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Flavia Pierotti
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying
that occurs over the internet.
This term refers to offenses,
harassment, blackmail or forms of
pressure that are repeated over
time and voluntarily by a person or
group of people against another
person or group, using digital
Preventing and fighting cyberbullying are difficult
tasks that require a collective effort and awareness.
Several companies and celebrities have decided to
promote or participate in projects aimed at
defeating this. The common and long-lasting advice
is not to respond to provocative messages and get to
block the authors or denounce and block them.
Denounce cyberbullying
Is it possible to report an act of
cyberbullying? Yes. In Italy, cyberbullying
is not yet configured as an autonomous
crime, but both the penal code and the
civil code allow the cyberbully to be
punished, even if a minor.You can report
for slander, substitution of person, insult,
defamation, private violence, persecutory
acts - stalking, extortion, computer fraud,
harassment or disturbance to the person
Veneto: the victim is a thirteen year old who, during
a school morning, decided to jump out of the window.
The girl is attending the seventh grade in a town in
the province of Venice and she had been a victim of
cyberbullying for some time
Cyberbullying also in DAD
Today, due to the coronavirus, the use of the internet is even more frequent for all
those who do the DAD, that is distance learning and this has led to an explosion of
the phenomenon of cyberbullying in all virtual classrooms of Italy.According to the
Carolina Foundation, one of the associations that monitors and fights harassment
and illegal activities on the web, there have been 121 cases in the last month, six
times the average, with victims among children and 89 with victims among teachers,
9 cases of "sexting" and 4 cases of "revenge porn" ie the illicit dissemination of
sexually explicit images or videos.

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