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Activity Sheet 2.1

Direction: Reflect on  the following questions. Answer in not less than 5 sentences and not
above 15 sentences. 

1. Which metacognitive reading strategies are the easiest? How about the most difficult?

2. How do you differentiate between factual and opinionated statements in your reading and

The fact is described as the statement that can be verified o contributes to your knowledge of the
subject if you should rework your prior knowledge, or how you might use the new knowledge is
based on assumption. The fact is an objective reality whereas opinion is a subjective statement.
A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is an expression of a person's
feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they
are meant to deliberately mislead others. Facts provide crucial support for the assertion
of an argument. However, facts by themselves are worthless unless we put them
in context, draw conclusions, and, thus, give them meaning. An opinion is a
judgment based on facts, an honest attempt to draw a reasonable conclusion
from factual evidence.

3. When you read, do you question yourself if the substance is contributing to your knowledge of
the subject, if you should rework your prior knowledge, or how you might use the new
knowledge that you are obtaining?

Yes, sometimes i ask myself if the substance helped my knowledge, i think yes
there is, As i read, I look for answers to the questions I noted down earlier.
. I can use both, my new knowledge I can add to my previous knowledge to add
and supplement the new things I have learned. Activating Prior Knowledge is
important in students’ understanding because it allows them and helps make
connections to the new information. as students learn about the world, they
develop a schema and are allowed to make connections to many other things.
4. Reiterate your takeaways in line with today’s discussion. Metacognitive
strategies empower students to think about their own thinking. This awareness of
the learning process enhances their control over their own learning. It also
enhances personal capacity for self-regulation and managing one's own
motivation for learning. People who have good metacognition are able to adjust
their learning strategies when they are not effective. ... learning without the
intention to learn, which is better than intentional learning.

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