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Re Summer Holiday Work

Key words

Crime, Corporal punishment, Death penalty, prison, community service, forgiveness,

poverty, unjust law, principle of utility, addiction, mental illness, hate crime, theft,
murder, retribution, sanctity of life, deterrence, reformation

Muslims believe capital punishment is allowed as it is done for a fair reason. “

The Quran say “Do not kill unjustly”.
This means capital punishment is allowed as long as it is for a fair reason.
Christians believe that capital punishment is wrong.
The bible says “Do not kill”.
This means that life should never be taken no matter the reason.

Crime Muslim view Christian view

Murder “If you kill one man it is as if “Do not kill”
you have killed the whole of
Hate “ we are all equal as the “There is neither Jew nor
teeth of a comb” Greek slave no free, male
nor female for all are one in
Jesus Christ
Theft “ As for the thief male or “Do not steal”
female, cut off their hand”
Causes of crime
Upbringing, poverty, anger, mental illness, addiction, opposition to law

Criminals are evil Not all criminals are evil

Crimes such as stealing (“Do not kill”), and Mentally ill people may not think they are
murder (“As for the thief cut of their doing a crime.
hand”) go against Gods commands.  
  Criminals may steal and commit crimes to
People know the things they are doing are improve their own life.
harming others.  
Aims of Punishment

Protection Law exists to protect people

Sanctity of life
Reparation Make up for what you do
Jesus taught people to atone for sin
Deterrence Put people off doing crimes
Islam states to chop the hand off of a thief
Retribution Revenge
An eye for an eye
Reformation To ensure they can become part of society
“Love your neighbour”

Yes to community service No to community service

Helps to understand the value of Some criminals may not be affected be
community community service.
It lets people work Jesus said to forgive 70x7 times
The community become closer Some crimes may not be equivalent to
  community service. 

For corporal punishment Against corporal punishment

Islam says to chop off the hand of a thief If a person is innocent, the punishment is
Criminal goes through an unforgettable  
lesson. Not legal in some countries
Bibles says “Whoever spares the rod hares Some may argue it is too harsh for
their children but the one who loves their criminals.
children is careful to discipline them.”
For prison Against prison
Protects people from dangerous criminals Offenders families are ruined
Criminals may be able to reform Criminals may commit crime after released
Acts as a form of retribution Prison is expensive
Christians may believe that corporal punishment is not acceptable as you are harming the
In the bible it says “Your body is the temple of the holy spirit.”
This means that Corporal punishment is wrong as if you are harming your body, it is as if you
are harming God.
Muslims may agree with the use of corporal punishment.
Islam says the “chop the hand off of a thief”.
This means that corporal punishment should be used as God has instructed us to use it.

Capital Punishment is allowed Capital punishment is not allowed

Idea of revenge and justice “an eye for an All life is sacred so should not be taken
eye” “sanctity of life”
Makes prison cheaper  A person should not choose who lives or
Creates more fear than other punishments  
The bible says “Do not kill.”

Criminals should be forgiven Criminals should not be forgiven

Jesus said “Forgive 70x7 times” If the crime is irreversible, then the criminal
should not be forgiven.
Islamic teachings Christian teachings
“Be just for it is closest to righteousness” “Do not avenge yourselves but leave it to
  the wrath of God.”
“If you kill one man it would be if he killed  
all of mankind” “An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth”
“O you who believe obey Allah and obey “Submit to those in authority.”
the messenger and those in authority
among you.”
“Criminals should always be punished for their crimes”

Some people may disagree with the statement

This is because it is instructed by Jesus.
Jesus said “Forgive 70x7 times”
This means that instead of punishing a criminal, you should forgive them as that is what
Jesus said to do. 
Similarly, in Islam, it instructs to forgive.
One of the names of Allah is “Al-Ghafur” (the most forgiving).
This encourages Muslims to forgive others as they will please God.
Therefore, a criminal should not always be punished as in both religions, it is shown that you
should forgive instead of punishing them.

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