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Tenant Management Organisation

Community at the heart of London

2022 - 2025

This Business plan sets out the goals for Styles House Tenant Management Organisation
(TMO) for the next three years. It shows how the TMO intends to achieve our mission to
deliver excellent local services and improve the quality of life of our residents.

Styles House TMO took over management of our housing services from our landlord,
Southwark Council, in January 2014. The TMO has an office on the estate and employs a
part-time estate manager working 21 hours per week. The services we provide to residents

o Repairs
o Rent collection and arrears control.
o Estate cleaning.
o Grounds maintenance.
o Tenancy management.

Styles House is registered as an Industrial and Provident Society under the Industrial and
Provident Societies Act 1965. All residents living on the estate can become members
(shareholders) of the TMO and purchase one share for the sum of £1. We currently have 43
members. Shares are non-refundable and non-transferable and give residents a vote at
meetings and allows them to stand for election to the board of management.

The Board currently meets every 2 months and holds one AGM a year. There are also four

o Finance (meets five times per year)

o Human Resources / Health and Safety (meets quarterly)
o Communications (meets when needed)
o Styles House TMO Project Board (meets when needed)


Styles House comprises 56 properties (36 tenanted and 20 leasehold) in three blocks
situated next to Southwark station in Waterloo in central London. There are 48 one bed flats
in the main block which is 12 storeys high, and eight studio flats in the adjacent single-story
smaller blocks. There is one void property on average each year.

However, in March 2021 planning permission was granted to build a second tower block.
This involves the demolition of the studio flats with the resultant need to decant seven
tenants before summer 2022. Two residents in the tower will also have to be decanted in
around May 2022 to facilitate the redevelopment of the estate.

When the new tower is constructed, it will comprise 20 one bed flats and four two bed flats
and across 13 storeys.

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25

The large block and the small blocks are surrounded by a half-acre of well-kept lawn and
flower beds and are a special feature of the estate. The gardening club has developed the
estate grounds, including planting a vegetable garden, erecting a green house and a potting
shed relies on volunteers.


Waterloo is a vibrant, bustling area of London with a 24-hour economy and good transport
links. The area is culturally diverse, full of bars and restaurants and the Old Vic and Young Vic
theatres and Southwark tube station are a stone’s throw from the estate.

Due to its location, Styles House, like many inner London estates, experiences excessive
noise pollution and anti-social behaviour, however the introduction of an LTN on The Cut has
improved the local environment.



Covid has taken the main spotlight for the last two years, which combined with welfare
reforms, the continuing effect of Brexit, financial and political uncertainty, the cost-of-living
crisis and the climate emergency, is forcing housing organisations to evaluate the specific
issues that will impact on their services, solutions and support to our tenants, with a lot of
current uncertainty making planning a challenge.


Southwark Council is the largest social landlord in London and owns a third of all housing in
the borough, responsible for the management, repair and improvement of some 39,000
council homes and 16,700 leasehold properties or freehold. Southwark currently has 17
TMOs comprising of 4,609 properties of which 2,972 are rented by council tenants and 1,637
are leasehold or freehold. Southwark continues to publicly support tenant management
through The Tenant Management Initiatives (TMI) team who host a bi-monthly liaison
meeting for TMO boards / committees and officer known as Southwark TMO Committee
(STMOC). The forum facilitates discussions on matters of mutual interest.

Over the last five years, the TMO Project Board has been working with the Council and
Transport for London (TfL) to develop ideas and designs for the new council house at Styles


Styles House TMO is a registered Industrial Society run by a Board comprised of vo-
lunteer members. Styles House is registered under the Industrial and Provident Soci-

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
eties Act 1965 (registration number 31599R). Its objectives are to ensure the estate
is maintained to the highest possible standards and to provide value for money, for
the benefit of its residents. Any surpluses are used to improve the estate.

All Council tenants, leaseholders (regardless of residence), and private tenants over
the age of 16 are entitled to become members of Styles House TMO and to particip-
ate in its decision-making processes. Styles House TMO delivers its services to all res-
idents on the estate, whether or not they are members.


Styles House TMO’s Board is made up of volunteers elected from the membership of
Styles House to manage the estate. The Board sets the strategic direction of Styles
House and is responsible for managing the performance of Styles House staff and

Board members are elected by the members of Styles House TMO at the Annual
General Meeting (AGM). Board members may also be co-opted through the year to
fill vacancies. The Board elects its officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treas-
urer) at the first Board meeting after the AGM. The Board has a minimum of seven
and a maximum of 15 members.

The Board currently has three Sub-Committees to help and support it to deliver its
responsibilities. The Board adapts the structure, adding or removing Committees, as
needed. The current Sub-Committees are:

o Finance (meets five times per year)

o Human Resources / Health and Safety (meets quarterly)
o Communications (meets when needed)
o Styles House TMO Project Board (meets when needed)

After being in operation for 6 years, 100% of residents who voted, voted yes in the
2019 Continuation ballot for the TMO to continue. 96% of residents were satisfied
with the services of the TMO. This was an unusually high level of approval and not
one that had been seen before. The TMO was congratulated at that year’s National
Federation of Tenant Management Organisation’s annual conference.

On a day-to-day basis the blocks are easy to run and the repairs service works well.
There have been four void properties in the last 24 months. Financial management
has been excellent, and we have built up reserves and have a healthy surplus.


Repairs service is delivered mainly by AE Elkins and several specialist contractors i.e.,
Pearson (windows), Saltash (aids & adaptations) & Hydrowash (bins). LBS retains
responsibility for the lifts, heating, hot water, the garages, the roof, and some communal

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
30 responsive repairs in 12 months
100% completed on time.

Rent collection 2020-21

100% of rent collected.
61% of households in receipt of HB/UC

The Board
There are seven residents on the Board. Three are leaseholders and four are council

We have replaced and upgraded the existing entry phone system and installed
automatic gates at the Hatfields entrance.
We are replacing the bathroom lights for LED fittings.
We have negotiated an additional recycling bin with LB Southwark which is in situ.
We are installing wall anchors on each floor in the tower to secure cycles to.

Tenancy checks
Presently tenancy checks are not being completed due to Covid. Southwark have
indicated that tenancy checks will recommence in April 2022. 100% tenancy checks
are due to be carried out over a two-year period.

A SWOT analysis identifies an organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats. The following SWOT were DRAFTED BY THE TMO MANAGER TO BE AS-

Here are some of the things that could have an impact on the TMO (both good and
bad) and what this could mean for us. These have been factored into planning for
the future

Management – still strong No succession plan for key board roles
New Board members have joined Lack of people getting involved in
Visible improvements to the estate – redevelopment project
automated gates Increase communication and being clearer
TMI considers Styles House to be a well about TMO/Council responsibilities.
performing TMO Succession planning for manager retirement
Support from Residents in Continuation
Ballot and Redevelopment Consultation

Growth of TMO Burn Out/Lack of new members
WIFI – extend to garden No Succession Planning
WIFI – offer residents access to laptops 24 new residents to incorporate into TMO
New tower communal facilities Universal Credit & public sector cuts

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
Garden redesign – encourage greater use of Redevelopment fails
garden New manager
New Office – greater rental income


A PESTLE analysis identifies the likely external factors that could affect an organisa-
tion’s future plans. The following table shows in detail the conclusions of our PESTLE
analysis; we have been assigned positive, negative and uncertain impact probabilit-

A change in council support for TMOs (-) Changes to Rent setting policy (?)
Changes to the benefit system (-) Rising inflation (-)
Change to Local Housing Allowance (-)
Cost of living crisis (-)
Welfare reform (-)

Shorter tenancies (-) Cyber threats (-)
Increasing levels of ASB & crime (-) Installation of CCTV (+)

Changes to Legal Aid system(-) Installation of better insulation (+)
Changes in heating systems (?)

7. MOVING FORWARD 2022-2025

Since the last business plan, the Board was extremely pleased with the positive
feedback from the TMI team and the results of the Continuation Ballot. The TMO
Chair received an award for going the extra mile but acknowledged there was still
work to do. The key areas identified for action were:

 Strengthen management and board skills / further work needed to increase the
competence of the Board and instil a more professional approach. This in turn
would lead to greater confidence to tackle major projects.
 Monitor the TMO Manager and TMO performance more effectively.
 Lead the TMO into a new future with a TMO that will double in size with the new
 Succession planning for board posts including the Chair, Treasurer and the


Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
 To continue to follow and establish a cycle of board and sub-committee meetings
and review our needs.

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25

 Continue to exceed the council rent collection target set of 98%

 Improve rent collection and ensure appropriate staff training in this area.
 The introduction of the Universal Credit has provided a challenge to the TMO, as
rent revenues decreased. Monitor rent arrears given the increased risk of arrears
because of the introduction of Universal Credit.
 Careful management and monitoring of Universal Credit applicants and
mandatory request for a NOSP to be served when arrears exceed 6 weeks.
 We will have more expenses when residents are decanted from the chalets to the
tower in the redevelopment programme.
 Change the community account to a business account to make use of online
banking facilities.
 Update the financial procedures which insure the TMO meets the necessary
governance standard to prevent fraud and to take account of online facilities.
 Negotiate additional finance with Southwark to take account of extraordinary
impact of around 24 voids on a small TMO.

Policy and procedures

 General overhaul of policies and procedures. All are up for review.
 Introduction of a rolling programme of updating and reviewing a minimum of six
policies & procedures each year.

Review options for outsourcing cleaning and gardening

 Review cleaning contractor for value for money. Re-tender every 5 years of
earlier if not satisfied with service.
 Consider bringing cleaning back in house and employing own cleaner.
 Review cleaning specification
 Review grounds maintenance / outsource gardening / agree specification for
grass cutting, pruning shrubs and general maintenance.

Tenancy management
 Re-start tenancy checks from April 2022.
 Explain rent arrears process with tenants during the tenancy checks and at sign
 Review Voids Standard and quality/extent of work
 Discuss with TMI Team the serving of a Notice of Seeking Possession as a
protection measure when Universal Credit delays reach 8 weeks but management
of rent account remains with Styles House TMO.
 Encourage links between family groups within Styles House and assess what
services are required and plan activities.

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25

In 2016 Styles House TMO, voted to take ownership of the development of new
Council homes at Styles House so that we could maximise our influence and ensure
our needs were at the heart of any development of the estate. We have worked with
the Council, TFL and a project team (IGLOO) to develop plans, which have been
driven by resident comments, for new Council homes and upgrades to the Styles
House estate generally.  We have worked hard to ensure that the development will
result in improvements across the estate that can be enjoyed by all residents.

The TMO plans for Styles House was approved by the Planning Committee in March


 Replacing main entrance door

 Replacing disabled entrance
 Creating porch over main entrance
 Re-designing bin area to conceal bins and bulk waste
 Redesign of the main and summer garden and allotment
 Parking
 Demolition of sheds and garages
 Demolition of TMO office and provision of a temporary office on site.


 Improve Decant procedure and experience

 Decant remining studio tenants to suitable properties by summer 2022
 Decant 2 tower residents by summer 2022.
 Update decantees on progress and news on a regular basis
 Liaise with Southwark and TfL on four land swop properties to identify repairs and
potential tenants before formal handover.
 Induct new board members
 Ensure Rules change to allow online meetings is approved by Financial Conduct
Authority in time for the AGM in September 2022.
 Tender audit service and appoint a new auditor for AGM in September 2022.
 Training box session for all Board Members on the revised Code of Conduct
 Identity and appoint additional contractors
 Assess viability of placing landing lights on a timer in consultation with Southwark.
 Obtain London Living Wage accreditation

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
10. MEDIUM TERM GOALS 2023/2025

 Board succession plan in place which helps to recruit new board members
 Board and finance meetings cycle ensures control and proper oversight
 All residents in arrears have agreed repayment plan
 TMO is collecting minimum 101% of rental income
 Leaseholders service charge items are correctly coded and recharged
 Reliable, good quality, VfM cleaning service
 Quick, efficient turn around on voids
 Work with LBS to successfully tackle ASB
 New entrance and door entry system to block completed
 Manage decrease in M&M allowance without any loss of service to estate residents
 Tender cleaning services to ensure VfM.
 Assess staffing needs in the larger TMO

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
11. RISK

The Board and the TMO manager will keep a regular watch on these risks so that
plans for dealing with them remain relevant and are put into action in good time to
avoid problems getting out of hand.

The Board delegated initial responsibility for risk to the Finance Sub-committee and
the HR/H&S Sub-Committee. Both Sub committees must consider this at each
meeting and report back, where necessary to the Board.

Set out below is a summary of the top ten risks regarded as the most critical over the
next twelve months.

Risk Management strategy / controls Prob Impact Rating

Lack of contribution o Share tasks 8 9 72
from Board members/ o Liaison with Igloo on timing of
meeting fatigue meetings
o Recruit TMO members to sub-
o Prioritise tasks
Failure to decant o Work with LBS to approve decantees 7 10 72
residents and offers of suitable accommodation
o Work with TfL to gain access to TfL
o Liaise with residents closely
o Flexibility
o Improve void standards
Resident dissatisfaction o Regular communication 9 7 63
with service o Identify main phase 1 disruptions eg
bins and 1st floor entrance & publicise
o Mitigate disruption of phase 1 work
o Prompt responses
o Residents Champion/Liaison
o Project drop in sessions
Unforeseen costs o Monthly reconciliation 5 8 40
o Budget and business plan
o Major cost items left with Southwark
o Costed programme for improvements
o Apply for rent waivers, if appropriate
within six-month time limit.
Failure to meet rent o Staff training to maximise rent income 5 7 35
collection targets o Early intervention/repayment plans
o Return 8-week arrears cases to
o Advice on for residents on welfare
reform and Universal Credit. Leaflets,
drop ins and one to one meetings
o Advice on opening bank accounts and

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25
managing money
o Monthly arrears report to Chair
Failure to refresh the o Succession planning / especially 5 7 35
Board Officer roles
o Offer training
o Advertise TMO Board recruitment
o Target and develop key individuals
Long term staff absence o Agreement with LBS to provide 3 9 27
emergency cover
o Annual contract for HR support
o Regular 1 to 1s and appraisals
o Approach other TMOs to provide
temporary cover.
Failure to demonstrate o Budget and quarterly reporting 4 6 24
value for money o 5 finance sub-committee meetings pa
thinking and action on o Clear payment approval process
an ongoing basis to stay o Online banking standing orders
within budget
Fraud o Whistleblowing policy 3 7 21
o Sound financial controls
o Board reports
o Southwark monitoring
Failure to consistently o Regular 1:1s 4 5 20
display positive, can-do o checking staff approach fits in with
behaviour to the vision
support/improve o Appraisal, training and annual
customer satisfaction to development plan
meet/exceed locally o HR subcommittee
agreed targets

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25

A reserve fund has been established to set aside funds against costs arising from unforeseen
circumstances. In line with the Management Agreement the Organisation sets aside funds
needed for works planned in the foreseeable future. The reserve fund equals three months
of allowances.

Under the Management Agreement we are entitled to keep its surplus reserve representing
accumulated surpluses less amounts set aside in the Reserve Fund. The Surplus Funds are to
be used for the benefit of all residents of the Estate, whether by Styles House TMO or, in the
event of the TMO ceasing its management activities for Southwark, by a successor body.

As at 31 March 2021 we had have reserves of £16.680 and a surplus fund of £173,675

We are awaiting the building of a new block of flats on the estate and will use some of the
surplus funds to support the community where needed.


For the period of the business plan, the two major financial assumptions are Retail Price
Index of 4.2% in 2022 and a CPI inflation rate of 5% approx. in April 2022 and continuing to
the end of the plan. of 1.4% in 2021 and average effective interest rate of 0.1%

We expect efficiencies to be achieved through:

 Effective management and monitoring of our repairs service and getting it right first
 Appointment of additional contractors to ensure not reliant on one contractor.
 Review of estate cleaning to ensure quality and VfM
 Review of options for delivering improvements
 Effective management of decants.


 The TMO will agree an annual budget which will be submitted to the council by 31
March each year.
 The TMO Finance sub-committee will meet five times per annum and monthly for
 Quarterly finance reports will be presented to the Board setting out detailed
 Each year the Annual General Meeting will appoint the Auditor
 All financial decisions will be minuted and audited at year end
 The Treasurer and TMO Manager will meet monthly to reconcile accounts.
 Income & Expenditure Tracker and statements are available for Treasurer and Chair
to inspect on request.

Approved 28.3.22
To be reviewed by 28.3.25


1. Continue to  Hold well prepared and  Better grasp of big issues  Keep to plan board meeting cycles December 2022 Board & TMO
develop an informed Board outside committee  Produce detailed reports on rent ongoing Manager
enthusiastic, meetings responsibilities arrears
committed and  Hold five finance sub-  Informed decision  Make use of training opportunities
skilled Board who committee meetings pa making  Support diversity
are in control of with good quality  Range of views at
the business information available for meetings
committee members to  Plan for the future
drill down into rents and
 75% attendance at board
 Quorum achieved at
100% of board meetings
2. Improve the estate  Working together with  24 new Council  Project board (PB) continues to work December 2022 TMO Manager
and local IGLOO to redevelop houses with IGLOO and LBS ongoing Project Board
environment for Styles House estate and  Improved entrance  Set up decant committee Board & residents
residents* the garden . to the existing block,  Proceed to implementation
 Take action to stop local  improved ramped  Encourage residents to complain to
noise pollution and wheelchair access Southwark and support change in
public nuisance  new garden design licensing hours
 2 secure entrances  Enrol help of local MP and councillors
 complete redesign
of office and
community room
 Southwark amends
licensing hours for
local bars
 No late night music
or rowdiness


3 Strengthen our  4 newsletters a year  Residents better  Creative and informative newsletter Quarterly Communications
community by  Keep website updated informed every quarter sub-committee &
informing and  80% TMO membership  More residents signed  Continue tenancy checks @ 2 per TMO Manager
involving our by March 23 up to TMO month when
residents  Complete 100% tenancy  Tenancy checks  Sign up residents as members and government TMO Manager
checks, if Covid completed and council raise rent arrears during checks Covid
restrictions are lifted target met restrictions Board & TMO
allow Manager

4. Continue to  Motivated and skilled  Informed manager and  Annual development plan to include Annually Board
develop a TMO Manager board members training on rent collection and TMO manager
motivated, skilled  Skilled Board members  Focused meetings arrears control
and committed  Better training  HR sub-committee to provide HR Sub
staff team who are attendance support Chair
passionate about  More creativity and  Regular 1 to 1s and appraisal Chair
delivering a good enjoyment for board and  Work Plan HR Sub
service manager  Review benefits package to stay

5. Ensure ongoing  Improve rent collection  Continue individual  Training on maximising rent revenue December 2022 TMO Manager
financial viability  Collect 101% of rent agreements with every  Strategy for letting out community March 2024
and control collectable tenant to repay arrears hall Finance sub-
 New budget each year  Print rent statements  Quality financial reporting, using Ongoing committee
 Strategic planning for  Monthly arrears reporting templates Board
new community hall reporting to Chair  Whistleblowing and fraud policy April 2023
 Annual cost analysis of  Generate surplus to  Review Financial standing orders Annually
services and benchmark spend on improvements  Annual budget Annually Finance sub &
with other Southwark in the future  Raise at STMOC March 2023 TMO Manager
TM  Budget approved  Negotiate with Southwark Board
 Agreement on financing Board & TMO
of 24 voids Manager

 Preferred option for  Review options and costs for estate TMO Manager &
6. Improve services  First class cleaning Estate cleaning to ensure cleaning going forward March 2022 Board
to residents service VfM  Cost benefit exercise of direct
 Gardens continue to be  VfM gardening contract employment versus contract with
well kept  Effective policies and local cleaning company
 All policies and procedures which reflect  Draw up detailed specification for March 2022
procedures upgraded current best practice and estate gardening
and current comply with Southwark  Appoint contractor/s March 2022
 All policies and council policy
procedures up to date  Improved voids turn-
 Additonal contractors around time

7. Prepared for the  Decant identified  All residents decanted  All residents to be logged as a Decant March 2022 TMO Manager &
re-development residents  Garages, sheds and priority by LBS Board
 Empty identified office cleared  Early access to TfL properties
structures  Pre-allocate TfL properties
 Provide skips
 Advice residents of need to clear
 Asses volume of storage required
8. Prepared for  Residents ready to move  Existing residents who  Decantees properties chosen March 2024 TMO Manager &
opening of new in are moving identified  Decant arrangements in place Southwark
build  voids identified  Void specs for flats  Other residents offered properties Council
  Decantees moved  Inspect relevant flats
 Liaison with Southwark to agree
formal offers
 Advertisement of voids
 Liaison with Southwark for new

9. Optimum Staffing  Review staffing levels  Appropriate staffing  Review services provided and hours April 2024 HR Sub, TMO
levels levels for number of of existing manager Manager & Board
properties.  Compare with similar TMOs
 Develop with existing manager
succession plan
10 Work on site   O  Flyer out to all residents advising Depending on TMO Manager
. them of works and responsibilities LBS and IGLOO Contractor
 Works start on site Architect
 Regular updates from IGLOO All
11  Decant Committee   Collect information from residents Project Board
and LBS
 Negotiate time schedule Architects
 Clarify financial supports IGLOO
 Clarify responsibilities to residents
moving TMO members


Some readers may be new to some of the wording used in this document. Here is an explanation of some
of these terms and abbreviations. The Board of Styles House TMO has attempted to ensure that our busi-
ness plan is clear, concise and – as far as possible – jargon free.
Term Meaning
AGM Annual General Meeting held each year to present the organisation’s annual report, ac-
counts and elect our new Board for the next year.
Continuation Every 5 years a TMO must conduct a test of resident opinion regarding continuing

Ballot management of the estate; this test of opinion is called a Continuation Ballot and must show a ma-
jority of residents supporting the TMO

Council London Borough of Southwark, or Southwark Council.

Decent Homes A standard set by the Government requiring all social housing to be wind and weather
tight, to meet minimum standards for housing set down in law, have reasonably modern
kitchens and bathrooms (for tenants) and be in a good state of repair.
SHTMO Styles House Tenant Management Organisation
FCA Financial Conduct Authority
Governance This term means how a TMO is managed by its members and Board. A well governed TMO will
abide by an appropriate Code of Governance and may be recognised through the NFTMO Kite Mark

KPIs Key Performance Indicators – signs that show how well the TMO is doing, which we will
check and assess to measure our progress.
Major Works Big repairs and improvements e.g. windows, roofing, kitchen and bathroom refits
Modular A binding legal agreement between the TMO and the landlord organisation
Management Southwark Council.
Stakeholders Persons and entities that are not Styles House Tenant Management Organisation residents
but have an interest in or relationship with SHTMO. This includes the

Council, employees, contractors, and external service providers such as utility companies.

Tenant Manage-
An organisation set up by local residents to run an estate’s housing services on a not-for-profit
ment Organisation
basis. Styles House TMO also exists to build community spirit.

VFM or Value For A term used by government to describe a service which has an appropriate balance between
Money cost, quality and satisfaction.

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