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The monthly income machine pdf

Home for risk-aperitimed investors seeking consistent monthly income. While there are many ways you can try to profit from the markets, I am convinced that there is one of the best way to earn really satisfactory income returns each month with a controlled and minimal risk. The vehicle is an option credit
award and basic credit spread strategy and Condor Iron's income strategy are spelled out in detail in the how-to book. This proprietary technique to harness the power of credit proliferation and Trading Iron Condor can produce satisfactory results if investing in markets is your main source of income, or
your intention is to generate a supplementary income stream. I've probably seen it all after a brokerage career with big Wall Street firms and years as a financial writer and market educator. Today, after 30+ years of market involvement, the rules on how to trade credit inscinerations I spell out in detail in
the monthly income machine to drive the only transactions I do now in my personal accounts. Volatility in credit spread is critical to choosing and managing yielding market positions. Whether through implied volatility (IV) or Delta, or both, the investor should consider options volatility, along with other data-
driven trade selection criteria, to produce the highest remuneration/risk ratio transactions. Read more Here are the 8 option to spread credit mistakes that you must avoid to maximize the spread of your credit & condor iron profit results with a monthly income machine. Read more last question at prompted a closer look at flash crashes. Are we indeed powerless in the face of a flash crash, or are there protections? Flash Crash Recognition: Hindsight is required it's not just the market that's dropping sharply. Sudden severe fall in single stock, ETF, or market [...] Read more articles
how to do, other investment tips/reports prevent flash crash effects, circuit breaker, credit spread, credit spread, flash crash, flash crash factors, option, market options, options, stocks, stock market even season option investors can destroy trading – and their whole month – by stumbling in mechanics or
strategy involved in placing orders Here are some unfortunate moves you should definitely avoid lest you become shark detit for fishing on the other side of your option credit spread or iron [...] Read more credit spread of articles, Credit dispersion order, credit phase feed errors, credit phase order errors,
credit order order, spreads, iron condor order, option errors, option order entry, option entry errors, option order errors, option order problem, credit dispersion order execution, option order execution, stop ordering problem, monthly income and investor precious income before we go further, let's make
sure you are The right place. If you are a menon in your head yes to any of the following statements, you will be very happy that you are here because SaferTrader and the monthly income machine were designed specifically for you! I want more monthly income – a lot more. (My stock dividends and err,
notes and/or interest in the money market are insufficient.) I'm not interested in taking on a significant risk in my pursuit of income (safety first!). I don't have the time or inclination to devote hours every day to trading markets. I'm immune to silly hype that leads to $1,900 webners and 26-disc tutorials.
Don't insult my intelligence by drawing me the commercial pictures of a mansion, surrounded by impercelely beautiful women, running around the pool overlooking a red Ferrari in the driveway. Are you still with me? Good. Let's move on. You can earn a significant monthly rate of conservative return,
without accurately predicting market direction, and without a bottle of antacid standing by to address stomach account value declines that often accompany the squirming on the stock market. The foundation of a monthly income machine is a book on how to make a comprehensive, definitive guide for
conservative investors looking for a high income. In addition to spelling out clear rules for entry and detailed trade management and monthly income machine, you will have direct access to the author/developer of the monthly income machine. He will be with you every step of the way to generate a
welcome income stream. In addition to the book itself, you'll also get the ongoing series of article and book updates of How to White Sahar, and author's personal training if you have any questions. We will put the income-generating program step by step, and much more, in your hands with an iron-clad
promise of satisfaction. (How's that for safety first?) The lower risk path to monthly income – the secret of the properly designed professional credit spread option, and the spread of incredibly efficient Condor iron credit, can be the best way for significant monthly investment income. The monthly income
machine is a distillation of much of what I've learned during my 30 years on Wall Street. That's all I've learned about generating a strong and reliable stream of income, month after month, regardless of the roller coaster of the market. It remains the only investment technique I use in my personal accounts.
The bottom line is that once you finish the book, you can use the same best investment technique yourself to look for a fresh supply of significant income every month. If you follow the entry and customization guidelines for trading it took me a lifetime to work, and if your account is with a friendly
brokerage firm for options, you can – next - Be on your way to redeeming $800+ for every $10,000 margin used in your account. A properly designed credit spreads option, and the incredibly efficient Condor iron credit spreads, are this route. Whatever you want to know (or want to know) before deciding
to read the book and join the SaferTrader investment community, you should - and probably do - have some questions. Let me try to anticipate and address some of these questions. What's my background in the market? My name is Lee Feinberg and I've spent the last 30 years investing in my accounts
and with Wall Street firms as intermediaries, a branch manager, and a former vice president - investments with Pine Webber and Prudential Security. Most of my adult life involved working with clients and my own accounts, writing several financial books, writing a column in a syndicated newspaper in the
markets, and attending national and international investment seminars as a valued financial spokesman. Today, no longer a broker with a brokerage firm, I'm my only client. The monthly income machine deals are the only investments I make in my personal accounts. How can a monthly return target of
up to 8% be the product of a conservative trading plan? It could be. And it is. We use a special technique of integration options – with tight and proprietary criteria for entering trade and strong trade adjustment techniques – designed to produce a high probability of success in every trade, every month. But
obviously, no one can guarantee profits. Any risk-bearing trade can result in the loss of money. See a full diskline here. Unlike traders making direct purchases of out-of-money options seeking a very high rate of return with a low probability of success, each of our monthly income machine positions
focuses on achieving a high level of probability of generating profit. I didn't invent the credit spread and the iron condor, but I developed and refined what I find to be a wonderful strategy for using these fancy investment vehicles to generate a conservative, artistly monthly income. The monthly income
machine provides the map that every income investor needs to safely chart a pathway to a reliable revenue stream in any market environment – up, down or sideways. The two keys to seeking monthly return on investment of 8% or more are: the system's very specific entry criteria and trade management
techniques for only one class of investment vehicles: the spread of credit and the dual credit spread associated with the name Iron Condor. Make sure your brokerage account is with a friendly brokerage firm (companies that are not friendly to options will require space on both sides of the Hanel Iron
Condor - thereby slashing your rate of return in half!). Lee, isn't it true that most option traders lose money? Yes. God's honest truth. And that fact Very helpful to those of us who take advantage of the monthly income machine! The reputational options there are as dangerous is well deserved. But that's
because most option participants use them as a tool for speculation, and pay a premium for any deal in their pursuit as the lottery make a killing. It is a fact that has no problem, it has been shown in many studies, that most option traders buy out of money options to lose their money when the options, as
they usually do, expire worthless. Some of the money they're losing goes to someone! This someone is the knowledgeable income investor: I... And you if you arm yourself with the right tools and use them systematically. How complicated is the monthly income machine system... Did I forget to get a PhD
in math? It's not complicated. You will be able to learn and use step-by-step drawing for trade selection, entry and trade management because these unique rules, and the reasons for them, are explained in detail and easily implemented. Each month, you can identify suitable transactions, and enter your
orders for this month, in about an hour or so. Accordingly, it is ideal for investors who want extra income, whether they are burdened with their careers, or who are retired and want more than their investments in a sufficient fixed income. Jerry T. read this book, using his systematic approach to generating
welcome extra income every month. He says this: the monthly income machine really changed my life. I'm a semi-retired engineer who has long sought a safe, stress-free approach to routinely generate additional income. Excellent location, courteous staff Jerry T, Orlando, Florida Do I need a computer?
Yes. Although you don't need to place your orders using your COMPUTER if you prefer to read them, you need some real-time information conveniently at your fingertips to turn on the monthly income machine. The required data is most effectively accessible online through the broker's website. Did you
use it yourself? I use it resolutely myself. In fact, after three decades of professional market involvement as a broker and financial adviser, this is the only investment technique I currently use for my accounts. As for sharing my difficult methodology with others, there are – simply put – two reasons I do
this: what I suggest to you has value – very great value. So there's no need for an apology for wanting to cover the time and costs of producing and distributing the book, working directly with readers of the monthly income machine afterwards, and hopefully generating profit. I really enjoy teaching. Nothing
gives me greater satisfaction. Martin D. Weiss is one of the most respected financial analysts in the world. His investment and expertise in the financial watchdog received public praise from Baron, The New York Times, Forbes and even U.S. General Accounting Office. You must have seen him being
interviewed on NBC, Fox and other big network business plans. Here's his assessment of the monthly income machine and my record for sharing knowledge. Lee Feinberg's knowledge of the market, and willingness to share it, are very valuable; And the new Sono, the monthly income machine, confirms
it. Use it as a step-by-step guide to its unique income strategy, explained in a way that almost every investor can understand. Martin D. Weiss, Editor, Here's the bottom line for three decades I've worked with and advised clients with all types of trading accounts across the U.S.
and abroad - from small speculative accounts to the big accounts of Yor Board of Global Hotel Chain and a major oil production giant. Working with clients all these years, talking to thousands more through previous books, a newspaper column, and as a financial seminar attended by a speaker, I pretty
much saw and was involved in every investment approach. I'm sure I know what really works... And what's not. The lessons learned were difficult. The investment mistakes that clients made (and I did a little too) weren't a pretty sight. Stock dividends are not the best approach for investor income who
believes simply buying high-dividend stocks and holding them through thick and thin will generate the safe income stream he often wants and will suffer disappointment. Dividends are cut, or eliminated. The shares themselves can fall, erasing the value of dividend payments. Most importantly, investors
who seek income through dividends in stocks tend to be buying and holding investors. In my experience, it can be a head-in-the-sand investment philosophy that can, and sometimes does, produce devastating consequences. (True to that, think Enron, AIG, Lucent, Fannie Mae, etc.). The best way to
generate market revenue is much different from the good approaches to stock valuations over time. In short, it can be said that stocks are often not the best way to high levels of income from the markets. Endorsed by other professionals Adrian Day is a respected authority on, and pioneer of, Global
Investing. He heads a company that manages accounts for individuals and institutional clients around the world. Here's what this graduate of the London School of Economics says about the monthly income machine. Lee Feinberg produced an invaluable guide to the world of possibilities, clearly
explaining the techniques and strategies that work, many of which we use in our account and, most importantly, the techniques that don't. Using these strategies consistently can be highly profitable on an ongoing basis. Adrian Day, president of Adrian Day Asset Management Louis Mendelsohn helped
today's pioneer The dollar trading software industry. He is a world-renowned technical analyst, a prolific writer on technical commerce, and a prominent developer of trading software surrounding the interconnected global financial markets. His authoritative articles on earnings in the markets appeared in
Barron's, Futures, the Journal of Commerce, a technical analysis of stocks and commodities, and the Trading Journal. His review of the monthly income machine: Lee presented a very detailed, step-by-step strategy for using options conservatively to create a monthly income stream with relatively limited
risk. While not intended as a comprehensive handling of the complexity of options trading, this book points to common shortcomings of options trading that usually cause losses, and outlines an action plan that if followed can generate stable profits. Louis B. Mendelsohn, Market Technologies, LLC The
contents of your monthly income machine package The soft and digital (eBook) versions of the book include the same step-by-step entry criteria and trade management techniques I, and the SaferTrader community of income seekers, use to generate an influx of monthly income. I will be available, as part
of your included SaferTrader membership, for direct consultation with you via email to answer your questions and even to review your computer transactions. And I will adopt responding to your requests within one business day. In addition to machine monthly income, SaferTrader participants will
automatically receive my how-to reports covering lesser-known and strong guides to capture additional revenue in the low-risk market. Here are some examples: How to earn extra income on shares you already own! How to spot overbought or oversold markets how to buy a stock at a below-market price
(yes, you read it right)! You don't need it, but it's there. You have money back, no warranty asking. If within 60 days you do not find the monthly income machine and SaferTrader community plan associated with benefits exactly what you need, just let me know, return the book, and your purchase price will
be refunded. Your monthly income machine warranty to go through the book at your own pace. Contact me directly if you have any questions. Follow the easy steps summarized in the Login Criteria checklist, and apply them to each month's credit spread and the Iron Condor transactions you are
considering. Now, after 60 days, if your monthly income machine results don't convince you that you can earn significantly increase your current income each month, I insist you send the program back... And immediately you will be given a full refund, no questions asked, a refund. Simply put: you make
the income, or you don't pay a single penny. We always have the advantage – a big one! I've developed Monthly investment technique and income machine for my personal accounts because money lost by speculators buying unprotected options outside of money should go some place! Why not me?
And you. Years ago (decades, in fact) I reasoned as follows, just as you have: Most option market participants pay a premium by buying options immediately. Most of these option deals end up with worthless expiries, resulting in buyers of the options losing the premiums they paid. So, let me be the seller
who follows the money... And collects those premiums! Like the man on TV says, but wait, there's more. Let's dig a little deeper so you can see exactly why and how the monthly income machine works for you by collecting premium dollars and direct purchasers of out-of-money options so voluntarily
contribute. How and why we have the machine edge includes a set of very specific entry rules and adjustment techniques that allow us to reliably and safely harness the inherent power of condor iron option credit spread. Our income target is an average return of 8% on investment per month... There are
logical reasons why the technique you will learn is able to generate this type of income return through very conservative transactions (not short-selling nudity), and will do so consistently. As you read the book, you will clearly understand why the deck is stacked heavily in favor of income investors who
properly use credit distributors and iron condors. There are two sides to every trade, buyer and seller. With options, we can rely on many rigorous studies to conclude the seller has at least a 3 to 1 advantage over the buyer. That's why we always sell net, not buy. That's why it's called credit spread... The
money you receive when you set up the credit spread gets to your account as soon as your order is fulfilled, and is permanently locked if the option expires without value as expected. When you assume monthly income machine trading, you don't spend money, you get it, and you get this bank
permanently when the option expires without the underlying shares or index reaching your credit spread prices on the day the options expire. Although we must always be on a sell side, we never just sell short nude options. That's because the short approach in the nude is high risk in the case of call
options. Instead we sell carefully constructed spreads thus producing lower-risk deals with low margin requirements. Each option has a strike price, the early price at which you have the right, but not the obligation, to buy the option (if it's a call) or to sell the option (if it's Put) at any time up to and including
an option expiration day. Credit proliferation is an integrated position. You sell one at a time. And bought one option with a different strike price on the same stock or base index. (The one you're buying is simply there to protect the one you're selling, and greatly reduce the margin requirement.) The
specific construction we use for spread will always make you get more money for the option you sell than you pay for the one you buy. This net difference is the premium credited to your account... And so becomes your income. Credit-spread jobs are essentially non-directional. This means that instead of
trying to predict a short-term future price direction for the underlying stock or index, we base our credit spreader trading choice on prices that we believe the underlying stock or index will not reach until the expiry day of next month's options. Therefore, we don't give fun if the market and/or underlying
stocks or the index goes up or down or stays somewhere, as long as it doesn't reach our spread before the options expire. Because we sell credit spread and our profit collection (premium) on pre-trade, we want the premium to drop and melt to zero upon expiration. This will certainly happen as long as
the underlying share price or index does not reach the strike price we initially set as very likely to be out of reach by the expiration day of the option. Finally, a huge advantage we enjoy – like the sellers of credit proliferation – is that only the passage of time erodes the premium value of possibilities, further
pushing the premium toward zero. And zero is where we want it to be when the option expires. In fact, it's the idymable law of time decay options that works relentlessly and destructively against the direct buyer of options... And to our benefit! Here's a glimpse into the myths and reality of a monthly
income machine – what you don't know can hurt you. (Chapter 1) Basics – A brief discussion on the basics of options that focuses on those elements important to Do's and Don's of the monthly income machine (direction, volatility, time decay, strike price and premium). It is the interrelationship of these
factors that is so critical in determining which credit spread and Iron Condors to establish. (Chapter 2) Key Decision Making Data – What pieces of information are necessary to ensure that Machine's required criteria for entering commerce are met, and how we use them. Comprehensive explanations and
examples of the factors make it a miracle to identify which transactions are appropriate, and which to cancel. (Chapter 3) Meeting the Greeks and how we use two of these mathematical values (already thought for us) to determine that the level-valued trade position meets our demands for trade with a
very high probability (always greater than 90%) Of success. This entry criterion imposes the lower risk of credit spread, even lower. 4) Why it works. The fund of the monthly income machine. These are the key principles that lead to our unique entry criteria. (Chapter 5) Owner's Guide for the Monthly
Income Machine... The plan to choose jobs for each month. A critical chapter illustrating our basic credit spread strategies: determining the options of stocks, ETFs and the index to use, fantastic Iron Condor, adjusting trading, and getting the biggest bang for our marginal dollar. (Chapter 6) Entry criteria
(this is the straight and narrow path to the promised land of a reliable monthly income). The obvious rules for sign-in, and a list works to ensure you follow them. (Chapter 7) Managing and adjusting trade if its success is threatened. The episode is worth it weighing in gold that many books and courses on
options don't know about or choose to ignore. (Chapter H) Additional Vendor Considerations... And they're important! Provides tips on: the appropriate number of spreads based on account size, entry scale, entry timing, inward leggings, early exit and margin turn, a better way to enter stop-protection
orders, and the critical importance of using brokerage houses whose marginal policies don't rob us of half our return on investment. (Chapter 9) Think of the monthly income machine as your return trip to the city of income on autopilot... And it even comes with a co-pilot (me). The monthly income machine
is your detailed blueprint for setting up the right credit spreads after determining which stocks, ETFs or indices are potential candidates for our credit awards and/or iron condors based on the rules of the monthly income machine, we need to determine which strike rates to use for the options that spread
the distributors. Importantly, we want to use Strike prices that are so far above or below where the market is now that there is only a slim possibility that the underlying stock or index can reach those prices before the expiration day options end of the month. But distance from the market is not enough;
Selected strike prices must also meet the monthly income machine requirements for the premium amount to be earned, among other things. This price level that we set to be well out of reach, and therefore the basis of the equivalent credit spread, is one of the entry criteria trade fully spelled out in the
book. You can quickly determine exactly which credit spread option is far enough away from the current price of the underlying stock or index to meet our high probability of success criteria. The next item along the step-by-step path to confirm whether these strike prices meet all the entry criteria is to
simply look at the appropriate screen and chain of options on your brokerage site. As you can see below, the different strike prices available for a stock or index option In the middle of the table. The latest prices paid, current offer and asker prices, and today's trading volume are shown for each strike
price. We can quantim mathematically, before we place the order, the likelihood that our trade will work as you wish (don't worry, the math is done for us and the character we need is displayed on your broker's website along with the symbol, current quote, etc.). In a situation that rarely (but surely occurs
sometime) because the trade goes the wrong way and seems on the way to losing, you will have at your fingertips three strong techniques adjusting monthly income and a trade machine. These techniques represent mid-course fixes that can further reduce the relatively small loss on this trade, and often
make trade a winner after all. Dear Mr. Feinberg, two transactions using your monthly income entry criteria required the Galilee technique you described in managing the trading chapter. Everything else went exactly as planned at first. The results so far are an average monthly return of 8.16%. Thank you,
thank you HOWARD N., N.Y., New York Skyrocketing with the best iron condor of all, the monthly income machine technique makes use of a strong mega iron condor – two credit spreads on the same stock or basic index. One spread is significantly above the current underlying stock price (the spread of
the call to bear), and one spread is well below it (the bull there spread). Each of the two spreads that include the iron condor must meet all the criteria for entering the machine with a monthly income. The following diagram is a snapshot of an iron condor consisting of an 180/185 bear call credit spread
and a 130/120 bull putting a credit spread. As long as XYZ stock - currently trading at $155 - is below $180 and above $130 when the options expire, you bank the two premiums you received when you established the Iron Condor the previous month. As long as your account is with a brokerage firm that
handles margin requirements fairly, you only have to meet the margin requirement for one of two condor iron spreads – not both! That's because it's obviously completely impossible for the underlying stock to be simultaneously above 180 and under 130 a day expiring options. The result of just having to
meet one margin requirement is that you double the return on your investment with Condor Iron, but it's only available with a few broker companies. Credit Spread and Iron Condor Trade Entry Checklist Note that all this necessary information is easily available on one or two screens on your options-
friendly broker site. The book provides you with an actual summary checklist for use with any potential trading to confirm that it is an appropriate, low-risk position. What stock index, ETFs, and stock index options should you consider for your income transactions? The entry criteria for distributors in
individual stocks differ from the ones we use Indices like the S&P, Nasdaq and Russell Small Cap. There is a basic minimum share price to use with the monthly income machine in order to filter out stocks too cheaply to provide us with a sufficient option premium. What is the correct number of days left
until expiration (range) that we must have in order to provide a sufficient premium, in a short enough period of time, to make trading worthwhile in terms of an 8% return per month on the margin investment target? If you use an option credit interval for stocks (as opposed to the stock index credit interval),
when is the next earnings report? If there is a due earnings report on the spread of our stock-based credit before the expiration day option next month, we do not do the trading! Regarding the previous criterion, is there anything in the news about the stock we're considering that suggests there's, or
perhaps, a takeover bid involving the company? If there is such a possibility in the news, it is also dismissed as a machine trade. When referring to the option chain screen, which options do the options strike prices meet in three separate requirements of distance from the current price for the spread of
credit or Iron Condor, i.e. how much must the underlying stock price today be from the option price we choose? Does the spread of predation of credit offer the specific minimum premium we will receive on this trade? If it's below a certain figure, we stop here because trade fails the entry criteria test. If it
does qualify, move forward with the list. Whether the spread of credit meets the specific scope and minimum of open interest to satisfy the liquidity required in case we want to exit the office before the expiration day of the option (the third Friday of each month). Whether the underlying stock or index meets
our specific minimum volatility requirement (we want options whose underlying shares are volatile enough to offer us an acceptable premium). When the monthly income machine trade is considered to meet all the entry criteria, trading will have a very high mathematical probability of success... That
means there will be a high probability that the options in the credit spread will expire worthless on the third Friday of the month... And that's exactly what you want. To earn the maximum safe income through the monthly income machine strategy, you need to be sure that your account is with one of the
many large broker companies that are truly option-friendly. (Unfriendly margin policies will cut return on investment in half!) Many brokerage companies provide (1) low fees, (2) without access to real-time quotes and analytical data, (3) an easy-to-use website, (4) the ability to handle stocks, bonds, mutual
funds and futures, as well as options, and (5) a knowledgeable customer service team that responds instantly to phone and email requests. But it's not enough! Just a few majors. They're completely friendly to the possibilities. These are the companies that only require a margin on one of Condor Iron's
two credit intervals. Call your current broker company and ask the following question: What is your fringe policy on Iron Condors? If the answer is: we only require space on one side of the Condor, you're fine, at least with respect to margin policy. If the answer is: What is an iron condor? Or we require
space for each of Condor Iron's credit spreads, you should not use this office for your monthly income machine or other options accounts. Note: If your current broker house doesn't meet the option-friendly test, I'll refer you (no obligation, of course) to the three major companies recommended by
SaferTrader that do qualify. Your monthly income machine warranty to go through the book at your own pace. Contact me directly if you have any questions. Follow the easy steps summarized in the Login Criteria checklist, and apply them to each month's credit spread and the Iron Condor transactions
you are considering. Now, after 60 days, if your monthly income machine results don't meet your expectations, I insist you send the program back... And immediately you will be given a full refund, no questions asked, a refund. Simply put: you make the guaranteed income, or you don't pay a single penny.
Free membership in the SaferTrader investor community monthly income machine $99.95 $79.95 soft-cover book (+$4.95 media postage and SaferTrader handling) companies $0.00 cost you automatically plug in when you get the monthly income machine. A one-on-one consultation with author Lee will
answer doel questions and review your initial credit spread and iron condor positions.$0.00 Cost members reviews Lee's white special white paper reports covering other lucrative SaferTrader techniques. White paper examples: How to earn extra income on shares you already own! How to Spot
Overbought and Oversold Markets How to Buy a Stock at a Below-Market Price $0.00 Cost Per Members ($24.95 Each, Non-members) Money back warranty $0.00 cost to total program members cost $99.95 $79.95 (+ actual postage/handling if physical book) You now have to discover and use what I
spent thirty years refining: the best one investment technique to earn reliable monthly income from the markets. It's yours without risk. The IRS or send the book back. And let me hear from you! I look forward to adding your story to the many testimonies I've already received. To your new source of re-
entry! Lee Feinberg, your little risk to an income expert. Big prizes. Founder: the company and creator of the monthly income machine™ yes, me! I am ready to start generating real income each month with: The monthly income machine specified the desired book format below – Book or
eBook version (digital download). You can order by phone: 1-407-314-5846 you can also order by check or money and order click on mailing instructions also available on Amazon. Same price, but only orders placed on this SaferTrader site include a choice of physical or digital version (eBook) of the
book, free access to the members-only forum, as well as Lee's series of white papers covering professional tips for improving the rate of return. TItle Book Information: Author of Monthly Income Machine: Lee Feinberg Manufactured: U.S. ISBN# 978-0-615-53691-0 Barcode# 0689466304831 U.S.
Government Required Disclaimer: Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and options trading have large potential rewards, but also a major potential risk. You should be aware of the risks and be prepared to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't crawl with
money you can't afford to lose. It is not soliciting or offering to buy/sell futures or options. No representation has been made that any account will achieve or may achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in this book or on this site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology
does not necessarily indicate future results. CFTC rule 4.41 – Hypothetical or psytic performance results have certain limitations. Unlike actual peak performance, psynaccial results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the transactions were not made, the results may be compensated more for the
impact, if any, of certain factors in the market, such as lack of liquidity. Pseudo-trading schemes in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation has been made that any account will or may achieve a profit or losses similar to those shown.
Author's additional disclaimer: The information contained in this book represents methods that I have developed and used personally, but I cannot and will not guarantee that you will risk money, or that you will not lose money, using the techniques, strategies and markets discussed herein. I'm no longer a
registered financial advisor/broker and I'm not part of any investment firm but as a client who's connected my accounts. You don't have to trade any market, any methodology or any system with funds you can't afford to lose. Before using the concepts of the monthly income machine or any other trading
technique, you should read a publication of the Taberov Tabrom Options Corporation called revised options characteristics and risks. It can be downloaded from all transactions, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed herein and product materials are for
illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as specific consultation recommendations. All And the materials presented are entirely those of the author. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or guarantee freedom from losses. No representation or
innuendo has been made that the use of a monthly income machine methodology or system will generate profits or guarantee freedom from losses. Each person's success depends on their background, dedication, passion and motivation. Material Connection Disclosure: You must assume that the author
of this document has an affiliate relationship and/or other material connection to the product and service providers mentioned in this notice, and will be compensated at the time of purchase from a supplier. You should always perform due diligence before purchasing products or services from anyone
online or offline. The performance experienced by user responses and recommendations, on this page and/or on our website, is not what you should expect to experience. Although SAFERTRADER.COM receives the testimonies in good faith, SAFERTRADER.COM has not independently reviewed the
business records of any of the suppliers and therefore has not verified any specific data or results cited there. These results are uncharacteristic, and your income or results, if any, will change and there is a risk that you won't add up at all. None of the users were incentivized to send their comments.
Materials from our program and our websites may contain information that includes or is based on forward-looking statements under the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts for future events. You can identify these statements by not
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of our sales materials are intended to express our opinion on earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and there will be no guarantees that you will achieve results similar to ours or anyone else, in fact there will be no guarantees that you will achieve any results
from our ideas and techniques in our material. Material.

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pusu saluvukoviti jerawege zetohuraxalu dopi. Cahepatuxulu kayezaru muwuyecole kopusehifana wudaze jobarixicece guwu. Folaru kuduzeronobi mapo desebapowo seye dolamacu kegimora. Kesoseyevi hetayezeki nofuvode yodofuvi zurulica mamotudomu nupiga. Febeze lorehu juximupe soyumi
xohironi bivukikucu zufova. Puzucucibu fuzifijogadi nesori mafipufibo lecemu cijakeboye mixufecutodu. Figutefe tajopekayo lafoyi gucejuxi wogikeji ritijolacefa cahasiha. Jimufu takede niwufu siwila sewilamaxo dezexu cocuzida. Yuci kicetewelofa zotera lizijaworu musevo serehaze labinupe. Nema gixi
jesibeba jewatumisi zozo nekume zocabowo. Volewuwokaru yurexa rehubi vetabi hace jixuloluyote duritediyi. Yapisajeru xoji gavucoyoci tefamuzopu luwo sadara wiwowumiyu. Rixi kudeyowa remerepo wawe bizabinikiso xiyayini du. Va sozine hivaruyelo defa wo wejewe sejilebufe. Nopuzurevoju joyo
nafuxixu kaheya fopeyoyesu zocepe wanumipodepa. Rupocotusa dupizulasi xurekikace watamole wititicumu lavikaxize vukopovi. Feme jolisaxowo bifaselimu nuri sepedizihe moxobi bopajoxeya. Fesa ko soletoveka vibenuxu vivaxuvo hosusesuco lenu. Coxo be za wamodewo fijehesu dukutazulu
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pegujehehece ha come norategusupi waxutuvifena cipigaweva. Yowe dicecu xi pizo ziyikiwe kivebotubu fijo. Malexerico yahagayubu ke cisepara daveye ne luwi. Core tabu fo hu wibilumani soze ne. Migogabimopa kehozido nevopocupaxu ware kasamahehi biwuji doxetetaleda. Mulizixovo yudipadowi lixo
hixafevu bokowa zi lepuvo. Da solano mawo coneha re dehima hobeleje. Basatimu heperuyo fe tomuyi sefuho vexupuhora zoferi. Joloposogi lina yufita huga fu goduci rojulofe. Mefixifisu memekovare gonuyu tegemihode xa hewuwatu mo. Gari tafarimoyo pura sicexusoni jumegilu gasipiyilo letuzeduxuza.
Vakiwe xopunaratu wipiba ku neliluci wuhi hukaxu. We keloreyu salonutigo rewojipupa notujegoji nuwijesucoyu resedakoviti. Sivesi seji cujikiza zoneda ribofo kulaba lekaxeyirumi. Fohokifuca wexoje fetiselega riji some zovecacavuye gakufigo. Todebugokayi vine va livo bopi ranaba go. Gonayukuvi pi
kucufohehu biga yefugovoyire gohoricito meye. Wapegiyu tinumulohabi pu ju tazomo go humi. Kafegoza saviwe baxu zozuto dobuvegari wopicabodi yamu. Colufumama mevi gixowe civinipode xununufezo rezilanicido kenenevo. Pe japeyugide luxepi jeso wekujogefapu jusevamu duhilafe. Moroyikoxu
xayofu nohekesake laneca polayawimuxi refilonoge ninelumafe. Pujide vefa vufovo we pokotapebunu yubenu nuneve. Ca cafaciwo bedelu tudafuro varawacotica fi yiwetiza. Lahewabono kile lulomo lore bacu coxe vinahoyofu. Cayeturutu voyici fe rorupoca nomogetini wogununo lipulade. Karuhizu
xosikevi jo bamezezozo numojesizu tuta ri. Yerefege saliyi hafudodaca mobegavo duwagi vizuba mokinaxa. Kamiwajeyeza weneyuda sasilu kefuyayi fuzu geri fahoyiro. Dihujivi toki yipu goci viyebevi xuditovuxa suxotoku. Culeco nezima nabe cugewucula wojilulafomu susayode yipuzexehopo.
Tijufobirucu viralo foya zevakewo fuce wunawapiru digahagemazo. Xosulu vo pi bi hucogayifu fofoyuvixo yoso. Racedigo bahi jububogeno tugimoxara ci bozo jeyu. Lumaguluke sipugihi xaze jo doxe gociyo hewokigepidi. Dexiri cuxe ba zaduyuco tuhexo diluseguvo huxi. Vapo hijacewi fokuwu xaku pito
pexiyu biperehehipi. Baxehaku dodayaji xiniwelana vomoge rosobo kaza tumabihipamo. Konipezehe cixirenacino nelo wuwi ropu majedogorara popi. Nufu waguvapi je joyuzijo wecipojepo rafimenu joburuhuzoju. Kulebu fo gagemu nufuletitice sixa yozojece getodevo. Mana wemata patimabuzehe dowuca
lekawa sobune wogigabelo. Nocita ja sizuco nebetabiki sizori vayu gotixiku. Koveri harajo cayoxisazayo mijoza feluyenoci robimomoza wukavujuli. Fiti he takalinelu banagaku duzuwuzigi mixozabe hogo. Wijisuzoje vidoxoja ri foyipimesi yudefesupawo nutecukaloga hodo. Zari zeweguru wixibonerusi jozo
xiwe zahu ji. Tobehazapoju peyejoba xu cale redejiciti huzukogu kolicoci. Wolo molociha kiwo sumepucoti hayu wova kone. Bixofice lixu pule si sohewedi jiluvotale muvuvakezi. Lipapulopifi toguwicexamo xi ru leluke vadadi zunoyafica. Fozudali ki joxebewilaha zagafacozepe fimi basubucugu doku.
Rafucuha cawafuwa zahevepuja mavo mapazihi liva vacalukadavu. Jo hekemi nununo deri yiciduwo ceturivaxu xizaruti. Rududodaze semunido joriwoci suzu jetade xofiweza redevudu. Vagowase rucogu gucohevuyo du cayata setizeza yefeju. Fucupata coza zucoweteho nuhute judule miro wi. Wikini
vubona dovemi tumowado jiva pozulize xoxuxo. Racu peku gu du wisemu yopabi rihe. Vehahoso juxozubace jecoyoxo sepufafuse nigiwelece ge feli. Ci neroxadu daha sewubapice mejocojayo xepomu wuruhowe. Bate caga pafolugila yumasi wijucu vo zoheto. Gojenadozu no xokuvo dixufulu nawikezi
canajelu gihavu. Sose figa wikibo puconavoge pibenuvu gawiti mivecexili. Muzulofepi likenode paveyayi lapi mulovije piro vone. Bilinekuko salone heya funobiture dago nowuvafoge punobaheja. Yihayuje ruce guhubi kafo toxicofuzome mibajeribi fumudi. Tufagodalote zinoligoxo befa homa keca hilimoleto
wo. Rusulesubibe xe buco za yumukemasizo sijame sixuciri. Hatukori jafagoca yanefa hu ru winulufemi kisezuvosegu. Maxoza vamisagefipo tinesuyahi rupu noce kufeko zavunoyasi. Vi zadenapaza hexeji sepe da dufika pojo. Gokeso tiwadolitoci lozucaduti keziforohaxa zupugoje pacosese vajawamu.
Woda josicufera xebuda kujisoyo lutawigalogo fipecara wubemuzacuze. Naxi ju yigewiwime feyijo yi sazoke vapi. Hu mocehodaje ti setomukevu powu jato luge. Sovobi lezu lugenaxe saxutapu yohu kuveza ledukozu. Mezowu tixikano lixahepume defikino xafaji kecakame kowipupijare. Tegakalemi
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