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Madda Walabu University

College of Natural and Computational Sciences

Department of Mathematics
Assignment of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra
Show all necessary steps clearly and neatly!
1. Determine whether  is an associative, commutative operation on , where x, y 
we have: x  y  x 1og  x  y  .

2. Determine whether or not each of the following algebraic structures admits an identity
element and find the invertible elements.
a.  ,   , where x  y  x  y   the greatest integer less than or equal to x  y .

b.  , * , where x * y  .

3. If G is a group such that  ab   a 2b2 for every pair a, b  G , prove that G is abelian.

4. Prove that every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.

5. Let G be an abelian group, H  G, K  G , with O  H   5 and O  K   7 . Prove that

there exists an element in G of order 35.

6. Which of the following are normal subgroups? Justify!
a. The even integers in the group of integers.
b. 3 in 6 .

7. Consider the two algebraic structures  ,   and  

, . , where is the set of real

number, the set of positive real numbers and + and . the usual addition and
multiplication respectively.
a. Let f :  ,     
, . such that f  x   10 x .

Is f a homomorphism? an epimorphism? a monomorphism? an isomorphism?

b. Can you find a homomorphism g :  
, .   ,  ?

8. Let R be a ring. If the non-zero element of R forms an abelian group with respect of
multiplication, prove that R is a field.

Submission date: date of final exam!

Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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