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Climate change

Made by Sila
What im going to talk about
✘ What is climate change?
✘ How climate affects people
✘ What is the importance of climate change
✘ What are the disadvantages of climate change

What is climate change
Climate change is a long shift in temperatures and
weather patterns. They could be natural,but in 1800s
people’s actions changed climate change mainly cause of
burning 3fossil fuels.
How it affects people
✘ It affects people by making them stay indoors
✘ it may affect human health and harms food
✘ It could damage ecosystems and infrastructure

The Importance of climate
• It may help us see the thermal energy
from the sun.
• It may help us insist climate expectations.
• It helps us predict the future weather
Disadvantages of climate change
✘ It leads to more acidic oceans.
✘ Higher sea level
✘ It also leads to higher wildlife extinction rates.
✘ Dirtier air
✘ Extreme weather
✘ Economic impact

Thank you for listening!hope you enjoyed it.

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