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Iceland has always been one of the places I have wanted to travel to. As a matter of
fact, It has been my second favorite country. When I started reading about Icelanders, I found
out they have many things I enjoy doing! They play most of the sports I like, and they excel
at reading and swimming!
One of the reasons I have stated that I want to go to Iceland is because of the
recreation. Icelanders have the biggest amount of bookstores and libraries in the world! If you
go to an icelanders house, you’ll probably see a huge book collection! Another activity
Icelanders love doing is chess. The legendary chess championship was held in Iceland's
capital, Reykjavik!
Iceland is Europe's second Biggest island! Iceland is surrounded by volcanoes, and
approximately one erupts every year! Iceland is very small.It is around 39,769 square miles!
That's around the same as our state Kentucky! Iceland has a population of 262,000 People
That's tiny compared to Oregon's population of around 3.97 Million.
Icelanders love meat! Icelanders will eat fish, lamb and mutton. They often eat their
fish raw. (Sounds Gross) Icelanders' most festive dish is called hangikjot. Hangikjot is simply
smoked mutton. Their special favorite dish is raw pickled fish. Icelanders sometimes eat
something called Iceland moss with bread, porridge and soups. Iceland moss can be bitter,
but can also be used as a medication.
Icelanders love sports. You can see icelanders play almost all the sports we
Americans do. Icelanders love to play soccer, and excel at any physical sports like
weightlifting. Other popular sports Icelanders play are Golf, Basketball, Badminton Hunting
and fishing. The icelanders that live by the beach also enjoy swimming.
Christmas is a major holiday in iceland. But instead of 1 Santa there are 13 Christmas
Men! While they do give presents they also bring mischief, One of the 13 Christmas men is
called the Meat hooker. The meat hooker takes off with your Christmas roast, Another is
called the candle beggar, it steals your candles. Last but not least The door slammer. As said
in the name it slams doors and potentially will wake you up.
Icelandic names are very fun. Your last name is one of your parent's first names with
son or daughter at the end. For example I would either be Blaise Ronson or Blaise Marieson
my sister would either be Freya Rondaughter or Freya Mariedaughter.
Iceland has been a great topic to research. I have always found Iceland interesting and
now I learned it was only 2 or 3 hours to travel by Plane from France, which was where I was
last year! The most mind blowing thing I learned while studying Iceland is the fact that
Iceland has a population of around 200 thousand whereas Wyoming, the state with the least
population has 500 Thousand. When I mentioned Iceland to my mom she said she may be
able to take me on a trip to Iceland in a few years! Thank you for listening.

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