Turbine Makers Prefer Birkosit For Sealing Casings !

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Leadin turbine manufact ng e turers wo rldwide an in India prefer to use BIRK nd a o KOSIT for sea aling parting plane

flanges of turbine casings. f f c Custom mers in Ind include BHEL, Sie dia emens, Triv veni, MAN Turbo, Kir rloskar Ebara and se everal other OEs It is als used by NTPC Anta/Dadri/U nchahar/K so y KayamKulum/soon De eepshika; Nuclea Power C ar Corp, Tata Power and more.. P d Do you know why ? Herere the key re u y e easons: BIRKO OSIT is the only prod duct WOR RLDWIDE designed exclusively for sealing d e g turbine flanges. e BIRKO OSIT - Dich htungskitt has been used for 50 years on Siemen turbines n o ns s (produc development 1952 with Siem ct 2 mens). BIRKO OSIT is the only produ that GU uct UARANTE EES a service life of 1 years 10 When u used in ac ccordance with instruc w ctions and with regular servicin as requi ng ired for stea and ga turbine we gua rantee a service life for use on machined am as es, d sealing surfaces (butt joints of 10 ye g s), ears BIRKO OSIT has th HIGHES tempera he ST ature and pressure resistance Withsta ands Hot s steam and air, hot an cold wat light fuel oils and lubricants crude nd ter, s, oil and natural ga at up to 900 C.Th excellen adhesion on sealin surfaces and as o he nt ng butt joints guaran ntees a per rfect seal u to 250 bar. The pressure re up b p esistance fo or flanges without sealing ring is up to 450 bar and even up to 550 b for scre s gs bar ew joints BIRKO OSIT has be etter SPRE EADABILI ITY on the turbine fla anges Compa ared to other jointing and sealin compou ng unds availa able, its ea asier to app ply Birkosit sealing c compound on the flan nges as it contains lin c nseed oil. L Linseed oil also l improv the sea ves aling due to its polym erization properties. The surfac area co o p ce overage of the p product is a also more as compa red to solv vent based sealing m materials. It can be spread on the dry surfaces using a pu knife or rubber spatula. As the produc d y utty o ct doesnt cure but s t slightly cha anges its c consistency staying flexible and elastic, y, f d

application on butt joints without time pressure is possible. And the product can be subjected immediately to working loads! A small amount of linseed oil varnish may be added to improve the spreading properties. BIRKOSIT has a longer STORAGE life Unlimited storage life when is BIRKOSIT correctly stored. Its properties are stable and it is flexible in use. The tin should be properly closed if only part of the contents is used. We guarantee the following: In Unopened tins - When correctly stored in the original packing, we guarantee a storage life of 5 years from manufacture date. For Tins in circulation - Where tins are properly closed after partial use, we guarantee a storage life of 3 years. BIRKOSIT has better GAP FILLING properties Birkosit is suitable for sealing all surface sizes. The surface quality of the sealing surfaces complies with milled/scraped surfaces with a finishing accuracy of Ra = 0.8 m to 1.2 m. Sealing surface damage of 0.5mm is compensated with Birkosit. The layer thickness to be applied with a brush or putty blade is 0.2mm to 0.3mm. In end 2011, we also introduce the following two supplementary special-purpose products in addition to the main product BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt a. For damage which is 0.5-1.0 mm, mix BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt with graphite BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt Filling1000 b. For damage which is 1.0-2.0 mm, mix BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt with ceramic-tometal BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt Filling2000 BIRKOSIT provides complete information on its WEBSITES and internet You can get all the above information and more, including product data sheets, safety data sheets and contact information in the global website www.birkosit.com ; India website http://india.birkosit.com and Facebook site http://www.facebook.com/birkosit Available in 1 kg packs Send orders to sales@projectsalescorp.com Project Sales Corporation, General Agency of A.I. Schulze, for marketing BIRKOSIT - Dichtungskitt in India; 28 Founta Plaza, Suryabagh, Visakhapatnam 530 020, AP, India; Phone: +918912564393; Fax: +918912590482; Technical helpline +91-9885149412

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