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Using Data to Build Business



Class: F-UOB-13

Student Full Name: Le Gia Khoa

Student ID: 2105002152

Class: F-UOB-13B

Submission date:

FUOB Milk Commodities (FMC) is a multi-million-dollar mixed product firm with

their products mainly is milk products. The goal of the investigation is discussed and

analyzed the impact of technology, information systems on the business; The report

includes the sale statistics through Excel file, sampling method to collect data and

finally is the analysis of web analytics, social network analysis or customer

relationship management. The attain conclusion from the analysis would bring

benefits for FUOB Company to develop and improve in the future


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................3
Discuss and analysis.....................................................................................................6
Task A:...........................................................................................................................6
Figure 1...........................................................................................................................6
Figure 2...........................................................................................................................7
Figure 3...........................................................................................................................8
Task B.............................................................................................................................9
1.Sampling method for data collection...........................................................................9
2. A draft questionnaire in Google Form......................................................................10
3. Limitations of using survey method to collect data ( F2F interview)......................11
Task C...........................................................................................................................12
1. The importantance of information in organisations like FMC.................................12
2. Website and Ordering App.......................................................................................13
3. Web analytics, Social Network Analysis and Customer Relationship Management:
REFERENCE LIST........................................................................................................16
EXCEL FILE..................................................................................................................18


FUOB Milk Commodities Pty. Ltd. was founded in 1963 in Berwick, Victoria. From
humble beginnings as a milk processor for the local dairy farmers, the company has
grown into a multi-million dollar mixed-product firm with a strong penetration into
the local market. The company sells some products made from milk, such as whole
milk, reduced milk, fat milk, and a range of specialised milk products, including: A2
milk, UHT milk, lactose-free milk, and organic milk.

FMC was fortunate to be positioned to service some of these new estates as urban
development of new housing estates expanded farther out into the outskirts of the
metropolitan region. Serenity Meadows is one such estate, which has been
continuously increasing since 2015. Although this estate still does not have a big
supermarket, it does have four convenience stores that offer the region's basic daily
essentials (milk, bread, and some other products) called Woolworths Petrol, Shell, 7
Eleven, and Joe’s Milk Bar.

Woolworths Petrol is very popular with car commuters and tradespeople due to its
location at the main junction point between the estate entry and the freeway to the
city. The second store is Shell, which is a fuelling point for local people as well as
Woolworths. The key differences between Shell and Woolworths are that Shell is
open 24/24 and has a carwash facility. The 7-Eleven store is also a fuelling station and
offers limited grocery products, but it offers a better level of fast food, and the
location of this store is convenient for train commuters. The last store is Joe’s Milk

Bar. This store is located near the school and residential area. While the opening hours
are shorter (7am–9pm), Joe’s Milk Bar has a fixed number of customers nearby.

The new general manager and other decision-makers of the company want a system
that can respond more effectively and efficiently to the business. However, most of
the industry remains without data network access and relies on unique independent
systems that do not exchange data with other departments due to the company's
historical unwillingness to innovate.

Currently, the business process is completed over the phone and submitted straight
from UMC; they then assign a junior staff person to check stock availability before
returning to the senior ordering clerk for approval to dispatch to retailers. When the
driver arrives at the store, he double-checks the delivery address, unloads the
merchandise, and obtains a signature before departing.

There are some issues with the current processes and solutions from the manager, such
as: developing a new customer interface for ordering, providing a stock control system
to monitor available products, automatic assignment of stock to transport options,

This report will give the general manager a more comprehensive understanding of
such things as the sale statistics for the previous and current years, which will allow
him to predict future sales through an Excel sheet. The method of gathering data for
which type of product and packaging are preferred by customers will be explicit and

Information importance, Web analytics, Social Network Analysis, and Customer

Relationship Management will be explored in this report.

-Discuss and analysis

Task A:
Figure 1

This column graph depicts total orders by client from week 32 in three separate years:
2016, 2017, and 2018. Woolworths Petrol, Shell, 7eleven, and Joe's Milkbar are
among the customers of FUOB Milk Commodities.
Woolworths Petrol was clearly a client that ordered the most products in store, with 19
items, whereas Joe's Milkbar only had 7 things in 2018. The data likewise showed an

increased trend, with Shell ordering 10 goods in 2016 and 15 items in 2018.
Finally, based on the data in the graph, the firm should ask feedbacks and responses
from customers, such as Joe's Milkbar, in order to identify a solution to improve sales

Figure 2

Graph 2 illustrates the total number of liters ordered in 2017 for eight distinct types of
The biggest amount, 29 percent, was clearly made up of whole milk products.
Reduced Fat Milk came in second with over a quarter of the vote, while Flavoured
Milk and Skim Milk received just 13 percent and 11 percent of the vote, respectively.
Furthermore, Special Milk and Lactose both had the same amount of 7%. Organic
Milk Product (4%) and UHT Milk (4%) had the lowest number of liters ordered in
2017. (5 %).

As a consequence, the following conclusion was reached: To guarantee that the
company's revenue continues to rise, FUOB Milk Commodities should focus on
improving the quality of its best-selling goods, such as Whole Milk, Reduced Fat
Milk, and Flavoured Milk.

Figure 3

Litres Ordered in 2017 were more than twice as much as Litres Ordered in 2016, with
1283,1 and 640,31 respectively. With 1521,76 projected litres, 2018 was the year with
the most. According to the statistics provided, The FUOB Milk Commodities'
business strategy, marketing, and sales increased significantly in 2017 compared to
2016, and the firm has to expand further to sustain revenue in the next year.

Task B
1.Sampling method for data collection
The sampling method I would choose for data collection from customers to determine
the local demand for such a product and which type of packaging is Survey by using
Face-to-face interview (F2F) interview. F2F interview is a data collection method
when the interviewer directly communicates with the respondent in accordance with
the prepared questionnaire. There are some reasons why I choose this method:
- Because the FMC doesn’t have website or application so it’s so hard to gather data
through some methods like Online survey method. Other methods such as Direct
Observation is too expensive while Experiments method is too time-consuming.
- Accurate screening: When the candidates answer question from interviewers, it’s
undeniable to provide false information during screening questions such as gender,
age, etc. Therefore, the collected information can be more reliable and truth compared
with online survey or phone interview survey. For example, individuals can click
incorrect answers to finish the survey quickly to get present (discount, voucher).
- Keep individuals or candidates focus: While online and mobile surveys are often
more convenient for respondents, they can answer every time at any place they want.
However, when they answer questions, they often be distracted by other actions like
texting, watching TV, reading or simply they have a phone call while answering
immediately. With F2F interview, the interviewer is trained person and may help the
interviewee be focused and keep them on track to complete the survey.
- Capture emotions and behaviors: F2F interviews can no doubt capture an
interviewee’s emotions and behaviors. For example, when you ask the candidate about
“What is your preferred flavour of milk, we can know which type of flavour attract
customer not only from the answer but also from the emotions and behaviors of
- Capture verbal and non-verbal questions. A face-to-face interview is no doubt going
to capture verbal and non-verbal ques, but this method also affords the capture of non-
verbal ques including body language, which can indicate a level of discomfort with
the questions. Adversely, it can also indicate a level of enthusiasm for the topics being
discussed in the interview.

2. A draft questionnaire in Google Form

A questionnaire is a research tool that consists of a set of questions and additional
elements that are used to collect data from respondents. Here are some benefits of
creating questionaries for face-to-face interviews:
- Questionnaires are low-cost: Questionnaires are one of the most cost-effective
methods for collecting quantitative data. A questionnaire can be created and emailed
to a group of individuals or a client using a website, a Google form, or other
techniques. This strategy is low-cost, but it requires precise targeting if you want the
best potential response rate and the most accurate findings.
- Questionnaires are useful: As previously said, questionnaires are a useful tool for
gathering information. They may be targeted at certain populations and handled in
variety of ways.
- Questionnaires provide a rapid approach to obtain information: No matter what style
of survey you choose, collecting results is simple and quick. FUOB Milk specialists,
for example, can ask applicants 20 questions in 20 minutes without missing an answer
or being sidetracked by other variables.
- Scalability is important. Questionnaires and surveys allow you to collect data from a
wide group of people. Tutors can ask follow-up questions to acquire more data if they
have prepared default questions ahead of time.
- Simple visualization and analysis: Most survey and questionnaire providers are
quantitative in nature, making it simple to analyse data. When compared to other types
of data collection, such as experiments or direct observation, it is straightforward to
interpret results without a background in statistics or scientific research using
responses from respondents. With the advancement of technology, there are several
tools available now that allow us to synthesize data obtained from instructors and
enter it into other applications. These findings may be presented in a number of charts
and tables, allowing us to determine whether or not the plan to create a new type of
milk is feasible.
Here is the picture of questionnaire made on Google Form:

3. Limitations of using survey method to collect data ( F2F interview)

- Cost: Cost is a major disadvantage for face- to-face interviews. Due to we need to
hire the staff or experts in this field, which means there will be personnel cost. It’s
difficult to keep costs low when personnel are needed.
- Quality of data by interviewer. The quality of data we receive will often depend on
the ability of interviewers. Some people have the natural ability to conduct an
interview and gathering data at excellent level. However, there are few staffs have that
ability and also some staffs may also have their own biases that could impact the way
the candidates put the answer and lead to lower rates we will get.

Task C

1. The importantance of information in organisations like FMC

Information can be defined as knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or
instruction, or intelligence and news, facts, or data. We can see the current processes
of FMC. Due to the lack of connectivity between a lot of sections, it takes a long time
to buy products online. Therefore, it may be hard to keep track of available products,
expiry dates, delays in delivery, or can’t solve complaints or feedback from
customers, leading to the company's costing millions of dollars for these problems. As
a result, the FMC company may need to build an information system. An information
system (IS) can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect,
process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control the
firm in an organization.

Information systems contain information about significant people, places, and things
within the organization or in the environment surrounding it. By "information," we
mean data that has been shaped into a form that is meaningful and useful for the FMC
company. FMC can save them money and time with better decision-making and better
communication within different departments and sharing information easily.

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers, storage, networking, and other
physical devices, infrastructure, and processes to create, process, store, secure, and
exchange all forms of electronic data. IT is one of many tools managers use to cope
with change in the 4.0 technology area. There are a lot of things, but the world’s

largest and most widely used network is the Internet. The Internet is a global "network
of networks" that uses universal standards to connect millions of networks in more
than 230 countries around the world. Nowadays, through the Internet, a lot of
developers can create websites or applications to help companies attract more
customers and also gather information such as the history of the company, its vision
and mission, and the process of making milk products to help their clients know more
about the company and prefer this company.

Here is an example of how IT plays an important role in a business company:

- Vinamilk is the biggest dairy company in Vietnam. Their products range from core
dairy products such as liquid and powdered milk. Since commencing operation in
1976, They have built the largest distribution network in Vietnam and have leveraged
their network to introduce new products to the market, such as juices and soya milk.
From Vinamilk’s website, we can get a lot of information like: the history of
Vinamilk, their products with introduction, the innovative technology to produce milk
products, the raw material area, or customer services. Everything clients want is all
given on the website, and it may help the customer learn more about the company
with a click. The company also develops applications on IOS or Android for
customers to order their products. In the COVID-19 pandemic, home delivery has
become more popular not only in Vietnam but also all around the world. As a result,
clients can just order their products through apps or another platform such as
ShopeeFood, BAEMIN, MOCA, etc., and receive them immediately. One convenient
example of this is that they can also connect with their bank’s account to purchase the
product. This helps them buy faster, easier, and safer. Customer service is also
important. Through websites and applications, staff can contact customers to solve
problems or provide low rate feedback by texting online. It helps the company save a
lot of money instead of using the phone, which is time-consuming.
2. Website and Ordering App
Due to the development of technology nowadays, the FUOB company should create
their own website and new ordering systems. First of all, a website is a collection of
web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and
published on at least one web server.... Users can access websites on a range of
devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
The website attracts a wider customer reach due to its accessibility 24/7. While your
physical stores are closed at night, your online shop can keep on selling and bringing
income for the company. Furthermore, as I mentioned above, customers can learn
more about a company just by clicking on its website. They can also see the process of
products and get customer service online. From there, we may attract new customers
not only through marketing or advertising online, but also from clients who can
introduce FUOB’s product.
An ordering app is a platform that tracks sales, orders, and inventory and allows the
FUOB company to take orders and accept payments from a distance – both online and
in person.
With this system, customers simply access a menu through mobile ordering. There are
some benefits to this instead of using the former ordering system:
Companies can use an online ordering app to avoid the inconvenient experience of
wasting time in long lines. With the option to order milk products from a mobile app,
they can easily place an order no matter where they are or when they are stuck in
traffic. Especially on holidays or events, FUOB company offers discount prices for a
lot of products. In this case, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, going outside to buy
may let customers contact others.
Using an online ordering app can also help customers have more payment methods.
Instead of using money at physical stores, customers can use their credit cards, etc.

3. Web analytics, Social Network Analysis and Customer Relationship

Comparison/ Web Analytics Social Network Analysis Customer Relationship Management
Analysis (CRM)
Definition Web analytics is the Social network analysis (SNA) Customer relations management (CRM) is
measurement, collection, is the process of investigating a method for organizations to approach
analysis, and reporting of social structures through the use and connect with consumers in a
web data to understand and of networks and graph theory. systematic and effective manner,
optimize web usage managing customer information such as
account information, wants, contacts, and
other concerns in order to better serve
Data collection Data collected through web Data collected often from - Employee Information
analytics may include traffic users’s attitudes from social - Contract Information
sources, referring sites, page media such as ( analysis posts - Purchasing Information
views, paths taken and and reaction of users) Facebook, - Customer Information
conversion rates. Likedin, Instagram, Twitter,etc.
Data sources The data mainly come from Data mainly come from social Data in this field often from:
four sources: media platforms like Facebook, 1 Referral Sources
1. Direct HTTP request data Twitter,etc 2. Past Purchases
2. Network-level and server- 3. Phone calls
generated data associated 4. Experiential Marketing Data
with HTTP requests 5. Web analytics
3. Application-level data sent 6. Survey responses
with HTTP requests 7. Social media profiles
4. External data
The benefits 1. Monitor your visitors and The data collected may be used 1. Enhances Better Customer Service
users( visits, unique visits, to improve consumer targeting
2. Facilitates discovery of new customers
bounce rates, top by segmenting clients based on
3. Helps the sales team in closing deals
contents,etc) their likes, comments, and
2. Optimise website demographics.
4. Enhances effective cross and up selling
3. Formulate a sales and
of products
digital marketing plan
5. Simplifies the sales and marketing
4. Predict future plans
5. Keep track of the
6. Builds up on effective internal
6. Measure the profit
contribution from online
marketing initiatives.

FUOB: Milk commodities need to change and improve to remain competitive with
other firms. The general manager should carefully read the current issues of the
company, such as lack of connectivity with the ordering systems or communication
struggles in other departments, as I mentioned above. Some solutions have been
recommended to help the company, such as a new ordering system or website.
Through this analysis report, I hope that the general manager and other decision
makers of the company can have clear information about how the sales of the
company are increasing yearly through chart analysis, but we need to change to help
the company increase not only the sales but also the process. The communication with
other departments will be shaped in form. Finally, by the recommendations discussed,
FUOB Milk will continuously go further in the future.


1. The Excel Easy Create a Macro. Available at: (Accessed: 25 December 2021).
2. Keller, G. (2017) Statistics for Management and Economics. Cengage Learning..
3. Laudon, K and Laudon, J. (2020) Management Information Systems. United States
of America: Pearson Education.
4. Laudon, K and Traver, C. (2020) E-commerce. United States of America: Pearson

5. SmartSurvey Face-To-Face Surveys. Available at: (Accessed 29
December 2021).
6. Lucid A Cint Group Company. (2021) What Is a Questionnaire and How Is It Used
in Research?. Available at: ( Accessed 29
December 2021).
7. SurveyAnyplace. (2019) 10 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Questionnaires.
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8. Restolabs 7 Advantages Of Using A Mobile Ordering App For Your Restaurant
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8. Wikipedia. (2021) Information technology. Available at: (Accessed 30 December 2021).
9. wishdesk by InternetDevels. (2018) BENEFITS OF HAVING A WEBSITE FOR
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10. Wikipedia. (2021) Web analytics. Available at: (Accessed 30 December 2021).
11. analyticsSteps 6 Benefit of Web Analytics for Business Growth. Available at:
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12. Entrepreneur Media 7 Data Sources You Should Absolutely Be Plugging into
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