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Unit 4

Cities of

Learning Objectives
• To learn about the greatness of the towns of ancient Tamilagam.
• To know about Poompuhar, Madurai and Kanchi.
• To understand the ancient kingdoms of Tamilagam.
• To gain knowledge about the crafts, markets, manufactures, maritime trade,
education and water management in ancient Tamilagam.

[It is a Government Higher Secondary

School. Reciprocating the greetings
of the students of VI Std, the Social
Science Teacher signals them to get
Teacher: Wow! You look pretty in
your new dress, Tamilini.
Students: Ma’m, today is her
Teacher: Wish you a happy birthday
Tamilini. Many more happy returns of
the day.
Tamilini: Thank you, ma’m.
Teacher: Ok children. Shall we start
today's class from Tamilini’s birthday.
Students: How come ma’m? What
is the connection between Tamilini’s
Not to scale
birthday and today’s class?


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Teacher: There is. I shall come to that Teacher: Like Harappa and Mohenjo-
later. Let us stand up and wish her first. Daro in ancient India, there were famous
Students: Happy birthday, Tamil. towns in ancient Tamilagam too. Madurai,
Kanchi and Poompuhar are prominent
Tamilini: Thank you all.
among them.
Teacher: Tamil, Is Chennai your
Tamil literature, accounts of foreign
home town?
travellers and archaeological finds provide
Tamilini: No ma’m. My home town is
us information about the ancient towns of
Kadavur near Karur.
Teacher: Good. Do you have the habit
of visiting your home town? Poompuhar
Tamilini: Yes ma’m. Every summer I Poompuhar is one of the oldest towns in
visit my home town. ancient Tamilagam. This is the place where
Teacher: Excellent! Can you tell me well known characters of Silapathikaram,
the difference between Kadavur and Kovalan and Kannagi lived. It was also a port
Chennai? town along the Bay of Bengal. The ports
were established for facilitating maritime
Tamilini: Kadavur is a village. Chennai
trade. Even in times past, countries began
is a city.
to export their surplus products and import
Teacher: Excellent! the scarce commodities by sea. Poompuhar
Teacher: Can you tell what were the is one such historic port that emerged in
earliest planned cities of ancient India? the wake of increasing maritime trade.
Students: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, It is a coastal town near the present-day
ma’m. Mayiladuthurai and is located where the
Teacher: Yes. Very good children. Today river Cauvery drains into the sea.
we are going to study about the ancient Poompuhar Port
towns of Tamilagam. They are Poompuhar,
Madurai, Kanchi. Shall we start? Poompuhar was also known by names
such as Puhar and Kaveripoompattinam.
Students: Ok ma’m.
It served as the port of the early Chola
Teacher: See we have started today’s
kingdom. One of the popular Sangam
lesson with Tamilini’s birthday. Literature. Pattinappaalai and Tamil epics,
Students: Yes mam. Silappathikaram and Manimegalai, have
references to the brisk sea-borne trade
that took place in the port city, Puhar.
Silappathikaram, in
civilisation is the
particular, speaks about
earliest civilisation in
the greatness of
the world. It is 6500
Poompuhar. The lead
years old.
female character of


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Silappathikaram is Kannagi. Her father
goods at legitimate prices. Pattinappaalai
is Maanaigan. Sea traders are known states that “selling any commodity at a
by the name Maanaigan. The male higher price was considered bad”.
character Kovalan’s father is Maasathuvan.
Massathuvan means a big trader. It is clear The author of Pattinappaalai, Kadiyalur
from the text that Poompuhar was a place Uruttirangannanar, belonged to 2 century

where big traders and sea traders had BCE. This is indicative of Puhar’s antiquity.
settled down. Horses were imported by sea. Pepper was
procured through the land route. Gold
Numerous merchants from foreign
that came from Vadamalai was polished
countries such as Greece and Rome
and exported to the overseas countries.
landed at Poompuhar. Due to busy and
Sandal from Western Ghats, pearls from
continuous trade, many of them stayed
southern sea, corals from eastern sea and
on indefinitely in Poompuhar. There are
food items from Eelam were imported.
evidences of foreigner settlements in the
town. People speaking many languages Poompuhar had been built differently
inhabited Poompuhar in its glorious days. from other towns. Each social group had
As loading and unloading of ships took a separate settlement. Streets were broad
some months, the foreign traders began to and straight, dotted with well-designed
interact with the local people during that houses. There was also a dockyard.
period. This enabled the natives to learn We can learn about the life of the
foreign languages for communication. people of Puhar by reading Pattinappaalai
Similarly, the foreigners also learnt Tamil to and “Puhar Kandam” of Silappathikaram.
communicate with the natives. This contact Puhar was a busy port upto 200 CE. It
facilitated not only exchange of goods might have been either washed away by
but also languages and ideas resulting in sea or destroyed by big shore waves. The
cultural blending. remains of that destruction can still be
The traders of Poompuhar were known seen in the present Poompuhar town.
for their honesty and integrity. They sold

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Madurai has been one of the oldest cities in
India. Its antiquity can be understood from
the sobriquet “Sangam Valartha Nagaram”
it has earned.
Pandyas, the Cholas and later the
Kalabras ruled Madurai in the ancient
period. During medieval times, later
Cholas and later Pandyas followed by
the Nayaks ruled this historic town. This
has resulted in cultural blending. Trade last Sangam. Ahil, fragrant wood, was
flourished and evidence for this has been brought from Port Thondi to Madurai.
unearthed in archaeological excavation King Solomon of ancient Israel imported
done in Keezhadi near Madurai. pearls from Uvari near the Pandyan port,
Madurai is proudly associated with Korkai.
tamil sangam (academies), which worked A mint of Roman coins was present
for the promotion of Tamil language. at Madurai. The coins of other countries
Forty-nine poets were associated with the were also minted at Madurai, which is a
proof for the glory of Madurai.
Thoonga Nagaram
The fame of Madurai is attested by
the accounts of the Greek historian
Megasthanese. Chanakya, Chandragupta’s
minister, makes a mention of Madurai in
his book, Arthasastra.
In the moat around the town, tunnels
had been constructed in such a way that
even elephants could comfortably enter.
Madurai had Naalangadi and
Allangadi. Kanchi
Naalangadi – Day Market. A place of learning is called school. Several
Allangadi – Evening Market. schools were established in great numbers
Madurai is known as Thoonga for the first time in Kancheepuram. Jains
Nagaram (the city that never studied in Jainapalli, and Buddhists
sleeps). Madurai was a safe studied in Viharas.
place where women purchased The greatness of Kanchi as an
things from Allangadi without educational centre can be understood
any fear. from the fact that the Chinese traveller
Hieun Tsang who studied at Nalanda


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Hieun Tsang

University visited Kanchi of those times. Hundreds of lakes were

‘Kadigai’ to pursue his created for storing water around the
further studies. town of Kanchi. These lakes were well
Poet Kalidasa says, connected with canals. During the later
“Kanchi is the best of the period, Kanchi came to be known as the
towns”. Tamil poet saint Thirunavukarasar district of lakes. Water management skills
praises Kanchi as “Kalviyil Karaiillatha of the ancient Tamils can be understood
Kanchi”. from the construction of Kallanai in the
Chola country and the lakes and canals in
Hieun Tsang remarked that Kanchi
can be counted as one among the
Apart from Poompuhar, Madurai
seven sacred places like Budh Gaya
and Kanchi, there were other towns
and Sanchi. Kanchi is the oldest
too in ancient Tamilagam. Korkai,
town in Thondai Nadu. Scholars like
Vanchi, Thondi, Uraiyur, Musiri, Karuvur,
Dharmabalar, Jothibalar, Sumathi and
Mamallapuram, Thanjai, Thagadoor and
Bodhi Dharmar were born in Kanchi.
Kaayal are some of them. By conducting
Kanchi is also known as the temple town.
archaeological research, more information
The famous temple of great architectural
can be gathered about these places.
beauty, Kailasanathar temple, was built
Thank you students. With this, we
by later Pallava king Rajasimha at Kanchi.
shall complete this lesson now.
During the Pallava period, a large number
of cave temples were built. The Buddhist
monk Manimegalai spent the last part of
her life at Kanchi speaks highly of that Poompuhar was a port.
town. Madurai was a trading town.
Water management played an Kanchi was an educational centre.
important role in the agrarian society


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Tamil sayings represent the uniqueness of each ancient Tamil kingdom

Chola Nadu - sorudaithu (rice in abundance).

Pandya Nadu - muthudaithu (pearls in abundance).
Chera Nadu - vezhamudaithu (elephants in abundance).
Thondai Nadu - Saandrorudaithu (scholars in abundance)

Chera Nadu - Comprised Malayalam-speaking regions and Tamil districts of

Coimbatore, Nilgiris, Karur, Kanniyakumari and Some parts of present Kerala.
Chola Nadu - Present-day Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Nagai, Trichy and Pudukkottai
Pandya Nadu - Erstwhile composite Madurai, Ramanathapuram, Sivagangai,
Thuthukkudi and Tirunelveli districts
Thondai Nadu - Present-day Kancheepuram, Dharmapuri, Tiruvallur, Tiruvannamalai,
Vellore and northern parts of Villupuram districts.

))Madurai, Kanchi and Poompuhar are • Foreigner - a person who
famous towns in ancient Tamilagam. comes from
))We know about the life of the another country
people of Poompuhar by reading • Blending - the mixings
Silappathikaram and Pattinappaalai.
• Integrity - the quality of being
))Madurai is associated with three
• Legitimate - reasonable prices
))Kanchi was an educational centre.
Many great scholars were associated
• Antiquity - a long time ago
with it.

))Kanchi known as a city of temples, was • Sobriquet - nick name

also known for water management.
• Mint - A place where
coins are made
• Moat - a deep and wide
trench filled with
water surrounding
• Maritime - trade by sea
a palace


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Exercises 6. Which city is related to Keezhadi
I. Choose the correct
a. Madurai
b. Kancheepuram
1. Which of the following
c. Poompuhar
region has a city more
d. Harappa
than 6500 years old?
a. Iraq II. Tick the appropriate a
­ nswer.
Match the Statement with the
b. Indus Valley
c. Tamilagam
1. Statement: Goods were imported and
d. Thondaimandalam
exported from the city Poompuhar.
2. Which one of the following is a
Reason: Bay of Bengal was suitable for
Tamil city?
trading with neighbouring countries.
a. Iraq a. S tatement is correct, but reason is
b. Harappa wrong.
c. Mohenjo-Daro b. Statement and its reason are
d. Kancheepuram
c. Statement is wrong, but reason is
3. Which city is not related to the correct.
Bay of Bengal?
d. Both are wrong.
a. Poompuhar 2. a. Thirunavukkarasar said “kalviyil
b. Madurai karaiillatha”. This statement refers
c. Korkai to the city Kancheepuram.
d. Kancheepuram b. H
 ieun Tsang said, “Kancheepuram
is one among the seven-sacred
4. Water management system of Tamils
places of India”.
are known from
c. K
alidasa said, “Kancheepuram is
a. Kallanai
the best city among the cities”
b. Tanks in Kancheepuram
   a. only a is correct
c. Prakirama Pandyan Tank b. only b is correct
d. River Cauvery    c. only c is correct
 . is correct  b. is correct
a d. All are correct
c. is correct  d. a and b are correct 3. Find out the correct statement
5. Which is not the oldest city among the a. Naalangadi - Night shop
following ones? b. Allangdi - Day-time shop
a. Madurai c. 
Ancient Roman coin factory was
found at Poompuhar.
b. Kancheepuram
Pearls were exported from Uvari
c. Poompuhar
near Korkai.
d. Chennai


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4. Find out the wrong statement. V. Answer in one word:
a. M
 egasthanese has mentioned 1. What do you know about the term
Madurai in his account. ‘export’?
b. H
 ien Tsang came to the Tamil city 2. Mention the epic and the sangam
of Kancheepuram. poem you read in this lesson.
c. K
ovalan and Kannagi lived in 3. Which is the oldest city in
Kancheepuram. Thondai Nadu?
d. Iraq is mentioned in Pattinapalai. 4. Point out any one difference between
5. Find out the correct pair a village and a city.
5. Which civilisation is associated with
a. Koodal Nagar - Poompuhar
the city Lothal?
b. Thoonga Nagaram - Harappa
6. Name the oldest civilization of the
c. City of Education - Madurai
d. City of Temples -Kancheepuram
VI. Answer the following:
6. Find out the wrong pair
1. Write a brief note on ancient cities of
a. Vadamalai - Gold India.
b. Western Ghats - Sandal 2. Mention the ancient cities of
c. Southern Sea - Pearls Tamil Nadu.
d. Eastern Sea - Ahil 3. Discuss the sources available to know
about Tamil cities.
III. Fill in the blanks: 4. Write about the kings who ruled
1. Kanchi Kailasanathar temple was built Madurai.
by  . 5. Mention the other names of Madurai.

2.            is known as 6. What is the difference between

Naalangadi and Allangadi.
the city of temples.
7. Name the scholars who were born at
3. Masathuvan means  . Kancheepuram.
IV. State True or False: 8. Which is known as city of lakes? Why?

1. Cultural relationship with the outside VII. HOTS:

world developed in Poompuhar 1. Write a short note on Iraq.
because of its trade relationship 2. Write a paragraph about the city
with it. Poompuhar with special reference to
2. Women also purchased from Allangadi
3. Write about the accounts given by
of Madurai without fear.
scholars about Kanchi.
3. Many rock cut temples were made 4. Temple city. Give short notes.
during the Pallava period.
5. Kancheepuram was famous for
4. Bodhi Dharmar belonged to education. Prove this statement.


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VIII. Student Activity:
1. Make an album about Keezhadi 4. Prepare a booklet describing the
excavations. famous lakes of Tamil Nadu.
2. Poompuhar was famous for trading 5. Make a booklet about the famous
activities. Discuss. cities of Tamil Nadu.
3. Collect the pictures of Pallava temple 6. Go to library and find out the places of
architecture. importance in your district.

IX. Answer Grid:

Poompuhar was located Name the ancient city Name a Sangam literary
on which river bank? which had Tamil Sangam. work.
Ans: Ans: Ans:

Which Greek historian To which Tamil kingdom Name the Chinese

gave accounts about the did the southern districts traveller who stayed
Pandya kingdom? of Tamil Nadu belong to and studied in Nalanda
Ans: during the Sangam Age? University.
Ans: Ans:

Thirunavukarasar What is the name of Name the temple built by

mentioned Kanchi as evening market during Pallava king Rajasimha at
          . the Sangam Age? Kanchi.
Ans: Ans: Ans:

Which district is known as What is trade? Name a port located

the district of lakes? Ans: on the shore of Bay of
Ans: Bengal.

X. Life Skill
1. Make a handout that shows the importance of the place where you live.

XI. Map Work

Mark the following places in a South India map.

a. Chennai e. Arabian Sea

b. Madurai f. Bay of Bengal
c. Kancheepuram g. Indian Ocean
d. Poompuhar


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List of Authors and Reviewers

Domain Expert Authors

Dr. Manikumar KA Gomathi Manickam S
Professor (Rtd), Dept. of History, B.T. Asst., GHSS., Old Perungalathur, Chennai.
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli Dt.
Devarajan N
B.T. Asst., GHSS., Nanjanad, The Nilgirist & Dt.
Edwin R
Dr. Sundar G Head Master, Sri Mariamman HSS, Samayapuram, Trichy Dt.
Director, Raja Muthiah Research Library, Chennai.
Shajahan J
Dr. Selvakumar V PUMS, Katrampatti, Madurai Dt.
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Maritime History & Maritime Archeology, Sivagurunathan M
Tamil University, Tanjore Dt. B.T. Asst., GHSS.,, Kattur, Thiruvarur Dt..
Sankaran K R Appanasamy M
Associate Professor of History, Advisor, Text Book Society, TNTB & ESC,
A.V.C. College (Autonomous),Mannampandal Nungampakkam, Chennai.
Gunasekaran V (Kamalalayan) Senthilkumar P
B-210, Mahaveer Springs, 17th Cross of 18th Main Raod, B.T. Asst., GHSS.,, Thirukazhukundram, Kanchepuram Dt.
J.P.Nangar – 5th Stage, Bangalore.
Marylin Gracey,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, Madras Christian College,
Tambaram (E),Chennai.
Academic Co-ordinator
Anitha Ponmalar
Hemalatha V B.T. Asst., GHSS.,, Salem & Dt.
Deputy Director, SCERT, Chennai.
Rita B
Assistant Professor, NKT College of Education, Chennai
ICT Coordinator
Srinivasan B
Punitha S B.T. Asst., GHS.,, Krishnagiri & Dt.
B.T. Asst., GHSS, Pattukottai, Thanjavur Dt.

Image Courtesy
List of Institutions
Department of Archacology, Government of Tamilnadu.
Archacological Survey of India.
Government Musium, Chennai.
Government College of Fine arts, Chennai.
Tamil University, Thanjavur.
Tamil Virtual Academy, Chennai.

Art and Design Team

Chief Co-ordinator
and Creative Head

K.T. Gandhirajan, Chennai.
Tamil Virtual Academy.
Art Teachers, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Students, Government College of Fine Arts,
Chennai & Kumbakonam.
Ramesh Munisamy

In House QC
QC - Gopu Rasvel
- Karthik Kalaiarasu


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