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Education is our passport to the future and indeed, success is the goal of all of us.

price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether
we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. It doesn’t matter how
many achievements you have, what matters most is that how you give your whole potential,
how you render yourselves holistically in order to achieve your goal.
Today is the day to celebrate success. It is the most significant date in our academic
calendar as it is the time when the faculty, guest, students and parents gathered together to
celebrate the academic achievement of the graduates. And it is not the end rather a new
beginning to a new horizon of our career. It’s time to reap of thy labour.
Ablessed afternoon everyone!  This afternoon’s event marks as one of  the most-awaited
commemorative event not only for our dear students but also to our proud and supportive
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 2nd Graduation Ceremony of the Senior-High
School Night Class!
At this time let us all welcome the graduates of this school year 2018-2019 together with
their parents.

To start with…..

And the Senior High School- Night class teaching force….


Let us pay tribute as we outplay the Philippine National Anthem to be followed by the school hymn.


Let us all invoke the presence of our Lord Almighty to be led by Eugene Rio H. Magadia.
(Please be sitted…)

*Welcome address

To formally welcome us let us all listen to Mikaela S. Silva. Let’s give her a resounding applause.
(Thank you Mikaela!)

*Presentation of Graduates

To present with us the graduating batch of 2019 may we call in the Department Head of Senior High School-
Night Class, Ma’am Loida C. Puyo.

(Thank you Ma’am Cely!)

*Conferring of Academic honors

It is said that the quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to his or her commitment
to excellence regardless of the chosen field of endeavour. Worthy enough, these awardees had
succeeded in exemplifying efforts, hardwork and perseverance;therefore proving to be the best
among their league.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us recognize those students’ ordinary things extraordinary well.

To confer the honors, may we call in the school director- Mrs. Araceli A. Calderon, the
principal of night class department Mrs. Ma. Vilma S. Tanyag and the department head of SHS-
Night Class Mrs. Loida C. Puyo.

(Congratulations awardees! I bet your parents are indeed so proud of your achievements.)

*Words of Gratitude

To express their heartfelt gratitude for the people behind their success, may we call in Ella Mae
M. Peramo.

(Thank you Ella Mae)

*Awarding of Special awards
It’s about time to reward another hardwork and achievement of our graduates towards
education. At this point, recognition will be given to students who excel in academic and co-
curricular activities. And here are the special awardees.
To confer the special awardees may we call in the School Supervisor, Mr Marvin L. Magtibay,
the principal of night class department Mrs. Ma. Vilma S. Tanyag and the department head of
SHS-Night Class Mrs. Loida C. Puyo.

At this juncture, let us recognized the perfect attendance awardees. They are the students who
completed the 238 number of school days required by the Department of Education without
being absent nor tardiness.

Perffect Attendance Awardees (ABM strand)… (HUMSS strand) (STEM strand)

And now, the Exemplary Perfect Attendance Awardees.

Exemplary Perfect Attendance Award is given to the student who successfully completed
and attended the ______ number of school days without being absent nor tardiness. For the
information of everyone these students made it from Grade 7 till now on their graduation!

The exemplary perfect attendance award for (ABM Strand)..

(HUMSS Strand) (STEM Strand)
(Once again, Congratulations Awardees!)

*Introduction of Guest Speaker

At this moment, it is a great merit that we are joined by an inspiring guest today. To formally
introduce and to know more about our guest speaker may we call in Ma’am Ann Therese P.
Macaraig- HUMSS Adviser.

Thank you very much Dr. Joepi Falqueza for a very inspiring and insightful messages you
imparted this afternoon. Your words will surely guide our graduates as they tread a new path in
their lives. May your messages motivate them to strive harder.

*Distribution of Diplomas

And now the most significant moment in every graduation ceremony has come. Let us give our
utmost felicitation to the graduates of Batch 2018-2019 as they received their certificates which
indeed an embodiment of their victory.

To hand over the certificates are Dr. Joepi F. Falqueza, Assistant Schools Superintendent, Mrs,
Araceli Agoncillo Calderon- the school director and Mrs. Ma. Vilma S. Tanyag-principal of
nIght class dept.

To start with….

Congratulations graduates!

*Farewell Message

At this juncture let us now listen to the farewell message of Alexa Mae E. Tolentino.

(Thank you Alexa.)

*Pledge of Loyalty

To lead the batch in their pledge of loyalty may I call in Arvin B. Ramos.

*Closing prayer

And now, let us all stand for the closing prayer to be led by Zeah Viendell G. Cruzat.

*Graduation Song

In every memorable moment of one’s life, there are always songs that will embody inferred
emotions. With a round of applause, let us welcome the graduates for their graduation song.

In every beginning there’s an ending, and every ending there’s a better and a great beginning!
This commencement exercise has truly been noteworthy for everyone here. Graduation is
indeed a time of completion, of finishing, of an ending, however, it is also a time of celebration
of achievement and most importantly a beginning for the new graduate.

In behalf of the School’s Administrative staff and faculty, we joyfully congratulate the
graduates, their parents and advisers. We sincerely thank all those who helped and supported us
and to our guest who attended this momentous event.

This has been your host Ms. Nerisa Aldea and Ms. Abigail Mangundayao saying THANK YOU
and may God bless us all! Glory to You, Oh Lord God, Now And Forever!

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