Compounds From Allium Species With Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Activity

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Phytochem Rev

DOI 10.1007/s11101-014-9366-0

Compounds from Allium species with cytotoxic

and antimicrobial activity
Virginia Lanzotti • Felice Scala •

Giuliano Bonanomi

Received: 6 February 2014 / Accepted: 27 May 2014

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a bulb- mainly related to two main classes of compounds: the
shaped plant belonging to the Allium genus which apolar sulphur compounds and the polar saponins.
also includes onions (Allium cepa L.), leek (Allium These latter compounds, compared to the more studied
ampeloprasum L. var. porrum Gay), shallot (Allium thiosulphinates, have the advantages of not being
ascalonicum L), scallion (A. fistulosum L.) and chives pungent and more stable during cooking. Recently,
(Allium schoenoprasum L.). The biological activity of there has been increasing scientific attention given to
garlic has been known since ancient times. Babylo- such compounds. In this paper, the literature about the
nians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans major volatile and non-volatile organic compounds of
used garlic as a remedy for intestinal disorders, garlic and other Allium plants has been reviewed.
respiratory infections, skin diseases, bacterial infec- Particular attention is given to the compounds pos-
tions, worms, wounds and tumors. In particular, before sessing antibacterial and cytotoxic activity in garlic
the discovery of antibiotics, garlic has been used and in the other Allium species and their mechanism of
against amoebic dysentery and epidemic diseases such action.
as typhus, cholera, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. To
date, more than 3,000 publications scientifically Keywords Garlic  Onion  Anticancer activity 
supported the use of garlic in the ethno-medicine. Antioxidant activity  Antibacterial activity
But what makes garlic and Allium species effective
against cancer? The effect of garlic may arise from its
antibacterial properties or from its ability to block
formation on cancer-causing substances, half the Introduction
activation of cancer causing substances, enhance
DNA repair, reduce cell proliferation or induce cell Garlic and the other Allium species, such as onions,
death. Epidemiological studies have found that an leek, shallot, scallion and chives, have been known
increase of consumptions of Allium spp. reduce the since ancient times for their health benefits. Babylo-
risk of prostate and gastric cancers and this has been nians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans
used garlic as a remedy for intestinal disorders,
respiratory infections, skin diseases, bacterial infec-
tions, worms, wounds and tumors (Block 1985). In
V. Lanzotti (&)  F. Scala  G. Bonanomi
particular, before the discovery of antibiotics, garlic
Dipartimento di Agraria, Università di Napoli ‘‘Federico
II’’, Via Università 100, 80055 Portici, Napoli, Italy has been used against amoebic dysentery and epi-
e-mail: demic diseases such as typhus, cholera, diphtheria, and

Phytochem Rev

tuberculosis. It is documented that garlic was largely Sulphur compounds in fresh and processed bulbs:
used during the World War II to treat wounds of allicin, ajoenes, dialkenyl and dialkyl sulphides,
soldiers and applied directly to wounds to inhibit the S-allylcysteine (SAC) and S-allylmercaptocysteine
spread of infection. To date, more than 3,000 (SAMC)
publications, one thousand published in the past
decade, scientifically supported the use of garlic in The chemistry of garlic is complex and it has been
the ethno-medicine. Several population studies have shown to develop a self-protective mechanism against
shown an association between increased intake of microorganisms and other pathogens. The main
garlic and reduced risk of cancers of gastro-intestinal responsible of this mechanism are sulphur compounds
tract. The effect of garlic may arise from its that give to garlic its characteristic smell. The first
antibacterial properties (Ruddock et al. 2005) or sulphur-compound discovered from garlic was allicin
from its ability to block formation on cancer-causing (diallyl thiosulphinate) (1, Fig. 1), reported by Cav-
substances (Shenoy and Choughuley 1992), half the allito and Bailey (1944). It is an odorous and
activation of cancer causing substances (Miner extremely unstable metabolite not present in garlic
2001), enhance DNA repair (L’vora and Zasukhina bulbs. Its primary precursor in intact bulbs is glutamyl
2002), reduce cell proliferation or induce cell death L-cysteine that is hydrolysed and oxidized to allin
(Hsing et al. 2002). (S-allylcysteine sulphoxide) (Fig. 2). It accumulates in
Epidemiological studies have found that an bulbs during their storage and cool temperature. When
increase of consumptions of Allium spp. reduces the the bulbs are cutted or crushed alliin is transformed
risk of prostate and gastric cancers and this has been into the alkenyl alkene thiosulphinate allicin by the
mainly related to two main classes of compounds: the enzyme alliinase (Fig. 2). Allicin and the other
apolar sulphur compounds and the polar saponins. In thiosulphinates immediately decompose to sulphide
this paper, the literature about the major volatile and compounds, including ajoenes, diallyl sulphide
non-volatile organic compounds of garlic and other (DAS), diallyl disulphide (DADS), diallyl trisulphide
Allium plants has been reviewed. Particular attention is (DATS), dipropyl disulphide (DPDS) (2–8, Fig. 1). In
given to the compounds possessing cytotoxic activity addition to these metabolites the bulbs also contain
in garlic and in the other Allium species and their small amounts of SAC and SAMC (9–10, Fig. 1)
mechanism of action. formed by c-glutamyl L-cysteine catabolism (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1 Organic sulphur compounds from Allium. Abbrevia- dipropyl disulphide (DPDS), S-allylcysteine (SAC), S-allylmer-
tions used: dially sulphide (DAS), diallyl disulphide (DADS), captocysteine (SAMC)
diallyl trisulphide (DATS), diallyl tetrasulphide (DATTS),

Phytochem Rev

Fig. 2 Chemical changes in

organic sulphur compounds
in garlic bulbs containing
high amounts of c-glutamyl
L-cysteine. This compound
is the precursor of alliin that
is also present in the bulbs.
After cutting the bulbs the
enzyme alliinase rapidly
convert alliin into allicin
that in turn gives rise to the
other organic sulphur
compounds. c-glutamyl
L-cysteine is converted
without passing through
alliin and allicin to SAC

When the garlic is processed the compounds present in sulphides, mainly DADS and DATS (Block 1985).
plants rapidly are transformed into hundreds of sulphur The garlic cloves are heat-distilled or extracted with
compounds. In particular, allicin once formed is converted apolar organic solvents such as hexane thus eliminat-
into other thiosulphinates and for this reason is not present ing the water-soluble organic compounds. Allicin is
in intact garlic or in garlic products. At the same time not present in the oil. Commercially garlic oils are
allicin has been discovered, the use of antibiotics to treat based on vegetable oil with addition of small amounts
infections was just reported. Thus, allicin was patented for of garlic oil because of its pungency.
its antibiotic and antifungal effects as antimicrobial agent Garlic powder is obtained from garlic cloves after
in vitro. Later on, it has been shown that is not the active crushing, drying and pulverization. This is considered
compound in vivo because the acidity of the stomach the better garlic product containing the same bioactive
prevents the formation of allicin (Freeman and Kodera compounds of fresh garlic. However, Iberl et al. (1990)
1995). In fact, no allicin was detected in human blood after showed that garlic constituents are present in different
ingestion of Allium or allicin-based products. concentrations. In fact, while the main sulphur com-
Processed garlic and digested garlic contain other pound is alliin in both materials, its concentration vary
sulphur compounds that are also less odorous, water from 0.8 % in fresh cloves to 1 % in dried powder. A
soluble and show interesting biological properties. dehydration process without loss of ingredients would
Among these, DATS has been reported to induce result in a concentration of alliin around 2–2.5 %. The
apoptosis of the postharvest pathogen Penicillium obtained value in garlic powder of 1 % indicates that
expansum on citrus (Liu et al. 2009). In addition, SAC more than half of alliin is lost during dehydration.
and SAMC, present in many garlic preparation at Allicin is present in garlic powder in undetectable
different concentrations (Lawson 1993), have shown the amounts (\ 1 ppm). However, some garlic powder
ability to reduce carcinogen bioactivity (Lee et al. 1994). products indicate an allicin-potential that in any case
It has to be considered that processed garlic contains only reach the 5 % of the weight in stimulated gastric
sulphur-compounds different from those found in intact fluid compared with water (Freeman and Kodera 1995).
cloves of garlic and that these compounds vary This is due to the inactivation of alliinase at acidic pH of
depending from the manufacturing processing. the stomach (pH B 3) indicating that allicin is not the
active compound in vivo.
Garlic oil macerate is prepared by infusion of fresh
Sulphur compounds in garlic products garlic into oil. During this process alliin is transformed
into allicin that rapidly decompose to ajoene and
The essential oil of garlic is obtained by steam sulphides (Block 1985). There are no adequate study
distillation of cloves and contain a variety of on the standardization of such products.

Phytochem Rev

Garlic extract is prepared by extracting cloves of action mechanisms of this compound. The antimicro-
garlic with hydroalcoholic solutions. The organic bial activity of allicin has been associated with the
extract is concentrated or lyophilized thus obtaining a inhibition of sulfhydryl-dependent enzymes (Wills
powder rich in water-soluble organic compounds, 1956) such as alcohol dehydrogenase, thioredoxin
including sulphur compounds, saponins and flavo- reductase, and RNA polymerase. In many cases, the
noids. Among the sulphur compounds, SAC and addition of both cysteine and glutathione reduced the
SACM are the major constituents present. The extracts inhibitory effects of allicin because these two com-
are aged up to 20 months giving rise to aged garlic pounds react with allicin disulfide bond, thus prevent-
extract (AGE). During this time the content of volatile ing cell damage. Glutathione occurrence in
sulphur compounds decreases because they are con- mammalian cells may explain their limited sensitivity
verted into stable sulphur compounds, such as SAC to allicin compared to microbial cells which do not
and SAMC. For this reason, AGE is considered a safe contain or have a very small amount of this compound
and healthy product. (Davis 2005).
E- and Z-ajoene exhibited broad-spectrum antimi-
Antimicrobial activity of sulphur compounds crobial activity against gram-positive and gram-neg-
ative bacteria (Yoshida et al. 1987; Naganawa et al.
Allicin (1, Fig. 1) is a potent antimicrobial compound. 1996), fungi (Yoshida et al. 1998; Ledezma et al.
It is able to inhibit at low concentrations, with an LD50 2000) and protozoa (Perez et al. 1994; Millet et al.
often within the range of 3–20 lg ml-1, many fungi, 2011) (Table 1). Moreover, the few available studies
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, pathogenic indicate that ajoene has a more potent antiviral activity
protozoa and also viruses (Table 1). Antifungal activ- compared to allicin and other Allium derived organo-
ity of allicin was clearly demonstrated by Yamada and sulphur compounds (Weber et al. 1992). As reported
Azuma (1977) against several important genera of for allicin, the addition of cysteine greatly reduces the
human pathogens including Candida, Cryptococcus, inhibitory effect of ajoene, likely as a result of the
Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum. interaction between the amino acid and the disulfide
Allicin can act synergistically with synthetic fungi- bonds of the compound (Naganawa et al. 1996).
cides. An early study found that streptomycin and Antimicrobial activity has been reported for several
chloramphenicol synergize with allicin in inhibiting allyl sulphide compounds (4–7, Fig. 1) and seems to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Gupta and Viswanathan be related to the number of disulphide bounds, i.e.
1955). Jonkers et al. (1999) reported a synergistic DATTS[DATS[DADS[DAS (Tsao and Yin 2001).
interaction between the antibiotic vancomycin and
allicin in the inhibition of several antibiotic-resistant
enterococci. A similar synergistic interaction was Cytotoxic activity and mechanism of action
reported between the cuprous ion, largely used as a of sulphur compounds
broad-spectrum fungicide, and allicin in the inhibition
of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Ogita et al. Since Weisberger and Pensky (1958) demonstrated,
2005). The bactericidal activity of allicin has been in vitro and in vivo, that thiosulfinate extracts from
reported against at least 25 saprophytic and pathogenic garlic inhibit the tumor cell growth, many studies have
bacteria such as Bacillus spp., Enterococcus spp., been carried out to elucidate the role and the mech-
Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella anisms of action of these compounds as chemopre-
typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio chol- ventive or anticarcinogen agents. Attention focused
era (Table 1). Recently, Cutler and Wilson (2004) mostly on allicin, the major biologically active
reported that allicin was effective against methicillin- component of fresh garlic. Allicin may exert its
resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. anticarcinogen action in different ways such as the
Allicin has a low toxicity towards mammalian cell alteration of carcinogen metabolism (Guyonnet et al.
cultures with negative effects generally observed at 1999); inhibition of the procarcinogen activation by
concentrations higher than 60 lg ml-1 (Ankri and affecting the cytochrome P450 (Dion et al. 1997;
Mirelman 1999). The different responses of microbial Khanum et al. 2004); inhibition of oxidative damage
and mammalian cells to allicin is likely related to the due to the antioxidant action (Perchellet et al. 1990);

Phytochem Rev

Table 1 List of organic sulphur compounds from the genus Allium with in vitro activities on cancer cells
Cytotoxic Cancer Cell line and References
compounds bioassay

Allicin (1) Cervical carcinoma HeLa Hirsch et al. (2000), Oommen

et al. (2004), Azadi et al. (2009)
Breast cancer MCF-7
Cervical carcinoma SiHa Oommen et al. (2004)
Colorectal adenocarcinoma SW480
Colon carcinoma LoVo Guang et al. (2004)
Colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 Bat-Chen et al. (2010)
Colorectal carcinoma HCT-116
Colorectal adenocarcinoma HT-29 Hirsch et al. (2000), Bat-Chen
et al. (2010)
Endometrial adenocarcinoma Ishikawa
Gastric adenocarcinoma SGC7901 Zhang et al. (2010)
Gastric cancer (check) MGC-803 Ha and Yuan (2004), Lan (2004),
Zhang et al. (2007)
Gastric cancer (check) SGC-7901
Gastric carcinoma AGS Park et al. (2005)
Glioblastoma U87MG Cha et al. (2012)
Leukemia B-CLL PBMC Arditti et al. (2005)
Lymphoma CD20? MCL
Leukemia HL60 Miron et al. (2008)
Leukemia U937
Lymphoma EL-4 Wang et al. (2012a)
Murine lymphoma (check) L5178Y Padilla-Camberos et al. (2010)
– NIH-3T3 Prager-Khoutorsky et al. (2007)
Breast cancer ErbB2? Miron et al. (2003)
E- and Z-Ajoene Melanoma B16/BL6 Taylor et al. (2006)
Colorectal adenocarcinoma HT-29
Lung carcinoma A549
Breast adenocarcinoma MDA-MB231
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma PANC-1
Breast adenocarcinoma SKBR-3
Leukemia HL-60 Dirsch et al. (2002), Li et al.
(2002), Antlsperger et al. (2003),
Terrasson et al. (2007)
Colon adenocarcinoma DLD-1 Dirsch et al. (1998)
Squamous carcinoma A431
Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y
Melanoma B16F10 Ledezma et al. (2004)
Leukemia CD34 Ahmed et al. (2000), Hassan
Leukemia CD7

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Table 1 continued
Cytotoxic Cancer Cell line and References
compounds bioassay

Leukemia Human resistant

Neuroblastomab SK-N-AS Terrasson et al. (2007)
– MRC5
Astrocytoma U373MG
Leukemia JURKAT
Breast cancer MCF-7 Li et al. (2002)
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma KB
Hepatocellular carcinoma Bel 7402
Gastric carcinoma BGC 823
Colon carcinoma HCT
Cervical carcinoma HeLa
Basal cell carcinoma TE354T Tilli et al. (2003)
Lymphoma BJA-B Scharfenberg et al. (1990, 1994)
Diallyl sulphide Melanoma A375 Wang et al. (2012b)
(DAS) (4)
Carcinoma (check) BCC
Prostate carcinoma LNCaP Pinto et al. (1997)
Lung carcinoma H460 Hong et al. (2000)
Lung carcinoma NSCLC
Diallyl disulphide Melanoma A375 Wang et al. (2012b)
(DADS) (5)
Carcinoma (check) BCC
Colorectal adenocarcinoma HCT-15 Sundaram and Milner (1996), Park
et al. (2002)
Leukemia HL60 Kwon et al. (2002)
Lung carcinoma H460 Hong et al. (2000)
Lung carcinoma NSCLC
Lung carcinoma A549 Sundaram and Milner (1996)
Melanoma SK MEL-2
Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Filomeni et al. (2003)
Prostate carcinoma LNCaP Pinto et al. (1997)
Diallyl trisulphide Melanoma A375 Wang et al. (2012b)
(DATS) (6)
Diallyl tetrasulphide Colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 Saidu et al. (2013)
(DATTS) (7)
S-Allylmercaptocysteine Prostate carcinoma LNCaP Pinto et al. (1997)
(SAMC) (10)
Leukemia HEL Sigounas et al. (1997)
Leukemia OCIM-1
Breast cancer MCF-7
Prostate carcinoma CRL-1740
S-Allylcysteine Prostate carcinoma LNCaP Pinto et al. (1997)
(SAC) (9)
Colorectal adenocarcinoma HCT-15 Sundaram and Milner (1996)

Phytochem Rev

Table 1 continued
Cytotoxic Cancer Cell line and References
compounds bioassay

Lung carcinoma A549

Melanoma SK MEL-2
Dipropyl disulphide Colorectal adenocarcinoma HCT-15 Sundaram and Milner (1996)
(DPDS) (8)
Lung carcinoma A549
Melanoma SK MEL-2
Ajoene acts in interaction with cytarabine or fludarabine
Ajoene reduces the spread of the HCMV virus

inhibition of cellular proliferation by induction of Allicin was also compared with 30 azido-30 -deoxythy-
apoptosis and inhibition of cell division (Perchellet midine (AZT), a reverse transcriptase inhibitor which
et al. 1990); prevention of chromosomal damage is known to induce apoptosis by inhibiting telomerase
(anticlastogenic effect) (Lau et al. 1990; Khanum et al. activity. Allicin resulted more effective than AZT, but
2004); and inhibition of the lipoxygenase and cyclo- arrested cells at the G 2/M phase while AZT did it at the
oxygenase activities (antiinflammatory effect) (Per- S phase. This indicates that the mechanism of allicin on
chellet et al. 1990; Rose et al. 2005). telomerase activity inhibition is different from that of
The action mechanisms of allicin have been studied AZT and telomerase activity lacks cell cycle regulation
in a range of cancer cells including SiHa cells (human (Kyo and Inoue 2002; Holt et al. 1996, 1997).
cervical cancer cell line) (Oommen et al. 2004), Induction of apoptosis associated with an increase
HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma cell line) (Seger in caspase-3 activity was also found in L5178Y
and Krebs 1995; Lee et al. 2002; Roux and Blenis lymphoma cells (Padilla-Camberos et al. 2010);
2004; Zhang et al. 2007), SGC-7901 (gastric carci- similarly, in SiHa (human cervical cancer), L-929
noma cell line) (Sun and Wang 2003; Hirsch et al. (murine fibrosarcoma), SW480 (human colon cancer)
2000), CF-7 cells (human breast cancer cell line) and HeLa (human cervical cancer) cell lines, allicin
(Hirsch et al., 2000) and U87MG human glioma cells induced the formation of apoptotic bodies, activation
(Cha et al. 2012). of caspases-3, -8 and -9 and cleavage of poly(ADP-
Here we discuss some of the mechanisms reported ribose) polymerase (Oommen et al. 2004). A very
for the cytotoxic activity of this sulphur compound. detailed study on allicin mechanisms was carried out
Allicin induced-apoptosis was one of the most on U87MG human glioma cells (Cha et al. 2012). As
observed mechanisms. On cancer SGC-7901 cells, for gastric cancer cells, allicin activity occurred
Zhang et al. (2010) found that allicin reduced cell through induction of apoptosis. Some representative
viability in gastric cancer cells in a dose- and time- mechanisms involved in apoptosis including the
dependent manner, by induction of apoptosis. The mitochondrial pathway, activation of mitogen-acti-
molecular mechanism included processes related to vated protein kinases (MAPKs), caspase cascade and
apoptosis such as cytochrome c release from the oxidant enzyme system were investigated. It was
mitochondria and increased caspase-3, -8, and -9 demonstrated that Bax expression increased, while
activation. Upregulated expression of bax and fas, two Bcl-2 expression decreased. The Bcl-2 family might
genes involved in the physiological regulation of be involved in apoptosis through an interaction
programmed cell death, was also observed. In another between the pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins (Gross
study on the same type of cells, SGC-7901 (Sun and et al. 1999; Coultas and Strasser 2003; Dejean et al.
Wang 2003) apoptosis (arrest in G2/M phase) was 2005; Youle and Strasser 2008). The down- and up-
related to decreased telomerase activity. In the pre- regulated expression of Bcl-2 and Bax, respectively,
sence of a decline of this enzymatic activity, telomeres suggest that allicin-induced apoptosis is related to the
are shortened with each round of cell division until mitochondrial pathway. Moreover, apoptosis in gli-
mitoses of cells are arrested and apoptosis takes place. oma cells was not mediated by the caspase cascade as

Phytochem Rev

demonstrated for gastric cancer cells, but by the with a gradient solvent system from water 100 % to
MAPK/ERK signaling pathway. This study also methanol 100 %. The fractions obtained are analysed
demonstrated the involvement of reactive oxygen by TLC (SiO2, butanol/acetic acid/water 60:15:25)
species (ROS) in apoptosis. It is known that ROS may and NMR to check their degree of purity. Final
be associated with apoptosis because they are able to purification is obtained by C-18 reversed-phase HPLC
cause damage to membranes and other cellular equipped with semi-preparative and analytical col-
structures (Inoue et al. 2000; Kannan and Jain 2000; umns (Lanzotti 2006). The approach for structural
Circu and Aw 2010) and that antioxidant enzymes elucidation of saponins is mainly based on the use of
protect the cells from oxidative damage. Results spectroscopic techniques, including HRFABMS and
obtained showed that allicin-induced apoptosis in the advanced 2D NMR experiments thus keeping the
U87MG cells was down-regulated by the antioxidant material for further biological assays. Chemical
enzyme system. methods are only applied for stereostructure elucida-
Although the biological effects of allicin have been tion of sugar moieties. 2D NMR methods have the
related to its ability to react with thiol groups (Prager- enormous advantage of to overcome the overlapping
Khoutorsky et al. 2007) the precise mechanisms of a large number of signals in the 1D NMR spectra of
underlying its cytostatic activity are not clear. Prag- saponins and to determine: the aglycone structure, the
er-Khoutorsky et al. (2007) demonstrated that cultured number of sugar residues including their nature and
NIH-3T3 mouse fibroblasts treated with allicin their configuration, the glycosylation site, and the
showed some characteristic changes in their shape interglycosidic linkages (Lanzotti, 2005, 2012).
and motility, i.e. cells became unable to polarize and Table 2 lists the species from which saponins have
migrate directionally. These effects are similar to been extracted and characterized. The majority of
those caused by microtubule-disrupting drugs such as available studies focus on common, cultivated species
nocodazole (Vasiliev et al. 1970; Vasiliev 1991). such as garlic (A. sativum), onion (A. cepa), leek (A.
Allicin caused microtubule depolimerization without ampeloprasum var. porrum), chinese onion (A. chin-
disrupting the actin cytoskeleton, and blocked the ense) and chives garlic (A. tuberosum). However,
polymerization of pure tubulin. Compounds with studies on rare or wild species are also available (e.g.
sulfhydryl (SH)-reducing such as 2-mercaptoethanol A. cyrilii, A. leucanthum, A. minutiflorum; Table 2).
and dithiothreitol suppressed the effect of allicin on Concerning garlic, proto-eruboside B (11, Fig. 3)
microtubule polymerization. This suggests that allicin was the first furostanol saponin isolated from the bulbs
inhibits polymerization of tubulin by reacting with its (Matsura et al. 1988). The spirostanol analogue,
SH groups. eruboside B (12, Fig. 3), has been obtained by
enzymatic hydrolysis of the furostanol derivative
proto-eruboside B. Later on, it has been reported from
Saponins fresh bulbs of garlic the isolation of two closely related
saponins, named proto-iso-eruboside B (13, Fig. 3)
Most of the chemical and biological studies on garlic and iso-eruboside-B (14, Fig. 3), the 25S epimers of
and related Allium species have been performed on proto-eruboside B and eruboside B, respectively, and
sulphur compounds. However, recently the attention their effects on platelet aggregation, blood coagulation
was focused on saponins that are water soluble and fibrinolysis were examined by in vitro tests (Peng
compounds and more stable to cooking (Lanzotti et al. 1996).
2005, 2006, 2012; Lanzotti et al. 2012a, b, 2013). Further studies from garlic bulbs led to the isolation
Fresh or dried Allium plants are extracted with of a new furostanol saponin, named sativoside B1 (15,
MeOH or acetone and the the organic extracts are Fig. 4) and characterization of the new proto-desga-
resuspended in water and then extracted with butanol lactotigonin (16, Fig. 4) (Matsura et al. 1988). In the
to eliminate in the water phase the salts, sugars and same paper the structure elucidation of two new
aminoacids. The butanol extract is purified by con- steroidal glycosides, named sativoside R1 and sativ-
secutive purification steps by medium pressure liquid oside R2 (17 and 18, respectively, Fig. 4) have been
chromatography (MPLC) and high performance liquid reported from garlic roots. The saponin composition of
chromatography (HPLC) in reverse mode and eluting AGE (aged garlic extract) have been studied that

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Table 2 List of saponins from the genus Allium and related biological activities. Note that only in few cases (18 out of 64) cytotoxic
activity was assessed
Species name Compounds Activity Reference

Allium aflatunense Five spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Mimaki et al.

HL-60 (leukemia)
Allium ampeloprasum Six spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Sata et al. (1998)
Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum Four sapogenins Cytotoxic Carotenuto et al.
(sub. A. porrum) (1997)
J774 (reticulum cell sarcoma)
WEHI-164 (fibrosarcoma)
P 388 (leukemia)
IGR-1 (melanoma)
Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum Six spirostanol and two Cytotoxic Fattorusso et al.
(sub. A. porrum) cholestanol saponins (2000)
J-774 (reticulum cell sarcoma)
WEHI-164 (fibrosarcoma)
Allium chinense Two spirostanol saponins and Cytotoxic Baba et al. (2000)
one sapogenin
HeLa (cervical carcinoma)
Allium jesdianum One spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Mimaki et al.
HL-60 (leukemia)
CCRF-CEM (leukemia)
HOP-62 (lung cancer)
MCF-7 (breast cancer)
Allium leucanthum Seven spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Mskhiladze et al.
A549 (lung carcinoma)
DLD-1 (colon adenocarcinoma)
Allium macleanii Five spirostanol and one Cytotoxic Inoue et al. (1995)
cholestanol saponins
HeLa (cervical carcinoma)
Allium macrostemon Nine furostanol saponins Cytotoxic Chen et al. (2007)
HepG2 (liver carcinoma)
R-HepG2 (liver carcinoma, drug
MCF-7 (breast cancer)
NCI-H460 (lung carcinoma)
SF-268 (glioblastoma)
Allium macrostemon Two furostanol saponins Cytotoxic Chen et al. (2009)
NCI-H460 (lung carcinoma)
SF-268 (glioblastoma)
Allium nigrum Eight spirostanol and two Cytotoxic Jabrane et al.
cholestanol saponins (2011)
HT-29 (colorectal

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Table 2 continued
Species name Compounds Activity Reference

HCT-116 (colorectal carcinoma)

Allium schoenoprasum Four spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Timité et al. (2013)
HCT-116 (Colorectal carcinoma)
HT-29 (Colorectal
Allium senescens Two spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Inoue et al. (1995)
HeLa (cervical carcinoma)
Allium tuberosum One spirostanol saponin Cytotoxic Sang et al. (2002)
L-60 (leukemia)
Allium ursinum Two spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Sobolewska et al.
B16 (melanoma)
XC (sarcoma)
Allium vavilovii Four spirostanol saponins Cytotoxic Zolfaghari et al.
J-774 (reticulum cell sarcoma)
WEHI-164 (fibrosarcoma)
Allium vavilovii Four furostanol saponins Cytotoxic Zolfaghari et al.
J-774 (reticulum cell sarcoma)
WEHI-164 (fibrosarcoma)
Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum Four spirostanol saponins Antifungal Carotenuto et al.
(sub. A. porrum) (1999)
Fusarium culmorum
Allium cepa Three furostanol saponins Antifungal Lanzotti et al.
Alternaria alternata
Aspergillus niger
Botrytis cinerea
Fusarium oxysporum
Mucor sp.
Phomopsis sp.
Rhizoctonia solani
Sclerotium cepivorum
Trichoderma atroviride
Trichoderma harzianum
Allium leucanthum Five spirostanol saponins Antifungal Mskhiladze et al.
Yeast strains
Allium minutiflorum Two furostanol and three Antifungal Barile et al. (2007)
spirostanol saponins
Alternaria alternata
Alternaria porri
Botrytis cinerea
Fusarium oxysporum

Phytochem Rev

Table 2 continued
Species name Compounds Activity Reference

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.

Fusarium solani
Pythium ultimum
Rhizoctonia solani
Trichoderma harzianum
Allium persicum Four furostanol, two Antifungal Sadeghi et al.
spirostanol and one (2013)
Aspergillus niger
Botrytis cinerea
Penicillium italicum,
Trichoderma harzianum
Allium sativum Ten furostanol and two Antifungal Lanzotti et al.
spirostanol saponins (2012b)
Botrytis cinerea
Trichoderma harzianum
Allium sativum One furostanol saponins Antifungal Matsura et al.
Candida albicans
Allium vineale Nine spirostanol saponins Antifungal Chen and Snyder
Penicillium expansum
Allium fistulosum Nine furostanol saponins Antihypoxic Lai et al. (2010)
Allium macrostemon Three furostanol saponins Antiplatelet Ou et al. (2012)
Allium sativum One furostanol and three Antiplatelet Peng et al. (1996)
spirostanol saponins
Allium cepa Eleven furustanol saponins Antispasmodic Corea et al. (2005)
Allium hirtifolium Five furostanol and four Antispasmodic Barile et al. (2005)
spirostanol saponins
Allium chinense Six spirostanol saponins ATPase inhibition Kuroda et al.
Allium giganteum One spirostanol and two cAMP phosphodiesterase Mimaki et al.
furostanol saponins inhibition (1994)
Allium macrostemon Eight furostanol saponins Cellular Ca2? activity Chen et al. (2006)
Allium ampeloprasum One spirostanol saponin Haemolytic, anti-inflammatory, Adão et al. (2011)
Allium aflatunense One spirostanol saponin Not assessed Kawashima et al.
Allium albanum Five saponins Not assessed Ismailov et al.
Allium albiflorus One saponin Not assessed Ismailov and Aliev
Allium albopilosum Two spirostanol and four Not assessed Mimaki et al.
cholestanol saponins (1993)
Allium ascalonicum Four furostanol saponins Not assessed Kang et al. (2007)

Phytochem Rev

Table 2 continued
Species name Compounds Activity Reference

Allium atroviolaceum One sapogenin and one Not assessed Zolfaghari et al.
spirostanol saponin (2006)
Allium cepa var. tropeana Eight furostanol saponins Not assessed Dini et al. (2005)
Allium chinense Two furostanol saponins Not assessed Peng et al. (1996)
Allium cyrillii Two spirostanol saponins Not assessed Tolkacheva et al.
Allium elburzense Eight furostanol and five Not assessed Barile et al. (2004)
spirostanol saponins
Allium erubescens One spirostanol saponins Not assessed Chincharadze et al.
Allium fistulosum Five spirostanol saponins Not assessed Do et al. (1992)
Allium fistulosum Seven sapogenins Not assessed Lai et al. (2010)
Allium giganteum One spirostanol saponin Not assessed Kawashima et al.
Allium giganteum One sapogenin Not assessed Khristulas et al.
Allium karataviense Four spirostanol saponins Not assessed Vollerner et al.
Allium nutans Two furostanol and two Not assessed Akhov et al. (1999)
Allium ostrowskianum One cholestanol saponin Not assessed Mimaki et al.
Allium rotundum One furostanol and one Not assessed Maisashvili et al.
spirostanol saponin (2012)
Allium rubellum Four saponins Not assessed Ismailov et al.
Allium schubertii One furostanol and three Not assessed Kawashima et al.
spirostanol saponins (1993)
Allium sphaerosephalon One furostanol saponin Not assessed Mimaki et al.
Allium triquetrum Ten furostanol saponins Not assessed Corea et al. (2003)
Allium tuberosum Two spirostanol saponins Not assessed Sang et al. (1999a)
Allium tuberosum Three furostanol saponins Not assessed Sang et al. (1999b)
Allium tuberosum Four spirostanol, three Not assessed Sang et al. (2003)
furostanol, and one
cholestanol saponins
Allium tuberosum One spirostanol saponins Not assessed Zou et al. (2001)
Allium turcomanicum Five sapogenins Not assessed Pirtskhalava et al.
Allium turcomanicum One spirostanol saponin Not assessed Pirtskhalava et al.
Allium waldsteinii Three sapogenins and five Not assessed Gugunishvili et al.
saponins (2006)

Phytochem Rev

Fig. 3 Main saponins from garlic bulbs

allowed the isolation of saponins 19–35 (Fig. 5), two taxa. Hydroxylation on the skeletal core has been
of which (33 and 35, Fig. 5), based on new structures commonly found at position 2, 3, 5 and 6.
(Matsuura 2001). This paper also demonstrated the
high stability of these saponin compounds during the
time and their ability to inhibit the cholesterol Antimicrobial activity of saponins
absorption from the intestinal lumen in experimental
animals, and consequently to reduce the concentration Saponins from Allium species has many biological
of plasma cholesterol. properties including antispasmodic, antifungal, hae-
Thus, saponins isolated from garlic as well as found molytic, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, and
in related Allium species are mainly based on spirost- cytotoxic activity (Table 2). Surprisingly only a few
anol and furostanol aglycon (Fig. 6) (Lanzotti et al. studies have investigated their antimicrobial proper-
2012a, b). Structurally, they are C27 sterols in which ties of Allium saponins. Among these, Barile et al.
cholesterol has undergone modifications to produce a (2007) reported three saponins, named minutosides
spiroketal. In particular, the spiroketal function is A–C tested against several fungal plant pathogens,
derived from the cholesterol side-chain by a series of including Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum and
oxygenation reactions affording hydroxylation at C-16 Rhizoctonia solani. In particular, minutoside B (36,
and at one of the terminal methyls, and then producing Fig. 7) was the major saponin plant tissue
a ketone function at C-22. This intermediate is (83.5 mg kg-1) and also showed the highest activity
transformed into the hemiacetal, an unstable interme- in inhibiting spore germination and hyphal growth of
diate that undergoes glycosylation reaction at C-26 the tested fungi. Recent studies further reported that
thus obtaining the spirostanol aglycon or further several saponins from the common garlic var. Voghi-
reaction giving rise to the corresponding spiroketal, era (Lanzotti et al. 2012a), and onion (Lanzotti et al.
that is the spirostanol aglycon. This can be also 2012b) have potent antifungal activity versus several
obtained by hydrolysis of the furostanol aglycon with plant pathogens. As example, the chemical structures
the releasing of the sugar unit(s) at C-26. of voghierosides A (37, Fig. 7) and ceposides B (38,
The cholesterol aglycon has been only found in A. Fig. 7) have been reported in Figure. In addition, it has
ampeloprasum var. porrum and A. nigrum, while the been shown that the antifungal activity of ceposides
other skeletons are both present at almost the same level isolated from A. cepa against the plant pathogen
(Lanzotti et al. 2012a, b). From the data in the literature Botrytis cinerea and the biocontrol agent Trichoderma
it seems that the spirostanol skeleton is typical of garlic harzianum can be synergically enhanced when they
taxa, while the furostanol skeleton is typical for onion are supplied in combination (Lanzotti et al. 2012a, b).

Phytochem Rev

Fig. 4 Main saponins from

garlic bulbs and roots

Indeed, Allium species can produce a great diversity This contrasts with saponins from other plant species
of saponins that are stored in plant cells and have such as oat (Avena sativa) and tomato (Solanum
in vitro antifungal activity. However, their role in plant lycopersicum) for which the role in plant defense of
resistance against pathogens still has to be elucidated. avenacin and a–tomatine, respectively, has been

Phytochem Rev

clearly demonstrated (Morrisey and Osbourn 1999;

Martin-Hernandez et al. 2000). Bowyer et al. (1995)
reported that the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis
var. avenae is able to infect oat because it produces the
enzyme avenacinase that detoxifies avenacins, the
antifungal oat saponins. To clarify the biological
significance of Allium saponins in plant defense, future
studies should assess if these compounds accumulate
in plant tissues at concentrations which can inhibit
pathogens in vivo, and identify the molecular mech-
anisms involved in their antimicrobial activity.

Cytotoxic activity of saponins

In the recent years a great number of papers concern-

ing the biological activity of saponins have been
published. Triterpene and steroid saponins have been
isolated from many plant species and tested for their
cytotoxicity against a wide range of cancer cell lines
(see the review by Podolak et al. 2010). Saponins from
species of the genus Allium have been all identified as
steroidal compounds and their biological activity has
been assessed in more than 60 cases (Table 2).
However, there is still a conspicuous number of
Fig. 5 Main saponins from garlic aged extract (AGE) saponins from Allium species for which no biological

Fig. 6 Aglycon skeletons of Allium saponins and biosynthetic pathway

Phytochem Rev

Fig. 7 Examples of
antimicrobial saponins
isolated from A.
minutiflorum, A. sativum
var.Voghiera, and A. cepa

activity has been assessed (Table 2). In about 15 cases, Comparison of cytotoxity and structure of the two
Allium saponin cytotoxicity against various cancer cell saponins revealed that the presence of a double bond at
lines has also been shown (Sautour and Mitaine-Offer C25-C27 and a hydroxyl at C-12 in compound 1 and a
2007). Spirostanol and furanostanol saponins from A. double bond at C20-C22 in compound 2 were
leucanthum were assayed for cytotoxicity on cell lines responsible for the observed selective cytotoxicity
including lung adenocarcinoma (A549), colorectal (Fig. 8).
adenocarcinoma (DLD-1) and normal skin fibroblasts Cytotoxic activity of a mixture of two spirostanol
(WS1). Results showed that only spirostanol saponins saponins from A. ursinum was assayed against cell
were active against both tumor cell lines (Mskhiladze lines of melanoma B16, sarcoma XC and human
et al. 2008a, b). The data reported evidenced that for fibroblasts HSF (Sobolewska et al. 2006). The mixture
steroidal saponins the presence of sugar moieties is was found to be active against murine melanoma B16
important for the activity (Fig. 8). Two steroidal and sarcoma XC, but showed no activity towards
saponins from A. macrostemon were assayed against human fibroblasts HSF at low concentrations.
several human cancer cell lines, including MCF-7 Baba et al. (2000) showed that two spirostanol
(breast), NCI-H460 (lung), SF-268 (central nervous saponins extracted from A. chinense, xiebai-saponin I
system, CNS) and HepG2 (liver) (Chen et al.2009). and laxogenin diglycoside, were strongly cytotoxic to
The two saponins showed different activities: one Hela cells. The study was conducted by measuring the
(named 1 and based on a D25–27 furostanol pentagly- inhibition of the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acet-
coside structure) was active only towards the SF-268 ate-enhanced P-incorporation into phospholipids of
cell line, while the other (named 2 and based on a cells, a method very useful for screening compounds
D20–22, D25–27 furostanol triglycoside structure) was with anticancer activity. The same paper reports that
cytotoxic to both SF-268 and NCI H460 cell lines. the saponin laxogenin was proven to reduce the

Phytochem Rev

Fig. 8 Main structural elements increasing the cytotoxic activity of furostanol (left) and spirostanol (right) Allium saponins

average number of lung tumor induced by glycerol in vaviloside A1/A2 with a xylose unit (as found in
4-NQO-initiated mice. The data obtained suggested vaviloside B1/B2) increases the cytotoxic activity.
that the structure of sugar chain might determine the The substitution of one rhamnose with one glucose,
cytotoxic activity. Inhibitory effects on 12-O-tetra- apart from their different position, seems also to
decanoylphorbol-13-acetate-stimulated 32Pi-incorpo- produce a positive effect on the activity. Jabrane et al.
ration into phospholipids of Hela cells were also (2011) isolated six (some in epimeric mixtures)
observed with steroidal saponins isolated from A. spirostane and cholestane saponins from A. nigrum
macleanii and A. senescens (Inoue et al. 1995). Other and evaluated their cytotoxicity against the human
new spirostanol saponins isolated from leek (A. colon cancer (HCT 116 and HT-29) cell lines. Results
ampeloprasum var. porrum (sub. A. porrum) were showed that only two out of all the isolated com-
tested for their cytotoxic activity on two different cell pounds, based on a tetraglycosidic spirostanol skele-
lines (J-774, murine monocyte/macrophage, and ton bearing OH groups at C-2 and C-6 were active
WEHI-164, murine fibrosarcoma) and showed a good against the cells (Fig. 8), in agreement with previous
activity in reducing cell viability (Fattorusso et al. findings. Similarly, out of twelve steroidal isolated
2000). Among the tested saponins, high activity was from bulbs of A. karataviense, only one exhibited
found for spirostanol saponins tetraglycosides with cytostatic activity against human promyelocytic leu-
2-OH or 6-OH groups (Fig. 8). It has been found kemia HL-60 cells (Mimaki et al. 1999a,b). In a recent
activity also for saponins based on cholestane bides- study (Timité et al. 2013), a number of steroidal
moside structure. In addition, two sapogenins, saponins were isolated from A. schoenoprasum and 4
12-keto-porrigenin and 2,3-seco-porrigenin, isolated of them assayed for cytotoxic activity against the HCT
from the organic extract of leek exhibited antiprolif- 116 and HT-29 human colon cancer cell lines. The
erative activity on four tumor cell lines in vitro results showed that two were very potent cytotoxic
(Carotenuto et al. 1999). In addition, the sapogenin compounds, while one was moderately active and
based on the rare secospirostane skeleton on ring A another one inactive on both cell lines. The authors
showed higher activity on all tested cell lines. hypothesize that the presence of a ketone function at
Recently, a mixture of vavilosides and ascalonic- the C-6 of the aglycon moiety may be responsible for
oside extracted from A. vavilovii were subjected to the lack of activity.
cytotoxic tests on two cell lines: J-774 (murine Mimaki et al. (2001) examined the cytotoxic
macrophage) and WEHI-164 (murine fibrosarcoma) activities of steroidal saponins from Liliaceae plants
(Zolfaghari et al. 2013). All saponins tested showed a against HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells.
significant activity that increased with their concen- Results showed that activities of these compounds
tration. The most active compounds of the series were were depending on the monosaccharides present in the
vaviloside B1/B2, followed by ascalonicoside A1/A2, sugar moieties and on their sequences. For example,
and last by vaviloside A1/A2. Since these compounds the saponin diosgenin b-D-glucopyranoside did not
have the same aglycone, it appears that the sugar show any cytotoxic activity, but the attachment of an a-
portion of the molecules may modulate the activity. L-rhamnopyranosyl group at the C-2 of the glucopyr-
The substitution of a galactose unit (as found in anosyl moiety caused the appearance of activity. The

Phytochem Rev

addition of an a-L-rhamnopyranosyl, an a-L-arabino- antiatherosclerotica, antithrombotic cytotoxic drugs.

furanosyl or a b-D-glucopyranosyl, with the exception Responsible of their pungent taste and also of some of
of a b-D-galactopyranosyl, to C-3 or C-4 of the inner these bioactivities are volatile sulphur organic com-
glucosyl moiety, did not influence the activity. The pounds that have been studied in detail and have shown to
attachment of a b-D-galactopyranosyl at C-3 of the be chemically reactive. They easily give rise to several
glucopyranosyl residue increased the activity. The organosulphur compounds, mainly disulphides and tri-
authors found that the structure of the aglycons also sulphides, whithout loss of pharmacological activities.
affects the activity of diosgenin. The introduction of an In addition, these plants also have been shown to
hydroxyl group at C-17 of the aglycon slightly reduced contain spirostanol, furostanol and cholesterol saponin
the cytotoxicity of active saponins, while the same compounds that have recently received an increasing
group at C-27 decreased the activity to a much greater scientific attention because of their antimicrobial,
extent. Furostanol saponins, which usually do not show antifungal, antiplatelet aggregating, and cytotoxic
cytotoxic activity to cancer cells, when they have an a- activities. This class of compounds has the advantage
L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1?2)-b-D-glucopyranosyl or an of being more stable to food processing and cooking
a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(?2)-[a-L-rhamnopyranosyl- compared to the volatile compounds. Cytotoxicity of
(1?4)]-b-D-glucopyranosyl at C-3 of the aglycon steroidal saponins from plants has been initially
become active against HL-60 cells. associated to their detergent effect on cell membranes,
The mechanism of action of saponins from plants while in the recent years several other mechanisms
against tumoral cell lines have been largely investi- have been reported including apoptosis, cell cycle
gated (Podolak et al. 2010). Cytotoxicity of steroidal arrest, autophagy, inhibition of angiogenesis, disinte-
saponins, initially, has been associated to their deter- gration of cytoskeleton and inhibition of metastasis.
gent effect on the cell membranes (Furuya et al. 2000). However, studies on cytotoxic mechanisms of sapo-
In the past ten years, several other mechanisms have nins from Allium species are not available. Only one
been reported including apoptosis (Sun et al. 2009, Li report shows that saponins from plants of the family
et al. 2008, Xu et al. 2009, Wang et al. 2008), cell cycle Liliaceae, including Allium species, are able to cause
arrest (Sun et al. 2009, Liu et al. 2005),, autophagy death of cancer cells by inducing apoptosis.
(Ellington et al. 2005, Xu et al. 2007), inhibition of Future studies should focus on the mechanism of
angiogenesis (Wang et al. 2008, Tian et al. 2005), action of garlic and related Allium compounds and the
disintegration of cytoskeleton (Li et al. 2008), and relationship between chemical structure and activity
inhibition of metastasis (Tian et al. 2005, Man et al. (SAR) but also on clinical tests to evaluate the
2009). Unfortunately, mechanisms of action of sapo- potential effects of the isolated metabolites in human
nins from Allium species have not been much studied. health.
To our knowledge, only one paper (Candra et al. 2002)
investigated about the cytotoxic mechanism of sapo-
nins from plants belonging to the family of Liliaceae
including some Allium species. These authors reported References
that these saponins were able to cause death of mouse
lymphocytic leukemia L1210 cells by inducing apop- Adão CR, da Silva BP, Parente JP (2011) A new steroidal
saponin from Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum with
tosis. Further research is needed to completely under- antiinflammatory and gastroprotective effects. Phytochem
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