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Assignment (June-2022)
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
While working in the organisation, employees may come across problems. This
problem is related to the organisation's work. The problem may include an
uncomfortable working environment, overloading work, rigorous work, overtime, etc.
Make sure to understand the employee's situation and deal with the complaint
effectively. Organisations need to take action and try to solve the problem of
employees to achieve the organisational goals. In management, employees can
share their problems by making a complaint. It's the right of an employee to complain
regarding their problems. The employee's complaints must be addressed after
listening to the employee's point of view and having a formal investigation. After
proper research, the investigation team will report to the organisation regarding how
to rectify the problem. A complaint can be handled effectively by listening carefully,
asking questions, asking for a written statement, and taking proper action.
Concept and Application
Information: Amazon fulfilment centre is the department where the customer's orders
are fulfilled efficiently. The businessman can easily sell their goods to the customer
by becoming an amazon centre by following simple steps. The business will need to
send their product to the centre. The company stores the product and serves the
product by packing, picking and shipping orders quickly. The department's robot,
machine, and computer system scan millions of items in the centre within a day.
Location: The fulfilment centre is located all over the work. There are more than 175
centres in the world. The maximum number of the central area is located in Europe
and North America.
Working environment: The centre is fully ventilated and comfortable and gives a vibe
like a home.
 It serves the customer quickly.
 Its service helps small businesses to grow.
 It provides the networks of Amazon logistics.
 It handles the process of receiving, packing, and shipping customer service.
As per the question, the employees working at Amazon fulfilment centre complain
about giving rigorous tasks. It includes:
 Work without a break: The employee is given the task to complete without
gaps. According to a study, if the employees are not given a proper break
between jobs, it will affect their mental and physical health. It even affects the
performance of the company. Therefore, it's important to give proper breaks
between tasks to make employee performance effective and efficient. Every
job requires a different interval of breaks. It depends upon the work done by
the workers.
 Under pressure: A worker has to work under pressure. Under pressure means
making employees forced to do a particular task. It affects the employee
performance if they work under pressure and don't feel comfortable and
secure while doing a specific job.
 Accident: The risk of an accident is high. There are many machines and
robots in the centre, so there are chances of being overcome by accident. The
organisation needs to focus on employee safety and security to avoid
 Automatic tracking camera: The employee's performance is tracked during the
day. Their every kind of activity and move is monitored, which creates an
uncomfortable environment for the worker and creates many restrictions.
Rather than monitor their activities throughout the day, the management can
focus on monitoring the employee's performance.
The company is Overstepped the OSHA regulations. OSHA means Occupational
health and safety administration regulation. It is an American Standard which states
that the place where workers work must be safe and healthy for the employees. The
primary motive of the regulation is to provide a healthy and safe environment for the
employee. If employees work in a healthy environment, the employee will be able to
work and produce the best results, which are beneficial for the company. If
employees work in an unhealthy environment, it will affect the worker's performance
and affect the company's performance. The rate of complaints from workers reduces
while working in a healthy and safe environment. Further, it includes:
 Management Committee and employee participation
 Worksite security investigation
 Accident prevention & control
 Safety training
Fall protection, hazard communication, respiratory protection, scaffolding, ladder and
control of hazardous energy are frequently OSHA violated in 2020.
Location: 50 new canton way, Robbinsville, New jersey
Investigation: the investigation began on 1 July 2015 regarding the employee's
complaint of being exposed to workplaces due to hazardous (noise, electrical, lack
of safety). The latter company receive a letter due to employee exploitation.
Fine or penalty: 7000 dollars

The organisation needs to look upon their employees while performing its roles.
There are some basic facilities which every organisation must provide to their
employees. Some of the facilities are: treat employees fairly, payroll of the
employees must be fair and provided on time, proper leave and breaks, healthy and
safe working environment, keep the privacy of the employee, don't make them
If employees face any difficulty, they make complaints within the organisation. The
organisation must take the employee's complaint seriously, look upon the company,
create an investigation, and try to clarify the issues faced by the employee. To
minimise employee complaints, the organisation must provide a comfortable and
safe working environment, communicate to employees properly, treat them fairly,
feel a sense of belonging, and feel secure in their job.
The management needs to maintain the relationship between the employer and
employees for better functioning and effective leadership. The study of the
relationship between employee and employer is known as industrial relations. It is
also known as labour relations or employee relations. It deals with the employment
situation. While working together in an organisation, various kinds of disagreement
occur, leading to conflict between the parties. The industrial relation addresses the
matter and tries to resolve the problem to achieve the organisational goals. So, it is
important to manage the relationship in the organisation to achieve the goal of
 It helps in increasing productivity & reduces the rate of absenteeism
 It promotes cooperation in the organisation.
 It promotes the health and safety of workers.
 To ensure a healthy environment.
 It focuses on creating a good relationship between the workers.
 It develops mutually understanding between the workers.
 It boosts the worker's performances
Concept and Applications
Causes: Poor employee relation
 Inactive management.
 Inadequate payroll to employees.
 Unhealthy working environment, i.e., insufficient facilities.
 The conflict between employer and employee while working in the company.
 Heavy workload and long working hours lead burden on employees.
 Unhealthy relationships between managers and supervisors in the company.
 Interruption in production: Due to an ineffective industrial relation, there may
be the distribution of output due to strikes and lock-out, which may lead to a
decline the productivity. It may lead to low quality of the production.
 Economic loss: the organisation may suffer a huge loss if the relationship is
not maintained, which leads to lower profitability. This loss may affect the
company's image. Sometimes lead to an increase the unwanted cost.
 Negligence: the organisation neglects to maintain healthy relations, which
promotes ineffective industrial relations and affects their performance and the
worker's performance.
 Conflict management: the main challenge of the organisation is to avoid
conflict between both parties. The conflict creates an unhealthy environment,
which affects the organisation's performance and creates ineffective industrial
 Adversely affect the relation: If an organisation fails to create a healthy
relationship, it will lead to adverse effects on the organisation because the
individual will not be able to perform to their best which affects the
organisation's performance.
 Accident: many uncertain events occur that lead to an accident in the
organisation. This kind of accident needs to be handled in the best possible
manner so that in cont. Effect the industrial relation, and the organisation keep
working without any hindrances.
 Hours and wages issue: the payroll in every organisation is different. The
payroll structure is designed after a proper evaluation of the job profile. Due to
the payroll issue, the industrial relation gets affected. The employee must get
the extra payroll to work an extra hour or on holidays.
If the employer manages the employee relation, it will increase productivity and
profitability at minimum cost. An employer can manage industrial relations.
 Continuous production: If the organisation produces continuously without any
interruption. It leads to an increase the productivity with optimum utilisation of
resources. The interruption can be caused in any form, such as strikes or
 Balanced relationship: A organisation needs to balance the relationship
between employer and employee to build an effective relationship that
consists of less conflict and y environment.
 Motivation: All the employers and employees work together to achieve the
organisational goal. So, the superior must motivate their employees to work to
the best to achieve goals. It will boost the performance.
 Improve attitude: The perspective of the employer and employee must get
improved. Both must need to understand the importance of each other and
build a mindful attitude toward each other.
 Less wastage: If the organisation wastage less, it will increase productivity
and profitability. The organisation must avoid unnecessary costs.
 Both the management and the union should work together to make a good
 The workforce must be involved in management in decision-making.
 Roles and policies must be communicated clearly.
 The management must ensure the basic need of employees.
 The organisation keeps trying to improve the working environment to make
workers comfortable.
 It maintains the motivation level.
 The management can reward the employee for their performances which will
boost them to work harder.
 Invest in training and development to make employees learn about new
 The organisation must provide career growth opportunities.
 Organisations can throw parties for the worker. It helps maintain healthy
relationships between the employee.
 May feel employees their worth in the organisation.
 Resolve the dispute.
In industries, different individuals work together to accomplish a common goal.
These different individuals have different attitudes, minds, and skills, which leads to
the disagreement between the parties. It avoids any circumstances, and employee
relations are maintained in an organisation, which helps keep the relationship
between the parties working. It helps to maintain productivity and profitability. There
is a different challenge faced by the employer, which includes: high absenteeism,
high attrition, economic loss, interruption in production, accidents and negligence.
This challenge harms management and even harms the consumer and economy of
the country. Still, this challenge can be overcome by continuous production, balance
relationship, motivation, improvement in attitude and minimising wastage. It helps to
improve the relationship between workers and assists organisations in growth and
There are many access forms in India with concern for the labour in the country. The
law helps the labour deal with working conditions, industrial relations, social security
and monetary benefits. Such action aims to create a healthy and comfortable
working environment for the employees and promote benefits to empower workers.
Main labour laws in India are: -
 The Trade Union Act,1926
 The Payment of Wages Act,1947
 The Industrial Dispute Act,1947
 The Factories Act,1948
 The Minimum Wages Act,1948
 The Equal Remuneration Act,1976
Industrial disputes: One of the most important labour laws deals with disputes in the
industry. The industry may overcome various disputes, so the organisations use the
negotiation method to solve those disputes within the department. When the
negotiations fail, the party may go to court to settle the dispute.
Concept and Applications
Industrial disputes are comprised of two words: industry refers to the trade involving
manufacturing or providing services, and disputes refer to any disagreement
between the parties working in the industry. The dispute must be related to a work
To fail a case in a court, a person must be a worker in the organisation. The
definition of worker is specified under section 2(l) of the Act. It says that a person is
considered employed if they are engaged directly or indirectly in the manufacturing
process or any work connected to the industry. Remuneration is not compulsory.
If a dispute arises and the matter goes to the courtroom, the investigation takes
place, and the investigator will take all the correct measures to solve the dispute.
The reason for the dispute maybe work, wages or compensation. The Act's objective
is to provide a healthy environment, settle down disputes, prevent illegal restrictions
and provide relief to the workers.
Salient features
 It is applicable all over India.
 It was enacted on 11 March 1947 & comes into force on 1 April 1947.
 The dispute could occur between: -
 Employers and employees
 Employer and employer
 Employee and employee
 If any dispute occurs, the employee cannot directly go to the tribunal.
 It prohibited strikes and lock-out of the employees.
 It incorporated an investigation to settle a dispute.
 It is a public utility service.
 It is an expeditious administration of justice.
 It promotes social justice.
In early times the employee is not given importance in the organisation. Many of the
employees are even unaware of their rights. Therefore, several laws were enforced
to protect the interest of the employees. The industrial dispute act of 1947 is also a
labour law. It deals with the settlement of the conflict within the organisation. This law
includes all kinds of disputes: - employment, non-employment, and working
conditions. The main motive of this law is to promote healthy relationships in the
organisation and settle the conflict in the best possible manner.
Employees are treated to be the industry's asset as they make the organisation
different and unique from others. So, it's important to safeguard their interests. Indian
governments enforce laws to make the employee protected from exploration and
fraud activities.
Industrial disputes refer to any dispute or any kind of a difference between employee
& employer, employee & employee, employer and employer. Strikes, lock-out, and
gherao are the types of industrial disputes.
 Avoidances of industrial disputes:
 Promote more transparency.
 Involvement of employees in decision making.
 Implement discipline in the organisation.
 Follow proper leadership and communication.
Concept and application
There are different types of machinery for resolving disputes.

Worker particip

Collective Barga

Grievance proce
Preventive measure
Tripartite bod

Code of discip

Standing ord


Court of enqu
Settlement measures
Voluntary arbitr


There is certain machinery for disputes to be avoided in the industry.
 Worker participation
In this method, the organisation allows their employee to participate in the
decision making and functionality. The employee will build a sense of
belongingness through which disputes can be avoided. There is a different
scheme which helps the management to involve worker participation. Some of
the schemes are:
 Work committee
 JMC (joint management council)
 Shop council
 Joint council
 Collective Bargaining
In this method, the dispute is solved by negotiation or bargaining. The
representative of the dispute parties undertakes the process. It consists of
negotiations, administration and enforcement of a contract between the
employee and employer within the organisation.
 Grievance procedure
Any kind of dispute occurs in an organisation after the grievance. In this
method, the organisation develops an efficient way to solve the grievance to
avoid conflicts.
The measure is taken after the dispute occurs. It helps to solve the dispute by taking
the correct measure. They are legalistic.
 Conciliation
In this method, the dispute is solved by the third party known as the
conciliator. The third party listens to both parties carefully and concludes to
resolve the conflict. The conciliator is an unbiased party.
 Voluntary arbitration
This method is used after the failure of conciliation. The conciliator suggests
referring to the voluntary arbitrator. A voluntary arbitrator is a person who
settles a dispute. Lindeman is independent. The person is known as an
arbitrator. This method saves time and money.
 Adjudication
The dispute is solved through a legal battle in court or tribunal in this method.
It is the final method to solve the dispute if any methods fail. The decision
made by the court is legally binding.
The disputes in the organisation can be prevented by taking the correct measure.
There are two types of machinery to settle the dispute: Preventive Measures and
Settlement Measures.
Preventive Measures avoid dispute in the organisation before it occurs. It consists of
Worker participation, Collective Bargaining, Grievance procedure, Tripartite bodies,
Code of discipline & Standing order. Settlement Measures are taken to solve the
conflict after it arises. It consists of Conciliation, Court of enquiry, Voluntary
arbitration, and Adjudication.

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