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Pagadian City

Principles of Teaching II

Prelim Examination
SY: 2021-2022 (2nd semester)

Name:__________________________________ Group No.________ Permit No.________

Test I- Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter for your best choice of answer.
1. A set of assumptions that define beliefs and theories about the nature of the learner and the process of learning.
a. practice b. strategy c. method d. approach
 2. A chief guide that makes teaching and learning effective and productive.
a. lesson plan b. method of teaching c. principles of teaching d. lesson log

 3. A system of activities whereby teachers’ instructional tasks enable students to learn.
a. modeling b. teaching c. performance task d. group activity

 4. Responsible to construct a well- designed plan to achieve the objectives of the lesson.
a. principal b. head teacher c. guidance counselor d. teacher

 5. _____is the most important element of teaching.

a. teacher b. learner c. teaching guide d. Lesson plan

6. It is the most potent learning “rewards” to enhance performance of the learner.

a. extrinsic motivation b. intrinsic motivation c. self-confidence d. risk-taking

7. Learners are motivated to perform the tasks within his willingness to learn.
a. strategic investment b. extrinsic motivation c. intrinsic motivation d. anticipation reward
8. It is an activity where the learners decode information by recognizing parts of words and sentences.
a. listening b. speaking c. writing d. reading
9. The teacher provides the information needed for students to gain the knowledge or skill through lecture, tape,
video, pictures and etc.
a. modeling b. inputs c. guided practices d. strategies
10. An assessment conducted during the course of instruction.
a. diagnostic b. formative c. summative d. post-test

11. A kind of test/ assessment given where the main objective is to evaluate if the content/performance standards are
being met by the learners.
a. weekly b. monthly c. formative d. summative
12. It is the students’ ability to understand and use language appropriately and correctly.
a. speaking skills b. communicative competence
c. learning ability d. vocabulary development
13. What kind of intelligence in which a student manifested his ability to write journal and reflect himself.
a. verbal b. interpersonal c. intrapersonal d. spatial
14. Learners are good in visual presentations possess _______ intelligence.
a. naturalist b. interpersonal c. spatial d. interpersonal
15. A kind of teaching practice where the teacher is citing examples from the local culture related to the topic.
a. indigenization b. conceptualization c. visualization d. improvisation

16. It takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his own experience and prior knowledge
to solve a problem.
a. reflective learning b. discovery learning c. experiential learning d. transfer of learning

17. One considerations of the learner to interact quickly in the given task is _____.
a. financial status b. hereditary trait c. experience d. environment

18. An approach of teaching whom the teacher extends effort beyond the classroom into the context of the real world.
a. culture-sensitive b. contextualized c. inquiry–based d. inclusive

19. Engages students to talk, think and do more.

a. indirect instruction b. direct instruction c. cooperation d. integration

20. Direct instruction helps student master_______.

a. problem solving b. self-discipline c. basic skills d. conceptual framework

21. If you haven’t mastered content yet, it is best to go______ in method.

a. inductive b. deductive c. inductive first then deductive d. deductive first then inductive

 22. The role of the teacher in direct instruction is more of a ________.

a. coach b. lecturer c. facilitator d. proctor

 23. A coherent set of criteria which facilitates the assessment of the learners.
a. guidelines b. rubric c. analytic rubric d holistic rubric

 24. A kind of assessment done in every end of the quarter.

a. long test b. formative c. summative d. written output

 25. A teacher must vary his/her teaching strategies and techniques to address the needs of _____ learners.
a. homogenous b. diversified c. slow d. fast
Test II- Write Agree if the statement is true and Disagree if it is false.
_______1. The process of learning is primarily controlled by the teacher.
_______2. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner.
_______3. It is impractical for the teacher to relate lesson to the needs and problems of the learner.
_______4. Spiral progression is the approach used in science.
_______5. Learners perform best when teaching approach fits the learner’s abilities.
_______6. In the brain you can separate emotion from cognition.
_______7. Learning task should be challenging and threatening.
_______8. Students must be encouraged by the teacher to work individually at all times.
_______9. In the features of inquiry, the learner will formulate explanation from evidence.
_______10. In constructivists approach, the learners were given the opportunity to learn by themselves.

_______11. In direct –Inductive method is by way of telling and showing.

_______12. Direct-Deductive method, the teacher synthesized the ideas of the learners.
_______13. Classroom approach incorporates the students’ social and emotional growth into academic learning.
_______ 14.Teacher takes into consideration the needs of the learners.
_______15. Assessment is primarily done to gain feedbacks of students’ learning.

Test III- Essay (10pts.)

1. Explain explicitly the ultimate goal of K to 12 curriculum implementation and how it affects the lives of young
generations when it comes to learning and life preparations.

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