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of religious freedom as a human right (personal and coll

tive); a· political doctrine with regard to the functions a
limits of government in matters religious; and the theologi
doctrine of the freedom of the Church as the fundameIJ
principle in what concerns the relations between the Chw
RELIGIOUS and the socio-political order.
It can hardly be maintained that the Declaration is a mJ
stone in human history-moral, political, or intellectual. 1

principle of religious freedom has long been recognized
constitutional law, to the point where even Marxist-Lenn
political ideology is obliged to pay lip-service to it. In
honesty it must be admitted that the Church is late in
knowledging the validity of th� principle.
In any event, the document is a significant event in
ON NOVEMBER 19, 1963, the first schema ( draft text) on history of the Church. It was, of course, the most controv
religious freedom was presented to the conciliar Fathers by sial document of the whole Council, largely because it rah
the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. In the course with sharp emphasis the issue that lay continually below
of two years, five corrected versions of the text appeared in surface of all the conciliar debates-the issue of the devel<
print, each being the work of many revisions within the ment of doctrine. The notion of development, not the noti
of religious freedom, was the real sticking-point for many
secretariat. Three public debates were held in the Aula, dur­ those who opposed the Declaration even to the end. 1
ing which some one hundred and twenty speeches were made. course of the development between the Syllabus of Em
Some six hundred written interventions were sent to the (1864) and Dignitatis Humanae Personae* (1965) still
secretariat, many of them signed by groups of bishops. More­ mains to be explained by theologians. But the Council f,
over, critiques of the successive schemas were made, .either mally sanctioned the validity of the development itself;
orally or in writing, by a considerable number of bishops and this was a doctrinal event of high importance for theologi;
theologians who were consulted by -the secretariat. Also con­ thought in many other areas.
sulted were a number of the observers at the Council. Before Moreover, taken in conjunction with the Pastoral Consti
the final vote was taken, more than two thousand modi ( sug­ tion on the Church in the Modem World, the Declarati
gested corrections) were considered (many of them, of course, opens a new era in the relations between the People of G
were identical). and the People Temporal. A long-standing ambiguity l
Thus, the greatest argument on religious freedom in all finally been cleared up. The Church does not deal with t
history happily broke forth in the Church. The debate was secular order in terms of a double standard-freedom J
full and free and vigorous, if at times confused and emo­ the Church when Catholics are a minority, privilege for t
tional. Out. of it came the sixth and final text, here presented, Church and intolerance for others when Catholics are a rr
The first text had appeared as Chapter V of the D ecree iority. The Declaration has opened the way toward new cc
on Ecumenism. The second text had appeared as a Deel�: fidence in ecumenical relationships, and a new straightf<
tion, but in an appendix to the Decree on Ecumenism. Wt \Vardness in relationships between the Church and the wor
the third text the Declaration assumed independent statuS· . Finally, though the Declaration deals only with the min
From the outs·et, its intention was pastoral, as was the gen­ 1Ssue of religious freedom in the technical secular sense,
eral intention of the Council in all its utterances. This, _bor
ever, does not mean that the Declaration contains s�P Y
practical advice. Its content is properly doctrinal. In partt�Ue­
'l'b.ese are the opening words, in Latin, of the Declaration on Religious F1
d?ni. The opening words of conciliar documents may be cited as titles (usm
lar, three doctrinal tenets are declared: the ethical doctrJll each word capitalized, according to the practice for papal encyclical
Ut the mor� �mmon .title. is. the one that heads the document ,.....Ed.

of religious freedom as a human right (personal an_d collec­

tive); a political doctrine with regard to the funct10ns �nd
limits of government in matters religious; and the theologtcal
doctrine of the freedom of the Church as the fundamental
principle in what concerns the relations between the Church
and the socio-political order. . . .
It can hardly be maintained that the Declarat10n ts a mile­
stone in human history-moral, political, or intellectu�l. �e

'EDOM principle of religious freedom has long been rec?gmze� _m

constitutional law, to the point where even Marxtst-Lemmst
political ideology is obliged to pay lip-service . to it. !,n all
honesty it must be admitted that the Church IS late m ac­
knowledging the validity of th� principle.
In any event, the document is a significant event in the
.1:BER 19, 1963, the first schema (draft text) on history of the Church. It was, of course, the most controver­
reedom was presented to the conciliar Fathers by sial document of the whole Council, largely because it raised
mat for Promoting Christian Unity. In the course with sharp emphasis the issue that lay continually below the
rrs, five corrected versions of the text appeared in surface of all the conciliar debates-the issue of the devel?P·
1 being the work of many revisions within the
ment of doctrine. The notion of development, not the notion
. Three public debates were held in the Aula, dur­ of religious freedom, was the real sticking-point for many of
some one hundred and twenty speeches were made. those who opposed the Declaration even to the end. The
hundred written interventions were sent to the course of the development between the Syllabus of Errors
, many of them signed by groups of bishops. More­ (1864) and Dignitatis Humanae Personae* (1965) s�ill re­
mains to be explained by theologians. But the C�uncil for­
ques of the successive schemas were made, . either mally sanctioned the validity of the development itself; �nd
n writing, by a considerable number of bishops and this was a doctrinal event of high importance for theological
s who were consulted by -the secretariat. Also con­ thought in many other areas.
·e a number of the observers at the Council. Before _ .
Moreover, taken in conjunction with the Pastoral Const�tu­
·ote was taken, more than two thousand modi ( sug­ tion on the Church in the Modem World, the Declaration
rections ) were considered (many of them, of course, opens a new era in the relations between the People of God
lical). and the People Temporal. A long-standing ambiguity has
he greatest argument on religious freedom in all finally been cleared up. The Church does not deal with the
Lppily broke forth in the Church. The debate was secular order in terms of a double standard-freedom for
free and vigorous, if at times confused and · emo- the Church when Catholics are a minority, privilege for the
1t of it came the sixth and final text, here presented. Church and intolerance for others when Catholics are a ma­
st text had appeared as Chapter V of the Decree jority. The Declaration has opened the way toward n�w con­
�nism. The second text had appeared as a Declara­ fidence in ecumenical relationships, and a new straightfor­
in an appendix to the Decree on Ecumenism. With wardness in relationships between the Church a?d the w�rld.
text the Declaration assumed independent status. Finally, though the Declaration deals only with the mm�r
; outs·et, its intention was pastoral, as was the gen­ _
issue of religious freedom in the technical secular sense, it
ttion of the Council in all its utterances. This, how­
:s not mean that the Declaration contains simply *These are the opening words, in Latin, of the Declaratio_n on R�ligious Free­
advice. Its content is properly doctrinal. In particu­ dom. The opening words of conciliar documents ma� be cited as titles (�sually
: doctrinal tenets are declared: the ethical doctrine with each word capitalized, according to the practice for papal encyclicals),
but the more. one
�mm.on .titl� is the that heads. � docuroeo1v"""Ed.
Declaration on
Religious Freedom
does affirm a principle of wider import-that the dignity of
man consists in his responsible use of freedom. Some of the
conciliar Fathers-not least those opposed to the Declara­
tion-perceived that a certain indivisibility attaches to the
notion of freedom. The word and the thing have wrought
wonders in the modem world; they have also wrought havoc.
The conciliar affirmation of the principle of freedom was
narrowly limited-in the text. But the text itself was flung ON THE RIGHT OF THE PERSON
into a pool whose shores are wide as the universal Church. AND OF COMMUNITIES
The ripples will run far.
Inevitably, a second great argument will be set afoot­ TO SOCIAL AND CIVIL FREEDOM
now on the theological meaning of Christian freedom. The
children of God, who receive this freedom as a gift from IN MATTERS RELIGIOUS
their Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit, assert it with­
in the Church as well as within the world, always for the
sake of the world and the Church. The issues are many-the
dignity of the Christian, the foundations of Christian free­
dom, its object or content, its limits and their criterion, the PAUL, BISHOP
measure of its responsible use, its relation to the legitimate
reaches of authority and to the saving counsels of prudence,
the perils that lurk in it, and the forms of corruption TOGETHER WITH THE FATHERS OF THE SACRED Co
to which it is prone. All these issues must be considered in a FoR EVERLASTING MEMORY
spirit of sober and informed reflection.
The issue of religious freedom was in itself minor. But
Pope Paul VI was looking deep and far when he called the
Declaration on Religious Freedom "one of the major texts
of the Council." 1. A sense of the dignity of the human person bas
JoHN COURTNEY MURRAY, SJ. pressing itself more and more deeply on the conscic
contemporary man. 1 And the demand is increasiI
that men should act on their own judgment, enj1
lllaking use of a responsible freedom, not driven b�
hut motivated by a sense of duty. The demand is
that constitutional limits should be set to the powe
ernment, in order that there may be no encroachmi
rightful freedom of the person and of associations.
This demand for freedom in human society chie
the quest for the values proper to the human sp
gards, in the first place, the free exercise of reliB

1. Cf. John XXlll, encyclical "Pacem in Te"is," Apr. 11, 1

(1963), p. 279; ibid., p. 265; Pius Xll, radio message, Dec. 2,
37 (1945), p. 14.
2. Vatican II has been characterized by a sense of history, an
the concrete world of fact, and a disposition to see in historica

tirm a principle of wider import-that the dignity of

Declaration on
insists in his responsible use of freedom. Some of the
r- Fathers-not least those opposed to the Declar a­
erceived that a certain indivisibility attaches to the
Religious Freedom
of freedom. The word and the thing have wrought
; in the modem world; they have also wrought havoc.
1ciliar affirmation of the principle of freedom was
y limited-in the text. But the text itself was flung ON THE RIGHT OF THE PERSON
1001 whose shores are wide as the universal Church.
>les will run far. AND OF COMMUNITIES
3.bly, a second great argument will be set afoot­ TO SOCIAL AND CIVIL FREEDOM
the theological meaning of Christian freedom. lbe
of God, who receive this freedom as a gift from JN MATTERS RELIGIOUS
her through Christ in the Holy Spirit, assert it with-
hurch as well as within the world, always for the
he world and the Church. The issues are many-the
f the Christian, the foundations of Christian free­
object or content, its limits and their criterion, the PAUL, BISHOP
of its responsible use, its relation to the legitimate
f authority and to the saving counsels of prudence, SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF Goo
; that lurk in it, and the forms of corruption TOGETHER WITH THE FATHERS OF THE SACRED COUNCIL
it is prone. All these issues must be considered in a
ober and informed reflection.
ue of religious freedom was in itself minor. But
VI was looking deep and far when he called the
n on Religious Freedom "one of the major texts
1ncil." 1. A sense of the dignity of the human person has been im­
JoHN COURTNEY MURRAY, S.J. pressing itself more and more deeply on the consciousness of
contemporary man. 1 And the demand is increasingly made
that men should act on their own judgment, enjoying and
making use of a responsible freedom, not driven by coercion
but motivated by a sense of duty. The demand is also made
that constitutional limits should be set to the powers of gov­
ernment, in order that there may be no encroachment on the
rightful freedom of the person and of associations.
This demand for freedom in human society chiefly regards
the quest for the values proper to the human spirit. It re­
gards, in the first place, the free exercise of religion in so­
ciety. 2
l. Cf. John XXJII, encyclical "Pacem in Te"is," Apr. 11, 1963: AAS s,
(1963), p. 279; ibid., p. 265,· Pius Xll, radio message, Dec. 24, 1944: AAS
37 (1945), p. 14.
2. Vatican II has been characterized by a sense of history, an awareness of
the concrete world of fact, and a disposition to see in historical facts certain
d the way in whi<
This Vatican Synod takes careful note of these desires in self has made known to mankin d in Christ an
to serve Him, and thus be
the minds of men. It proposes to declare them to be greatly true religion
in accord with truth and justice. To this end, it searches into blessedness. We believe that this oneto which the
the catholic and apostolic Chur g it abroad am01
the sacred tradition and doctrine of the Church-the treasury
out of which the Church continually brings forth new things committed the duty of spre�din "Go, therefore,
Thus He spoke to the apostles: them in the n1
that are in harmony with the things that are old. disciples of all nations, baptizing
First,3 this sacred Synod professes its belief that God him- Father, and of the Son, and of the Hold you" (Mt
y Spirit, te�
to observe all that I have comm ande
seek the trutl
"signs of the times." Hence the Declaration begins by noting two facts. The
first is the recent rise of man's personal consciousness, his sense of sell• On their part, all men are bound to rch, and to t
in what conc erns God and His Chu
hood. This increasing awareness of the dignity of the human person marks a fast to it
progress of civilization. It is the good which has come out of the great evil truth they come to know, and to hold its belie
of totalitarianism, which brutally refuses to acknowledge the reality of ed Syn od like wise prof esses
man's selfhood. The second fact is the related rise of man's political con· This sacr e obli gatio
scie nce that thes
sciousness, his aspiration to live as a free man under a limited governme nt upon the human con h cann ot impo
which puts no obstacles to his pursuit of truth and virtue, and, in particular, exert thei r bindin g forc e. The trut
leaves him unhindered in the free exercise of religion in society. (Happily, makes its e
the Declaration adopts the classical phrase which the Founding Fathers liko­ cept by virtue of its own truth, as it er. Religio
wise adopted when framing the First Amendment in 1791.) the min d at once quie tly and with pow
In thus acknowledging certain realities of contemporary life, the Declaration y to fulfi
also establishes direct continuity with two basic doctrinal themes of John in turn, which men demand as necessar y from
to do with imm unit
XXIII in the encyclical "Pacem in Terris": the dignity of the human person to wor ship God , has
and the consequent necessity of constitutional limits to the powers of uched tradi
government. The language of these opening sentences is, in fact, taken frolll
civil society. Therefore, it leaves unto and soci
olic doctrine on the moral duty of men
this great encyclical. rch of
3. The issue of religious freedom arises in the political and social order-in the true religion and toward the one Chu
the order of the relationship between the people and government and betwee n Over and above all this, in taki ng up the mattei
man and man. This is the order of human rights, and in it the principle of inten ds to deve lop
freedom is paramount. However, man's life is also lived in another order of freedom this sacr ed Synod
of the hi
reality-in the spiritual order of man's relationship to what is objectivelY
true and morally good. This is the order of duty and obligation. In it a
of recent Popes on the inviolable rights .4
man acts freely indeed, but under moral imperatives, which bind in con· and on the constitutional order of soci
science. No man may plead "rights" in the face of the truth or clailll
"freedom" from the moral law. The distinction between these two orders freedom. Neither the spirit of ch ecumenism nor the princi1
of reality would be admitted by all men of good sense. The underlying _in· fre edom requires that the Chur refrai n from stating pu
tention of these two paragraphs of the Declaration is to make this distinction believes herself to be. The demandsoppo of truth are no more1
clear, lest religious freedom be made a. pretext for moral anarchy. demands of freedom than they areis it so sed to the demands
However, the distinction is stated in Catholic terms. For the Catholic, the . other conciliar docu ment explicitly stated tl
4 In no olic doctrine. This is
"truth" is not a vague abstraction; it subsists in the Church, is taught b� of the Council is to "develop" Cath
the Church, is believed by the Church. Moreover, this truth about God an. it is an avowal that the tradition of the truth Church is a tradi
about His will for men is not the private possession of a party or s�ct; \t here is the
in understanding the truth. The basic who "feels "'
is to be taught to all men, and all nations are to be its disciples. It 1s no "citizen" as stated by Pius XII- the· man
to be thrust by force upon any man; in the order of man's relationshiP . t� consciousness of his own personality, of his duties, and of 1
truth, coercion has no place whatsoever. Consequently, as the Declarati� With a respect for the freedom of say,others" (Christmas Disco1
will later make clear, religious freedom is an exigence of religious trnth conception, as the Declaration will is deeply rooted both
conceived by the Church. tradition and in the tradition of In recent times, i
On the other hand, no man may say of the religious truth which sub�ists � (in "Rerum Novarum") who first bega n move it, as it were
the Church: "It is no concern of mine." Once given by Christ to HiS trU of Catholic social teaching. Pius XII man continued this devel1
Church, the true religion remains the one way in which all men are bound.: out the implications of the dignity of in terms of his c
serve God and save themselves. Consequently, religious freedom is no t a 11ve ht forwar d the corre lative truth , that the
Ile also broug ct, vindicate, ar
to exemption from the obligation to "observe all things whatsoever I htee of government is to acknowledge, prote
enjoined upon you." In fine, a harmony exists between man's duty_ �f in exercise of the rights of man. Both of these truths were ta
obedience to the truth and his right to the free exercise of reli�0�_;.,h in which they are
XXIII, chiefly in "Pacem in Terris,"
society. The duty does not diminish the right, nor does the right CIJJJllw-' &ystematic form of statement. to religious freedc
�� - � However, in regard to the right of man s. What precisely de
This frank profession of Catholic faith, at the outset of the Decl�at10n t In Terris" is unclear and even ambiguou
Religious Freedom, is in no sense at variance with the ecumenical ��jOfiUS, do m mean? Does it find place among the inalie
oab1e right:
any more than it is at variance with full loyalty to the principle of religl

itican Synod takes careful note of these desires in. self has made known to mankind the way in which men are
of men. It proposes to declare them to be greatly to serve Him, and thus be saved in Christ and come to
blessedness. We believe that this one true religion subsists in
with truth and justice. To this end, it searches into the catholic and apostolic Church, to which the Lord Jesus
tradition and doctrine of the Church-the treasury committed the duty of spre�ding it abroad among all men .
.ch the Church continually brings forth new things Thus He spoke to the apostles: "Go, therefore, _and make
t harmony with the things that are old.
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
his sacred Synod professes its belief that God hun... Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
to observe all that I have commanded you" (Mt. 28:19-20).
times." Hence the Declaration begins by noting two facts. The On their part, all men are bound to seek the truth, especially
·ecent rise of man's personal consciousness, his sense of self.
tcreasing awareness of the dignity of the human person marks a in what concerns God and His Church, and to embrace the
ivilization. It is the good which has come out of the great eVi} truth they come to know, and to hold fast to it.
nism, which brutally refuses to acknowledge the reality of
>d. The second fact is the related rise of man's political con.
This sacred Synod likewise professes its belief that it is
.s aspiration to live as a free man under a limited government upon the human conscience that these obli_gations _fall and
J obstacles to his pursuit of truth and virtue, and, in particuiar exert their binding force. The truth cannot nnpose itself ex­
nhindered in the free exercise of religion in society. (Happily'
on adopts the classical phrase which the Founding Fathers likC: cept by virtue of its own truth, as it makes its entrance into
when framing the First Amendment in 1791.) the mind at once quietly and with power. Religious freedom,
nowledging certain realities of contemporary life, the Declaration
.es direct continuity with two basic doctrinal themes of J ohn
in turn which men demand as necessary to fulfill their duty
encyclical "Pacem in Terris": the dignity of the human person to wor�hip God, has to do with immunity from coercion in
sequent necessity of constitutional limits to the powers of civil society. Therefore, it leaves untouched traditional Cath­
Ibe language of these opening sentences is, in fact, taken from
:yclical. olic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward
of religious freedom arises in the political and social order-in the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ.
:he relationship between the people and government and betwe en
11. This is the order of human rights, and in it the principle of
Over and above all this, in taking up the matter of religious
rramount. However, man's life is also lived in another order of freedom this sacred Synod intends to develop the doctrine
,e spiritual order of man's relationship to what is objectively of recent Popes on the inviolable rights of the human person
rally good. This is the order of duty and obligation. In it a
ely indeed, but under moral imperatives, which bind in con­ and on the constitutional order of society.4
man may plead "rights" in the face of the truth or claim
om the moral law. The distinction between these two orders freedom. Neither the spirit of ecumenism nor the principle of religious
uld be admitted by all men of good sense. The underlying in­ freedom requires that the Church refrain from stating publicly what she
,se two paragraphs of the Declaration is to make this distinction believes herself to be. The demands of truth are no more opposed to the
igious freedom be made a pretext for moral anarchy. demands of freedom than they are opposed to the demands of love
ile distinction is stated in Catholic terms. For the Catholic, the _.
4. In no other conciliar document is it so explicitly stated that the mtention
t a vague abstraction; it subsists in the Church, is taught by of the Council is to "develop" Catholic doctrine. This is significant, since
s believed by the Church. Moreover, this truth about God and it is an avowal that the tradition of the Church is a tradition of progress
11 for men is not the private possession of a party or sect; it in understanding the truth. The basic truth here is the concept of the
ht to all men, and all nations are to be its disciples. It is not "citizen" as stated by Pius XII-the man who "feels w�tlri� him�� a
by force upon any man; in the order of man's relationship to consciousness of his own personality, of his duties, and of his nghts, Jomed
,n has no place whatsoever. Consequently, as the Declaration with a respect for the freedom of others" (Christmas Disco�se, 1945) .. T�s
ke clear, religious freedom is an exigence of religious truth as conception, as the Declaration will say, is deeply rooted bo� m the Christian
the Church. _
tradition and in the tradition of reason. In recent tlllles, 1t was Leo XIII
�r hand, no man may say of the religious truth which subsists in (in "Rerum Novarum") who first began to move it, as it were, to the forefr�mt
"It is no concern of mine." Once given by Christ to His true of Catholic social teaching. Pius XII continued this development, drawmg
rue religion remains the one way in which all men are bound to out the implications of the dignity of man in terms of his du!ies and ri�ts.
d save themselves. Consequently, religious freedom is not a title He brought forward the correlative truth, that the pnmary function
from the obligation to "observe all things whatsoever I have of government is to acknowledge, protect, vindicate, and facilitate the
1 you." In fine, a harmony exists between man's duty of free exercise of the rights of man. Both of these truths were taken up by John
the truth and his right to the free exercise of religion in XXIII, chiefly in "Pacem in Terris," in which they are given an almost
duty does not diminish the right, nor does the right diminish systematic form of statement.
However, in regard to the right of man to religio� freedom, ev�� "Pacem
profession of Catholic faith, at the outset of the Declaration on in Terris" is unclear and even ambiguous. What precisely does rebgious free­
edom, is in no sense at variance with the ecumenical spirit, dom mean? Does it find place among the iualieuable rights of man? These
n it is at variance with full loyalty to the principle of religious

are to be immune from coercion on the part

CHAPTER I or of social groups and of any human poweli
that in matters religious no one is to be fore
manner contrary to his own beliefs. Nor is ao
strained from acting in accordance with hl
whether privately or publicly, whether alone 01
GENERAL PRINCIPLE with others, within due limits.
OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM The Synod further declares that the right to
dom has its foundation in the very dignity
person, as this dignity is known through the
2. This Vatican Synod declares that the human person has a of God and by reason itself. 6 This right of t
right to religious freedom.6 This freedom means that all men son to religious freedom is to be recognized i
tional law whereby society is governed. Thus
are the questions to which, for the first time, the Church gives an unmis­ a civil right.
takably clear and entirely unambiguous answer. The Council brings fo th It is in accordance with their dignity as pt
out of the treasury of truth a doctrine that is at once new and also rin
harmony with traditional teaching. beings endowed with reason and free will and
,. The doctrinal substance of the Declaration is stated in this paragraph, ileged to bear personal responsibility-that all
which defines what religious freedom is and affirms its status as a human­
and therefore civil-right. A right is a moral claim made on others that at once impelled by nature and also bound 1
they either give me something or do something for me or refrain from doing ligation to seek the truth, especially religious
something. Two questions always arise. First, what is the moral claim· I make
on others, or in other words, what is the object or content of my right? also bound to adhere to the truth, once it is
Second, on what grounds do I make this moral claim, or in other words, order their whole lives in accord with the de1
what is the foundation of my right? However, men cannot discharge these o·
The Declaration first defines religious freedom in terms of its object or
content. The moral claim that every man makes on others-on individuals, manner in keeping with their own nature U]]
groups, political or social powers-is that they refrain from bringing coercion immunity from external coercion as well a
to bear on him in all matters religious. This claim is twofold. First, no man
is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his personal beliefs; secon�, freedom. Therefore, the right to religious f
no man is to be forcibly restrained from acting in accordance with � foundation, not in the subjective disposition
beliefs. The affirmation of this latter immunity is the new thing, which 1S
in harmony with the older affirmation of the former immunity. but in his very nature. In consequence, the r
It is to be noted that the word "conscience," found in the Latin tex t. munity continues to exist even in those who
is used in its generic sense, sanctioned by usage, of "beliefs," "convictions,�•
"persuasions." Hence the unbeliever or atheist makes with equal right th1S to their obligation of seeking the truth and
claim to immunity from coercion in religious matters. It is further to be
noted that, in assigning a negative content to the right to religious freedom him. or compel him to make this decision or that, or
(that is, in making it formally a "freedom from" and not a "freedom for"), Putting his decisions into practice, privately or publicly,
the Declaration is in harmony with the sense of the First Amendmen t to Pany with others. In all these cases, the dignity of man ;
the American Constitution. In guaranteeing the free exercise of religion, t because of the denial to him of that inalienable respon
First Amendment guarantees to the American citizen immunity from. � decisions and actions which is the essential counterpart
coercion in matters religious. Neither the Declaration nor the American It is worth noting that the Declaration does not ba
Constitution affirms that a man has a right to believe what is false or free exercise of religion on "freedom of conscience."
do what is wrong. This would be moral nonsense. Neither error nor e� Phrase occur. And the Declaration nowhere lends its aut
can be the object of a right, only what is true and good. It is, however for which the phrase frequently stands, namely, that I t
true and good that a man should enjoy freedom from coercion in matter ; What my conscience tells me to do, simply because my
religious. to do it. This is a perilous theory. Its particular peril
This brings up the second question, concerning the foundation of the llotion that, in the end, it is my conscience, and not
right. The reason why every man may claim immunity from coercion ill Which determines what is right or wrong, true or false.
matters religious is precisely his inalienable dignity as a human per�0 6. Cf. John XXIII, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr.'
Surely, in matters religious, if anywhere, the free human person is re�u� (1963), pp. 260-261; Pius XII, radio message, Dec. 24, 1!
and entitled to act on his own judgment and to assume personal respons1��\; P. 19; Pius XI, encyclical "Mit Brennender Sorge," Mai
for his action or omission. A man's religious decisions, or his decis � �1937), p. 160; Leo XIII, encyclical "Libertas Praestan
against religion, are inescapably his own. No one else can make thelll � r 888: Acts of Leo XIII 8 (1888), pp. 237-238.

are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals

CHAPTER. I or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise
that in matters religious no one is to be forced to act in a
Jllanner contrary to his own beliefs. Nor is anyone to be re­
strained from acting in accordance with his own beliefs,
whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association
!RAL PRINCIPLE with others, within due limits.
ELIGIOUS FREEDOM The Synod further declares that the right to religious free­
dom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human
person, as this dignity is known through the revealed Word
Vatican Synod declares that the human person has a of God and by reason itself.6 This right of the human per­
religious freedom.5 This freedom means that all men son to religious freedom is to be recognized in the constitu­
tional law whereby society is governed. Thus it is to become
uestions to which, for the first time, the Church gives an UIUnis­ a civil right.
lear and entirely unambiguous answer. The Council brings fo rth It is in accordance with their dignity as persons-that is,
e treasury of truth a doctrine that is at once new and also in
with traditional teaching.
beings endowed with reason and free will and therefore priv­
Jctrinal substance of the Declaration is stated in this paragraph, ileged to bear personal responsibility-that all men should be
ines what religious freedom is and affirms its status as a human­ at once impelled by nature and also bound by a moral ob­
fore civil-right. A right is a moral claim made on others that
r give me something or do something for me or refrain from doing ligation to seek the truth, especially religious truth. They are
. Two questions always arise. First, what is the moral claim I make also bound to adhere to the truth, once it is known, and to
or in other words, what is the object or content of my right?
n what grounds do I make this moral claim, or in other words, order their whole lives in accord with the demands of truth.
1e foundation of my right? However, men cannot discharge these obligations in a
daration first defines religious freedom in terms of its object or
be moral claim that every man makes on others-on individuals, manner in keeping with their own nature unless they enjoy
Jlitical or social powers-is that they refrain from bringing coercion immunity from external coercion as well as psychological
1 him in all matters religious. This claim is twofold. First, no man
'orced to act in a manner contrary to his personal beliefs; second,
freedom. Therefore, the right to religious freedom has its
is to be forcibly restrained from acting in accordance with his foundation, not in the subjective disposition of the person,
b.e affirmation of this latter immunity is the new thing, which is
1y with the older affirmation of the former immunity.
but in his very nature. In consequence, the right to this im­
l be noted that the word "conscience," found in the Latin text, munity continues to exist even in those who do not live up
its generic sense, sanctioned by usage, of "beliefs," "convictions," to their obligation of seeking the truth and adhering to it.
ins." Hence the unbeliever or atheist makes with equal right this
immunity from coercion in religious matters. It is further to be
t, in assigning a negative content to· the right to religious freedom him, or compel him to make this decision or that, or restrain. him from
n making it formally a "freedom from" and not a "freedom for"), putting his decisions into practice, privately or publicly, alope or in com­
1ration is in harmony with the sense of the First Amendment to pany with others. In all these cases, the dignity of man would be diminished
lean Constitution. In guaranteeing the free exercise of religion, the because of the denial to him of that inalienable responsibility for his own
.endment guarantees to the American citizen immunity from all decisions and actions which is the essential counterpart of his freedom.
in matters religious. Neither the Declaration nor the American It is worth noting that the Declaration does not base the right to the
on affirms that a man has a right to believe what is false or to free exercise of religion on "freedom of conscience." Nowhere does this
is wrong. This would be moral nonsense. Neither error nor evil phrase occur. And the Declaration nowhere lends its authority to the theory
1e object of a right, only what is true and good. It is, however, for which the phrase frequently stands, namely, that I have the right to do
good that a man should enjoy freedom from coercion in matters what my conscience tells me to do, simply because my conscience tells me
to do it. This is a perilous theory. Its particular peril is subjectivism-the
:ings up the second question, concerning the foundation of the notion that, in the end, it is my conscience, and not the objective truth,
, reason why every man may claim immunity from coercion in which determines what is right or wrong, true or false.
eligious is precisely his inalienable dignity as a human person. 6. Cf. John XXIII, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr. 11, 1963: AAS 55
t matters religious, if anywhere, the free human person is required (1963), pp. 260-261; Pius Xll, radio message, Dec. 24, 1942: AAS 35 (1943),
ed to act on his own judgment and to assume personal responsibility p. 19; Pius XI, encyclical "Mit Brennender Sorge," Mar. 14, 1937: AAS 29
1ction or omission. A man's religious decisions, or his decision (1937), p. 160; Leo XIII, encyclical "Libertas Praestantissimum," lune 20,
:ligion, are inescapably his own. No one else can make them for 1888: Acts of Leo XIII 8 (1888), pp. 237-238.

Nor is the exercise of this right to be impeded, provided that or instruction, communication, and dialogue. In the
the just requirements of public order are observed.7 of these, men explain to one another the truth they h
covered, or think they have discovered, in order thus
3. Further light is shed on the subject if one considers that one another in the quest for truth. Moreover, as the
the highest norm of human life is the divine law-eternal, discovered, it is by a personal assent that men are tc
objective, and universal-whereby God orders, directs, and to it.
governs the entire universe and all the ways of the human On his part, man perceives and acknowledges the
community, by a plan conceived in wisdom and love. Man tives of the divine law through the mediation of co!
has been made by God to participate in this law, with the In all his activity a man is bound to follow his cc
result that, under the gentle disposition of divine Providence, faithfully, in order that he may come to God, for ,
he can come to perceive ever increasingly the unchanging was created. It follows that he is not to be forced to
truth. Hence every man has the duty, and therefore the right, manner contrary to his conscience. Nor, on the otl
to seek the truth in matters religious, in order that he may is he to be restrained from acting in accordance
with prudence form for himself right and true judgments of conscience, especially in matters religious.
conscience, with the use of all suitable means. For, of its very nature, the exercise of religi01
Truth, however, is to be sought after in a manner proper before all else in those internal, voluntary, and
to the dignity of the human person and his social nature. whereby man sets the course of his life directly to�
The inquiry is to be free, carried on with the aid of teaching No merely human power can either command o;
acts of this kind.8
7. It was necessary for the Council to present an argument for the principle
of religious freedom, lest anyone should mistakenly think that the Church However, the social nature of man itself requu;
was accepting religious freedom merely on pragmatic grounds or as a con­ should give external expression to his internal ac
cession to contemporary circumstances. However, it was not the intention
of the Council to affirm that the argument, as made in the text, is final
gion; that he should participate with others in m
and decisive. Complete and systematic study of the arguments for religiou s gious; that he should profess his religion in commu
freedom is a task left to the scholars of the Church, working in ecumenical therefore, is done to the human person and to the
spirit with scholars of other religious Communities, and in humanist spirit
with scholars of no religious convictions who are concerned with the exigen­ established by God for human life, if the free
cies of human dignity. The Council merely presents certain lines or elements religion is denied in society when the just requi
of argument. It will be sufficient here to indicate the structure.
First, in this paragraph, the objective foundation of the right to religious public order do not so require.
freedom is presented in terms that should be intelligible and acceptable to There is a further consideration. The religious
all men, including non-believers. The simple essence of the matter is that man. by men, in private and in public and out of a se
being intelligent and free, is to be a responsible agent. Inherent in his ve�
nature, therefore, is an exigency for freedom from coercion, especially � sonal conviction, direct their lives to God transce
matters religious. Therefore, in the following three paragraphs, an argumen Very nature the order of terrestrial and temporal i:
is suggested that will appeal to those who believe in God, in objective ord�r
of truth and morality, and in the obligation to seek the truth, form one 8
ernment, therefore, ought indeed to take account
conscience, and obey its dictates. To the man who so believes, it will be gious life of the people and show it favor, since 1
evident that no one is to be forced or constrained to act against his own of government is to make provision for the comn
conscience (here conscience has its technical meaning).

Two further arguments are advanced to show that a man may notan�
e llowever, it would clearly transgress the limit:
restrained from acting according to his conscience. First, by reason of m .
social nature, inner acts of religion require external expression; hence
Power were it to presume to direct or inhibit l:
external expression enjoys the same immunity from coercion as the inner � religious.
themselves. Second, there is the "further consideration" that no ri811:t restd
in government to command or inhibit acts of religion, which by theu natuf
lie beyond the reach of government. 4. The freedom or immunity from coercion in
American theorists are generally disposed to relate religious freedODl toan, gious which is the endowment of persons as i
general theory of constitutional government, limited by the right s of Dl ss . also to be recognized as their right when they
and to the concept of civic equality. The Declaration, however, l�ys 1
stress on this political argument than it does on the ethical found ations
the right itself. In any event, the elements of the political argument ar 8. Cf. John XXIII, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr. 11.
eni (1963), p. 270; Paul VI, radio message, Dec. 22, 1964: AA
stated in later Articles (6 and 7). And one is free to construct the axguDl
ill the form which may seem more convincing. 181-182.

Nor is the exercise of this right to be impeded, provided that or instruction, communication, and dialogue. In the course
the just requirements of public order are observed.7 of these, men explain to one another the truth they have dis­
covered, or think they have discovered, in order thus to assist
3. Further light is shed on the subject if one considers that one another in the quest for truth. Moreover, as the truth is
the highest norm of human life is the divine law-eternal discovered, it is by a personal assent that men are to adhere
;:,bjective, and universal-whereby God orders, directs, an.ct to it.
governs the entire universe and all the ways of the human On his part, man perceives and acknowledges the impera­
�ommunity, by a plan conceived in wisdom and love. Man tives of the divine law through the mediation of conscience. been made by God to participate in this law, with the Jo all his activity a man is bound to follow his conscience
result that, under the gentle disposition of divine Providence, faithfully, in order that he may come to God, for whom he
1e can come to perceive ever increasingly the unchanging was created. It follows that he is not to be forced to act in a
truth. Hence every man has the duty, and therefore the right Jllanner contrary to his conscience. Nor, on the other hand,
:o seek the truth in matters religious, in order that he may is he to be restrained from acting in accordance with his
with prudence form for himself right and true judgments of conscience, especially in matters religious.
:onscience, with the use of all suitable means. For, of its very nature, the exercise of religion consists
Truth, however, is to be sought after in a manner proper before all else in those internal, voluntary, and free acts
:o the dignity of the human person and his social nature. whereby man sets the course of his life directly toward God.
l'he inquiry is to be free, carried on with the aid of teaching No merely human power can either command or prohibit
7. It was necessary for the Council to present an argument for the Principle
acts of this kind. 8
>f religious freedom, lest anyone should mistakenly think that the Church However, the social nature of man itself requires that he
ivas accepting religious freedom merely on pragmatic grounds or as a con. should give external expression to his internal acts of reli­
:ession to contemporary circumstances. However, it was not the intention
>f the Council to affirm that the argument, as made in the text, is final gion; that he should participate with others in matters reli­
md decisive. Complete and systematic study of the arguments for religiou s gious; that he should profess his religion in community. Injury,
:reedom is a task left to the scholars of the Church, working in ecumenical
,pirit with scholars of other religious Communities, and in humanist spirit
therefore, is done to the human person and to the very order scholars of no religious convictions who are concerned with the exigen­ established by God for human life, if the free exercise of
:ies of human dignity. The Council merely presents certain lines or elements religion is denied in society when the just requirements of
1f argument. It will be sufficient here to indicate the structure.
First, in this paragraph, the objective foundation of the right to religious public order do not so require.
'reedom is presented in terms that should be intelligible and acceptable to There is a further consideration. The religious acts where­
tll men, including non-believers. The simple essence of the matter is that man,
1eing intelligent and free, is to be a responsible agent. Inherent in his very
by men, in private and in public and out of a sense of per­
1ature, therefore, is an exigency for freedom from coercion, especially in sonal conviction, direct their lives to God transcend by their
natters religious. Therefore, in the following three paragraphs, an argument
s suggested that will appeal to those who believe in God, in objective order
very nature the order of terrestrial and temporal affairs. Gov­
1f truth and morality, and in the obligation to seek the truth, form one's ernment, therefore, ought indeed to take account of the reli­
onscience, and obey its dictates. To the man who so believes, it will be gious life of the people and show it favor, since the function
:vident that no one is to be forced or constrained to act against his own
onscience (here conscience has its technical meaning). of government is to make provision for the common welfare.
Two further arguments are advanced to show that a man may not be However, it would clearly transgress the limits set to its
estrained from acting according to his conscience. First, by reason of man's
ocial nature, inner acts of religion require external expression; hence their
power were it to presume to direct or inhibit acts that are
iXternal expression enjoys the same immunity from coercion as the inner acts religious.
hemselves. Second, there is the "further consideration" that no right resides
n government to command or inhibit acts of religion, which by their nature
ie beyond the reach of government. 4. The freedom or immunity from coercion in matters reli­
American theorists are generally disposed to relate religious freedom to a gious which is the endowment of persons as individuals is
ieneral theory of constitutional government, limited by the rights of man,
nd to the concept of civic equality. The Declaration, however, lays less
also to be recognized as their right when they act in com-
tress on this political argument than it does on the ethical foundations of
he right itself. In any event, the elements of the political argument are s. Cf. John XXlll, encyclical "Pacem in Te"is," Apr. 11, 1963: AAS 55
t, ated in later Articles (6 and 7). And one is free to construct the argument (1963), p. 270; Paul VI, radio message, Dec. 22, 1964: AAS 57 (1965), pp.
11 the form which may seem more convincing. 181-182.

munity. Religious bodies are a requirement of the social na­ In addition, it comes within the meaning of religiow
ture both of man and of religion itself.9 dom that religious bodies should not be prohibited fron
Provided the just requirements of public order are ob­ ly undertaking to show the special value of their doctt
served, religious bodies rightfully claim freedom in order what concerns the organization of society and the insp:
that they may govern themselves according to their own of the whole of human activity.11 Finally, the social
norms, honor the Supreme Being in public worship, assist of man and the very nature of religion afford the founda1
their members in the practice of the religious life, strengthen the right of men freely to hold meetings and to es
them by instruction, and promote institutions in which they educational, cultural, charitable, and social organizatioll
may join together for the purpose of ordering their own lives der the impulse of their own religious sense.
in accordance with their religious principles ..
Religious bodies also have the right not to be hindered, 5. Since the family12 is a society in its own original ri
either by legal measures or by administrative action on the has the right freely to live its own domestic religious li
part of government, in the selection, training, appointment, der the guidance of parents. Parents, moreover, ha�
and transferral of their own ministers, in communicating right to determine, in accordance with their own re
with religious authorities and communities abroad, in erect­ beliefs, the kind of religious education that their childr,
ing buildings for religious purposes, and in the acquisition to receive.
and use of suitable funds or properties. Government, in consequence, must acknowledge the
Religious bodies also have the right not to be hindered in of parents to make a genuinely free choice of schools f
their public teaching and witness to their faith, whether by other means of education. The use of this freedom of
the spoken or by the written word. However, in spreading is not to be made a reason for imposing unjust burde
religious faith and in introducing religious practices, every• parents, whether directly or indirectly. Besides, the rig
one ought at all times to refrain from any manner of action parents are violated if their children are forced to
which might seem to carry a hint of coercion or of a kind of lessons or instruction which are not in agreement with
persuasion that would be dishonorable or unworthy, especial· religious beliefs. The same is true if a single system of
ly when dealing with poor or uneducated people. Such a tion, from which all religious formation is excluded, .
manner of action would have to be considered an abuse of posed upon all.
one's own right and a violation of the right of others.10 6. The common welfare of society consists in the entir
those conditions of social life under which men enjc
9. The freedoms listed here are those which the Catholic Church claimS for
herself. The Declaration likewise claims them for all Churches and religioUS
possibility of achieving their own perfection in a certaiJ
Communities. Lest there be misunderstanding, however, it is necessarY !-° ness of measure and also with some relative ease. Hem
recall here the distinction between the content or object of the right and 1�
foundation. The content or object always remains freedom from coercion ;t Welfare consists chiefly in the protection of the rights,1
what concerns religious belief, worship, practice or observance, and pub _c
testimony. Hence the content of the right is the same both for the Ca��;!� of coercion or by a style of propaganda unworthy of the gospel. It is
Church and for . other religious bodies. In this sense, the Church cl......­ U se but the abuse of the right to religious freedom.
notbing for herself which she does not also claim for them. The matter � 11. Implicitly rejected here is the outmoded notion that "religion is i
different, however, with regard to the foundation of the right. The Cath� Private affair'' or that ''the Church belongs in the sacristy." Rel
0 relevant to the life and action of society. Therefore religious freedom :
Church claims freedom from coercive interference in her ministrY and
on grounds of the divine mandate laid upon her by Christ Him.Self ( . • the right to point out this social relevance of religious belief.
below, note 13). It is Catholic faith that no other Church or Comm'"tli� �2. The internal structure of family relationships and the general

°/ Jie
may claim to possess this mandate in all its fullness. In this sense, . �Y life vary widely throughout the world. Still greater variety
18 hibited in the organization of school systems, in their relation to the
freedom of the Church is unique, proper to herself alone, by reason
foundation. In the case of other religious Communities, the foundation
right is the dignity of the human person, which requires that men be
to society, and to government,
and in the religious and ideological
Or lack thereof, of their teaching.
In consequence, the Declaration
free from coercion, when they act in community, gathered into Churches, �ntine itself to a few principles of universal import, which would
well as when they act alone.
b doctrinal line-freedom from coercion. To descend to further detai
5 11·

10. It is customary to distinguish between "Christian witness" and ''pr0 re,
/ to enter the realm of policy, in which contingent circumstances

tism" and to condemn the latter. This distinction is made in the text etermmant role.
Proselytism is a corruption of � by appeal to bidden lJ. CJ. John XXIII, encyclical "Mater et Magistra," May 15, 196.

Religious bodies are a requirement of the social na.. In addition, it comes within the meaning f . .
b. of man and of religion itself.9 dom that religious bodies should not be proJbi::Jtr-°'18 free­
ied the just requirements of public order are ob.. ly undertaking to show the special value of their d 0� fre�
religious bodies rightfully claim freedom in order what concerns the organization of society and the�=�- m
:y may govern themselves according to their own of the whole of human activity.11 Finally, the social n:�:
honor the Supreme Being in public worship, assist of man and the very nature of religion afford the foundation of·
!mbers in the practice of the religious life, strengthen the right of men freely to hold meetings and to establish
r instruction, and promote institutions in which they educational, cultural, charitable, and social organizations, un­
1 together for the purpose of ordering their own lives der the impulse of their own religious sense.
rdance with their religious principles. _
.ous bodies also have the right not to be hindered S. Since the family12 is a society in its own original right, it
y legal measures or by administrative action on th� has the right freely to live its own domestic religious life un­
government, in the selection, training, appointment, der the guidance of parents. Parents, moreover, have the
nsferral of their own ministers, in communicating right to determine, in accordance with their own religious
ligious authorities and communities abroad, in erect­ beliefs, the kind of religious education that their children are
ldings for religious purposes, and in the acquisition to receive.
, of suitable funds or properties. Government, in consequence, must acknowledge the right
ious bodies also have the _right not to be hindered in of parents to make a genuinely free choice of schools and of
1blic teaching and witness to their faith, whether by other means of education. The use of this freedom of choice
ken or by the written word. However, in spreading is not to be made a reason for imposing unjust burdens on
s faith and in introducing religious practices, every. parents, whether directly or indirectly. Besides, the rights of
�ht at all times to refrain from any manner of action parents are violated if their children are forced to attend
night seem to carry a hint of coercion or of a kind of lessons or instruction which are not in agreement with their
ion that would be dishonorable or unworthy, especial­ religious beliefs. The same is true if a single system of educa­
n dealing with poor or uneducated people. Such a tion, from which all religious formation is excluded, is im­
· of action would have to be considered an abuse of posed upon all.
wn right and a violation of the right of others.10
6. The common welfare of society consists in the entirety of
those conditions of social life under which men enjoy the
reedoms listed here are those which the Catholic Church claims for
l'he Declaration likewise claims them for all Churches and religious
possibility of achieving their own perfection in a certain full­
ities. Lest there be misunderstanding, however, it is necessary to ness of measure and also with some relative ease. Hence this
re the distinction between the content or object of the right and its
>n. The content or object always remains freedom from coercion in
welfare consists chiefly in the protection of the rights,13 and
1cems religious belief, worship, practice or observance, and public
,. Hence the content of the right is the same both for the Catholic of coercion or by a style of propaganda unworthy of the gospel. It is not the
and for _ other religious bodies. In this sense, the Church claims use but the abuse of the right to religious freedom.
for herself which she does not also claim for them. The matter is 11. Implicitly rejected here is the outmoded notion that "religion is a purely
· however, with regard to the foundation of the right. The Catholic private affair" or that ''the Church belongs in the sacristy." Religion is
claims freedom from coercive interference in her ministry and life relevant to the life and action of society. Therefore religious freedom includes
nds of the divine mandate laid upon her by Christ Himself (cf. the right to point out this social relevance of religious belief.
10te 13). It is Catholic faith that no other Church or Community 12. The internal structure of family relationships and the general style of
im to possess this mandate in all its fullness. In this sense, tho family life vary widely throughout the world. Still greater variety is ex­
of the Church is unique, proper to herself alone, by reason of its hibited in the organization of school systems. in their relation to the family,
on. In the case of other religious Communities, the foundation of tho to society, and to government, and in the religious and ideological content,
the dignity of the human person, which requires that men be kept or lack thereof, of their teaching. In consequence, the Declaration had to
n coercion, when they act in community, gathered into Churches, as confine itself to a few principles of universal import, which would enforce
when they act alone. its doctrinal lin�freedom from coercion. To descend to further detail would
1 customary to distinguish between "Christian witness" and ''prosely­ be to enter the realm of policy, in which contingent circumstances play a
o.d to condemn the latter. This distinction is made in the text here. determinant role.
ism is a corruption of Christian witness by appeal to hidden forms 13. C/. John XXlll, encyclical "Mater et Magistra," May 15, 1961: AAS

in the performance of the duties, of the human person. Therefore, government is to assume the safeguard oJ
Therefore, the care of the right to religious freedom devolves ligious freedom of all its citizens, in an effective mai
upon the people as a whole, upon social groups, upon gov­ just laws and by other appropriate means. Govern
ernment, and upon the Church and other religious Commu­ also to help create conditions favorable to the fost1
nities, in virtue of the duty of all toward the common wel­ religious life, in order that the people may be truly
fare, and in the manner proper to each. 14 to exercise their religious rights and to fulfill their
The protection and promotion of the inviolable rights of duties, and also in order that society itself may profi.1
man ranks among the essential duties of government.15 moral qualities of justice and peace which have thei
53 (1961), p. 417; idem, encyclical "Pacem In Terris,.. Apr. 11, 1963: AAS
in men's faithfulness to God and to His holy will.16
55 (1963), p. 273. If, in view of peculiar circumstances obtaining am,
14. The development of Catholic doctrine which the Declaration promised tain peoples, special legal recognition' is given in t
has already shown itself in the clear definition of religious freedom as a
human right and in the firm claim that all Churches and religious Com­ stitutional order of society to one religious body, it i:
munities are entitled to equal freedom from coercion in what concerns re­ same time imperative that the right of all citizens a
ligious belief, worship, practice or observance, public testimony, and the gious bodies to religious freedom should be recognh
internal autonomy of the community itself. Correlative with these develop­
ments is the doctrine stated here with regard to the functions and limitations made effective in practice.17
of government in what concerns religion in society. The pivotal notion is Finally, government is to see to it that the equality
the concept of the common welfare which Leo XIII began to put forward in
"Rerum Novarum," which Pius XII strongly developed, and which John Zens before the law, which is itself an element of tJ:i
XXIII defined with greater precision. The common welfare "chiefly consists mon welfare, is never violated for religious re
in the protection of the rights, and in the performance of the duties, of the whether openly or covertly. Nor is there to be discrirr
human person," who is to be the agent of the processes of society and their
beneficiary. The care of the common welfare is the common task of all among citizens.
elements within society-individuals, groups, religious bodies, government­ It follows that a wrong is done when government i
each in the way proper to itself.
In a special way, the care of the common good-that is to say, the care upon its people, by force or fear or other means, the
of the rights of man-devolves upon government. Consequently, in what sion or repudiation of any religion, or when it hinde:
concerns religion in society, government has a duty that is twofold. The from joining or leaving a religious body. All the more
first duty is to acknowledge the human right to religious freedom, and effec­
tively to protect it and vindicate it against violation. The second dutY Violation of the will of God and of the sacred rights
derives from the general duty of government to assist the people in the person and the family of nations, when force is brm
performance of their duties; in this case, it is to show a general and un·
discriminating favor toward religion in society (cf. above, note 3, at the bear in any way in order to destroy or repress religion,
end) and to assist· in the creation of conditions that will help, not hinder£ in the whole of mankind or in a particular country c
the people in the exercise of their religious rights and in the performance 0 Specific community.19
their religious duties. This latter duty is stated with considerable· generalitY,
because the appropriato means for its performance will vary within diverse
circumstances. 7. The right to religious freedom is exercised in hum
The concern of the Council was, first, to make entirely clear the dutY of
government toward religious freedom as a human right, and secondlY, to 16.
make sufficiently clear the function of government with regard to religion Cf. Leo XIII, encyclical "lmmortale Dei," Nov. 1, 1885: AAS 11
itself as a perfection of the human person and as a social value. This lat�et 11-161.
17. This paragraph is carefully phrased. The Council did not
function is not easy to define with precision. It is chiefly a matter of avoid· Condemn the institution of "establishment," the notion of a "religi01
ing extremes. On the one hand, government is forbidden to assume the c�e state." A respectable opinion maintains that the institution is compati
of religious truth as such, or jurisdiction over religious worship or pracU�
or the task of judging the truth or value of religious propaganda. OtherWJS fun religious freedom. On the other hand, the Council did not
it would exceed its competence, which is confined to affairs of the temP0\al0 canonize the institution. A respectable opinion holds that establish
always a threat to religious freedom. Furthermore, the Council wi
and terrestrial order. On the other hand, government is likewise forbi dd� 8 in sinuate that establishment, at least from the Catholic point of vit
adopt toward religion an attitude of indifference or skepticism, much � matter of historical circumstance, not of theological doctrine. For �
hostility. Otherwise it would betray its duty to the human person, for w:�e reasons the text deals with the issue in conditional terms.
religion is the highest good, and also to the temporal and terrestrial we aL 18. This statement about equality before the law as an element of the <
of society, whose content is not merely material but also moral and spir itu 5 l'?elfare has an accent of newness in official Catholic statements. It
Here then is the principle for finding the golden mean between the extrefs.s l>ortant for the construction of the full argument for religious freed,
15. Cf. John XXlll, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr. 11, 1963: AA 1) 19. This condemnation of religious persecution is couched in temperat
(1963), pp. 273-274; Pius XII, radio message, June 1, 1941: AAS 33 (194 ' llnd without naming the guilty. However, the reference to totalitarian
p. 200. \ Of Communist inspiration is unmistakable.

performance of the duties, of the human person. Therefore, government is to assume the safeguard of the re­
ore the care of the right to religious freedom devolves ligious freedom of all its citizens, in an effective manner, by
he 'people as a whole, upon social gro��' upon gov­ just laws and by other appropriate means. Government is
tt and upon the Church and other ·religious Commu­ also to help create conditions favorable to the fostering of
� virtue of the duty of all toward the common wel­ religious life, in order that the people may be truly enabled
nd in the manner proper to each.14 to exercise their religious rights and to fulfill their religious
protection and promotion of the inviolable rights of duties, and also in order that society itself may profit by the
:an.ks among the essential duties of govemment.15 moral qualities of justice and peace which have their origin
in men's faithfulness to God and to His holy will.16
" Apr. 11, 1963: AAS
), p. 417; idem, encyclical "Pacem In Te"is, If, in view of peculiar circumstances obtaining among cer­
I), p. 273. . tain peoples, special legal recognition' is given in the con­
dev elopment of Catholic doctrine w�ch ofthereligiou D. �c1arat·ion proIDISed
s fr dom as a stitutional order of society to one religious body, it is at the
,ady shown itself in the clear definition Chur�hes . and religious Com­
right and in the firm claim that all co same time imperative that the right of all citizens and reli­
are entitled to equal freedom
from ercion_ m w�at concerns re­
pub�c te�imony, and the gious bodies to religious freedom should be recognized and
belief, worship, practice or observance, elative �th these_ d�ve� op.
autonomy of the community itself. Corr made effective in practice.17
; the doctrine stated here with regarin d to the functions. and liID1t�tio1!5 Finally, government is to see to it that the equality of citi­
rnment in what concerns religion society. The pivotal notion _lS
;ept of the common welf are which Leo XIII began to put f<:>rward m zens before the law, which is itself an element of the com­
No arum," which Pius XII strong ly developed, a?.d _ which J�hn mon welfare, is never violated for religious reasons18
jefined with great er precision. The pcommo n welf are chie�y consists
erformance of the duti _ es, of �e whether openly or covertly. Nor is there to be discrimination
,rotection of the rights, and in the the processes of society and thett
person," who is to be the agent of is the commo task of alln
among citizens.
ary The care of the common welfarereligious bodies, government- It follows that a wrong is done when government imposes
� �thin society-individuals, groups, upon its people, by force or fear or other means, the profes­
the way proper to itself. that is to say, �e care
special way, the care of the common good- . Conseq1;1ent1y, m what
sion or repudiation of any religion, or when it hinders men
rights of man-devolves upon government a 1;1o/ that is twofold. The
d from joining or leaving a religious body. All the more is it a
s religion in society, government has r�ligi':'us freedom, and effec-
ty is to acknowledge the human ri�t to v10latio n. The second_ duty
violation of the will of God and of the sacred rights of the
0 protect it and vindicate it
against person and the family of nations, when force is brought to
the people m the
· from the general duty of governmentis toto assist show a general and un­ bear in any way in order to destroy or repress religion, either
ianc of th e ir duti es; in this case, it
ty (cf. a1><:>ve, note 3, a_t the
inating favor toward religion in soci eons
id to assist· in the creation of conditi that :wm help, not hinder, in the whole of mankind or in a particular country or in a
specific community.19
,ple in the exe rcise of their religious rights and m th _ e performance. of
with c:o ns1dera bl� �ene�ality,
:ligious duti es. This latter duty is statedance will vary within diverse
: the appropriato means for its perform 7. The right to religious freedom is exercised in human so-
,tances. .
concern of the Council was, first, to make en�e1Y c1ear th e duty of
nent tow d religious free dom as a human n �ht, and secondl)'., . to 16. Cf. Leo XIII, encyclical ..lmmortale Dei," Nov. I, 1885: AAS 18 (1885),
rnment wi� regard to !eligion
sufficiently clear the function of gove
iS a pe rf ection of the human
pers_o� and � a �ocial value . This lato1d­ !er 17. This paragraph is carefully phrased. The Council did not wish to
n is not easy to define with prec1S1on. It is chiefly a matter of av condemn the institution of "establishment," the notion of a "religion of the
t is for?i�den to as� um e the c�e state." A respectable opinion maintains that the institution is compatible with
:remes. On the one hand, governmenov practl�,
gious truth as such, or jurisdiction of erreligious �e�gious worship or full religious freedom. On the other hand, the Council did not wish to
pro�aganda. Otherwise canonize the institution. A respectable opinion holds that establishme nt is
task of judging the truth or value d to .aff�s �f the �emporal always a threat to religious freedom. Furthermore, the Council wished to
ld exceed its compet ence, which is confine rnment is like�_se forbidden to Insinuate that establishment, at least from the Catholic point of view, is a
rrestrial order. On the other hand, gove erence or ske pticism, much
less matter of historical circumstance. not of theological doctrine. For all these
toward r ligion an attitud e of indiff
the human person, for whom
reasons the text deals with the issue in conditional terms.
y Otherwise it would betray its duty totempora l and terrestrial ��]fare 18. This statement about equality before the law as an eleme nt of the common
�·is the highest good, and also to tileerial _ but also moral and spmtual. welfare has an accent of newness in official Catholic statements. It is im­
ie ty whose content is not merely mat an between the extreme portant for the construction of the full argument for religious freedom.
be� is the principle for finding the golden m"e Apr. I , 1963: AAS :� 19. This condemnation of religious persecution is couched in temperate terms
. John XXlll, encyclical "Pa.cem in Terris, �
1, 1941. AAS 33 (194 )• and without naming the guilty. However, the reference to totalitarian regimes
; pp. 273-274; Pius XII, radio message, June of Communist inspiration is unmistakable.

ciety; hence its exercise is subject to certain regulatory conflicts of rights. They flow from the need for an
norms. 20 In the use of all freedoms, the moral principle of care of genuine -public peace, which comes about w
personal and social responsibility is to be observed. In the live together in good order and in true justice. lli
exercise of their rights, individual men and social groups are finally, out of the need for a proper guardianship
bound by the moral law to have respect both for the rights morality. These matters constitute the basic comp
of others and for their own duties toward others and for the common welfare: they are what is meant by p
the common welfare of all. Men are to deal with their fel­ der.
lows in justice and civility. For the rest,21 the usages of society are to be ti:
Furthermore, society has the right to defend itself against of freedom in their full range. These require that
possible abuses committed on pretext of freedom of religion. dom of man be respected as far as possible, and
It is the special duty of government to provide this protec­ only when and in so far as necessary.
tion. However, government is not to act in arbitrary fashion
or in an unfair spirit of partisanship. Its action is to be con­ 8. Many pressures are brought to bear upon meJj
trolled by juridical norms which are in conformity with the day, to the point where the danger arises lest they
objective moral order. possibility of acting on their own judgment. On tJ
These norms arise out of the need for effective safeguard hand, not a few can be found who seem inclined to
of the rights of all citizens and for peaceful settlement of name of freedom as the pretext for refusing to s1
20. It ls a matter of common sense that the exercise of all freedoms in authority and for making light of the duty of obeci
society must be subject to certain regulatory norms. The Declaration states Therefore, this Vatican Synod urges everyone, e
first the moral norm-the principle of ,personal and social responsibility. ,ts those who are charged with the task of educating Oi
restraints, of course, are self-imposed. More difficult is the question of the
juridical norm which should control the action of government in limiting or do their utmost to form men who will respect the n:
inhibiting the exercise of the right to religious freedom. (Note that the right der and be obedient to lawful authority. Let them f9
itself is always inalienable, never to be denied; only the exercise of the
right is subject to control in particular instances.) The norm cannot be the too who will be lovers of true freedom-men, i
common welfare, since the common welfare requires that human rights should words, who will come to decisions on their own j1
be protected, not limited, in their exercise. Hence the Declaration adopts and in the light of truth, govern their activities with
the concept of public order. The concept has good warrant in constitutional
law. However, it is more frequently used than defined. The Declaration under­ of responsibility, and strive after what is true and rig
takes to define it. In doing so, it makes a contribution to the science of ing always to join with others in cooperative effort.2!
law and jurisprudence.
First, the requirements of public order are not subject to arbitrary definition Religious freedom, therefore, ought to have this
-at the hands, say, of tyrannical governments, which might abuse the concept Purpose and aim, namely, that men may come to i
for their own ends. The public order of society is a part of the univers �
moral order; its requirements must be rooted in moral law. Second, publiC
order exhibits a threefold content. First, the order of society is essentiallY �1 . Secular experts may well consider this to be the most significan
an order of justice, in which the rights of all citizens are effectively safe­ �the Declaration. It is a statement of the basic principle of the "fret
guarded, and provision is made for peaceful settlement of conflicts of rigbt�­ �ne principle has important origins· in the medieval tradition of
Second, the order of society is a political order, an order of peace ("domestic law, and jurisprudence. But its statement by the Church has an
tranquillity" is the American constitutional phrase). Public peace, however, blessed newness-the newness of a renewal of the tradition. The
is not the result of repressive action by the police. It is, in the classic con
cept, the work of justice; it comes about, of itself, when the demands . 0 1 already hesitantly begun by Pius XII, was strongly furthered by Jol:
Catholic thought had consistently held that society is to be based u
justice are met, and when orderly processes exist for airing and set tling (the truth of the human person), directed toward justice, and ani:
grievances. Third, the order of society is a moral order, at least in the sense Charity. In "Pacem in Terris," John XXIII added the missing fou
that certain minimal standards of public morality are enforced at all. f�eedom. Freedom is an end or purpose of society, which look
Public order therefore is constituted by these three values-j uridi�1 liberation of the human person. Freedom is the political method
political, moral. They are the basic elements in the common welfare, whiC Cellence, whereby the other goals of society are reached. Freedon
is a wider concept than public order. And so necessary are these three vi:1u� is the prevailing social usage, which sets the style of society. This p1
that the coercive force of government may be enlisted to protect and· vindic�te ��c trine is sanctioned and made secure by "Dignitatis Humanae P
them. Together they furnish a reasonable juridical criterion for co�r�iv � . The Council calls attention to the paradox of the moment.
restriction of freedom. The free exercise of religion may not be inbibitedr }0day is threatened; freedom today is itself a threat. Hence the Cou
unless proof is given that it entails some violation of the rights of oth ers, � 0r education both in the uses of freedom and in the ways of o
of the public peace, or of public morality. In these cases, in other wo:ise• Wiien freedom is truly responsible, it implies a rightful response to 1
a public action ceases to be a religious exercise and becomes a penal offe authority.

ety· hence its exercise is subject to certain regulatory conflicts of rights. They flow from the need for an adequate
�r�s. 20 In the use of all freedoms, the moral principle of care of genuine public peace, which comes about when men
�rsonal and social responsibility is to be observed. In the live together in good order and in true justice. They come,
rercise of their rights, individual men and social groups are finall �, out of the need for a proper guardianship of public
ound by the moral law to have respect both for the rights morality. These matters constitute the basic component of
E others and for their own duties toward others and for the common welfare: they are what is meant by public or­
1e common welfare of all. Men are to deal with their fel- der.
1ws in justice and civility. For the rest,21 the usages of society are to be the usages
Furthermore, society has the right to defend itself against of freedom in their full range. These require that the free­
ossible abuses committed on pretext of freedom of religion. dom of man be respected as far as possible, and curtailed
is the special duty of government to provide this protec­ only when and in so far as necessary.
on. However, government is not to act in arbitrary fashion
r in an unfair spirit of partisanship. Its action is to be con­ 8. Many pressures are brought to bear upon men of our
oiled by juridical norms which are in conformity with the day, to the point where the danger arises lest they lose the
ojective moral order. possibility of acting on their own judgment. On the other
These norms arise out of the need for effective safeguard band, not a few can be found who seem inclined to use the
f the rights of all citizens and for peaceful settlement of name of freedom as the pretext for refusing to submit to
). It Is a matter of common sense that the exercise of all fre�doms in authority and for making light of the duty of obedience.
ciety must be subject to certain regulatory norms. �e Declarat!o� states Therefore, this Vatican Synod urges everyone, especially
:st the mo ral norm-the principle of ,personal and social responsibility. Jts
'straints, o f course, are self-imposed. More difficult is the questi': >n ?f the those �ho are charged with the task of educating others, to
_ .
tridical norm which should control the action of government m limiting or do their utmost to form men who will respect the moral or­
hibiting the exercise of the right to religious freedom. (Note that the right der and be obedient to lawful authority. Let them form men
�elf is always inalienable, never to be denied; only the exercise of the
ght is subject to control in particular instances.) The no rm c�ot be the
too who will be lovers of true freedom-men, in other
>mmon welfare since the common welfare requires that human nghts should wor�s, who . wm come to decisions on their own judgment
� pr otected, n�t limited, in their exercise. Hence the De laration_ a�opts
� and m the light of truth, govern their activities with a sense
.e concept of public order. The concept has good warrant m c o�stitutionaI
-rw. However, it is more frequently used than defined. The Declaratlo� under­ of responsibility, and strive after what is true and right will­
!kes to define it. In doing so, it makes a contribution t o the science of
iW and jurisprudence.
ing always to join with others in cooperative effort.22 '
. . . .
First, the requirements of public order are not sub1ect to arbitrary definition Religious freedom, therefore, ought to have this further
-at the hands, say, of tyrannical governments, which might abuse the C';)ncept purpose and aim, namely, that men may come to act with
1r their own ends. The public order of society is a part of the uruversal
.oral order; its requirements must be ro oted in moral la�. Se�ond, p�blic
:der exhibits a threefold content. First, the order of society 1s essentially
�1. Secular �erts m�y well consider this to be the most significant sentence
1 order of justice, in which the rights of all citizens are e�ectively safe­ m the J?ec !arati on. �t 1s a statement of the basic principle of the "free society."
Jarded, and provision is made for peaceful settlement of conflicts of nght�. The principle has Important origins in the medieval tradition of kingship
�cond, the order of society is a political order, an order of peace ("domestic law, and jurisprudence. But its statement by the Church has an accent of
anquillity" is the American constitutional phrase). Public peace, h owever, blessed newness-the newness of a renewal of the tradition. The renewal
not the result of repressive action by the police. It is, in the classic con­ alread)'. hesitantly begun b?7 Pius XII, was strongly furthered by John XXIII:
ept the work of justice; it comes ab out, of itself, when the demands of Catholic th ought had consIStently held that society is to be based up on truth
tSti�e are met and when orderly process es exist for airing and settling (the truth of the human person), directed toward justice and animated by
:ievances. llid, the order of society is a moral order, at least in the sense charity. In "Pacem in Terris," John XXIII added the nrl ssing fourth term,
tat certain minimal standards of public morality are enforced at all. _
f �eedo1:11· Freedom 1s an end or purpose of society, which l ooks to the
Public order therefore is constituted by these three values-juridical,
liberation of the human person. Freedom is the political method par ex­
r>litical, moral. They are the basic elements in the common welfare, which cellence, w �c:reby ":'e other go� of society are reached. Freedo m, finally,
a wider concept than public order. And s o necessary are these �e� v�ues
is th� pr�vailing _social usage, which sets the style of society. This progress in
tat the coercive f orce of g overnment may be enlisted t o protect and vmdic �te
doctrine 1s sanc�oned and made secure by "Dignitatis Humanae Personae."
1em. T ogether they furnish a reasonable juridical criterion for co�r�1ve 22. �e C ouncil calls attention to the paradox of the moment. Freedom
:striction of freed o m. The free exercise of religi on may n ot be inhibited today 1s threatened; freedom today is itself a threat. Hence the Council calls
nless proof is given that it entails some violation of the rights of others, or
for education b oth in the uses of freedom and in the ways of obedience.
f the public peace, or of public morality. In these cases, in other words,
When freedom is truly responsible, it implies a rightful response to legitimate
public action ceases to be a religious exercise and becomes a penal offense. _

greater responsibility in fulfilling their duties in community 10. It is one of the major tenets of Catholic
lif e.23 man's response to God in faith must be free. ·
one is to be forced to embrace the Christian fa
his own will.26 This doctrine is contained in t
God and it was constantly proclaimed by the R
Church.27 The act of faith is of its very natur(';
CHAPTER II Man, redeemed by Christ the Savior and throug
sus called to be God's adopted son,28 cannot l
herence to God revealing Himself unless the l
historical. Both as a principle and as a legal institution, rel
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN is less than two hundred years old. The First Amendment
honor of having first clearly formulated the principle and
THE LIGHT OF REVELATION institution. Only through centuries of experience, as the Dt
have the exigencies of the human dignity disclosed themsel
Nevertheless, the question remains, in what sense may religio
called a "Christian" principle? The Council answers by s;
principle has its "roots in divine revelation." These roots are t
9. The declaration of_ this Vatican Synod on the right of second part of the Declaration. This section is of high ecumenill
It will furnish a major theme of ecumenical dialogue.
man to religious fre edom has its foundation in the dignity 25. Cf. CIC, c. 1351; Pius XII, allocution to prelate audit,
of the person. The requirements of this dignity have come officials and administrators of the tribune of the Holy Roman
to be more adequately known to human rea�on through cen­ 1946: AAS 38 (1946), p. 394; idem, encyclical "Mystici Corpe,
1943: AAS (1943), p. 243.
turies of experience. What is more, this doctrine of freedom 26. The unwavering Christian dogma that the act of Christian
has roots in divine revelation, and for this reason Christians a free response to the Word and grace of God reveals the divi
human freedom and for man's inalienable responsibility toward
are bound to respect it all the more conscientiously. of his own life. The constitutional principle of religious free,
Revelation does not indeed affirm in so many words the conclusion from this Christian dogma. The connection is rath
right of man to immunity from external coercion in matters torical. That is to say, given the Christian doctrine of the free
men would gradually come-as over the centuries they have cor
religious. It does, however, disclose the dignity of the human that man's religious life is an affair of responsible freedom, fr,
person in its full dimensions. It gives evidence of the respe�t coercion is to be excluded. Given this Christian appreciation
which Christ showed toward the freedom with which man 1s of freedom (and given also the growing secular experience of l
social value and a political end), men could not fail to becomE
to fulfill his duty of belief in the Word of God. It gives us conscious that religious freedom is an exigency of the dignity o
lessons too in the spirit which disciples of such a Master as this dignity is disclosed by the revelation that man is made
ought to make their own and to follow in every situation. of God. Moreover, experience would also make it clear that, wl
freedom prevails, a climate of freedom is created in society
Thus; further light is cast on the general principles upon favors the free preaching of the gospel and the free living of l
which the doctrin� of this Declaration on Religious Freedolll life.
is based. In particular, religious freedom in society is en­ 27. Cf. Lactantlus "Divinarum lnstttutlonum," Book V, 19: C�
463-464, 465: PL 6, 614 and 616 (ch. 20); St. Ambrose, '1
tirely consonant with the freedom of the act of Christian Yalentianum Imp.," Letter 21: PL 16, 1005; St. Augustine, "Coi
faith.24 Petiliani," Book II, ch. 83: CSEL 52, p. 112: PL 43, 315; cf.
c. 33 (ed. Friedberg, col. 939); idem, Letter 23: PL 33, 98; idem
23. Religious freedom is not an end in itself, but a means for the fulfilb11etl!
of the higher purposes of man. Its religious purpose is clear. But here th•
PL 33, 132; idem, Letter 35: PL 33, 135; St. Gregory the Grea
ad Virgilium et Theodorum Episcopos Masslliae Galliarum,"
Council notes its social purpose. Respect for religious freedom rises out � Letters 1, 45: MGH Ep. 1, p. 72; PL 77, 510-511 (Book I, ep.
consciousness of human dignity; but Utis consciousness itself _ confronts .. ·es ''Epistola ad Johannem Episcopum Constantinopolitanum,'' Registe1
with the responsibilities that his freedom entails. And these responsibiliU lll, 52: MGH Letter 1, p. 210: PL 77, 649 (Book Ill, Letter 53),
pervade the whole of community life. c. 1 (ed. Friedberg, col. 160); Council of Toledo IV, c. 57: Ma,
d to cf. D. 45, c. 5 (ed. Friedberg, col. 161-162); Clement Ill: X., JI
24. The Declaration is the only conciliar document formally addreSSe ro­
the whole world-Christian and non-Christian, religious and atheist. The ill �ledberg, col. 774; Innocent III, "Epistola ad Arelatensem ArchiE
fore it first considers religious freedom in the light of reason. Moreove � ·, Ill, 42, 3: ed. Friedberg, col. 646.
so doing it follows the structure of the problem itself, both theoretical 28. Cf. Eph. 1:5.
responsibility in fulfilling their duties in community 10. It is one of the major tenets of Catholic doctrine that
1Dan's response to God in faith must be free. Therefore no
one is to be forced to embrace the Christian faith25 against
bis own will. 26 This doctrine is contained in the Word of
God and it was constantly proclaimed by the Fathers of the
Church.27 The act of faith is of its very nature a free act.
CHAPTER 1J Man, redeemed by Christ the Savior and through Christ Je­
sus called to be God's adopted son,28 cannot give his ad­
herence to God revealing Himself unless the Father draw

historical. Both as a principle and as a legal institution, religious freedom

GIOUS FREEDOM IN is less than two hundred years old. The First Amendment may claim the
honor of having first clearly formulated the principle and established the
LIGHT OF REVELATION institution. Only through centuries of experience, as the Declaration says,
have the exigencies of the human dignity disclosed themselves to reason.
Nevertheless, the question remains, in what sense may religious freedom be
called a "Christian" principle? The Council answers by saying that the
principle has its "roots in. divine revelation." These roots are explored in the
declaration of this Vatican Synod on the right of second part of the Declaration. This section is of high ecumenical significance.
religious freedom has its foundation in the dignity It will furnish a major theme of ecumenical dialogue.
25. Cf. CIC, c. 1351; Pius Xll, allocution to prelate auditors and other
person. The requirements of this dignity have come officials and administrators of the tribune of the Holy Roman Rota, Oct. 6,
tore adequately known to human rea�on through cen­ 1946: AAS 38 (1946), p. 394; idem, encyclical "Mystici Corporis," lune 29,
1943: AAS (1943), p. 243.
f experience. What is more, this doctrine of freedom 26. The unwavering Christian dogma that the act of Christian faith must be
ts in divine revelation, and for this reason Christians a free response to the Word and grace of God reveals the divine respect for
nd to respect it all the more conscientiously. human freedom and for man's inalienable responsibility toward the direction
of his own life. The constitutional principle of religious freedom is not a
.ation does not indeed affirm in so many words the conclusion from this Christian dogma. The connection is rather more his­
man to immunity from external coercion in matters torical. That is to say, given the Christian doctrine of the freedom of faith,
i. It does, however, disclose the dignity of the human men would gradually come-as over the centuries they have come-to realize
that man's religious life is an affair of responsible freedom, from which all
ln its full dimensions. It gives evidence of the respect coercion is to be excluded. Given this Christian appreciation of the value
:hrist showed toward the freedom with which man is of freedom (and given also the growing secular experience of freedom as a
l his duty of belief in the Word of God. It gives us social value and a political end), men could not fail to become increasingly
conscious that religious freedom is an exigency of the dignity of the person,
too in the spirit which disciples of such a Master as this dignity is disclosed by the revelation that man is made in the image
) make their own and to follow in every situation. of God. Moreover, experience would also make it clear that, where religious
[ further light is cast on the general principles upon freedom prevails, a climate of freedom is created in society which itself
favors the free preaching of the gospel and the free living of the Christian
be doctrin� of this Declaration on Religious Freedom life.
I. In particular, religious freedom in society is en­ 27. Cf. Lactantlus "Divinarum lnstttutlonum," Book V, 19: CSEL 19, pp.
onsonant wi� the freedom of the act of Christian 463-464, 465: PL 6, 614 and 616 (ch. 20); St. Ambrose, "Epistola ad
Valentianum Imp.," Letter 21: PL 16, 1005; St. Augustine, "Contra Litteras
Petiliani," Book 11, ch. 83: CSEL 52, p. 112: PL 43, 315; cf. C. 23, q. 5,
c. 33 (ed. Friedberg, col. 939); idem, Letter 23: PL 33, 98; idem, Letter 34:
ous freedom is not an end in itself. but a means for the fulfillment PL 33, 132; idem, Letter 35: PL 33, 135; St. Gregory the Great, "Epistola
gher purposes of man. Its religious purpose is clear. But here the ad Virgilium et Theodorum Episcopos Masslliae Galliarum," Register of
1otes its social purpose. Respect for religious freedom rises out of a Letters 1, 45: MGH Ep. 1, p. 72; PL 77, 510-511 (Book 1, ep. 47); idem,
;iess of human dignity; but � consciousness itself .confronts man "Epistola ad Johannem Episcopum Constantinopolitanum," Register of Letters,
responsibilities that his freedom entails. And these re�onsibilities Ill, 52: MGH Letter 1, p. 210: PL 77, 649 (Book 111, Letter 53); cf. D. 45,
he whole of community life. c. 1 (ed. Friedberg, col. 160); Council of Toledo IV, c. 57: Mansi 10, 633;
Declaration is the only conciliar document formally addressed to cf. D. 45, c. 5 (ed. Friedberg, col. 161-162); Clement Ill: X., V. 6, 9: ed.
: world-Christian and non-Christian, religious and atheist. There- Friedberg, col. 774; Innocent Ill, "Epistola ad Arelatensem Archiepiscopum,"
1,t considers religious freedom in the light of reason. Moreover, in X., 111, 42, 3: ed. Friedberg, col. 646.
it follows the structure of the problem itself, both theoretical and 28. Cf. Eph. 1 :5.
him29 to offer to God the reasonable and free submission of be allowed to grow until the harvest time, which will
faith. at the end of the world. 36
It is therefore completely in accord with the nature of He refused to be a political Messiah, ruling by f,
faith that in matters religious every manner of coercion on He preferred to call Himself the Son of Man, who can
the part of men should be excluded. In consequence, the serve and to give his life as a ransom for many"
principle of religious freedom makes no small contribution 10:45). He showed Himself the perfect Servant of (
to the creation of an environment in which men can without "a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoking wi
hindrance be invited to Christian faith, and embrace it of will not quench" (Mt. 12:20).
their own free will, and profess it effectively in their whole He acknowledged the power of government and its 1
manner of life.- when He commanded that tribute be given to Caesa1
He gave clear warning that the higher rights of God ,
11. God calls men to serve Him in spirit and in truth. Hence be kept inviolate: "Render, therefore, to Caesar the ·
they are bound in conscience but they stand under no com­ that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are- (
pulsion.30 God has regard for the dignity of the human per­ (Mt. 22:21 ).
son whom He Himself created ; man is to be guided by his In the end, when He completed on the cross the we
own judgment and be is to enjoy freedom. redemption whereby He achieved salvation and true fre
This truth appears at its height in Christ Jesus, in whom for men, He also brought His revelation to completi01
God perfectly manifested Himself and His ways with men. bore witness to the truth,39 but He refused to impos
Christ is our Master and our Lord.SI He is also meek and truth by force on those who spoke against it. Not by
humble of heart. 32 And in attracting and inviting His dis­ of blows does His rule assert its claims.40 Rather, it
ciples He acted patiently.33 He wrought miracles to shed tablished by witnessing to the truth and by hearing the
light on His teaching and to establish its truth. But His in­ and it extends its dominion by the love whereby Christ,
tention was to rouse faith in His hearers and to confinn up on the cross, draws all men to Himself.41
them in faith, not to exert coercion upon them.34 Taught by the word and example of Christ, the a�
He did indeed denounce the unbelief of some who listened followed the same way. From the very origins of the Cl
to Him; but He left vengeance to God in expectation of the the disciples of Christ strove to convert men to faith in {
day of judgment.35 When He sent His apostles into the as the Lord-not, however, by the use of coercion c
world, He said to them: "He who believes and is baptized devices unworthy of the gospel, but by the power, abov
shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be con· of the Word of God.42 Steadfastly they proclaimed t
demned" (Mk. 16:16); but He Himself, noting that cockle the plan of God our Savior, "who wishes all men to be :
had been sown amid the wheat, gave orders that both should and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim.
At the same time, however, they showed respect for w
29. Cf. In. 6:44. souls even though these persons were in error. Thus they \
30. The major purpose here is to show, from the example and teaching 0f it plain that "every one of us will render an account of
Christ Himself, that coercion in matters religious is alien to the spirit of th�
gospel. The ways of God with men are not coercive. They are the ways 0 self to God" (Rom. 14:12),43 and for this reason is b
faithful love. And their supreme illustration is the cross. Rather than imP°a5: to obey his conscience.
the truth upon men by force, Christ willingly accepted death at their ban '
and He made His death itself the means of redemption, as the revelation °: Like Christ Himself, the apostles were unceasingly
a love than which there is no greater. The way of Christ became the wa f
of His first apostles, whose reliance was on the power of the Word 0 �6. Cf. Mt. 13:30 and 40-42.
God, never on earthly forces. 7. Cf. Mt. 4:8-10; In. 6:15.
31. Cf. Jn. 13:13. 38. Cf. ls. 42:1-4.
32. Cf. Mt. 11:29. �- Cf. Jn. 18:!7. •
33. Cf. Mt. 11:28-30; Jn. 6:67-68. . · Cf. Mt. 26.51-53, In. 18.36.
34. Cf. Mt. 9:28-29; Mk. 9:23-24; 6, 5-6; Paul VI, encyclical "Ecclesza,n 41. Cf. In. 12:32.
Suam," Aug. 6, 1964: AAS 56 (1964), pp. 642-643. 42. Cf. 1 Car. 2:3-5,· 1 Th. 2:3-5.
35. Cf. Mt. 11:20-24; Rom. 12:19-20; 2 Th. 1:8. 43. Cf. Rom. 14:1-23; 1 Cor. 8:9-13; 10:23-33.
to offer to God the reasonable and free submission of be allowed to grow until the harvest time, which will come
at the end of the world. 36
s therefore completely in accord with the na�re of He refused to be a political M essiah, ruling by force;37
hat in matters religious every manner of coercion on }{e preferred to call Himself the Son of Man, who came "to
lrt of men should be excluded. In consequen�e, �he serve and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mk.
,le of religious freedom ma�es n'? small contn�ution 10:45) . He showed Himself the p erfect Servant of God;3B
creation of an environment m which men can wi�hout "a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoking wick he
nee be invited to Christian faith, . and �mbr�e it of will not quench" (Mt. 12:20).
>Wn free will, and profess it effectively m their whole He acknowledged the power of government and its rights,
r of life; when He commanded that tribute be given to Caesar. But
He gave clear warning that th e higher rights of God are to
>d calls men to serve Him in spirit and in truth. Hence be kept inviolate: "Render, therefore, to Caesar the things
re bound in conscience but they stand under no com­ that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are- God's"
t. 3o God has regard for the dig�ty of the �uman pe�- (Mt. 22:21 ) .
1om He Himself cre ated; man is to be gmded by h is In the end, when He completed on th e cross the work of
tdgment and he is to enjoy freedom._ redemption whereby He achieved salvation and true freedom
truth appears at its height in C�st Jesus, � whom for me1;1, He also brought His revelation to completion. He
erfectly manifested Himself and His ways with men. bore witness to the truth,39 but He refused to impose the
is our Master and our Lord. 3 1 He is also meek and truth by force on those who spoke against it. Not by force
� of heart. 32 And in attracting and inviting His dis­ of blows does His rule assert its claims.40 Rather, it is es­
He acted patiently.33 He wrought miracles to . sh_ed tablished by witnessing to the truth and by hearing the truth,
n His teaching and to establish its truth. But His m- and it extends its dominion by the love whereby Christ, lifted
was to rouse faith in His. hearers and to confirm up on the cross, draws all men to Himself.41
n faith, not to exert coercion upon them.34 . Taught by the word and example of Christ, the apostles
lid indeed denounce the unbelief of some who listened followed the same way. From the very origins of the Church
t · but He left vengeance to God in expectation of the the disciples of Christ strove to convert men to faith in Christ
: ' judgment.35 When He sent His apostle� into . the as the Lord-not, however, by the use of coercion or by
He said to them: "He who believes and is baptized devices unworthy of the gospel, but by the power, above all,
e saved but he who does not believ e shall b e con­ of the Word of God.42 Steadfastly they proclaimed to all
l" (Mk.' 16:16); but He Himself, noting that cockle the plan of God our Savior, "who wishes all men to be saved
m sown amid the wheat, gave orders that both should and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:4).
At the same time, however, they showed respect for weaker
i. 6:44. souls even though these persons were in error. Thus they made
major purpose here is to show, fr_o':11 th� ex�p1e and t�a�hing of
imself, that coercion in m atters religious 1� alien to the spmt of the it plain that "every one of us will render an account of him­
]le w ays of God with men are not coercive. They are the w_ays of self to God" (Rom. 14:12),43 and for this reason is bound
ove. And their supreme illustration is the cross. Rather that_l impose to obey his conscience.
upon men by force, Christ willingly accepted death at their �ands,
made His death itself the me ans of redem ption, as the revelation of Like Christ Himself, the apostles were unceasingly bent
ian which there is no greater. The way of Christ became the way
iirst apostles, whose reliance was on the power of the Word of 36. Cf. Mt. 13:30 and 40-42.
·er on earthly forces. 37. Cf. Mt. 4:8-10,· In. 6:15.
,. 13:13. 38. Cf. ls. 42:1-4.
11:29. 39. Cf. In. 18:37.
t. 11:28-30; In. 6:67-68. 40. Cf. Mt. 26:51-53; In. 18:36.
\,:ft. 9:28-29; Mk. 9:23-24; 6, 5-6; Paul VI, encyclical "Ecclesia ·m 41. Cf. Jn. 12:32.
fog. 6, 1964: AAS 56 (1964), pp. 642-643. 42. Cf. 1 Cor. 2:3-5; 1 Th. 2:3-5.
1.t. 11:20-24; Rom. 12:19-20; 2 Th. 1:8. 43. CJ. Rom. 14�-23;. 1 C.or. 8:9-13; 10:23-3

upon bearing witness to the truth of God. They showed spe­ trine of the Church that no one is to be coerced into
cial courage in speaking "the word of God with boldness" has always stood firm.
( Acts 4: 31)44 before the people and their rulers. With a fipn Thus the leaven of the gospel has long been about its
faith they held that the gospel is indeed the power of God work, in the minds of men. To it is due in great measJ
unto salvation for all who believe.45 Therefore they rejected fact that in the course of time men have come more
all "carnal weapons."46 They followed the example of the to recognize their dignity as persons, and the convictio
gentleness and respectfulness of Christ. And they preached grown stronger that in religious matters the person in s
the Word of God in the full confidence that there was resi­ is to be kept free from all manner of human coercion
dent in this Word itself a divine power able to destroy all
the forces arrayed against God47 and to bring men to faith in 13. Among the things which concern the good of the C
Christ and to His service. 48 As the Master, so too the apostles and indeed the welfare of society here on earth-j
recognized legitimate civil authority. "For there exists no therefore which are always and everywhere to be ke1
authority except from God," the Apostle teaches, and there­ cure and defended against all injury-this certainly i�
fore commands: * "Let everyone be subject to the higher eminent, namely, that the Church should enjoy tha
authorities . . . : he who resists the authority resists the measure of freedom which her care for the salvation oj
ordinance of God" (Rom. 13:1-2).49 requires. 52 This freedom is sacred, because the only-be!
At the same time, however, they did not hesitate to speak Son endowed with it. the Church which He purchased
out against governing powers which set themselves in op­ His blood. It is so much the property of the Church tl
position to the holy will of God: "We must obey God rather act against it is to act against the will of God. The fre
than men" (Acts 5:29). 50 This is the way along which of the Church is the fundamental principle in what coll
countless martyrs and other believers have walked through the relations between the Church and governments an1
all ages and over all the earth. whole civil order. 53
In human society and � the face of government
12. The Church therefore is being faithful to the truth of the apostles. At times they have followed ways that were at variance w.
gospel, and is following the way of Christ and the apostles spirit of the gospel and even contrary to it. The avowal is made briel
when she recognizes, and gives support to, the principle of Without details. But the intention was to confess, in a penitent spiI
only that Christian churchmen and princes have appealed to the c
religious freedom as befitting the dignity of man and as being instruments of power in the supposed interests of the faith, but ats
in accord with divine revelation. Throughout the ages, the the Church herself has countenanced institutions which made a simil
Church has kept safe and handed on the doctrine received peal. Whatever may be the nice historical judgment on these instituti
their own context of history, they are not to be justified, much less ai
from the Master and from the apostles. In the life of the ever or in any way to be reinstated. The Declaration is a final renoun
People of God as it has made its pilgrim way through the and repudiation by the Church of all means and measures of coerc
lllattets religious.
vicissitudes of human history, there have at times appeared 52. Cf. Leo Xlll, letter "Officio Sanctisslmo," Dec. 22, 1887: AAS 20
ways of acting which were less in accord with the spirit of P, 269; idem, letter "Ex Lltterls," ,Apr. 7, 1887: AAS 19 (1886), p.
the gospel and even opposed to it.51 Nevertheless, the d00- 53. This statement, together with the declaration of religious freedon
human right and the enunciation of the principle of the free society
tank as one of the central doctrinal utterances of the Declaration.
44. Cf. Eph. 6:19-20. Portance is emphasized by the fact that Paul VI quoted it in his add1
4! t Cf. Rom. 1:16. Dec. 9 to political rulers: "And what is it that this Church asks c
46. Cf. 2 Cor. 10:4; 1 Th. 5:8-9. after nearly two thousand years of all sorts of vicissitudes in her re
47. Cf. Eph. 6:11-17. \!nth you, the powers of earth? What does the Church ask of you tod
one of the major texts of the Council she has told you: she asks ,
48. Cf. 2 Cor. 10:3-5. f llotbing but freedom-the freedom to believe and to preach her fai1
*The preceding 14 words are missing from the L'Osservatore Romano text 0 freedom to love God and to serve Him, the freedom to live and to
Dec. 11, 1965.-Ed. to men her message of life." This- doctrine is traditional; it is alsc
49. Cf. 1 Pet. 2:13-17. lniplicit in it is the renunciation by the Church of a condition ol
,o. Cf. Acts 4:19-20. Privilege in society. The Church does not make, as a matter of right
51. The historical consciousness of the Council required that it be loyal t�
the truth of history. Hence the Declaration makes the humble avowal � divine law, the claim that she should be established as the "religion
Btate." · Her claim is freedom, nothing more.
the People of God have. not .always walked in the way Qf Christ and

,earing witness to the truth of God. They showed spe­ ttine of the Church that no one is to be coerced into faith
mrage in speaking "the word of God with boldness'' has always stood firm.
4: 31) 44 before the people and their rulers. With a finn Th�s _the lea�en of the gospel_ has long been about its quiet
hey held that the gospel is indeed the power of God work, m the mmds of men. To 1t is due in great measure the
1lvation for all who believe.45 Therefore they rejected fact that � the _co�se. of time men have come more widely
mal weapons."46 They followed the example of the to recogruze their digmty as persons, and the conviction has
ess and respectfulness of Christ. And they preached ¥1"own stronger that in religious matters the person in society
,rd of God in the full confidence that there was resi­ ts to be kept free from all manner of human coercion.
t this Word itself a divine power able to destroy all
13. Among the things which concern the good of the Church
:es arrayed against God47 and to bring men to faith in
md to His service. 48 As the Master, so too the ap ostles and indeed the welfare of society here on earth-things
therefore which are always and everywhere to be kept se­
zed legitimate civil authority. "For there exists no cm:e and defended against all injury-this certainly is pre­
ty except from God," the Apostle teaches, and there- emment, namely, that the Church should enjoy that full
1m.mands: * "Let everyone be subject to the higher measure of freedom which her care for the salvation of men
:ies . . . : he who resists the authority resists the requires.52 This freedom is sacred, because the only-begotten
ce of God" (Rom. 13:1-2).49 ,, Son endowed with it. the Church which He purchased with
.e same time, however, they did not hesitate to speak His blood. It is so much the property of the Church that to
.inst governing powers which set themselves in op-
act against it is to act against the will of God. The freedom
to the holy will of God: "We must obey God rather of the Church is the fundamental principle in what concerns
en" (Acts 5:29). 50 This is the way along which the relations between the Church and governments and the
s martyrs and other believers have walked through whole civil order. 53
and over all the earth. In human society and �- the face of government, the
Church therefore is being faithful to the truth of the a��tles. At times they have followed ways that were at variance with the
md is following the way of Christ and the apostles SJ?IDt of the .gospel and eyen C?ntrary to it. The avowal is made briefly and
e recognizes, and gives support to, the principle of without details _. �
ut the mtent1on was to confess, in a penitent spirit, not
only that Christian churchmen and princes have appealed to the coercive
freedom as befitting the dignity of man and as being instruments of power in the supposed interests of the faith, but also that
d with divine revelation. Throughout the ages, the the Church herself has countenanced institutions which made a similar ap­
has kept safe and handed on the doctrine received peal. Whatever may be the nice historical judgment on these institutions in
their own context of history, they are not to be justified, much less are they
; Master and from the apostles. In the life of the ever or in any way to be reinstated. The Declaration is a final renouncement
f God as it has made its pilgrim way through the and rep��on by the Church of all means and measures of coercion in
mattets religious.
es of human history, there have at times appeared 52. Cf. Leo XIII, letter "ODido Sanctlsslmo," Dec. 22, 1887: AAS 20 (1887),
acting which were less in accord with the spirit of p. 269� Idem, letter "Ex Litteris/' ,Apr. 7, 1887: AAS 19 (1886), p. 465.
53. This . statement, together with the declaration of religious freedom as a
:1 and even opposed to it. 51 Nevertheless, the doc- human nght and the enunciation of the principle of the free society must
rank as �ne of th� central doctrinal utterances of the Declaration. its im­
portance JS emphasized by the fact that Paul VI quoted it in his address on
. 6:19-20. Dec. 9 to political rulers: "And what is it that this Church asks of you,
1. 1:16. after nearly two thousand years of all sorts of vicissitudes in her relations
•r. 10:4; 1 Th. 5:8-9. _
With you, the �owers of earth? What does the Church ask of you today? In
6:11-17. one _of the maJor texts of the Council she has told you: she asks of you
•r. 10:3-5. nothing but freedom-the freedom to believe and to preach her faith the
ing 14 words are missing from the L'Osservatore Romano text of freedom to love God and to serve Him, the freedom to live and to bring
i.-Ed. to �� �er _m�ssage of life." This- doctrine is traditional; it is also new.
t. 2:13-17. �p�c1t 1!1 1t 1_s the renunciation by the Church of a condition of legal
4:19-20. P��ege m s0C1ety: The Church does not make, as a matter of right or of
:orical consciousness of the Council required that it be loyal to divme _law, the chum that she should be established as the "religion of the
history. Hence the Declaration makes the humble avowal that state." Her claim is freedom, nothing more.
of God have- not always walked in the way of Christ and the

Church claims freedom for herself in her character as a Christ, the teacher of the truth. It is her duty to givt
spiritual authority, established by Christ the Lord. Upon this ance to, and authoritatively to teach, that Truth w:
authority there rests, by divine mandate, the duty of going Christ Himself, and also to declare and confirm by 1
out into the whole world and preaching the gospel to every thority those principles of the moral order which hav
creature. 5 4 The Church also claims freedom for herself in her origin in human nature itself. Furthermore, let Cb
character as a society of men who have the right to live in soci­ walk in wisdom in the face of those outside, "in th�
ety in accordance with the precepts of Christian faith. 5 5 Spirit, in unaffected love, in the word of truth" (
In turn, where the principle of religious freedom is not 6:6-7). Let them be about their task of spreading th
only proclaimed in words or simply incorporated in law but of life with all confidence59 and apostolic courage, e
also given sincere and practical application, there the Church the shedding of their blood.
succeeds in achieving a stable situation of right as well as of The disciple is bound by a grave obligation toward
fact and the independence which is necessary for the fulfill­ his Master ever more adequately to understand the tr
ment of her divine mission. This independence is precisely ceived from Him, faithfully to proclaim it, and vigoro
what the authorities of the Church claim in society. 56 defend it, never-be it understood-having recou
At the same time, the Christian faithful, in common with means that are incompatible with the spirit of the gosj
all other men, possess the civil right not to be hindered in the same time, the charity of Christ urges him to act lo
leading their lives in accordance with their conscience. There­ prudently and patiently in his dealings with those who
fore, a harmony exists between the freedom of- the Chur ch error or in ignorance with regard to the faith. 60 All i�
and the religious freedom which is to be recognized as the taken into account-the Christian duty to Christ, tb
right of all men and communities and sanctioned by con­ giving Word which must be proclaimed, the rig:
stitutional law. the human person, and the measure of grace granted �
through Christ to men, who are invited freely to acce_
14. In order to be faithful to the divine command, "Make profess the faith.
disciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19), the Catholic Church
must work with all urgency and concern "that the Word of 15. The fact is that men of the present day want to b
God* may run and be glorified" (2 Th. 3: 1). Hence the freely to profess their religion in private and in publi
Church earnestly begs of her children that, first of all, "sup­ ligious freedom has alreac}.y been declared to be a civi
plications, prayers,. intercessions, and thanksgivings be made in most constitutions, and it is solemnly recognized �
for all men.... For this is good and agreeable in the sight national documents. 61 The further fact is that forms of g
of Gcxl our Savior, who wishes all men to be saved and to ment still exist under which, even though freedom of re:
come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:1-4). worship receives constitutional recognition, the pow
In the formation of their consciences, the Christian faith­ government are engaged in the effort to deter citizens frc
ful ought carefully to attend to the sacred and certain doc­ profession of religion and to make life difficult and dani
trine of the Church.57, 58 The Church is, by the will of for religious Communities.62
54. Cf. Mk. 16:15; Mt. 28:18-20; Pius XII, encyclical "Summl Pontlficatus," inside the Church. These two freedoms are distinct in kind; and it w
Oct. 20, 1939: AAS 31 (1939), pp. 445-446. perilous to confuse them. Nowhere does the Declaration touch the :
55. CJ. Pius XI, letter "Firmissimqin Constantiam," Mar. 28, 1937: AAS 29 freedom within the Church. Undoubtedly, however, it will be a stim1
(1937), p. 196. the articulation of a full theology of Christian freedom in its relatior
56. CJ. Pius XII, allocutlon "Ci Riesce," Dec. 6, 1953: AAS 45 (1953), P• doctrinal and disciplinary authority of the Church.
802. 59. CJ. Acts 4:29.
*The CCD translation has "the Lord" instead of "God."-Ed. 60. CJ. John XXIIJ, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr. 11, 1963: )
57. Cf. Plus Xll, radio message, Mar. 23, 1952: AAS 44 (1952), pp. 270-278, (1963), pp. 299-300.
58. The Council directs a word of pastoral exhortation to the Chr istian 61. CJ. John XXIJI, encyclical "Pacem in Te"is," Apr. 11, 1963: ,1
faithful. They are urged, in particular, to form their consciences under the (1963), pp. 295-296.
guidance of the authority of the Church. It might be noted here that the 62. At the end, the Council turns once more to the world at larg
Council intended to make a clear distinction between religious freedom as facts claim its attention. First, the principle of religious freedom is
a principle in the civil order and the Christian freedom which obtains even recognized; this fact takes its place among the signs of the times.

;hurch claims freedom for herself in her character as a Christ, the teacher of the truth. It is her duty to give utter­
piritual authority, established by Christ the Lord. Upon this ance to, and authoritatively to teach, that Truth which is
uthority there rests, by divine mandate, the duty of going Christ Himself, and also to declare and confirm by her au­
ut into the whole world and preaching the gospel to every thority those principles of the moral order which have their
reature.54 The Church also claims freedom for herself in her origin in human nature itself. Furthermore, let Christians
haracter as a society of men who have the right to live in soci­ walk in wisdom in the face of those outside, "in the Holy
ty in accordance with the precepts of Christian faith. 55 Spirit, in unaffected love, in the word of truth" (2 Cor.
In turn, where the principle of religious freedom is not 6:6-7). Let them be about their task of spreading the light
nly proclaimed in words or simply incorporated in law but of life with all confidence59 and apostolic courage, even to
lso given sincere and practical application, there the Church the shedding of their blood.
1cceeds in achieving a stable situation of right as well as of The disciple is bound by a grave obligation toward Christ
Lct and the independence which is necessary for the fulfill­ his Master ever more adequately to understand the truth re­
tent of her divine mission. This independence is precisely ceived from Him, faithfully to proclaim it, and vigorously to
hat the authorities of the Church claim in society. 56 defend it, never-be it understood-having recourse to
At the same time, the Christian faithful, in common with means that are incompatible with the spirit ·o f the gospel. At
l other men, possess the civil right not to be hindered in the same time, the charity of Christ urges him to act lovingly,
ading their lives in accordance with their conscience. There­ prudently and patiently in his dealings with those who are in
re, a harmony exists between the freedom of- the Church error or in ignorance with regard to the faith.60 All is to be
td the religious freedom which is to be recognized as the taken into account-the Christian duty to Christ, the life­
�t of all men and communities and sanctioned by con­ giving Word which must be proclaimed, the rights of
tutional law. the human person, and the measure of grace granted by God
through Christ to men, who are invited freely to accept and
. In order to be faithful to the divine command, "Make profess the faith.
;ciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19), the Catholic Church
1st work with all urgency and concern "that the Word of 15. The fact is that men of the present day want to be able
t>d* may run and be glorified" ( 2 Th. 3: 1). Hence the freely to profess their religion in private and in public. Re­
turch earnestly begs of her children that, first of all, "sup­ ligious freedom has alreaq.y been declared to be a civil right
cations, prayers,. intercessions, and thanksgivings be made in most constitutions, and it is solemnly recognized in inter­
r all men....For this is good and agreeable in the sight national documents. 61 The further fact is that forms of govern­
God our Savior, who wishes all men to be saved and to ment still exist under which, even though freedom of religious
ne to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:1-4). worship receives constitutional recognition, the powers of
[n the formation of their consciences, the Christian faith- government are engaged in the effort to deter citizens from the
ought carefully to attend to the sacred and certain doc­ profession of religion and to make life difficult and dangerous
ile of the Church.57, 58 The · Church is, by the will . of for religious Communities.62
Cf. Mk. 16:15; Mt. 28:18-20; Pius XII, encyclical "Summl Ponttficatus," inside the Church. These two freedoms are distinct in kind; and it would be
. 20, 1939: AAS 31 (1939), pp. 445-446. perilous to confuse them. Nowhere does the Declaration touch the issue of
CJ. Pius XI, letter "Firmissimqrn Constantiam," Mar. 28, 1937: AAS 29 freedom within the Church. Undoubtedly, however, it will be a stimulus for
��� the articulation of a full theology of Christian freedom in its relation to the
CJ. Pius XII, allocutlon "Ci Riesce," Dec. 6, 1953: AAS 45 (1953), p. doctrinal and disciplinary authority of the Church.
59. Cf. Acts 4:29.
e CCD translation has ''the Lord" instead of "God. "-Ed. 60. CJ. John XXlll, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr. 11, 1963: AAS 5$
CJ. Plus XII, radio message, Mar. 23, 1952: AAS 44 (1952), pp. 270-278. (1963), pp. 299-300.
The Council directs a word of pastoral exhortation to the Christian 61. CJ. John XXIII, encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Apr. 11, 1963: AAS 5$
tful. They are urged, in particular, to form their consciences under the (1963), pp. 295-296.
ance of the authority of the Church. It might be noted here that the 62. At the end, the Council turns once more to the world at large. Two
ncil intended to make a clear distinction between religious freedom as facts claim its attention. First, the principle of religious freedom is widely
inciple in the civil order and the Christian freedom which obtains even recognized; this fact takes i1s place among the signs of the times. Second,

This sacred Synod greets with joy the first of these two
facts, as among the signs of the times. With sorrow, how­ A RESPONSE
ever, it denounces the other fact, as only to be deplored. The
Synod exhorts Catholics, and it directs a plea to all men, The Declaration on Religious Freedom is the single cm
most carefully to consider how greatly necessary religious document addressed to the whole world. Like the enc�
freedom is, especially in the present condition of the human Pacem in Terris (April 11, 1963, Pope John XXII
All nations are coming into even closer unity. Men of dif­ which it owes a great deal, it is in effect addressed "1
ferent cultures and religions are being brought together in Men of Good Will." The non-Catholic reader is, ther
closer relationships. There is a growing consciousness of the reckoned among those addressed. He is not called up
personal responsibility that weighs upon· every .man. All this express judgment, e.g., as a scholar or a Christian
is evident. grouper, as to whether such a declaration is appropri:
Consequently, in order that relationships of peace and har­ the spiritual government of a community of faith su
mony may be established and maintained within the whole the Catholic Church. Rather, he finds himself personal
of mankind, it is necessary that religious freedom be every­ volved. The Church, in a legitimate exercise of her fre
where provided with an effective constitutional guarantee, to propagate the gospel, speaks bindingly to him.
and that respect be shown for the high duty and right of To the degree that he is capable of meeting the spi
man freely to lead his religious life in society. openness to Truth which informs this and every messa
May the God and Father of all grant that the human fam­ for dialogue, the non-Catholic reader: (a) acknowledgf
ily, through careful observance of the principle of religious right of the Church so to speak to him, and (b) accep
freedom in society, may be brought by the grace of Christ own duty to listen and to respond in like spirit. If hf
and the power of the Holy Spirit to the sublime and unend­ serious student, the obligation to clarity of thought �
ing "freedom of the glory of the sons of God" (Rom. 8: 21). upon him. If he is also a fellow Christian, although c
other communion and discipline, the further obligatic
Each and ever.y one of the things set forth in this Declara­ charity and self-examination rests upon him. In either
tion has won the consent of the Fathers of this most sacred only the frivolous will discharge the matter as "merel
Council. We too, by the apostolic authority conferred on other statement of opinion" or "of interest only to Cathe
us by Christ, join with the Venerable Fathers in approving, Very appropriately, the Declaration begins its disc1
decreeing, and establishing these things in the Holy Spirit,
and we direct that what has thus been enacted in synod be of that attitude and practice which is Christlike and ape
published to God's glor.y. by reference to the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20;
16:16). This is the precise place where the first Prot1
Rome, at St. Peter's, December 7, 196S defenders of religious freedom also began. 1 Reading frc
I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church we discern the responsibility of Christians to commw
openly, to avoid coercion, to elicit voluntary commitme:
There follow the signatures of the Fathers. proclaim the plenary power of Christ (Mt. 28:18, W
the principle of religious freedom is also widely violated; this fact can onlY
Penn's favorite text), to announce the coming age. Reli
be deplored. Then the Declaration, which has stated its argument in terms of freedom is different in kind from toleration, even from ;
principle, turns to the pragmatic aspect of the issue-the practical value dissidentium: it derives, both historically and theologi
and necessity of religious freedom in the world today. It is a world of
diversity which is striving toward some measure of unity; it is a world of from a certain understanding of the nature of true fait
conflict which is yearning for peace; it is, above all, a world in which a tolerate dissent is today merely prudent; to respect the
new consciousness of human dignity struggles to find expression in social in·
stitutions that will guarantee to men the freedom which is due to them in
justice. Most necessary of all is freedom of religion. Where it is safe, the 1. Thus Menno Simons, who wrote strongly against all use of coercion
way is open for the "glorious freedom of the sons of God" to come to men ters religious, cited the Great Commission repeatedly in "The Founda
as God'a gift through Christ in the Holy Spirit. Christian Doctrine" (1539), "Christian Baptism" (1539), etc.

acred Synod greets with joy the first of these two

among the signs of the times. With sorrow, how­ A RESPONSE
lenounces the other fact, as only to be deplored. The
Khorts Catholics, and it directs a plea to all men, The Declaration on Religious Freedom is the single conciliar
refully to consider how greatly necessary religious document addressed to the whole world. Like the encyclical
is, especially in the present condition of the human Pacem in Terris (April 11, 1963, Pope John XXIII), to
which it owes a great deal, it is in effect addressed "to All
tions are coming into even closer unity. Men of dif- Men of Good Will." The non-Catholic reader is, therefore,
1ltures and religions are being brought together in reckoned among those addressed. He is not called upon to
lationships. There is a growing consciousness of the
responsibility that weighs upon· every .man. All this express judgment, e.g., as a scholar or a Christian out­
t. grouper, as to whether such a declaration is appropriate to
quently, in order that relationships of peace and har­ the spiritual government of a community of faith such as
ay be established and maintained within the whole the Catholic Church. Rather, he finds himself personally in­
ind, it is necessary that religious freedom be every­ volved. The Church, in a legitimate exercise of her freedom
irovided with an effective constitutional guarantee, to propagate the gospel, speaks bindingly to him.
respect be shown for the high duty and right of To the degree that he is capable of meeting the spirit of
ely to lead his religious life in society. openness to Truth which informs this and every message fit
he God and Father of all grant that the human fam­ for dialogue, the non-Catholic reader: (a) acknowledges the
ugh careful observance of the principle of religious right of the Church so to speak to him, and (b) accepts his
in society, may be brought by the grace of Christ own duty to listen and to respond in like spirit. If he is a
power of the Holy Spirit to the sublime and unend­ serious student, the obligation to clarity of thought is put
dom of the glory of the sons of God" (Rom. 8:21). upon him. If he is also a fellow Christian, although of an­
other communion and discipline, the further obligation of
.d evecy one of the things set forth in this Declara­ charity and self-examination rests upon him. In either case,
won the consent of the Fathers of this most sacred only the frivolous will discharge the matter as "merely an­
We too, by the apostolic authority conferred on other statement of opinion" or "of interest only to Catholics."
brist, join with the Venerable Fathers in approving,
g,_ and establishing these things in the Holy Spirit, Very appropriately, the Declaration begins its discussion
direct that what has thus been enacted in synod be of that attitude and practice which is Christlike and apostolic
d to God's glocy. by reference to the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20; Mk.
16:16). This is the precise place where the first Protestant
,t St. Peter's, December 7, 196S defen?ers of religious freedom also began.1 Reading from it,
Bishop of the Catholic Church we discern the responsibility of Christians to communicate
openl�, to avoid coercion, to elicit voluntary commitment, to
;:,w the signatures of the Fathers. proclaun the plenary power of Christ (Mt. 28:18, William
Penn's favorite text), to announce the coming age. Religious
ple of religious freedom is also widely violated; this fact can only
�- Then the Declaration, which has stated its argument in terms of freedom is different in kind from toleration, even from a pax
turns to the pragmatic aspect of the issue-the practical value dissidentium: it derives, both historically and theologically,
isity of religious freedom in the world today. It is a world of
from a certam . understanding of the nature of true faith. To
w�ch is stri�g toward some measure of unity; it is a world of
r!rlch 1s yearrung for peace; it is, above all, a world in which a tolerate dissent is today merely prudent; to respect the con-
::iousne�s of human dignity struggles to find expression in social in­
that will guarantee to men the freedom which is due to them in
1. Th� �enno Simons, who wrote strongly against all use of coercion in mat­
lost necessary of all is freedom of religion. Where it is safe the _
ters r�ligious, c�ted the Great Commission repeatedly in "The Foundation of
en for the "glorious freedom of the sons of God" to come to 'men .
Christian Doctrine" (1539), "Christian Baptism" (1539), etc.
gift through Christ in the Holy Spirit.

science and the person of another is noble. The cornerstone out repeatedly that no just government may suppress th
of religious freedom is religious, not political. As Claus Fel­ freedom of religious profession and practice which is the �
binger, the 16th-century martyr, put it, "God wants no com­ sential style of the Church's life.
pulsory service. On the contrary, He loves a free, willing In a parallel argument, religious freedom is grounded iJ
heart that serves Him with a joyful soul and does joyfully "the dignity of the human person," which leads to the dt:
what is right."2 mand "that constitutional limits should be set to the power
Because love ever seeks to communicate, back of religious of government, in order that there may be no encroacbme:
freedom there is found a commitment to community. The on the rightful freedom of the person and of associations.
notion that "religion is a purely private matter" has no place Religious freedom is thus made secure for all persons of con
in a Christian document. To define religious freedom in pure­ science, whether they are professing Christians or not.
ly subjective and individualistic terms is to misconceive its A most important advance in the Declaration is the rec
essential nature and to build on sand. The true end of free­ ognition that since there are means improper to serve Chris
dom is the growth of love and service to the neighbor. Here tian ends, no true Church and no just government may limi
again Catholics and Protestants are guided along a like path. or coerce the religious freedom of non-Christians eithe1
"The Reformation did not propose as an end religious liberty Without weakening whatever the Christian insistence on th
in the political sense. It was not a battle for liberty but for ultimate authority of Truth and the final duty of religiou
truth. It did not, and does not, care for liberty except as a obedience, the double standard is thereby eliminated and �
product of the truth and for its sake. Truth is the Church's pre-condition of open and honest religious dialogue estati
aim, liberty only the means thereto."3 lished. As Father Murray puts it, "the Declaration has opene,
It has been amply demonstrated in the modem period, of the way toward new confidence in ecumenical relationships
course, that policies of toleration or freedom which are only and a new straightforwardness in relationships between ili
prudential are likely also to be only transitory. Furthermore, Church and the world."
freedoms-and especially religious freedom-which are ex­ In one major dimension, the logic of religious freedom r�
pounded purely in terms of what is good for the state are mains undeveloped. The theme is thoroughly elaborated i.J
not likely to endure. The case for religious freedom does not reference to the natural rights of persons and associations. 1
begin with politics but with religion. Both major forms of is soundty grounded in the system of belief of the Church
totalitarianism have claimed to speak for freedom. Both have The implications for the nature of a just government are les1
defined freedom in reference to the prior claims of the state. thoroughly treated. Governments which persecute are no
Both end, under the rubric "absolute separation of church only defying the rule of reason and the law of the gospel
and state," in policies far more restrictive of the freedom of however: they are also guilty of denying the limits and styli
religion than the earlier style of coercive Christendom.4 It is of sound government. Governments may "set themselves i.J
quite possible to have "separation" without religious freedom, opposition to the holy. will of God" not only in defying th!
Indeed, the ideological approach to separation has almost al­ truth and persecuting the faithful but also by pretending 1:4
ways been accompanied by hostility to and suppression of be something more than limited and-theologically speakinj
the free exercise of religion. The Declaration therefore points -"creaturely."
The American experience of religious freedom ls not onl!
2. Cf. quotation and argument in "The Historical Free Church Tradition De­ an advance in Church history: it is also an important break
fined." IX Brethren Life and Thought (1964), 4:78-90. through in government. Governments which claim to achieve
3. Forsyth, Peter Taylor, Faith, Freedom, and the Future (New York: Hodder
& Stoughton, n.d.), p. 200. Ultimate aims, which pretend to be more than human in
4. Note the almost identical policies for the suppression of religious free don1 struments to effect limited and specific purposes-whethei
in Martin Bonnann's program for the Warthegau and Hilde Benjamin's pro­ "sacral" in the old sense, or "ideological" in the sense o
gram for the D.D.R.: Giirtler, Paul. Nationalsozialismus und evangelische
Kirchen im Warthegau (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Rup recht, 1958), Appe:: c?ntemporary fascism and communism-are theologicall!
dix, Document 8, and "Die Kirchen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Rep u . disobedient and historically retrogressive. "Secularized" gov
lik," in Beckmann, Joachim, ed., Kuchliches lahrbuch: 1958 (Giit erslob,
Giitersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1958), p. 199. ernmental institutions, always to be distinguished from the

e and the person of another is noble. The cornerstone out repeatedly that no jus! government . may _suppress the
igious freedom is religious, not political. As Claus Pel­ freedom of religious profession and practice which IS the es-
·, the 16th-century martyr, put it, "God wants no com.­ sential style of the Church's life.
y service. On the contrary, He loves a free, willing In a parallel argument, religious freedom is grounded in
that serves Him with a joyful soul and does joyfully "the dignity of the human person," which leads to the de­
S right."2 llland "that constitutional limits should be set to the powers
ause love ever seeks to communicate, back of religious of government, in order that there may be no encro�ctions.�e1!!
m there is found a commitment to community. The on the rightful freedom of the person and of associa
that "religion is a purely private matter" has no place al!
Religious freedom is thus made s�ure for. persons of con­
!hristian document. To define religious freedom in pure- science whether they are professmg Christians or not.
1jective and individualistic terms is to misconceive its A �ost important advance in the Declaration is the r�
.al nature and to build on sand. The true end of free­ ognition that since there are means improper to serve Chris­
' the growth of love and service to the neighbor. Here tian ends no true Church and no just government may limit
Catholics . and �otestants are guided along a like path. or coerc� the religious freedom of non-Chri:5tians either.
lef��ation did not propose as an end religious liberty Without weakening whatever the Christian insistence on the
political sense. It was not a battle for liberty but for ultimate authority of Truth and the final duty of religious
It did not, and does not, care for liberty except as a obedience the double standard is thereby eliminated and the
:t of the truth and for its sake. Truth is the Church's pre-condition of open and honest religious dialogue estab­
.berty only the means thereto."3 lished. As Father Murray puts it, "the Declaration has opened
38 been �ply demonstrated in the modem period, of the way toward new confidence in ecumenical relationships,
_that po�c1es of toleration or freedom which are only and a new straightforwardness in relationships between the
tial are likely also to be only transitory. Furthermore Church and the world."
ns-and especially religious freedom-which are ex: In one major dimension, the logic of religious freedom re­
p purely in terms of what is good for the state are mains undeveloped. The theme is thoroughly elaborated in
�ly to endure. The case for religious freedom does not reference to the natural rights of persons and associations. It
�th politics but with religion. Both major forms of is soundly grounded in the system of belief of the Church.
rianism have claimed to speak for freedom. Both have The implications for the nature of a just government are less
freedom in reference to the prior claims of the state. thoroughly treated. Governments which persecute are not
nd, under the rubric "absolute separation of church only defying the rule of reason and the law of the gospel,
te," in policies far more restrictive of the freedom of however: they are also guilty of denying the limits and style
than the earlier style of coercive Christendom.4 It is of sound government. Governments may "set themselves in
Jssible to have "separation" without religious freedom. opposition to the holy_ will of God" not only in defying the
the ideological approach to separation has almost al­ truth and persecuting the faithful but also by pretending to
een accompanied by hostility to and suppression of be something more than limited and-theologically speaking
: exercise of religion. The Declaration therefore points -"creaturely."
The American experience of religious freedom is not only
otation and argument In "The Historical Free Church Tradition De­ an advance in Church history: it is also an important break­
� Brethren Life and Thought (1964), 4:78-90. through in government. Governments which claim to achieve
ultimate aims, which pretend to be more than human in­
i. Peter Taylor, Faith, Freedom, and the Future (New York: Hodder
on, n.d.), p. 200.
1e almost identical policies for the suppression of religious freedom struments to effect limited and specific purposes-whether
Bormann's pro�am for the Warthegau and Hilde Benjamin's pro­
"sacral" in the old sense, or "ideological" in the sense of
contemporary fascism and communism-are theologically
the D.D.R.: Giirtler, Paul, Nationalsozialismua und evangelische
n Warthegau (�t�gen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1958), Appen-
ment 8, and , 'Die Kirchen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Repub- disobedient and historically retrogressive. "Secularized" gov­
ernmental institutions, always to be distinguished from· the
8eckmann, Joachim, ed., Kirchliches lahrbuch: 1958 (Giitersloh:
:r Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1958), p. 199.

state committed to secularism as an ideolow, have in our

situation proved beneficial to both religion and politics.
While appreciating the fact that not all secularist govern­

ments respect the integrity of conscience and not all govern­
ments with established Churches persecute dissenters today,
this writer would note the fundamental difference between
toleration and religious freedom and suggest that govern­
ment which is freed simply to carry on the proper business
of government marks a distinct advance in human history.
The assertion of religious freedom, therefore, which begins ADDRESSES AND DECISIONS OF
as a religious understanding and obligation, ends by giving a
new institutional formation to the world. As so often has hap­ POPE JOHN XXIII AND POPE PA[
pened in the works of Christ, the work begun among the
faithful is completed in the reshaping of the created order. CONCERNING VATICAN II,
Religious freedom, in sum, makes not only a better Church
and a finer obedience among Christians: its constitutional TOGETHER WITH THE CLOSING
recognition and protection also makes a better government.
Thus again, in the end, God's will for the realm of redemp­ MESSAGES OF THE COUNCIL
tion and His purpose for the created order blend in a final

Unless otherwise noted, the documents in this sectio

lations from the original Latin provided by the Va
Office and the Press Office of the Second Vatica

. (

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