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Wolaita Sodo University

College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Hosting company, Hawassa indusrial park

Project Title: Submersible pump Design

Company Advisor: Mr. Sisay

Department Advisor: Mr. Getahun

Internee Group Name: Aschalew Geteye

Id No: ENG/R/485/10

:Ashagere Belayneh

Id No: ENG/R//10

:Betiglu Yohannis

Id No: ENG/R//10

Duration:04 May, 2021-30August Submission date:_/_/_E.C

I’m a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student at Wolaita Sodo University and I have
undertaken my internship experience in Hawassa Industrial Park / ZLD plant for a period of 04
May, 2021-30August ,2021 under the guidance of Mr. Getahun (Academic advisor) and Mr.
Sisay (Company advisor).

I clarify that my work is original and compiled according to the internship report writing guide
line given by the department.

As the students’ academic advisor, I clarify that the internship report prepared by the student’s
original work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the department as far as my
knowledge is concerned.

Getahun ____________ ________

Name of the Academic Advisor Signature Date

MelesseTekle _________ _________

Name of student Signature Date

First, I would like to thanks my almighty God for giving me strength and patience to accomplish
this project. And I want to say thanks to my company supervisor Engineer Sisay, Companny
Workers Engineer Mohamed, Engineer Abebaw and University supervisor Mr.Getahun., for
there sustainable and appreciable guidance, tireless advising, for sharing their knowledge, skill,
experience and fine tuning up to the successful completion of this project work.

Second, I would like to thanks also all Mr.Sisay Life Style Apparel or zero liquid discharge
(ZLD) factory workers who insisted me to collect the necessary data for my project work.
Specially, Mr. Huwalashet, Mr.Galay, Mr. Getachew, and also Mr.Tigistu .Last, but not least, I
like to thank all my families.

Industrial park has been one of the most important industry in the world to develop or to grow up
industry products in the country. This internship report and project comprises all things I done,
saw and lessons from my Supervisor, document I refer for last 80 days and site work. For case of
understanding the report is divided in to four main parts with some sub topics under them the 1 st
chapter includes brief history of hosting company, the main products, service, vision, mission
of the company,Values and principles of company, Objectives of the company, Company’s
Stakeholders, Company’s Customers, Organization structure of the Company and includes the
whole process. The 2nd chapter of this report includes the Objective of the Internship, how I get in
to the company, the section of the Company I have been working, Procedures used while
performing my work tasks, Challenges facing while performing my work tasks. The 3rd chapter
of this report includes the specific job information of the company include daily technical duties,
responsibility of us during intern ship and technical knowledge and skill obtained from the intern
and the overall benefit I gained from the internship including improving my practical skill,
upgrading my theoretical knowledge, improving my interpersonal communication and about
work ethics and entrepreneurship skills. The 4th chapters of this document contains Design. The
final 5th chapter which is includes overall conclusion and recommendation of the Intern ship



EXCUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................III

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................IV

LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................VI

LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................VII


1. Background of the Company...........................................................................1

1.1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1

1.2. Mission of HIP..................................................................................................................1

1.3. Vision of the HIP..............................................................................................................1

1.4. Values and Principle of the HIP........................................................................................2

1.5. Objective of the HIP.........................................................................................................2

1.6. Services and product of HIP.............................................................................................2

1.7. Stake Holders of HIP........................................................................................................3

1.8. Customers of HIP..............................................................................................................3

1.9. Organizational Structure of HIP O&M.............................................................................4

2. Overall about internship...................................................................................6
2.1. Objective of the internship................................................................................................6

2.2. How did I get into internship............................................................................................6

2.3. The section of the company I have been working............................................................7

2.4. My Performance at the company....................................................................................18

2.5. Challenges facing while performing my work task........................................................18

3. Overall Internship Experiences.....................................................................19

3.1. Improving Practical Skills...............................................................................................19

3.2. Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge.................................................................................19

3.3. Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills.............................................................19

3.4. Improving My Team Playing Skills................................................................................20

3.5. Improving My Leadership Skills....................................................................................20

3.6. In Terms of Understanding Work Ethics........................................................................21

3.7. In terms of developing entrepreneurship skills...............................................................22

4. Projects and Contributions............................................................................23

4.1. Abstract of the project.....................................................................................................23

4.2. Introduction about belt conveyor....................................................................................23

4.2.1. Over view of belt conveyor.....................................................................................23

4.2.2. Industrial application of belt conveyor....................................................................24

4.2.3. Types of belt conveyors...........................................................................................24

4.2.4. Components of Belt Conveyor................................................................................24

4.2.5. Factors affecting on the belt conveyor.....................................................................29

4.3. Problem Statement..........................................................................................................30

4.4. Objectives of the project.................................................................................................30

4.4.1. General Objectives...................................................................................................30

4.4.2. Specific Objective....................................................................................................30

4.5. Scope and limitation........................................................................................................30

4.6. Benefit of the project.......................................................................................................31

4.7. Literature review.............................................................................................................31

4.8. Detailed design and description of the project (Methodology).......................................32

4.9. Result and discussion......................................................................................................45

4.10. Conclusion...................................................................................................................47

5. Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................................48

5.1. Conclusion......................................................................................................................48

5.2. Recommendation............................................................................................................49


Table 1: HIP Human Resource Data...............................................................................................4
Table 2: Belt width based on lump size.........................................................................................33
Table 3: Typical belt speeds in general use (meters per second)..................................................33
Table 4: Capacity factor – three equal roll through idlers.............................................................34
Table 5: Belt width and pulley width............................................................................................39
Table 6: Table of Material selection..............................................................................................45
Table 7: Table of Cost analysis.....................................................................................................45

Figure 1: Organizational Structure of HIP O&M............................................................................5
Figure 2: Effluent treatment plant (ETP).........................................................................................7
Figure 3: ETP flow diagram............................................................................................................8
Figure 4: Receiving chamber...........................................................................................................9
Figure 5: Equalization tank............................................................................................................10
Figure 6: Centrifuge.......................................................................................................................12
Figure 7: Ultra filtration and reverse osmosis...............................................................................12
Figure 8: STP resaving chamber....................................................................................................14
Figure 9: STP flow diagram..........................................................................................................16
Figure 10: Frame of belt conveyor................................................................................................25
Figure 11: Driving pulley of belt conveyor...................................................................................25

Figure 12: Return pulley of belt conveyor.....................................................................................26
Figure 13: Carrying idler of belt conveyor....................................................................................26
Figure 14: Return idler of belt conveyor.......................................................................................26
Figure 15: Take up system.............................................................................................................27
Figure 16: Belt Conveyer Drive Arrangements.............................................................................28
Figure 17: Thomas Robin’s conveyor belt....................................................................................32
Figure 18: Troughed belt cross section..........................................................................................35
Figure 19: Hopper..........................................................................................................................37
Figure 20: Rotary feeder................................................................................................................37
Figure 21: 37 kW motor with 1500rpm.........................................................................................38
Figure 22: Head pulley..................................................................................................................40
Figure 23: Free diagram of forces acting on the shaft...................................................................42
Figure 24: Shaft.............................................................................................................................43
Figure 25:Bearing and Roller assembly........................................................................................46
Figure 26: Supporter and Belt........................................................................................................46
Figure 27:Assemble drawing of belt conveyor..............................................................................47


PLC - Private Limited Company

CBE - Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
HIP - Hawassa Industrial Park
ZLD - Zero Liquid Discharge
ETP - Effluent Treatment Plant
STP - Sewage Treatment Plant
RO - Reverse Osmosis

SNNP - South Nation Nationalities And Peoples
EIC - Ethiopia Investment Commissions
EEU - Ethiopian Electric Unit
PVH - Phillipis-Van Heusen
ETIDI - Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute

1. Background of the Company

1.1. Introduction
Hawassa Industrial Park (HIP) is located 275 km from Addis Abeba in proximity to one of
Ethiopia’s premium holiday destination, Lake Hawassa. HIP will be upon completion a 300 Ha
Eco-Park, centered on textile and garment products, and fully integrated to the city, in
collaboration with the newly built Hawassa University.

As an Eco-Park, Hawassa will be mostly powered by renewable electricity sources (hydro-

electricity). The design and construction of Hawassa will be conceived around energy and water
conservation principles – including maximization of natural lightning and natural ventilation,
fitting of low consumption bulbs, recycling of rain water, and solar powered light emitting diode
(LED) street lights - making it Ethiopia’s first major eco-friendly development. This human
resource policy and procedure manual has been prepared to carry out each and every concern of
manpower of HIP operation and management.

Finally, this manual contains long term mission, vision and values of HIP operation and
management. Furthermore, it also comprises specifically identified objectives, scope, situation of
amendments, rights and obligations of HIP operation and management. Particularly, it includes
rights and obligations of employee, employment description and its procedures, and
remuneration of all staff at large.

1.2. Mission of HIP

 Committed to adopt world class industrial parks’ operation and management system of
the HIP, and boost HIP development through the highest standards of professionalism;
 To create the favorable environment for investors to make investments in the HIP
through the most effective and efficient Operation and Management system.

1.3. Vision of the HIP

 To be innovative and leading world class industrial parks operation and management
system in Ethiopia by 2020.

1.4. Values and Principle of the HIP
HIP O&M has developed the following list of values:-

 Honesty and Transparency in all of its operation;

 Mutual Accountability with beneficiary communities, the partners and members; the
regional government and all those concerned in general;
 Equity and justice in all our engagements with our stake holders and tenants;
 Commitment to excellence - deliver quality service to the stakeholders;
 Trusted partnership with all stakeholders;
 Gender balance/equality - strives hard to get rid of partiality based on gender;
 Credibility and reputability - bound to the principle of demonstrating trust, acceptance in
all its undertakings;
 Highest level of integrity and professionalism;
 Learning organization;
 Concern to the environment;
 Effective and efficiency

1.5. Objective of the HIP

 To expand and develop the infrastructure investment development.
 To pay great attention to the industry park management and services by stake
 To increase public, domestic and foreign investment in the city and the country in
broader forms.

1.6. Services and product of HIP

 After care services
 Maintenance
 Security
 Cleaning
 Greenery
 Water supply etc.

1.7. Stake Holders of HIP
 EIC (Ethiopian Investment Commission )
 Customs
 City Administration
 Moelsa
 IA
 Ethio-telecom
 Ethiopian shipping

1.8. Customers of HIP

There are more than 18 international textile and garment companies in the park.

 JP Textile
 Arviend Life Style Apparel
 Quadrant Apparel Group
 Chargeus Fashion Technology PLC
 Esabella Socks Manufacturing PLC
 Hydramani Garments PLC
 Raymond Garment PLC
 Tal Garment Manufacturing PLC
 Century Garment PLC
 Everest Apparel PLC
 Ontex Hygienic Disposal PLC
 HelaIndochine Apparel PLC
 Indo-chine Apparel PLC
 Best Corporation LTD

 Jiangsu Golden (KGG)
 DenemIndochin
 Epic Apparel PLC
 ITL-Ethiopia PLC Manufacturing PLC

Table 1: HIP Human Resource Data

Shade No. INVESTOR NAME No. of states     

states Suppo Oct. Production
rting Demand %
1 PVH- ARVIND 415 26 -  
2-4 JP TEXTILE 323 31 -  
5-11 ARVIND LIFE STYLE APPAREL 1, 100 22 170 Slow
12 QUADRANT APPAREL 90 16 40  
13 CHARGEUS FASHIN 6 16 - 60
14 ESABELLA SOCCKS 356 26 50 45-50
15,16 HYDRAMANI GARMENT 1685 127 85 45-50
17,18,19 RAYMOND GARMENT 800 52 - good
20,21,22,27,28,2 TAL GARMEINT 412 118 - Slow
9 CENTURY GARMENT 442 50 70 5
32 EVEREST APPAREL 650 20 200 Sample stage
33,34 EPIC APPAREL 670 83 120 35-50
37 INDOCHINE APPAREL 1600 170 200 25-30
TOTAL   9273 859 10,132  

1.9. Organizational Structure of HIP O&M


Admin&HR Integrated Property Finance prevention ZLD

General Manager

Admi&HR Integrated Property Finance

Figure 1: Organizational Structure of HIP O&M

2. Overall about internship

2.1. Objective of the internship

Theobjective of this internship is:-

 To change theoretical knowledge in to practical.

 To gain understanding manufacturing process of the factor.
 Identify the machine problems in the company / service work shop.
 Vide the repair mechanisms/ solutions.
 To have a good experience on job training.
 To have sufficient knowledge and operating principle.
 Be familiar with working environment just by acting myself as employee and finally my
purpose was also to get best score after doing good work in the time of practice.

2.2. How did I get into internship

At the end of 2017 Wolaitasodo university academic calendar I have received an internship
request form from the university – mechanical engineering department that allow as to distribute
the form to different hosting company in our respective country. And I leave the campus with the
aim of finding my favorable company. During our return to the campus some of us have already
get the acceptance paper from different company and some of us not got the paper so we report
to the department that we don’t get any acceptance paper from those company that we distribute
the request form. However our department collaborating with the university-industry linkage
program tries to find an internship place for those who haven’t got a place. After that they inform
us to try in HIP Company and the company accepts us and gives us acceptance.

In march 20,2017 I headed to the hosting company and we meet with Mr. Huwalashet who is the
head of human resource and he introduce Me with engineer DileepK.Shrivastav and Mishira
(mechanical engineer) and with Engineer Mohamed Ali who is the vice head of mechanical
workshop and maintenance department. Then Mohamed tells me some precaution related to
industrial hazard and instructs in to working section that assured my acceptance to the company.

2.3. The section of the company I have been working

In HIP in zero liquid discharge (ZLD) or in water treatment there is two sections which are
effluent treatment plant (ETP) and sewage treatment plant (STP). Each process is illustrated as

Water treatment:

Water treatment is the process of purification of water from any impurities to meet the required
standard with application of scientific methods.

1. Effluent treatment plant (ETP)

ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) is a process design for treating the industrial waste water for its
reuse or safe disposal to the environment.

• Influent: Untreated industrial waste water.

• Effluent: Treated industrial waste water.
• Sludge: Solid part separated from waste water by ETP.

Figure 2: Effluent treatment plant (ETP)

Design of ETP:

The design and size of the ETP depends upon:

• Quantity and quality of the industries discharge effluent.

• Land availability.
• Monetary considerations for construction, operation & maintenance

Effluent treatment plant (ETP) – process flow diagram

Stillingc ETPreceiving Backwashfrom
hamber chamber DMF/UF/RO


Flashmi Filtratecollectiontan
xer k

Primarycla Sludgesump-1

Aerationta Thickener Decanter


Secondarycl Sludgesump-2

Tertiarytank/ Clearwaters To DMF+UF-

polishingunit toragetank RO plant

Tertiarysludget Hardinessremovings
ank ystem


Description of ETP process flow diagram

The treatment of the different effluents varies with the type of effluent. Waste water enters the
effluent or the sewage treatment plant and goes through several processes before effluent goes in
to the environment. Industrial effluent treatment plant process includes the following stages;

Receiving chamber: effluent from industries is received here through a common pipeline as
shown below.

Figure 3: Receiving chamber

Screening:A screen with openings of uniform size is used to remove large solids such as
plastics, cloth etc.

Clarification: Used for separation of solids from fluids.

There is also three treatment level under ETP process;

A) Primary Treatment Level:

It is a removal of floating and settleable materials such as total suspended solids and organic
matter. Both physical and chemical methods are used in this treatment level.

Chemical unit processes: Chemical unit processes are always used with physical operations and
may also be used with biological treatment processes. Chemical processes use the addition of
chemicals to the wastewater to bring about changes in its quality.

Equalization tanks: effluent of different intensity is mixed for uniform blend with help of air
blowers. It equalizes the PH of the alkalinity. Example: pH control, coagulation, chemical
precipitation and oxidation.

pH Control: To adjust the pH in the treatment process to make wastewater pH neutral.

• For acidic wastes (low pH): NaOH, Na2CO3, CaCO3or Ca(OH)2.

• For alkali wastes (high pH): H2SO4, HCl.

Figure 4: Equalization tank

Coagulation: refers to collecting the minute solid particles dispersed in a liquid into a larger

Primary clarifies: color is removed and suspended solids are removed by coagulation and

Flocculation: is the physical process, which is aided by gentle mixing which causes the particles
to collide.

B) Secondary Treatment Level

Both Biological and chemical processes are involved in this level.

Biological unit process:

 To remove, or reduce the concentration of organic and inorganic compounds.

 Biological treatment process can take many forms but all are based around
microorganisms, mainly bacteria.

Aerobic Processes: Aerobic treatment processes take place in the presence of air (oxygen).

 Utilizes those microorganisms (aerobes), which use molecular/free oxygen to assimilate
organic impurities i.e. convert them in to carbon dioxide, water and biomass.

Anaerobic Processes:

 The anaerobic treatment processes take place in the absence of air (oxygen).
 Utilizes microorganisms (anaerobes) which do not require air (molecular/free oxygen)
to assimilate organic impurities.
 The final products are methane and biomass.
C) Tertiary / Advanced Treatment level

It is a final cleaning process that improves wastewater quality before it is reused, recycled or
discharged to the environment.

Mechanism: Removes remaining inorganic compounds, and substances, such as the nitrogen
and phosphorus. Bacteria, viruses and parasites, which are harmful to public health, are also
removed at this stage.

Clear water tank: storage tank for primary and secondary treated water can be discharged if

Sludge thickener: sludge from primary and secondary clarifier further thickened here.

Sludge tank: storage for sludge from thickener and from other areas (insignificant quantity)

Centrifuge: removal of moisture from the thickened sludge for ease of transportation and

Figure 5: Centrifuge

Dual media filter: first step tertiary treatment for removal of total suspended solids.

UFRO process tanks: are intermediate storage tanks for different stages of treatment factories.

Ultra filtration and reverse osmosis plant:-

Figure 6:Ultra filtration and reverse osmosis

Ultra filtration (UF):

The main use of ultra-filtration is to remove unwanted materials less than 0.001 micron.

 In Ultra filtration systems have only products. So Ultra filtration product goes to Ultra
filtration tank.
 And have three chemicals used in ultra-filtration cleaning

A) Caustic
B) Sodium Hypochlorite
C) Hydrochloric acid
 Those chemicals used for cleaning purpose, because during service time ultra-
filtration inside chocked. Where do you get ultra-filtration inlet
 Clear water storage tank to dual media filter
 DMF to UF

Reverse osmosis (RO): In this process, pressure is used to force effluent through a membrane
that retains contaminants on one side and allows the clean water to pass to the other side.

Reverse osmosis feed get from ultra-filtration product. Ultrafiltration product feed to RO1, so get
reject and product, so product goes to reverse osmosis product tank but reject goes to RO2 feed.

In RO2 also the same step has reject and product, so product goes to the same tank RO product
tank these water forward to outside industries like textile for the purpose of processing. For the
operation of RO1 and RO2 we use mono block motor which is multi stage and has 9.5kw
capacity. And the final reject water first reduces hardness and goes to PFMED plant.

 In Reverse osmosis system we dose three chemicals for both RO1 and RO2 with the help
of dosing pump it has capacity of 3 kW. Those are:-
1. Sodium Meta Bisulphate
2. Anticipant
3. Hydrochloric acid
 Sodium meta bisulphate used for remove free residual chlorine
 Anticipant used for removal of scales
 Hydrochloric acid used for reduce

Filtration:the clarified waste water is first passed through the adjacent filtration plant which
contains large filter blocks to ensure high quality water.

Benefits of ETP:

• To clean industry effluent and recycle it for further use.

• To reduce the usage of fresh/potable water in Industries.
• To cut expenditure on water procurement.
• To meet the Standards for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from
various Industries set by the Government and avoid hefty penalties.
• To safeguard environment against pollution and contribute in sustainable development.

Generally, the ETP plant works at various levels and involves various physical, chemical,
biological process to treat waste water from different industrial sectors like, chemicals, refines,
dairy and textile etc.

2. Sewage treatment plant (STP)

Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminates from waste water, primary from
house hold sewage, physical, chemical and biological process are used to remove contaminates
and produce treated water that is safer the environment. A by-product of sewage treatment
usually a semi-solid waste or slurry, called sewage sludge. It is with increasing environmental
concerns and legislations, waste water treatment is a mandate to continually improve the
discharge standards and lower environmental hazards. It provides complete solutions for sewage
treatment which comprises physical and biological treatment based on advanced technologies. In
the solutions of biological reactors which are based on suspended and attached growth.

Processes of STP

A) Resaving chamber: domestic sewage from industries and residential blocks is received hear
through pipeline

Figure 7: STP resaving chamber

B) Sequential batch reaction: effective combined treatment system for reduction of COD,
BOD and phosphates in the form of sludge.
C) Clear water tank: storage for primary treated sewage water before removal of total solid
suspended (TSS)
D) Multi grade filter and UV: Removal of total solid suspended (TSS) and disinfection by ultra
violet light.
E) Treated water tanks: Treated sewage water storage tank for delivery for flushing and
gardening purpose.

F) Salt and sludge storage: shed for temporary storage of sludge before disposal.
G) Filtration: varying process requirement with high density nonmetallic media or any other
conventional media to achieve high level of BOD removal at low operating costs.
H) Sludge handling: is an important and crucial part of water treatment processes. It takes for
disposal only after adequate treatment for any hazardous chemicals which otherwise may
pose environmental hazards.
I) Membrane reactor: is the most advanced development in the field of biological treatment of
waste water that recycles in similar footprint and under stringent discharge norms. Treated
waste water from membrane reactor can be even re used for cooling tower make up to
generate high purity water through reverse osmosis and other non-potable applications.

Benefits of STP

• To clean industry waste water and recycle it for further use.

• To reduce the usage of fresh/potable water in Industries.
• To cut expenditure on water procurement.
• To safeguard environment against hazards and contribute unsustainable development.

Generally, the STP plant works at various levels and involves various physical, biological
process to treat waste water from different industrial sectors like, toilet, pharmacy, refines, dairy
and textile etc.

Sewage Treated Plant (STP) - Process Flow Diagram

Coarse bar STP receiving Sewage

Stillingc Wet well
screen chamber


chamber Trolley for
Sequential Thickener thicked
batch cum sludge sludge
Filter storage/
feed tank

grade filter

UV system

Ozonato STP For washing Treated water

r system treated system out let


Figure 8:STP flow diagram.

Procedures used while performing my work tasks Within those four months, I have been
participating in each work task with mechanical engineers, mechanics and technical persons in
the sections and applying the theoretical knowledge on practical one. So I was performing my
work task as one of the worker in the sections. Mostly in these sections problems are solved by
mechanics and electrical shop workers by discussing each other to reach the solution. I have
castoff or used the following procedures while I was performing my task. First I observed that
mechanism of different machines, manufacturing methods, work shop, work flow of two sections
those are effluent treatment plant and sewage treatment plant sections. The workers around the
machine and operators also inform and answer my questions about the machine. Before working
or operating any machine I read manuals and while on working we may get help or support from
the workers and operators of the machine.

Problems Experienced and Remedies Taken

Some problems have been experienced during those four months in my site and I was able to
identify causes to handle this problems effectively collaborating with my colleagues. They are
briefly elaborates as below.
 ETP recirculation pump ’B’ had a leakage due to the impeller have been chocked. So, we
removed the pump and cleaned it, then the flow become properly.
 ETP dosing pump ’A’ had very less flow. So, we removed the suction and discharge pipe
lines and well cleaned the check valves, then ratified it.
 In UF-RO, HCL dosing pump doesn’t discharge. Because, the ball check valve stacked in
the spring. So, the pipe line is removed and the valve is checked, then the problem is
 The three outlet lines in Aeration tank had a leakage due to they didn’t welded properly at
the first time. Therefore, all three lines are well welded and the leakage is stopped.
 In STP hypo dosing pump, the discharge line was damaged and the leakage was
happened. So, we cut the edge of the pipe hose and refit it, after that the leakage was

 ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) belt conveyor wheel or pulley was removed out and shaft
was jammed, then we removed the bearing and adjusted the wheel. Additionally, we have
removed the motor and released the jammed part. Then the system is ok.
 MEE (multi effect evaporator) sump pump “A” have no flow, the case was the impeller
have been choking. So we have removed the pump suction line and cleaned it properly
then the flow became normal and continued to flow freely.

2.4. My Performance at the company

My performance was courageous at work place; because of I was snatched practical knowledge
in addition to theoretical one, unforeseen insights regarding machines. The operators and
workers on each machine gave us remarkable comments.

2.5. Challenges facing while performing my work task

The internship is a boundless in building my ability to know real world problems. The challenges
that I faced on internship program are:-

 Maintained machine isn’t properly functional as original machine.

 Fully unavailable safety wears for employers.
 The material that requires remark is not maintained easily.
 The maintaining process needs much more time.
 It is difficult to understand the machines those fails or stops function, and how they
operate and run.
 Absence of manuals and References for different machines.
 Unavailable of bath house after the work.
 Technical communication problems with company workers.
 Cafeteria problem in the company.
 Office facility inaccessibility.

Overcoming the challenges

I was overcoming the challenges by introducing with the employers in every my section division,
and making a well connection with advisors and workers. Also took more time in the
documentation room; reading some books about the company and working processes, and shared

with friends from the school. Therefore this enables to extract information in a well-defined
manner in almost all sections and some safety devices fulfilling by ourselves.

3. Overall Internship Experiences

3.1. Improving Practical Skills

I gained practical skills, of applying my engineering judgment and working successfully with
others. However, the skills and qualities developed by studying mechanical engineering suit
many other professional setting equally well. I can offer:-

 Critical thinking and the ability to evaluate designs, plans and projects;
 Effective assessment and management of risk, resources and time;
 Highly developed numeracy and computer literacy;
 Interpersonal sensitivity, expressiveness and the ability to work as part of a team;
 Clean written and oral communication skill;
 Creativity and an innovative approach to solving problems;
 The ability to analyze and interpret diverse, complex data;
 Awareness of ethical issues and the wider impact of our work.

3.2. Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge

The internship practice enabled me to upgrade my theoretical knowledge gathered in the class
into practical. The impression that I knew in theory such that due to long last stay from the
starting to the end of the given course I might overlooked what my teacher thought to students in
those last two or three years ago theoretically in a classroom, so it enabled me to remind those
ideas in practical way. It provides us the opportunity to gain hands on work experience that I just
can’t get in the classroom. Because first time job seekers and career changers would not be
usually desirable candidates, the company is willing to train them as intern and give them the
experience they need. Generally, I upgraded my theoretical knowledge in to practical one.

3.3. Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills

The internship also enabled to improve my communication skill with the company employees,
technicians, operators and manager. The company workers sharing their knowledge and
experience which assist and guide the desired materials that are needed for the tasks we make
and allowed us to perform several task with them together.

Thus this enabled us to improve my team playing skill in the tasks or activities I do together with
our colleagues in the given plant of the factory. It involved finding different faults and problems
together and providing the desired response after I had discussed on that issue and for further
experience I observed some manuals and texts that helped us to improve my knowledge based on
each plant. In the other case I asked something that did not clear for us on the task I performed in
the factory by sharing several ideas with the technicians for enabling us to improve my
knowledge and experience. I got complete behavioral shift from silent to playful, sociable ant
chatty person. Because in the factory I communicate with many Engineers, workers and others,
to know more each sections and machines. The other thing is that in those four months I was
working like a normal workers, enter to the company at the morning 2:00 o’clock and after lunch
till 11:00 o’clock. In those times I have develop my communication skills. Without proper
communication, especially in factories no work can be done or if the communication is not
decent (proper) there would injury, loss of production.

3.4. Improving My Team Playing Skills

In factory most of the actions are done in a team, or there are no more individual jobs. So I was
moving and working in the factory always in a group or team. I was allocated into next teams
and move from one section to another in group. If one team is in effluent treatment plant section
the other team located in sewage treatment plant section and we interchange the sections within a
one week. If there is any a project or orientations in each section we work together. Working in
team is great it makes our work easy and it has its own value. I had done friendly in the work
with all staff members. We freely talk, discuss that we understood and finally sphere and share
each other’s idea. Generally people with good interpersonal skill can control the feelings that
emerge in difficult situation and respond appropriately: instead of being overwhelmed by
emotion. There were times, we do not agree at some points, instead being emotional we were
able to collaborate and solve the situation.

3.5. Improving My Leadership Skills

Whenever there is team or group, there is a leader who leads a team. So to lead a team one must
be better than from others in understanding the others, explaining something and communication
with others. In the working environment it is very vital to have leadership skills. This will
maintain order in the work place, before entering internship.

I didn’t have that much to understand the importance of leadership skills. But now I have fully
snatched the need, I have closely observed some of the leaders in the various workshops and
sections have admired their team leading skills. In a clear manner and gain respect of the work
force which makes the work places a good environment. Leadership skills also come in handy
when you are part of a group and work together to solve a problem. Observing these concepts
has given us good leadership qualities that what we think about for the future.

3.6. In Terms of Understanding Work Ethics

Regarding work ethics in a factory, it is the first things when we enter the company in our first
day. That is it begins from respecting the time of entering and exiting the company compound.

Work Ethics: - is a value based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral
benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. I develop the following five works ethical

 Integrity: - this stretches to all aspects of an employee’s job. An employed with integrity
fasters trusting relationships with clients, coworkers and supervisors. Coworkers value
the employee’s ability to give honest feedback. Clients trust the employee’s advice
supervisors rely on the employee’s high moral standards, trusting him not to steal
anything from the company or create problems.
 Sense of Responsibility: - A strong sense of responsibility affects how an employee
works and the amount of work they does. When the employee feels personally
responsible for his job performance, she shows up on time, puts in his best effort and
completes projects to the best of their ability.
 Emphasis on Quality: - Some employees do only the bare minimum, just enough to
keep their job in fact. Employees with a strong work ethic care about the quality of their
work. They do their best to produce great work, not merely shake out what is needed. The
employee’s commitment to quality improves the company’s overall quality.

 Discipline: - It takes a certain level of commitment to finish your task every day. An
employee with good discipline stays focused on his goals and is determined to complete
his assignments. These employees show a high level of dedication to the company,
always ensuring they do their part.
 Sense of Team Work: - Most of employees have to work together to meet a company’s
objectives. An employee with a high sense of team work helps a team meet its goals and
deliver quality work. These employees respect their peers and help where they can,
making collaborations go smoother.

Respecting working ethics is essential to accomplish effective and efficient work. I also cultured
that to be punctual and reliable during work. The work place has a set of rules and regulations
that every employee has to follow, it is very vital for the employee to respect and follow them.
Hawassa Industrial Pak just like every other company has its own set of rules and regulations,
every year the companies gives an advice containing all this rules and regulation to all the work
force and abide by them. Some of the most important rules are punctuality of office time and
unjustified absences from work place.

Work ethics include not only who one feels about job, career or vocation, but also how one does
his/her job or responsibility. This involves: Improving attitude, developing good behavior,
respecting and accepting other people’s ideas punctuality, honesty, accountability, polite
communication Responsibility.

3.7. In terms of developing entrepreneurship skills

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of vision, change, and creation. It requires an application
of energy and passion towards the creation and implementation of new ideas and creative
solutions. It requires essential ingredients of an entrepreneur such as the willingness to take
calculated risks, ability to formulate an effective venture team, the creative skill to marshal
needed resources, fundamental skills of building a solid business plan, vision to recognize
opportunity where others see chaos.
On the other hand the activities also enabled us to improve our entrepreneur skill through the
experiences I gained from my daily activities and after observing the company compound.


Abstract - In this project I tried my best to design a model of a mini hoisting device. Generally
in ZLD plant chemical pouring tankers needed to lift chemical canes with loads of 30kg
to100kg manually. To make the process simpler I made a hoisting device which is a mixture of
lifting box and hoisting device. I, made it so simple that it can be easily assemble and
disassemble. This is achieved by the provision of bolting system. Instead of welding method to
join one part with other we use bolt system. The design was first made by using Auto Cad
software. Then according to design parameter we cut the different cross-section and then
assemble it. After assembling the engine part is attached and thus it works.


3.8. Materialhandlingequipment

3.9. GeneraloverviewofliftingmachineusingHoisting system




3.10. ProblemIdentification

3.11. Purposeofthedesign

3.12. Scope

3.13. Objective
3.13.1. General objective

 To carry out detail design and analysis of hoisting machine.

3.13.2. Specific objective

 To identifying the problem in ZLD plant.

 Design to solve those problems
 To evaluate the design based on the reliability

Classification of liftingmachine
























Lawrence K. Shapiro and Jay P. Shapiro stated that crane gives a cost-effective way to elevate
heavy loads anywhere in a facility; therefore it is one of the most commonly used machine
workshops. Old gantry cranes can be classified into fixed height and adjustable height according
to the maximum load height, single girder or double girder according to the type of girder
construction, and wheel mounted or rail mounted according to the way it moves. Every model
has its own advantages and disadvantages with respect to the working environment, safety
precautions, ease of use, maintenance, and load capacity [1]. Hanafy Omar, S. Woods and W.
Szyszkowski gives a linearized model for the crane with nonlinearities, such as coulomb friction,
pretended to be not included as the friction results in high steady-state error of position control
[2] The development of the gantry crane has witnessed many surges during the last thirty years.
Some researches handle the crane mathematical model in different ways [2-4], Franklin V.A
focus on the safety precautions and the operation procedures problems [5], while most of
researchers like Hanafy Omar, W. Szyszkowski, Chung, Y. K., Masoud, Z. N., Nayfeh, A. H.,
Henry, R. J., and Mook D. T concentrate on the development of the crane controller [2-4,6-7]. N.
Rudenko gives idea about chassis different parts are standard steel parts that are connected using
welding and bolted joints to form the final chassis structure. All structure parts, welding and
bolted joints are checked for shear stresses, crushing stresses and bending moment stresses using
the recommended factors of safety [8]. Calculating for the preliminary design for the crane
chassis structure, empirical formulae from [8] are considered such that they are chosen to be
compatible with standards requirements for gantry cranes manufactures [9-11]. There are many
factors to be considered while the design of the crane can be compile in the resistance due to the
influence of the wind and the acceleration of the moving masses. But, these factors can be
ignored considering lack of wind effect due to indoor and choosing low speeds for load hoisting
and movement. Other important factor is to guarantee the operating safety as a simple mistake
can lead to tragic accidents most of which are caused by relaxed load and load capacity exceeded



1.Data collection
We collect data from different sources. Those sources are: Internet interview, Different types of
references. Such as: text book & dictionary.
2.Material selection
The selection of materials for a machine part or structure member is one of the mostimportant
decisions that the designer has to make. Methods for estimating stresses and deflection of
machine member are based on the properties of the materials from which members will made.
We do select materials not only for stress and deflection design but also for filling gaps, space, or
for as the tics qualities to resist corrosion. For the selection of materials the physical,
mechanical, chemical, and their manufacturing process are the most important
decisionthedesigner has to make.

1. Mechanical property:
The mechanical properties of the metals are those which are associated with the ability of the
material to resist mechanical forces and load.strength, stiffness, fatigue,hardness, elasticity,
plasticity ,ductility & brittleness , machine ability , toughness and etc.
2. Chemical properties :
oxidation stability , corrosion resistance , degradation ,toxicity flammability Physical properties ,
density , specific heat, thermal expansion, conductivity , melting point , electric properties ,
magnetic properties
3. Material Types :
ductile or brittle , Plastics , Composites , Ferrous ,non-ferrous , alloys Manufacturing process ,
cast sanding , shell molding , hot working o cold working , machining , joining , powder ,Heat
treatment , annealing and etc.
4. Heat treatment
 annealing
 tempering
 quenching




     

     
 

     





     

     

     













Chemical Castiron Aluminum Nickel Copper Steenlesssteel18Cr/8Ni(304)

ParaffinOil G G C C G





Material Steellesssteal18Ni/ Aluminu Coppe Nicke Castiro

8Cr m r l n

Fracturetoughness(K), 76 44 Low Low Low








Martial Mashing Coldwo Hotw Casting Welding Annealingtemp

rk ork erate(oC)

Castiron S U U S U/D _

Stainlesssteel(18Cr S S S D S 1050

Nickel S S S S S 1150

Aluminum S S D S S 550

Copper(dioxides) D S S S D 700




    

    
   
   

    




3.14. Design specification

Design consideration
Design required to the feature of the design and progressive according to design appropriate
ratability and function able care morally sound to words the outer stand need ofworkefficiencyof
productivity of the machine . The design must be consider the cost of material or fabrication and
estimate current cost (power needed) during faberication and operation force applicationanalysis,
optimum liftingmachinepreparation material selection typically pre requirement procedural of

Moreover the design lifting machinebasically can cerates the following design specifically

3.15. Design procedure
1. SelectionofPulley
2. SelectionofWirerope
3. SelectionofDrum
4. SelectionElectricmotor
5. SelectionofBrake
6. Design ofLiftingframe
7. DesignofLiftingbox












4. Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1. Conclusion
In this past four months, I have perceived the company feature and activities in detail. The
hosting company is called Hawassa industrial park, which is located in Hawassa, SNNPRs. The
plant started producing treated water in 2009E.C by ARVIND life style Apparel Company with
the main purpose of manufacture or produce cleaned water product. The companies have
different departments like mechanical department, electrical department, chemical material
department, and also operator departments. Also there are different workshops like the
mechanical maintenance work shop, mechanical machine shop and welding workshop and
electrical workshop. There are many machines in factory like the welding machine, drilling
machine, cutting machine, measuring machine, filter presser machine, centrifuge machine,
compressor machine, air blower machine, lifting machine, etc. Some 0f the above listed
machines are found in body of the plant. Especially, I emphasized on the machines such as
compressor machine, centrifuge machine, air blower machine, because they were huge machines
and mains for the product preparations.

Then I joined three different workshops of the company these are the mechanical welding shop,
mechanical maintenance shop and mechanical machine shop. These workshops working together
for purpose of preventative maintenance and for creating modify design of damaged arts of the
machines. Welding shop, in this shop there are two types of welding processes such as gas
(oxyacetylene) welding and arc welding. Machine shop, basically I had realized four different
machine shops that are surface grinding machine, shaper machine, drilling machine and power
cutting hex machine. In this most of the machine work in good condition, unfortunately, some
machine does not properly function due to failure of some parts. There are many mechanical
operation, carried out in this room like gear design, key way, bushing, making pulley, smoothing
surfaces, tapering chamfering, drilling, shaping, facing and cutting. Maintenance shop is a shop

which is used to maintain different mechanical damaged parts like blades of pug mill, diaphragm
pump, pulley system, plunger and others. In this shop the corrective maintenance was carried

4.2. Recommendation
I would like to recommend HIP Company to accept more internship students every year. This
will benefit both the company and internship students, the internship students will share some of
the load and the day to day activities of the company. In addition to that the students may share
theoretical knowledge they gain in school for the company. Internship students will master their
future life through improving their communication, practical working life, solving problems,
work flows and practical application of machines.

Based on the given conclusion, the following recommendation is forwarded.

1. Recommendation for the company

 Very close relationship should be formulated between the internship students.
 The company should make some sort of solution on the shortage of materials like
computers for the work to be going without any problem.
 It is obvious to use the workers a common or professional language especially for the
naming of the material.
 The company should be prepared a payment for the intern student in terms of money or
food to encourage them to work hard and to survivals.
 The company should made internet connection on all department room.
 The company must provide safety wear for employers.
 It should have to give orientation to employers to operate the machines properly.
 It should have to full fill the mechanical and maintenance workshops equipment.
 It should have to provide library for the company employers to improve their theoretical
knowledge, to entertain and to be creative.
 For the last four month’s internship program in HIP I have seen some impact coming in
the factory which was the main cause for public health or hygiene problems.
2. Recommendations for Universities
 Industry linkage office has to be strongly co-related with industry with every aspect of
studies (not only internship).

 I would like if additional software (Sap, ETAB, and EGIL POINT etc) given before
 Power full software called Catia V5-17 should have to be given for students before
internship, which make designing of machine components a lot easier and simple.
 Courses like, material lab and AutoCAD should be given strictly and practically for students.
 It should have to provide and distribute safety wear to students before internship.
 It should have to prepared appreciation letter for good work intern students.

1. Steel exchange India ltd” belt conveyor” A.p India.
2. V.B Bhandari” design of machine element,” Tata MC Gram hill publishing company
8th edition (2003).
3. R.S Khurmi& J.K Gubta “design of machine element” Eurasia publishing house (pvt)
ltd, 5th edition.
4. CEMA (conveyor equipment manufacturers association) “belt conveyors for bulk
5. Fenner Dunlop “belt conveyors hand book” conveyor belting” Australia (June 2009).
6. Mathews (belt conveyor,” FKI logistic publication, Cincinnati, Ohio).
7. Broacher of ceramic factory and flayer.
8. Rama cooper “ceramic technology”.
9. Different web site.


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