Dr. Vivek Bindra

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Look for a burning problem of you customer to solve that problem which he is not able to solve
without some external intervention (you).

2. Spiritual success makes way towards material success.

3. Read Bhagavad Gita builds your character.

4. Business should be affordable as well as sustainable.

5. Consistency in everything, Sense of contribution and detachment from wealth and society.

6. No personal affiliation and full of Confidence.

7. All these can be achieved only by Good association with whom you sit down and talk and what
content you consume.

8. If you are influenced by right company you would always be on right path.

9. What goes on foreground (our actions) is dependent on what takes place at our background (our
mind, content we consume).

10. Talk about ROOTS not the Fruits.

11. More content in less time with animation.

12. Evolve content with technology to give a more real life experience to digital world (learn tech).

13. Learn ENGLISH the international language.

14. Learn film making and editing as soon as possible as everything is going to be DIGITAL.

15. Find a particular field and be perfectionist in that so that you are the no. 1 in that and no no. 2

16. Start the business individually but ultimately you need no.1 in there fields.

17. You need CA best video editor lawyer content creator cameraman etc. Lesser employee number
with no. 1 in there field.

18. Robots doing work in fields and you doing business of that work.

19. For living a better life you should be in TOP 1% of population before 2030.

20. Learn Stock Marketing.

21. At least 20% of your offering in any business run by you should be unique to create a MONOPOLY.

22. Always learn and prepare for failure. Learn Learn Learn.

23. Never stop learning otherwise you will stop earning.

24. You need to do two types of earning Physical earning(money) and mental earning(Learning)

25. Content is kingdom not a king. Create BEST content then only viewer will revisit you.

26.Create loyalty beyond logic.


28. Best content but less content for free. And best content with more content for money.

29. Do not create competitors collab with them.

30. Systematic hierarchy and friendship with top hierarchy for good leadership.

31. New content with no mistake at all.

32. Consumer designs content not you so always analyze your consumer.

33. Understanding Psychology of consumer.

34. Learn from books and consumer.

35. Never Learn from competitors as then you will make the same mistake as competitor is doing.

36. Never pay for advertisement of company.

37. Not be Big Bazzar Be Dmart.

38. Design work to the employee at starting and never increase their work before increasing their pay.

39. Use social media like whatsapp, facebook as a platform to viral your content without money.

40. Don’t ever be free.

41. Meditation.

42. Building right and strong belief.

43. Analyze Burning problem of customer which you can solve with your skill and start working on that

44. You can always learn more from the right people who have already read books so always try finding
opportunity talking to right people and recording it digitally.

45. Learn from badabussiness.com

46. Do Active as well as Passive earning.

47. Personality development.

48. Work very hard in morning so that you not have to take sleeping pills.

49. Intellectual, Physical and Spiritual development.

50. Be Introvert.

51. Bring people better than you and let them work and you just observe them and implement their

52. Increase FOCUS. This can only be increased by having a goal set in your mind and daily working for it.

53. Do GYM.


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