Shawab Ansari Final Dissertation Report Impact of Advertising On Consumer Behaviour

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Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the

Degree of


Roll No: - 136

Enrollment No: - 2019-334-136

Under the Supervision of



Higher educational institution in New Delhi


“I, Shawab Ansari, hereby declare that the report entitled “Impact of Advertising on
Consumer Behaviour” in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration which is submitted by me to the Centre for Management
Studies, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi is a bonafide description of comprehensive
project work carried out me”.
“This is the original work and is the result of my own efforts”.

Dated: Shawab Ansari

Place: New Delhi Roll No- 136


“On the basis of the declaration submitted by Shawab Ansari, a student of BBA, I hereby
certify that the project report titled “Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behaviour” which is
submitted to the Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration, is an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of
research carried out by him/her under my guidance and supervision. Certified further, that to the
best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or
dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this
or any other candidate”.

Dated: Dr. Waseem Khan

Place: New Delhi


“It has been a great pleasure for me to work on this project. My sincere thanks to for giving me
an opportunity to work on this project whereby I was given an exposure to study the influence of
advertisement on consumer behavior which helped me to increase the span of my knowledge and
developed my thinking on more practical lines”.

“I thank to my institution Jamia Hamdard for giving me an opportunity to get knowledge of the
corporate world before the completion of my Bachelor degree course”.

“I would also like to thank, Dr. Waseem Khan, my project guide who helped me and guided me
continuously in this project. His guidance and suggestions helped me in understanding the
different aspects of my study”.

“I want to thank other faculty teachers as well who have been there with me at every step when I
needed guidance in the project”.

Shawab Ansari

1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................6
1.1 Consumer...............................................................................................................................6
1.2 Consumer Durables Goods....................................................................................................6

1.3 Consumer Preference.............................................................................................................7
1.4 Consumer Acceptance...........................................................................................................8
2.0 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY...............................................................................................13
3.0 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................13
4.0 NEED OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................14
5.0 IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISEMENT...............................................................................15
5.1 Samsung India Advertisement.............................................................................................16
5.2 Sony India Advertisement...................................................................................................17
5.3 LG India Advertisement......................................................................................................19
6.0 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................23
7.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................26
7.1 Research Design..................................................................................................................26
7.2 Sample Size.........................................................................................................................26
7.3 Sampling Unit......................................................................................................................26
7.4 Sampling Technique............................................................................................................26
7.5 Data collection:....................................................................................................................26
8.0 ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA....................................................................27
8.1 DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................28
9.0 FINDINGS...............................................................................................................................34
10.0 SUGGESTIONS....................................................................................................................35
11.0 CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................36
12.0 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY........................................................................................37
13.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY & REFERENCE......................................................................................38
14.0 ANNEXURE.........................................................................................................................40


1.1 Consumer

“A consumer is a person who buys or has the ability to buy products and ventures offered
available to be purchased by advertising establishments so as to fulfill individual or family unit
needs, or wants. Consumer refers to the accompanying, "A customer is the most critical guest on
our premises. He isn't subject to us. We are subject to him. He isn't a outsider to our business. He
is a piece of it. We are not helping him out by serving him. He is helping us out by allowing us a
chance to do as such". So consumer resembles the blood of our business and furthermore a
fulfilled client is an informal notice of items”.

1.2 Consumer Durables Goods

“Consumer durables include any kind of items acquired by buyers that are produced for long
haul use. Rather than numerous merchandise that are expected for utilization for the time being,
customer sturdy are proposed to persevere through customary use for quite a long while or
longer before substitution of the purchaser item is required. Pretty much every family unit will
contain somewhere around a couple of things that might be appropriately viewed as of a buyer
strong nature”.

“A standout amongst the most widely recognized of all customer durables would be the
furnishings found in the home. This would incorporate things, for example, couches, seats,
tables, bed casings, and capacity pieces, for example, dressers and bookshelf units. While once
thought to be restricted to just things made of tough metal or wood, any sort of furniture today
that is proposed for use over the time of somewhere around a couple of years can properly be
delegated purchaser durables”.

“Another normal case of consumer durables in the ownership of most family units is appliances.
These things may incorporate stoves, fridges, toasters, and gas or electric water warmers.
Consumer durables of this sort are planned for use on a proceeding with premise, and frequently
are sold with some kind of guarantee or administration contract that guarantees the apparatus will
keep working for an apparent timeframe”.

1.3 Consumer Preference

“All marketing starts with the consumer. So consumer is a very important person to a marketer.
Consumer decides what to purchase, for whom to purchase, why to purchase, from where to
purchase, and how much to purchase. In order to become a successful marketer, he must know
the liking or disliking of the customers. He must also know the time and the quantity of goods
and services, a consumer may purchase, so that he may store the goods or provide the services
according to the likings of the consumers. Now the whole concept of consumer’s sovereignty
prevails. The manufacturers produce and the sellers sell whatever the consumer likes. In this
sense, “consumer is the supreme in the market””
“As consumers, we play a very vital role in the health of the economy local, national or
international. The decision we make concerning our consumption behavior affect the demand for
the basic raw materials, for the transportation, for the banking, for the production; they affect the
employment of workers and deployment of resources and success of some industries and failures
of others. Thus marketer must understand this”.
“Preference (or "taste") is a concept, used in the social sciences, particularly economics. It
assumes a real or imagined "choice" between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering of
these alternatives, based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification, enjoyment, utility they
provide. More generally, it can be seen as a source of motivation. In cognitive sciences,
individual preferences enable choice of objectives/goals”.

“The study of the consumer preference not only focuses on how and why consumers make
buying decision, but also focuses on how and why consumers make choice of the goods they buy
and their evaluation of these goods after use. So for success of any company or product
promotion it is very necessary to depart its concentration towards consumer preference”.

1.4 Consumer Acceptance

“Acceptance depicts shopper readiness to get and/to endure. For instance, a client may
acknowledge the event of a specific number of yearly supply interferences given a specific cost.
Weighing needs or inclinations against gave item or administration qualities results in a critical
position of fulfillment pointing a negative or positive way, contingent upon whether interests are
clashing or comparing”.

“This decides the manner by which individuals assess organizations' or utilities' execution. Just
when a shopper's requirements for an expressed decent or administration are met, for example at
the point when the administration gave relates their inclinations, will they feel fulfilled?
Acceptance is additionally utilized in the writing to mean an agreed response to a proposition.
The distinction is unpretentious however there are events where buyers probably won't consent
to a proposition yet acknowledge the consequent administration in the feeling of enduring it”.

“Each association, or rather, Brand, contributes a great deal of capital on advertising, a

noteworthy piece of which is spent on making promotions. Getting a prominent celeb like
Amitabh Bachchan to talk about an item like Navratna Hair Oil, it appears to be easy these days.
In any case, to what amount of degree does this advertisement really influence the consumers?
Do they really purchase an item on the grounds that their most loved film-star is supporting it? Is
it conceivable that an item can change its picture on the purchasers’ medium-term, in light of the
showy promotion they just released?”
”If we go by theories, there are lot many factors that influence a customer to make a purchase,
and advertising is just one small part of a parameter called Psychology. Some of the more
influential factors are like”.
“Need of the Product – Considering the market scenario of today (I am talking about inflation),
we consumers hardly buy anything when we don’t need it”.
“Affordability – It is not an uncommon sight when a man sighs looking at an expensive brand
of shaving cream and goes for the cheaper brand”.
“Brand Image and Loyalty – Very few Surf Excel users would like to opt for a brand like Tide
or Nirma just because it is cheaper”.
“Your small business needs to advertise and promote to attract customers. However, that doesn't
mean you can just put out your message and start counting the new customers. Advertising and
promotion affect consumers in ways you might find surprising. You need to know these effects
before you launch your campaign”.

Increased Awareness
“Publicizing and promotion offer a news capacity to shoppers. Watchers of advertisements find
out about new items and administrations accessible to them, much like they find out about
occasions in the news. This data work has an unbiased job. It gives certainties without
endorsement or dissatisfaction from shoppers. Client conduct at this stage incorporates
articulations of interest”.

Analysis of Features
“Buyers have an objective reaction to promoting when they take a gander at the highlights of an
item or administration. This reaction centers around a sensible posting of all the utilitarian parts
of the advertising. This is a scholarly reaction, instead of an enthusiastic one”.

Evaluaton of Benefits
“At the point when clients gauge benefits, they become sincerely included with publicizing and
advancement. Buyers recognize ways the item or administration can make them more joyful,
improve their lives or give them delight. This piece of the buyer reaction is silly and can prompt
drive purchasing and rivalry to acquire the item”.

“Continued promoting messages influence buyer conduct. This reiteration fills in as a suggestion
to the buyer. Conduct that comes from updates incorporates abruptly thinking about an item
while shopping and settling on a choice to get it, as though it had been on the customer's

Promotion of Loyalty or Alienation

“Purchaser conduct parts among devotion and distance contingent upon how well the item
satisfies its publicized advantages. Corporate conduct –, for example, embarrassments or
philanthropy work – can likewise influence distance and unwaveringness reactions. When the
shopper settles on this decision, publicizing and advancement are not liable to fix that choice”.

“Publicizing is a type of correspondence which is utilized to influence a particular gathering of

individuals to make some new move. Promoting is considered as a noteworthy and vital
component for the monetary development of the advertisers and distinctive organizations in
rivalry (Ryans, 1996). Publicizing is generally a paid type of exposure by some support and
came to through different customary media, for example, TV, ad radio notice, open air
promoting, paper, magazine mail or present day media, for example, sites, sites and instant
messages. Besides the improvements and mechanical headways have swung publicizing to a
progressively inescapable and amazing in its effect and influence (Leiss et al., 1986)”.

“Promoting was presented by Egyptians who utilized Papyrus for deals messages and divider
notices, bulletins, billboards and open air publicizing as the most old type of publicizing. The
custom of divider painting and divider chocking is found in the antiquated culture of Greece and
Romans and also in India, which could be currently observed in many, portions of the world too
(Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Present day promoting is created with the advancement of large
scale manufacturing in the late nineteenth and mid twentieth hundreds of years. After the
achievement of print publicizing, radio promoting won this was then trailed by the TV
promoting. In the mid 1950s the Du Mont Television Network started the pattern of giving
notices. With the appearance of 21st century the web based promoting has won the world market
and buyer network also. Presently the publicizing has demonstrated its impacts and effect on
purchasers' purchasing practices and advertisers needs everywhere throughout the world. After
1920, promoting turned into a wellspring of direction for purchasers, which was thinking about a
wellspring of direction for purchasing as well as in the issues of social jobs, improvement in
dressing sense, style and advancement of taste of good nourishments (Bell, 1976; Marchand,

“Shoppers purchasing conduct has dependably been given so much significance and space in the
writing investigation of effect of promoting with respect to its adequacy (Ajzen, 2002). More
often than not shoppers purchasing conduct is affected by enjoying or despising of buyer towards
the commercial of the item, publicized (Smith et al., 2002). In like manner, Allen. Et al., (1992)
contend that it is really the passionate response which is created after the publicizing, for the
item promoted, that impacts the purchaser conduct. In the expressions of Gorn, 1982, the
purchaser conduct towards an item is thoroughly relying upon publicizing, with no evaluation of
the nature of the item. Besides, Controversies over the effect of publicizing on the customer's
purchasing patterns and propensities has dependably been available (George, 1989). Once in a
while the promoters over misrepresent about the item’s advantages in such a prudent way, that
purchaser goes mentally under the weight of publicizing convincingness and deliberately choose
to purchase the publicized item (Smith et al., 2006). Presently the majority of the customers
evade the commercial, since they think about the notice, simply irritating and deluding (Bishop,
1997). Notices have been assaulted on mental, sociological, stylish and political grounds. From
the perspective of a typical layman, what is the motivation behind publicizing? A few
commentators even scrutinize and think about publicizing exceptionally hurtful to the aggregate
practices of the general public (Barbara, J. P 1997). However, protectors of promoting
dependably give a solid contention to support that essential point of publicizing is to sell the
items, rather its consequences for social estimations of the general public (Gold, 1987)”.

“In like manner George (1989) expressed that debates over the impacts of plugs have dependably
been available. Promoting is blamed for abusing the sentiments and working of individual
nerves, over accentuating the material side of life and bending of human and moral qualities in
kids. In the meantime, Aaker, Batra and Myers (1992) contended that promoting has negative
effect on qualities and ways of life of society. While Bryant and Zelman (1994) expressed that it
is most presumably safe to cite that early, sponsors were less worried about Media decisions and
influences then they were with essentially proposing correspondence. Moreover Kotwal et al.
(2008) demands that TV and promoting have demonstrated an incredible mix together and are
currently considered as a fundamental piece of present day world. Many research examines have
demonstrated that promoting assume a vital job in the presentation of another item and help in
the purchasing of another item and further help in better decisions of shopping of valuable items.
Larger part of the watchers of TV publicizing state that promoting have dependably compels
them to purchase that specific item, about which they have viewed in the commercial. Because
of the solid effect of publicizing, it is the ethical obligation of sponsors to rehearse the code of
morals, amid the advancement of their items. The motivation behind promoting ought to be the
direction of shopper as opposed to coercing and compromising by pushing powerfully to
purchase that item. Appropriate and powerful promoting dependably help the organizations and
advertisers to improve their image picture and increment their offer in the market (Ninan, 2008).
Powerful promoting is really the other name of influence and enjoying or disdaining frame of
mind of buyer towards some specific item or publicizing (Mehta, 2000; Stone et al., 2000). There
are various factors in promoting which contribute a ton in changing the purchasers' purchasing
conduct. Like agreeability, brand picture, convincingness, big name support, data about the item,
diversion and so forth”.

“Every one of these elements are the genuine contributors towards the effect of publicizing on
customers purchasing conduct. Obviously within the sight of this some different components like
cost and nature of the item likewise influences the shoppers purchasing conduct to some degree”.

“The primary data of the study is collected through questionnaires and secondary data was
collected through internet, journals and business magazines. Based on the review of the
literature, some key indicators have been selected for the study of impact of advertising on
consumers’ buying behavior”.

Quality of the product advertised

Price of the product advertised

Persuasiveness, information and entertainment
Brand Image in advertising
Celebrity endorsement


 “To study the impact of the advertisements on the brand preference of consumers”.
 “To find out the consumer preference regarding the most effective media for
 “To study the influence of the celebrity endorsement on the consumer buying behaviour”.


 To understand the perception of customers towards their most effective medium for
 To conceptualize the most crucial touch points where advertisement can be used by
marketers to analyze the customers in accordance with influencer marketing and brand
 To collate data and conceptualize reports based on surveys conducted through various
media such as online surveys and service encounters observation.


“As we know that every company spend a lot of money on Advertisements, Celebrities etc.
Therefore Advertising is an important aspect of the companies to promote their product, and
generate sales. It is also important for the companies to know whether their advertisements are
effective or not, In order to check the influence of the advertisements, we have taken this as our
research problem”.


“For the most part, publicizing is a generally ease strategy for passing on pitching messages to
various forthcoming clients. It can verify leads for sales reps and go betweens by persuading
peruses to demand more data and by recognizing outlets dealing with the item. It can drive
mediators to stock the item by structure customer intrigue. It can help attribute seller’s sales reps
in item uses and applications. It can construct vendor and purchaser trust in the organization and
its items by structure recognition. Publicizing is to invigorate advertise request. While some of
the time promoting alone may prevail with regards to accomplishing purchaser acknowledgment,
inclination, or even interest for the item, it is only sometimes exclusively depended upon.
Publicizing is effectively utilized with no less than one different deals technique, for example,
individual selling or purpose of-procurement show, to legitimately move clients to purchasing

“Promoting has turned out to be progressively critical to business ventures – both huge and little.
Non-business endeavors have additionally perceived the significance of publicizing. The
wellbeing division promotes family arranging through publicizing. Work associations have
additionally utilized promoting to make their perspectives known to general society on the loose.
Publicizing accept genuine financial significance as well. Publicizing methodologies that
expansion the quantity of units sold animate economies in the generation procedure. The
generation cost per unit of yield is brought down. It thus prompts lower costs. Lower customer
costs at that point enable these items to wind up accessible to more individuals. So also, the cost
of papers, pro athletics, radio and TV programs, and such may be restrictive without publicizing.
To put it plainly, publicizing pays for a large number of the charming stimulation and instructive
parts of contemporary life. Publicizing has turned into an imperative factor in the battles to
accomplish such societal-situated targets, for example, the discontinuance of smoking, family
arranging, physical wellness, and the end of medication misuse. Despite the fact that in India,
publicizing was acknowledged as a strong and perceived methods for advancement just 25 years
back, its developing beneficial limit and yield requires the finding of customers and promoting
assumes an imperative job in this procedure. Promoting expands mass showcasing while at the
same time helping the purchaser to look over among the assortment of items offered for his

choice. In India, publicizing as a calling is in its earliest stages. In light of this reality, there is a
gigantic extension for advancement with the goal that it might be beneficially utilized to assist
makers, dealers, customers, and the nation's economy”.

“Ordinary shoppers are presented to a great many voices and pictures in magazines, papers, and
on boards, sites, radio and TV. Each brand endeavors to take somewhere around a small amount
of an individual's an ideal opportunity to advise that person of the astounding and distinctive
properties of the current item. The test of the advertiser is to discover a snare that will hold the
subject's consideration. In accomplishing this, utilization of big name endorsers is a generally
utilized promoting procedure”.

5.1 Samsung India Advertisement

This is the Advertisement of Samsung India. In this Advertisement, there is a blind girl who
cannot see but she filed a complaint and asked customer representative to come before 7pm
because her friend is going to perform in some singing competition. Customer representative
face some difficulties while reaching her home but somehow he managed to reach on time. He
fixed the television before 7pm and delivered his promise. All fellow mates of Blind girl were so
happy to see her friend on live TV. Through this advertisement, Samsung tried to convey
message to their consumers that Samsung reaches everywhere to provide Services to their
customers on time. This ad particularly asks you what happiness is, and how we define that to be
happy. For those blind kids, luxurious goods, expensive house and cars mean nothing. What are
they going to do with a bucket load of money? To them, happiness is to hear their best friend
sing their heart out, and she's going to do it on Samsung TV tonight. To see them enjoying their
friend's really does make you wonder, do we really need anything more than this in
our life. It is an emotional advertisement between the consumers and Samsung. This is the most
viewed Advertisement on YouTube. Over 20 million people viewed this Advertisement.

5.2 Sony India Advertisement



Sony India shot this advertisement in Jaipur because it is very colourful city and tried to persuade
consumer to purchase this TV on this festival. Through this advertisement Sony India says that
Colour is our heritage, Colour is our ritual and Colour is our celebration. If you purchase Sony
Bravia TV you will get exceptional detail, vibrant colours, and superior contrast. The tagline of
this advertisement is Respect every colour, Bring home a Bravia. This is also one of the famous
advertisement of Sony India on YouTube. Several customers were attracted through this

5.3 LG India Advertisement





In Fig-A, daughter asked his father Dad, How was your maths and he said it was good but
daughter knows he is lying. Because she has mark sheet with her and he got 3 out of 100.
In fig-B, Being a Son of maths teacher, he failed and his father was very angry upon him and
insulted him in front of class. Then, he decided to left his home. In fig-C, daughter decided to
teach his father through innovative LG products and he successfully passed the maths exam. In
fig-D, Father and son greets each other and father has the mark sheet on his hand showing him
that you have passed the math exam by the help of Innovative LG products.

Also, LG Celebrating its 21st birthday in this Advertisement with a special treat for its customers
with its latest brand TVC - LG Innovation Story, a delightful message that touches the heart of
billions. LG is making every possible effort in touching lives with wide range of products &
innovations. Life is good with the range of innovative home appliances by LG Electronics.
Designed to give you the complete care, the LG Home appliances has become synonym to latest
technological innovations. Become a part of the whole innovation story with 21 Years
celebration of LG Electronics in India. Let’s Celebrate Innovation. Life Is Good With LG.

This Advertisement had changed the perception of failures and give new ideas to the people who
had lost their faith in themselves. By the help of this advertisement, LG persuaded their
consumer to purchase innovative products of LG. This is the most viewed advertisement on
YouTube. Over 195 million people watched this advertisement. This advertisement attracted
several million consumer and after this advertisement. There was a significant growth in sales of
LG products.


“Miss Amanda Spry et al,(2011)This investigate analyzes the impact of big name validity on
shopper based value of the embraced brand. The interceding job of brand validity and the
directing job of the sort of marking (parent versus sub-brand) utilized by the supported brand on
the endorser believability brand value relationship are additionally inspected. The endorser
believability brand value relationship was created utilizing cooperative learning standards though
the brand flagging hypothesis was connected to analyze the intervening job of brand validity.
Results recommend endorser believability has a roundabout effect on brand value when this
relationship is interceded by brand validity. This interceding relationship was directed by sort of
marking. Be that as it may, the 'endorser validity brand believability' and 'endorser believability
brand value' connections did not shift as indicated by the sort of marking utilized”.

“Fareena Sultan and Russell S. Winer, In this paper, purchasers' time inclinations for
innovation driven customer strong developments are inspected. We figure from overview
information rates of time inclination for items and item qualities. A few recommendations
identified with these develops are experimentally tried. The outcomes demonstrate that, over
subjects, the item rate is not quite the same as the monetary markdown rate which catches time
inclinations for cash that item rates of time inclination differ by individual, result and after some
time, and that trait level rates of time inclination may fluctuate by property”.

“Gupta&Devi(2008) studied It will be around the impact of TV commercials on purchasing

behavior of juvenile young ladies. He found that the notice assumed a crucial job in presenting
another item in the family rundown and settling on better decision amid shopping. The young
ladies' used pocket cash got each month for shopping. The youthful young lady is affected by
T.V ad when he buys apparel they were guided by design, companion and boutiques. The
respondents wanted to purchase marked and institutionalized item which are increasingly
publicized on TV”.

“Enwalled, et al (2005). Impact of publicizing on shopper brand inclination. Rethought the

pretended by promoting impacting buyer's inclination for Bourn vita which is one of filling

sustenance drinks in the nourishment and Beverage industry in Nigeria. Results uncovered that
both male and female and distinctive age bunches were similarly”.

“Muneer (1995) considered the social and conservative impacts of commercial on the Saudi
customer. He found that the ad gives the learning about new items and it encourages them select
the best items. Nonetheless, a portion of the examination test demonstrated an unfavorable
impact of the TV ad through urging the shopper to purchase unneeded items”.

“Priya Pankaj, et al (2010) Children contrasts in their intellectual capacity while attempting to
decipher TV ads and henceforth structure diverse demeanors towards them. The motivation
behind this paper is to break down the impact of kids' mentalities towards TV commercials on
their resultant purchasing conduct. The interest for the publicized items is intensely affected by
the kids' frame of mind towards commercials. Further, the psychological changes among the
distinctive age bunches lead to the development of fluctuating mentalities towards the ads.
However there are other intense factors separated from commercials, which result in the
solicitations for an item or brand”.

“Eva-Lena (2006): International Advertising and International sponsorship separately impact

the nearby target bunch in various ways, yet additionally influence International brand , they
have an effect on brand picture and brand value. Progressively over relying upon an individual's
age shoppers see marks distinctively and along these lines affect International brand alone, yet in
addition in mix with International Advertising and International sponsorship together these
variables impact the manner by which a brand is seen and thus impact customer's inclinations”.

“Gareth Parkin (2002) "Constructive outcomes of limited time mugs" says that a
straightforward mug can be such an amazing showcasing and Advertising apparatus. By
embellishing your organization name, logo, message, site subtleties on limited time mugs, you
can impact a message to imminent customers and people around them. By utilizing the most
recent printing methods, special mugs can undoubtedly be embellished to mirror your business or
brand .Style and publicizing message for making solid and enduring brand review”.

“Dix S and Pougnet S (2009) in their examination have discovered that Athlete good example
endorsers affect youthful grown-ups' item exchanging conduct, grievance conduct, positive
informal conduct and brand steadfastness. This affirms the suspicion that sports big names are
essential socialization specialists and can have noteworthy effect on buy aims and practices. This
examination gives helpful understanding into the impact of competitor endorsers on youthful
grown-ups and recommends competitors affect youthful grown-ups' social aims in exchanging
items, creating informal exchange and building up brand faithfulness”.

“Strout R (2008) for his situation material "Pepsi and Madonna" analyzes the utilization of
excitement identities in promoting business items through the case of Pepsi's utilization of
Madonna. It delineates how organizations endeavor to tie the accomplishment of the craftsman to
their item. The paper shows the requirement for clear assessment of the superstar endorser, their
open picture, and if the connection between the craftsman and the item applies to the promoting
rules. At the point when Pepsi picked Madonna, the decision ended up being ridiculously hot.
The $5 million crusade including the luxurious vocalist must be rejected on account of its
connects to Madonna's profoundly dubious "Like a Prayer" music video."David H, et al(2008) In
their examination subject have inspected whether shoppers induce that big name endorsers like
the items they support, and introduces a model utilizing these derivations and different qualities
of the endorser to anticipate dispositions toward the embraced item. Members in two tests
inspected composed underwriting ads and were approached to construe the degree to which the
endorser genuinely loved the publicized item and to rate the endorser's engaging quality, likeness
to themselves, and information of the item. Mentalities toward the promotion, the endorser and
the item were additionally estimated. The subsequent model demonstrated that item mentalities
were anticipated by deductions about the endorser's preference for the item and by frames of
mind toward the endorser”.


“Before examining types of research designs it is important to be clear about the role and
purpose of research design. We need to understand what research design is and what it is not. We
need to know where design into the whole research process from framing a question to finally
analyzing and reporting data”.

7.1 Research Design

“The purpose of the study is “To Study the Impact of Advertisement on consumer
behaviour”. A survey was conducted through which an analysis was drowned”.

7.2 Sample Size

A sample of “70” sample was taken for the purpose of study and analysis.

7.3 Sampling Unit

“Sampling unit consists of all customers having consumer durable goods in their homes.”

7.4 Sampling Technique

“Convenience sampling technique (non probability sampling) was used for the survey.
Questionnaire filled by the selected customers”.”

7.5 Data collection:

The data was collected through primary and secondary sources”.

(1)“Primary data: primary data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire and
personal interview”.

(2) “Secondary data: Source of secondary data was collected with help of published
reports, magazines, newspapers and the websites”.


The most often tools used to Examine are google charts.

 Percentage.
 Pie Chart



 “Samsung is most preferred brand followed by Sony and LG”.

 “There is an influence of the Advertisements on the consumers regarding the choice
of their brand, i.e. there is a significant relationship between advertisements and the
choice of the brand”.
 “The most liked medium of Advertisements is Internet followed by television and
 “There is a great influence of the advertisements on the consumers as 75.4%
respondents replied they do recall the advertisements of their brands. This recall
helps them in decision making while making a purchase”.
 “People remember different aspects of the advertisements. The most remembered
aspect by respondents is Logo, followed by Tag line”.
 “The main four factors are most influencing the consumer preference while selecting
the consumer durable goods. These are as follows”.
 Quality.
 Price.
 Brand Name.
 Advertisements.


Advertisements should be relatable to the target market

Advertise the truth and keep nothing hidden.

Company needs to build brand value to stay in the long run.

Advertisment should touches your soul

Brand is nothing but constant and gradual improvement in the quality of product.

They should add more and more social issues in their advertisement as people are getting
socially conscious day by day.

Samsung should provide good processing system in low range.

Advertise features instead of celebrities.

Advertisement should be logical and reflect the motive of advertisement and should reflect the
company brand.

Surf excel .. daag achhe hai concept is really good .. it shows how a brand can connect with an
act of humanity and that is something which connects people to that particular brand.

 “Companies should aggressively go for Internet marketing as there is a great scope for it
because youngsters are in close contact round the clock with Internet”.
 “Companies should focus on creative advertisements, because people want something
different, something new that will attract their attention”.
 “Companies should make use different mediums of Advertisements to cover maximum
 “Companies should go for Sponsorships of different events at district levels”.
 “Companies should select the celebrity that has greater credibility and fan following in
the particular regions”.
 “Use of digital Billboards as images and videos change after 5 seconds on bill boards,
they are attractive and they easily grab consumer’s attention”.
 “Personal contract with the customer is best possible way to attend the customers. So the
company try to make relation with the customers after sales service”.


“As we know that today market is very competitive. There is cut throat competition in the
Consumer Durables industry mainly between the three big giant’s i.e. SAMSUNG,LG and
SONY. Both are striving very hard for their market share. Therefore it becomes very hard for the
companies to retain their customers. It is also evident that companies spend a huge amount on
Advertisements. Therefore Advertisements are the back bone for this Industry, they act as a glue
to retain their consumers and target the prospectus. Also the consumer’s preferences and the
attitudes change with the passage of the time and age. Mediums of Advertisements also play an
important role in promoting the products among the masses. Advertisements play a pivotal role
in changing the consumers preference .Television is an important and effective medium used for
communication with the consumers, and Internet has emerged one of the strongest medium that
youngsters use to gather the information. At last we can say that there is a direct relation between
Advertisements and the consumer preference which has been proved by the tests also”.


Limitations are always accompanied with any work. The present study has some limitations.
 “The study has been conducted in the city ‘Delhi’. Opinion of people of other places may
be different”.
 “The respondent for this study were well educated. Illiterate and less literate people
might have different views”.
 “As all the primary data has been collected by discussion and interviews, there is a
choice of error as people hesitate in granting correct data and sometime exaggerate the
 “I tried to convince the respondents that the study is only meant for academic purpose,
some respondents were not ready to furnish other information like who is your favorite
celebrity; you rely on advertisement, which factors influence you preference”.


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Gender: (1) Male (2) Female


“Q1Which is your favorite Brand?”



“Q2 Why you have chosen this Brand?”

Price Quality Advertisements Brand Name Celebrity

“Q3.Does Advertisement affects the choice of your brand?”

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q4.Which medium of Advertisement you like the most?

TV Radio Newspapers
Magazine Internet Out Door Media others

“Q5 Can you recall any advertisement of your Brand?”

Yes No
“Q6 Which of the following aspect of the advertisement you remember most?”
Color Slogan Theme Punch Line Celebrity

“Q7 Do you rely on advertisement?”

Yes No Sometimes

“Q8 Do you change your preference of a product by just seeing celebrity in advertisement?”

Yes No Sometimes

“Q9 Do you purchase a product just because your favorite celebrity is endorsing it?”

Yes No Sometimes

“(10) What do you want to see in a Advertisement? Which affect you preference toward the
brand? (Strong Agree-1, Agree-2, Somewhat Agree-3, and Disagree-4, Strongly Disagree-

S Factors Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly

No. Agree Agree Disagree
1 Price of the product

2 Feature of the

3 Brand endorsers

4 Offers

5 Quality of the product

6 Use of the product

7 Necessity of Product

8 Opinion of expert
about product

9 Celebrity

10 Entertainment

“ (11)What is your valuable suggestion / opinion about favorite Brand Advertisement?”.



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