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Write examples

The following code samples illustrate the various types of write requests that you can send
to Cloud Bigtable when you use the Bigtable client libraries.

Before you try these samples, make sure you understand when and when not to use each
type of write request.

Perform a simple write

The following code samples demonstrate how to make simple write requests to Bigtable.
This type of write makes a MutateRow API request.

import (
)func writeSimple(w io.Writer, projectID, instanceID string, tableName string)
error {
// projectID := "my-project-id"
// instanceID := "my-instance-id"
// tableName := "mobile-time-series" ctx := context.Background()
client, err := bigtable.NewClient(ctx, projectID, instanceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bigtable.NewClient: %v", err)
defer client.Close()
tbl := client.Open(tableName)
columnFamilyName := "stats_summary"
timestamp := bigtable.Now() mut := bigtable.NewMutation()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, int64(1))
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "connected_cell", timestamp, buf.Bytes())
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "connected_wifi", timestamp, buf.Bytes())
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "os_build", timestamp,
[]byte("PQ2A.190405.003")) rowKey := "phone#4c410523#20190501"
if err := tbl.Apply(ctx, rowKey, mut); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Apply: %v", err)
} fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully wrote row: %s\n", rowKey)
return nil

Increment an existing value

The following code samples demonstrate how to send a write request that increments an
existing numeric value. This type of write makes a ReadModifyWriteRow API request.


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import (
)func writeIncrement(w io.Writer, projectID, instanceID string, tableName string)
error {
// projectID := "my-project-id"
// instanceID := "my-instance-id"
// tableName := "mobile-time-series" ctx := context.Background()
client, err := bigtable.NewClient(ctx, projectID, instanceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bigtable.NewAdminClient: %v", err)
defer client.Close()
tbl := client.Open(tableName)
columnFamilyName := "stats_summary" increment :=
increment.Increment(columnFamilyName, "connected_wifi", -1) rowKey
:= "phone#4c410523#20190501"
if _, err := tbl.ApplyReadModifyWrite(ctx, rowKey, increment); err != nil
return fmt.Errorf("ApplyReadModifyWrite: %v", err)
} fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully updated row: %s\n", rowKey)
return nil

Conditionally write a value

The following code samples demonstrate how to send a conditional write request, which
checks a row for a condition and then, depending on the result, writes data to that row.
This type of write makes a CheckAndMutateRow API request.

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import (
)func writeConditionally(w io.Writer, projectID, instanceID string, tableName
string) error {
// projectID := "my-project-id"
// instanceID := "my-instance-id"
// tableName := "mobile-time-series" ctx := context.Background()
client, err := bigtable.NewClient(ctx, projectID, instanceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bigtable.NewAdminClient: %v", err)
defer client.Close()
tbl := client.Open(tableName)
columnFamilyName := "stats_summary"
timestamp := bigtable.Now() mut := bigtable.NewMutation()
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "os_name", timestamp, []byte("android"))
filter := bigtable.ChainFilters(
conditionalMutation := bigtable.NewCondMutation(filter, mut, nil)
rowKey := "phone#4c410523#20190501"
if err := tbl.Apply(ctx, rowKey, conditionalMutation); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Apply: %v", err)
} fmt.Fprintln(w, "Successfully updated row's os_name")
return nil

Perform batch writes

The following code samples demonstrate how to make batch write requests to Bigtable.
This type of write makes a MutateRows API request.

import (
)func writeBatch(w io.Writer, projectID, instanceID string, tableName string)
error {
// projectID := "my-project-id"
// instanceID := "my-instance-id"
// tableName := "mobile-time-series" ctx := context.Background()
client, err := bigtable.NewClient(ctx, projectID, instanceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bigtable.NewAdminClient: %v", err)
defer client.Close()
tbl := client.Open(tableName)
columnFamilyName := "stats_summary"
timestamp := bigtable.Now()
var muts []*bigtable.Mutation binary1 := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(binary1, binary.BigEndian, int64(1)) mut :=
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "connected_wifi", timestamp, binary1.Bytes())
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "os_build", timestamp, []byte("12155.0.0-rc1"))
muts = append(muts, mut) mut = bigtable.NewMutation()
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "connected_wifi", timestamp, binary1.Bytes())
mut.Set(columnFamilyName, "os_build", timestamp, []byte("12145.0.0-rc6"))
muts = append(muts, mut) rowKeys :=
[]string{"tablet#a0b81f74#20190501", "tablet#a0b81f74#20190502"}
if _, err := tbl.ApplyBulk(ctx, rowKeys, muts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ApplyBulk: %v", err)
} fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully wrote 2 rows: %s\n", rowKeys)
return nil

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