ITC - PAC Certificates

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lntegrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-1.

IIlSidlrilltEilll Companv Rev # 2.0

Eff. Dato: 0110612017
Accepta nce Certlflcate
II'IIEGHAIID IiLI[O[{ Schedule F Refr Nil

Certificate No.: Zg Rollout Reference (R1,R2,R3):

supptier Name: tlliffiil&t;Tffii work order Reference No.: ABLHJ-RYH-KFSL'Wo-

Contract Ref.: ;TC-CONT-1 fi-2CI11 Program Name: NBB

Certificate Type: (PAC)

Acceptance lssuance Date: 22-J an-'|.9

outstandlngltems: nves work
Type of
f] criticat Completed: mocumentation
n Minor
XOtner (GlS uploading on

Acceptance Pre-request :
Supporting Document:
XCtS data uptoaded
EHandover accepted
Epnr Binder
Ebervice connected to ITC central office
8 Penalization (if anv to be
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre+equest and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no criticaltechnical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH
Name: Bassam Oulabi

sisnature Gil.uts //znrry

VP-Engineering CTO
Name:Ahmed Al-Anqari Name: Mouin Abdallah

signature {i- u ltl )zr )

on Need lo Know Basis

Integrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-1.0

illsidlrillllilll Companv Rev # 2.0

Eff. Date:0110612017
Acceptance Certificate
INIIGHATIDTELEt0[,l Schedule F Ref: Nil

Certificate No.: 35 Rollout Reference (R1,R2,R3):

Supplier Name:
*l['#'r1taT14 work order Reference No.: HJAJ-KHRJ-ADLS-wo-

Contract Ref.: ITC-CONT-1 10-2017 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate

Acceptance lssuance Date: 5 -Feb-{9

X None
Outstandingltems: EYes work
Type of
I criticat comPleted: &ocumentation
n Minor
XOtfrer (GlS uptoading on

Acceptance Pre-request :
Supporting Document:
EOtS data uptoaded Xrcn
EHandover accepted
Epnr Binder
Ebervice connected to ITC central offlce
El Penalizalion (if any to be
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work orde(s) conforms and
meels the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no criticaltechnicalscope is pending.

NW Director FTTH PMO
Name: Bassam Oulabi Name: Abdullah

VP-Engineering VP-BS
Name: Ahmed Al-Anqari Name: Saeed Name: Mouin Abdallah

ITC I Confidential I Sharing on Ne-O to fnow aasis Page 1/'l

lntegrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-1.0
ilol5idl tlltailll Company Rev # 2.0
Eff. Date: 0110612017
Acceptance Certificate
II']IIIRATIDTELI(0ful Schedule F Ref: Nil

Certificate No.: 34 Roilout Reference (Rl,R2,Rg[

supptier Name: t:flil'#lr'r};?.'i work order Reference No.: HJAJ-KHRJ-ADLS-wo'

Contract Ref.: ITC-CONT_110-2017 program Name: NBB

Accepta n ce cerallLateTypetlm6
Acceptance Certificate lssuance D,ae: S +eb-{g
Plstrict NPme/Reference: AL Andilus
Cabinet NFme/Reference: FDT-3

Outstandingltems: IYes Type of Work
I criticat Ebocumentation
f Minor
Xother (GtS uploading on

Acceptance Pre.request :
$upporting Document:
Xots data uptoaded Ercn
EHandover accepted
trpar Binder
Ehervice connected to ITC central office

Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditionalacceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no criticaltechnical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH PMO
Name: Bassaq.Oulabj Name:Abdullah

Signature Signature r4q Signature
VP-Engineering cTo
Name:Ahmed Al-Anqari Name: Mouin Abdallah

sisnature { ?l-|r*'*

ITC I Confidential I Sharing on tteeO lo Know

tntegrated Telecom Doc # C0NT-CONT-TL-l.0

i,lstsidltUbilll Companv Rev # 2.0

Eff. Date: 01t0612017
Acceptance Certificate

Certificate No.: 30 Rollout Reference (R1,R2,R3):

Supplier Name: t:l['#[HTr" Work order Reference No.: HrAJ-KHRJ-ADLS-ry6'

Gontract Ref.: ITC-CONT-1 10-2011 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate Type: (PAC)

Acceptance Certificate lssuance Date: 27-Jan-{ 9

Outstandingltems: EYes work
Type of
I criticat comPleted: Elocumentation
f Minor
XOtner (GlS uploading on

Acceptance Pre.request :
$upporting Document:
XCIS data uptoaded Xucn
EHandover accepted
Epnr Binder
l&ervice connected to ITC central otfice
8 Penalization (ffany to be calcutatedl
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no critical technical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH PMO
Name: Bassam Oulabi Name:Abdullah Odeh
Signatur!/2".6.-o2-5a13 Signature 6/t /? alQ
VP-Engineering VP-BS CTO
Name:Ahmed Al,Anqari Name: Saeed Name: Mouin Abdallah
sisn@+ t6nr,r," sisnature S- 'l r

\I lrl

ITC I Confidential I Sharing on Need to Know Basis %ge 1/ 1

,ti;'t;:l,tl,ir,.l, lntegrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-1.0
',;,r,,1,, ll, rli'i',t i'r Companv Rev # 2.0
Eff. Date: 0110812017
Acceptance Gertificate
II\ITIGRAI(DTIIIIO[,| Schedule F Ref: Nil

Certificate No.: 29 Rollout Reference (R1,R2,R3):

supplier Name:
t3fl[:*li$T:,, work order Reference No.: HJAJ-KHRJ'ADLs-wo-

Contract Ref.: ITC-CONT-1 10-2017 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate Type: (PAC l

Acce ptance Certificate lssuance Date: 22-.lan-l 9

District Name/Reference: AL Andalus
Cabinet Name/Reference : FDT-{

Outstandingltems: XYes work
Type of
I crlticat Completed: mlocumentation
f] Minor
EOtfrer (GtS uploading on

Acceptance Pre-request :
Supporting Document:
XC|S data uploaded X.lcn
EHandover accepted
Bpnr Binder
l&ervice connected to ITC central office
lX Penalization (if any to be calculated)
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work orde(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no criticaltechnical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH Sr. Director FTTH PMO
Name: Bassam Oulabi Name:Abdullah Odeh

Signature Signature O"/t/z

VP-Engineering cTo
Name:Ahmed Al-Anqari Name: Mouin Abdallah

sisnature 4f )l L{wt5

ITC I Conlidential I Sharing on Need to Know Basis Page 1/ 1

lntegrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-1.0
Company Rev # 2,0
Eff, Date: 01lA6t2A17
Acceptance Certiflcate
$chedule F Ref: Nil

Certlficate No.: 209 Rollout Refersnce (Ri,R2,R3|:

$upptiar Name: |!flil|;;if,f';flajajGeneral work order Reference No.: HJAJ'RD-KFHD-wg-

Contrrct Ref.: ITC-CONT-1 10-ZOt7 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate Type: (PAC)

Acceptance Certif icate lss uance Date : 26-Au g-I I

Eistrict Name/Reference: Kino Fahd
Cabinet NamelReference: FDT - 07

outstandingttems: fJYes work
Type of
f criticat Completed: Elocumentation
I Minor
XOtner (GlS uploading on

Acceptance Pre-request :
Supporting Document:
Eots data upliaded X..lcn
EHandover accepted Epnr Binder
Ebervice connected to ITC central office
EI Penalization
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) $upporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditionalacceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no crilical technical scope is pending,

NW Director FTTH PMO
Name: Bassam Name: Abdullah Odeh

t^ l*E /s
VP-Engineering VP.BS cTo
Narne: Ahmed Al-Anqari Name: Name: Mouin Abdallah
I sisnature { rr\i\r'tar
.IT -r-t

ITC I Confldentlal I Shailng on Need to Know Basls Page 1/ 1

lntegrated Telecom Doc # C0NT-CONT-TL-1.0

iltliidlrilllriljl cqmpe[y---- Rev # 2.0

Eff. Date: 0',10612417
Acceptance Certificate
Il\lTEfiRAIIDTELEM[,| Schedule F Ref: Nil

Certificate No.: 310 Rollout Reference (Ri,R2,R3):

supptler Name: t3lil#l,i1t;?'j'i work order Rererence No.: HJAJ_KR_Azrz_wo-671
Contract Ref.: ITC-CONT-11 0-2017 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate Type: (PAC)

Acceptance Gertificate lssuance Date: l8-Dec-1 9

District Nam e/Reference: Azizivah
Cabinet NamelReference; FDT-04

outstandingltems: Ives work
Type of
I criticat Completed: EDocumentation
n Minor XOtner (GlS uploading on

Acceptance Pre-request : $upporting Document:

trOtS data uploaded Xlcn
EHandover accepted trpnr Binder
Eservice connected to ITC central office
n Penalization
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTTFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no criticaltechnical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH
Name: Bass, ulabi Name: Abdullah

Signature Signature Signature
VP-Engineering VP-BS CTO
Name:Ahmed Al-Anqari Name: Saeer Name: Mouin Abdallah

xlnln Signatu Signatrj-re

ITC I Confidential I Sharing on Need to Know Basis Page 1/ 1

Integrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-1.0

rbtsidlr|ltlilll Com f;anu Rev # 2.0

Eff. Date: 0110612017
Acceptance Certificate
Il,lT16RAIID TITIIOI,I Schedule F Ref; Nil

Certiflcate No.: 3g4 Rollout Reference {Ri,R2,R3):

suppuer Name:
t3:il'#lirttT:,, work order Rererence No.: HJAJ-KR'zAHR'*6-

Contract Ref.: ;TC-CONT-1 10-2017 Program Name:

Acceptance Certiflcate Type: (PAC)

Acceptance Certif i cate lssua nce Date: 03-Feb-202A

District Name/Reference: Al Zahir
Cabinet Name/Reference : FDT{7

Outstandingltems: nYes work
Type of
I criticat Completed: Ebocumentation
n Minor lOtner (GlS uploading on

Acceptance Pre-request : Supporting Document:

trOtS data uploaded EX.lcn
EHandover accepted Epnr Binder
Eservice connected to ITC central office
I Penalization
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, tn
accordance referenced contract and that no critical technical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH PMO
Name: Name:Abdullah Odeh

Signature Signature
\/D-Enainaarire cTo

OK Name:Ahmed Al-Anqari


ITC lConfidential I Sharing on Need to Know BaEls Page 11 1

lntegrated Telecom Doc # CONT-CONT-TL-I.0

tblsidlrllhilll Commanu;, Rev # 2.0

Eff, Date: 01i0612017
Acceptance Certificate

Certlficate No.: 395 Rollout Reference (R1,R2,R3):

suppuer Name: 33iliffiiilt;?*l work order Reference No.: HJAJ'RD'DoBr-wo'

Contract Ref.: ;TC-CONT-1 10-2017 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate Type: (PAC)

Acceptance Certificate lssuance Date: 03-Feb-2020

District NamelReferenee: Al Dobat
Cabinet Name/Reference: FDT-01

outstandlngltems: XYes work
Type of
f criticat Completed: Ebocumentation
I Minor UOther (GtS uptoading on

Acceptance Pre-request : Supporting Document:

trCtS data uploaded E.lcn
ElHandover accepted Elper Binder
Bservice connected to ITC central office
EX Penalization

Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) Supporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditional acceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, rn
accordance referenced contract and that no critical technical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH PMO

Name:Easqam Oulabi Name: Abdullah Odeh

Signaturdg> 4 ,o
Name: Name: Ahmed Al-Anqari

on Need to Know Basis

!ntegrated Telecom Doc # CONT-C0NT-TL-1.0

tlll5hjlt|lbiUl Compante Rev # 2.0

Eff. Date: 0110612017
Accepta nce Certificate

Gertiflcate No.: 3gA Rollout Reference (R,|,R2,R3):

supplier Name: *lil'rfrti1t;T:,"1 work order Rererence No.: HJAJ'KR-ZAHR'wo'

Contract Ref.: ITC-CONT-1 rc-2111 Program Name: NBB

Acceptance Certificate Type: (PACI

Acceptance Certificate lssuance Date; 03-Feb-2020

District Name/Rgfeqe,Irce: Al Zahir
Cabinet Nanle/Reference: FDT.05

Outstandingltems: EYee work
Type of
I criticat Completed: EDocumentation
n Minor EOtner {Gt$ uploading on

Acceptance Pre-request : Supportlng Document:

trCtS data uploaded Xllcn
BHandover accepted Epnr Binder
Eservice connected to ITC centraloffice
E Penalization
Unless all submissions stated under: a) Acceptance Pre-request and b) $upporting Documents are
submitted, this is a conditionalacceptance.

ITC HEREBY CERTIFY that the works under the above named work order(s) conforms and
meets the requirements of "Acceptance Certificate Type" stated above under the agreed scope, in
accordance referenced contract and that no criticaltechnical scope is pending.

NW Director FTTH PMO
Name: Bassam Oulabi Name:Abdullah Odeh

Name:Ahmed Al-Anqari

ITC I Confidential I Sharing on Need to Know Basis Page 11 1

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