Eseg5053 Teaching Methodology: Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics

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Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics

Assignment (Planning and Evaluate a Lesson) – 30%

Start: Week 1

Due Dates: Week 7

Learning outcome/s:

• Demonstrate effective teaching methodologies for appropriate teaching contexts and in subject matters.


You probably, already, know about teaching methodology that comprises of approaches, methods, strategies and techniques. For this
assignment, you will plan a lesson and implement it. You are required to:

1. Firstly, form a group 4 members and plan to teach a topic that engage students with 21st century skills. You might want to use “Planning
to Teach” template to guide you in planning your lesson.
2. Secondly, choose a subtopic, prepare your own individual lesson plan based on the planning that you have discussed in your group,
implement it in your respective classroom, demonstrate and record the teaching process with specific focus at one (1) core teaching skill
(e.g., Explanation skill, Questioning, Reinforcement, Stimulus Variation, etc.). The video should not be less than 3 minutes.
3. Next, watch the video (that you have recorded) and analyze your own methods and skill using Microteaching Evaluation form (Appendix
4. Prepare, individually, 500 words reflection on your own practices focusing on:
a. Weaknesses
b. Strengths
c. Your actions for improvement

Deliverables (Final Submission of this Assignment):

a. A planned lesson of related subject using “Planning to Teach” template. (5 Marks)

b. A complete individual Lesson Plan that includes teaching methods used in your classroom. (5 Marks).

c. A 3-minute video of your best practices that shows you are using at least ONE teaching skill in the classroom. (5 Marks)
d. Evaluation form which transcribed from the recorded video. (5 Marks).
e. An individual 500-word reflection on the teaching methods you have used as to improve your teaching practices. (10 Marks)

Rubrics (See how you will be graded):

Components/ Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished

(1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4-5 marks)

Demonstrating • Teacher’s plans and • Teacher’s plans and • Teacher’s plans and • Teacher’s plans and practice
knowledge of practice display little practice reflect some practice reflect solid reflect extensive knowledge
content and knowledge of the content, awareness of the important knowledge of the of the content and of the
pedagogy prerequisite relationships concepts in the discipline, content, prerequisite structure of the discipline.
between different aspects prerequisite relations relations between Teacher actively builds on
A Planned Lesson (5 %)

of the content, or of the between them and of the important concepts and knowledge of prerequisites
instructional practices instructional practices of the instructional and misconceptions when
specific to that discipline. specific to that discipline. practices specific to describing instruction or
that discipline. seeking causes for student
• Teacher demonstrates little • Teacher indicates the misunderstanding.
or no knowledge of importance of • Teacher actively seeks
students’ backgrounds, understanding students’ knowledge of students’ • Teacher actively seeks
cultures, skills, language backgrounds, cultures, skills, backgrounds, cultures, knowledge of students’
proficiency, interests, and language proficiency, skills, language backgrounds, cultures, skills,
special needs, and does interests, and special proficiency, interests, language proficiency,
not seek such needs, and attains this and special needs, and interests, and special needs
understanding. knowledge for the class as attains this knowledge from a variety of sources,
a whole, using one method for groups of students. and attains this knowledge
of information-gathering. for individual students.
Lesson Plan
(5 %)

Learning • The purpose of the lesson • The purpose of the lesson • The purpose of the • The purpose of the lesson
Outcome (instructional goal) and/or (instructional goal) and/or lesson (instructional (instructional goal) and/or

the learning outcomes the learning outcomes for goal) and/or the the learning outcomes are
were missing or did not the students are unclear learning outcomes are both clear and
define what students would and developmentally either unclear or developmentally
be able to do. inappropriate. developmentally appropriate.
• A single strategy is used • A single, effective strategy inappropriate. • Multiple strategies used to
that may not allow for is employed in a way that • Suitable strategy or -ies engage individuals and
independent or collective ensures that students are used to promote active groups to high performance
construction of knowledge able to construct accurate learning and that allow and mastery through active
accurately. understanding of concepts. for variation in activity, learning. Strategies not only
including independent lead to knowledge of
and collective content but problem-solving
exploration of content. skills development.
More than one
representation of
concept included.

Demonstrates a below Demonstrates an Demonstrates an above Demonstrates a superior ability to

average ability to adequate/average ability to average ability to communicate and share with
Communication communicate and share with communicate and share with communicate and share the class/audience, and the
and Teaching the class/audience, and the the class/audience, and the with the class/audience, presenter/teacher is clearly and
Skills/Clarity presenter/teacher is not easily presenter/teacher is and the presenter/teacher easily understood.
understood. understood. is clearly and easily

(5 %)


Volume/Clarity Volume was not clear to be Volume was loud enough to be Volume was loud enough to Volume was loud enough to be
heard by the audience heard by the audience during be heard by the audience heard by the audience
throughout the entire some of the presentation. during most of the throughout the entire
presentation. presentation. presentation.

A limited analysis of the audio Written reflections provided a Written reflections Written reflections contained a
tape was provided, with a few satisfactory analysis of the contained a good analysis thorough and detailed analysis
Evaluation form

Reflections on comments about the lesson. lesson, and interaction with the of the lesson, and of all aspects of lesson, and
Recorded Mention was made about students. Some personal interaction with the interaction with the students.
(5 %)

Video personal strengths. strengths and some areas for students. Personal strengths Personal strengths and areas for
improvement were also and some areas for improvement were also
identified. improvement were also identified.

Reflective The reflection does not address The reflection attempts to The reflection explains the The reflection explains the
Thinking the student’s thinking and/or demonstrate thinking about student’s thinking about student’s own thinking and
learning. learning but is vague and/or his/her own learning learning processes, as well as
unclear about the personal processes. implications for future learning.
Reflection (10 %)

learning process.

The reflection does not move The reflection attempts to The reflection is an analysis The reflection is an in-depth
beyond a description of the analyze the learning of the learning experience analysis of the learning
Analysis learning experience. experience but the value of and the value of the experience, the value of the
the learning to the student or derived learning to self or derived learning to self or others,
others is vague and/or unclear. others. and the enhancement of the
student’s appreciation for the

- End of Assignment –

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