Biblography: Annexture

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A bibliography is a list of books and other reference that an author has used in preparing a
research paper.

Book Reference :

o The Evolution of the State Bank of India.

o SBI State Bank of India and Associates.

Website Reference :


"A Study On YONO The One Digital Banking Application Of State Bank of India".

I am Harshada Hiwase a student of MBA 2 year Amravati. Doing research study on "A
Study On YONO The One Digital Banking Application Of State Bank of India". As a part of our
course curriculum.

You are requested to fill the questionnaire and co-operate. The data and information
collected through this questionnaire is use for academic purpose only and will be kept

What is your Name


1) Age group
o 20-30
o 30-40
o 40-50
o 50 above

2) Are you familiar with Internet Banking provided by SBI ?

o Yes
o No

3) Do you use Internet Banking facility provided by SBI (YONO) ?

o Yes
o No
4) SBI internet banking facilities is reliable.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

5) How often do you use internet banking facilities?

o Once in a week
o Two or three times in a week
o Once in a month
o Regularly

6) It is easy to transfer money from one bank account to another through 'YONO SBI' app.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

7) How easy do you think using internet banking is?

o Very easy
o Easy
o Neutral
o Difficult

8) What do you prefer the most for withdrawing money from any ATM?
o Cardless withdrawal
o Using ATM card
o Both
9) Your recommendation to others to use SBI's Internet banking facilities?
o Strong recommendation
o May or May not recommended
o Normal recommendation
o Discourage

10) Registration process of internet banking is complex and difficult to understand.

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

11) You were able to register for internet banking facility within one day:
o Yes
o No
o Maybe

12) It is safe to use online transaction through 'YONO SBI' app.

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

13) How do you feel while transferring money through 'YONO SBI' app ?
o Very safe
o Safe
o Not safe at all

14) Which method do you think is safe for withdrawing money from any ATM?
o Using YONO cash
o Using ATM card

15) The response speed of 'YONO SBI' app is fast.

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

16) It is easy to access the features of the app.

o No
o Maybe

17) It is easy to understand and read the content of 'YONO SBI' app
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

18) Internet banking facility is very useful and plays an important role in our life in today's
digital/electronic world.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

19) Suppose you are in urgent need of money in order to pay to a certain person. Since its
Sunday the Bank is closed and you also don't have an ATM card. What will you do?
o Use YONO cash to withdraw money from ATM
o You will wait for the Bank to open on Monday

20) Rate 'YONO SBI' app ?

o One Star
o Two Star
o Three Star
o Four Star

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