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 Rizal’s arrival in this great county (United States) was marred by racial prejudice.
 He saw the discrimatory treatment of the Chinese and Negros by the white americans.
 He keep notes of his observations during the trip from San Francisco to New York some were rather
unfavourable but true
 On April 28, 1888 (Saturday Morning) Rizal first saw United States.
 The steamer Belgic, with Rizal on board, docked at San Francisco.

 All passengers were not allowed to land, because of American health authorities placed the ship under
quarantine, that it came from the east where a cholera epidemic was alleged to be raging.

American Authorities: All passengers are not allowed to land, because of the epidemic cholera that has been
raging. You will be in quarantine for a week

 Rizal knew there was no cholera epidemic that time and he protest with the other passengers the
unjustifiable actions of American authorities.
 Rizal soon discovered that it was motivated by politics and the ship was carrying 643 Chinese coolies.
 After a week of quarantine, all first class passengers, including Rizal, were permitted to land except for the
2nd and 3rd class the Chinese and Japanese passengers.
 May 4, 1888- Friday afternoon, the day Rizal was permitted to go ashore and register in the Palace Hotel
which was then considered a first-class hotel in the city.
 It was Sunday , Rizal left in Francisco for Oakland. When morning came, rizal woke up and had a good breakfast
at Reno, Nevada now glamorized by American high-pressure propaganda as “The Biggest Little City in the
 From May 7- May 13, Rizal wrote to his diary the beautiful memories from Nevada, Chicago and one of his
beautiful memories is..

Rizal: I saw an Indian attired in semi-European suit, and semi indian suit, leanig against the wall. Wide desert
without plants not trees. Unpopulated, lonely place, Bare mountains. It was a fine day, it was warm..

 He wrote to his diary until he reached in Albany.

Rizal in New York

 it was Sunday Morning when Rizal reached New York. He stayed three days in this city, which he called the
“Big Town”

Rizal: New York is indeed a big town..

 Rizal left New York for Liverpool, Rizal saw the Statue of Liberty on Bedloe Island.

 One of Rizal’s Impression on America (good): The drive and energy of the Americans and the natural beauty
of the land The high standard of living.

 Rizal Impression on America (Bad): The lack of racial equality such as : The existence of racial prejudice as
shown in their hatred of the Chinese, Japanese, and negroes and the valuing of money over human life lack
of racial equality.

 1890 – two years after Rizal’s visit to the United States, Jose Alejandro, who was then studying engineering
in Belgium, roomed with him on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne, Brussels. Alejandro never been in America, so
that one day he asked Rizal..

Alejandro: What impressions do you have in America?

Rizal: It is the land par Excellence of Freedom but only for the whites..

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