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us. this hotel was in close proximity to the exposition buildings the treasury building the parliament building and the fitzroy gardens
and was convenient to a great many of the objects and places of interest with which melbourne abounds. one feature of the hotel and
one that greatly pleased the majority of our tourists was the fact that a number of pretty colonial girls were employed in nearly
every department they waiting on the table and taking the place of the bellboys in fact doing everything except to fill the positions
of porter and baggage smasher. that evening at the invitation of manager musgrove a partner of me. Williamson of the royal theater in
sydney we occupied a full section of the dress circle in the princess theater where we witnessed a splendid production of the princess
ida by an english company, at the end of the third act we were called out to drink the health of mr. musgrove who informed us that
the door of his theater were open to us at all times. it was after midnight when we returned to the hotel and so tired were we that we
were glad to go at once to our rooms without stopping for the customary chat in the office or corridors knowing that we had yet to
make our first appearance as ball players before a melbourne crowd and must rest up if we wished to make even a creditable
showing we played our first game at melbourne on Saturday december d the second day after our anal from sydney and in the
presence of one of the largest crowds that ever assembled at the melbourne oval the handsomest of their kind in australia. the
surroundings were of the most beautiful character and the day itself as perfect as any one could have desired for baseball purposes.
the lawn in front of the club house was thronged with ladies in light attire and the manyhued sun shades that they carried gave to it
the appearance of an animated flower garden. the club house balconies were crowded and even the roof had been preempted by the
ladies and their escorts as a coign of vantage from which to view the game, the grand stand was filled to overflowing and the crowd
that overflowed from it encircled the field extending from the grand stand clear around to the club house grounds. the scene was
indeed an inspiring one and it is not to be wondered that a good exhibition of the beauties of the game were given under such
circumstances. the baserunning was of the most daring character the fielding sharp on the part of both teams and the batting heavy.
baldwin and crane were both at their best and pitched in superb style while the exhibition of baserunning that was given by some of
the boys brought the onlookers fairly to their feet and they cheered themselves hoarse in their excitement up to the seven thinning
the score was a tie but we managed to get a man across the plate in the seventh inning as a result of bums threebagger and baldwin
single and another in the eighth the result of a single by sullivan and a long rightfield hit for three bases by myself and that i
foolishly tried to make a home run on being put out at the plate by browns magnificent throw from the field. the game finally
resulted in a victory for chicago by a score of to and leaving the field we congratulated ourselves on the fact that both at sydney and
melbourne we had played firstclass ball. supper parties and banquets were now becoming every day occurrences with us and that night
we were handsomely entertained by an english actor of note mr. charles warner who was at that time touring the colonies the place
selected for the entertainment being the maison dore the swell restaurant of melbourne, here we spent a very pleasant evening until
it was again time to retire. the next morning in the big reading room of the hotel the boys given some information by mr.
Spalding that i was already acquainted with Viz. that we should continue our trip around the world returning home by the way of egypt
the mediteranean and continental europe. in spite of the fact that it was sunday morning this announcement was greeted with a
burst of applause by the players many of whom even in their wildest dreamings had never thought that such a trip would be possible
for them. after giving the players some good advice regarding their habits and physical health mr. spalding stated that he wished to
land every member of the party in new york sound and well and with only pleasant recollections of the tour and that he hoped that
all would cooperate with him to that end. that morning the proposed trip was about the only subject of conversation among the
members of the party and pleasant indeed were the anticipations of one and all concerning it. there was scarcely a spot of interest in
or about melbourne that we did not visit the weather being delightful while so constantly were we being entertained that there was
scarcely an evening that our dress suits were given a chance to rest. it was the day before christmasnot the night beforethat we
played our second game of baseball in melbourne and the crowd while not so large as that which witnessed the first game was still of
goodly proportions some people passing through the gates. ryan pitched for the chicagos and healy and crane for the allamericas on
this occasion and all three of them were pounded in a lively fashion there being a perfect fusillade of base hits on both sides and the
hard hitting seemed to the liking of the spectators who cheered every drive to the outfield frantically. In spite of the hard hitting
the game was closely contested the allamericas finally bearing off the honors by a score of to. following the game prof. bartholomew
gave his first balloon ascension and parachute drop in australia a performance that was new to the australians and that they watched
with almost breathless day in melbourne the weather was terrifically hot and the lightest sort of summer attire even
was uncomfortable. it seemed strange to us to think that at home on that same day there was probably show on the ground and an

CHAPTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                    271

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