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Team Members: Jose Solorio, Joshua Button

1. Description

Our proposed project is to create an advanced python-based

File Manager. The file manager UI will be programmed using
TKinter. We will also be utilizing some of the native Python

The goal is to not only provide a method of navigating your

file system but also adding the functionality of Unix like tools
into the GUI based file explorer. Many software developers and
IT personnel know the power of the UNIX CLI tools and how
efficient it allows you to be when developing programs or simply
making file configurations.

2. Features:
1. The primary function will be to serve as a file
manager first and foremost.
2. We will add a search/grep functionality to the UI
for enabling recursive and non-recursive searches
in the selected directory. This function will
also allow to find regex expressions within
3. We will add a diff functionality to compare file
contents and see if contents match exactly or
4. Finally, we will integrate a text editor for
editing files within the File Manager. If time
does not permit, we will use the native windows
text editors as a dialog box for editing files.

3. Technologies –
1. For source control we will be using GitHub as this
will provide an efficient means of publishing code to
the main branch as needed. This will also allow us to
review code changes before publishing them to the main
2. As for code development we will be utilizing our
preferred IDE. For the objective of this project and
since we are basing it on Python, Visual Studio Code
will satisfy or requirements.
4. Sprints
1. Sprint 1 06/21/21 through 06/27/21
2. Sprint 2 06/28/21 through 07/04/21
3. Sprint 3 07/05/21 through 07/11/21
5. Project schedule

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