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1. Presentar aun nuevo amigo que conocen en un programa online

Good afternoon
Cyntia= Hello, my name is Cyntia ¿whats your name?
2. Compañero=Hi, Cyntia.Im Daniel ,but please call me Mario.its my nickname,whats
your last name?
3. Cyntia = Okay ,Daniel .nice to meet you
4. Compañero = Its nice to meet you,too. So, Whats your email address?
5. Cyntia=It is CCALLO, Whats your phone numer, please?
6. Compañero= It is 98753324 and you
7. Cyntia= my phone number is 902445571
8. Cyntia= My email address is
9. Cyntia= How old are you?
10. Compañero= im ……years old
11. Compañero= where are you from,Cyntia?
12. Cyntia = Im from Peru,Im peruvian
13. Compañero=Ok,great,see you later
14. Cyntia=Ok,bye

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