MCQ HRM Unit 1 & 2

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No BBA 202: MCQ (Unit 1 & 2) a b c d Answer CO KL PI

1 Human resource management includes Morale Leadership Job enrichment Recruitment d CO1 K1 1.1.1
Organizational, Process Study Price a
Job design is affected by environmental & behavioral
2 CO1 K1 1.1.1
3 Which of the following is the functions of personnel management Managerial function Operative function Both a & b All of these c CO1 K1 1.1.1
Personal attributes Experiences & Decisiveness All of these d
What is the qualities of personnel manager
4 training CO1 K1 1.1.1
5 Position and status of personnel department is concerned with Line authority Functional authority Line and staff authority All of these d CO1 K2 1.1.1
Plant level Departmental & Top level All of these d
Levels of HRP is concerned with
6 divisional level Co2 K2 1.1.1
An organized factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific Job description Job specification job evaluation Job enrichment a
7 job is known as CO2 K1 1.1.1
8 Employee morale relates to productivity Attitude Empathy Skills b CO1 k1 1.1.1
Development of People Punishment of Adoption of People None of the above a
Human Resources Management emphasises
9 people CO1 k1 1.1.1
10 What is the operative function of human resource management? Controlling Organising procurement None of the above c CO1 k1 1.1.1
11 Utility of job analysis includes Selection of employee Work study BARS All of these d CO2 k2 1.1.1
12 Selection means Elimination Testing Recruitment None of the above d CO2 k1 1.1.1
13 The purpose of job evaluation is Fixation of Responsibility Promotion Wage Determination Transfer to better job c CO2 k2 1.1.1
Selection of right candidate Developing a pool Inviting application for None of the above b
Recruitment is concerned with the process of of potential jobs
14 employees CO2 k1 1.1.1
15 Who is not associated with HRM? Michael J. Jucious Dale Yodor Edvoin B. Flippo K.K. Devit d CO1 k1 1.1.1
16 The mechanism to identify employees growth potentials is done through. Job enrichment Job evaluation Job assessment center Position description c CO2 k2 1.1.1
Job analysis, recruitment and Social behaviour and Organisational behaviour, Employer and c
HRM is amalgam of selection Business Ethics personal management and employes
industrial relation
17 CO1 k1 1.1.1
Shortage of Labour Abundance of Shortage of capital Expansion of Industry a
Demand for HRM is created by
18 capital CO1 k1 1.1.1
19 The process of integrating the employees need is called Organisational planning Career planning Human Resource Planning Succession Planning d CO2 k2 1.1.1
20 Job analysis provides information used for Organisation Chart Policy Procedure Promotion c CO2 k2 1.1.1
21 Induction is an integral part of Training Selection Recruitment None of the above d CO2 k1 1.1.1
22 Which one of the following is not the operative function of HRM Development Controlling Compensation Integration b CO1 K1 1.1.1
Who has introduced the 'seven point plan' for taking the best interview Milton L. Blum F.E. Burt Prof. A. Rozars Fillipo c
23 method? CO2 K1 1.1.1
24 HRM aims to maximize employees as well as organizational Economy Expansion Effectiveness None of the above c CO1 K2 1.1.1
IQ Personality, Interest Quality of a product Preferred Investment b
PIP test seeks to measure
25 and Preferences Plan CO2 K1 1.1.1
Organisation and Human Recruitment Selection All of the above d
What is use of Job analysis?
26 Resource Planning CO2 K1 1.1.1
Hawthorne experiment Herzberg's work on Administrative principles Herbert Simon's work a
What may be called the starting points of the Human Relations theory?
27 motivation of Henry Fayol. on decision making CO1 K1 1.1.1
Depth Interview Interview Rating Panel Interview Productive Interview b
Which of the following is not a type of interview?
28 Firm CO2 K1 1.1.1
29 Job description involves Condition of work Machine tools Accident hazards All of the above d CO2 K2 1.1.1
Creating a climate of Recognition of Improvement of excellence All of the above d
Human resource planning includes opportunity and professional excellence in in performance
30 challenge performance CO2 K2 1.1.1
Controlling Personnel Personnel Planning All of the above d
Management Functions of Personnel Management includes
31 Organisation CO1 K2 1.1.1
32 Which is methods of collection information for Job analysis? Questionnaire Method Interview Method Observation Method All of the above d CO2 K1 1.1.1
List of jobs to evaluated Review of job Interview with supervisor All of the above d
Which is a step of job description?
33 description CO2 K1 1.1.1
34 The Human Relations theory respects Formal institutionalisation Informal functioning Human motivation Human motivation b CO1 K1 1.1.1
35 Recruitment is Positive Process Negative Process Neutral None of the above a CO2 K1 1.1.1
Professional Training Educational Waiting List Executive Search d
External sources of recruitment consists
36 Institutions Institutions Agency CO2 K1 1.1.1
Training Collective Departmental All of the above d
Which is the scope of HRM as per Dale Yoder and Robert?
37 Bargaining Administration CO1 K1 1.1.1
38 Managerial decision-making refers to Programmed decisions Information system Unprogrammed decisions Operation research c CO1 K1 1.1.1
Concept of Welfare Survival of the Caveat operations All of the above d
The approaches of HR Philosophy includes
39 Fittest CO1 K2 1.1.1
The interview in which pressure is deliberately put on the applicant is known Non-directed interview Directed interview Patterned interview None of the above d
40 as CO2 K2 1.1.1
41 Human Relations Theory focuses on Individuals Role of Individuals System Informal Organisation b CO1 K1 1.1.1
42 The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around machiine money men None of the above c CO1 K2 1.1.1
43 Human resource management helps improve Production Productivity Profits Power b CO1 K2 1.1.1
44 Personnel management is Pro-active on-going Routine None of the above c CO1 K1 1.1.1
45 Inability of HR to think strategically becomes a barrier for HRP SHRM Strategic Objectives HCM b CO1 K2 1.1.1
46 Fast decisions can be taken when the organization Practices SHRM HRD HRM All of the above c CO1 K2 1.1.1
47 “Focus on Social Environment” is related to the: Human Relations Unity of Direction Unity of Command None of the above a CO1 K2 1.1.1
An interview, in which you ask about a candidate's behavior in a certain given situational interview situational test behavioral tests job related questions a
48 situation is CO2 K2 1.1.1
Which test assesses an individual's achievement and motivational levels? Guilford - Zimmerman Minnesota Multipha Thurstone Temperament Thematic d
49 Temperament Survey sic Personality Survey Apperception Test CO2 K1 1.1.1
A test that seeks to predict success or failure through ones handwriting is Grammatologist Graphology Polygraph None of the above
50 called CO2 K2 1.1.1
51 Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on Employee Customer Both (a) and (b) None of the above c CO2 K1 1.1.1
Keep employees occupied Higher profit Self and mutual To solve the problem c
What is the primary objective of Quality Circle?
52 development of employees CO2 K1 1.1.1
Customer driven quality Continuous Action based on facts, data Strong inspection d
Which one of the following is not a typical feature of TQM?
53 Improvement & analysis oriented establishment. CO2 K1 1.1.1
54 Quality Circle concept was started in India in the year: 1984 1992 1980 1986 c CO2 K1 1.1.1
A summaery statistic A representation of Permission to improve All of the above d
six sigma can be defined as
55 Variation processes CO2 K1 1.1.1
Network in company that allows company's employees to access to all wide area network extranet intranet geographic area b
56 information given by some external entities is classified as network CO2 K2 1.1.1
In an organization, research efforts that are made to evaluate current structure human resource assessment human staff rating human resource audit human resource c
57 of human resource management are classified as research CO2 K2 1.1.1
In downsizing approaches, encouragement of senior employees for leaving buyout early retirement attrition layoffs b
58 firm is considered as CO2 K2 1.1.1
develop a better strategic identify if the identify and assess a outline techniques, a
management process to deal organisation has narrow group of actions frameworks, and six
with the dynamic changing enough staff, if the and plan how the steps that must be
environment today's staff need training, if organisation can overcome followed to effectively
The critical role of the SHRM Application Tool is to organisations face the compensation resistance to change implement change in
practices are an organization
appropriate, and if
jobs are designed
59 correctly CO1 K2 1.1.1
60 The term 'emotional labour' is associated with which author? Arlie Hochschild Stephen Fineman David Sims Yiannis Gabriel a CO1 K1 1.1.1

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