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"principals of management"


Most concrete structures present a satisfactory performance, there are deterioration

problems in many structures, commonly manifested by cracking, due to the most
different causes. These causes can affect the appearance of concrete and can also
indicate significant structural and durability problems. A favourable conservation status
improves the functionality and performance of a concrete structure, ensuring resistance
and rigidity, good surface appearance, permeability to water and sealing the entrance
of moisture, aggressive agents for concrete and steel, thereby increasing the durability

Cracks in a building are of common occurrence. A building component develops

cracks whenever stress in the component exceeds its strength. Internally induced
stresses in building components lead to dimensional changes and whenever there is a
restraint to movement as is generally the case cracking occurs. Building and other built
structures are moving all the time, but usually these movements are so small as to be
unnoticeable. Movement can be caused by defects, movement of the ground,
foundation failure, decay of the building fabric, and so on .If a structure is unable to
accommodate this movement, cracking is likely to occur. The appearance of distortions
and cracks can be visually unattractive and disconcerting for occupants, and if left
untreated they can affect the integrity, safety and stability of the structure.


• To know various types of materials used for repairing cracks.

Management (22509)

• To study ,different methodology for repair of cracks.


• To understand, various materials used for repairing cracks..

• To understand , how cracks can be avoided .


• Chin-Hunang (2004)

This dissertation on an in-depth review of literature on concrete crack repairs.

Deterioration of concrete affects both the aesthetics and the integrity of
structures. As a result, there is need to to repair such defects in order to restore
the aesthetics and integrity of concrete structures. This research discusses
concrete crack repairs taking into consideration the mechanisms resulting in
concrete cracking, techniques to determine concrete cracking, practices for
prevention of concrete cracking and concrete crack repair techniques.

• Bennet, E.W (1970)

Studied the unrestrained and restrained shrinkage and cracking of concrete by a

ring test made with Portland cement of three different grades of fineness. The
results revealed that the shrinkage may be increased with finer cement at an
early age apparently on account of the faster hydration. Also, the use of finer
Portland cement resulted in somewhat earlier cracking, but not comparable with
very early cracking of concrete associated with calcium chloride or with high
alumina cement.

• Tazawa et al (2001)

Found that the cement composition has a greater influence on autogenous

shrinkage than drying shrinkage. Compared to normal Portland cement, larger
autogenous shrinkage was observed for high early strength cement at an early
age and blast furnace slag cement at later ages. Less autogenous shrinkage was
observed for moderate heat cement paste and low heat Portland cement with
high C2S 5 content. Autogenous shrinkage depends on the hydration of C3A and
C4AF and it increases with increase in these compounds.


• Selection of micro project.

• Collect the information about the micro project.

• Study in detail about management principles.

• And make a report on it.

6.0) Resources Required –

Sr no. Name of Resource Specifications Qty.

1. Reference book Building Construction 1.
2. website -
3. Photographs - 4.

Action Plan -


1. Selection of topic
2. Collected information
3. Starting of proposal work
4. Make the proposal part-A
5. Submission of the proposal
6. Visit at nearby structure
7. Searching the information
about project
8. Prepare a report on it
9. Checking and correction of
project report
10. Submission of micro project
11. Power point presentation

• Introduction -

 Management is essential to any organization that wishes to be efficient

and achieve its aims. Without someone in a position of authority there would
be organizational anarchy with no structure and very little, if any focus. It has
been said that management has four basic functions – planning, organizing,
leading and controlling. Common sense dictates that without these principles
of management being in place an organization would have trouble achieving its
aims, or even coming up with aims in the first place. A classic theory on the
principles of management was written by Henri Fayol. It seeks to divide
management into 14 principles. We’ll take a look at these basic principles of
management and explain them in easy to understand terminology.

 The principles of management, then, are the means by which you actually
manage, that is, get things done through others—individually, in groups, or in
organizations. Formally defined, the principles of management are the
activities that “plan, organize, and control the operations of the basic
elements of [people], materials, machines, methods, money and markets,
providing direction and coordination, and giving leadership to human efforts,
so as to achieve the sought objectives of the enterprise. Managers are
required in all the activities of organizations: budgeting, designing, selling,
creating, financing, accounting, and artistic presentation; the larger the
organization, the more managers are needed. Everyone employed in an
organization is affected by management principles, processes, policies, and
practices as they are either a manager or a subordinate to a manager, and
usually they are both.

• Course Outcomes –
• To understand the principles of management .

• To know how principles of management are important .

• Principles -

 Management Principles Applied To Medium Scale Industry .

• Division of Work -

This principle of management is based on the theory that if workers are given a
specialized task to do, they will become skillful and more efficient in it than if they had
a broader range of tasks. Therefore, a process where everyone has a specialized role
will be an efficient one.

• Authority -
This principle looks at the concept of managerial authority. It looks at how authority is
necessary in order to ensure that managerial commands are carried out. If managers
did not have authority then they would lack the ability to get work carried out.
Managers should use their authority responsibly and ethically .

• Discipline -

This principle relates to the fact that discipline is needed within an organization for it
to run effectively. Organizational rules, philosophies, and structures need to be met. In
order to have disciplined workers, managers must build a culture of mutual respect and

• Unity of command -
There should be a clear chain of command in place within an organization. An
employee should know exactly whose instructions to follow.

Management (22509)

• Unity of direction -

Work should be organized in a way that means employees are working in harmony
toward a shared objective or goal using a shared method or procedure.

• Remuneration -

In order to motivate and be fair to employees, they should be paid a reasonable rate
for the work they carry out. An organization that underpays will struggle to attract
quality workers who are motivated .

• Equity –
Managers should behave ethically towards those they manage. Almost every
organization in the modern world will have a written set of policies and procedures
which will outline exactly what is expected from staff at all levels.

• Initiative –
Employees that have an input as to how to best do their job are likely to feel more
motivated and respected. Many organizations place a great deal of emphasis on
listening tothe concerns of staff.

• Stability of tenure of personnel –

It is seen as desirable within an organization to have a low staff turnover rate. This is
due to the benefits that come with having experienced staff and the time and expense
needed to train new ones. There should be a clear and efficient method of filling any
staff vacanciesthat arise.

• Scalar chain –
This relates to the principle of a clear chain of communication existing between
employees and superiors. The chain should be respected, unless speedy communication
is vital, in which case the chain may be bypassed if all parties consent.

Management (22509)

 Managerial Roles –

The direct relationships with people in the interpersonal roles place the manager
in a unique position to get information. Thus, the three informational roles are
primarily concerned with the information aspects of managerial work. In the
monitor role, the manager receives and collects information. In the role of
disseminator, the manager transmits special information into the organization.
The top-level manager receives and transmits more information from people
outside the organization than the supervisor. In the role of spokesperson, the
manager disseminates the organization’s information into its environment. Thus,
the top- level manager is seen as an industry expert, while the supervisor is seen
as a unit or departmental expert.

The unique access to information places the manager at the center of

organizational decision making. There are four decisional roles managers play.
In the entrepreneur role, the manager initiates change. In the disturbance
handler role, the manager deals with threats to the organization. In the resource
allocator role, the manager chooses where the organization will expend its
efforts. In the negotiator role, the manager negotiates on behalf of the
organization. The top-level manager makes the decisions about the organization
as a whole, while the supervisor makes decisions about his or her particular work

 Importance of the principles in medium scale industry.

• Having a clear management structure in place is vital for any successful

organization. Efficient and well intentioned management sets the tone
for the rest of the staff. It is common for the attitude approach of
managers to filter through the entire organization, so having managers
working in an exemplary way is an excellent example for employees to

• To examine some current business ideas and strategies which will not
only help Nigerian small and medium-scale business enterprises to
survive the hard times but develop or grow steadily.

• To acquaint entrepreneurs and would be entrepreneurs with the basic

ingredients on how to set up and run small and medium scale businesses.

• Managers are responsible for getting work done through others. We

typically describe the key managerial functions as planning, organizing,
leading,and controlling.

• Through all four managerial functions, the work of managers ranges

across ten roles, from figurehead to negotiator. While actual managerial
work can seem challenging, the skills you gain through principles of

 Conclusion -

• We understood the principles of management in medium scale industry.

• We understood the know how principles of management are important.

• Ishifsefis

 References –



• Reference book


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