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Veterinary Parasitology 254 (2018) 58–63

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Antiprotozoal treatment of canine babesiosis T

Gad Baneth
Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. P.O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel


Keywords: Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused by several Babesia spp. which have different susceptebility to
Imidocarb dipropionate anti-protozoal drugs. A few drugs and drug combinations are used in the treatment of canine babesiosis often
Diminazene aceturate without complete parasite elimination leaving treated dogs as carriers which could relapse with clinical disease
Atovaquone and also transmit infection further. Although the large form canine babesial species Babesia canis, Babesia vogeli
and Babesia rossi are sensitive to the aromatic diamidines imidocarb dipropionate and diminazene aceturate,
small form species such as Babesia gibsoni, Babesia conradae and Babesia vulpes (Theileria annae) are relatively
resistant to these drugs and are treated with the combination of the hydroxynaphthoquinone atovaquone and the
antibiotic azithromycin. Azithromycin and other antibiotics that have anti-protozoal properties target the api-
coplast, a relict plastid found in protozoa, and exert a delayed death effect. The triple combination of clin-
damycin, diminazene aceturate and imidocarb dipropionate is also effective against B. gibsoni and used to treat
atovaquone-resistant strains of this species. Novel drugs and the synergistic effects of drug combinations against
Babesia infection should be explored further to find new treatments for canine babesiosis.

1. Introduction forms were designated Babesia canis, whereas small forms of Babesia
were considered to be Babesia gibsoni. Different levels of virulence,
Babesia spp. are tick-borne protozoan parasites that belong to the dissimilar antigenic properties and specific tick vector transmission
phylum Apicomplexa, class Piroplasmea, order Piroplasmida and family competence have led to the notion that there is a larger variety of
Babesiidae, and infect erythrocytes of domestic and wild animals, and Babesia spp. that infect dogs (Schetters et al., 1997; Zahler et al., 1998;
humans. The distribution of canine babesiosis is worldwide and several Irwin 2009; Solano-Gallego and Baneth, 2011). This was proven by
different species of Babesia have been described in dogs (Irwin, 2009; molecular methods which demonstrated that several genetically dis-
Solano-Gallego and Baneth, 2011). Babesia infection causes disease tinct Babesia spp. cause disease in dogs (Zahler et al., 1998; Carret et al.,
with clinical manifestations that may vary with the different species 1999). These currently recognized species include B. canis, Babesia vo-
and strains involved and their specific virulence, and also with factors geli, Babesia rossi, B. gibsoni, Babesia conradae and Babesia vulpes (also
that determine the host's response to infection such as age, individual termed Theileria annae and Babesia microti-like) (Table 1). A yet un-
immune status, and the presence of concurrent infections or other named large Babesia sp. has also been reported to cause disease in
diseases (Birkenheuer et al., 1999; Jacobson, 2006; Irwin, 2009). He- immunosuppressed dogs in the eastern USA (Sikorski et al., 2010).
molytic anemia with erythrocyte destruction and a systemic in- Several drugs and drug combinations have been reported to be ef-
flammatory response, which may lead to organ dysfunction, account for fective against canine babesiosis (Vial and Gorenflot, 2006; Irwin,
most of the clinical signs observed in canine babesiosis. The disease 2009, Solano-Gallego and Baneth, 2011; Beugnet and Moreau, 2015).
onset is often acute with affected dogs suffering from fever and lethargy The mechanisms of action of these drugs against Babesia are largely
and thereafter may display clinical manifestations of anemia, liver, unknown or not studied in detail and the explanation for the added
pulmonary, kidney or cerebral dysfunction, and hemostatic abnormal- value of some drug combinations, albeit evident in clinical trials, is not
ities including coagulation and electolyte imbalances. Sub-clinical and well understood (Vial and Gorenflot, 2006; Birkenheuer et al., 2004a;
sub-acute infections have also been described (Lobetti et al., 1996; Lin et al., 2012; Checa et al., 2017). Furthermore, the Babesia spp. that
Leisewitz et al., 2001; Jacobson, 2006; Irwin, 2009; Eichenberger et al., infect dogs have dissimilar drug susceptibilities and respond differently
2016). to drugs (Irwin, 2009, Solano-Gallego and Baneth, 2011). It is therefore
Babesia infection in dogs was identified in the past mostly by the important to treat babesial infections with the most effective anti-pro-
morphologic appearance of the parasite in erythrocytes and all large tozoal drugs or their combinations and to recognize the treatment's

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:,
Received 27 December 2017; Accepted 2 March 2018
0304-4017/ © 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
G. Baneth Veterinary Parasitology 254 (2018) 58–63

limitations. The purpose of this review is to describe the main drugs

Atovaquone and azithromycin; clindamycin and diminazene aceturate

currently available and used for the treatment of canine babesiosis. The
drugs and drug combinations reviewed here are frequently not regis-

Atovaquone and azithromycin; bupravaquone and azithromycin

tered or approved for the specific indication mentioned by national

and imidocarb dipropionate for atovaquone-resistant strains

Diminazene aceturate; imidocarb dipropionate agencies and their use may therefore extra label (Table 2).

2. Main drugs and drug combinations used in the antiprozoal

treatment of babesiosis

2.1. Imidocarb dipropionate

Main drug or drug combination

Atovaquone and azithromycin

Imidocarb dipropionate is an aromatic diamidine. Several me-

chanisms of action have been proposed for imidocarb dipropinate in-
Imidocarb dipropionate

Imidocarb dipropionate

Imidocarb dipropionate

cluding: blockage of the entry of inositol into erythrocytes containing

Babesia, resulting in starvation of the parasite (McHardy et al., 1986);
interference with production or use of polyamines by parasites as found
for Trypanosoma brucei (Bacchi et al., 1981), or combination with DNA
in susceptible babesial species, causing nucleic acid damage and in-
hibition of cellular repair and replication (Plumb, 2015). Imidocarb
dipropionate is excreted via the kidney and liver and eliminated in the
Size of merozoite stages

2.5 × 4.5 (large forms)

1 × 2.5 (small forms)

urine and feces.

1 × 3 (small forms)

0.3–3 (small forms)

2 × 5 (large forms)
2 × 5 (large forms)

2 × 6 (large forms)
The species of Babesia that cause canine babesiosis, their geographic distribution, tick vectors, size of merozoites stages and main drugs used for their treatment.

Imidocarb dipropionate is approved by the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) in the United States of America (USA) for treat-
ment of B. canis infections in dogs, but it is also effective in the treat-
ment of other large Babesia spp. infecting dogs, more than for the small
in μm

form Babesia spp. (Conrad et al., 1991; Birkenheuer et al., 2004a; Checa
et al., 2017). The FDA-approved labeled dose of imidocarb dipropionate
(Imizol®, Carbesia®) is 6.6 mg/kg intramuscularly (IM) or sub-
D. reticulatus?, Ixodes hexagonus?, Ixodes ricinus?,

cutaneously (SC) with a repeated dose in 2 weeks. Imidocarb dipro-

Haemaphysalis elliptica, Haemaphysalis leachi

pionate should not be administered intravenously (IV) in dogs. The

Haemaphysalis longicornis, Haemaphysalis

adverse effects of imidocarb dipropionate in dogs include pain during

Ixodes canisuga?, R. sanguineus s.l.?

injection and cholinergic effects such as salivation, drooling, nasal drip

Rhipicephais sanguineus sensu lato

or vomiting. These cholinergic effects can be mitigated by pre-

Potential or confirmed vectors

bispinosa?, R.. sanguineus s.l.?a

medicating with atropine at 0.05 mg/kg. Other less frequent effects are
panting, restlessness, diarrhea, renal tubular or hepatic necrosis, and
Dermacentor reticulatus

injection site inflammation and more rarely ulceration, which usually

R. sanguineus s.l.?

heals within days to weeks.


2.2. Diminazene aceturate

Diminazene aceturate is an aromatic diamidine, like imidocarb di-

Africa, Asia, southern Europe, North, Central

propionate. Its mechanism of action against Babesia is not well under-

Southeast Asia, United States, Australia,

stood and it is suggested that it disrupts the parasite’s DNA synthesis

and aerobic glycolysis (Plumb, 2015) as reported for Trypanosoma and
Leishmania spp., where diminazene aceturare was found to inhibit DNA
Southern Africa, Nigeria, Sudan

and South America, Australia

replication and mitochondrial respiratory activity (Leon et al., 1977;

Geographical distribution

United States (California)

Bitonti et al., 1986). Diminazene aceturate (Azidin®, Berenil®, Ga-

Europe, North America
Eastern United States

nasag®, Pirocide®) in not FDA-approved for treatment of canine babe-

siosis in the USA; however, it is widely used in some other countries
including South Africa, where it is the main drug used against canine
babesiosis caused by B. rossi (Miller et al., 2005). The dosage for canine


babesiosis is 3.5 mg/kg IM once (Plumb, 2015). The efficacy of treat-

ment is variable and the drug tends to be more effective against large-
form Babesia spp.; however, it has toxic adverse effects with severe
Babesia vulpes (Babesia microti-like;

neurological signs which may be unpredictable even at therapeutic

? refers to a suspected vector.

doses, and its safety index is considered low with doses above 10 mg/kg
IM or repeated lower doses within a short duration causing a cumula-
Large unnamed Babesia

tive effect and severe to fatal toxicity (Plumb, 2015). Diminazene is

Theileria annae)

excreted via the kidney and liver and eliminated in the urine and feces.
Babesia conradae

Adverse effects of diminazene aceturate in dogs administered at ther-

Babesia gibsoni
Babesia vogeli
Babesia canis
Babesia rossi

apeutic doses include gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting

and diarrhea, pain and inflammation in the site of injection, transient
Table 1

drop in blood pressure and more rarely neurological signs including


ataxia, seizures, and death (Plumb, 2015).

G. Baneth Veterinary Parasitology 254 (2018) 58–63

Table 2
Major drugs and drug combinations used for treatment of canine babesiosis.

Drug or combination Dosage and route References

Imidocarb dipropionate 6.6 mg/kg IM or SC; repeat dose in 2 weeks. (Plumb, 2015)
Diminazene aceturate 3.5 mg/kg IM once (Plumb, 2015)
Atovaquone + azithromycin Atovaquone 13.3 mg/kg PO q8h and azithromycin 10 mg/kg PO once daily, both (Plumb, 2015)
drugs for 10 days
Buapravaquone + azithromycin Buparvaquone 5 mg/kg IM twice 48 h apart and azithromycin 10 mg/kg PO once (Checa et al.,
daily for 10 days 2017)
Clindamycin + diminazene aceturate + imidocarb dipropionate (for Clindamycin 30 mg/kg PO q12h; diminazene aceturate 3.5 mg/kg IM once on the (Lin et al., 2012)
atovaquone-resistant Babesia gibsoni) day of treatment start; imidocarb diproprionate 6 mg/kg SC once on the day after
diminazene is administered.

IM: intramuscular; SC: subcutaneous; PO: per os.

2.3. Atovaquone and azithromycin Vetolex®) is used in the treatment of bovine theileriosis (Wilkie et al.,
1998) and has also been found to have a transitory effect against
Atovaquone is a synthetic hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone anti- Theileria equi infections in equids (Zaugg and Lane, 1989, 1992). It is
protozoal agent. The hydroxynaphthoquinones including atovaquone also used to treat B. vulpes infection in dogs at an off-label dose of 5 mg/
are considered to selectively block protozoan mitochondrial electron kg IM twice 48 h apart, in combination with azithromycin at 10 mg/kg
transport causing inhibition of pyrimidine and ATP synthesis (Plumb, PO once daily for 10 days (Checa et al., 2017).
2015; de Oliveira Silva et al., 2016). Resistance to atovaquone asso- Buparvaquone's mode of action on piroplasms is probably compar-
ciated with irresponsiveness to treatment was reported in B. gibsoni able to atovaquone's and similarly to the mechanism of B. gibsoni re-
infected dogs from Japan and Taiwan, and results from mutations in the sistance to atovaquone, point mutations in the Theileria annulata cyto-
parasite’s cytochrome b gene apparently affecting atovaquone’s site of chorome b gene have been associated with resistance to buparvaquone
action (Matsuu et al., 2006, Sakuma et al., 2009; Iguchi et al., 2012; Liu treatment of bovine theileriosis in cattle (Sharifiyazdi et al., 2012;
et al., 2016). Cytochrome b is part of a mitochondrial electron transport Mhadhbi et al., 2015).
complex and single point mutations in its gene in Plasmodium falciparum
and Plasmodium berghei are also associated with resistance to atova- 2.5. Other drugs
quone in the treatment of human malaria (Siregar et al., 2008). The
source of modification rendering resistance against atovaquone in re- Several other antiprotozoal drugs such as phenamidine, pentami-
sistant B. gibsoni was found to be mutations causing the substitution of dine, parvaquone, artemisinin derivatives and antibiotics with some
the amino acid methionine with isoleucine in the cytochrome b gene anti-protozoal activity such as doxycycline, minocycline, clindamycin,
termed the M121I mutation (Matsuu et al., 2006; Lin et al., 2012). An in enrofloxacin and metronidazole have been evaluated for the treatment
vitro screening of growth inhibition of B. gibsoni with 15 different drugs of canine babesiosis with various levels of efficacy (Wulansari et al.,
found atovaquone to be the most effective against the Aomori strain of 2003; Matsuu et al., 2008; Lin and Huang, 2010; Lin et al., 2012; Iguchi
the parasite (Matsuu et al., 2008). et al., 2015). Phenamidine is administered to dogs at 15–20 mg/kg SC
Azithromycin (Azenil®, Zithromax®, Zmax®) is a macrolide anti- with an optional second administration after 48 h. It induces side effect
biotic that binds to the 50S subunit of the prokaryote ribosome and that include hypotension, tachyucardia, vomiting and pain at the in-
inhibits the translation of mRNA and bacterial protein synthesis. jection site and is currently not registered in Europe for veterinary use
However, it also has antiprotozoal effects by specifically acting on (
apicoplasts, which are relict non-photosynthetic plastid organelles GL5_01Oct2012.pdf). Combinations of three drugs such as clindamycin,
containing a limited genome and found in apicomplexan parasites imidocarb dipropionate and diminazene aceturate have shown ad-
(Chakraborty, 2016) including Babesia spp. (Wang et al., 2017). Azi- vantages over atovaquone and azithromycin treatments in the therapy
thromycin has been shown to cause a delayed death effect in P. falci- of B. gibsoni (Lin et al., 2012) and it is likely that a synergistic effect due
parum by acting on the parasite's apicoplast (Dahl and Rosenthal, to interaction of several drugs acting on different parasite targets is
2007), and to also have activity against Toxoplasma gondii (Değerli beneficial in suppressing parasite growth and acitivity.
et al., 2003).
Atovaquone is administered at the extra-label dose of 13.3 mg/kg
per-os (PO) q8h with azithromycin at 10 mg/kg PO once daily both for 3. Current treatment of canine Babesia spp.
10 days for the treatment of B. gibsoni, B. conradae and B. vulpes (B.
microti-like) infections (Di Cicco et al., 2012; Checa et al., 2017). Ato- 3.1. Babesia canis
vaquone is available as an oral tablet (Mepron®). A tablet containing
atovaquone and proguanil HCl (Malarone®) is also available and in- Babesia canis (B. canis canis) is a large Babesia sp. prevalent mostly in
dicated for human malaria treatment and prophylaxis; however, this central and northern Europe and transmitted by the tick Dermacentor
combination was reported to cause gastrointestinal adverse effects in reticulatus (Solano-Gallego et al., 2016). Canine B. canis infections have
dogs due to the proguanil component and should be avoided. There are also emerged recently in the United Kingdom (de Marco et al., 2017).
currently no known adverse effects for atovaquone in dogs. The com- Babesia canis causes a moderate to severe disease, which frequently has
bination of atovaquone with azithromycin is also used for the treatment an acute onset (Zygner et al., 2014; Eichenberger et al., 2016). Previous
of infection with the piroplasm Cytauxzoon felis in cats (Cohn et al., literature has often regarded B. canis, B. vogeli and B. rossi as one spe-
2011). cies, or as subspecies of B. canis (Uilenberg et al., 1989; Uilenberg
2006), and, therefore, older studies on treatment of large canine Babesia
spp. have often used the term B. canis when relating to the species
2.4. Buparvaquone and azithromycin currently referred to as B. vogeli, B. canis and B. rossi. This must be
recognized when reading the older literature on treatment of canine
Buparvaquone is a hydroxynaphthoquinone antiprotozoal drug re- babesiosis. Studies that describe treatment of true B. canis infections are
lated to atovaquone and parvaquone. Buparvaquone (Butalex®, usually from central and northern Europe. Canine B. canis infection is

G. Baneth Veterinary Parasitology 254 (2018) 58–63

commonly treated with imidocarb dipropionate (Matjila et al., 2005; continents including Australia, Europe, and North and South America.
Bajer et al., 2014; Adaszek et al., 2015; Eichenberger et al., 2016) and It is a common and often subclinical cause of infection in Pitt Bull
the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) Terriers, which may also inflict a severe disease in this breed as well as
recommended its use for treatment of B. canis in its 2012 guidelines for in other dog breeds. It is transmitted by the ticks Haemaphysalis long-
control of vector-borne diseases in dogs and cats (http://www.esccap. icornis and possibly by Haemaphysalis bispinosa and R. sanguineus s.l.
org/uploads/docs/ih38c2d6_ESCCAP_Guidelines_GL5_01Oct2012.pdf). There is also evidence for its direct transmission by dog bites
Treatment of B. canis with diminazene aceturate or both imidocarb (Birkenheuer et al., 2005; Jefferies et al., 2007a; Yeagley et al., 2009).
dipropionate and diminaze aceturate is also effective (Beugnet et al., Imidocarb dipropionate and diminazene aceturate are considered
2014). ineffective for the treatment of B. gibsoni infections and treatment with
the combination of atovaquone and azithromycin is the current treat-
3.2. Babesia rossi ment of choice for this infection, although suppressing parasite re-
plication by this combination may not be associated with parasite
Babesia rossi (B. canis rossi) is a large form Babesia sp. reported from clearance (Jefferies et al., 2007b; Lin et al., 2012, Kirk et al., 2017).
South Africa as well from other sub-Saharan African countries including Mutations in the parasite’s cytochrome b gene associated with re-
Sudan and Nigeria (Oyamada et al., 2005; Penzhorn, 2011; Kamani sistance formation to atovaquone in some B. gibsoni strains present a
et al., 2013). Its tick vectors are Haemophysalis eliptica and Haemophy- clinical problem, as this resistance is widespread and reported from
salis leachi, which were previously considered as one species multiple areas mainly in Japan and Taiwan (Matsuu et al., 2006,
(Apanaskevich et al., 2007). Babesia rossi is regarded as the most Sakuma et al., 2009; Iguchi et al., 2012, Liu et al., 2016). A study in
virulent large Babesia sp. that affects dogs and most of the studies on its dogs comparing the combination of atovaquone and azithromycin with
pathogenicity and epidemiology are from South Africa (Goddard et al., a triple drug combination of clindamycin, diminazene aceturate and
2016; Rautenbach et al., 2017). imidocarb dipropionate found that this triple combination had higher
Babesia rossi infections are usually treated with diminazene acetu- recovery and lower relapse rates, but longer treatment duration and
rate in Africa, although adequate response has also been described to slower reduction in parasitemia than atovaquone with azithromycin.
treatment with imidocarb dipropionate in South Africa (Collett, 2000), The clindamycin, diminazene aceturate and imidocarb dipropionate
as well as in a dog imported from that country to the USA one week triple combination was therefore recommended for treatment of sus-
before presentation due to illness at a Texas veterinary clinic and suc- pected atovaquone resistant B. gibsoni infections (Lin et al., 2012).
cessful treatment with imidocarb dipropionate (Allison et al., 2011).
3.6. Babesia conradae
3.3. Babesia vogeli
Babesia conradae is a small Babesia reported in dogs from California.
Babesia vogeli (B. canis vogeli) is a large Babesia sp. transmitted by
It was initially thought to be a strain of B. gibsoni and later found to be a
Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato ticks and found mostly in tropical
genetically distinct species, which causes a severe and potentially fatal
and subtropical regions including the Mediterranean basin, the Middle
disease in dogs. The tick vector of B. conradae has not been described to
East, Asia, Australia, and South, Central and North America (Solano-
date (Kjemtrup and Conrad, 2006). Babesia conradae, like other small
Gallego and Baneth, 2011). It can cause subclinical infection or mild to
babesial species, appears not to be susceptible to imidocarb dipropio-
moderate disease. It may cause a severe illness in young pups and in
nate; nevertheless, treatment with a combination of atovaquone and
greyhounds. Babesia vogeli-infected dogs often present with co-infec-
azithromycin was shown to be effective in curing infected dogs and
tions, frequently with Ehrlichia canis or Hepatozoon canis, which are also
eliminating the parasite as indicated by repeated PCR of treated dogs
transmitted by the same tick vector (Singla et al., 2016). The treatment
(Di Cicco et al., 2012).
of choice recommended for canine B. vogeli infection by the Companion
Animal Parasite Council (
babesia/) in the USA is with imidocarb dipropionate. 3.7. Babesia vulpes

3.4. Unnamed large Babesia Babesia vulpes, described initially as T. annae and also termed B.
microti-like, Babesia cf. microti and Babesia annae, is a small species of
A currently unnamed large form Babesia sp. was detected for the Babesia that infects dogs (Zahler et al., 2000; Baneth et al., 2015). It was
first time in a dog treated by chemotherapy for lymphoma (Birkenheuer described from a dog that originated in northern Spain and has subse-
et al., 2004b). Seven immunocompromised dogs infected with this pa- quently been found in other European countries and in North America
thogen were subsequently reported in the eastern USA (Sikorski et al., (Yeagley et al., 2009; Miró et al., 2015). Babesia vulpes is a common
2010) and another dog from Texas (Holman et al., 2009). All the dogs cause of infection in wild red-foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Although it has been
infected with this species presented with immunocompromised condi- speculated that it is transmitted by the hedgehog tick Ixodes hexagonus
tions such as splenectomy or chemotherapy due to neoplasia (Sikorski and by Dermacentor reticulatus (Camacho et al., 2003; Hodžić et al.,
et al., 2010). Analyses of the 18S rRNA gene of the unnamed large 2017), there is currently no definitive evidence of its transmission by
Babesia have revealed a unique sequence that shared a 93.9% identity these tick species or other species.
with Babesia bigemina (Birkenheuer et al., 2004b). Treatment of most of A study of 59 dogs naturally infected with B. vulpes in Spain com-
the dogs infected with the unnamed large Babesia with imidocarb pared treatment with imidocarb dipropionate, to atovaquone and azi-
diprpionate at the recommended dose was successful in relieving most thromycin, or buparvaquone and azithromycin (Checa et al., 2017).
of the clinical signs and hematological abnormalities associated with Forty-seven percent of the dogs treated with imidocarb dipropionate
babesiosis. Nevertheless, elimination of the parasite was not achieved had a clinical relapse within 1 year indicating that treatment with this
in some dogs, possibly due to other causes of immune-suppression drug was insufficiently effective. Nevertheless, despite clinical cure of
(Holman et al., 2009; Sikorski et al., 2010). most dogs treated with either combination therapies within 90 days of
treatment initiation, parasitemia detected by PCR persisted after one
3.5. Babesia gibsoni year in 50% of the dogs treated with atovaquone and azithromycin,
60% of those treated with buparvaquone and azithromycin, and 73% of
Babesia gibsoni is a small form Babesia that is endemic in Southeast those treated with imidocarb. Thus, none of the treatments was suc-
Asia and Japan and appears to have spread from there to other cessful in elimination of B. vulpes.

G. Baneth Veterinary Parasitology 254 (2018) 58–63

4. Conclusions Conrad, P., Thomford, J., Yamane, I., Whiting, J., Bosma, L., Uno, T., Holshuh, H.J.,
Shelly, S., 1991. Hemolytic anemia caused by Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs. J. Am.
Vet. Med. Assoc. 199, 601–605.
Treatment of canine babesiosis should be addressed with particular Dahl, E.L., Rosenthal, P.J., 2007. Multiple antibiotics axert delayed effects against the
attention to the specific response of every Babesia spp. to different drugs Plasmodium falciparum apicoplast. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 51, 3485–3490.
and, considering the characteristics of strains within species, in parti- de Marco, M.D.M.F., Hernández-Triana, L.M., Phipps, L.P., Hansford, K., Mitchell, E.S.,
Cull, B., Swainsbury, C.S., Fooks, A.R., Medlock, J.M., Johnson, N., 2017. Emergence
cular drugs resistant strains. The individual clinical status of the af- of Babesia canis in southern England. Parasit. Vectors 10, 241.
fected dog, its age and whether it is immune-depressed should also be de Oliveira Silva, E., Dos Santos Gonçalves, N., Alves Dos Santos, R., Jacometti Cardoso
deliberated. A limited number of effective drugs are currently available Furtado, N.A., 2016. Microbial metabolism of atovaquone and cytotoxicity of the
produced phase I metabolite. Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 41, 645–650.
for antibabesial treatment of dogs, and there are clearly differences in Değerli, K., Kilimcioğlu, A.A., Kurt, O., Tamay, A.T., Ozbilgin, A., 2003. Efficacy of azi-
drug susceptibilities between large and small Babesia spp. and within thromycin in a murine toxoplasmosis model, employing a Toxoplasma gondii strain
that group of species. There are major obstacles are in the treatment of from Turkey. Acta Trop. 88, 45–50.
Di Cicco, M.F., Downey, M.E., Beeler, E., Marr, H., Cyrog, P., Kidd, L., Diniz, P.P., Cohn,
small Babesia spp., which are frequently not eliminated despite treat-
L.A., Birkenheuer, A.J., 2012. Re-emergence of Babesia conradae and effective
ment and thus treated dogs may remain as chronic carries capable of treatment of infected dogs with atovaquone and azithromycin. Vet. Parasitol. 187,
transmitting infection further and relapsing with clinical disease. 23–27.
Treated dogs should be followed up and monitored for persistent in- Eichenberger, R.M., Riond, B., Willi, B., Hofmann-Lehmann, R., Deplazes, P., 2016.
Prognostic markers in acute Babesia canis infections. J. Vet. Intern. Med. 30, 174–182.
fection and parasitemia by blood smear examination and PCR. Holman, P.J., Backlund, B.B., Wilcox, A.L., Stone, R., Stricklin, A.L., Bardin, K.E., 2009.
Furthermore, additional and new drugs, and the synergistic effects of Detection of a large unnamed Babesia piroplasm originally identified in dogs in North
current drug combinations against Babesia infection should be studied Carolina in a dog with no history of travel to that state. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 235,
to find effective treatments for canine babesiosis. Goddard, A., Leisewitz, A.L., Kjelgaard-Hansen, M., Kristensen, A.T., Schoeman, J.P.,
2016. Excessive pro-inflammatory serum cytokine concentrations in virulent canine
References babesiosis. PLoS One 11, e0150113.
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