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Teaching Philosophy

A teacher’ teaching philosophy helps to guide how they teach. It includes

their beliefs and the best way they think they should go about teaching. It’s
important for teachers to have a philosophy so that they have a clear
agenda and set of guidelines. A teaching philosophy should be based on
the teacher's pedagogy. Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching, it
includes what the teacher knows and believes about teaching. There are
three parts of a teaching philosophy; the role of the child, the role of the
teacher, and the role of the curriculum.

The role of the student, or child, should be involved and should be active
and attentive. The child should be participating and contributing their
ideas to the lesson. The student should be creative and work together with
the other students around them.
The role of a teacher should be to guide the students and help them learn.
Teachers should be open to the students' ideas and flexible. Teachers
should practice student centered learning.

The students should be the main focus while the teacher has more of a
helper role. The teacher should teach in a way so that the students can
discover and learn on their own. John Dewey believed that students should
be active learners and be guided by the teachers. This idea ensures the
students are engaged and a part of their learning.

The curriculum should be based around the students interests and needs.
It should cater to many different learning styles. The curriculum should
reflect what the student cares about and how they best learn. The
curriculum should lead to the students being able to problem solve on
their own, and apply what they learned in real life. Bloom's taxonomy is a
way of teaching with three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychrometer.
This helps to organize the students learning from the simplest to more
complex objectives. This helps to make sure the teacher knows how the
students are doing and to give them a clear goal.

Teaching Philosophy is one of the most important things for teachers to

have. It keeps the students in mind and sets goals. In my opinion it’s best
for the students to be involved in what they learned. Having a philosopher
you look up to or your beliefs clearly written out makes that easier. It also
helps to reflect on what you’ve done and what you could do differently.

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