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TopSolid'FEA is a module that allows you to perform a static or modal analysis in the elastic domain of the material. These analyses are based on the finished items

An analysis of deformations, proper frequencies, etc. can therefore be obtained.

Following is an organization of documents that gravitate around this module:


Part or assembly

Analysis Preparation

Resolution Launch


Result 1


result 2


result ...

Options available in TopSolid'FEA also depend on your module.

TFEA Express FEA FEA Pro 7

Standard 7
Structure type Solid
Beam and Shells
Maximum Number of Nodes 50,000 nodes No Trim No Trim
Analysis type Linear Static
Linear Buckling
Quick Solver
Calculation Report
Availability Free with Profitable Profitable

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Part Document:

It is the document where the part has been built.

The material allocated to the part must have the following information:

l Density

l Young Module

l Poisson's Ratio

Calculation Preparation Document:

This document contains the meshing of the studied part as well as the definition of different analyses that should be studied.

You can perform different types of analysis: Linear Static, Linear Buckling, Modal, Thermal, Thermomechanical and Fatigue.

Several analysis cases can be defined in the same preparation document.

Each case of analysis created in this document generates a new result document associated with this analysis.

Resulting Document:

This document is automatically generated when the resolution of one of the defined analyses is launched in a calculation preparation document.

Each analysis of the "calculation preparation" document generates a separate result file.

This document allows you to view the results of:

¡ Static Analysis

¡ Main constraints, from Von Mises and from Tresca

¡ Displacements

¡ Modal Analysis

¡ Proper frequencies

¡ Distortions

¡ Buckling Analysis

Stages of Analysis:

The part analysis is done with some specific commands.

Simplified, here are the stages of an analysis:

Include the part or the assembly to analyze.

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Use the Analysis | Include part or assembly or drag the part or assembly document from the project tree to into the analysis document.

Structure creation

The sketch and shape commands are available to prepare parts or assemblies before meshing. Indeed, documents created by the R&D department should not be
modified, but it is sometimes necessary to modify them in the analysis document to remove details or having only the neutral fiber. Then use commands

l Analysis | Solid

l Analysis | Shell

l Analysis | Beam

Mesh creation

Use these commands

l Meshing | Mesh Shape

l Meshing | Edge Distribution

l Mesh | Local Size

l Mesh | Local Meshing

Analysis creation

Use the Analysis | New Analysis command.

Loadings definition:

Use command panel

l Analysis | Uniform Pressure

l Analysis | Surface Force

l Analysis | Acceleration

l Analysis | Centrifugal Force

l Analysis | Hydrostatic Pressure

l Analysis | Line Load Density

l Analysis | Linear Line Load Density

l Analysis | Moment

l Analysis | Punctual Load

Definition of limit conditions

Use command panel

l Analysis | Recess

l Analysis | Imposed Move

l Analysis | Surface Slide

Calculation resolution

Use the Analysis | Resolution command.

Result view

A new "result" document associated with this analysis is created.

In the case of a static analysis, you can view the results with the following commands:

l Results | Constraint Result

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l Results | Move Results.

l Results | Reactions result

In the case of a modal analysis, you can obtain the proper frequencies of the part.

To do this, use the Results | Proper Frequencies command.

Report creation

You can generate a report for each analysis.

To do this, use the Results | Report Generation command.

Include part or assembly

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This command allows you to include the part or assembly to analyze in the analysis preparation document.

Creation stages / Use:

The part or assembly document to include must be open.

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Include part or assembly ... command from the drop-own menu.

1. Select the part or assembly document to include from the drop down list.

2. Select the representation of the part or assembly to include in the analysis.

n You can directly drag the part or assembly document from the project tree to the preparation document without launching the command.

n For wireframe structures, this including command proposes you to automatically extract profiles neutral fibers.

Available Options:

Regarding included shapes types (solid, shell or beam) Generate solid, Generate shell or Generate beam options appear. It allows to automatically convert these
entities to include as structures. Shapes are then directly managed by the mesh. By unchecking this generation, shapes can be modified (the origin document isn't
modified) then they have to be generated before meshing by using Analysis | Solid, Analysis | Shell or Analysis | Beam commands.

Modifications / Additional information:

When the command is validated, the "New Analysis" command is automatically launched.

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New analysis

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This command allows you to create a new analysis in which new loads and conditions to limits can be defined.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Analysis > New analysis... from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the type of analysis to create (linear static, modal, linear buckling, thermal or thermomechanical).

2. Name the analysis.

The linear buckling analysis requires a reference linear static analysis. You must therefore first perform a linear static analysis preparation in the same

Available Options:

l Quick method:

This option turns on the quick solver, which allows you to simply obtain the result quicker. This option is turned on by default and is not available with TopSolid'FEA
Express (see table on the presentation page of the module)

l Static analysis:

The linear buckling analysis requires a reference linear static analysis. You must therefore first perform a linear static analysis preparation in the same document.

l Wizard:

By checking this option, you turn on the wizard for creating the data of this analysis. Therefore, once the command is validated the Analysis validation wizard opens

l Copy Supports/Loads:

When analysis of same type already exists creating a new analysis, it is possible to copy its supports and/or its loads.

Modifications / Additional information:

Each newly created analysis appears in the Analysis folder in the entity tree.

Details on all loads and conditions to the limits defined for each analysis are found in this folder.

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For a linear buckling analysis, the number of modes to calculate is displayed and can be modified from the Analyses > Linear bucking analysis > Options folder.

Simulation datas required to make simulations :

Simulation Datas Signification Notation
Density kg / dm3
Characterize the stiffness of solid material during the phase
Young modulus E GPa
of elastic deformation (reversible)
Value at which a material begins to deform plastically. Re, σy,
Yield stress Mpa
(partly reversible) σ0.2
Breaking point Maximal value of constraint before the rupture of material Rm MPa
Characterize the compressibility of material
Poisson coefficient These values are between 0 and 0.5 (incompressible ν
Characterize the anisotropy of rolled sheet metal
(difference of behavior according to application
direction of constraint) between the rolled place and
Plastic strain ratio, Lankford the thickness direction. It characterize the material Sans
coefficient formability. unité

It is measured at 20% of elongation during a traction

Uniform elongation Ag


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This command displays a dialog box that summarizes the state of the different stages of the analysis.

You can turn on the auto use of this command in an analysis by checking Wizard when a new analysis starts.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Analysis > Wizard... from the drop-down menu.

The wizard displays information on the following items:

l Limit Conditions

l Loads

l Meshing

l Material

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The left part of the table therefore lists these stages whereas the right part indicates the possible actions for the selected stage.

By double-clicking one of the actions in the list, the corresponding command is automatically launched.

Modifications / Additional information:

Meaning of Icons:

l Each stage is preceded by an icon that can be different depending on the state of the stage.

l Green Flag: This stage contains sufficient data to resolve the analysis.

l Red Flag: Certain missing data is necessary to resolve the analysis.

l Yellow Triangle: This stage does not contain any data, but the resolution can still be launched.


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This command allows to consider a shape as a structure to mesh.

Frequently, the part coming from the R&D department is too detailed (fillets, small chamfers, or complete part while the analysis needs only a wireframe structure, ...).
In these cases, the part to analyze has to be simplified without modifying the origin part. Modifications are done with all TopSolid sketch, shape and surface commands.
After modifications, to be able to mesh these modified profiles, you need to generate solids with this command. If the modification result is a batch of faces, use the
Shell command, if the result is a sketch, use the Beam command.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Solid... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select shapes to analyze.

2. Validate by clicking .

Converted solids with this command are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree. Only entities from this folder can be meshed..

Available Options:

n Inherit material:

By checking this option, the included part material is used. By unchecking this option, select manually in the drop-down lists, the category and the material to use.

Modifications / Additional information:

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By validating this command, the converted solids are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree.


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This command allows to consider a batch of faces as a structure to mesh.

Frequently, the part coming from the R&D department is too detailed (fillets, small chamfers, or complete part while the analysis needs only a wireframe structure, ...).
In these cases, the part to analyze has to be simplified without modifying the origin part. Modifications are done with all TopSolid sketch, shape and surface commands.
After modifications, to be able to mesh these modified profiles, you need to generate shells with this command. If the modification result is a solid, use the Solid
command, if the result is a sketch, use the Beam command.

A shell is a batch of faces without thickness.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Shell... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select shapes to analyze.

2. Select the material category and the material of the shell.

3. Enter a thickness.

4. Validate by clicking .

If several shapes have been selected, each shape can have is own thickness, but the material will be the same for all selected shapes. If the material has to be
different, you have to select only shapes with the first material, validate the command, and select other shapes.

n Converted shells with this command are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree. Only entities from this folder can be meshed.

n If several faces are selected and their thickness are different, the thickness is indicated between brackets ( for shapes with a different thickness regarding the
default thickness of this command).

Modifications / Additional information:

By validating this command, the converted shells are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree.

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This command allows to consider a line as a structure to mesh.

Frequently, the part coming from the R&D department is too detailed (fillets, small chamfers, or complete part while the analysis needs only a wireframe structure, ...).
In these cases, the part to analyze has to be simplified without modifying the origin part. Modifications are done with all TopSolid sketch, shape and surface commands.
After modifications, to be able to mesh these modified profiles, you need to generate beams with this command. If the modification result is a solid, use the Solid
command, if the result is a batch of faces, use the Shell command. This command can be useful for a tubular frame.

A beam is a line (wireframe) with a constant section (Corner, U, I, square, tube, ...)

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Beam... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select lines to analyze.

2. Select if the beam is from a standard library or defined manually. (see below)

3. Select the direction of the beam and its orientation.

4. Select the material category and the material of the beam.

5. Select a section in the drop-down list.(Beams must have the same section).

6. The section is displayed in the middle of the line. Enter section dimensions and modify the orientation if needed (rotation around the line).

7. Validate by clicking .

If several lines have been selected, they will all have the same material and section. If the material and/or the section must be different, you have to select only
lines with the first material or section, validate the command, and select other lines.

Converted beams with this command are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree. Only entities from this folder can be meshed.

l Standard:

The beam is selected in one of the libraries. Select:

l The profile in the drop-down list

l The code of this profile

l Manuel :

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The beam is manually defined. Select:

l The type of section in the drop-down list (Beams must have the same dimensions).

l The section is displayed in the middle of the line. Enter the section dimensions, and modify the orientation if needed (rotation around the line).

Modifications / Additional information:

By validating this command, the converted beams are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree.

Modify shells

This command allows to quickly change the material and thickness of one or more shells.

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Analysis > Modify shells... command from the drop-down menu of an analysis preparation document.

1. Choose a selection mode:

l Manual: select one by one the shells to be modified from the graphic area.

l Thickness and material: select a shell to modify from the graphic area. If there are other shells of the same thickness and material, they will be automatically
added in this window.

l Thickness: select a shell to modify from the graphic area. If there are other shells of the same thickness, they will be automatically added in this window.

l Material: select a shell to modify from the graphic area. If there are other shells of the same material, they will be automatically added in this window.

2. Set the new material and/or thickness.

3. Validate.

You have the possibility to remove a shell from the list of the shells to modify. Select the corresponding line and use the Delete key on the keyboard.

Available options:

l Material:

This option allows to change the material of all selected shells.

Check the Material cell and choose the new material.

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l Thickness:

This option allows to change the thickness of all selected shells.

Check the Thickness cell and enter the new value.

Modify beams

This command allows to quickly change the material, profile type and orientation of one or more beams.

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Analysis > Modify beams... command from the drop-down menu of an analysis preparation document.

1. Choose a selection mode:

l Manual: select one by one the beams to be modified from the graphic area.

l Family and code: select a beam to modify from the graphic area. If there are other beams of same family and code, they will be automatically added in this

l Family: select a beam to modify from the graphic area. If there are other beams of same family, they will be automatically added in this window.

l Material: select a beam to modify from the graphic area. If there are other beams of the same material, they will be automatically added in this window.

2. Set the new material, profile and/or orientation.

3. Validate.

You have the possibility to remove a beam from the list of the beams to modify. Select the corresponding line and use the Delete key on the keyboard.

Available options:

l Material:

This option allows to change the material of all selected beams.

Check the Material cell and choose the new material.

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l Profile:

This option allows to change the profile type of all selected beams.

Check the Profile cell and choose the new family and code.

l Orientation:

This option allows to change the orientation of all selected beams.

Check the Orientation cell and set the new one with a reference direction and angle.

Uniform ressure

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This command allows you to apply uniform pressure on the set of one or more surfaces.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Uniform pressure... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces on which to apply pressure.

2. Provide the value of the pressure.

3. Validate by clicking .

The pressure is, by definition, always normal at the surface (otherwise effort or surface force).

The pressure value can be positive (incoming pressure) or negative (outgoing pressure).

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined pressure can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Each load or block has its own graphic representation.

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Surface load

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This command allows you to apply a surface effort on one more faces based on a given direction or frame.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Surface load ... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces on which to apply force.

2. Select whether or not you would like to apply force based on a direction or a frame.

3. Provide the value of the force based on the given direction or the values of the force based on the axes of the frame.

4. Validate by clicking .

The entered value is converted in a surface load by dividing this entered value by the sum of the selected faces areas.

Available Options:

n Type:

¡ Force: The value is expressed in Newtons (N)

¡ Pressure: The value is expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa).

n Imposed: This option allows you to select a frame or direction as a reference item for the force.

l Direction: Only one value has to be entered and is applied following the selected direction.

l Frame: You can give the value of the force based on the 3 axes of the selected frame. If the effort value following one of the axes is null, you can uncheck this
axis to ignore it.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined force can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Hydrostatic pressure

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This command allows you to apply hydrostatic pressure on a batch of faces of one shape.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Analysis > Hydrostatic pressure... from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces on which to apply pressure.

2. Select the reference plane (the arrow represents the opposite side of the plane in which liquid is simulated).

3. Indicate the density of the liquid.

4. Indicate the value of the weight.

5. Validate by clicking .

Available Options:

l Weight acceleration:

The weight (or gravity) acceleration (or gravity) has a value of approximately 9.81 m/s² to the surface of the earth. You can also express it in G (Ge). Knowing that 1 G
equals one time the weight acceleration.

l Face:

This option is only available for shells and allows to specify the direction of the pressure.

¡ Upper: the pressure is directed inwards

¡ Lower: the pressure is directed outwards

It is also possible to double click on the yellow arrow the change the direction.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined hydrostatic pressure can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

When we select faces by box, if we select faces of different shapes, then TopSolid keep the faces of the last shape.


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This command allows you to apply an acceleration undergone by the part based on a given direction.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Analysis > Acceleration... from the drop-down menu.

1. Provide the direction of the acceleration.

2. Provide the value of the acceleration.

3. Validate by clicking .

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined acceleration may be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Centrifugal load

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This command allows you to apply the centrifugal force undergone by the part around a given rotation axis.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Analysis > Centrifugal load... from the drop-down menu.

1. Provide the rotation axis.

2. Provide the value of the centrifugal force.

3. Validate by clicking .

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined centrifugal force can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Line Load Density

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This command allows to apply a line load or moment on one or more sketch elements or on one or more edges following a given direction or frame.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon command or select the Analysis > Line Load Density ... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select sketches or edges on which apply the effort.

2. Select whether or not you would like to apply force based on a direction or a frame.

3. Provide the value of the force based on the given direction or the values of the force based on the axes of the frame.

4. Validate by clicking .

The entered value is applied on each selected sketch/edge.

Available Options:

l Imposed: This option allows you to select a frame or direction as a reference item for the force.

¡ Direction: Only one value has to be entered and is applied following the selected direction.

¡ Frame: You can enter the value of the force based on the 3 axes of the selected frame. If the effort value following one of the axes is null, you can uncheck
this axis to ignore it.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined force can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Linear Line Load Density

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This command allows to apply a linear line load or moment on one or more sketch elements or on one or more edges following a given direction or frame.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon command or select the Analysis > Linear Line Load Density ... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select sketches or edges on which apply the effort.

2. Select whether or not you would like to apply force based on a fame, a direction or tangent.

3. Provide the start and end values of the force based on the given direction or the values of the force based on the axes of the frame.

4. Validate by clicking .

The entered values are distributed on each selected sketch/edge.

Available Options:

l Imposed: This option allows you to select a frame or direction as a reference item for the force.

¡ Frame: You can enter the value of the force based on the 3 axes of the selected frame. If the effort value following one of the axes is null, you can uncheck
this axis to ignore it.

¡ Direction: Only one value has to be entered and is applied following the selected direction.

¡ Tangent: The load will be tangent to the selected geometry.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined force can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Punctual load

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This command allows to apply a punctual load or moment on one or more points of the sketch following a direction or a selected frame.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Punctual load... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select points on which apply the effort.

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2. Select whether or not you would like to apply force based on a direction or a frame.

3. Enter values of the force based on the given direction or the values of the force based on the axes of the frame.

4. Validate by clicking .

Distribution of the force:

l By Entity: The input force is applied on each point.

l Total: The input force is distributed on all points (a total load of 30N on a selection of 3 points equals 10N on each point).

Available Options:

l Imposed: This option allows you to select a frame or direction as a reference item for the force:

¡ Direction: only one value has to be entered and is applied following the selected direction.

¡ Frame: You can enter the value of the force based on the 3 axes of the selected frame. If the effort value following one of the axes is null, you can uncheck
this axis to ignore it.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined force can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.


This command allows to simulate a thermal exchange between a face and an external temperature.

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Analysis > Convection... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select faces on which thermal exchange must be applied.

2. Enter the convection coefficient value.

3. Enter the temperature.

4. Validate with .

Thermal and thermomechanical analyses use values of material characteristics that are necessary for thermal calculations (specific heat capacity, thermal
conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient).

If these values are not available into the material document, TopSolid will use predefined values available here.

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Modifications / Additional information:

The convection can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Flux density

This command allows to simulate the amount of heat passing through 1m ² of face for 1 second.

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Analysis > Flux Density... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select faces to consider.

2. Enter value of flux density.

3. Validate by clicking on .

Thermal and thermomechanical analyses use values of material characteristics that are necessary for thermal calculations (specific heat capacity, thermal
conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient).

If these values are not available into the material document, TopSolid will use predefined values available here.

Modifications / Additional information:

The flux density can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Internal Power

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This command allows to simulate the power received by a geometry.

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Analysis > Internal Power... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select faces to consider.

2. Enter the power value.

3. Validate by clicking on .

Thermal and thermomechanical analyses use values of material characteristics that are necessary for thermal calculations (specific heat capacity, thermal
conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient).

If these values are not available into the material document, TopSolid will use predefined values available here.

Modifications / Additional information:

Internal power can be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.


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This command allows to define a clamp on a batch of faces/edges following a selected direction or a frame.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Clamp... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces/edges on which to apply the clamping.

2. Select the frame or the direction of clamping.

3. Validate by clicking .

Available Options:

l Advanced options:

n Imposed: This option allows to select a frame or a direction as reference element for the clamp.

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n Direction: The clamp will be done following the selected direction. The selected geometries aren't clamped regarding other directions.

n Frame: The clamp will be done following the selected frame. The selected geometries are clamped regarding all directions.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined fitting can be found in the entity tree in detail of the affected analysis in the "Blockings" sub-folder.

Imposed displacement

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This command allows you to impose node moves on faces, edges or points depending on the three directions of a given frame or direction.

These moves can, for example, result in an experimental observation.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Imposed displacement... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces/edges/points on which to apply the move.

2. Select the frame or the direction of displacement.

3. Provide the value(s) of the move.

4. Validate by clicking .

Available Options:

l Advanced options:

l Imposed: This option allows to select a frame or a direction as reference element for the displacement.

l Direction: Only one value is requested and will be applied depending on the chosen direction.

l Frame: The translation value can be entered and will be applied following the 3 frame directions. If the translation value following one of axes are
null, uncheck this axis to ignore it.

Modifications / Additional information:

The imposed move can be found in the entity tree in detail of the affected analysis in the "Blockings" sub-folder.

Elastic clamp

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This command allows you to create an elastic blocking of a batch of faces/edges based on a given direction or on 3 axes of a frame and based on stiffness.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Elastic clamp... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces/edges on which to apply the elastic clamp.

2. Select the frame or the direction of clamping.

3. Select the frame and the different stiffnesses in the 3 directions or select a direction and the stiffness in this direction.

4. Validate by clicking .

Available Options:

l Advanced options:

l Imposed: This option allows to select a frame or a direction as reference element for the clamp.

l Direction: The linear and the angular stiffnesses have to be entered and will be applied following this direction.

l Frame: The linear and the angular stiffnesses can be entered and will be applied following the 3 frame directions. If stiffness values following one of
axes are null, uncheck this axis to ignore it.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined elastic clamp can be found in the entity tree in detail of the affected analysis in the "Blockings" sub-folder.

Surface Sliding

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This command allows you to impose a surface sliding on a batch of faces.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Surface Sliding... command from the drop-down menu.

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1. Select the faces affected by this slide.

2. Validate by clicking .

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined surface slide can be found in the entity tree in detail of the affected analysis in the "Blockings" sub-folder.


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This command allows degrees of freedom to be slackened on beam ends, thereby facilitating the simulation of different types of links between two beams.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Relaxation... command from the drop-down menu of an Analysis Preparation document.

1. Select the beam on which degrees of freedom have to be slackened.

2. Select the point with slack on this beam.

3. Select the different slacks to apply.

4. Select if the reference frame for these directions is the absolute or the beam one.

5. Validate by clicking .

n This command is only available in case of beams static analysis.

n The relaxation is displayed by a blue point.

n It is editable from the Supports management folder of the operations tree.

Modifications / Additional information:

The relaxation can be edited, deleted or hidden via the contextual menu from the blue point displayed on the screen.

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Imposed temperature

This command allows to impose a temperature on geometries

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Analysis > Imposed Temperature... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select geometries on which a temperature must be imposed (face, edge or point).

2. Enter the temperature value.

3. Validate by clicking on .

Thermal and thermomechanical analyses use values of material characteristics that are necessary for thermal calculations (specific heat capacity, thermal
conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient).

If these values are not available into the material document, TopSolid will use predefined values available here.

The use of an imposed temperature is necessary to activate the Resolution command.

Without this temperature, the solver can not solve the analysis.

Modifications / Additional information:

Imposed temperature can be found in the entity tree in the supports of the affected analysis.


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This command allows to group loading cases in an entity called Action.

Creation stages / Use:

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Click the icon or select the Analysis > Action... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Enter a name.

2. Select loads in the drop down menu.

3. Enter a coefficient for each load.

4. Validate by clicking .

Actions allow to define several loading cases (containing more or less loading and / or different coefficients).

Actions are used to define Combination. An action not used in a combination will not be used in an analysis result.

n Coefficient:

The coefficient allows to vary the loading value during the analysis resolution.

A load of 50MPa will be interpreted at 150MPa if its coefficient is 3.

Modifications / Additional information:

Actions may be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.


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This command allows to create combination of actions and/or loads.

Combinations allow to quickly test several hypotheses (eg to analyze a building structure with variation of snow mass on the roof, add wind, ...).

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Combination... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select an action and enter its coefficient.

2. Select a load and enter its coefficient.

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3. Validate by clicking .

You can enter only actions, only loads or both.

The solver will display one result by combination.

If the dialog is validated when no coefficient has been specified, then the combination will not be created.

Loads not used into actions or combinations will not be used in analyze results.

n Coefficient:

The coefficient allows to vary the loading value during the analysis resolution.

A load of 50MPa will be interpreted at 150MPa if its coefficient is 3.

Modifications / Additional information:

Combinations may be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.

Automatic contact

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This command allows to automatically manage contacts in analyses. This command is only available in an assembly analysis preparation document.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Automatic contact... command from the drop-down menu.

This command automates contacts. They are automatically detected. To manually define or to use a particular type of connection (contact with or without friction,
welded contact), use the contact command.

An automatic contact is a welded contact.

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Modifications / Additional information:

The defined contact can be found in the "Connections" folder of the entity tree.

A contact can be dragged from this folder into the Exceptions subfolder to ignore it during the resolution.


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This command allows you to manage the contacts in analyses. This command is only available in an assembly analysis preparation document.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Analysis > Contact... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces of the master contact.

The master contact face is that which imposes the contact condition.

2. Select the slave contact faces.

The slave contact faces are those that undergo the contact condition.

3. Select the type of connection:

4. Validate by clicking .

Available Options:

l Rigid master contact faces:

Check this option so that the master contact faces are undeformable.

l Switch the selection:

This button allows you switch the face selection. The master contact faces become slave contact faces and reciprocally.

l Connection type:

l Contact with friction

The master and slave contact faces can move in relation to each other with friction. In this case, a friction coefficient must be entered.

l Contact without friction

The master and slave contact faces can move in relation to each other without friction.

l Welded contact

The master and slave contact faces are fixed in relation to each other.

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The type of connection chosen is global to all selected faces.

l Adjustment faces:

Depending of how the project has been created it sometimes happens that faces are self-intersecting (penetration of one face to another).

By checking this option, TopSolid will adjust faces to put them in contact.

Without this option activated, there will be a prestress (pressure) in the analyze.

If the connection type is welded contact, the contact can be defined automatically by using the Automatic contact command.

Modifications / Additional information:

The defined contact can be found in the "Connections" folder of the entity tree.

A contact can be dragged from this folder into the Exceptions subfolder to ignore it during the resolution.


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This command allows you to start the resolution of the current analysis.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Analysis > Resolution... from the drop-down menu.

Once the resolution is finished, a new document is created. This is the results document associated with the analysis for which the resolution was performed.

To be performed, the current analysis must have all the necessary items for resolution. You can use the Analysis validation wizard to view missing items in
the definition of your analysis.

The resolution cannot be launched unless the part disposes of a material for which density is defined and if at least one limit condition is defined.

Modifications / Additional information:

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To change the current analysis, you must use the popup command Make Current by right-clicking on the desired analysis in the entity tree.


This command allows to mesh parts of the document.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Mesh > Mesh... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select parts to mesh.

2. Provide the target size of the meshing.

3. Validate by clicking .

Target size: This is the size that should be obtained for mesh items. Meshing should not produce bigger items, and the number of smaller items should be
limited as much as possible.

Available options:

l Minimum size:

It is the smallest mesh size the solver is allowed to create.

l Transition factor:

Allows to define the mesh size transition between a small mesh and a greater mesh.

For example, if the mesh target size is 8mm and you define a local mesh of 2mm on a circular edge, passing from a mesh of 2mm to a mesh of 8mm would be
too abrupt and so the analyze quality will be degraded. The transition factor allows to create several meshes of increasing size up to the target size.

l Refinement:

Allows to automatically refine the meshing on the curvatures of the set to mesh. This option avoid to use local size when the shape to mesh It is the
is mainly made of curved faces. smallest
On a meshing point, the angular value given (A) correspond with the angle between the surface tangent (T) on this point and le meshing line that goes to size the
the next point: solver

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Thus, the more the angular value is small, the more the meshing is thin, proportionally to the surface curvature.

Without refinement Refinement 20° Refinement 10°

Edge distribution

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This command allows you to specify a number of nodes to distribute on an edge in order to mesh a part.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Mesh > Mesh distribution... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the edges on which to specify a specific number of nodes.

2. Provide the number of nodes to split on each edge.

This function can be useful for obtaining a thinner mesh on edges where a more exact result is desired.

Initial Meshing Distribution of 30 nodes

on each of the selected edges

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Local size

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This command allows you to locally specify the size of mesh items for faces or edges.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Mesh > Local size... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the faces or edges on which you wish to specify a particular triangle dimension.

2. Provide the maximum size of the mesh items.

This function can be useful for obtaining a finer mesh on edges or faces where a more exact result is desired.

Mesh quality

This command allows you to verify the mesh quality of parts.

Creation stages / Use:

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Click the icon or select the Mesh > Mesh quality... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the criteria to take into account for the verification.

2. Validate the dialog.

Available Options:

l Jacobian Criteria:

Make sure that the shape index of the tetrahedron is correct (the geometry is not crossed, the peak is not outside the shape to analyze, ...).

l Minimum Angle Criteria:

Make sure that the smallest angle of a triangle is greater than the angle specified in the Minimum angle criteria field.

Modifications / Additional information:

When validating the dialog, a result box opens. For each criteria, this box contains the number of good items and the number of bad items.

Element Quality

This command allows to check the quality of an element resulting from the mesh (tetrahedron, beam).

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Mesh > Element Quuality... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Choose the type of selection (Selection or Identifier).

2. Select the element in the graphic area or enter its identifier to analyze and click Check.

3. Information are available in the display area of the dialog.

4. Validate by clicking .

The failure of an analysis resolution is often related to poor mesh quality.

l Check by Selection: If the user has identified an area with bad quality, he can select items manually to check them.

l Check by Identifier: To quickly find an element whose mesh is bad, activate the command Mesh Quality. This command displays the identifier with
bad element and you just have to enter this Id in this dialog. TopSolid highlights the element in the graphics area and the user can decide to change the
geometry of the part in this area

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Modifications / Additional information:

The information displayed are the type of Jacobian (positive or negative) and the quality of the element (good or bad).

Stresses Result

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This command allows you to graphically view the stresses on the part.

Creation stages / Use:

Select the Results > Stresses result... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the type of constraint for which to create a result.

2. Validate

A new result is generated each time this command is launched.

Each result visualization created by this command can be found in the "Results" folder in the entity tree.

Available Options:

l Stress:

Select to generate the result for:

¡ main constraints

¡ Tresca constraints

¡ Von Mises constraints

l Combination Max:

This option allows you to display the result of the worst combination (combination with the highest stresses).

l Combination:

When the analysis preparation document contains at least one combination, the analysis result will use only this one to solve the constraints.

Options available in this area are explained here .

l Display Maximum:

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A label is added to the graphics area pointing to the node where the constraint is maximum.

The value is displayed in the label.

Additional information:

You can therefore update the result that you wish to view on the part. To do this, use the popup command "Make current" that you can access by right-clicking on the
desired result in the "Results" folder of the entity tree.

Displacement result

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This command allows you to graphically view the displacements distribution of the part.

Creation stages / Use:

Select Results > Displacements result... from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the displacement that you wish to view.

2. Validate

A new result is generated each time this command is launched.

Each result visualization created by this command can be found in the "Results" folder in the entity tree.

Available Options:

l Combination:

When the analysis preparation document contains at least one combination, the analysis result will use only this one to solve the constraints.

Options available in this area are explained here .

l Combination Max:

This option allows you to display the result of the worst combination (combination with the highest stresses).

l Display Maximum:

A label is added to the graphics area pointing to the node where the constraint is maximum.

The value is displayed in the label.

Additional information:

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You can therefore update the result that you wish to view on the part. To do this, use the popup command "Make current" that you can access by right-clicking on the
desired result in the "Results" folder of the entity tree.

Load factors

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This command allows to display Buckling load factors

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Results > Load factors... from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the mode numbers to view. The second column indicates the corresponding load factor value.

2. Validate by clicking .

A new result is generated for each checked mode number.

Each result visualization created by this command can be found in the "Results" folder in the entity tree.

Additional information:

You can therefore update the result that you wish to view on the part. To do this, use the popup command "Make current" that you can access by right-clicking on the
desired result in the "Results" folder of the entity tree.

Reactions Result

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This command allows to check the results consistency by displaying reactions.

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Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Results > Reactions result... command from the drop-down menu.

1. The reactions result following the 3 axes is indicated in the dialog.

2. The maximum displacement is graphically indicated.

Available Options:

l Combination:

When the analysis preparation document contains at least one combination, the analysis result will use only this one to solve the constraints.

Options available in this area are explained here .

l Colors palette:

The color palette allows to modify the color scale in order to adapt it to the part geometry and so be able to visualize more easily small variations
of the norm of displacements.

The "-" or "+" under the color range allow to increase or reduce the range on the graduations.

By clicking on the small color square under the color palette, the color range can be either continuous or discrete.

Norm of displacements with discrete scale.

Norm of displacements with continuous scale.

Contact pressure

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This command allows you to see the location of the contact.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Results > Contact pressure... from the drop-down menu.

1. The contact pressure displays.

2. Validate by clicking .

Natural frequencies

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This command provides information on the natural frequencies of a part.

A modal analysis must be prepared in order to view this result.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Results > Natural frequencies ... command from the drop-down menu.

Scale factor

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This command allows you to amplify the displayed result by modifying the scale factor.

The distortion can therefore be exaggerated in order to visually ascertain the result.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the command Results > Scale factor... from the drop-down menu

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Then, use the cursor to modify the scale factor of the graphic representation of the distortion.

Capture Image

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This command allows to capture result images to integrate them in the report.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Result > Capture Image... command from the drop-down menu.

1. Position the view (zoom, labels displacement,...) to obtain the wanted image.

2. The title can be modified, it will be displayed in the report.

3. Validate by clicking .

Images are saved in the Images folder of the entities tree.

Modifications / Additional information:

Images sort can be modified. The report integrates them by starting by the upper image of the folder.

Results Measure

This command provides all information for the selected node (material, constraints, moves, etc.)

Creation stages / Use:

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Click the icon or select Results > Results Measure... from the drop-down menu.

1. Select Node, Element.(tetrahedron, beam, ...) or a Support.

2. View the result in the Results tab or in the label (label is created when the command has been validated when Save measures option is checked (see below).

In the case of using a Support,as it does not appear in the graphics area, it must be selected in the entities tree.

Measuring from Support only makes sense in the case of a beam analysis. In other cases, there would be too many nodes / elements to consider.

Available options:

l Combination:

When the analysis preparation document contains at least one combination, the analysis result will use only this one to solve the constraints.

Options available in this area are explained here .

l Measures:

Select here informations you want to see in Results.

l Results:

Measure results are displayed in this area.

l Format:

You can set the appearance of the results displayed in the label.

You can change the font (font, height, style, etc) and the color.

l Advanced Options:

Save Measures: Checking this option, measure results are saved in a Measures folder of the entities tree in order to be retrieved in the analysis report. For the
more, a label with results will be display in the graphic (the previsualization of the label before the validation of the command is only active when there is only
1 node/entity selected).

Reference Frame: This frame will be used for coordinates and displacements.

Report generation

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This command allows you to create the analysis report.

Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select Results > Report generation... from the drop-down menu.

1. Select the report template from the drop down list or click Browse.

2. Validate.

Advanced options:

l Report name: Enter the name of the report.

l Include in project: This option allows you to save the report in the current project. If this option is not checked, the report will be open in a viewer.

l Export format: If Include in Project is checked, the report is saved in the project in the format selected from the list.

You can create a customized report template:

1. Open the Company document templates.(TopSolid > File > Templates > Open company document templates button).

2. Create a new Report definition document in the Special tab.

3. Enter a name.

4. Select a source document type from the drop down list.

5. Double-click the middle section to open the report editor.

6. Create a customized report and save it.

7. Check in.

NOTE: The report editor has its own online help (FAQ).

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