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Elizabeth Florea Scope and Sequence Project:

Gender Equality and The Radical Element

The Radical Element: Calendar Overview

WEEK -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Ella Flagg Young article
ONE -Disney Princess Activity -Introduce Unit Book -Stereotypes assignment -Stereotypes assignment -Connect and reflect
-Class survey -Novel predictions -Introduce Unit Project -Connect and reflect with -Reading time
DAYS: 1-5 -Assign vocab -Small group work vocab
HW: Read “Daughter of
HW: Watch gender the Book” from The
equality video HW: Study vocab HW: Study vocab HW: Study vocab Radical Element
WEEK -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Deborah Sampson
TWO -Annotate magical -Vocab quiz -Introduce mini project -Individual work time article
realism article -Reading time -Individual writing time -Lady Firebrand activity -Connect and reflect
DAYS: 6- -Individual writing -Chapter assessment -Chapter assessment
10 activity -New vocab HW: Read “Lady -Turn in mini project
-Chapter Assessment HW: Read “The Firebrand” from The
Magician” from The Radical Element and
HW: Study vocab Radical Element HW: Study vocab study vocab HW: Study vocab
WEEK -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Bell Ringer -Betty White article
THREE -Gender article -Vocab quiz -“I Love Lucy” article -Superhero Activity -Connect and reflect
-Vocab activity -Chapter assessment -Reading time -Chapter Assessment -Reading time
DAYS: 11- -Reading time -Turn in rough draft
HW: Read “Land of the
HW: Read “Glamour” HW: Read “The Belle of HW: Unit project rough Sweet, Home of the
from The Radical the Ball” from The draft Brave” from The Radical
Element and study vocab HW: Project Rough Draft Radical Element Element
WEEK -Bell Ringer -Chapter assessment -End of unit questionnaire Movie Day: Wonder Movie Day: Wonder
FOUR -80’s Decade Activity -Independent work time -Project Work Time Woman Woman
-Chapter assessment -Continue working on -Collect unit projects
DAYS: 16- HW: Read “Take Me project
20 with U” from The
Radical Element HW: Unit project Unit Project Due
Daily Routines/Procedures

Entry Procedures:
 Students enter the classroom and go to their assigned seats
 Homework assignments should be placed on desks for the teacher to grade as students are completing the bell ringer
 Cellphones should be secured in bookbags in order to avoid distractions
 No food or drinks are permitted in the classroom besides water
 Students should fill in their planner at the beginning of the class and begin the bell ringer
 Students are not permitted to use the restroom 10 minutes after the bell begins or 10 minutes before the bell ends
Instructional Procedures:
 Starter Activities: Bell ringers
o Students should retrieve their journals from their book bags and begin to answer the bell ringer
o Bell ringer questions will be written on the white board in the front of the classroom
o Students should write down the question in their journals and then proceed to answer the question
 This should take 10 minutes of the bell
 Bell ringers are graded periodically for 5 points
 Students who were absent or tardy will be able to complete bellringers for homework without penalty
o Bell ringers will be shared by students who volunteer and will set the premise for the day’s activities
 Instructional Activities
o Physical copies of all in-class activities will be provided by the teacher and handed out to the students when necessary
o Small group work will be with the people at the student’s table, but they are free to choose their partners if it is partner
o Quizzes and assessments will be taken individually and will be collected by the teacher
Closing Procedures:
 Vocabulary should be studied every night for homework
 Homework is either passed out or announced
 Students should remain seated until the class ends

Day-to-Day Agenda

WEEK 1: Days 1-5

Day of the Week Instructional Plan
Monday: Day 1 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): In their journals, students will answer the prompt, “Name 5 characteristics or
traits that almost every Disney Princess has.”

1. Disney Princess Activity (25 minutes):

a. Students will be put into groups with the people at their designated table. Each group will be
assigned one Disney Princess (either Cinderella, Arielle, Belle, Snow White, or Aurora) and
they will do a mini character analysis with their designated princess.
b. Each group will have one worksheet to fill out and there will be three columns on the work
sheet. The first colon is labeled “traits/characteristics”, the second column will be labeled
“Why this is important to the character” and then “Why this is important to the story”
c. If students are unfamiliar with their Disney Princess, they are allowed to Google the plot of
the movie.
2. Share Aloud (7 minutes):
a. Each student will choose one of their group members to be the spokesperson for the share
aloud. We will go to each group to hear the answers that they recorded and then any
commonalities found will be written by the teacher on the whiteboard.
3. Class Survey (10 minutes):
a. At the end of the bell, students will answer a three-question exit slip. The first question will
ask, “how are females portrayed in media?”, then “What are the first words that come to
mind when you hear ‘female’, ‘woman’, or ‘girl’”, and then lastly students will be asked
what they expect to learn during this new unit.

END OF CLASS: Assign video for homework

Tuesday: Day 2 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): In their journal, students will answer the question that asks, “What books
have you read that were written by female authors? What did you like about them?”

1. Introduce Unit Book (15 minutes):

a. The unit book, The Radical Element, will be handed out to each student. A discussion of the
basics of the book will be explained and students will be informed that this is a book of short
stories written by female authors.
2. Short Story Predictions (15 minutes):
a. A worksheet with each short story title will be passed out to each student. They will look at
each title and write down that they think the story might entail and why. Answers will be
collected in order to gage what students assume about stories based on women.
3. Assign Vocabulary (7 minutes):
a. A vocabulary worksheet will be handing out to each student. The list will be comprised of 15
words that will be necessary in order to read and understand the first handful of stories that
we will be reading.

END OF CLASS: Assign students 15 minutes of vocabulary study for homework

Wednesday: Day 3 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and answer the question asking, “What is a
stereotype? Can you name a few?”

1. Stereotypes assignment: Part 1 (20 minutes):

a. Students will get into small groups with the people they are sitting with at their table.
b. Each person will be given a worksheet, but they will work on answering the questions as a
c. The worksheet will have two columns. The first column asks the students to write down a
stereotype. The next column asks for the students to explain why it is a stereotype.
d. Groups will share their answers aloud with the class.
e. Any questions will be addressed.
f. This assignment will be collected after completion.
2. Introduce Unit Project (7 minutes):
a. Students will come back together in a large group setting.
b. The teacher will hand out the rubric and instructions for the unit project which will be
worked on gradually throughout the month.
c. The students will be taking part in writing a paper using hexagonal thinking. This is where
they are given hexagonal shaped cards and must make connections between the cards in any
way they want, as long as it makes sense, and they can explain their thinking.
d. The final product of the paper will by an academic style paper, and it will be due at the end
of the unit.
3. Small Group Brainstorming (15 minutes):
a. Students will have the opportunity at the end of class to brainstorm ideas for their paper and
write down any suggestions for words that they can add to their hexagonal thinking.

END OF CLASS: Assign students 15 minutes of vocabulary study for homework

Thursday: Day 4 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and answer the question, “Have you ever
stereotyped anyone? Has anyone ever stereotyped you?”

1. Stereotypes Assignment: Part 2 (20 minutes):

a. Students will watch a video on stereotypes. This will be a very entry level video to make
sure students understand what a stereotype is.
c. They will take notes in their journals and then we will come together for a large group
discussion of what we thought of the video.
d. Any questions will be addressed.
2. Small Group Connect and Reflect with Vocabulary (20 minutes):
a. Students will revisit their vocabulary list.
b. They will make a Quizlet using their vocabulary words as a form of practice. On one side
should be the vocabulary word. On the other side should be the definition and example of the
word being used in a sentence.

END OF CLASS: Assign students 15 minutes of vocabulary study for homework

Friday: Day 5 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Woman of the Week: Ella Flagg Young, Education Reformer

1. Annotate article with large group discussion (30 minutes):

a. Students will be handed a copy of the Ella Flagg Young article which discusses who she is,
why she is important, and what she accomplished.
b. This will be read aloud by students who volunteer to read. If students do not volunteer, they
will be called upon randomly.
c. Students will practice their annotation skills by annotating the article as they read it.
d. Link to the article
2. Connect and reflect assignment (15 minutes):
a. Students will open their journals and write 2 paragraphs about how Ella Flagg Young has
impacted their life.
b. The desired answers will be about how she has impacted the education system and how the
world may have looked different without her.
c. Journals will be collected for grading.
3. Begin Reading (7 minutes):
a. Students will spend the remainder of the time beginning to read the first short story of the

Standards covered over the week:

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative,
connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on
meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper).
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time
frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

END OF CLASS: Read “Daughter of the Book” from The Radical Element for homework
WEEK 2: Days 6-10
Day of the Week Instructional Plan
Monday: Day 6 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will grab their journals and answer the question that asks, “What is
magic? Where have you seen it? Do you think of magic differently now vs. when you were a kid?”

1. Read and annotate magical realism article (15 minutes):

a. Students will each be handed a copy of the article which discusses what magical realism is:
b. Students will take turns reading the text aloud. If no students volunteer to read, then they will
be chosen at random.
c. This article discusses what characteristics qualify a text as being in the genre of magical
d. Students will practice their annotation skills by annotating the text as they read aloud.
2. Create your own magical realism (15
a. Students will work individually in order to complete this assignment. Students will open
their journals and write one paragraph which includes an aspect of magical realism. They
will be asked to share what they wrote at the end of class.
b. This writing exercise will be used later in the week for the magical realism mini project.
3. Chapter Assessment (12 minutes):
a. Students will take an assessment based on the reading that they read the previous night.
b. Students will be handed a worksheet that asks them to explain the connection between the
text and magical realism. The goal is for them to explain why magical realism was important
to the story.

END OF CLASS: Assign students 15 minutes of vocabulary study for homework

Tuesday: Day 7 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and will complete the prompt. They will be
asked to write a paragraph using 3 words from their vocabulary list.
1. Vocabulary Quiz (30 minutes):
a. Students will take their quiz individually.
b. They will be handed a blank sheet of paper which they will be asked to number 1-15. The
words will be written on the whiteboard, and they will then write down the definitions with
the correlating number.
c. When completed, this will be turned into the teacher.
2. Reading time or work on Unit Project (12+ minutes):
a. Students will have the remainder of the bell to either start reading the next short story, or
they can choose to continue outlining their unit project.
b. Individual sets of hexagonal cards with the finalized words will be handed out and students
can begin to configure them how they please.

END OF CLASS: Read “The Magician” from The Radical Element for homework
Wednesday: Day 8 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and record their thoughts about the reading
from the previous night.

1. Introduce magical realism mini project (5 minutes):

a. The mini project will be introduced to the students.
b. They will be handed back the magical realism paragraph that they previously wrote, and they
will begin brainstorming.
c. The goal of the assignment is for students to take the paragraph and turn it into their own
short story.
d. This assignment will have a 5 paragraph requirement.
e. Questions will be addressed after the instructions are explained and the rubric is handed out.
2. Write a short story using magical realism (35 minutes):
a. Students will start to write their magical realism short stories in their journals.
b. They will be allowed to listen to music with headphones if desired.
3. Chapter Assessment (10 minutes):
a. Students will be handed a quiz that asks 5 multiple choice questions about the reading from
the previous night.
b. One the back of the assessment, they will write whether they liked the short story or not.
4. Assign new vocabulary (2 minutes):
a. A new vocabulary list will be handed out at the end of class with 15 new words for them to

END OF CLASS: Assign students 15 minutes of vocabulary study for homework

Thursday: Day 9 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and answer the question, “What do you
know about the Civil War? List everything that you can think of.”

1. Work on short story (27 minutes):

a. Students will continue working on their short stories.
b. They will still be allowed to listen to music through headphones if desired.
2. Lady Firebrand introduction activity with small groups (15 minutes):
a. In small groups, students will discuss and record on a blank sheet of paper assumptions of
the Civil War.
b. They will also be asked to flip the paper over and write down what they think of when they
hear the words spy, superhero, and beautiful.
c. Each group will pick one designated speaker to explain their findings and groups will take
turns speaking.
d. We will then clarify what the Civil War was truly about.

END OF CLASS: Read “Lady Firebrand” from The Radical Element and finish magical realism short
story for homework
Friday: Day 10 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Woman of the Week: Deborah Sampson, American War Hero

1. Annotate article with large group discussion (30 minutes):

a. A copy of the Deborah Sampson article will be passed out to each student at the beginning of
the class.
b. Students will take turns reading aloud. If no students volunteer to read, then a reader will be
chosen at random by the teacher. Students will also practice their annotation skills by
annotating the text as we read.
2. Connect and reflect assignment (10 minutes):
a. Students will get their journals out and write two paragraphs about why Deborah Sampson
was important, and how she has impacted their lives.
b. The desired outcome of this assignment is for students to realize the connection between
women and the war.
c. Their journals will be turned in for grading.
3. Chapter Assessment (10 minutes):
a. Students will be handed a quiz with 5 multiple choice questions about the text they read the
previous night.
b. After answering the multiple choice questions, they will turn their paper over and write what
they thought of the text and explain why.
c. These assessments will be turned in directly to the teacher.
4. Turn in magical realism short story (2 minutes):
a. Students will turn in their finalized magical realism short story at the end of the bell for

Standards covered over the week:

Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new
approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing
for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grades 9-
10 here.)
Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-
generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize
multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

END OF CLASS: Assign students 15 minutes of vocabulary study and begin unit project for homework

WEEK 3: Days 11-15

Day of the Week Instructional Plan
Monday: Day 11 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and answer the question asking, “What is

1. Read and annotate gender article (20 minutes):

a. A copy of the article will be passed out to each student.
b. Students will take turns reading aloud. If no students volunteer to read, then a reader will be
chosen at random by the teacher. Students will also practice their annotation skills by
annotating the text as we read.
c. We will then verbally discuss as a class the importance of their article with the short stories
that we are currently reading.
2. Vocabulary activity with small groups (15 minutes):
a. Students will revisit their vocabulary list.
b. They will make a Quizlet using their vocabulary words as a form of practice. On one side
should be the vocabulary word. On the other side should be the definition and example of the
word being used in a sentence.
3. Reading time or work on unit project (7 minutes):
a. With the remaining time, students will either begin to read the short story that is assigned as
homework, or they can work on drafting their unit project, or they can study for their
vocabulary quiz.

END OF CLASS: Read “Glamour” from The Radical Element and assign students 15 minutes of
vocabulary study for homework
Tuesday: Day 12 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will get their journals out and answer the prompt that asks them to
write a paragraph that uses at least three of their vocabulary words.

1. Vocabulary Quiz (30 minutes):

a. Students will take their quiz individually.
b. They will be handed a blank sheet of paper which they will be asked to number 1-15. The
words will be written on the whiteboard, and they will then write down the definitions with
the correlating number.
c. When completed, this will be turned into the teacher.
2. Chapter Assessment (12 minutes):
a. Students will be handed a quiz that asks 5 multiple choice questions about their assigned
reading from the night before.
b. After students have answer the questions, they will turn their paper over and write about
what they thought about the reading from the night before. They should be very detailed as
this will help them with their unit project.

END OF CLASS: Continue working on unit project for homework

Wednesday: Day 13 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and answer the prompt which asks them to
write down three of their best jokes.

1. Annotate “I Love Lucy” article (20 minutes):

a. Students will be handed a copy of the article.
b. They will be asked to volunteer to the read the article out loud. If students do not volunteer,
then they will be called on at random to read.
c. Students will practice their annotation skills by annotating the article as they read it.
d. We will have a short discussion of the article and address any questions that they may have.
e. This article is important because the reading that they are assigned for homework revolves
around the script writing for the show.
2. Reading time (22 minutes):
a. Students will begin reading the assigned short story.

END OF CLASS: Read “The Belle of the Ball” from The Radical Element for homework
Thursday: Day 14 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Students will open their journals and answer the prompt that asks them to
write down who their favorite superhero is and why. They should also list what characteristics this
superhero has.
1. Superhero Activity (30 minutes):
a. In small groups, students will be handed a work sheet with two columns. The first column
asks them to write down the name of a superhero. They other column asks them to write
down what makes them super?
b. At the bottom of the paper, it will ask if any of these superheroes are women. If not, then
they will record why.
c. Each group will discuss their findings and will address the question of why superheroes are
usually men and not women.
2. Chapter Assessment (12 minutes):
a. Students will be handed a quiz with 5 multiple choice questions on it based on the previous
night’s reading.
b. They will answer the questions and then flip the paper to the backside where they will write
what they thought about the short story. They should have detailed answers as this will help
them with their unit project.
c. When students have finished their assessment, they will turn it into the teacher for grading.

END OF CLASS: Finish rough draft of unit project for homework

Friday: Day 15 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

Woman of the Week: Betty White, Female Comedian

1. Annotate article with large group discussion (30 minutes):

a. Students will be handed a copy of the Betty white article.
b. They will be asked to take turns reading a paragraph from the article. If students do not
volunteer to read, then a student will be chosen at random to read.
c. Students will also practice their annotation skills by annotating the article as they read it.
d. A large group discussion of Betty White will then be held in order to hear the feedback from
the students
2. Connect and reflect assignment (15 minutes):
a. Students will take out their journal and write two paragraphs about who Betty White was and
the impact that she had on the world for women.
b. They will be collected for grading.
3. Begin Reading (5 minutes):
a. Students will begin reading the assigned reading if time permits.
4. Turn in unit project rough draft (2 minutes):
a. Students will turn in their rough drafts of their unit project for grading.

Standards covered over the week:

Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including
how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information
clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

END OF CLASS: Read “Land of the Sweet, Home of the Brave” from The Radical Element for

WEEK 4: Days 16-20

Day of the Week Instructional Plan
Monday: Day 16 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)
Bell Ringer (10 minutes): Student will open their journals and answer the prompt which asks them to
write down words that come to mind when thinking about the 80’s decade.

1. 80’s Decade Activity (30 minutes):

a. The teacher will be dressed in ALL 80’S ATTIRE in order to really set the tone.
b. This is necessary because their next short story reading will take place in the 80’s.
c. Students will listen and watch 80’s music videos and record their thoughts.
d. The music videos will include:
- Madonna: Material Girl
- Pat Benatar: Love is a Battlefield
- Olivia Newton-John: Physical
2. Chapter Assessment (12 minutes):
a. Students will be handed a 5 question quiz which they will complete based off of their
reading from the night before.
b. Once they answer all 5 questions, they will flip the paper over and record their thoughts on
the reading. They should give their honest opinions.

END OF CLASS: Read “Take Me with U” from The Radical Element for homework
Tuesday: Day 17 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

1. Chapter Assessment (12 minutes):

a. Students will be handed a 5 question quiz which they will complete based off of their
reading from the night before.
b. Once they answer all 5 questions, they will flip the paper over and record their thoughts on
the reading. They should give their honest opinions.
2. Independent Work Time (40 minutes):
a. Students will be handed back their graded rough drafts and will have the remainder of the
bell to make corrections and start typing their final draft.
b. This will be completed on their school provided Chromebook.
c. Students will have the opportunity to listen to music through earbuds or headphones if they
would like.
d. They will be able to approach the teacher to ask any questions they may have about their
END OF CLASS: Continue working on unit project for homework
Wednesday: Day 18 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

1. End of Unit Questionnaire (30 minutes):

a. Students will open their journals and share their opinions on the unit text. They should write
one paragraph about the short story they liked the most and why. They should then write one
paragraph about the story that they liked the least and why.
b. Journals will be collected for grading.
2. Work Time for Unit Project (22 minutes):
a. Students will have the remainder of class to work on their final draft.

END OF CLASS: Continue working on unit project for homework

Thursday: Day 19 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

1. Work Time for Unit Project

a. Students will be given the option to work on their final draft if needed.
2. Start Wonder Woman (52 minutes):
a. Because students have been working so hard on this unit, they will be rewarded with a movie
about a female superhero.

END OF CLASS: Finish working on unit project for homework

Friday: Day 20 ATTENDANCE (3 mins)

1. Collect Unit Project (2 minutes)

a. Students will hand in their printed copies of the final draft of their unit project to the teacher.
2. Finish Wonder Woman (50 minutes)
a. Because students have been working so hard on this unit, they will be rewarded with a movie
about a female superhero, and they movie will be finished by the end of the bell.
b. Copies of The Radical Element will be collected during the movie.

Standards covered over the week:

Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.
Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the
relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including
how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

END OF CLASS: Have a great weekend!

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