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Gargoti is a unique mineral museum dedicated primarily The museum houses a worldwide collection of zeolites
to zeolites (Fig. 1). Situated at Nashik in Maharashtra, this of immense beauty, so aesthetically displayed as to convert
is perhaps the only museum built and owned by an any curious visitor into a connoisseur of zeolites. The main
individual. The museum is the brain child ofMr. K.C. Pande, zeolites on display are scolecite, apophyllite, cavansite,
a retired naval officer who had a childhood hobby and love heulandite, stilbite, chabazite, mesolite, cryolite, natrolite,
for attractive minerals that probably emanated, as he feels, powellite etc. The specimens are collected by careful blasting
from a divine connection. Gargoti in Marathi means useless from stone quarries in Deccan Trap at Jalgaon and other
stone. Choice of such a name for the museum reflects the places. The raw stones are skillfully processed for display
at the factory to become valuable museum pieces. Unlike
other gemstones, these are not cut and polished, and
therefore retain their pristine natural beauty. Zeolites lack
the hardness of a diamond, a quality that is desirable to
ensure the durability of a gemstone. That is the reason why
the zeolite is described as vulnerable, and requires careful
handling. Its delicateness is more than compensated by its
adorable beauty in the form of aggregates of crystals of all
geometric shapes in a wide range of vivid colours. Apart
from its visual appeal, these semi-precious stones are
believed to have medicinal properties.
The museum also displays an exclusive collection of
other precious and semi-precious stones from many
parts of the world. Geologists in particular will immensely
Fig.1. Gargoti Museum at Nashik. benefit from a visit to the exquisite collection in the
museum that will at once be aesthetically pleasing and
passion for gems by the founder, who marvels at the educative.
transformation of raw zeolite into the most sought after The contact address of Shri K.C. Pande is as follows:
collector's item. The museum has supplied pieces of rare Superb Minerals Pvt. Ltd., Shyam CastIe, Brahmagiri
zeolites to the renowned natural history museums of the Society, Nashik Road, Nashik - 42201, Maharashtra;
world. Pleased with the success of the zeolite museum at Email: info
Nashik, Mr. Pande plans to have similar museums in other
cities, beginning with Shirdi. Email: mramkris M. RAMAKR~SHNAN



A workshop on Integrated Stratigraphy and Geo- were held on 6" and from 7-9December, 2006 respectively
chronology of Cretaceous Sediments and the 23d Annual in the Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai.
Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) The workshop was sponsored by the Department of
and also the National Seminar on Environmental and Science and Technology. New Delhi and inaugurated by
Economic Significance of Sedimentary Basins of India Dr. V. Palanisamy, Director, Geological Survey of India,

VOL.69, FEB. 2007

Chennai. The seminar was sponsored by CSIR,DST, New of petroleum, distribution of coals, influence of marine
Delhi and ONGC. Dr. M Prithviraj, Director, ESS, DST, environment on coals and composition of coal seams,
New Delhi delivered the keynote address and inaugurated reservoirlaquifer characteristics with reference to upper
the IAS-2006 and the seminar. Drs. C.S. Jain, Executive Assam and Neyveli Basins, (5) tectonic setting, paly nology
Director, ONGC, Chennai and B.D. Bhardwaj, Secretary, and sedimentology of Niniyur and Ariyalur Formations,
IAS were the chief guests. Prof. D. Viswanathan, Vice- Sedimentological study of Cuddalore Formation and
Chancellor, Anna University presided over the inaugural environment of Periyanagalur limestone deposits,
function and delivered his address. (6) petrified fossils of Mesozoic, applications of ostracods
Nine invited lectures dealing with Chrono-, Bio- and and foraminifers in Cretaceous basins studies, and (7) beach
Magneto-Stratigraphy, Sequence Bio-Stratigraphy and morpho-dynamics, 1ittoral sediment transport, clay
Integrated Stratigraphy of Cretaceous basins of India as mineralogy, texture of beach sediments and marine cores,
well as Dating Techniques, Geochemical Environment and distribution of heavy minerals (surface and subsurface),
REE studies, Ostracodal forms of Cretaceous and tsunami sediment characteristics and an integrated approach
Palynological perceptions were delivered in the one day towards their provenance. A special talk on climate and
workshop by well known scientists of ONGC, Chennai; sedimentary processes during late Quaternary in Larsemann
NGRI, Hyderabad; University of Madras and Anna Hills, East Antarctica was delivered by Prof. A.C. Narayana
Universities, Chennai and BSIP, Lucknow. About 100 (CUSAT).
teacherslresearchers and students from various Universities In the concluding session, Prof. G N Nayak (Goa
and Research Institutes participated in the workshop. University) gave his remarks on the technical sessions and
The 23rdAnnual Convention of IAS and National highlighted the best presentation of each session. Dr.
Seminar included a session for Young Sedimentologists Bhardwaj, the secretary of IAS announced that Mr. Anish
Award Presentation (YSAP), seven technical sessions and K. Warrier of Mangalore University was selected for the
one-day field study. Four young scientists (two from Young Sedimentologists Award.
Mangalore University, one each from Vikram University, A field trip was conducted on 9 December to areas near
Ujjain and University of Jammu) were short-listed for Saluvankkuparn and Mahabalipuram, where a number of
YSAP. In all about 60 papers were presented in 7 technical archaeological features and ancient temples exposed due to
sessions and about 150 teachers/researchers from all erosive activity of 26 December, 2004 tsunami exist.
over the country including two from UNAM, Mexico Accumulation of 6-9 inch thick layer of heavy minerals over
participated in the deliberations. the pre-tsunami sediments was also noticed during the field
The various aspects dealt in the technical sessions are: trip.
(1) provenance, paleo-environment, diagenesis, tectonic The workshop and convention were organized by the
setting and evidences for Meso-Neo Proterozoic basins, Department of Geology, Anna University. Dr. R. Nagendra
(2) geochemistry, sources of arsenic in alluvial sediments, was the convener of the programs.
metal pollution, trace metal contamination, flood plain
sediments, carbon and oxygen isotopes and acid leachable Department of Marine Geology K. S. JAYAPPA
trace metals, (3) sedimentary processes, magnetic Mangalore University
granulometry, depositional environment of mud flats and Mangalagangotri - 574 199
estuarine hydrodynamic conditions, (4) potential sources Email: ksjayappa


Thesecond InternationalPalaeontologicalCongress (IPC was sponsored amongst others by the China Association
2006) was held in Peiking University, Beijing, China during for Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
17th to 2 1st June, 2006. Following the success of the First National Natural Science Foundation of China, International
InternationaI Congress (2002, Sydney), the IPC 2006 has Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), In ternationaj
attracted a larger group of palaeontologists and scientists Palaeontological Association, Palaeontological Society of
of related disciplines from across the world. This congress China and Geological Society of China.

VOL.69, ETB. 2007

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