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Name: Jeison E. Cabrera Cabrera Date: 20/03/2022 Session No. 2

Course: Intermediate I Teacher: Pedro Antonio Chala
Topic(s) covered in this session: Food, Colombia Stereotypes and transport

Vocabulary (new and re-used): Include here any new words/expressions you learned during the interactions. How did you learn them? How
/When are you going to use them?

I learned some vocabulary that came up during the conversation like the following words:
I’ve got a puncture: Pinchazo de cicla
The tube or Underground
To Commute: Walk to work
To let your guard down: Dar papaya Slang
Raw: Crudo

Sour: Agrio
Pronunciation: Mention any pronunciation/intonation aspects that you learned or practiced during your interactions and their usefulness to you.

I had pronunciation problems with vowels when learning new vocabulary such as saying Raw or Sour.

Grammar: What grammar tenses/patterns did you learn or practice most? How did you learn them and how /when are you going to use them?

The grammar I used was present, future to say what I would like to say, likewise in Spanish I used past to refer to stories of Colombia.

Language skills involved in the whole process: Which skills did you use mostly during the interactions? Did you just speak and listen to your
peer? Did you write on the chat or somewhere else? Did you exchange any videos or songs? Did you exchange any texts for your peer to read?

I used images and videos to explain the stereotypes in Colombia; I also showed images of the typical food in Colombia.

Cultural and communicative patterns: What cultural aspects/topics did you talk about? What did you learn from your peer’s culture and what
do you think he/she learned from yours? Did you consider any cultural aspects of your own culture or your peer’s to make the interaction clearer
and smoother?

We noticed that the food varies a lot, in Colombia we can find very fresh food whereas in England a lot of the food that arrives is canned.
On the other hand, transport varies a lot in both countries, England has a better development than Colombia.
Emma wanted me to talk to him about why Pablo Escobar is often mentioned.
Strategies to improve my learning: After your interaction, did you identify any weak points that can be improved? How can you improve them?

In this session I understood Emma better which was great for me; we couldn't do it by video but we could do it by phone.

Are there any cultural, social, personal, linguistic or other aspects that you need to correct to improve communication next time?
THINGS I To be able to speak more fluently but slowly so that the other person can understand me and also seeking to improve vocabulary.
What issues did you have to face during the interaction? (e.g. technological, cultural, linguistic, etc.)

PROBLEMS I Emma couldn't connect via video but we were able to make a Whatsapp call.

Mention what you liked/disliked about the interactions and say why.
It was a second session that I liked a lot and I still say that Emma's accent is very clear and I like it a lot. We were able to interact and have a very
LIKED OR fluent conversation.

Did you use any presentations (Power Point, Prezi, etc.), real objects, websites, pictures, etc.? How did you use them? Were they useful for the
interaction? Why?
USED FOR MY During the session we made use of images to show the types of food.

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