. Drink plenty of water.
Avoid going out when the it is too hot,.

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