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Geologic applications of magnetic data and using enhancements for contact


Conference Paper · April 2010

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.165.IP_02


11 538

2 authors:

Mark Pilkington Pierre Keating

Natural Resources Canada Consultant


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Geologic applications of magnetic data and
using enhancements for contact mapping
1 1
M. Pilkington ( ), P. Keating ( )
( ) Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada

Magnetic field data are fundamental to geophysical approaches to geologic mapping. Both qualitative
and quantitative methods are used to extract lithologic and structural information in the horizontal
dimension while quantitative methods provide details in the third (depth) dimension.
Recent research in magnetic methods continues to expand the capability of data measuring systems,
efficiency of forward modeling algorithms, effectiveness of data transformations and the versatility of
inversion approaches. Vector and gradient measurements are becoming more widespread, and
consequently, interpretation methods must be geared to such expanded data sets. Forward algorithms
are exploiting 3D frequency-domain representations and volume to line integral conversions to reduce
calculation time. This is particularly timely because of the widespread use of 3D inversion codes. 3D
inversion methods have also moved from simple unconstrained problems towards more constrained
scenarios incorporating geologic, physical property and possibly other geophysical data.
Recent years have also seen a rapid increase in the number of data enhancements that can be used to
emphasize certain characteristics in the data resulting in a more easily interpreted representation. The
question arises of whether they are all equally useful and effective. Here, we evaluate the utility of ten
enhancements based on theoretical arguments, synthetic data modelling, and real data examples. One
use of these transforms of particular interest for mapping in the horizontal dimension is locating lateral
magnetization contrasts, which we equate with geologic contacts. We find that four of the methods
considered are redundant, giving practically identical results for contact mapping. Two others produce
similar levels of detail, so both are not needed. Data quality adversely affects two other enhancements,
leading to poor continuity of the mapped contacts. The practical utility of each method depends on its
performance in the presence of noise, non-vertical dips and non-vertical magnetizations.
Geologic mapping of the Canadian landmass is a vast undertaking. Reconnaissance level mapping
covers most of the country but this level of detail is insufficient to directly assist in mineral
exploration, which is crucial to continued economic development. Field mapping at the 1:250,000
scale is not economically feasible so a practical alternative is to focus new geologic mapping programs
on prospective areas based on interpretations of aeromagnetic data. One simple but effective tool
based on magnetic data is pseudo-geologic contact mapping, i.e., locating lateral magnetization
contrasts, which can be done using many different enhancement techniques. Here, we compare
different contact mapping methods, addressing the effects of noise, interference, non-induced
magnetizations and non-vertical structural dips on the estimated contact locations. An aeromagnetic
data set from the Abitibi greenstone belt is used to support the comparison.
The ten enhancements considered here are listed in Table 1. Others do exist, mostly in the form of
higher-order versions of some of the quantities listed. Some enhancements exhibit a maximum value

EGM 2010 International Workshop

Adding new value to Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Exploration
Capri, Italy, April 11-14, 2010
over magnetization contrasts (contacts), whereas others change from negative to positive, and so the
zero value contour maps the contact. Maxima can be located using the algorithm of Blakely and
Simpson (1986). The synthetic model (Figure 1) is made up of three bodies: a thin SE-dipping dyke,
thick SE-dipping dyke, and vertical rectangular prism. Figure 1 shows that all the enhancements map
the edges of the prism except for the magnitude transform, MT, which only exhibits a single maximum
at its southern edge. The analytic signal (AS), local wavenumber (LW), total field horizontal gradient
magnitude (TF-hgm), pseudogravity horizontal gradient magnitude (PSG-hgm) and tilt horizontal
gradient magnitude (THDR) functions (Table 1) all produce maxima well located over the true edge of
the prism while the tilt (TI), balanced horizontal gradient magnitude (TDX), theta (TH), and vertical
gradient (VG), functions are displaced slightly outside the body.

Figure1 Synthetic model and calculated contact locations

For the thin dyke, LW, AS and MT all give a single maximum coincident with the dyke location.
THDR produces a set of three maxima trends, one coincident with the true location, but two parallel
false trends caused by the dipolar nature of the source (Pilkington and Keating, 2004). All other
enhancements erroneously map two edges, with TF-hgm having the smallest separation between them
and PSG-hgm, TI, TDX, TH and VG giving an equally larger apparent dyke width. These latter six
methods always produce two apparent contact locations because the magnetic field on either side of
the dyke will change from negative to positive and will exhibit an inflection point, equivalent to a
maximum in the horizontal gradient. For the thick dyke, only MT gives a single maximum since the
deflection of the maximum location towards the body interior is greatest for this enhancement and the
two (expected) maxima merge into one. All other enhancements are able to resolve the two edges of
the dyke. LW does the best job with nearly perfect locations on both sides followed by AS with both
maxima displaced slightly inwards towards the dyke centre. TF-hgm gives maxima outside the dike
edges and displaced down dip. PSG-hgm, TI, TDX, TH and VG map edges further away from the true
sides that are also shifted down dip. THDR accurately maps both edges of the dyke with no dip effects
but again the maxima are accompanied by another parallel false maxima trend.
The results of Figure 1 show that no single enhancement is capable of providing accurate contact or
edge locations for all types of magnetic sources. From theory, MT, AS, LW and THDR map isolated
contacts perfectly, even if they are dipping or remanent magnetization is present (see references in
Table 1). In contrast, locations calculated from the remaining enhancements are compromised by both

EGM 2010 International Workshop

Adding new value to Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Exploration
Capri, Italy, April 11-14, 2010
of these conditions. All techniques will suffer from interference effects, i.e., when sources are close
enough that their anomalies overlap, since the combined anomaly shape will differ from the theoretical
response used in synthetic calculations. The kinds of effects from interference can be seen in Figure 1
where the prism comes close to the thin dyke. Overall, the TI, TDX, TH and VG maps show the best
continuity, however these four have the greatest sensitivity to non-vertical dips.
Figure 2 (top right) shows the magnetic field covering a portion of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt,
Quebec, along with mapped contacts using the same procedures used for the synthetic example in
Figure 1. The relative performance of the enhancements is much different now that real data,
containing the combined effects of tie-line levelling, gridding and other corrections, are used. The
most strongly affected are AS and LW, which show poor continuity along geologic strike. This effect
is predominantly due to gridding, which leads to well-defined maxima in both the AS and LW
functions at locations where a flightline crosses a magnetization boundary, but a lack of maxima at
gridded locations between the flightlines.

Figure 2 Data from Abitibi and calculated contact locations

The TI and VG maps are actually equivalent, as are the TDX and TH maps. From Table 1 we see that
the zero value of VG and TI are equivalent, since if the VG (df/dz) is zero, then TI (tan-1
(df/dz/[(df/dx)2 + (df/dy)2]1/2 )) will also be zero. From the expression for TDX, it follows that maxima
from the TDX enhancement are equivalent to a zero value of TI (θ) and VG. There are more maxima
(TDX, TH) than zero values (TI, VG) in the real data example because of interference between
anomalies. Thus, in terms of contact locations we can replace all four enhancements with just one
(either TDX or TH). TF-hgm produces a distribution of contacts similar to the previous four
enhancements. Although, theoretically, it is susceptible to false maxima trends, for steeply dipping

EGM 2010 International Workshop

Adding new value to Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Exploration
Capri, Italy, April 11-14, 2010
Precambrian Shield regions, most maxima will correspond to real contacts. The last set of results is
given by the THDR function, which similarly to its behaviour in the synthetic model, leads to the
greatest number of solutions. Many of these contact locations are false trends that parallel the real
contacts and are caused by interference from adjacent anomalies and dipolar effects.
A wide range of potential field enhancements are available to assist in geologic mapping. Many have
been introduced recently, with seven out of the ten listed in Table 1 post-dating 1993. Nonetheless,
several enhancements appear to be redundant for contact mapping, with the TI, VG, TDX and TH
methods providing almost identical solutions. Either the TDX or TH maps can be used in place of all
four techniques. For PSG-hgm and MT, the similarity of the mapped contacts can be considered a
practical redundancy, so both maps are not needed. The AS and LW methods are susceptible to
flightline effects, leading to breakdown of the continuity of mapped contacts. For THDR, the presence
of extra, false contact locations can complicate mapping, especially in areas of complex source
distributions. Of the ten listed enhancements, eight exhibit maxima and two reach a value of zero over
a contact. Therefore, all of them have a physical meaning that can be exploited in interpretation. How
well this relationship fares in the presence of noise, non-vertical dips and non-vertical magnetizations
ultimately determines their practical utility.


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EGM 2010 International Workshop

Adding new value to Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Exploration
Capri, Italy, April 11-14, 2010
Table 1. Enhancement methods for field f , having components X, Y, and Z.
Method Abbreviation Formula Reference
Vertical gradient VG df/dz Hood 1965
Pseudogravity horizontal PSG-hgm [(dPSG/dx)2 + (dPSG/dy)2]1/2 Cordell & Grauch 1985
gradient magnitude
Total field horizontal TF-hgm [(df/dx)2 + (df/dy)2]1/2 Grauch et al. 2001
gradient magnitude
Balanced horizontal TDX tan-1 ([(df/dx)2 + (df/dy)2]1/2 Cooper & Cowan 2006
gradient magnitude /|df/dz| )
Analytic signal AS [(df/dx)2 + (df/dy)2 + (df/dz)2]1/2 Roest et al. 1992
Tilt TI tan-1 (df/dz/[(df/dx)2 + (df/dy)2]1/2 ) Miller & Singh 1994
Theta map TH [(df/dx)2 + (df/dy)2]1/2/AS Wijns et al. 2005
Tilt horizontal THDR [(dTI/dx)2 + (dTI/dy)2]1/2 Verduzco et al. 2004
gradient magnitude
Local wavenumber LW [d2f/dxdz·df/dx + d2f/dydz· df/dy Thurston & Smith 1997
+ d2f/dz2·df/dz ] /AS2
Magnitude transform MT [X2 + Y2 + Z2]1/2 Stavrev & Gerovska 2000

EGM 2010 International Workshop

Adding new value to Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Exploration
Capri, Italy, April 11-14, 2010

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