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Name: Jeison E. Cabrera Cabrera Date: 02/04/2022 Session No. 3

Course: Intermediate I Teacher: Pedro Antonio Chala
Topic(s) covered in this session: Properties and culture

Vocabulary (new and re-used): Include here any new words/expressions you learned during the interactions. How did you learn them? How
/When are you going to use them?

I learned some vocabulary that came up during the conversation like the following words:
Georgians: Type of house
Hallmarks: Maneras de ser
Reckon: Pensar
Pronunciation: Mention any pronunciation/intonation aspects that you learned or practiced during your interactions and their usefulness to you.

The interaction was via whatsapp but I had problems with the pronunciation of the word ¨properties¨

Grammar: What grammar tenses/patterns did you learn or practice most? How did you learn them and how /when are you going to use them?

The grammar we used was present as we talked about what exists today. We used vocabulary from the properties and Emma also explained the
fancy grammar from England.
Language skills involved in the whole process: Which skills did you use mostly during the interactions? Did you just speak and listen to your
peer? Did you write on the chat or somewhere else? Did you exchange any videos or songs? Did you exchange any texts for your peer to read?

We use the chat to be able to interact, through conversation and by sending us pictures of the topics to be able to explain them.

Cultural and communicative patterns: What cultural aspects/topics did you talk about? What did you learn from your peer’s culture and what
do you think he/she learned from yours? Did you consider any cultural aspects of your own culture or your peer’s to make the interaction clearer
and smoother?

I learnt about the culture of England which I think is great and this culture is based on the British monarchy.
On the other hand, the houses that exist in England are very old and are looking to be preserved for a long time.

Strategies to improve my learning: After your interaction, did you identify any weak points that can be improved? How can you improve them?

In this session I used workreference to help me understand some of the words.

Are there any cultural, social, personal, linguistic or other aspects that you need to correct to improve communication next time?
It was difficult to know what kind of things I need to improve because of how the interaction went but I think that one thing I need is to be able
NEED TO to have a better vocabulary and to know how to express my ideas.
What issues did you have to face during the interaction? (e.g. technological, cultural, linguistic, etc.)

PROBLEMS I It was not possible to connect via phone call or video due to time issues that Emma had as she was finishing her term and was also going on
holiday and going on a trip.

Mention what you liked/disliked about the interactions and say why.
In this session I enjoyed learning about property in England and also learning more about British culture which I think is brilliant.

Did you use any presentations (Power Point, Prezi, etc.), real objects, websites, pictures, etc.? How did you use them? Were they useful for the
interaction? Why?
USED FOR MY During this session we used the chat to show the types of housing in Colombia and in England.

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