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area AT: BOM APTA Areata Aalset-Qoge GP-0 ; FU AT: TT WAR: Q SGT aa: 200 FAVE Ulftet: 24-06-20 lafet ea Gecat Gar ane » ves Icey | ASS Yat Vera GT 0.¢ TRA AT ATA] >. Gorate ert BF ret TerPaT Drerty alow ary AA? Oeil APT xt. Caley brit ot, Pareferaret X. Giata wat Ber [set ser wat @ WHRET (GPM, 2022) YP-dvo, 203, 202] UNESCO #9 tifice 29 Barat weciss sper har Ros AHS cA? B. Sb ACSW Sadd LU CORT Sbbd al, Se AUSWA 2005 ¥. 20 ACSWA 200d Bea: a [= MP3 ateetiar*t (SERA, 2082) > ASI-R8r, ago ARETE ATCA THEE CF? Sele OTT tips faery 1. Bar IT Sa TaterT ter: F [eref MP3 steerer) (ergata, 2022) D ABI-294, SI-R0 aera AeA STITTT ATT Ste =. 4G x, Cafe tone a. SCT ea: = [set MP3 teeters (Graal, 202) D ABI-v, ae]-> ASTCAHT FRSA Dit CRT AST HICT CHIT STATA ABLE feet? *, HET a] te a. asCeeT Uae: [Sef MP3 aterm! (Ga, 202) D YBI-d0, efi sence SATet Bq For Tears “As eT tors fw sat Ra? 8. Va tub oT T, 39¢ GT M, 82Qy GT Cer: 7 [Sef MP3 aterrrert (srigETfa, 2022) ABI-y0> WR ASAT ate 8 STAPH TAT Cw fac? B, OreTe hrret TACT A. GBD GT SCRA ot, Cray were Srey 4, GET oat wer: t [=f MP3 steerer (Graaf, 2022) D BBI-994, a0 COT TECH SAT SATS GAT “AAT ATT AAG] ACT wed! 8. ae ABs at. miter wert tae: a [se MP3 arerter*t (GIR, 2oRg) > ASrow, aso) ateetta epee “aly atest cw erat? Bre tanger ary ot, Prarertontat MSTA Brett ett wer: t [Sef MP3 areeiemt (GRETA, 2022) > ASI-88, ax-2b- 30. >>. x ww. 38. oe. dw. 4. ob, 33. ACCT CHT SHAS YO OT TRA BTA Hea? &. fRoCR AT ar eer t, oR Fag W. AGra AES ea: + [Se MP3 ateeror*! (GTA, RoR) D BOI-8, eI-v] rr arifieca oifre afters afew acer aetna cart BRT Peary RTT SA aT Faw ATCT? =, 88 #84 JOR ¥, 08 Bea: T [ee MP3 steerer! (GraRa, 2022) AI-Rav, A198] RTCA HASTA Tae SB. aaa a. Tea ot, Tee ¥. aes iio ta: = BSTI - aa 4 BfSafe Sz *. Bangladesh Salt Testing Institute *. Bangladesh Strategic Training Institute *t. Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution ¥. Bangladesh Society for Telecommunication and Informatio ea: ot [Bet MP3 ateettor*! (SaRMIA, 208k) SD FI-88v, eeI-v) THOTT FACT TT ABA eto HIB RABeT? , yaam @ faata 4, 14aH @ OTT +1, "eam 6 Bias W. 4a7 9 iP OTT Uea: + [se MP3 ater! (Giga, 2022) > Ares, a]-de' wag Teer ce afwdT Scat? B. Ber *farwsare AL ATA TST OE RET RH at, OIIgeT ICT W, aheatat ota afar et OPTAL Gea: oT [eof MP3 ateaitert (GrguIAA, 2022) > AbI-bu, eF-d OAT WIR TOS SHOT ITT CHAT, CHAT FS BletCw ats. stAIT cw aDAT BoA? 3. le algal 4. aft arret ot, ST AFT Colestt W, Sel era BHATT ea: [set MP3 tection! (Grgatifa, 2022) & ABI-Ba, ae-d CHF CAC AST CHACH Stone BATSA ABST rcs pHs FrecRe &. aarafeat &. aifafaat 1. af x. facaat freq ter © [Bet MP3 atettort (BARI, 20RR) D ABR’, Qos, AHO are ARG CAUSA eet #20 8b AL 2e WT OQ ea: SBrATT: ASAT ATIC RA FCAT FAT Col | Ba: Hate ITH] [wef MP3 CepAfs soes 222 TE ybee Ft. 20 ABET Sov W. Q0 Fb SdvY Uea: ¥ [Set MP3 areeriom (Gra, AOR) D YBI-Dd, e418 ‘GAUCAT FRAT WINCH ASA FRAT, ales Hea ahora Hea’ - atfSe Prot sea aS caret ort? QU AH 9999 2. VAI d99 ot, © HIB S49 x, oy for 9599 bea: + [eet MP3 ateeriow*t (GieRTa, 20RR) D ASI-d04, etel-de HRTEM GT DTT HTAAT aT? www. &, amare A, BaP ot, srereet 1. frente tea: = [Set MP3 terior! (GIARTIAA, 2028) D BBI-veD, e-8d ARTO CTT CORT ACT CaP Ot TPH CRICK? =. beaTT a, Peat ot, meee ¥. Giersiatert UGA: Y [Sef MP3 ¥, FRA 00 Gea: F [eet MP3 atxetionst (erigptfa, 202) D ABI-2ew, a4}-32 STIR Seley BIMATCAS (GAA) Fed SASS Sa? SB. DA FCT ao AT 51, 3898 ICT Xb AG ACT ea: 1 [Sef MP3 steerer (erga, 2022) D AOI-082, Ae}-28 ateericncett fafSFA (GDP) - co cary ews ATT ACCT CaP? =. oe x Pr ot, aafeter X. ORT Oe: [eef MP3 steerer (BirgETAA, 2022) > BT-F-89, ete1-v) 2020-2029 BARA FEE (GDP) agfaa Va FS? F.C. % a. b.38% a, A.w% UBB % UGA: BI: oRXo-Qoay weauca fefehr (GDP) etafad SA- €.89% taetrtes are. soa] | 2OR-202d BIaRCAT PUIG aor BUT fale (GDP) aghast aa- 98% farercam afferent] | [eref MP3 steerer! (erg, 2022) > %BI-s-0d] ap. >. wr. Oo. 08. woe. ov. or frees ara seTorice RTT aera ort ora wiTIES Bear? Fd GA, 2098 > GA, Rode t. > GAMB, 203e YW. > Gaz, 2ody ea: [eet MP3 aieeticw*t (GteRMfs, 2022) > ASI-ooy, ete] AIF AHUGMAG-g FM LAHAT ANCHATAG AeA? , Sw licen ayebaG ek, ca TCAD At ole ORAS FHATAG . aUifSoorAle aTCHTAT Gea: t Select the appropriate preposition: ‘Are you doing anything special—the weekend?' *. at *. with al, on ¥. for ea: & [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -216, Q.-29] What is the plural form of 'sheep'? *. sheeps ~. sheep +1. sheepes 4. sheepses wea: t [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -28, Q.-8] Sweet are the uses of adversity' is quoted from Shakespeare's-- *. Julius Caesar =. Macbeth +1. Comedy of Errors 4. As you Like It OG: H [George's English Literature (January, 2022) Page -34] What is the verb form of the word ‘ability"? *. capable *. inability *t, enable ¥. unable bea: t [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)=> Page -806, Q.-2] The word 'equivocation' refers to-- . stating like an author *. two contradictory things in the same statement 1. free expression of opinions ¥. a true statement ber: t [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -626, Q.-99] “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more;" These memorable lines in Shakespearean tragedy are spoken by— . Lady Macbeth ~, Banquo at. Duncan «1. Macbeth Cea: H Which of the following words is spelt correctly? *. authoratative *. autheritative +t, authoritative ¥. authoratative bet: t [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -768, Q.-64] wor, oD. 80. 8d. 82. 80, 88. 8. 8y. Find out the active form of the sentence: "By whom can our country be saved?" . Who can save our country? *. Our country has been saved by who? *t, Who save our country? ¥. Who will save our country? tea: & [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022) Page -555, Q.-23] "All changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born." This extract is taken from W. B. Yeats' poem titled-- *. No Second Troy *. Easter 1916 +. The Second Coming —_¥. The Wild Swans at Coole wea: t Identify the correct passive form: "Do not close the door.’ *. Let not the door close. *. Let not the door be closed. +t, Let not the door close. *. Let not door closed. Bea: + [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -561, Q.-1] The poetic drama ‘Murder in the Cathedral' was written by- *. Harold Pinter *. G. B. Shaw 4. T.S. Eliot ¥. Samuel Beckett Cea: [George's English Literature (January, 2022)> Page -145, Q.-9] ‘All for Love' is a drama written by- . John Dryden *. William Congreve “1. John Bunyan x. Francis clause ta = [George's English Literature (January, 2022)> Page -56, Q.-1] Sitting happily. The chicken laid eggs. The underlined part is a/an- *. noun clause *. subordinate clause +t. independent clause ¥. coordinate clause Gea: < Caliban is an important character from Shakespeare's- . The Tempest *. Hamlet +1, Macbeth ¥. Othello Wea: [George's English Literature (January, 2022) Page -40, Q.-6] What kind of noun is 'river'? ®. Material *. Collective *t, Proper ™, Common Ue: 4 [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -5, Q.-11] ‘Caesar and Cleopatra’ is- *. a tragedy by William Shakespeare a poem by Lord Byron *t. aplay by Beard Shaw ¥%. anovel by S.T. Coleridge Bea: t [George's English Literature (January, 2022)=> Page -129, Q.-9] 84. Indentify the right tense: 'My father - before I came? *. would be leaving *. had been leaving at. had left ¥. will leave Cer: T [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -353, Q.-13] 8v. Which of the following words is spelt incorrectly? *. reminescence *. glycerin st, idiosyncrasy ¥. lexicography Gea: & [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022) Page -783, Q.-400] 8s. Who wrote the picaresque novel titled 'Tom Jones' *. Samuel Richardson = *. Horace Walpole +t, Henry Fielding ™. Laurence Sterne Ue: [George's English Literature (January, 2022)> Page -64] ¢o. The story of 'Moby Dick’ centres on- *.a mermaid 2. a whale +t. a crocodile ™. a shark ter: & [George's English Literature (January, 2022) Page -157] ¢@>. ‘He prayeth best, who loveth best.'- Who said it? *. John Milton <. John Donne st. Lord Byron ¥. S. T. Coleridge Cea: 4 [George's English Literature (January, 2022) Page -87, Q.-11] ¢x. The controlling sentence of a paragraph is known as- *. content modulator *. terminator st. thesis statement ¥%. topic sentence Cea: ¢o. Choose the correct comparative form of the sentence: 'Very few boys are as industrious as Zaman.' *. Zaman is one of the most industrious boys. *. Zaman is more industrious than most other boys. st, Zaman is really industrious like other boys. ¥. Zaman is as industrious as other boys. tea: ¢ {George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -571] ¢8. Identify the appropriate preposition: Your opinion is identical - mine. . for in at, with ¥. by Cea: T ¢@¢. ‘Paradise Lost' attempted to- ®. justify the ways of man to God. *. show that Satan and God have equal power. ‘1, justify the ways of God to man. ¥. explain why both good and evil are necessary. Bea: oF [George's English Literature (January, 2022) Page -52, Q.-7] ey. "Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! I fail upon the thorns of life! I bleed!" The extract is taken form P. B. Shelley's poem- *. The Cloud *. To a Skylark +t. Ode to the West Wind ¥. Adonais Cea: [George's English Literature (January, 2022)> Page -93, Q.-2] ¢4. Who wrote the short story "The Ant and the Grasshopper"? *. Guy de Maupassant *. W. Somerset Maugham at. J. K. Rawlings ¥. O' Henry ber: ¢ @v. The word ‘vital’ is a/an- *. noun *. adverb at, adjective ™, verb ea: >. 'To get along with' means- *. to adjust *. to interest +i, to accompany ¥. to walk Ga: = [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -466, Q.-717) vo. The synonym for 'panoramic' is- ®. scenic *. narrow a. limited x. restricted Wea: = [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -678! vs. The antonym to 'slothful' is - ®. playful *. sluggish +I. energetic ¥. quarrelsome Gea: F [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -754, Q.-420) ve. Alexander Pop's 'Essay on Man! is a - *. novel *. treatise +i, short story ¥. poem Gea: © [George's English Literature (January, 2022)> Page -62, Q.-4! vo. ‘By and large’ means- ®. everywhere *. very large at, mostly , far away ea: [George's English Language (Reprint January, 2022)> Page -437, Q.-210 ¥8. Francis Bacon is an illustrious- ®. essayist *. dramatist +t. novelist ¥, journalist Ua: & [George's English Literature (January, 2022) Page -17, Q.-2 ve. 'He could not win but learnt a lot.' Which part of speech is the word 'but'? *. an adverb * a verb ai, an adjective ¥. a conjunction UGA: va. ur. qo. 4. aR. qe. 948. ae. QW. eetet_oifraseaa france carats af-feora-aa yBte? S, ToT a. aid ot. Pt wy ea: [ee ate orat 6 wifes (Giga, 2oAg) D BI-909, etx}-0y] Prope arate “ofits arateles st aT? = ae tote at, apr , Carat Bea: ¢ [set trent orat @ afer (GEMMA, 2022) D ASrvry, aol HAT AS AMT Mat GT AL, Gat GPa! - ak CSls Foor cars aEHs SRA Bat Caf? 3, agis a, aS at, aceite ¥, ofsearert ver: = “eereS" oN HAI YES? 3. URS x. fae ot. Fee 1 ea ta: = [Set arent rat @ afer (GTM, 202g) > FSt-ed9] S, OAT 4. WT ot. FART x, fos Gea: 1 [eet ater orat 6 Heer (GRU, 2022) D Arve, ex}-svu] ‘adpy’ saiba wg =. wae TATE SAT 1. BICg BIT Y, oe Gea: + [Set aren rar ¢ mer (GTM, 2022) D AST-vae, eel-dvl RTS HT BHAT CATS BNA ¥1T? =, She a. far 1, ema 4, waht Bea: 1 [wet ate orat @ fer (GTERMAA, 2022) D ASI-898, e4}-922] Gate ‘fertat'a epHfas esrte &, Gifts Spat et. Ga Stata Spat ot, Rare aftala Spat W. Ja Baar Boat ea: & [set areatt Srat @ afer (GieRMfA, 2022) D ASt-ve, eeu Frees CHATS WHAT «TP FARM 4. fers ot. afer wx. oie Cea: 1 Ficos CHARGE ateett “Aga yBIw? awe a Fe ot. Sa Bea: [erat steel Srat © wifeer (GreRMAA, 2022) D> Br-8eel Drit 6 BATT owies wrAwSAs ACOH &, efarers are a. wafaga ot. foutfagia ¥. wiser fagie Bea: a4. 4. Aw. vd. be v8. ve. oe aT cata? 2. wae tae tL 4. way Gea: [Se arent wrat @ afer (Stas, 20R2) D BI-od0, eie-v] “Soa Ror’ were aiaiy- =e a. brevis at, iter a. wmf Gea: [erat ate Tat 6 mifRer (STMT, 2oRe) > AWr-vee, 4-82] Fetter Bra waite Wate cataibe S.C + ORR = CTE LOM + WE = MA 1 +oR =F US + Bea WG Uea: F [Set ae rar @ TAROT (GTRMPs, 2oRR) D FI-08y, exI-2] Freos cote Stasi etcarstte fre cece wa? &, UIT Se HICSS AR, ACSTAIESYS AB | xt. ori aaiferatcs orafES | Ft, SIA PCO SPOS CST CHT | Fal Glew wows Wet CAT ATT Bea: + [eet ater! erat @ aif&or (GteRMAA, 2oR) > Hints Ciisee I ewe AT, BI b8b, Waa, FILED, WP, YI Ved, Wot Ira, A-vsul fra corte ciiftte Hints AsT-v>8] “per Soa Bray ‘ve’ sts ate . Bgre a = st, etenaife Bea: ¥ Spetion sy" cov cice ben ot eae SB. CAAA ASMA CUT CURT IAT CUE 91, HOMIE CONC a. seals ahs cece Bea: ¢ [Set Stet Stat @ HET (GEMTAA, QoQ) > BBH-28, efei-0] farrtafe sere cara rata fe fact? =, wants 2. far at, Cafeter ¥, oats Gea: 1 [eet creat Gat @ oifRes (GIERMfA, 2022) D S134, ae-so Tatar afeapcaa cola Garona bia? . Papioed Ce a. eee ot, yeterety ¥, frag Ue: ¥ TS coy’ @ ‘we cam’ Stut WS samc CAIN SIHICRT OTS? =, Cla a, aA ot, SHAT aplaies Gea: + wa bb. bd. Bo, BS. aR. do. 38. oe. do HSS AAC CHT ACHAT ANTE? Bea <. ATNGT 15 at. afeatat , apreacabla Bea: HRC Ol ART HAM / ATHICH GTA ACT Wea |” - ts afow mefe? S. THe CT 4. Sree aio Praret at, wafarett art , facermenet arr Bea: + [eet ster wrat so mHfReT (GiaRTfA, 2022) D APr-val ST AST AA ACE YMTITS 1” - AS NCATE sta? S, SIT x, Bigucet ot, eta stipes a. Seat Bea: 1 [set area wrat 6 FRET (SEMAA, 2022) D AIR, ee-09] Frost ary OfS “afar Pe’ atemercaa Her TS facet at? S. He GA Sy a. gor erica oer ot, OTST FETT a. oar ait Bea: t [Set sett orate ARer (GTA, 2022) > AT-84] ops CHA Bay He TELE Dreticad CuistaSs afogetaata eas? @, faced aif x. after ot, Prg-facrret Y, Desig bea: t fico carat fet “ecea * @, “ifriatcas fois 2. att ot, ogratfert WARM ASIPT Wea: [asf MP3 steric (erepifs, 2022) > ABI-eve] frcoa cotaté Gran aa? =, fratatfast sar 4. Het BfaoT ot, igre a. sfasis at Bea: + [eer aicert Gat @ orif&er (@raEMfA, 2022) > YBI-209, atzI-8u] ‘ahetat ¢ atert RET ay Ce ADAT SATRT? 3 FY OF x calTatter Berar ot, area se 1 OF Dea: 1 [eet steer Grate meer (GreRfA, 2022) D AdI-v, aAi-0] “CUB 6 AQ’ WRT BS at IA Gores ofa? B.S TF a. COT ot, OR Mire M. Glay oral Cay Bea: 1 Gre emeisarer erat abs coraib? @, et et. afer ot, CT ONS ASAT ATS, aT SAT STE Sea: t [erat steert rar © wifews (rteRTfA, 2022) D FBI-Iws8, Ao e4}-yd] Sha witare ators ‘fram-frg’ aati - TAS 4, Soar ag at, SoTL 4, Sfear-aitie Gig bea: 1 [Bet ret orat o heer (GEMPA, 2022) D FOI-IeR, 9¢8, eef-S¢] ob. db. doo, 303. D0R. 300. 308, dog, do. 304. SIRT SATA Gorptorst Fas Preces AT -- B, WAT SIT 4. fee frat ot, repr Ore , orice Stet Sea: © wat ot BE TT HT AT |” nefeioa aft - =, faasinifis 2. confer APT Ht, tama dig ¥, peat efearer Bea: + [Se ster SAT @ HET (SEMTIAA, ARR) D> Abt-svw, efel-dpo) Satcaratan’ Garp ARIA ATT - . ORM yet we a set OTT ST ot, feta RATT Y. GICHRT AAAS, CRIT Gea: 1 [eet ser Sat @ mRET (GERI, 2022) D APSI-ws, etel-> CR acre PRET SAMY elit FBTAAT AACR? Bea Perr et. wie Pert ot, onrerferes Peter a. Soca rie ea: [Bet Serie, faces @ eet TIE PAA (GTaMA, Loa) D F108, 4-0) feos carn Attest Baa ATO CREAT AST A? %. aT 4. Ser at. affarw 4. atl Gea: ¢ [ae were, facet BAe TeeTIAT (HAGMEA, 2oAs) SD ABI-RBo, ee-4 Wc TTA BEET CHT Gale cat rset? 8. "agus , FnyAT at, epstarey Barat Gea: [Bet wort, afacrt @ acai TIAMAT (GAMA, 2022) > AST-Le8, ete-2) Catate Faterecarsiy TT? ®. aighos arr at. parsitelt at a 4, Sat Gea: [Bet MP3 Crain faeate (feria SMa, 2022) D PI-dvd, A4]-0) Ficos CHAE SetOTes FRSA UPTO RA? %. areaiay 4. afi at, foorT a. aig Gea: 1 [ae Sorter, face! @ Cat aR (Gla, 2oI2) D I-v', aeI-9 ARTIC R- CH C AAT -- . BafayS AH a. aa frre etre ot, Gel ARIAT ea A. OD AH Gea: © [wet Serre, face @ Ait eat (GTA, Loa) D ASrrev! COP 26 -4 COP ater tt? B, SHAH GS pifeT at, STH US HT ANT 91, PRRCTA OS HF AIGA Y, PAPA OS A ACTA Bea: 4 [se MP3 stwetfos (Grafs, 088) D AI-eos [oe Serie, facet @ yes RIT (GIETAA, 2oRs) D> AI-380) dor. dos. 350. 333. aor. 399, 338. d9¢. ddu. db. ares GRceahis orice AT CHAE? B.A ST oy at ot, Bib pef ay IPT a. Gora CHIAISS AT Ue: & US HO AAA Aa ee maT ot TET CHIT AAT IA If ofa ea? gga aut a oat sat ot, fap ler at a. Great ay Bea: [wet were, facet @ aeait Tegal (GIA, 2022) D ASI-dov, ay}-41 Tenors eer sarenSs ey cereT Bayo? @. sea, aT 2, FSH, DIT a, Forge, DaATT W. Twrgiaa, fret bere [ae wore, afters @ aeait Tagriat (GAMA, 202g) D AI-d99, Ae-a Sateen Aeris Stars Fats Stet vals - , aula 4. Canter art ot, wallet eat Bohrer Oia ecerr Ue: [set MP3 Catan feeate (fries eigETfa, 202g) D ABI-Reo, AH-2 aatatcra rates set Bett =. R3NH™ &.503-Na* t. RonH,' 4. Coo-Na’ Wea: 1 [set MP3 trate feeaier (qenfat egeMe, 2022) > yI-e8 TH cartes carat? *. THA HAY ; AIT FH 2. aioe : afar 1, DRE + AIG RE a cathy : comfrart ter: t [et MP3 Caaf feware (eee erat, 202) D ABI-20b, es]-0] Weare creat CHIAB? BF. OWS VAR RICH *_ W0%~d Bea GRIST ot, 20°96 HF BifeATOT H. 29°06 >ifp*t AiferaTeT ta: = [erst MP3 Gratin fewer (eta erates, 2oRR) D fSI-828 a aT Ora CeTATS? F. 299° GECAS a. -290° FIAT t, 0° CPE B. 0° Trae Bea: [eet MP3 Caafane fewer (sfeniqet eregfs, 2022) D ABI-d9> art cerrte Beet SOTA CAT FOP FT oy tafe Ry XW AGT Gea: t [Se MP3 Crane fawater (erat eEMIA, 2022) > ADI-y¥s, aei-> . yafraat mice Valence band conduction band- BOAT eee A, CSET ACE ot, OAR ICA ICE M. enfbS TT Cea: t aegfea Bea aifTe Glecra coin aie Gertie fea ater? &. AGT t. oibiferrrt ot, BRST 1 PR tear [eet MP3 trate fawain (geet errgaTfs, 2022) D ABI-RAW, eel-d5] d80, d23. dv. 329. d88. ore. dQ. aw d2b. . Shere ePoEr wT AT CHAI? ®. fobifire faye x. feof fay ot, forte fey %, fear fas et: 4 [=e MP3 Chafee faearer (jefe eres, 2022) D AWI-o8] TA FAH CHIT SAY AOS AIC OT AET- e, Gap aafS/ GaoH t apicafsrar 1. ST a Ty Bea: T Precra fSbifie 4 ate few a S. TAA APA et, Sata WS ot, aaca fora HGF HINGE ATR Gea: t WOME caACH BTAT eH =. Pretest Gao 4. Pieters Grrareowst ot, ores a, Prorat Griatacwa Bea: = [Se MP3 tran faests (Aaa area, 2022) D WBI-deal rach haata afew Gey Wrst Cl TST HTM WT ATI =. fr 4. Tce 1, Ae 4, SEP Bea: & ‘THret-8anky Be Gelb TASTY 4, afelets CST aes aR Is woot vals aa ¥. NASA Suraire Ghee = Gea: H [Bet MP3 Crane facet (Aerat GTATIA, 2022) > Bi-wnd] GARR, STAT rae ACA, ce ere Gorey =. cefiba trary ot. febifirer 4, at Gea: [ef MP3 Caafian faery (Aenfat era, 2022) > AbI-osy] SCSI- a3 ft Ft? *. Small Computer System Interface *. Small Computer Software Interface +t, Small Computer Storage Interface 4, Small Computer Standard Interface ea: F [Easy SPatiia @ wey age (AernfAt SAAT, 2022) > AI, 4-2] Frops cay fouls SryG se wIHAS Sweet fra Ber sea? *. Scanner *. Mouse st. Touch Screen ¥. Projector Gea: [Easy SPASbre 6 way aryfe (rat ergENIA, 202) D AOI-d2a, eix]-00] ficos cot Octal AeevifF Decimal "ett ee 4a AAV? F. ee 94 aw Hd Gea: F [Easy Sra ¢ was aafe (rigs SEA, 2022) > ALS (Fa: MTS VE SIT] S28. OMIT ca BIST sides caaihe *. Azure a. AWS +t. Cloudera 1B, Coca WAST Get: & d99. dor. 300. 308. dee. dv, 304. do, 30d. . Preos carr aiRara SET MeAIB w Veer ARs fet Computer System VAar Barareh sare Be wis sat Bae *. Phishing *. Denial of Service +t, Ransomware 4. Man —in- the-Middle Gea: Froa cafe system software 7H? *, Linux *. Android +t, Mozilla Firefox x. Apple iOS Gea: [Easy shite ¢ wes age (ganar teat, 2022) D BBI-d9a, 398, a9¥] fos caf Structured Query Language 78? *. Java *. MySQL *t. Oracle W, Wace AIVCAT Cer: © SAAT Arrcatst TrAT Hostname-ct IP Address- 4 Wat Wea- ®. FTP Server *. Firewall +1. DNS Server «. Gateway Ser 7 [Easy sitbra ¢ wey agfe (qerfgt STATA, 2022) > FBI-Bwy, Ae-9, ¢ Facet car Tees Cloud Computing Gat amrsiattt Tats Bea At? *. CaaS *. TaaS “1. PaaS ™. SaaS Oat: = [Easy tGbia ¢ wey aafe (Anat EIEMIA, 2022) D ABI- 880, eI-S0) fit ct Protocol F Ssiaerd wey anta-entea Rarret APO wt tit? *. FTP . HTTPS a. TCP 4. DNS Sea: + [Easy sittia ¢ wey aye (qaxqt eta, 2022) > AI-88bv, A-28 Piconet #? *. Wifi Network *. Wide Area Network “1. Bluetooth Network —_¥. 5G Network wea tf [Easy siti ¢ way arate (qeRyet GARI, 2022) D AT 800 ae CAPT cae UAT CaP BT CHOTR Ber sae ct TCP/IP SIF BARI Ie *. FTP RPC at, SNMP. «. SMTP Ger © [Easy *i8tia ¢ way ayfe (Qenfqt at, 2022) D ADI- wBb, Ax-20 wl shtbia catait fee Foes way Shoat Soa ator aA aT OFAC | ®. Program Virus =. Worms at, Trojan Horse %. Boot Virus tea: ¢ [Easy si8bia @ way agfe (Aarat atyAtfA, 2022) D I-8 av, a¥-vI ficoa cals efSbIaté 4G Standard aeoeat YS? *. ISO *. ITU at. 3GPP «4. ETSI wer: + 380. 385. 382. 380. 388. 38¢. 38¥. 384. 38. faces carafe Open Source Software? =. Google Chrome *. Microsoft Windows at. Zoom «. Adobe Photoshop ver: + ABE FAT ETAT ACTH CHT SUw” | AT AOR FOOT AAP v0 40 at, oe 430 Ue: & [=f Math Review (rat arf, 2022) > AI- wBY, A¥-o@ (WEA) aes wTAIR faye ater CEs 2 OLA, aay Bet x LAR RT x aa FIT G@iafbe eye xt yo TLS ao Gea: 4 [a= Math Review (arfat ergata, 2022) D AI veo, Me-g0 (IH) Ut - 5, p, q, 16 AMSA GIFT ACF, OAT p 8 q MA Ay AeA AAPA .-2,9 42,9 ,-2,-9 ¥2,-9 Uea: ¢ i’ aaa ser e-] M7 a1 ai Cea: 1 do GR AQ AT VTHEA AT CHAS? F. 8e SRby at OY 48 ea: t 1-14+1-141-14... + ARTS ACA CAPT RCA 0 a1 a+ CL WE 0-6)" Bera [ae Math Review (afar areas, 022) D AI $92, A¥-2 (WH)] af Ve =2 ew, ort xI=? =8 4.16 1.4 4.64 Cert [ae Math Review (fat eral, 2022) > AS doo, eei-2 (aHA)] P(A) =+, P(B)=2, Ae Batre, P(A U B) - aa aT ser 3 1 ee at 4 S a2 HO ColafGS aT Gea: t [se Math Review (afar areas, 2022) D ABI oa, aso] dee, dw. 5us. due. sw. SCAT TBA RCT CTA foaaiS ACA? [AI {Al [G] L | S| (E} lel [é] > g © 8 e> aR ALO a8 Cea: 4 feet TARTS MEST (GAMES, 202): YH sod, e-2v] Pa Q ASST R ARS BR AAT | P - CRCAT AA S -4 GIF | GIA Q wat R -44 - ea aoe 1, PHOT 4, DIT Bea: ¥ (eref aie wFST (GTM, 2oRs): AI- 0, AeH-2@] COATT ACL AAT OBA, ACHAT AIC COMA - =, fay 4. ay ot, IST a. TR cay Cea: 7 (eret arbre WRTT (GRLMA, 2o2a): FBI-98, Ae-2v (TIA) 165135 aft Peace &, Bt 215225 aa - $, Lead a, Love 1, Loop «, Castle Bea: 4 (aot aifie WFST (GARE, 20RR): BT 0, ete-9 (TIH)] ‘Fras boa crib Pott fae wee 2 F. soft 428 at. 9816 a. uf Uea: F leret siafare wot (GET, 2022): FHT 928, AH-2] oud. dub. do. OPIN THT acy feos fos AACS SS eery AAT AA? afm, L\ ft $8 ie tu caer te H30 He Gea: 4 [eet MPs WAST (GIERIFA, 2oR): YBI- rdw, ee- do] ‘MEMORY’ *tioa atria afefay cats? *. YAONATW 2.YAOMAM 1, NEWOBA ¥. YAOWEN Bea + [erat Sara TEST (EMA, 2028): ABT avo, a vl A A LN NY. by at. Ub Mae feet SARE mRCT (GERTEA, 202): FBT Sov, As-0e vee) IAT FRA PAT SATS VT SAA VAHSS A ete BT Sr Aras rT aS Frical Oa Te =, how tl. what +t, why ¥. who. Bea: dev, 3e4. see, sed. d¥o. de. FACES HT CRRA OTT SATE OICT ATCT AIC? @, Pacers, fois, fraps, fan, fire, fort x. forts, Prete, fare, fare, fire, fort 4, fis, fare, Fea, Fort, Frere, Fare, Bea: t feref (WaH)] a8 fiftatts cat Rete eo? oe bw Wd 28 Tw Tb ¥ 08 tea: 3 [ee Math Review (fat Grama, 2022) : YBI- 89¢, AI- 08] GE Cre RBCS IAA WHT SCT LA VIA FHT Al Aes atte wre AA CoT iota face eteca? =, Sar 4, if ot, fie a. 48 Bea: = [eet wratie wAPOT (GIAMIA, 2022): FBI dv, ee] 385. sto. 3@3. dR. 30, 38, 3, ABT AIT [3x + 2| << 7 wrrwtiba ware: 5 5 B-3 ob urs, 2-u] Gabe GR 4a bc? aa FAT AOA Ht.w. Fc BAB? %.a°be *. 2a°be st, 2a? b’e? a, @nfeS ae Wea: [Se Math Review (arta arggff, 2022) D ABI- €9¢, S-0 (IH) 2 log,, 5 + log,, 36 - log, 9 = 2 ~* 100 1,37 4.4.6 UGA: = [SF Math Review (arRat Bras, 2022) = YB 98, eso (H)] aan Reanena feet ar Hosa ae at fee feat Fo? . AS AC% a whe 2e% t. AS 90% W. HE CO% Bea: e [Se Math Review (erat SIEM, 2022) D YOI- v8, eie->> (TTR) ate weit £: R > R, f(x) = 2x + 1 wat aeathts eer f-1(2) ae aT eS? =.0 a5 a5 al Uea: x ABC fags B catcta afaart 8y° «ee AB = BC 1 af E ae F AB aaa AC- & QUACK CH FA A EF || BC &, wat ZA + ZAFE =? B. 02” 2. v0” at. sob W997 er: = [3 Math Review (rae Bra, 2022) D Br 290, eMH-29] ‘ft log) x =- 1 BH, WIR, Proms carats x as att? 3.0.1 0.01 1 00 4. 0.001 UGE: = [se Math Review (aft areas, 2022) > AI 498, S4-29(erEH)] 3%. sar. 39. 398. 39¢. 3. 344, 3%. 3%. BIST ValIt CEPT EPICA ‘Wala’ ROR SB, CHS STITT CEPT 4 Tats lesions Otpacea TTS ot, ASST Ss tafowot at Asis MEAS Bers , Cray Sere POA AAS Gea: 1 [ae tafeoer, weUcaTe ¢ IMT (GAM, 2022) > Pr-val TETCATAT BAST MENT CATR Fat RATA A PRAT B. Sebo Fier ate Hefakeqw 2. 2008 Filet Aahw Balihs wayer hp VTA ot, Rode FIT ate Haeist EloIst (Seat © CAAeT) fRfeaTeTIES a. Dota WAV oe: [eet tafser, Tencare @ BPA (SHAaIfA, 20R3) > AI-, aH] adaiss cara PIP afew ect- &, fafecanst gfe ata x. alfs ast ear ot, afeorcaa FAT BT B, aeiTcatt Shea eT tea: = [eet tafooer, yeucate 6 yt (GEM, LORS) D ABI-ve, as]-vB] wiferrcas Wife facaet acerca ATT *. UNCLOS 2. UNCTAD a. UNCAC «. CEDAW Ga: tOes TTA ACCT SPAT Sais . Gigeya af wpTET 2 aR fritter ofr ot, sifextet atetafes wet Y, Alam orfaqot Gea: F waite Pratcest crea “~atcda Heats’ (conflict of interest)- 44 bet at war AST Pratowa AeA- ®. Brace aedaial lowsia Foe at afaaicaat HNCHA we GOS ace x, ceria ate at afeacta ae Gye ates 1 ot, Haat I GBS elles | W. Betor aeacrs Me SHS 2c | Ue: s WY 6 ACE ilfeeatorT Bray AACA CaP ATR B. GRAM ACAI AST x. Cafeesr 6 Tere WoT ot, der ost eet aeET UWS ATP ver: & [Se tafSeur, TencaTt 6 ZIMA (GHATS, 2022) D FT-vs, atg-2a] gtifisetcd pert TAT ATT estar Htatfere yeucatcea ert ao- Bae PraoTa ATTN, FTTeTCT ot, aiferatteat H, aga Teer Ber: [ae Cafosor, FeucaTe @ IAP (SMA, 2o2e) AI-2e, A¥-R0] HOST Gy ANA PA AHCT- =. wale 2. Cees faba %, Sa BS Yo TS ea: [Be tafesrur, Tercate @ BAT (SAMA, 2022) > FSt-s0 (hints)] dwo, OTT TTT MS “BT @ ‘wR’- aa fer tat PaCS AACA, wT AHR AWS ADIT 1, FOAL M. TeICaTe Dea: © [et tafooul, sence @ ZAP (GER, 2022) D ABI-de] Sb. CHA CHT CATH “OAT TPHW’- A AT SAT? @, frist 2, feutafat ot, fafa 4. fifa Cea: + [eet MP3 sirwehifee (TEMA, 2022) D FBI-029, af->] SeR. RT ICT afta ferret weet eA? B. 2050 A. Q0dR FT. 2038 B 20du tea: 7 [eet MP3 eieetifoe (eragfa, 2022) D IRs] wwe. I Orit cofqarata afecrit ay va? &, ARTAT 4. afefoar ot, afer 4, safer Gea: t [Set MP3 wrestios (Graf, 2022) D AOI-8s; foa: afer oreafer wRIT!)] de8. ‘BCRTATAT FOAMS’ cota CaeAs Ice Fewifs? &, foray a. Gea cafe ot. BT estat Gea: ove. fata cata omiis ASEAN caibpe aa? ae I, RHE ot, ferreArT 4. seafoar tea: ¢ [set MP3 wiwetifos (Grafs, 2022) D ABI-eed] doe, Febery OPE fev aa IT AT? B.S 4, BaF ot, fart . areca Wea: = [SF MP3 arasifes (Grama, 2022) > yr-evs] sv9. World Economic Forum — 4 aisfas oftceta caret Balow RTP Satter ¢. afr 5, HICEPT a. at Bea: 1 dor. PTT PS carr YG aaa ACT ERAS aA? &, vifasir @ OrEAreTT 4. OTS 6 Urey ot, fer @ wl ¥. areas ¢ onfsare Sefer Wea: + [Se MP3 ateetfos (Graft, 2022) > ABI-o90, Reversel ded, AaHwwIes TREAT CHT Hey afore Arata rACAT AS ICT OF RT? SHOPS TTT AT AAT, CBT HITS AAT ETT TSS WOM OR CIA Y. OCETAS TIO Set CTA te: rei: SS Bes Cee AGIA PST THAIS | [Se MP3 erwetfor (GETAA, 2022) D FOI-as9, ete-a] dbo, dd. ddA. 339. 338. de, ddv. daa. seb. PAT SA-VY HAT AA TYPOS A? 3. OST =. oTfeer st. aPrett 4. Orr Wea: [set MP3 atectifee (aigaa, 2022) > AWi-F-92,5-98, 44-¢,U] ATO @ CHACwA ACT HS stort A THT PS ey cla Aa? %. 2080 BROW T, 2028 ¥, Qowo Gea: t [set MP3 atericrt (GiEETIA, 2022) > BI-ade] COM rnics Borate HHT BAS set VA? 3S, arti x, Sore CATS W. BoCeT Bea: F THOCHA Matt SemfaS VT HAT CHAT CATH? 2. yoag a. oh ar at, ettbtey carey XQ OTS ver: & [Se MP3 arweetifos (GER, 203g) > ASI-8ve, aeI-29 wey Gee CHAT International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) efefe =tz , Sob, BF a. so8b, WaITTTS a, Sdvd, CIT W. Sbea, AWA Goa: = [=e MP3 wravifos (Grafs, 2022) > AI cor! rT yt atts ag srr cofSe (Camp David) pe zeae error SHARIA HEH AF BCAAs HAS AAT Bes? =, avin 6 frig 2. FAS 8 Taasaq ot, fafa @ eat 4. fotifrar @ wiercerfeat ta: = [Set MP3 stestifes (GraTfa, 2023) D ABI-vod! Far eye vase “SI sa atetteTt (Concert for Bangladesh )’ caren Bato xcafeet? =, favaat a. PT te 4. Baa UG: = [eet MP3 arerorst (GAMA, ROAR) > HT-28e, ae-34 aiforcaa Rater afsacra SEN PPT Ih PS CT ST? 3.9 tat VQ Te at, 8 deat 4. @ Tat Gea: x [se MP3 wiwefifo (GigzTifA, 2022) D ABI-2d2, aH-20 weties ames ase Rots ox TE OT PAifbe St? @, for eat aS qe ot, Dt eat Ya Fad Gea: & [3 MP3 atectifos (Gama, 2022) D ABI-asw, ae-eo 35d. 00. aetna carro “fiesta (Perspective Plan) TAT For FB, YORd-2000 _0AB-Q2owy AT, 2ORd-2085 FW, QoR2-20¢0 oe: [set MP3 aero! (BMA, 2022) D ABI-vov] Od’ TIC CHIT ort BiforTTT “SAT Sirs TEMS Fife eae S. Tere %. aS 1, ATION HBTS Bea: 1 (ref fafaer :: Facebook post :: wifte- 2 PAPA, 2028]

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