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Republic of the Philippines


DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City


Localization of EO70 Program Management Office



1. Farm-to-Market Road (FMR)

1.1 Typical Location and Components of FMR
2. Water and Sanitation System
2.1 Water Source Validation Report
2.2 Simplified Feasibility Study (for Water and Sanitation System)
3. School Building
3.1 Design of One (1) Storey School Building
3.2 Design of Two (2) Storey School Building
4. Project Minimum Standards for Health Station
4.1 Perspective of Health Station
4.2 Typical Floor Plan of Health Station
5. Rural Electrification
6. Housing
6.1 Typical Core Shelter Plan
6.2 Bill of Materials
7. Agricultural, Livelihood and Technical Vocational Trainings
8. Assistance to Indigent Individual and Families
9. Project Billboard Template prescribed by COA
1. Farm-to-Market Road

Component Details
Project Type Farm-to-Market Road
Project Title ● Concreting of Farm-to-Market Road
● Rehabilitation of Farm-to-Market Road
● Upgrading of Farm-to-Market Road
● Opening with Concreting
Description Concreting, Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Farm-to-Market
Road, is for the provision of all-weather road to constituents, for
them to have better access to basic services such as education,
social and health services areas or to support the economic and
commercial growth of the LGU by improving their accessibility
to basic services, mobility of products, goods and services, and
improving the connectivity of the LGU road network.


Farm-to-Market Road refers to road within the agriculture and

fisheries areas, coastal landing points, post-harvest or
processing facilities that links to local roads, national highways
and market.

Concreting of Farm-to-Market Road (PCCP) refers to the type

of concrete road which consist of a Portland Concrete Cement
slab that is usually supported by a granular or stabilized base,
and a subbase (DGCS, DPWH)

Rehabilitation of Farm-to-Market Road means work necessary

to restore to “good” condition the existing road pavement that
has deteriorated to “poor” or “bad” condition. It may also be
referred to as reconstruction or restoration if looking at the
definition of restoring the road into its original condition.
Rehabilitation will refer to restoring the existing surface
pavement into its original condition, i.e., re-blocking of concrete
pavement. Other civil works on the road that is more than the
required scope of work that involves improvement of road to
enhance accessibility and mobility may also be included.

Upgrading of Farm-to-Market Road shall refer to civil works

designed to elevate the current surface condition of the road to
the next or higher surface condition. This may mean upgrading
the existing gravel road surface to Portland Cement Concrete
Pavement PCCP. Similarly, replacement of existing asphalt
pavement may be upgraded to PCCP.

Opening with Concreting involves the construction of a new

road where nothing of each current exist. Works should include
concreting of the road to be opened.
Right of Way (ROW) – refers to a part of the entirely of a
property, site or location, with defined physical boundaries,
used or required by a national government projects
Conditions Project Proposal shall have:

● One Road Section per proposal

● Exact Location should be reflected
● Identified Road name (if applicable), Station Limit (if
applicable) of beginning and end of project, with geo-
tagged coordinates
● A vicinity map/digitized map indicating the road section
proposed for funding and its connectivity to the road
network of the LGU.
● Ready access to the proposed site shall be observed
● Road Right-of-Way (RROW) has been settled/acquired.
● Access to project site should not be dependent on the
completion of other projects funded by LGU or other
● It is linked to an all-weather road of equal or higher
● It has no adverse environmental impact
● 10-year life span
● It has a certification from the National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) that the project will not affect
an ancestral domain of Indigenous People or Indigenous
Cultural Communities (IP/ICCs), if applicable.
Design Standard
Road lane Minimum Minimum Minimum
pavement pavement road shoulder
width (m) thickness (mm) width (m)
Concreting 5.0 200 1.5
(Two Lane)
(One Lane) 2.5 200 1.5

*Shoulder shall have a minimum 1.50m. however, for extreme

cases in mountainous terrain or in areas involving ROW
constraints, shoulder of at least 0.60m wide should be
continuously provided (DPWH DO 116, s. 2015)

Pavement Slab Length

Slab length refers to the joint spacing or distance between free
transverse joints. In general, the spacing of both transverse and
longitudinal contraction joints depends on local conditions of
material and environment. As a rough guide, joint spacing (in
feet) should not greatly exceed twice the slab thickness (in
inches). Also, as a general guideline, the ratio of slab width to
length should not exceed 1.25. Maximum slab length to be used
shall be 4.5 m.
The road shall be constructed either left or right from the center
of the existing ROW in order to accommodate expansion in the

The design of the roadside ditch within the ROW should be

earth ditch, since it will be damaged during the expansion.
However, steel slope ditch should be constructed of other
materials to prevent erosion.

Standard Cost The cost of the project shall be strictly based on the prevailing
cost of materials, equipment and labor in the locality.

The LGU may refer to the matrix below for the approximate cost
per kilometer of road:

Work Category Ceiling Cost per kilometer

(direct and indirect cost)
Concreting (Two Lane) Php10.0 Million/km
Rehabilitation The approximate project cost
Upgrading shall commensurate to the
Opening with Concreting scope of work identified by the

These values are rough estimates only. The LGU may adjust
the cost of project based on the prevailing cost of materials,
labor and equipment rental rates in their locality/geographical
location by referring to the latest Detailed Unit Price Analysis
(DUPA) per Pay Item from the nearest DPWH District
Engineering Office or to the following references:

Direct Cost and References

Indirect Cost
1. Materials DPWH Construction Materials Base
Data or prevailing price in the locality,
taking into account the cost of source,
processing, crushing, stockpiling,
loading, royalties, local taxes,
construction and/or maintenance of haul
roads; expenses for hauling to project
site; handling expenses; storage
expenses; allowance for waste and/or
losses, not to exceed 5% of materials
and equipment
2. Equipment Association of Carriers and Equipment
Lessors (ACEL Rates 2004)
3. Labor Latest Regional Labor Rates as
authorized by the DOLE

Value Added Tax In the preparation of the Approved Budget for the Contract
(VAT) (ABC), the LGUs shall apply the Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 85-2017 dated 11 October 2017 issued by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue as basis for the appropriate rate of
VAT of 12%

Administrative 1. Program of Work

and Technical 2. Detailed Unit Price Analysis
Documents 3. Technical Specifications
4. Complete Technical Drawing Plans (Plans and Profiles)
a. Typical Roadway Sections and Details
b. Other component structures such as slope protection/
canals/box culverts whichever is applicable
5. Geotagged Photos of the site
6. Vicinity Map/Digitized Map
1.1 Typical Location of FMR

Components of FMR
2. Potable Water Supply/Potable Water Supply System

Component Details
Project Type Potable Water Supply/Potable Water Supply System
Project Title Choose from any:
● Construction of Level III Potable Water Supply System
● Construction of Level II Potable Water Supply System
● Construction of Level I Potable Water Supply System
● Rehabilitation/Improvement of Level II/Level III Water
● Upgrading of Water System
● Expansion of Level II/Level III Water System
Description The following are the levels of service for a water supply system:

Level I (Point Source) - A protected well or a developed spring

with an outlet, but without a distribution system where the users
go fetch the water. This project shall only be allowed where there
is no feasible Level II and Level III water system in the area. A
level I facility normally serves an average of 15 households
within a radius of 250 meters (e.g. dug well, shallow well, and
rainwater collector).

Level II (Communal Faucet System or Stand Posts) - A system

that would distribute water from the source to the beneficiaries
through a tapstand which serves four to six households within
25 m radius. It is generally suited for rural and urban fringe areas
where houses are clustered in sufficient density to justify a
simple piped system. The consumers still go to the tapstand to
fetch water. The system is designed to deliver 40 to 80 liters per
capita per day to an average of 100 households, with one faucet
per 4 to 6 households. It is generally suitable for rural and urban
areas where houses are clustered densely to justify a simple
pipe system. The transmission line and distribution line can be
designed to allow future upgrading to Level III Water Supply

Level III (Waterworks System or Individual House Connections)

- A system that would distribute water from the source directly to
the household beneficiaries. It is generally suited for densely
populated urban areas where the population can afford
individual connections. This level of facility requires a minimum
treatment of disinfection

A functional Levels II and III Potable Water Supply System

should have the following components:

1. Water Source Development - construction or development of

the following:
● For spring source, construction and development of intake
box, which can also be the reservoir, with the capacity to
contain the water being discharged by the spring.
● For a deep well water source, a construction and
development of deepwell with the desired yield and quality.
● For a surface water, construction of intake structure with a
concrete/permanent enclosure to withstand water pressure.
● Other alternative technology option for water source
appropriate to the area.

Certification from DOH or authorized water testing laboratory

that the water is safe for drinking based on the standard set by
Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water (PNSDW).

2. Pumphouse, Electro-Mechanical Pump (if the elevation of

the water source is lower than the target beneficiary) - A
structure that will house the water pump with the required
type/capacity to drive/force the water to a reservoir.

3. Reservoir (if the water discharge is not sufficient to supply

and/or the water source elevation is lower than the target
beneficiaries) - A reinforce concrete/steel storage tank that
maybe elevated or ground mounted to store water equivalent
to 25% minimum of the computed Average Day Demand
(ADD) of the target area. The proper height of the reservoir
must be met to achieve the required water flow (Q) and
elevation to supply and deliver water to the proposed service

4. Pipelines and other Appurtenances - The installed pipes and

other accessories to distribute water from the water source
to target beneficiaries, which includes transmission lines,
distribution lines and service pipes.

5. Tapstand (for Level II Water System) - A tapstand

(communal public faucet) can serve a maximum six (6)
households within the 25 m radius, with concrete platform
and proper drainage system for the excess water.

6. Household Connections (for Level III Water System) -

Installation of a water service connection directly to the
household. One serving connection is equivalent to one

7. Treatment Facility with Housing and Power Supply - A

treatment facility such as but limited to hypo-chlorinator to
ensure that the water is potable, with an organized water
service provider that will manage and maintain the water
supply system.
Conditions The following are the conditions under the Program:

1. Construction of Level II and Level III Potable Water Supply

System - Construction of a new water system that will include
all the components mentioned above which is sufficient to
supply potable water to the target households/ beneficiaries
through a tapstand.

2. Construction of Level I Water Supply System - In areas

where only Level I system is feasible, e.g. rural areas where
affordability is low and the houses in the intended service
area are not crowded or un-clustered. Construction of Level
I System is permitted which may include the development of
water source and provision of disinfectant, to wit: a)
development of a protected well and spring source and b)
installation of Individual Household Rainwater Collector

3. Rehabilitation/Improvement of Level II/Level III Water

System - Any major repair, alteration, and/or additions of the
components mentioned above of existing Level II and Level
III Water Supply System to improve the current service being
provided without any increase in the number of beneficiaries
(e.g. from 8 hrs service distribution to 24 hrs, reducing of
water leakage)

4. Upgrading of Water Supply System - This involve the

upgrading of the level of service of a water system which may
include alteration or additional of any water supply
component mentioned above due to increase of water
demand of households. Upgrading of a Level I to Level II
and/or Level III will be categorized as construction.

Expansion of Level II/Level III Water Supply System - Any major

repair, alteration, and/or additions of the components mentioned
above of existing, Level II and Level II Water System to improve
the current service being provided with additional beneficiaries.
Eligibility 1. One Proposal per Project

2. The proposed water source capacity must be sufficient, at

least two liters per second (LPS) with a minimum system
pressure of three meters, to supply the target

3. For spring and surface water, source should not be more

than seven kilometers from the propose target beneficiaries.

4. The proposed site for the construction of reservoir, pump

house and treatment facility must be stable and not
susceptible to hazards based on the latest vulnerability,
assessment and geo-hazard map of the Marines and
Geosciences Bureau (MGB)-Department of Environment
and National Resources (DENR) and shall not be located in
a no build-zone.

5. No land ownership and/or road right-of-way issues in the

location of the water source, pipelines, reservoir and other
components of project.

6. The site for the proposed pump house and treatment facility
should have and existing electric power lines.

7. Proposed budget should be sufficient to finance a functional

water supply system.

8. Project phasing is not allowed except when there is an

approved water supply system master plan and the proposed
project under FY 2021 LGSF-SBDP should be functional and
operational after completion.

9. The proposed project should have a project brief indicating

the following:
● Profile of proposed water source
o Location and Coordinates
o Quantity and Quality
● Target Barangay/s and number of household covered by
the proposed project.
Standard Cost
Ceiling Cost of Potable Water Supply System Project
Category Level of Type of Water Source
Level III Surface Water
Construction Level II Surface Water
Level I Spring/Deepwell
Rehabilitation/ Level II Any Source
Improvement Level III Any Source
Upgrading Level II to III Any Source
Expansion Level II to III Any Source
The approximate project cost shall commensurate to the scope
of works identified by the LGU. The cost of the project shall be
strictly based on the prevailing cost of materials, equipment and
labor in the locality.
The LGU may adjust the cost of project based on the prevailing
cost of materials, labor and equipment rental rates in their
locality/geographical location by referring to the latest Detailed
Unit Price Analysis per Pay Item from the nearest DPWH District
Engineering Office or to the following references:

Direct Cost and References

Indirect Cost
4. Materials DPWH Construction Materials Base
Data or prevailing price in the locality,
taking into account the cost of source,
processing, crushing, stockpiling,
loading, royalties, local taxes,
construction and/or maintenance of haul
roads; expenses for hauling to project
site; handling expenses; storage
expenses; allowance for waste and/or
losses, not to exceed 5% of materials
and equipment
5. Equipment Association of Carriers and Equipment
Lessors (ACEL Rates 2004)
6. Labor Latest Regional Labor Rates as
authorized by the DOLE

Design Standard Design Criteria:

a. Level of Service (I, II and III) should be identified
b. Design period should be 5-10 years
c. Growth Rate depends on the target barangay’s beneficiaries
d. The proposed water source must be potable and sufficient to
supply the target beneficiaries/ households.
1. Deepwell
i. Geo-Resistivity Test
ii. Pumping Test must be 24 to 72 hours
● Spring
● Surface Water
● Rainwater
e. Storage Capacity
● Minimum of 25% of ADD
f. Water Demands:
● Average Day Demand (ADD) = water requirement / (1-
Non Revenue Water)
● Maximum Day Demand (MDD) = 1.3 x ADD
● Peak Hour Demand (PHD) = 2.0 x ADD

Adherence of the LGU to existing national standards/guidelines,

law and policies, which include, but not limited, to the following:
● Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water pursuant
to DOH Administrative Order (AO) 2017-0012
● Code of Sanitation of the Philippines pursuant to
Presidential Decree (PD) 856
● Clean Water Act of 2014 pursuant to RA 9275
● Buildings and other vertical structures per CY 2015
Revised Edition of the RIRR of the National Building Code
(PD 1096), and Volume 1, 7th edition of the National
Structure Code of the Philippines published on CY 2015
by the Association of Structural Engineers of the
● Vol. II, Standards Specification for Public Works and
Highways (2004 Edition)
● Rainwater Collection Facilities pursuant to RA 6716
Value Added Tax In the preparation of the Approved Budget for the Contract
(VAT) (ABC), the LGUs shall apply the Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 85-2017 dated 11 October 2017 issued by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue as basis for the appropriate rate of
VAT of 12%
Administrative 1. Program of Work
and Technical 2. Detailed Unit Price Analysis
Documents 3. Technical Specifications
4. Complete Technical Drawing Plans
a. Plans and Profiles; Plan, Elevation and Details of Intake
Structure/Reservoir/ Elevated Water Tank
b. Details of Wells and Pump House
c. Details of Trench, Thrust Blocks, Pipe Bridge, Tap stands
if Level II or Stub-outs if Level III
5. Simplified Feasibility Study
6. Water Source Validation Report
7. Potability Test Result
8. Application of Water Rights from National Water Resources
9. Geotagged Photos of the site
10. Geotag Photos Water Source and Site
11. Vicinity Map/Digitized Map
12. Hydraulic Analysis
Letterhead of LGU

2.1 Water Source Validation Report

In the implementation of the [Project Title] in [Barangay, Municipality, Province], the following have been

Source Date conducted Discharge Measurement Coordinates Water Quality No. of

(well or (mm/dd/yy) Flow (Q) date of the Q* Test Result** beneficiaries
spring) Geo- Pumping [liter per (mm/dd/yy) Longitude Latitude Yes No (HH)
Resistivity Test second]

*Measurement of the discharge flow (Q) of spring source should be done during the peak-dry season to determine the minimum capacity
**The Water Quality Test Result shall be attached to the Report

Conditions Please check

Yes No
1. The measured discharge flow (Q) of the water source is feasible for supplying water to the intended beneficiaries
2. The water source is free from contamination and pollutants
3. Potable for drinking and passed the minimum requirements set by the Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water
If not, scientific or engineering interventions/measures will be included in the design
4. The design of the water system is compliant with Chapter II, Section 13 of PD 856 (Sanitation Code of the Philippines)

Validated by:

[Signature over printed name]

Provincial/City Engineer
2.2 Simplified Feasibility Study (for Water and Sanitation System)

(Please see attached file)

Simplified Feasibility Study - Water and Sanitation Supply
3. School Building

Component Details
Project Type School Building
Project Title ● Construction of School Building, regardless of the number of
Storeys and Classrooms
● Rehabilitation/Improvement of School Building
Conditions 1. Certification from the DepED that there are teachers who can be
readily assigned to the school or barangay
2. In the absence of a Certification from DepED, the LGU is willing
to hire teachers to be funded from the Special Education Fund
(SEF) (Annex E-3 LGU Certification on the Hiring of Teachers)
3. The School site must not be high risk area (natural or man-
made). The land characteristics of which include good elevation
to avoid flooding and soil erosion, good drainage system, and
safe/potable water supply
Design Consistent with Section 28 of the General Provisions of the FY 2021
GAA, the LGUS shall ensure that the designs of all proposed
projects for the construction, rehabilitation, repair, or improvement
of public markets and other buildings include the installation of a
Rainwater Collection System, in accordance with the prescribed
design of the Department of Public Works and Highways.
Standard The approximate project cost shall commensurate to the scope of
Cost works identified by the LGU. The cost of the project shall be strictly
based on the prevailing cost of materials, equipment and labor in
the locality.

The LGU may adjust the cost of project based on the prevailing cost
of materials, labor and equipment rental rates in their
locality/geographical location by referring to the latest Detailed Unit
Price Analysis per Pay Item from the nearest DPWH District
Engineering Office or to the following references:
Direct Cost and References
Indirect Cost
1. Materials DPWH Construction Materials Base Data
or prevailing price in the locality, taking
into account the cost of source,
processing, crushing, stockpiling, loading,
royalties, local taxes, construction and/or
maintenance of haul roads; expenses for
hauling to project site; handling expenses;
storage expenses; allowance for waste
and/or losses, not to exceed 5% of
materials and equipment
2. Equipment Association of Carriers and Equipment
Lessors (ACEL Rates 2004)
3. Labor Latest Regional Labor Rates as
authorized by the DOLE
Value Added In the preparation of the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC),
Tax (VAT) the LGUs shall apply the Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 85-
2017 dated 11 October 2017 issued by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue as basis for the appropriate rate of VAT of 12%
Administrative 1. Program of Work
and Technical 2. Detailed Unit Price Analysis
Documents 3. Technical Specifications
4. Complete Technical Drawing Plans
a. Architectural
b. Civil/Structural
c. Sanitary/Plumbing
d. Electrical
e. Mechanical
5. Geotagged Photos of the site
6. Vicinity Map/Digitized Map
Design of Two (2) Storey School Building
4. Health Station

Component Details
Project Type Health Station
Project Title Choose from any:
● Construction of Health Station
● Rehabilitation/Improvement of Health Station
General Design The design of the structure should be in accordance with the
Parameters National Building Code of the Philippines and the Manual of
Standards for Primary Care Facilities of the Department of

For Health Station:

Spaces Area (sq.m)
Porch/Waiting Area 10.12
Reception 11.26
Health Workers Station 11.64
Treatment and Consultation 5.33
Pre-natal/infant Exam 8.02
PWD/Public Toilet 3.06
Sputum Collection Area -
Common Access Spaces 20.58*
(Exterior ramp and stairs)
Total Floor Area 70.01
*At 0.6m finish floor elevation, will vary based on
identified elevation of finished floor
Eligibility After the selection of an appropriate site for the facility, planning
and design of the building shall take into consideration the
following, but not limited to:

1. Universal design

1.1. Provision of accessible spaces and features compliant to

the Accessibility Law (Batas Pambansa 344) – some of
which include but are not limited to, safety fixture to
assist users needing support, as well as appropriate
finishes and materials
1.2. Properly designed ramps and railings.

3. Sanitation and Infection control

3.1. Provision of spaces for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

(WASH) such as, but not limited to, toilets, handwashing
facilities, clean up areas, janitor’s closet, waste holding
area, materials recovery facility, and others

4. Support facilities

4.1. Waiting areas

4.2. Toilets
4.3. Handwashing area
12.4. Materials storage areas
12.5. Designated spaces for waste bins
12.6. Waste collection area
12.7 Housekeeping materials area

Critical Facility Systems:

1. Water supply system

1.1. To provide safe drinking water, adequate in volume and

pressure (compliant to the minimum pressure as
mandated by the National Plumbing Code) of safe water
supply for handwashing, personal hygiene, laundry,
cleaning, and food preparation
1.2. The development of a water safety plan for the facility is
recommended. For normal and emergency conditions,
there should be adequate water supply or water reserve
1.3. The method of collection, storage, and distribution of
emergency water should depend on the site of the health
facility. This would include the identification of alternate
water supply for emergencies and water interruptions of
the regular water supply
Design Consistent with Section 28 of the General Provisions of the FY
2021 GAA, the LGUs shall ensure that the designs of all
proposed projects for the construction, rehabilitation, repair, or
improvement of public markets, school sites and general
buildings and sites as an adaptation measure to combat climate
change and ensure sufficient water supply to include the
installation of a Rainwater Collection System, in accordance with
the prescribed design of the Department of Public Works and

Standard Cost The approximate project cost shall commensurate to the scope
of works identified by the LGU. The cost of the project shall be
strictly based on the prevailing cost of materials, equipment and
labor in the locality.

The LGU may adjust the cost of project based on the prevailing
cost of materials, labor and equipment rental rates in their
locality/geographical location by referring to the latest Detailed
Unit Price Analysis per Pay Item from the nearest DPWH District
Engineering Office or to the following references:

Direct Cost and References

Indirect Cost
1. Materials DPWH Construction Materials Base
Data or prevailing price in the locality,
taking into account the cost of source,
processing, crushing, stockpiling,
loading, royalties, local taxes,
construction and/or maintenance of haul
roads; expenses for hauling to project
site; handling expenses; storage
expenses; allowance for waste and/or
losses, not to exceed 5% of materials
and equipment
2. Equipment Association of Carriers and Equipment
Lessors (ACEL Rates 2004)
3. Labor Latest Regional Labor Rates as
authorized by the DOLE

Value Added Tax In the preparation of the Approved Budget for the Contract
(VAT) (ABC), the LGUs shall apply the Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 85-2017 dated 11 October 2017 issued by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue as basis for the appropriate rate of
VAT of 12%
Administrative 1. Program of Work
and Technical 2. Detailed Unit Price Analysis
Documents 3. Technical Specifications
4. Complete Technical Drawing Plans
a. Architectural
b. Civil/Structural
c. Sanitary/Plumbing
d. Electrical
e. Mechanical
6. Geotagged Photos of the site
7. Vicinity Map/Digitized Map
4.1 Perspective of Health Station
4.2 Typical Floor of Health Station
5. Rural Electrification

Component Details
Project Type Electrification
Project Title Rural Electrification
Description The Project is to increase the supply of rural electricity through:
(i) extending the existing grid distribution system in rural areas
nearby to existing networks, and (ii) providing support to the
implementation of renewable energy-based rural electrification
(RE) in remote areas.

The Project scope includes the extension of voltage distribution

systems with associated substations into additional rural areas;
Procedure For Rural Electrification:

The Electric Cooperatives (EC) shall implement the rural

electrification project. The EC shall survey the area and provide
the estimated cost of the rural electrification project.

The LGU shall engage the EC within their respective provinces

to implement the project. Such engagement shall be covered by
a Memorandum of Agreement (see template with EC).

Design Standard The design of the rural electrification shall be in accordance with
the NEA-EC standard design

Standard Cost The following are the estimated amount for rural electrification.
This is still subject to the result of surveying done by the EC.

● On-grid, 3km from tapping point

o Php 1 million - at least 10 households

● Solar panel, for areas that are already off-grid, 5km and up
from the tapping point
o Php 3 million per cluster or Php 30,000 per household

Value Added Tax In the preparation of the Approved Budget for the Contract
(VAT) (ABC), the LGUs shall apply the Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 85-2017 dated 11 October 2017 issued by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue as basis for the appropriate rate of
VAT of 12%
Administrative 1. MOA for the rural electrification project
and Technical
6. Housing

Component Details
Project Type Housing
Project Title Core Shelter
Description 1.Core Shelter Assistance (CSA):

CSAP is one of the interventions under the Disaster Mitigation

and Preparedness. It aims to provide environment friendly,
structurally strong shelter units that can withstand up to 220 kph
wind velocity, earthquakes up to intensity 4 of the Richter scale
and other similar natural hazards in relocation sites provided by
the national or local government units and using locally available
materials to revitalize local economy. This may be provided to
family-victims of disasters

2. Modified Shelter Assistance (MSA):

The provision of limited financial or material assistance to

augment resources of families in constructing houses in
relocation sites provided for the purpose and using locally
available materials but with modified structural design different
from that of the core shelter assistance in consideration of the
cultural, economic, and religious political realities of the affected
areas and families.

3. Emergency Shelter Assistance (ESA):

The provision of emergency "self-build "shelter assistance

through limited materials or financial assistance to augment
resources of affected families who opted not to be transferred to
a resettlement site to enable them to purchase shelter materials
required in constructing or repairing damaged houses which
were partially or totally destroyed as a result of natural or man-
made disaster/calamities.

6.1. Emergency Shelter Assistance for Totally Damaged


The provision of limited housing materials or financial

assistance to families with totally damaged houses but
not qualified for core shelter or modified shelter
assistance due to absence of relocation site or
geographical considerations wherein the area not
accessible to transportation. The family may either not
willing to be resettled or with lot ownership property
and constructs their houses on site or the same
location but compliant to safety requirements.
6.2. Emergency Shelter Assistance for Partially Damaged

The provision of limited housing materials or financial

assistance to families with partially damaged houses
to augment their resources in repairing their houses on
site or the same location but compliant with the safety

Eligibility of Family is not a recipient of any other housing assistance from

Beneficiary any other individual groups or agency government or non-
government for the disaster in question.

Monthly income of a family of 6 should be below the food

threshold that is P10,936.00 in urban areas and P9, 767.00 in
rural areas based on the NSCB poverty statistic report dated
March 2, 2007. The family monthly income rate shall be adjusted
from time to time depending on the food threshold rate report of
the NSCB.

House should have been totally destroyed by a man-made or

natural disaster; and limited resources prevents the family from
repairing or reconstructing their permanent shelter units such
that they continue to live with relatives or friends in evacuation
centers, or in other make shift shelters.

Possession of a guarantee of ownership or permanent or long

term occupancy of at least 10years on the lot on which to build
the permanent shelter unit.

If resources warrants, vulnerable families residing in high risk

areas maybe provided or may avail of shelter assistance as part
of mitigation measures

The following shall be considered priority for assistance


a. Families with small children.

b. Families with pregnant and lactating mothers.
c. Surrogate parents of orphaned children living in evacuation
centers who are equally situated e.g. with totally damaged
shelter units.
d. Families with damaged houses whose head of household
died or were incapacitated as a result of the disaster.
e. Priority will be given to beneficiaries who meet the
geographical clustering requirement in a specific barangay
with at least 5 beneficiaries living in proximity with each other
to promote collective actions in realizing goals of the project
and easy delivery of housing materials.
f. Families with seriously ill members or persons with
disabilities or with special needs. (Persons are considered
with special needs if they have physical, developmental,
mental, sensory, behavioral, cognitive or emotional
impairment or limiting conditions that require medical
management, health care interventions, and /or use of
specialized services or programs).

2. Areas:

The area where the house will be built is not prone to hazards
and certified as a safe area by DENR-Mines and Geo-science

2.1. Area should have access to transportation

2.2. Aminimumof60 sq. meter home lot / shelter unit shall be
allotted in the resettlement areas and space for path walks
and other community facilities shall be provided.

B. Emergency Shelter Assistance (ESA) for partially and totally

damaged houses:

I. For Beneficiaries:
1.1. Family is not a recipient of any other housing assistance
from any other
agency for the disaster in question or specific disaster
1.2. House should have been partially or totally destroyed by
man-made or natural disaster; and limited resources prevents
the family from repairing or reconstructing their permanent
shelter units such that they continue to live with relatives or
friends, in evacuation centers, or in other make shift shelters.
1.3. Monthly income of a family of 6 should be below the food
threshold that is P10, 936.00 in urban areas and P9, 767.00
in rural areas (NSCB poverty statistic report as of 2 March
2007) and shall be adjusted from time to time depending on
the prevailing poverty statistic report of NSCB.
1.4. Families with or without land ownership property but
situated in safe areas.
1.5. Families not willing to be resettled and opted to stay in
the same location but Compliant with the safety requirements.
The Shelter Assistance Project shall have the following

A. Social Preparation - This component aims to provide or raised

the awareness of the beneficiaries on what are their situations,
why there is a need of this project, solicit the form of participation
they can provide and the significance of their participation.
B. Food/Cash-for-Work Assistance - The provision of food or
cash grants to disaster victims / displaced persons in exchange
for their services or involvement in undertaking restoration and
rehabilitation activities.

C. Technical Assistance in Housing Construction - This refers to

the conduct of orientation, demonstration, assistance and
supervision to the beneficiaries and the LGUs in the
implementation of the shelter units in Conformity with the
approved shelter plan and specification.

D. Financial Assistance-The provision of limited cash grants to

cover the cost of housing materials to address the basic housing
needs of the families with damaged houses due to disasters.
Standard Cost The approximate project cost shall commensurate to the scope
of works identified by the LGU. The cost of the project shall be
strictly based on the prevailing cost of materials, equipment and
labor in the locality.

The LGU may adjust the cost of project based on the prevailing
cost of materials, labor and equipment rental rates in their
locality/geographical location by referring to the latest Detailed
Unit Price Analysis per Pay Item from the nearest DPWH District
Engineering Office or to the following references:

Direct Cost and References

Indirect Cost
7. Materials DPWH Construction Materials Base
Data or prevailing price in the locality,
taking into account the cost of source,
processing, crushing, stockpiling,
loading, royalties, local taxes,
construction and/or maintenance of haul
roads; expenses for hauling to project
site; handling expenses; storage
expenses; allowance for waste and/or
losses, not to exceed 5% of materials
and equipment
8. Equipment Association of Carriers and Equipment
Lessors (ACEL Rates 2004)
9. Labor Latest Regional Labor Rates as
authorized by the DOLE

Value Added Tax In the preparation of the Approved Budget for the Contract
(VAT) (ABC), the LGUs shall apply the Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 85-2017 dated 11 October 2017 issued by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue as basis for the appropriate rate of
VAT of 12%
Administrative 1. Program of Work
and Technical 2. Detailed Unit Price Analysis
Documents 3. Technical Specifications
4. Complete Technical Drawing Plans
f. Architectural
g. Civil/Structural
h. Sanitary/Plumbing
i. Electrical
j. Mechanical
5. Geotagged Photos of the site
6. Vicinity Map/Digitized Map

6.1 Typical Core Shelter Plan
6.2 Bill of Materials

Project : DSWD Single Detached Shelter Unit

4.0 m x 5.0 m
Particulars Unit Qty.
1. Concreting Works
Cement bag 80
Sand bag 7.5
Gravel (crushed 3/4" - 1" size) cu. m 5.5
100 mm (4") thick CHB pc. 590
10 mm diameter x 6.0 m RSB pc. 24
9 mm diameter x 6.0 m RSB pc. 73
Ga. 16 Tie Wire kg. 9

II. Carpentry Works Unit Bd. Ft.

a) Full Truss
4 pcs - 2" x 4" x 10' Top Chord bd-ft 26.67
4 pcs - 2" x 4" x 14' Bottom Chord bd-ft 37.33
1 pc - 2" x 4" x 6' King Post bd-ft 4
6 pcs - 2" x 4" x 6' Collr, Wood Plate bd-ft 24

b) Half Truss
4 pcs - 2" x 4" x 12' Top Chord bd-ft 32
8 pcs - 2" x 4" x 10' Bottom Chord bd-ft 53.33
1 pc - 2" x 4" x 6' Web Member & Wd. Plate bd-ft 4

c) Rafter
2 pcs - 2" x 4" x 10' bd-ft 13.33
8 pcs - 2" x 4" x 6' bd-ft 32

d) Purlins @ front/back side

2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 6' bd-ft 4
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' bd-ft 6.67
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 12' bd-ft 8
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 16' bd-ft 10.67

e) Purlins @ right/left side

2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 4' bd-ft 2.67
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' bd-ft 5.33
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 12' bd-ft 8
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 16' bd-ft 10.67
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 20' bd-ft 13.33

f) Purlins @ diagonal
8 pcs - 2" x 3" x 12' bd-ft 32

g) Cross Bracing
1 pc - 2" x 3" x 12' bd-ft 6

h) Door and Window Jambs

1 pc - 2" x 4" x 4' - D-1 bd-ft 2.67
2 pcs - 2" x 4" x 8' bd-ft 10.67
1 pc - 2" x 4" x 6' - D-2 bd-ft 4
6 pcs - 2" x 4" x 8' bd-ft 32
4 pcs - 2" x 4" x 10' - W-1 bd-ft 26.67
4 pcs - 2" x 4" x 12' bd-ft 32
1 pc - 2" x 4" x 6' - W-2 bd-ft 4
1 pc - 2" x 4" x 12' bd-ft 8
1 pc - 2" x 4" x 8' - W-3 bd-ft 5.33

i) Door and Window Frames

2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' - DF-1 bd-ft 2.67
1 pcs - 2" x 2" x 10' bd-ft 3.33
6 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' - DF-2 bd-ft 16
3 pcs - 2" x 2" x 10' bd-ft 10
10 pcs - 2" x 2" x 6' - WF-1 bd-ft 20
10 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' bd-ft 26.67
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 6' - WF-2 bd-ft 4
2 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' bd-ft 5.33
1 pc - 2" x 2" x 6' - WF-3 bd-ft 2
Jalousie window w/ glass panel-13 blades of aluminum set 11
housing (W-1)
Jalousie window w/ glass panel-4 blades of aluminum set 1
housing (W-2)

j) Interior Partitions
12 pcs - 2" x 2" x 6' bd-ft 24
26 pcs - 2" x 2" x 8' bd-ft 69.33
1/4" x 4' x 8' Marine Plywood pc 6
CWNails - 4" kg 18

Facia board - 4 pcs. - 1" x 10" x 12' bd-ft 40

- 2 pcs. - 1" x 10" x 10' bd-ft 16.67
- 2 pcs. - 1" x 10" x 8' bd-ft 13.33

III. Roofing Materials

Ga. 26 Corrugated G. I. Sheet - 10 feet pc 20
Umbrella Nails - 2 1/2" kg 12
Ga. 26 Ridge Roll pc 8
Vulca Seal liter 1

IV. Toilet / Plumbing Works (typical)

Toilet Bowl pc 1
90 deg. X 4" diameter Elbow pc 1
4" diameter WYE Fitting pc 2
4" diameter Clean out Plug pc 1
4" Floor Strainer pc 1
4" diameter P-trap pc 1
2" x 4" diameter Reducer Tee pc 2
2" diameter P-trap pc 1
90 deg. X 2" diameter Elbow pc 1
4" diameter x 3 meters PVC Pipe pc 2
2" diameter x 3 meters PVC Pipe pc 1
4" diameter TEE fitting pc 1
PVC Solvent Blue pint 1

V. Painting Works (exterior only)

a. Wood
Glazing Putty liter 1
Flat Wall Enamel, White (1st Coat) gal 1
Quick Dry Enamel gal 1
Paint Thinner liter 1
b. Concrete and Roof
Concrete neutralizer liter 1
Flat Latex, white (1st coat) gal 1
Gloss Latex, white (1st coat) gal 1
Roof Paint gal 1
Misc. (paint brush, rollers, etc.

VI. Electrical Works

Junction Box, 4" x 4" pc 6
Wall Switch set 8
Safety switch, 30 amps. set 2
Convenience outler, duplex set 6
Electrical wire, PDX meters 70
CFL Bulb pc 8
Receptacle, 2" pc 8
Electrical tape pc 2

VII. Septic Tank

100 mm thick CHB pc 108
Cement bag 8
Sand cu. m 1
Gravel cu. m 0.5
Ga. 16 Tie Wire kg. 1
9 mm diameter x 6.00 RSB pc 7

VIII. Misc. Hardwares

3" Loose Pin Hinges pair 19
3" Loose Pin Hinges pair 10
Door Knob pc 2
Door Handle pc 2
Door Lock (sling type) pc 2
PVC Door (for toilet) pc 1

IX. Formworks and scaffoldings/others

110 pcs.-2" x 3" x 10' Form lumber bd-ft 550
36 pcs.-2" x 2" x 8' Form lumber bd-ft 96
1/4" x 4' x 8' Ordinary Plywood pc 8
CWNails - 4" kls. 5
CWNails - 2" kls. 1.5

X. Plumbing for water supply (potable)

Faucet pc 2
Lock Ball Valve, 1/2" diameter pc 1
S-Clamp 2" pc 1
Male Adaptor, 1/2" diameter pc 4
G. I. Elbow, 1/2" diameter pc 7
G. I. St. Elbow, 1/2" diameter pc 1
G. I. Coupling, 1/2" diameter pc 2
G. I. Tee, 1/2" diameter pc 1
1/2" dia. X 4" G. I. Nipple pc 4
1/2" dia. X 6" G. I. Nipple pc 2
Tee Adaptor, 1/2" diameter pc 1
Teplon Tape rolls 3
Hackshaw Blade pc 2
1/2" diameter G. I. Pipe x 20 feet pc 1

Total estimated cost

7. Agricultural, Livelihood and Technical Vocational Trainings

Component Details
Project Type Training
Project Title ● Technical Vocational Capacity Development to include the
provision of Tool Kits
● Capacity Development related to agriculture development to
include the provision of equipment and facilities
Description Provision of skills training to capacitate the beneficiaries to
operate and manage their livelihood projects (technical
vocational and agricultural-related development projects
Procedure 1. Role of Local Government Unit
1.1 Identify beneficiaries
1.2 Prepare the Training Design in coordination with TESDA,
DA and other concerned national agencies
1.3 Procure the necessary tool or starter kits for the trainings.

2. Role of TESDA Regional and Provincial Offices

2.1 TESDA, as chair of the Regional PRLEC, in coordination
with concern PRLEC member agencies and with the LGU
shall design and implement the program of activities in
line with the strategy of value chain programming.
2.2 Coordinate with the DILG RO/PO, DA RO/PO and LGU
for the list of beneficiaries, profiling and conduct of
training program, assessment, and certification.
2.3 Identify, assign, and deploy training provider/s or trainer.
2.4 Assign a TESDA program officer who will coordinate,
monitor, and report on the implementation, preferably the
PRLEC Focal.
2.5 TESDA shall conduct the community-based training
needed by the barangay participants which shall have a
minimum of Twenty Five (25) trainees per batch

3. Role of Department of Agriculture

3.1Provide technical specifications in the procurement of the
agricultural production, postharvest and processing facilities
in conformity with the Philippine National
Standards/Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Standards
(PNS/PABES) or other applicable standards.
3.2 Facilitate the provision of capability development on the
operation and maintenance in coordination with TESDA

4. Role of DILG
4.1 Assist the LGU in the preparation of the documentary
requirements for the release of funds and the conducted
of the Training.
5. Administration and Financial Procedures:

5.1 Funding for training will come from the allocation of the
LGU with a budget estimate of Php 30,000 per training per
person. However, the amount may vary depending on the
course that will be taken by the beneficiaries.

5.2 Payment of Training and Assessment Cost and

Entrepreneurship, the LGU shall adhere to the relevant
provisions of the TESDA Circular No. 065 s. 2020 and
TESDA Circular No. 065-A s. 2020 in the payment of training
and assessment costs and entrepreneurship and/or relevant
TESDA issuance, circular or order and in accordance with
relevant laws, orders and issuances on budget utilization.

Administrative 1. Project Design

and Technical
8. Assistance to Indigent Individual or Families

I. Financial assistance is the provision of monetary support in the form of

outright cash and/or guarantee letter to augment the resources of the indigent
individual or families in the 822 cleared barangays under the 2021 LGSF-SBDP
whereas material assistance is the provision of non-food items.

1. Medical Assistance is the assistance to help shoulder hospitalization

expenses, cost of medicines, other medical treatment or procedures such
as implants, laboratory procedures including but not limited to computerized
tomography (CT) scan, electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (2D
Echo), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and provision of assistive device.
Other medical expenses such as professional fees may be covered.

Birthing is not covered, unless the patient suffered from complications

during delivery, subject to the assessment of the social worker. The client
shall not be entitled to in-patient financial assistance except for instances
when the drug or treatment is not available in the hospital or covered by the
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).

2. Burial Assistance is the assistance to defray funeral and related expenses,

including but not limited to expenses in bringing the remains to the residence
of the deceased and/or burial site in accordance with existing customary
practices of the family especially among Indigenous Peoples.

Due to a disaster/calamity/critical events or similar circumstances where

there are casualties in the family, the surviving family shall be given an
outright cash in the amount of Php10,000.00 for each casualty, without need
of a case study report.

3. Transportation Assistance is the assistance for the purchase or payment

of transport (air/sea/land) tickets and/or expenses to enable the client/s to
return to his/her/their home provinces permanently or seek further medical
interventions in another place, or to attend to emergency concerns such as
death, care, or critical situations of family members, relatives, or other
individuals in need. This includes those that require immediate presence,
such as but not limited to attendance to court hearing, rescue or abused
relative, etc.

Procured ticket shall be issued to the client unless in instances when giving
outright cash is more convenient as discussed in the section on Provision
of Assistance under the Implementing Guidelines.

4. Food Assistance is the provision of assistance to client(s) in need would

be provided up to a maximum of ten (10) days for an amount of at least
Php80.00 per meal per individual. It includes hot meals, food/meal
allowance, or cash equivalent to the cost of the required not meals and/or
food packs.
Eligible client(s) shall include those caring for sick relatives or relative/s in
the hospital, grantee(s) of transportation assistance on his/her/their return
to their families, or attendance to court hearings, People Who Use Drugs
(PWUD) and their families, rescued trafficked individuals, former rebels,
distressed OFs, stranded individuals due to emergency situations (such as,
but not limited to, human-induced and natural calamities) and alike.

5. Cash for Work is an assistance in the form of outright cash provided to

individuals and families in extremely difficult circumstances in which the
need does not fall on the above-mentioned assistance, such as but not
limited to, a child victim of online sexual exploitation and other sex abuse
cases, families of KIA/WIA uniformed personnel (police and soldiers),
repatriated or deported OFs, Persons Living with HIV, rescued
individual/families against abuse, family and children of PWUD, survivor-
victims of violence against women and children, rebel returnees, victims of
fire, armed conflict and other incidents/occurrence putting those affected in
crisis situation, as may be justified by the social worker or through a case

6. Educational Assistance is a form of assistance given to eligible students

to help defray school expenses and/or cost of sending students/children to
school such as school fees, supplies, projects, allowance and other related
expenses which will be provided once in a school/academic year for
students, with priority shall be given to working students in public high
school, vocational/technological schools, state colleges and universities. A
maximum of three (3) per family shall be entitled to this assistance

However, this may be given to a student who, although not indigent, is

assessed by the social worker to have an extreme need therefor based on
his/her family’s current condition to include victims of displacement and
repatriated/deported Overseas Filipino (OFs), among others.

In no case shall this assistance be given to cover expenses for graduate

and post-graduate studies.

II. Documentary Requirements for each Assistance

Type Documents
Medical ● Any valid identification card of the client/person to be
Assistance interviewed; and
● Case Study Report that the client is in crisis situation
issued by the Provincial/City Social Welfare and
Development Office (P/CSWDO) or Case Summary
issued by the Medical Social Worker, for availment of
services more than Php5,000.00
● Medical Certificate or Medical Abstract with date of
issuance, complete name, signature and license
number of the attending physician (issued within 3
months); and
● If payment for hospital bill – Hospital Bill/Statement of
Account (Outstanding Balance) with complete name and
signature of the Billing Clerk; or
● If for medical/assistive devices – Prescription with date
of issuance, complete name, signature and license
number of the attending physician; or
● If for medical procedures – Laboratory requests with
date issuance, complete name, signature and license
number of the attending physician.

Burial ● Any valid identification card of the client/person to be

Assistance interviewed; and
● Death Certificate or Certification from the Tribal
Chieftain (for IPs), Imam (for Moro) or Doctor or
authorized medical practitioner, in the absence of a
death certificate; and
● Funeral Contract (except for Muslim and Indigenous
People performing customary practices);

For transfer of cadaver:

● Death Certificate or Certification from the Tribal
Chieftain (for IPs), Imam (for Moro) or Doctor or
authorized medical practitioner, in the absence of a
death certificate; and
● Transfer Permit (except for Muslim and Indigenous
People performing customary practices), if applicable

Transportation ● Any valid identification card of the client/person to be

Assistance interviewed; and
● Police Blotter; or
● Police Certification (for victims of pick pockets, illegal
recruitment, ect.); or
● Other supporting document/s such as, but not limited to,
justification of the social worker, medical certificate,
death certificate, and/or court order/subpoena.

Food Assistance ● Any valid identification card of the client/person to be

interviewed; and

For residents/clients in CRCFs:

o Project Proposal; and
o Food distribution list

Cash for Work ● Any valid identification card of the client/person to be

interviewed; and
Depending on the circumstance of the client:
o Police Report or Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
Report/Certification for fire victims; or
o Passport, travel document(s), Certification from
OWWA or the Barangay or any proof of
repatriation by the OF, or
o Certification from the Social Worker or case
manager for rescued client; or
o Police Blotter or Social Welfare Certificate for
victims of On-line Sexual Exploitation of Children

Educational ● Any valid identification card of the client/person to be

Assistance interviewed; and
● Enrolment Assessment Form or Certificate of Enrolment
or Registration
● Validated school ID of the student/beneficiary; and
● Statement of Account for College Students.

III. Implementing Procedures

The following procedures shall be followed:

1. Screening and Verification - a screening process shall be undertaken by the

designated P/CSWDO staff to ensure the completeness and correctness of
the documentary requirements. The original or certified true copy of the
applicable requirements must be exhibited by the client.

Complete documentary requirements shall be condition precedent in the

processing and release of assistance to a client

2. Assessment - The assessment shall determine the eligibility of the client to

avail the services during the interview and on the supporting documents
presented. The social worker shall determine the capacity of the family in
addressing the problem looking keenly on the available resources that the
family could utilize. The assessment of the social worker shall be the basis
for the recommendation and will be indicated in the social case summary
which can also be written in the General Intake Sheet (GIS) or a separate
document (i.e. certificate of eligibility). The client who may be assisted using
psychosocial intervention must be attended to by the social worker with the
tenet(s) of the applicable intervention as guide.

During the assessment, the social worker attending to the client may do
coordination with partners such as but not limited to: hospital conduction,
medical services and coordination for billing discounts. This is employed to
assist the social worker in determining the appropriate assistance.

3. Provision of Assistance

The type and rates of assistance shall be as follows:

Type of Particulars Cost of Assistance Frequency
Assistance Minimum Maximum of Availment
Medical Hospital bill/ other 1,000.00 150,000.00 Once every
medical expenses three (3)
Medicines Actual 10,000.00 months
(out patient) amount/cost
Laboratory Actual 10,000.00
procedures amount
(out patient)
Burial Funeral expenses 5,000.00 25,000.00 The availment
Transfer Cadaver 5,000.00 25,000.00 of one service
Casualties during 10,000.00 shall exclude
disaster/ (per the availment
calamity casualty) of others of the
same category
Transportation Land travel Actual cost based on ticket Once every six
Sea travel quotation (6) months
Air travel
Food Food Subsidy for 1,000.00 3,000.00 “As needed”
Cash for Work Other needs 1,000.00 10,000.00 Once every six
(6) months for
a maximum of
one (1) year
Educational Elementary 500.00 1,000.00 Once every
Students school year
High School 1,000.00 1,500.00
College Students 2,000.00 5,000.00 Once every
(varies per

The above schedule shall not prohibit the social worker from recommending
a higher amount, subject to his/her assessment and justification of the
client’s circumstances as stated in the Social Case Study Report (SCSR).

4. Outright Cash

For the assistance of Php10,000.00 and below, the entitled client shall claim
it from the designated disbursing office within the day depending on the
availability of funds. Outright cash may be provided to clients who will be
travelling through several modes of transport to defray the costs. Food
assistance may also be given.

The assistance to clients shall be released within seven (7) days.

5. Guarantee Letter (GL)

Assistance through the issuance of a guarantee letter (GL) shall be

addressed to the service providers. The social worker prepares the said
GL, bearing the assistance to be provided and the amount thereof. In
issuing GL for assistance of very minimal amount, utmost consideration
shall be the exigency of the need of the client vis-à-vis the main objective of
the program to provide assistance to those in crisis or difficult circumstance.

The GL is considered an urgent document and shall be prioritized for

signing by concerned officers, and released within the day or up to three (3)
days for GL up to Php75,000.00, and a maximum of seven (7) working days
for up to Php150,000.00 depending on the availability of funds.

6. Approving Authority

The approving authority shall be the Provincial Governor or City Mayor.

9. Project Billboard (as prescribed by COA)

Name of LGU
Business address

Project : Construction of Level III Potable Water Cost : Php2,000,000.00

Location : Barangay Babalag Fund : 2021 LGSF-SBDP
Implementing Agency : Municipality of Rizal, Kalinga
Development Partners : NTF-ELCAC, DBM & DILG
Contractor/Supplier : xx Construction
Brief Description of the :
Project Details
Project Date Project Status
Duration Started Target Date Percentage As of Cost Date Remarks
of of (Date) Incurred Completed
Completion Completion to Date
90 CD Feb 1, Apr 30, 2021 30% Feb 28 Ongoing
90% Apr 15 Ongoing
100% Apr 25
1.91M April 29 Completed

For particulars or complaints about this project, please contact the Regional Office or
Cluster which has audit jurisdiction on this project:

COA Regional Office No./Cluster CAR

Address: Legazpi City, Albay
Contact No.: _______ or Text COA Citizen’s Desk at 0915-5391957

For Infrastructure projects, a tarpaulin signboard must be suitably framed for outdoor
display at the project location, and shall be posted as soon as the award has been
made. The design and format of the tarpaulin shall have the following specifications:
Tarpaulin, white, 8ft x 8ft
Resolution: 70 dpi
Font: Helvetica
Font Size: Main Information – 3”
Sub-Information – 1”
Font Color: Black

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