Sydney Lees - My One - March

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What has changed in Disney World since 2021?

(Disney Update)

Around the world, there are theme parks that are huge attractions that attract young
kids and even adults. However, during the past year many things have changed. From
a pandemic to an “endemic”, the world is somewhat returning to normal. Many
businesses have taken heavy losses financially, and it has made it very difficult to gain
back profit. One of the biggest, (the biggest) theme parks in the world is Walt Disney
World, located in Orlando, Florida. As you may know, Disney has so many franchises
around the US and parts of the world. But how will such a big corporation that has
been around for over 50 years, regain what they lost? Here are some things that have
changed and why the prices have skyrocketed since last year.

Last year, there were many changes to Walt Disney World, including new
rides that were a huge success for tourists. Such as rides that include an exact scale of
the Millennium Falcon located in Hollywood Studios. There are many other rides and
attractions with the theme of Star Wars. Over the past year, prices have skyrocketed so
much that going to Disney that you are pretty much not going to walk home with
money in your pocket. Everything from tickets, to new ride fees, food has increased
significantly. According to an article in Inside the Magic, by Luke Dammann reports
on Disney getting major flashbacks on them increasing their prices. Damann
researched reviews and noticed major flashbacks on Disney’s prices. One of the
anonymous people stated, “Used to work in Revenue for WDW, oh my the dollars that
come in. Everyone is literally a walking dollar sign.” This person has personally
experienced the impacts of Disney financially.

6 years ago was the first time I experienced the magic of Disney. When I went
there for the first time, we had quite an experience that I personally will never forget.
However, this past week, my father booked a vacation in July to attend Disney World
for a week (again). Due to construction, the 50th anniversary of the opening of Disney
will end in March of 2023. The original anniversary was supposed to be last year, but
the pandemic pushed everything back. A few days ago, I asked my dad (Dean Lees) a
couple questions about why he was so hesitant on going to Disney this year. He stated,
“Oh my god, the only reason I’m doing this is because we probably aren’t going to be
going here for a while so I wanted to go during the 50th anniversary.” He complained
about how much things have changed, and how the prices have basically doubled since
last year. He also explained that a lot of major rides in each of the parks are either
closed, or under construction. He has some friends who went to Disney in the last
couple months. He was showing me the pictures on how crowded the lines were. They
were touching elbow to elbow, there was no room to breathe because it was so busy.
He then showed me what the fastpasses looked like. On a side note, fastpasses are
ways of getting ahead of lines to avoid the wait at an extra cost. These aren’t new but
they have changed significantly since a couple years ago. Overall, many different
aspects of Disney have changed. However you can still make memoires and find ways
of having fun.

(Disney World Webiste)

Overall, according to another article in Detroit News written by Katie Rice,
Disney ticket prices increased from 2.5% from 2019 to 2021 and 7.5% from 2021-2022.
Wow, that's crazy! She addresses how everything in Disney from the price of a water
bottle to wristbands have changed. Walt Disney World has always been special to
families for generations, which probably include yours at sometime. Even with the
significant changes, it is still worth trying to experience at least once in your life, no
matter how old you are.

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