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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C,. : STT-D-DFHH Test Booklet Series Serial No. noosses TEST BOOKLET STATISTICS PAPER—II Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or diserepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet Hable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers), ‘You will select the response which yall want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for cach item, 5. You have to mark your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet, 6. Ail items carry equal marks, 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate. 8. After you have completed filling in all your respanses on the Answer Shect and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wwrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. \didate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of iven answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question, (si) If a question is left blank, i.c., no anawer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. * DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO sO 1, The following ANOVA table is obtained for a two-variable linear regression Source of | Degrees af | Sum of variation freedom squares Regression 1 122.5 Residual 3 775 Totat 4 200:0 ‘The correlation between the regressor and the regressand is fa) 0.3875 fb) 0:6125 fe) 0.6225 (ay 0- 7826 2. Ina 2-way ANOVA with 6 rows, 5 columns and 3 observations per cell, what are the degrees of freedom for the sum of squares for interaction and error respectively? fa) 20 and 60 ib) 30 and 50 fe) 20 and 40 (dj 15 and 65 STT-D-DFHH/72-A a. If ¥,, ¥,, Yy and ¥4 are independent with Bh) B0Yg) =m + Ha EO’) = E (Fa) =o + Hs Var (¥,)=97; i= 1,2, 3,4 the condition of estimability of the parametric function hit; + lgitg + lity i fa) ly fb) yehel, fo) ty htt @) health 4. Let yj follow N@+Px, 07) t=12, 3.50 Let @, fi) and (4, B) be the least squares and maximum likelihood estimates of (a, B) respectively, Then which one of the following is correct? @ G26, @ (oO) Gaa, BI = zm = B only when o? is known 5. Ina multiple linear regression model with 5 regressors and 25 observations, the sum of squares due to regressors was 360 and the sum of squares due to errors was 128, For this madel, consider the following statements : 1. Almost 74% of the total variation in the model is explained by the regressors, 2. The estimated value of the error variance of the model is 3-2, Which of the above statements is/are correct? fa) 1 only () 2 only fe) Both 1 and 2 (dj Neither 1 nor 2 6. In the following, the Gauss-Markov model is stated as ¥=Xfit+e and X~ denotes the ginverse of the matrix X: 1 XX Rex 2, If Xis non-singular, then X 3. X° is needed when the columns of X are linearly dependent Which of the above is/are correct? fa) 1 only fb) 2 only fo) Land 2 only fd) 1,2 and 3 STT-D-DFHH/72-A 7. In the Gauss-Markov model ¥ = XB~«, which of the following assumptions are made? X is a matrix of full rank 2. Bly=0 3. Var (2) = 071 Select the correct answer using the code given below. (a) 1 and 2 only (>) 2 and 3 only () 1 and 3 only (@) 1,2 and 3 8. An experiment was conducted to study the variation in fuel consumption of diesel vehicles. For this purpose, different types of fuel injectors (A) and different qualities of fuel (8) were assigned randomly to the same type of diesel vehicles, The analysis of variance table of the random effect model is given below : ANOVA Table Degrees of | Sum o} peer freedom . ned A 4 48 3 3 36 AxB x 96 Error y z Total 50 380 ‘The estimate of component of variance due to interaction (64,,) is @ i fb) 1-6 fe} 5 id) 8 [P.T.0, 9. Consider the following two models with B(e)=0 and Var (e)= 072: Model A: ¥=X,B, +e Model B: ¥=XjB) +X.B2 +e Which one of the following is correct? ‘a (b) () RRR, (a) R32 # RB 10. Consider a model ¥=%B+e, where ¥ is nx X is nxp and B is px1 Let H=X(X'X)X', Which of the follawing are correct? 1. fl, —H} is symmetric 2 (I, —H) is idempotent 3. (I, -Wx-0 4. (, -WK+0 Select the correct answer using the code given below. f@) 1, @and 4 (o) 2 and 3 only fo) 1, 2and3 {d) 1 and 3 only STT-D-DFHH/72-A 21. Let n independent random variables Whe Wares Uy be normally distributed with constant and unknown variance o? and Bw)= $8)xy1 0 a for all 1,2, 3, ‘The distribution of the test statistic for testing the hypothesis Hy 'By =Bg =.= Bp =O is (4) a py @) Fp, n- pay Fig n—p) (B Up 12. The following information is given for a two-variable regression model that was run on 22 observations = Diy —H)? = 500, B[x; — x]? = 125, ry = 0-6 ‘The estimate of error variance will be given by fa) 1-20 (b) 144 fo) 9-00 (a) 16,00 13. The main advantage of having more than one observation per cell: in two-way ANOVA is 1, increased degrees of freedom for error SS. 2. testing significance of interaction effect Which of the above is/are correct? fa) 1 only fo} 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 {a} Neither 1 nor 2 14. For a one-way ANOVA in k classes, each with observations, consider the following = 1, Least significant difference _ /2XMBE,, n in =k, af 2. Scheffe's eritieal difference 2x MSE =U 3) Fanti Which of the above is/are correct? (@) 1 only 2 only () Both 1 and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 STT-D-DFHH/72-A 18. Consider the model E(y,)=2B, +B, Elug)=By-Bz and E(y3)=8, +o By with V(y,)=0? for all #=1,2,3 and Cov (y;. yj) = 0 for all fj. The value of a so that the best linear unbiased estimators of P, and fiz are uncorrelated is fa) 0 ) 2 fo} -2 (ay -1 16, To estimate fi in general linear model Yyoa * Snack Beet t+ €nxi Which one of the following assumptions is essential? fa) Elej=0 (b) Eire} =071, fe} pK) =k (d) € follows N(O, 671,,) 17. Test for the significance of complete regression is equivalent to fa) test for the significance of individual regression coefficients (b) test for the equality between two regression coefficients (c} test for the significance of multiple determination (@) test for the regression coefficient equal to some given value [P.T.0 ‘The included explanatory variable in the 21. The following table gives the observed linear model is irrelevant if frequencies for the four blood groups along with expected frequencies (a) the estimate of the regression peodrilliglinia-mmadal-s coefficient of explanatory variable is less than one Blood group| O | A | B | AB (b) the estimate of the regression baed Joa (es bas [oe coefficient of explanatory variable is Expected | 14 | 26 | 12 | 8 greater than one fe) the calculated tstatistic of the What is the corrected value of regression coefficient of expla- chi-equare statistic after applying Yates! natory variable is greater than one correction for continuity? (d@) the calculated t-statistic of the regression coefficient of expla- fa} 2.4874 natory variable is less than one fb) 2.2978 19. The estimate of error variance in two- variable linear model is Sere ee (dj 2-7590 Weg fb) 35 22, Which of the following are correct for a test of significance? 1, Size = 1-P (Typed error} 2. Power = 1—P (Type-tl error) 3. Power = P (Type=II error) 20. For the linear hypothesis 4. Size = P (Type-t error) Ho Rak Bet = Fo Select the correct answer using the code which one of the following represents given below, coefficients of linear restrictions on parameters involved in the model? fa) land 2 fee fh) 3and4 } B oor fo} Land 3 fd) k (d) 2and 4 STT-D-DFHH/72-A 6 BBM xy, Xq. Xarne Xn 25. Consider a population is a random sample of size n from Mi, 0), where 1. is known and we define Trek DX -wl a then for what value of & will T be an unbiased estimator of o? (a) 1-25n (8) 0-8n @ 1 iy %8 n 24. The sample values are drawn from a population with p.df. f(x) =(1+6)x"; O0, and are 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0-6, 0-7, 0-8and 0-9, The estimate of 8 by the method of moments is (a (b) 0-5 o-4 fe) 0-6 (a) 07 three kinds of individuals labelled 1, 2 and 3 occurring in the Hardy-Weinberg pro- portions p(1, 8) = 87, p.2, 4) = 2911-6) and p(3, 6)=(1-8)?, where Oc@ 0. Then (o) sd 1. 7, = X,S? is an unbiased estimate fe) op of 67, where ¥,, a1 3x) and ni (da) +1 fh = Dy - XP s2-G1 n BO. Hf X,, Xg, X3,-.,X_ be a random sample fram a population with density 2, 1%, is a consistent estimator of 6? Bate pe, patel, exces Se O=5¢ ty WES Which of the above is/are correct? then the MLE of 6 is given by Z fa) 1 only (a) X (b) 2 only (fb) median (%,, Xq, Xqy 0) Xp) fe) mode (%, 2, Xg2e01 Xn) (o} Both 1 and 2 (2) atansiand: davintion (a) Neither 1 ner 2 STT-D-DPHH/72-A 8 33. A normal distribution with unspecified 35. Let P be the probability that a coin will mean and variance is fitted to the fall head in a single toss in order to test following frequency distribution : the hypothesis Hy: p= against Ay: p=. The coin is tossed 5 times Class interval Prequenet - seen and Hy is rejected if more than three toeeao : heads are obtained. The probability of 20-5-30:5 5 | type-I error is 30:5-40°5 12 ' 40-5-50°5 25 fa) 16 50-5-60-5 a3 60:5-70.5 15 ae 70:5-B0'5 7 Ol t28 5: 128 80:5-90'5 2 BL ct = What are the degrees of freedom for 128 the corresponding chi-square test of goodness of fit? 13 jy 33 Shee fa) 3 (by 4 36. If x= 1 is the critical region for testing against the alternative (} 5 H,:6=2 on the basis of | single observati ae tion from the —_ population Fx, Mabe, Os xe, then the values of type-I and type-II errors will be respectively 34. The estimate of % for the exponential distribution f(x; A) = Ae for 0 89). Let a test reject Hy the SPRT criteria, the values of 8, +8 the constants A and 8 (B—2>—*. I a and B are the respectively type-I and type-II error probabilities of this test, then (a) aB oy) fa) a+B>1 38. Consider the following statements : Statement I: UMVU estimator is always unique, if it exists. Statement Il : 'UMVU. estimator is provided by CR lower bound only. Which one of the fallowing is correct in respect of the above statements? 40. A test in which decision about Ho is (a) Both Statement I and Statement II Talker :atter ‘cach mieceasive shacryetion are true and Statement I is the is known as correct explanation of Statement I (®) Both Statement I and Statement II (a) Bayes’ test are true but Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I (bo) likelihood ratio test {c) Statement I is true but Statement IL is false fe) sequential probability ratio test (aj Statement Lis false but Statement II is true (a) Student's ratio test STT-D-DFHH/72-A 10 41. Let there be a population having pdf. ie) asxcm ix, = 1% : shee 0 ; otherwise ‘The maximum likelihood estimator of & based on a random sample of size nis (a) jargest sample observation (} smalicst sample observation fe) sample median (ay sample mode 42, Ia sufficient statistic ¢ for 8 exists, then 1, MLE will be a function of sufficient statistic if it is unique 2. itwill have the invariance property 3. o(t) will be MLE for (0), provided ig @ continuous function of @ Which of the above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (ce) 1 and 3 only fa} 1,2 end 3 STT-D-DFHH/72-A an 43, Regarding optimum properties of MLE under some regulatory conditions, we can say that 1, the likelihood equation has a solution which converges in Prabability to true value 89 2. a consistent solution of likelihood equation does not correspond to the maximum of the likelihood 3. the likelihood equation has one and only one consistent solution Which of the above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (6) 2 and 3 only fe) 1 and 3 only (a) 1,2 and 3 44. Let x. xgi kgs, X_ be @ random sample of size n from a distribution with pdt. 15 Sx, 4 ae O0 (a) type-t error Which one of the following is correct? (o) type-II error fa) t=[]* is sufficient estimator it for 6 fc) both type-I and type-I erro it donor Tl error I" (a) neither typed nor type []% 38 not suiticient estimator iat for 6 4 a t= x; is sufficient estimator a for @ 50. For testing Hg: @=85 against the fe altemative H,:0=299, based on a single random observation y from the Popoltion within at: (a) There does not exist any sufficient estimator for @ ; 8>0, Osxce BQ. Let XY, XQ, Xji oy Xq be Lid. UO, 8) variates. Let the critical region for the hypothesis is ved. Then type error and type-I ¥ =max (Xj. XQ. Age Xa) ‘0 error respectively will be Then the unbiased estimator of (38° +585) is given by fa) (n+ 3v3+(n+ 9x5 fa) e° and & @) e-* and e? fl 3ns+ay3ssinegy> (8) e* and e6 eros STT-D-DFHH/72-A 13 [PT 0, 53. Let X be @ random variable following binomial distribution with parameters n=10 and p, Suppose x is a sample value of size 1. The test is that if x < 3, then reject Hg: p=4 and accept Hy: p= 1. The size of the critical region (a) wie o) = 64 Be S4 Let X have a pdf of the form O8, Then consider the following statements The UMP level a test exists t, (X) is biased estimator of 8, 2. t,(X) is consistent estimator of 8, (aj for P, but not for P, Which of the above statements is/are (8) for P, but not for F, correct? fe} for both R and P; {a} only (6) 2 only fc) Both 1 and 2 (dj neither for F, nor for P, (d} Neither 1 nor 2 . Let * and © be two independent Sy SD 64. A sample is drawn from the population chi-square variates with 2 and 6 degrees of freedom respectively. An unbiased of Fee a, p) Pete te, oo estimator of —L is given by “a and the values of first and second order sample moments about origin are ae 2 10 and 150 respectively. Then the ¥ estimators of a and B obtained by method of moments are 2x z pel ny 2% (a) @=2 and pot mm > 4 () @-1 and p-5 @ ° a ; . () @=2 and f=5 4x wal gel Ri d) &=) ana po (a) ¥ (dG 3 B 5 ‘STT-D-DFHH/72-4 16 65. Consider the following statements : 67. Consider the following statements ; tt 7 ‘ StiemenE LS - 1, National Statistical Commission SPRT sometimes provides a decision has the responsibility of statistical ‘Statement II audit, Probability of terminating SPRT is one. 2, NSSO collects data by sample Which one of the following is correct in surveys. ct of the above s! ts? = — 3. Censuses are conducted by RGI only. (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are true and Statement II is the Which of the above siatements are correct explanation of Statement 1 correct? () Both Statement I and Statement II are true but Statement If is not the (a) 1 and 2 only correct explanation of Statement | fb) 2 and 3 only (c) Statement I is true but Statement I] is false (] 1 and 3 only (@) Statement | is false but Statement fd) 1,2 and3 is true 66. Consider the following statements : 68. Indian Statistical System is supported by which legislative framework? 1, Indian Statistical System is decentralized by federal atrachire 1, The Collection of Statistics Act, as also by subjects. 2008 2. State Statistical System is 2. The Registration of Births and centralized, Deaths Act, 1969 3. Statistical coordination is done by 3. The Census Act, 1948 C80. Select the correct answer using the code Which of the above statements are given below. correct? fa] 1 and 2 only (a) 1 and 2 only (0) 2 and 3 only (6) 2 and 3 only fe) 1 and 3 only fe} 1 and 3 only (dj 1, 2 and 3 (@) 1,2 and 3 STT-D-DFHH/72-A 7 [P. To, 70. Which 69. Consider the following : 1. National Family Health Survey— Ministry of Health and Pamily Welfare Civil Registration System— Registrar General and Census Commissioner af India 3, Consumer Expenditure Survey— National Sample Survey Office Which of the matched? above are correctly (a) 1 and 2 only (o) 2 and 3 only fq} 1 and 3 only fd) 1, 2and 3 of the following is/are ‘the publication/publications of National Accounts Division of CSO in the MOSPI? 1, National Accounts Statistics 2, Input-Output Transactions Table 3. Economic Census Select the correct answer using the code given below. (a) 1 only (8) Land 2 fo) Land 3 (d) 2and 3 STT-D-DFHH/72-A 71. Agriculture Census data is collected in Land Records States through 1. complete enumeration of units 2. Khasra registers retabulation 3. sampling techniques Which of the above is/are correct? (a) 1 only ) 2 only fe) land 2 (da) Land 3 72. Which one of the following is correct in (@) @) fe) (a respect of Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Grade-1? Total Grade-I enrolment ER = a GER = population of age 6 years oer = Newsentrante in Grade-I 1 99 Population of age 6 years New entrants of GER « age 6 yearsin Grade-I 4, Population of age 6 years enrolment 5 999 ~ Population of age 6 years 73. The reference period in employment/ 78. The Agriculture Census in India is unemployment surveys by NSSO is conducted 1. one year (a) annual basis 2. two weeks: (b) quinquennial basis 3. each day of reference week 4. one week (co) decadal basis Which of the above is/are correct? (4) ed hoc basis fa} 1, 2and 3 76. Consider the following : (bo) 1, 3.and 4 1, The Prevention of — Food Adulteration Aet, 1954 fe) 1 only 2, The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (dj 3 only 3. The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 74. Which one of the following equations is, valid? Which of the above comes/come under the jurisdiction of MOHFW? fa) Promotion rate + Repetition rate + Dropout rate = 100 (a) 2 only {b) Promotion rate + Repetition rate ~ Dropout rate = 100 (8) land 3 only () Promotion rate — Repetition rate + Dropout rate = 100 (ol Vand 2 only {dj None of the above (@) 1,2 and 3 STT-D-DFHH/72-A 19 [P.7. 0. 77. Sample registration for collecting vital statistics is (q}_& fixed pane! survey (b} a cross-sectional survey woth fixed panel survey and cross- sectional survey (dj neither fixed panel survey nor cross-sectional survey 78, If the price index for the year 2015 is 110-3 and the price index for the year 2005 is 98-4, then what is the purchasing power of money (in ) of 2005 compared to 2015? fa) 1-12 (o) 1-25 35 fd (a) 0-89 STT-D-DFHH/72-8 he 20 79. Consumer price index numbers reveal the state of fa) inflation (b) deflation () both inflation and deflation (@) neither inflation nor deflation 80. The following table gives the frequency distribution of number of live births bom to women in the age group 15-45 years = Number of | Number of aoe ron | Norn | ttt ‘The value of General Fertility Rate (GFR) ‘based on the above data is (a) 44-933 (b) 89-866 fe} 449-33 (a) 898-66 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK STT-D-DFHH/72-A aa [P.T. 0. a W@L/HHAC-CALES: wIOM HDNOU Hod aOvas SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK STT-D-DFHH/72-A 23 [P.T.0. SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK STT-D-DFHH/72-A 24 7BS—12150

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